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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  June 16, 2021 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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situation. hands up and you'll live. >> [screaming] >> that's just a small part of the report were going to bring you tomorrow neighbor you do not want to miss it. my heart is still pounding. "gutfeld!" is next. >> in terms of the redline that you lay down, is military response and option for a ransomware attack? and president putin have called you in his press conference and experienced person. you famously told him he didn't have a soul. do you know have a deeper understanding of him after this meeting? >> thank you very much. [laughter] >> greg: i don't think he understands how questions work.
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♪ ♪ [applause] it's wednesday or as kat likes to call it bob, why -- vodka, why am i waking up today? she really should take better care of herself. [laughter] getting worse. here's a funny question. is it wrong to be against our sin? you think greg, that's a dumb question but setting fire to things is bad, very bad. unless it's one of hunter's paintings. but we should all condemn arson, correct? not so fast, hypothetical viewer i am having an imaginary conversation with. you haven't heard the story of
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daniel elder, talented artist specializing in left-wing religious music. he publicly scolded arsonists after a george floyd protest in his hometown of nashville that turned violent, resulting in assault, vandalism of the torching of an historic courthouse. elder, very liberal dude, posted "enjoy burning it all down, you well-intentioned blind people. i'm done." sounds like what i say after i use the bathroom. susan. then he deleted his instagram account, and then he was deleted himself. he began the next mile and the online mob caught wind of his offense. how dare you condemn violence, lawlessness? they spammed his facebook accusing him of racism. you don't even need to be white anymore to be a white supremacist. you can be a black conservative. if you're asian, it depends if you're getting beaten up or
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trying to get into yale. you can be a christmas tree farm. soliday, holiday tree form. all you need is a pulse on a wacky desire to not see your neighborhood burn. that's not what the story is about. it's about corporate cowardice. we spend a lot of time on cancel culture. the mob's thirst for scalps. my apologies to liz warren. the real liar should be directed at companies who when faced with the mob tosses escape goat into their hands like pontius pilate handing jesus to the romans. i am referring to gia. it stood for the gregorian institute of america but now it stands for groveling idiotic [bleep]. it's latest publishers. i'm not going to pretend i've ever heard of this country so i'm not going to stay i used to be a fan. but i am no fan.
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gia is an offense to gregorian monks. they should have taken a vow of silence. when faced with temporary online backlash, will do gave you? the president. they contacted elder and demanded an apology. he did nothing wrong he admitted. they were so spooked about losing money over boycotts that the greedy capitalists were at the apology for him. "over the weekend i made a post that was insensitive and wrongly worded. i deeply apologize for the anger, offense and harm this caused. there was no justification for my post. so rather than try to offer an excuse for what was done, i offer a promise for what i will do going forward. i commit to making amends and to dialogue. i continue educating myself about privilege and bias. my work begins now." all that was missing, him telling his family of fair --
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they are treating him very well. elder said he wouldn't do their sniveling vomitus apologies of the g.i. backed him up against the temporary mob, they chose the mob dropping him like bill de blasio trying to hold a groundhog. they terminated their relationship over his incendiary remarks. funny how his incendiary remarks are worse than actual incendiary actions like person. our jokes about o.j. simpson worse than what o.j. simpson did? only if jimmy kimmel is delivering them. i wonder what the angry white male has to say. [metal music]
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[gregorian chant] sorry, not sorry. ♪ ♪ >> greg: the real story isn't about cancel culture. we talk about it a lot. my head hurts like when kat does math or meth. it's about companies abandoning you with the slightest negative pressure. in every case in which a person's sacrifice to the horde, we assume the horde is large when it's actually smaller than aoc's book collection. it's the companies that are large but their spines are as weak as weed was in 1992. you only need a tiny minority to destroy society. revolutions are not unleashed by the masses. the masses do it to themselves when faced with an immovable
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minority. they can bring a company of thousands to its groveling knees by scaring their cowardly execs. it's a microcosm of the bloodiest revolutions. it's never tens of millions but a handful of overeducated radicals who get the population cowering. they run right through them like covid-19 through a cuomo run nursing home. this is the blueprint for revolution and it's tearing through our education system, government and businesses. gia should be ashamed of themselves and they should apologize. i am going to do it for them. we are sorry we abandon one of our artists just to protect our bottom line. if jesus christ were asked about this, what do you think he would say? it wouldn't be sorry if my remarks upset the pharisees. maybe she would -- we should have more money changers. you might say forgive them father, they know not what they
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do and under his breath say what a bunch of a holes. welcome tonight's guests. she's broke more ground than an asteroid that killed the dinosaurs, fox business correspondence susan li. he has a brain like einstein and also his hair. host of james altucher show podcast, james altucher. he split more sides than a cheap friend at applebee's. comedian terrence k williams. she gets her cardio from falling down the stairs. fox news contributor kat timpf. i read this story and reason, great story. i don't know where he gets the energy. i hate him for that. susan, you claim to be an expert in business. >> susan: i claim. >> greg: you have yet to show us any proof that it's
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disappointing. >> susan: harsh, harsh. >> greg: i'm sorry. why do you think corporations are so quick to give in to the mob? they must know is not a large mob. >> susan: i did some homework. last on there was here i spoke to my mother afterwards because she watched the show and she hates it when i talk about her on television. she lived through a horrible time in history called the cultural revolution. that was a time when you would point and tattletale on people. to prove your own virtuous nest. this is exactly what's happening once again. >> greg: did she note that? did she say oh, my god, this doesn't look like a good thing is happening? >> susan: think about what happened in history. lives were destroyed. >> greg: do i look like someone who would think about what happened in history. chairman mao. not a good guy. he >> susan: not a good time. cancel culture is not good.
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>> greg: james, you've been through stuff like this and you own a comedy club. this is kind of frightening that they would throw this guy under the bus so quickly. >> james: yeah, people seem to think that if you even say the wrong thing, if you think the wrong thing than they have the right to destroy your career, destroy your property. destroy everything. delete you. here's a guy who 50 years ago everyone was saying you can't burn books. now they're saying but if you criticize burning down courthouses, that's fine. don't burn books. burn courthouses. we are all cool with that. if you disagree, they're going to burn you, like you said. to susan's point, if you look at every fascist movement in history, it starts off with socialism. these things are called national socialist movements. mussolini's original party was the socialist party. that's what you're saying and
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they don't realize that. they are not being taught curiosity. they are being taught opinions rather than facts. >> greg: is how i make my living. i don't like them going after books or courthouses. if they ever go after your luscious hair, i will be there on the front lines. they're going to come at you with some clippers. number three i would imagine. >> susan: that's a curling iron? >> greg: i don't know. why are you making fun of his hair? >> susan: it's gorgeous. >> greg: terrence k. gia's behavior, it's the exact opposite of like behavior. >> terrence: i am bothered right now. i found out i'm a white supremacy. i am at a loss for words. i'm against burning down buildings. i'm against black lives matter burning down buildings but to assume it's racist to burn down buildings, you're saying the only white people on businesses
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and buildings. so that's racist. there are a lot of black businesses that were burned down. that's actually racist burning down black businesses. i don't get it. i have a lot to figure out today because i didn't know it was a white supremacist. >> greg: you know what's worse about you being a white supremacist, it's cultural appropriation. you are taking it from the actual white supremacists who've been working so hard to be bigots. >> terrence: exactly. if i had on a red hat my burned down a building, please believe me i'm going to jail. please believe me i'm going to prison. >> james: if you weren't wearing a red hat, you probably get off free. >> terrence: exactly. i might burn some stuff down tonight. but what's next? are they going to abolish the fire department?
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evidently firefighters are racist. they are against our sin. they are against arson trading >> greg: everything is racist. kat, are you going to join me and boycott left-wing social justice liturgical music. >> kat: i've been boycotting that for years. it's an example of cancel culture. it's so obvious. i think this is also an example of the consequences of our current widespread binary view of politics which is something that i have experience for a while. i don't have views that fit into either major party. if i espouse the view from one major party people assume i agree with everything. that's what happened to this guy. he set i don't like these people burning down these buildings. they assume that he also
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believed that the protesters who were protesting peacefully were doing the wrong thing, that he could not support that movement even though those things are in no way exclusive. you can be against arson but also support the movement against racial injustice and for police reform. i've said for a while that we need more independent thinking. i think we need to take smaller steps now and just say okay. we need to be able to recognize the possibility that independent thinking might occur in someone's head. we can just start there because this is not something that has happened to this guy. it's happening all over the place. it's dumb but it's not logically correct and it creates dumb narratives. dome is bad. >> greg: you have been watching a lot of "the view." >> james: maybe they got rid of him because he's a bad musician. >> greg: that could be the unspeakable truth. >> james: you're a racist.
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burning down right now as we speak. >> greg: wait till you see the next topic, holy crap. at chicago's mayor gets vicious by being repetitious. ♪ sometimes you wanna go ♪ ♪ where everybody knows your name ♪ ♪♪ ♪ and they're always glad you came ♪ welcome back, america. it sure is good to see you. if you're 55 and up, t- mobile has plans built just for you. welcome back, america. switch today and get 2 lines of unlimited and 2 free smartphones. plus you'll now get netflix on us.
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>> greg: the new mayor that has no guts is certifiably nuts. cities rife with crime but don't mess with her office time. it was confirmed what many of us had suspected about chicago mayor lori lightfoot. she is raving bonkers. even jussie smollett says i find her hard to believe. the "chicago tribune" obtained an email she sent to a scheduler
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in january in which she complains she wasn't getting enough of what she called office time. except lightfoot repeated several sentences over and over and over again like a psychopath. it was shocking when people repeat themselves in chicago it's usually help, help, i've been shot. i've been shot. rather than summarize the email and we are not making this crap up, we are going to redo the whole thing just to show you how [bleep] this is. >> since my prior request for office time are routinely ignored i'm resorting to this. i need office time every day. i need office time every day. i need office time every day. i need office time every day. i need office time every day. i need office, every day. i need office time every day. i need office time every day. i need office time every day. not just once a week or sundays but every day. not just once a week or sundays,
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every day. not just once a week or sundays -- some days, every day. breaks or transitions between meetings are not office times. breaks or transition times between meetings are not office times. breaks or transition times between meetings are not office time. if this doesn't change immediately i will start unilaterally canceling things every day. if this doesn't change immediately i will start unilaterally canceling things every day. if this doesn't change immediately i will start unilaterally canceling things everyday. have i made my self clear finally? have i made myself clear finally? have i made myself clear finally? have i made myself clear finally? have i made myself clear finally? >> greg: we had to get emily to do that because she is the
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fastest talker on the planet. endlessly repeating the same thing as a sign of mental instability or that you work for cnn. but i repeat myself. on monday she defended the email. >> to write an email like that comes after a lot of conversation and frustration. we got beyond it. the challenges that were at the heart of the email written five plus months ago. i think we are in a better place. >> greg: a better place. anything is better than that place. imagine if she expresses much frustration about her city's murder rate as she does about her office time. in the interest of fairness, here's kat reading one of my emails. >> since my prior request is routinely ignored. kilmeade is a liar. i didn't leave that in the hot tub.
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i didn't leave that in the hot tub. i have been constipated for five days. i've been constipated for five days. have i made myself clear finally? [applause] >> greg: working for the chicago mayor doesn't seem so bad now does it? kat do i ever do weird emails? >> kat: yeah. i don't think working on the show i've ever gotten an email that wasn't very strange. for example, that one. it's weird. it's aggressive. i don't know that it was effective although i think just the general fear that employees have of her probably is. on the list of things that i don't like about lori lightfoot, this is pretty low on the list. the general way in which she runs the city is pretty much the worst part. >> greg: james, there has to
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be a correlation between how bad the city is and what's going on there. that email is crazy. >> james: out of 3 million people, she is the best person in chicago? i think she needs less office time. she's afraid to leave her office because there's been three mass shootings in the past week. how do you -- and she says her staff is better. her staff from when she wrote that email, they are all gone. of course it's better now. >> greg: they all left screaming from the building. >> james: she is by herself now. >> greg: she has her alone time. terence, have you ever sent an email like this? >> terrence: betelgeuse, betelgeuse, beetlejuice, beetlejuice. you have the mayor from hell sitting in her office writing the same sentence over and over while her city is turning into
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gotham. >> james: she wrote that email during her office time. i have something for her to do since she likes to write. write out all the names of the young people gone down weekend after weekend in chicago. start with a 7-year-old start id killed. >> greg: that's a great point. susan. >> susan: i'm glad he does the company so i can be serious. [laughter] >> greg: that wasn't even a personal email. can you imagine what she does on her personal emails. it's pretty scary. have you seen this? has stuart varney ever sent emails like this? >> susan: he just yells at me in person. in a corporate world, wouldn't you be fired?
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it's like tom cruise screaming at the crew. it's not acceptable. in a bank or international business. she can't be competent. your point, how did this happen? this is a great city. it's a great city and people writing it off. but we've got more stuff still ahead. they are resorting to doing less reporting. why crime is up and real journalism is down. that's next. tually ibs-c giving her grief. so she talked to her doctor because she wanted more relief. that's when she said yess to adding linzess. linzess is not a laxative. it helps you have more frequent and complete bowel movements. and is proven to help relieve overall abdominal symptoms-belly pain, discomfort, and bloating. do not give linzess to children less than six and it should not be given to children six to less than 18, it may harm them. do not take linzess if you have a bowel blockage. get immediate help if you develop unusual or severe stomach pain,
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welcome to allstate, where we're driving down the cost of insurance. ♪ ♪ drivers who switched saved over $700. allstate. here, better protection costs a whole lot less. you're in good hands. call a local agent or 1-800-allstate for a quote today. >> greg: if the facts don't fit the narrative, secrecy is imperative. there is a trend to avoid reporting descriptions of criminal suspects lest they stereotype a particular community. for example, living out the d for democrat. >> [laughs]
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>> greg: i got a weird giggle from susan. the associated press announced suspect names will no longer be included in their minor crime stories because naming them can make it difficult for the suspect to later gain employment or move on in their lives especially if they are murderers. at least they admit the goal of reporting is to make sure criminals don't face consequences. the ap will also stop publishing mug shots. no names, no faces. pretty soon no crime. maybe they can use a generic picture and just draw tippy. remember tippy? after the recent mass shooting in austin, texas, their local paper wrote a note "people have only released a vague description of the shooter. the american-statesman is not including the description as it's too vague to be useful in identifying the shooter and publications could be helpful in perpetuating stereotypes."
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we can't describe that maniac with an ax. it's unfair to lumberjacks. nationwide gun violence is up 40% a year ago and here the numbers nearly 70%. defunding cops didn't help and crime reporting that says look out for a guy wearing a thing. that's not going to help either. i think plato summed it up when he said i wish someone would invent pizza. >> susan: [laughs] >> greg: james, what's the point of calling them a suspect if you can't suspect them? >> james: i think what's interesting is the media is saying look, we give up. we're done trying to give you facts. it's useless. we are trying to protect ourselves and they are admitting i know what you've heard in school and everything but the rule is your guilty now until your proven innocent. rule number two is your guilty forever because we're never going to report that you're innocent. we're only going to see them
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it's not interesting to anybody if they're innocent. it's another way of saying we give up being a source of news. >> greg: susan, i feel like the media is weighing the costs and benefits and decided they would rather risk the health of citizens not to piss off the woke. >> susan: public safety should trump political correctness. i have an example talking to my colleagues. people say you're the asian girl from fox. i have no problem with that because yes, i've asian. i am very proud to be asian. and i work at fox. what's wrong with describing somebody is african-american with dreadlocks? >> greg: people come up to me and say you're the hottest guy at fox. do you think i get piss off about it? no. i feel a little objectified in the steam room but that's just because i'm naked. >> susan: with or without the
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towel? >> greg: why don't we just say earthling. in earthling committed the crime. >> terrence: the left are the ones committing all the crimes. they don't want their names out there evidently. >> greg: [laughs] >> terrence: my brain cells are depleting right now. i can't even think straight. the stuff is so ignorant. it's so ignorant. i think they're going to ban background checks. people aren't allowed to know you burned down a building. they're not allowed to know you killed someone. they're not allowed to know you're going to rob them eventually. >> greg: all of these trends are pointing in that direction. you have bail reform. you have to spring bail to get out. defunding the police. early release of criminals in california. all of the stuff, the progressive change is not about safety or security. it's undermining that, kat. >> kat: this also undermines
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what it's trying to do. they are trying to avoid biased narratives but if you remove the ability to learn facts, then your assumptions are going to be all that's left for you to make a decision about a situation. it makes absolutely no sense. i think more information is better than less information but apparently that isn't effective. >> greg: if you committed a crime, i wonder how they would describe you. >> kat: scrawny like macaulay culkin with a wig on. >> james: they would describe you as a fox news regular. >> greg: i was going to say second baseman from the original bad new bears. >> kat: with a wig. >> greg: it supposed to get worse in new york. i was in hell's kitchen last night, it was not pretty. >> james: new york city crime is up almost 100%. if the 12 year high. de blasio, the strong mayor is
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saying that the city is safe. there was a shooting yesterday, people shocked. they we just need more mayors who live in will feel good about it. we need more people. >> kat: campaign slogan. >> greg: a guy arrested in times square for masturbating. >> james: at least he was getting pleasure from it. >> greg: in your ratings drop 70% at cnn, what are you going to do? >> terrence: it's called fake news for reason. >> greg: a flight where you're risking harm if you want to rest your arm. bipolar depression. it's a dark, lonely place. this is art inspired by real stories of people living with bipolar depression. emptiness. a hopeless struggle. the lows of bipolar depression can disrupt your life
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it sure is good to see you.
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♪ ♪ >> greg: they came to blows over their elbows. the flight attendant hadn't
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passed out the stacks before they were dealing with thoughts. two men kicked off a united flight, an argument about elbowroom turned physical. the plane had to return. look at the stock photo. the plane had to return to the gate before takeoff because of the two joint jackasses who were briefly detained and then released. the faa had logged 1300 reports of unruly passenger behavior since february and is been a lot of speculation as to why there has been an uptake. some blame alcohol. others blame extended lockdowns. perhaps is the sign that we are turning to normal. as my dad used to say on vacation, we need a bigger hole to bury gramps. people keep talking about the lockdowns. is it because we've been apart so long that we can't settle
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disputes amicably or amiably? i never know which to use. >> terrence: we were -- people don't know how to interact. i don't have to worry about it. maybe they should start teaching the flight attendants tae kwon do, jiu-jitsu. >> greg: i brought this up, i think over time we as a species of that's the correct phrase had blocked -- lost the skill to ratchet down conflict. the real housewives, social media has taught us to ratchet it up. every moment is like if you say the wrong pronoun i'm going to throw a glass of wine at you because that's what i saw the real housewives. >> james: i don't think anybody in history of my life is ever woken up and said i'm going
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to tell james that he was right and i was wrong. it's all off the table. the pandemic and the economic lock town really brought out what was already inside everyone. if someone seemed irritated before, now they are total [bleep]. kat, if we are sitting next to each other on a plane, that's my armrest. you better back off. we are supposed to be social distancing still. >> terrence: they shouldn't be that close. >> greg: they remove the middle seat. >> susan: yeah, have you been traveling? i traveled for the first time in 15 months. >> greg: i'm a world traveler. >> susan: i went to miami and it was a packed 777 plane. i was there for a conference.
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>> greg: what day? >> susan: tuesday. >> greg: and you haven't been to bed since. >> greg: miami was fun. floyd mayweather was there. i can take him. >> susan: do you think? >> greg: he would kill me. >> susan: light weight class. couldn't help it. >> james: who invented the armrest? >> greg: i was going to say this to kat. humans are set off by small things. we hate our neighbors more than we hate strangers because their lawn is slightly larger and whatnot. the elbow conflict is kind of impossible to resolve and it's dealing with your own personal space. >> kat: i am shocked that this happened on a flight to vegas and not a flight from vegas. you can see what would happen from vegas. you've got no dopamine left and
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you're in a miserable mood. i think a lot of those flights, what happened. the stuff never happens when i'm on flights. >> greg: because you're in first class? >> kat: no. >> greg: you only fly private. >> kat: yes. i only fly private. tyrus' podcast. we have jets. >> greg: up next, our sitcoms true to life when a tubby dude has an attractive wife? ! sustenance for mountaineering expeditions and long journeys across the world! but most importantly? they give us something to eat when we drink beer. planters. a nut above. ♪♪ they givis that goudag to eat shaped like a foot? or maybe you're just projecting your own insecurities? what? (sniffs feet) ohhhh yeah
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>> greg: can a gal -- who wrote this? can a gal who is cute and thin fee with a man with an extra ten? another example of the left having no sense of humor "the new york times" lauded a show called "kevin can f himself." do you see what i did? i didn't say [bleep] women married to portly men. it turns from the honeymooners to "kevin can wait." the satire misses the point of the joke. the woman who is beautiful and
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ethical is the straight person that reacts to the devious and portly man. the times notes an episode of "king and queens" were kevin james schemes to make sure his wife stays thin. they say the joke is evil and hypocritical. that's the point. not to meant to be a shining example of modern behavior. let's go to module correspondent joe mackie. >> that's right, greg. women want funny men. they can't laugh at me because my body is so perfect. that's why i've switched to junk food. [applause] >> greg: i hate it when i see people eat chips like that. they tried to get all of it out of the bag. it drives me nuts. >> terrence: i do that. >> greg: don't you love it when people eat chips like that
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out of a bag? cancel culture got me on this. terrence, is a sense of humor more important than looks? >> terrence: listen. this is another form of fat shaming. you're saying fat guys are not allowed to have thin, skinny, beautiful woman. you're taking their rights away. it's love. it's love. we all know when you fall in love, you get fat. >> greg: that's true. >> kat: look at me. >> james: who is standing up for the rights of hot wives? somebody is standing up for this oppressed group. >> greg: that's true. >> james: forget about straight white men having hot wives. >> terrence: women love to go out needs of course are going to be with a fat guy who loves to eat.
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>> kat: the argument was that beauty standards are much more strict for women in sitcoms. >> susan: amen, sister. >> kat: they are stricter for women everywhere. it's not just sitcoms. if you're a fat guy, you're fine. you can get girls unless you're not funny. >> susan: i've never seen the opposite. >> greg: you aren't on the internet. there are complete chat rooms devoted to the phrase which i'm not going to use. >> susan: one oh/oh, you watched when you had a skinny man. i can't think of one. >> greg: a skinny man and a large white. that is the embodiment of number ten. right? it's a perfect 10. i think we should embrace it. i believe beauty is inside you. it's not outside you. >> susan: would you rather
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have a six-pack and be funny and charming? >> greg: i have both. here's my theory on the skinny girl, fat guy thing. they were both skinny at one time. during the process, you have to be at your attractive best. when the guy gets the girl, he starts to let himself go. it's like a freshman 20 or whatever they call it except it's the marriage 20. sometimes a guy just get super huge and she starts having sex with a personal trainer named ryan. ryan stevenson. equinox 2014. there probably is a guide by that name. it sounds like the name of a personal trainer. >> james: you just canceled him. >> greg: is anybody going to save me from this horrible monologue? >> susan: i would prefer humor and charm over a six-pack. >> kat: but men don't. big fat mentor like i want a
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girl that's got a six-pack and huge boobs likes to drink beer and eat wings. >> greg: she should have a six-pack and a six-pack. none of that nonalcoholic crap. >> kat: and she should never talk. >> greg: where do you live? >> kat: reality! i am married! he's a very lucky man. >> greg: that's why no one can find him. we are laughing at his mysterious disappearance. all right. >> terrence: it is funny. >> greg: kat, it lasted longer than we expected. it's been six weeks. >> kat: something like that. >> greg: outlasted the life of a mayfly. >> terrence: you know what, i want to be fat. i suffered with psoriasis for so long.
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>> greg: animals are jerks. animals are jerks. yes, animals are jerks and it's important to remember that, like this guy. you see the monkey? he's adorable. isn't he? no. he likes to push turtles into water. can't help himself. he goes around town every day pushing little turtles into the water. the turtles can swim yet because there may be turtles and he goes around, he's known as the turtle pusher which by the way was my nickname in prep school. they called me the turtle pusher because i had a fetish. susan, we can't talk about it. >> susan: too much. >> greg: too much information. they have an abbreviation for that. tmi. animals are jerks. animals are jerks.
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animals are jerks. set your dvrs. thanks to susan li, james altucher, terrance k williams, kat timpf. i'm greg gutfeld. i love you, america. ♪ ♪ >> shannon: hello and welcome to "fox news @ night." i'm shannon bream in washington. breaking tonight, former president trump weighing in on his successor's performance in that summit with russian president vladimir putin. >> i guess the overall as we didn't get anything. we gave a very big stage to russia and we got nothing. >> shannon: we are going to break it all


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