tv FOX News Primetime FOX News June 16, 2021 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT
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trip to central america. >> bret: juan? >> juan: bipartisan infrastructure deal lives or bipartisan infrastructure deal dead. just depends on which paper you read, bret. >> bret: all right, trey? >> trey: from kill tore comrade. hallmark channel announce as new mini series on the putin-biden relationship. >> bret: thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. that's it for "special report" fair balanced and unafraid. "fox news primetime" hosted by brian kilmeade and i'm taking his time starts right now. >> brian: i have my headline and being that trey gowdy was so short i will take his time. this just in. bret baier favored to win the american century celebrity championship joe theismann told me that on radio. he said you are that good coming up on july 6th, bret. >> bret: make me knows central dam must.
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i will take from here. i'm brian kilmeade, welcome to "fox news primetime." all right. tonight, we are seeing the fallout from years of democrats calling out this country's history and past racist of late. we warned you last night while the left sought to divide america in many ways president biden was diligently taking notes. he waited until today while the world was watching barrage of rebukes fractured relationships, any time a reporter asked him about russia's outrageous behavior on the world stage he had an answer ready. it was pretty simple. he played the what aboutism card. >> america just recently has very severe events after well known events after the killing, killing of an african-american. and an entire movement developed known as black lives matter. what we saw was disorder, destruction, violations of the law, et cetera.
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we feel sympathy for the united states of america, but we don't want that to happen on our territory as for who is killing whom or throwing whom in jail, people came to the u.s. congress with political demands. 400 people -- over 400 people had criminal charges placed on them. some people died and one of the people died was shot on the spot by the police although they were not threatening the police with any weapons. as far as who is in charge with the murder. in american cities every day people are killed. somebody ran away and shot in the back, for example. brian brian see what i'm talking about? you argue with your family in your house, not in front of the neighbors. we paid the price there as a country. as poor president biden, he was waiting in the wings. instead of standing on stage with putin showing the world we are strong united and we will reject russia's description of america he would have been there
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to retort. our president let vladimir putin paint himself and his nation as oppressed. doesn't even sound like president biden was even watching the whole thing. >> i caught part of president trump -- putin's press conference. >> brian: we caught the whole thing we have cable now. i will give you highlights the most exciting part valentine's day released hackings of the world top hackers. this the is part admit to hacking the meat plant and colonial pipeline. >> most of the cyberattacks in the world are carried out from the cyber realm of the united states. in second place is canada. afterwards latin american countries and then comes great britain. russia, honestly, was russia on this list? we are a country whose cyber territory has the most -- russia is not on the list.
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>> brian: almost comical but sad and scary. i told you we were number one. we could have really used you there,io, to say we're not, it's you. maybe you could have said excuse me that's not true. i don't think canada was behind the cyberattack on our pipeline because they were the country that wanted to give us the pipeline. president biden runs the country that canceled the pipeline so it just doesn't make sense. despite vladimir putin lambasting the u.s. as a racist, dangerous place full of cyber criminals in president biden's mind the meeting went kind of good. >> it was important to meet in person. so there could be no mistake about or misrepresentations about what i wanted to communicate. i did what i came to do. >> brian: all right. we're still trying to find out what that exactly means. but, if we learned one thing from vice president harris' disastrous trip through latin america last week this bar for success is pretty low. >> do i declare this trip a success? yes, i do.
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it is success in terms of a pathway that is about progress. we have been successful in making progress. >> brian: okay. we -- we don't consider that a success. joining me right now republican senator from south carolina senator lindsey graham. senator, have you seen a lot of these. you have been at a lot of them. how did it go. >> i thought it was a disaster to be honest with you. my take away is that biden has no idea who putin is. he was asked on three different occasions about what he said to putin regarding election interference. he told putin that if you are seen as interfering in our election, it will hurt your credibility and people in the world will have a bad opinion of you. do you know what president biden? putin could give a damn about what people think about him. they -- he wants people to believe if you don't do what i say or you screw with me, i will screw with your election. they ask about navalny dissident
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in jail. biden's response was if this guy dies on your watch, it will hurt your standing in the world and hurt your credibility. >> brian: crazy. >> do you know what? do you know what? putin is complimented when you call him a killer. how do you stay in power for 20 years in russia? the douma, which is their particle isn't a joke. name one time the supreme court of russia has stopped putin from doing anything he wanted to do. name one time the douma stood up to putin. so, the entire democracy is collapsed in russia. here's what biden doesn't understand. putin could give a damn of what you think about him. the only thing he is going to respond to is when you threaten his power. and i saw nothing coming out of the summit threatening putin's power. >> brian: do you know what threatened him in naval any
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showing footage how rich is it is. it that hit to his core. get that guy poison him on the plane. good news for the world but bad news for vladimir putin he survived. and this guy has got so much guts he went back there to reorganize this movement, his movement and now he sits in jail. that is no small thing. that's not a guy that's worried about his reputation. and you are right. something else i wanted to bring you to, senator, he said i told vladimir putin about the cyberattacks. i said there are 16 sectors that should be off limits. really? how about just stop hacking our stuff? i hope my email maybe off limit of sectors not to be hacked. so was solar winds on the cut? because it looks like it missed the cut. >> well, i can tell you who is probably not on the list, fox news it probably wasn't on biden's list for putin. >> brian: i know. >> the bottom line here this whole thing is absurd. i have 16 parts of my economy that i consider to be no go zones. well, what about the rest of
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america's economy? so this thing was a disaster. and to top it off, he was asked about china. and about why they won't cooperate in terms of the coronavirus investigation. did it come out of the lab or not? and he said that china is trying really hard to be a good member of the family of nations and if we scold them, he thinks they will give. in china is not trying hard to be a good member of the family of nation. they arener going to let us into that lab until we make the pain so great they have to let us into the lab. so my belief is that joe biden, president biden doesn't understand what makes china and russia tick. >> brian: right. >> you can't shame these people. you have to stand up to them and hit them where it hurts. and in putin's case, let's let the entire world know how much he has enriched himself at the expense of the russian people. it's there to be shown. >> brian: i didn't know we were the number one hackers in the world and canada was number two. someone should tell justin
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trudeau in yoga class is he still trailing us. joe biden, you said nice things in the past you were pretty tight. you separated as of late. i have never seen this side of him until the last few years. tell me what you think as this press conference came to a close. you saw his temper flair. watch. >> what do you do all the time? when did i say i was confident? >> you said you were. >> what i said, what i said was. let's get it straight. i said what will change their behavior is that the rest of the world react to them and diminishes the standing in the world. i'm not confident of anything. i'm just stating the fact. >> brian: dropped his coat, put on his glasses started walking out and started answering some questions and later he apologized to the cnn reporter. but, have you seen that side of him? >> no, not really. it was a bit unnerving in the sense that joe biden has been in this business a long time. and, you know, i'm not so sure it was the hardest question he will ever get asked as president of the united states.
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here's my take away. when i heard president biden describe the way he interacted with putin, it made me believe he doesn't understand who putin is. >> brian: i know. >> there is no way to appeal to putin's better nature. he has no better nature. the only way you can get his attention is to put his oil and gas industry at risk. and to put his personal fortune at risk. if you really want to get his attention, you need to make it about him. not about the view of him by others. >> brian: senator, i have to go. but agreeing to let him continue with the nord stream 2 pipeline and overruling your staff is doing nothing but emboldening vladimir putin. he stunt say wow this guy is being nice to me. he says this guy is weak. we all know that over the last 20 years. senator, that's why you are lead guest. you provide great analysis especially in international affairs. i appreciate it. >> thank you, brian. >> brian: all right. meanwhile, also earlier today, fox news peter doocy pressed president biden on what senator lindsey graham was just talking about. getting china to open up to the
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w.h.o. investigators on the origins of the covid-19 virus. here's what he had to say. >> trying very hard to project himself as a responsible and very, very forthcoming nation. they are trying very hard to talk about how they are taking and helping the world in terms of covid-19 and vaccines and they are trying very hard learn look, certain things you don't have to explain to the people of the world. they see the results. is china really actually trying to get to the bottom of this? one thing we did discuss. >> brian: they are not. unless you are john kennedy from louisiana said senator, do you think this china is going to allow this second investigation from the keystone cops that were unable to get access the first time around? >> not under the current approach, brian within respect to the origin of the coronavirus, here's what i heard
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president biden do today. i heard him politely ask the world health organization and china to get to the bottom of it. pretty please with sugar on top. and that's the typical washington way, keep trying what doesn't work and when it doesn't work again, do it some more. he is going to have to change his approach. let's start with the world health organization. its president is dr. tedros addm ethiopia. dr. tedros hums the chinese national anthem in the shower. he loves president xi jinping like the devil loves sin. if president xi told dr. tedros to join the taliban, he would say where's the line? the only way to get him to do his job is for president biden to sit him down and say look,
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dr. tedros, the american people pay your salary. the american taxpayer puts up $900 million every two years. we're your biggest financial contributor, either do your job or we are going to withhold the money and if that offends you, i will help you pack. with respect to china the people of china are good people. but dr. -- or president xi, who runs china, is a gangster. he is right out of good fellows. if you turn the other cheek to president xi, he will just stab you in the neck. now, he will on occasion do the right thing, but only when constantly supervised and cornered like a rat. so, to get him to cooperate here's what president biden is going to have to do. he is going to have to enlist the support of the u.k., canada, australia, maybe new zealand, india, japan, south korea, and the european union and together we're going to have to go to xi
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publicly and not ask, demand and we may have to impose sanctions. and in my opinion, president biden's approach to be nice about it. >> brian: right. >> is, at best, immeasurably naive and worst it's bottle of the barrel dumb is n. my opinion. >> brian: what i'm excited and intrigued about the world seems to understand the wuhan virus origins as i'm being told does not add up. dr. redfield, who is a former cdc director sat down with dr. siegel this week. and he said this about what he is noticing about politics it's not just in china. but is here and it's in science. listen. >> i would expect that from politicians. i would expect that from governments. i would never expect that from the scientific community. and, yet, what we witnessed was the scientific community went on
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heavy to try to stop any open debate about the origins of this virus. >> brian: he couldn't get into china to see for himself. the military white washed the lab and the wet market. he had big questions. no one would listen. americans weren't listening to american who happens to be the cdc director speaking to the president. now he is free to speak. and you could feel the frustration come through the screen. senator, the rest of the world wants answers, too. how do we unite this world effectively tomorrow against china because they seem to have compromised so much of the western world by the thing called money and trade. >> well, first, we have got to ask and we have got ask more forcefully, no disrespect than president biden did. the g-7 put out some sort of cream of wheat statement. >> brian: terrible. >> it was a total wimp fest. president xi and the w.h.o. are
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not going to be intimidated by that. what you ask will continue, weakness invites the wolves. we have got to be more firm. that doesn't mean all the countries that say they will work with us will do it. because a lot of them are scared of china and we may have to go it alone. and president biden may decide look, to me, it's just not worth it. i want china to cooperate on the green new deal or something. but he is not going to get it on -- under the approach thea is taking right now. >> brian: i have confidence that congress can unite on this because we see one enemy and it is china, more than even russia. >> senator kennedy thanks for your instance analysis tonight. >> thank you, brian. >> brian: i don't mean to brag, i just got to tell you our lineup. will be bragging when i read it dan bongino is here live. i'm not kidding no tie. nikki hailly no tie either. senator haley. oh yeah greg gutfeld is scheduled unless i can find a
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♪ indeed, you and me are we ♪ ♪ me and you singing in the park ♪ ♪ me and you, we're waiting for the dark ♪ brian brian you might have missed this because everyone is so focused overseas. this week during a white house press call we learned the biden administration is thinking about reviving see something say something campaign after the attacks of 9/11 coming up on 20 years. this time not slack islamic terrorist instead americans radical members of their own family who might be white supremacist, you never know. the administration plans to work closely with tech companies on, increased information sharing to further radicalization. dan bongino saturday night. unbelievable start first two weeks. also host of the dan bongino show comes on right after you are done listening to me noon to
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3:00 eastern time available on fox nation so you can see exactly what he looks like like he does now. first off, dan, were you surprised that a 9/11 type style investigation will be happen domestically? >> yeah. i mean, i am. and see something, say something campaigns does that apply blm and antifa, too? brian, are you telling me the mommies of these antifa kids, none of them have actual jobs, i mean, they are total life losers, if you had a list of criteria, this dude is a life loser, all boxes are checked. are you telling me the moms of these losers didn't see the ninja suits in the corner, the black goggles, the kerosene to burn the stores down? does this apply to them, too? because, if not, it seems to me and listen, let me get this out right away because i mean it, i condemn all political violence in this country, we do our deeds electorally in the election booth, period. i condemn it all. everybody clear? if you are going to say on one
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hand, listen, if you were at a maga rally on january 6th. you were somebody who didn't do anything you went to the rally and you didn't like what happened in the election it was your right to assemble and someone should report you. again you got a ninja suit in your closet a couple sticks to beat people with and ready to go to antifa rally don't say anything there bribe, that's not justice. justice is supposed to be blind to everyone not just democrats with an eye wide open to anyone who is a republican. >> brian: dan, i have a hunch. the attorney general is coming out and said we are going to look at domestic organizations, terror organizations, go ahead. there is a domestic terror organization looking to do another oklahoma attack, you got to be kidding me? get rid of them. i have a sense that if they do a true investigation, they are not going to find the numbers that they think they are going to find. not even close. so this could help solve the problem and stop painting america as white and black or white and everybody else. >> yeah. what's the hallmark, right? what's the fingerprint of
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totalitarian regimes. this is what worries me where we are going now. what i call on my show reverse intelligence. how does it work? professional, unpartisan intelligence officers provide decisionmakers with facts and data hey there is a nuclear site in russia. whatever it may be and the decision makers make a decision. that's not where we are at right now. we are in an environment of reverse intelligence lawmakers like bidens and the liberals tell the intelligence agencies we are looking for a narrative that white supremacy is not a problem when we agree it is the number one problem. we want to make it the number one problem and that's where we are going to allocate our assets. what happens? politicized intelligence people go out and tell him what he wants to hear. we saw it with that ridiculous dhs report claiming that somehow white supremacy is the number one threat in the united states? i mean, that's insane. who actually believes that? that's insane. above china? above chinese domestic espionage here within the united states? russia?
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isis? al qaeda? come on, seriously? >> brian: the president heads home and the focus justly comes back home we will take a look at the vice president's trip over to mexico and guatemala and abject disaster. she has gotten a pass because everyone quickly focused on the g 7 and nato summit and vladimir putin summit. when come back already pressure on her from another democrat henry cuellar he did it again in the letter. come to the border, this is a problem. we are all affected. you need to see this. what is going to change? is the problem bad enough where other media outlets will actually agree that attention has to be done and so far she has failed in epic ways? >> no, they won't. they will never do that until there is not a price to be paid by a democrat, right? there is a midterm election coming up. the media we all know. it's not a secret, full-time democrat operatives, no breaking news there. but they won't do any of that because there will be a political price to pay. they should be asking, brian, cnn, if they were a legitimate
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news network would have a counter in the corner like they did for the coronavirus under trump days since kamala harris hasn't been to the border? they would do that if they were legitimate. if it was trump and a crisis they would. but they are not going to do that because there is a price to pay. after the midterms, who knows? maybe we will hear about it i doubt it. these aren't legitimate news organizations. they are useful idiots for propaganda teams on the left. >> brian: dan bongino has an empire, a podcast, a radio show. streams on fox nation. and just for fun, he does a show on saturday night and then he goes out and parties all day sunday and back to work on monday. >> dan: that's right. >> brian: who signed you up for your schedule. incredible. dan, thanks so much. appreciate it. >> dan: you got it. >> brian: what did the united states gain from president biden's meeting with vladimir putin? former u.n. ambassador to the united nations nikki haley on that and so much more when we come back. ♪ ♪
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next six months to a year whether or not we actually have a strategic dialogue that matters. we'll find out whether we work to deal with everything from release of people in russian prisons or not. we'll find out whether we have a cybersecurity arrangement that begans to bring some order. >> brian: man, he just doesn't get it president biden doesn't show much confidence showing anything productive coming out of the summit with vladimir putin? where do we go from here? here now to react is former u.s. ambassador to the united nations ambassador nikki haley just back from israel. ambassador, what can you expect to see when joe biden is looking in two or three months to see if russia changes behavior? what do you expect? >> brian, we don't need to wait two or three months. we're not going to see anything. i mean, here you've got the fact that he didn't call him out on the hacking. putin wants to say russian hackers did it and he wasn't involved. guess what? the hackers work for putin.
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putin was very much responsible for that he just didn't want his fingerprints on it he didn't go and say they were going to hold him accountable for the hacking of the pipeline and food processing company. he didn't go and talk to them about election medicine ling meddling the lasttwo elections. putin gave putin a big kiss nord stream pipeline. gave him everything he wanted. energy independent and set putin off for the one thing he really wanted. they are not talking about the fact that they are going to have the back of ukraine and say exactly how they are going to do it. i mean, this is something where they talked about climate change, you know, and then you didn't even talk about the fact they talked about the fact that the new start agreement and they are going to agree on that. the new start agreement allows them to stall their production but guess who wins with that? china because china is not involved in the agreement. so nothing is going to come of this. >> brian: in reading your book, i know you have a lot of face to face with our adversaries, north
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korea comes to mind and china i will talk to you about that on a second. joe biden says we are not going to get to you admit it here are 16 seq. stores we would like hands off when it comes to hacking i thought i hope i'm on that list. what about solar winds? everybody was hit on that. why name 16 sectors not to hack? >> i mean, that's embarrassing, brian. the thing is you lead by saying we won't allow any hacking of any part of america and if you do it, there will be a price to pay. and you follow through on this. this isn't -- this isn't rocket science. this is the fact that russia will never be our friend. you can never trust russia. and you have to let them know that they will be held responsible not just for what their government does, but for what anyone in russia does in terms of attacking the united states. that didn't happen today. >> brian: it didn't happen today. we will talk more about that. what aboutism. brought up naval any the way
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opponents get killed, the putting down of dissidents overall. vladimir putin reads our papers and listens to our news. he says what about you and black lives matter. i saw how much damage they did. we don't want that to happen to our cities. i see how your police shoot people in the back. i saw on january 6th the way you treated all those arrested when they tried to take over their government. why do you expect us to do anything different? what about his what aboutism answers? did it surprise you? was it effective? >> well, it makes me angry. it's what they do. russia does it, china does it the best way to deal with a situation is to distract and turn it back around. what we do is we should slam it back. we saw the chinese delegation do this to our delegation in alaska. let's be clear, putin goes and poisons his opponent. he arrests any political naysayers that are out there. and he continues to do what he is going to do. the idea that, you know, he could even do that i wish biden would have been standing up next to him to talk him down and to let him know you can't compare
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with russia with america at all it's not even close. >> brian: what is close is china. militarily, economically, and now the first to recover from the pandemic. i was struck by excerpt from josh rogin's book and your book that when you got to the u.n., you were struck by the influence china has. because they got on all of these bodies from the world bank on down. they get influence. they pay people off. they push the belt tan road initiative which allows developing countries to be subjected to their wills and ways because they do infrastructure work. what did china do and how does it affect what they do on the world stage? >> so i watched this play out firsthand at the u.n. i mean, what you saw was they would convince these poorer countries to do frivolous what i call pork projects. things that didn't matter. these weren't major infrastructure situations. and then he would turn around and when a major vote came up, they would have their fingers in their faces saying i better vote
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with us or else. they waited for times like covid where they could go and say you can't pay it? you know, run up the debt and say okay, give us your military installation. give us your port. that's what we are talking about with this. if you want to know after president xi basically named himself king by getting rid of term limits, they infiltrated different departments within the u.n. why do you think the world health organization took china's side when it came to covid? because they are bought and paid for by china. i mean, this is something united states has to stop reacting to china. they have to stop being symptomatic to china. they need to start leading. you hit china where it hurts. that's in their economy. you go and you start sanctioning. you get american countries to -- american companies to understand patriotism. and the fact that they have got to start bringing production back home and us become less dependent on china. we have got to start sticking it to china divh comes to intellectual property. we have got start calling them out on human rights abuses and
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boycotting the olympics. that's the way to lead. not to sit there and try to copy them or follow them along the way. >> brian: they have infiltrated almost every as the specht of our country and foreign policy and subjected other countries. they tried to buy their influence. we can't outspend them but we can outthink them. i'm confident now that we are aware we can. ambassador nikki haley thanks so much. i will tap into your domestic skills as governor and international skills as ambassador. keep your cell phone on. >> thanks so much, brian, good to be with you. >> brian: i always love talking to her. meanwhile, don't go away, go back to south carolina senator tim scott is next and close with the clock. right now it is still greg future geld unless we find someone taller. ♪ ♪ but your first treatment could be a chemo-free combination of two immunotherapies that works differently. it could mean a chance to live longer. opdivo plus yervoy is for adults newly diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer that has spread,
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and get unlimited with 5g included for $30 on the nations fastest, most reliable network. brian as president biden's world tour on world stage winds up airing dirty laundry. were you shocked by this i was. we have democrats and many in the mainstream media to thank forever all the ripping apart of america from the inside out. take a listen to vladimir
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putin's latest exploitation of america's internal divisions. >> an entire movement developed known as black lives matter. i'm not going to comment on that. but here's what i do want to say. what we saw was disorder, destruction, violations of the law, et cetera. we feel sympathy for the united states of america. we don't want that to happen on our territory and we are doing our utmost to not allow it to happen. >> brian: so he is assessing what is lapg in our streets especially last summer and spring and saying that's pretty much why we have jailed navalny and we jail our opponents joining me now is senator tim scott of south carolina. were you surprised that our domestic issues are causing us problems overseas? >> i am not, actually. one of the things i have always taught about russia and frankly too many folks here at home stoking the embers of chaos and
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division is one of the ways that they gain power or they deflect. russia is, in fact, deflecting and causing more vitriol and dysfunction here at home. we should have a firewall between russia and the debate and the disagreement on the left and right of this country. but, instead, what we are having is a conflating of issues that i think is very dangerous for the american public. >> we have dangerous for our country. >> brian: we always thought ourselves by the people, for the people. we are a democracy. >> we have proud of that. we have our fights in public but we always get better. but now it's hurting our foreign policy. we don't look as though we belong at the head spot on the world stage. and our enemies are taking advantage of that how do we have this dialogue and not lose our international prestige? >> well, the very first thing you have to do is recognize the fact that the vast majority of americans are working hard trying to make our country a better place to live and, frankly, it's one of the reasons
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why i said in my rebuttal that america is not a racist country. the fact of the matter is that you can measure progress over the last 50 years and come to the conclusion that there is, perhaps, no better place on earth for progress to be identified and measured than it is in the united states of america. but, instead, when we fan the flames of division at home, it only allows for more oxygen to be brought in by russia and china and many other bad international actors that want to take advantage of our distraction from global leadership and poison us here at home and literally i believe that the russians, the chinese and many of our adversaries are fanning the flames and stoking the embers to keep us distracted from a, progress and, b, those other countries. >> brian: senator the time we have remaining bring to you bipartisan in a bicameral way. that's what happened with infrastructure. put together a deal about a
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trillion dollars the details we do not know overall about 10 republicans vote on what they're working on. out of nowhere we see senator schumer looking to put together reckonvillation to pass infrastructure on a pure party line basis. this while the president of the united states says i'm working to working with republicans. does it make you feel like you are wasting your time reaching across the aisle working on police reform if the rug is just going to be pulled out for you at the last minute? >> brian, it makes me nervous any time i watch chuck schumer use his position of power to look for a work around a bipartisan solution. if that is the case, we have to be very careful. police reform is incredibly important that we, a, not demonize officers. b, have a character driven, law enforcement agencies responding in the poorest and most important communities from a peace perspective in the country. if we have the right scenario, the right focus we will be okay. if the democrats decide that this is another political issue, we could be left at the table
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just holding hands. >> brian: it is. i think the country needs something in a bipartisan way. i thought this was on a path. it doesn't look like there is much sincerity there. senator tim scott, thank you so much. >> god bless. >> brian: all right. meanwhile, coming up straight ahead. what is hunter biden doing in photo? greg gutfeld knows. he will be with us right after the break. that's what he looks like when is he dressed casual. >> greg: i don't like you. >> brian: i asked you to dress up, greg. >> greg: it ain't hang. >> brian: there is a dress code on prime. [laughter] no canceling. flexible cancellation. kayak. search one and done. try one a day 50+ multivitamin gummies. with vitamins c, d & zinc for immunity support. flexible cancellation. plus 8 b-vitamins for brain support.
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joe biden's arrival were caught on hot mic joking about the questions they were planning on asking him. judge for yourself >> brian: what is your assessment? this is small talk amongst reporters. >> you have been caught on a hot mic, i think that was his name. don't bash anyone for a hot mic moment because then it will happen to you. the great thing about foxes what we say on a hot mic is no different and what we say on tv. you don't have to catch us, we just deliver the content to you. the gulf between our thoughts and our words is so narrow. at least for me, i don't know about you because you are a filthy liar but for me, i am always speaking the truth. >> brian: when we went over this and rehearsal you didn't call me a filthy liar. >> you stabbed me deep in the heart, if i have a hard. >> brian: you make the height
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joke about yourself. eagle analyst jeffrey toobin is back on the party scene, this time being spotted at a book party at someone's plus one. when asked, he said he wished he had a union to get his new yorker job back. your reaction, greg? >> these are two variables designed to make you cringe. jeff toobin and brian seltzer book party. two guys who love their sausage, mixing it up. by the way, who throws a book party for a paperback? both parties are only to soothe the ego when your ratings are going down. >> brian: been in the big picture jeffrey toobin feels like he turned a page. in greg gutfeld's mind, has he? >> if i went strictly by the fact that would say he made an honest mistake because he forgot to turn off a button. however, we don't know if it was an honest mistake. i haven't delved into it too deep, i just make jokes about
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him. and he is kind of ski v, let's be honest. >> brian: a good lawyer with a deep voice. that is all you need. kamala harris inviting women of the senate for dinner when she served them homemade cheese puffs. many people called them doodles. it makes me wonder, doesn't she have better things to do than bake cheese puffs? maybe go to the border perhaps? >> did not see that coming. did not see you bringing up the border. that is a sheer original thought. she does this historic dinner, she is the vice president and she cooks. how sexist is that? they took the first female vp in history and put her back in the kitchen! the typical hypocrite democrats. you think they would have made joe biden or dick cheney when they were vp cook for -- no! because she is a woman they put her into the kitchen, i would never cook for you, brian. >> brian: good for you, this is why they call you the
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susan b. anthony of fox. you're always talking about women's rights. >> i was there first. >> brian: even before susan b. >> i don't know who she is. we have two seconds left, let's wait it out. how much would you pay for a painting from hunter biden? his new art fashion is starting to become very lucrative. almost as lucrative as his overseas deals with some of his pieces going for as much as $75,000 to a half million dollars? how do you figure this? >> loves that he uses the straw to paint because obviously he used of the straw to do coke and other drugs. it's kind of like you opening a car wash and watching the car with your hairpiece. you take something you are known for, which is your fake hair, and you are using it to wipe down the car. he's using his coke straw to paint. good for him, he's not hurting anybody, he's just taking people's money. it's corrupt, may be. but the art world is stupid. >> brian: this is
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unbelievable, it is overwhelmed the other story about him using expletives to describe people of different races. >> i know. of course, if he was a republican that would be everywhere. >> brian: can we see one more shot of his art? what is the goal? >> i have stepped in stuff like that on times square. >> brian: i did not know that. we use to throw sawdust on that stuff in grade school. >> brian: are we out of stuff to say? >> we were when the show started. you are on tv too much. >> brian: joined me tomorrow, we have a great guest, allen west, have you ever heard of him? >> he is great, i love him and "batman." >> brian: different allen west. >> i know. >> brian: amongst my guests, he used to be the investor of russia. jealous? ian bremmer, he's going to be on and senator cassidy, he's talking about a bipartisan infrastructure deal. enjoy. >> i don't know how -- i'm not
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going to go to bed tonight. i'm just going to stay at. >> brian: we are going to watch her show at 11:00. >> and it meant that we are going to party down. >> brian: we are going to watch shannon bream! >> evil shannon bream. >> brian: she's one of the nicest people. according to reports, tucker carlson is next. when tucker is ready is when the snare drum starts. thank you. speak it is this the happy chatter you do? ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> tucker: good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." last night, we opened the show with new information about what happened at the capital on january 6th. no day, it's fair to say, in recent american history has received more media attention or been used for greater political effect bipartisan actors. because of january 6th, our attorney general told us this week, we have got to change our country forever. and yet, given all the talking,
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