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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  June 14, 2021 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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>> oh my goodness. >> irvine. your fine. >> heartbreaking. >> was still good what can you do? don't forget, rita freedom matters. this is offered charity for father's day although proceeds at laura gutfeld is next. >> how could you trust and. what you say to vladimir putin? >> coming into the first question? and laughing two. look, he has made clear that. >> to reboot your president, upload him, wait 30 seconds, an then try again.
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>> got the tie, everything look good. happy monday, everyone. or as catholics to say, where a i, officer? glad to have sandra smith here. she is quite the athlete, although it might be time to hang it up. >> laughing at her pain, audience, that's great. with god to do some housekeepin before we tackle the news. first, who is this fellow, this is the detroit tigers home game against the white sox on friday night. it's not often i get wedding proposals at baseball games freight usually it's in the
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sauna at planet fitness. but i guess it beats cats proposal. >> i figured that i would just >> r8. she gets up eventually. either way, if your going to as me to marry you, at least leave your name, buddy or an address like third stall from the left. i've got a phone number and not one to a gas station like when was dating. maybe it wasn't meant to be. as my camp counselor said to me decades ago, you can't do this to me greg, i have a family. more important matters, notably censorship. on saturday evolutionary biologist treated this. my june 1st discussion with on
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the dark dark wars pod quest ha been removed from against spam defensive practices and scams. before it happened to me i listen to this chat between the biologist and clinician describing a process done by other clinicians given it has little to no side effects and can reduce symptoms. this happens after youtube suspended the account of senato ron johnson. after a pro- hydroxychloroquine video. the youtube spokesperson said i violated the medical misinformation policies. they also removed a video of hi testifying to the senate. maybe they should quit calling that youtube and start calling it my tube and the rest of you can eat it. youtube post medically videos with more laughs than daffy duck 's family reunion brady can get advice about everything fro
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diet to exercise to carrying stds with apple cider vinegar, which doesn't work by the way, and it ruins a nice cobb salad. those crazy videos, harmless self-expression, but a chat between two medical professors? that was now this is happening as others are cracking down on speech where they are the new spencers. these ministers of information can turn the spigot on or off a will. they did this with the lab leak story and also with hunter biden . they do it with every story. storm about raising crime in cities, a story about a white lady shouting racial slurs and very story about a police officer rescuing a child, a police officer breaking the law they get on. it's nothing new, they have learned this from their tv new as allies who've been practicin it for years.
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welcome to the ussr. we think we have all the freedoms we need, but like bein drilled thrilled by the police after her husband goes missing, we're only being told part of the story. now we're doing it to ourselves we self censor, we have the thoughts that we think and the thoughts that we say braid there's always been a gulf between the two and for good reason. there are some things you shouldn't say in public like i' a huge don lemon fan. no one says that. but it works well at thanksgiving tables, on a societal scale and a country that prides itself on first amendment rights, it is scary. who are we afraid of? that fear is driving that cult wider than the gap between now they are training us to not hav thoughts at all. what does the angry white male have to say?
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♪ >> i can't spend all day readin the news. but i want to think the high-tech ceos for making it easy and convenient to keep up with what's important. every day i just find out is been banned by facebook, twitter , and youtube and then i find the people on other platforms and read what they have written and it's a great way to stay informed. >> if i tech companies disagree with you come out you go. even if the wrong like facebook was with a the lab leak theory. cancel curvature seems overused but that's only because it's gaining momentum is coming from above and below. you have a tech company silencing legit opinions we hav the public doing it too with helping from the media. check out the salute to so-called internet sluice he's
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been days and nights seeking up participants of the january 6 reach of the capital. it's disgusting. that is one day of unrest versu month of leftist rights across the country looting, arson and spike in violent crime. those crimes don't fit the narratives of the armchair detectives look away. forget murder and mayhem, somebody may be wearing a maga hat. it is happening now, except in this case the media is aching o citizens to hunt down other citizens. do you find this weird? if you don't, you might be omar bradley thought though totalitarian thinking we come from the government, but it's coming from corporations like google and the people who live across the street with the bide harris bumper stickers for a
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tech giants are the police coming in neighbors are the police, and the only people tha can't be the police according t the media are the police. let's welcome tonight's guest, she is the best thing in the afternoons and stay drinking, "america reports" coanchor sandra smith. when he goes hunting for deer turned themselves in, retired u.s. marine corps and fox news contributor jones. you have seen him working the road, comedian joe mackie. she is lucky her husband is a good catch because she's always falling down the stairs, fox news contributor kat sims. >> sandra, any regrets yet? >> it is cold in here.
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can we first turned the temperature up. >> we require you to turn the temperature up. you are the lady in red. >> lets let's go it. >> wanted t is the most important story of the night which is on explosive diarrhea at a wire themepark. that will be coming up to me don't want to miss that. >> with you think it is? >> i find it absolutely ironic that what the exact wording of their being here was that they want to exclude the posting of information that contradicts ho authorities ladies out there will know what i'm seeing. when you find that you're pregnant you go to your doctor and say i'm pregnant. they will say don't google anything you have questions about our any things you think is wrong with you because there is such contradictory
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information pair there is no consensus in the medical community on almost anything. >> including pregnancy. >> my mom was standing up at th time. >> to be very serious about the issue. >> i don't know that anybody would've ever seen ron johnson, youtube video. >> it's called the streisand effect i think that's what it's called. read that somewhere. joe, can i ask you an unrelated question? do you think that guy that was proposing to a. >> do you think you met me? >> i say so pair the streisand effect is true. it just makes you more curious.
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>> that's what i call my playbo collection. and its educational. >> but you don't try to suppres information because your arguments good, even suppress i because you don't want to get that information out there that's one of lady i am dating ask if something is becoming i pull the fire alarm. >> joey, it feels like the people that are pushing their censorship are very tiny group of people, but they realize their scaring the out of a whol bunch of people who are worried about being great. >> you kind of tied the strings between what's happening with big tech and the local culture is great now they have all of u you know rethinking our thoughts , like am i right to believe that a wrong to believe that. what do i believe, who i might.
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but before we get there are so made things i wanted to jump in and say. but here's the thing about big texan ship i don't complain about it too much because somebody had the foresight to think we had to put everything on myspace. i think there has to be gain. there are some pictures out there that include 212 packs of careers lights and some depends. i mean when his pictures came out, it was like so i'm glad that myspace did that or somebody hacked them could you please maybe hit up facebook pre- 2011 and just hook it up. >> i am lucky that i was a youn adult before any of this hits.
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you are a libertarian so this has to be stick it sticky for you. these are private companies, however they are basically the size of public utilities. should we break them up? >> you can think that private companies have the right to do whatever you they want. you could also hold the view that what they're doing is [bleep] which is where i stand especially if it's like we can' have medical misinformation. in its like well explained to m when it quit at the she sells jade eggs with the instructions at that women should put them o their garage great you should not do that. and she makes a lot of money of of that. and that's okay, why because she's not a republican? medical misinformation is fine when it's paltrow and peart get that is the point is that there is a glow, there are some thing
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i probably shouldn't say, but i order to say the right thing yo have to have the risk of saying the wrong thing. >> and to expand on the point, lot of the time the government is cheering with what the legal is to get the truth out with th to me that's propaganda. >> excellent point out around. up next, biden is battling at the g7, but the press is in heaven.
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♪ sometimes you wanna go ♪ ♪ where everybody knows your name ♪ ♪♪ ♪ and they're always glad you came ♪ welcome back, america. it sure is good to see you. it's another day. and anything could happen. it could be the day you welcome 1,200 guests and all their devices. or it could be the day there's a cyberthreat. get ready for it all with an advanced network and managed services from comcast business. and get cybersecurity solutions that let you see everything on your network. plus an expert team looking ahead 24/7 to help prevent threats. every day in business is a big day. we'll keep you ready for what's next. comcast business powering possibilities. not everybody wants the same thing. that's why i go with liberty mutual — they customize my car insurance so i only pay for what i need. 'cause i do things a bit differently. wet teddy bears! wet teddy bears here!
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>> he will get all highfalutin when he sits down with vladimir. this week president meeting wit
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vladimir putin was said to be cooler than ice on a daiquiri. but according to joe is going t crash a. compare that to this 2018 where they morph them into the same person they are side-by-side too . producers, good job. what a difference by us can mak great speaking of drum, he stil graces is ever wishing biden well in e-mail, good luck to biden in dealing with vladimir putin. don't fall asleep during the meeting and please, give me it gave give him my best regards very joe should also remind himself before hand that he is president because he tends to forget. though who knows if joe will be up to the task first he confuse serial with libya.
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>> we can work together with russia for example in libya, they have also bitten off several problems are going to have trouble chewing on. for example the rebuilding of syria, libya. i am hopeful that we can find accommodation where we can save the lives of people and for example in libya. >> that's like confusing canada with clients. he also joked about his handler controlling the number of questions he takes and from who although it didn't seem like he wanted to answer. >> i'm sorry, jennifer jacob bloomberg great i'm going to ge in trouble with my staff, go ahead. >> they kept in place some
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trumped, and i wanted to ask yo when you were having these conversations with european allies, where very concerned about the sanctions, how do you testify to that. >> it was 20 days, give me a break. >> that is agreed great darth vader. i've got to chill up my spine. that is only the third worst awkward moment from the summit after this picture very veritably get that, previous chess pieces i have ever seen. then there was the bump test.
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>> fun fun fact, that is how yields meet. it's like jeff stucker said, yo shouldn't do that on camera. aright, what you make of this whole thing? >> i'm not really sure where they're going with this whole joe biden aviator sunglasses look. i don't know who that is foolin because of visa pilot i think he's well past the faa's retirement. before saying this biden remind him of franklin roosevelt. it's more like a roosevelt roosevelt from 1926. >> on the way down. >> it kind of reminds me of eleanor. does this show you that it's more theater. i finally realized how much of this is just theater. it took trump to kind of shake the box for me to see that this is just a bunch of a waste of time. in my wrong?
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>> no, you're not wrong at all. >> all right, noakes question. >> trump, watching press conference he would say that wa so crazy, that was a wild. trump supporters all knew that it was crazy, but they were jus into that. there like that great i wish that people on the left could b more honest about what's happening now. now things are back to normal. this is not normal. you can't watch one of those an say that that is anything close two normal. presidents normally know where they are confidently at a minimum, and then can even go the extra mile and be able to competently answer questions very that's not happening and were not seeing that acknowledgment from anybody. >> at least he's not tweeting and that's the most important thing. >> i don't think he could. >> and who cares, who cares if
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the president thanks libya in syria and syria is libya, he so much nicer than trump. >> you know, we've gone through some presidents that wanted to just go to war with all of them anyway, i don't know that it matters. it's a little bit in my car right now, i hope we find out he's a big pothead and he's bee high, and release because at that point i understand it and i'm not concerned about his health. i hate to say it appears, but you can turn punk 18 -year-old into a marine with honor, courage, and commitment in 90 days. most rehab facilities that take you all for whatever has contro over your life are 30-60 days and let me tell you something, greg, i've had legs removed two my body to standing up in 110 days. but in 120 days he can't decide what he thinks about the policies he's got elected
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attacking what he should do about them. who are you intimidating? there is nothing intimidating g going on there. >> he's also been there for 40 or 50 years. what is 120 days. >> "america reports" is ant i think we have got more biden news conferences than any other show on the network and just le me tell you, it would be a good thing if people were watching them. i think they just leave when it happens, but we've noticed some trends with the question taken with biden you will notice and you just showed that there he picks up the folder at the end. he's the president, he's got somebody to pick the folder ove him. he's got this move if he doesn' have plans, questions that is
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going to take pretty candid wants to field one or two, he h picks up the fielder, he is walking away, he wants to grab it, he'll take it. and then he says he'll get in trouble with his staff. the fist bumping boggles me. are they all vaccinated adults? leaders of the countries? >> everybody just appears so small when they do that stuff. >> it's like they're having fun. they did a whole move, they wen out to the left in them back with the whole body. we have more stuff coming up the . how education contract on schoolboard clowns.
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(announcer) if you've struggled to lose weight, you might think you were born with a slow metabolism, but what you may have is insulin resistance. fat becomes trapped inside your body and it becomes very difficult to lose weight.
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now there's release from golo. it naturally helps reverse insulin resistance, stops sugar cravings, and releases stubborn fat, all while controlling stress and emotional eating. at last, a diet pill that actually works. go to to get yours. that's >> jess: when you have auto glass damage... schedule safelite's new drop and go service. just drop off your keys and go enjoy your day. we'll send you text updates and let you know when it's ready. schedule drop and go today. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ >> shelley castaway for a holiday?
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after busy backlash to indigenous peoples day, a new jersey school board, they have them there, decided two remove all holiday names from their academic calendar. when a bunch of native american givers. everything from thanksgiving, christmas, two memorial day wil simply be listed as day off. maybe kamala was ahead of the curve by calling memorial day the long weekend. it's to prevent anybody feeling slighted for. not realizing they just did the same thing with indigenous peoples day very that's one board member exclaims if you don't have anything on the calendar, but we don't have to have anyone with hurt feelings or anything like that. is full of the soft can be sponsored by my pillow. meanwhile, don't get any ideas rates for school board member i fairfax county, virginia spoke
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to graduating students in arabi telling them to remember g hard. countries where jihadist are popular, she wouldn't be speaking at all. >> we struggle with human green racism, extreme versions of individualism and white supremacy. wealth gap, disease, extreme poverty amid luxury and waste right next door. >> she failed to point out that this is also the kind of world where the daughter of muslim immigrant immigrants could graduate from yoko my gift does full scholarship to georgetown and serve on a local school board. over the oppression. when you are woke, those things are suddenly racist making it o earth for everyone else, but her .
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>> should we adopt the european model and name all of their holidays after me? >> that is the european model. >> it is very. >> i don't care what holidays are named because in no, you ca get a day off and that's. that's good. also, i was just offended that speech with extreme capitalism. we don't have extreme capitalism . you are breaking our capitalism. if we did, the government wouldn't steal from me so much freight how dare you. we have half capitalism. half capitalism and half socialism. >> extreme capitalism and why does the government takes much of my money and not even tell m what they spend it on. what is half and half. >> keep the faith. >> how do they keep the half separated rex we are talking
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socialism, capitalism, they don't work together. >> it's not like a pulmicort nissan. right? i don't even know what that means either. at some point during the middle of the show, i will just say anything. are you frightened by these? are the parents going to fight back now? >> i am parent i am concerned about the and learning with kid learning from home, and computer , zoom is like the loss of learning that we saw over th past year and a half is unbelievable and they're such a need right now for so many to care about our children, yet we are focusing on taking the name of our holidays away? i guess they said the school district is still going to teac the meaning of the holidays, bu then you don't call it the holiday. it's just a day off day. at just go ahead and try to teach our kids again. rename to schools because it's offensive?
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somebody has got to put their foot down. i don't know if you saw the school board meeting, but these parents punches were about to b thrown. they were angry. >> it's a minority that is dictating the speech. if our education is guided by this overwhelming variable of art feelings freight it's not education it's the opposite of that it's an un- education if you will. >> you're going to take away th names of the holidays, this is how stupid they are. you don't get days off without the name like that's how stupid this is. we are going to celebrate the day off, but not the reason why we have it. we need a perch and the purge i going to be i don't give a [bleep] about your feelings day. it's going to be one day you're were we can go and say everything we did. now we need one day parade we talked about this, but look, they're still going to come after you to, joe.
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>> i think that graduation speech shows the whole dilemma we have with this ideology take over ruins it. graduation speeches are suppose to be inspirational, that's lik a eulogy. this idea that everything has t be, everyone has to be on board with everything is kind of sill to me because i celebrate thanksgiving every year, but i am pretty ungrateful. but schools are just teaching kids to be angry and offended. >> we live in a country were even the oppressed people are pretty privileged. she wants wants. >> we are in a sad situation, but i'm here to save the day or we are free two move to another country. i haven't made up my mind yet. up next we talked to the guy wh put space in the proper place.
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get immediate help if you develop unusual or severe stomach pain, especially with bloody or black stools. the most common side effect is diarrhea, sometimes severe. if it's severe, stop taking linzess and call your doctor right away. other side effects include gas, stomach area pain, and swelling. could your story also be... about ibs-c? talk to your doctor and say yes to linzess. ♪♪ we made usaa insurance for members like martin. an air force veteran made of doing what's right, not what's easy. so when a hailstorm hit, usaa reached out before he could even inspect the damage. that's how you do it right. usaa insurance is made just the way martin's family needs it with hassle-free claims, he got paid before his neighbor even got started. because doing right by our members, that's what's right. usaa. what you're made of, we're made for. ♪ usaa ♪ fine, no one leaves the table until your finished. we're made for. fine, we'll sleep here. ♪♪
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it's the easiest because it's the cheesiest. kraft. for the win win.
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>> an expert in fossil fuels made them look like colossal polls last week we told you about the ceo of controlled apparel maker of north face after they denied a jacket orde to oil company because he didn' want to be associated with a fossil fuel business. now he points out how gas and oil created the whole outdoor apparel industry of which north face got rich off of. >> i went through their website a wide-ranging projects, and i feel defined is single product that wasn't made out of oil and gas. the great majority of north fac products jackets, backpacks, outdoor pants, shirts, shoes, hats, et cetera are
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predominantly made out of the oil and gas we so proudly produced, so north face is not only in extraordinary customer of the oil and gas industry, there also a partner with the oil and gas industry so thank you, north face. >> he nailed it. joining us to discuss it is the ceo of liberty oilfield service so chris, my theory is the reason i was so impressed with this and liked it is because this is the model for other corporations that have been rejected rejecting the wokeish the freaking out because they might get a mob after them, but instead what you did is you sai here are the facts. was that your idea? >> the video was my idea and then friend of mine suggested make it fun and thanking them instead of critiquing them.
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in alex was right on target. >> i think it's amazing how muc petroleum is found everywhere. i had no idea where are some areas we wouldn't expect to fin it? >> it's virtually everywhere. just skinny jeans are impossibl without oil and gas. that little stretch that makes them formfitting, that is oil and gas. >> and thought you meant to put them on. that's hilarious so all those hipsters in which that place called? williamsburg away to the oil an gas industry to get their stupi skinny jeans on. now i hate the oil and gas industry. how dare you help the hipsters. any other weird surprising places to find oil and gas cracks.
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>> i think a relevant one right now is vaccines. even the flu the carrier flew, the carriers the vaccine, that is oil and gas injected into billions of shoulders right now. the basis of organic chemistry is oil and gas, which are reall just decayed biologic matter. so everything plastic, every synthetic fiber there is, is actually made out of oil and ga pref to get what you're saying is glass is essentially natural. it is displayed decayed lifeforms refined into these materials that make it clear, that make it cheap, that make i last a certain time period fred were basically messing with organic chemistry. tesla has 900 pounds of oil and gas in the car. >> that's amazing. >> you don't ever hear about that in the commercials. >> that is incredible, you thin about it in that way, it's kind of cosmic the idea that almost
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everything you consider to be man-made actually comes from something supremely organic and all you're doing is moving around a little chemical symbol in your lab. >> windmills, the big blades on windmills are made out of gas. the towers that hold them up, they have coal inside those towers per toehold them up. you can't make a windmill, a solar farm, a nuclear power plant or a hydroelectric view for that matter without oil and gas. we have enabled all these other energy technologies and most of the things we enjoy in modern life. >> chris, i wish that you were my haskell teacher back when yo i was in high school. i wish you were my haskell teacher when i was in college. i learned more in the last four minutes about how things were made at them i did in any basic chemistry class which is a testament to your persuasive
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abilities. you are more than just a spokesperson, you are a persuader. great job, and keep doing what you're doing. up next, reaching for imodium.
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there's a lot of talk about getting back to the way things were. but what does that mean? for the folks who run with us there is no going back, because they've never stopped working towards a better tomorrow. together, we run forward.
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>> there is a reason why you're still here. it is time for the topics. that conditions were so abysmal they needed pepto-bismol. production of nbc's upcoming games game show ultimate slip and slide has been paused due t explosive diarrhea. i repeat, sandra. slip and slide has been halted due to explosive diarrhea. how explosive? it's the first time we've seen someone go up a waterslide. three dozen crewmember came dow with the runs and apparently it's due to the tainted edge chuo on the set for it this in water theme parks.
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here is a video of a crewmember learning about the news. and slightly less gross news yo can get a bun in the oven from little space 11. a claims firm can survive after 200 years on mars. scientists on the international space station concluded this after exposing mouse firm to radiation and found it was stil healthy after six years. and it looked exactly like george hamilton. previously they believed it would be destroyed by solar radiation leading to the that are was within 200 years. i haven't seen a scientist so wrong since this guy brady probably thinks masts prevent pregnancy. all right, joe.
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bake one of those two stories. >> i am going with this firms face story. i am someone who thought a lot about intercourse with aliens. before you judge me, know that lot of aliens look human. it just makes science fiction seem more real. >> i do think the absence of gravity was a huge mistake on the creator because it's very hard to corralled bodily fluids whether it is one or the other. gravity must be very expensive so they only have to construction of the universe, the contractors, they ran out o money so they put in the gravit on earth and then they ran out of money so there's no other place that has gravity which is hilarious when you think about it. we have the gravity, but our next-door neighbors are floatin around in their own filth. >> i just think mars is sexist because the lasts forever, but
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my eggs just scramble right awa if i go over there brett. >> i thought you wanted to talk about the runs fred. >> when i clicked on the story was expecting to see some video. i got really excited. diarrhea slip and slide, click here, i'm watching that. they halted the production before they were actually on th waterslides. why did you do that? it was comedy gold. it would be painful, but what comedy does not come from pain. >> especially gastric pain. >> i just want to talk about th situation. i saw this story on saturday. i sought, and i thought this is a story that i'm not clicking o the his. i don't even want to know, i don't care. i found out i was on the gutfel
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show this morning and i found out explosive diarrhea. the sickening conditions left people collapsing onsets and being forced two run into porta potty's. i just have a question for you, greg. as if a porta potty is a better situation. i have two kids potty talk is king right now. but everybody's so grows out of it and some people don't, do yo know why exactly so i can teach the opposite. >> there are executives at vocative asked me that. i been here for 13 years now an i thought i was just one of the few lucky ones. it is a case where a porta pott is actually like heaven because no one ever runs to a porta potty they run away from it, bu in this case it's like you'll take it.
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>> that is your safe haven for as long as it takes. explosive diarrhea is not usually your problem there. it's the opposite. anyway, you can add the word explosive to pretty much anything and make it cool excep for injury, and now diarrhea. >> that is true. by the way, i was trying to think is there any other game show based on a game that you play where explosive diarrhea would play a role. i only thought of kerplunk. >> what game show wouldn't be better with explosive diarrhea. >> that is so true. you know it would be great, the bachelor. all the hot tapping. that show with the slime. >> the green slime, he has. have you turned it off yet? , no you haven't, you're still here.
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8:58 pm
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8:59 pm
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9:00 pm
>> greg: we are out of time. set your dvrs every night so he never missed an episode. thank you, sandra smith, joy joe, kat, our studio audience. "fox news @ night" with evil shannon bream is next. i'm greg gutfeld. ♪ ♪ >> shannon: hello and welcome to "fox news @ night." i'm shannon bream in washington. breaking tonight: president biden reportedly using his time away from summit meetings to prep for his highly anticipated face-to-face with vladimir putin. our panelists are standing by a larger talk about what the president must accomplish in order to claim win. senate minority leader mitch mcconnell making


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