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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  June 18, 2021 3:00am-6:00am PDT

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young. doctors thank you very much for joining us with your analysis with this. we really appreciate it. >> thank you. >> of course. todd: get a chance check out op-ed father's day especially. happy father's day to your dad and happy father's day to you, made. father father's day out there. jillian: have great day. >> the border crisis taking center stage on capitol hill. >> it is my responsibility to manage the border. >> the people that don't belong here should be dough ported. >> and i'm hopeful the administration will start working with under the circumstances and sending people home. >> when i'm hearing this stuff that people are crying right now about the black being oppressed i'm calling b.s. on it. >> catholic group said it was discriminated against on the basis of its religious beliefs. >> this is a resounding pro-religious decision really
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good rules when it comes to churches. >> how israel is carrying out airstrikes on the gaza strip second straight night. attacks on hamas for the third second at a. >> new york islanders fan do it again. ♪ the rockets red glare ♪ the bombs busting in air ♪ you better it to the ♪ night life ♪ looking for some night life. jillian: dark down there. steve: that picture is miami. ainsley: i'm looking outside to see how dark it is here. about the same. steve: that is the camera is on the east side of town shooting west and there is some cloud cover and you are listening to foreigner which will be our featured guest in all-american concert series. friday during the summer. it's back not quite like we used to do but nonetheless. kelly is going to talk to him
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about what they're up to. ainsley: greatest hits going on this summer. brian: i'm willing to take a huge leap but link foreigner with the huge talking point coming up after we tease our great reporter. that is we are going to be talking about foreigner here legally but foreigners here illegally. how about that? ainsley: the connection. brian: thank you very much. steve: over the last couple of months we have been think talking about critical race theory. parents say wait a minute they are starting to teach that in my kid's school? i don't like it. that is why loudoun county in virginia has essentially become ground zero for that and today we have dispatched lawrence jones. he's live at the leesburg diner in leesburg, virginia. joining us riffe. lawrence, good morning to you. ainsley: hi, lawrence. lawrence: good morning, guys. i'm in loudoun county today as you guys noted at leesburg diner. now, as you guys know, this has been the ground of crt and these
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parents that are fighting back going to school board meetings are really putting pressure on the leadership to not only take it away but to describe what their intentions are we're going to talk to them about that. talk to them a little bit about the president's trip. he just quote back from overseas. how did he do compared to putin. it's going to be a packed house. people already come in. they decided to open this diner up early for us today and we're excited to be here with them. we're going to send it back to you guys back in new york. steve: all right. lawrence in leesburg. check him out if you are looking for breakfast this morning. ainsley: yeah, go to that diner and you can be on "fox & friends." meet lawrence, is he a wonderful person. i look forward to hearing all those opinions about what the parents are saying in that district. brian: meanwhile, 3 minutes after the hour there is going to be a lot more people in this country if everything continues as it is. about 6,000 coming across our border illegally especially in texas and equally almost in arizona in los angeles in california they seem to be
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ignoring the problem but it is still a huge problem. it has not alluded other states as they have rallied to give national guard to texas, to arizona, because the federal government is not doing anything. yesterday the department of homeland security secretary mayorkas went in front of a committee in order to try to rationalize and explain away why they are doing almost nothing to stop this border crisis. not showing up, especially the vice president and not addressing it. hoping it will go away. here is congressman ralph norm n asking the dhs secretary where is the vice president. >> i'm reclaiming my time you made the statement my question is unfair. i'm making the statement that your comments are just words and they unfair. i asked you a simple question and i would like for you to just answer simply. does it make sense for the leaders of the free world to talk and see what's going on at the border. >> i am the secretary of homeland security, and it is my
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responsibility to manage the border at the direction of the president and the vice president. and i have visited the border on multiple occasions. the vice president served as the attorney general of a border state of california and she is quite familiar with the situation on the border. >> but she has laughed about it. steve: by his logic she used to be the attorney general for a state on the border. even though she is in charge of the root causes of the migration disaster we're having, she doesn't have to go. look, after kamala harris had a terrible week, two weeks ago, when she was interviewed by lester holt, and he said you have never been to the border and she said well i have never been to the europe either. she laughed it off. that was a debacle. when mayorkas showed up in front of that committee yesterday he was ready. he was ready to say it's not her job it's my job.
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is he falling on the sword because she won't go. right now if you can't take the heat stay away from the border. that's what the president and the vice president are doing. ainsley: it's been 87 days since she got this job and she has still not gone down there. the president has not gone down there. these states now are saying because of their inaction, we are having to step in. we are having to send our law enforcement like florida and idaho. and they are saying we are trying to protect the rest of the country because this is not just a problem for texas. it's a problem for every single state for our entire nation because they are being sent to all of these different states. brian: harris faulkner was able to book henry cuellar and ken paxton at the same time. ainsley: it henry cuellar is a democrat from texas. brian: he's as outraged as anyone. >> all we can do is invite the vice president. hopefully she will come down on that. we are ready to secure the border and work with them. and we need to deport people. the people that don't belong here should be deported. >> i'm hopeful the administration will start working with us instead of --
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not just affect texas in the end the entire nation and it won't be good. steve: just to show you how bad the situation variety now. you know, we have been showing you these stash houses down in texas. and then news that apparently some texas border patrol agents outside of the mcdonalds in van horn, texas they saw this big u-haul and they asked okay, you got to unlock that thing. let's see what's in there. 33 guys in there. no shirts on because it was so hot. think about it. there is no ventilation in the back of a u-haul. those people would have wound up dead given the fact that it is so ridiculously hot right now throughout the dessert southwest right through texas well. that goes to show you this is a huge problem. people are desperate to come here. and then when you dial in the drugs. the fentanyl, ainsley, you said yesterday, that just recently enough fentanyl was impounded to
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kill, what, 21 million americans. ainsley: 21 million people in america. u-haul truck they found two of those truck and chief patrol agent for big bend he made the point if our heroic agents hadn't freed the trapped, undocumented migrants, we could have had 33 miserable deaths. smugglers don't care what type of misery they put people through as they take their money. brian: the rules are changing to make things worse it looks as though the biden administration has decided to reimplement an obama-era program that allows central american minors to, under 21, from the northern triangle countries one of which was visited by the vice president to reunite with their families. and also if you come to our border and you say i'm under stress or i could be. ainsley: asylum. brian: seek asylum you get to statement byron dorgan -- the congress -- yeah, donaldss aim
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out yesterday and tell me how much is this costing us? already they diverted $2 billion to the border. we could probably use that money in various social programs i imagine. but at least 2 billion, maybe more on a totally preventable problem. that they are ignoring. it's hard to get past this. i believe this is going to blow up in the biden administration face. they are under water with the country when it comes to illegal immigration. they think they are going to eventually get the illegals to vote for them? i don't think so. steve: you know, brian? i think that issue of great concern. ainsley: there is the picture. look at that. steve: there is the u-haul, all those people with their shirts off and no ventilation in there. steve: i think the immigration issue is a potent one for republicans just to remind people. ainsley: it's inhumane, look at this. these are people. steve: kamala harris and joe biden allowing this to happen. allowing people to come in. paying thousands of dollars each. the other issue that is very potent for americans right now and, you know, this could turf
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into essentially the same kind of movement we saw in 2010 about the tea party. and that is so many people are upset about the teaching of critical race theory where you are either an oppressor or a victim. a fellow by the name of tye smith is a radio show host in central i will now. he also showed up at the school board meeting the other night where his children go to school. he unloaded. so amazing the passion. because we are talking about our kids here. we wanted to play you tye smith and listen to his argument about being oppressed. it's a good one. >> so when you talk about critical race theory, which is pretty much going to be teaching kids how to hate each other, how to dislike each other. [applause] >> i don't care it's pretty much all going to come down, to you are going to deliberately teach kids this white kid right here got it better than you because he is white?
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personally tell a while kid the black penal how do i have two medical degrees if i am oppressed. how did i get where i am if a white man kept me down. folks look like just like you guys in this room. what kept me down? what oppressed he? i worked myself from off the streets to where i am right now. you are going to tell me this is critical race theory? ainsley: he said he had no mom or dad at home. he worked his way off the streets you heard him say. his own story proves this narrative is false. he says we are deliberately telling a white kid that they have it better because they are white? we are purposefully telling white kids that black people are all down and oppressed. brian: other thing to keep in mind. i think no one says jim crow didn't happen. no one says you shouldn't study slavery, emancipation and what happened afterwards. after afterwards black and white bathrooms no one can go to the theater because of colored skin.
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you see incremental improvement along the way. what they're teaching or efforting to teach and hopefully being re-examining. they are vilifying generations that have come afterwards and saying you are the problem. you made this big mistake. apologize for the color of your skin. and give people a leg up because another race is -- has a leg down. so you vilify someone and then ask them to participate to solve a problem that many people think is not poisoning our culture or our country. ainsley: i think teach them the past much. teacher them about history and how wrong it was, segregation was wrong. teach them about martin luther king and his message which was love and based on christianity. and teach everyone is god's child and based on the character they should be judged, not on the color of their skin. steve: that's right. after tye smith made that impassioned plea to that school board, we saw the video, he was booked on the show with martha yesterday afternoon, "the story." and he says the whole premise of
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systemic racism is b.s. watch this. >> when i'm hearing this stuff that people are crying about right now black is being oppress pressed because the white people some white man or systemic racism thing i call b.s. on it. because i was so naive to what they were saying that i actually was asking this systemic racism where is it at? weather is the white man? where is the system that's doing it because i would like to talk to the people that's behind it when i do this oh, man, it's everywhere. you are so sure that it's everywhere, they pointed out show it to me. no one could ever show it to me. steve: it will be interesting to see where it goes the next couple of months. the more people hear about what it is, the more they get angry one way or the other. ainsley: he should be the story. he worked his way off the street. no parents at home to help him out. look at him. two medical degrees and a radio show host. steve: when he was in 3rd grade
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he was apparently on public assistance. ainsley: that's right. free lunches. steve: when he as at school he had to great free lunch. in order to get free lunch you had to be last in line. he hated that. and he withdrew and stopped talking to his friends. ainsley: blamed his friends. he realized when you got older. that's the wrong thing to do. it's not their fault i'm going to work my way out of that. brian: as logical as it all seems barack obama last week in an interview with anderson cooper mock the fact that people have a problem with critical race theory. can you believe republicans have a problem with this? who knew shrugged his shoulders and both laughed. he looks at this conversation as alternate universe. that's our goal to somehow have the conversation because we obviously don't feel that way. steve: the conversation is going on across america's kitchen tables right now. and a lot of people are getting angry and going to talk to the school board. and it seems like every three days there is a new national voice and today that voice belongs to tye smith.
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ainsley: and lawrence jones is going to be talking to the folks in loudoun county where you said was ground zero for critical race theory. it hand it over to jillian you look beautiful. i love your hair back. jillian: you look fabulous. [laughter] jillian: good morning. let's go ahead and begin your headlines with this. portland's entire police riot team calling it quits all 50 highly trained officers resigned from their voluntary positions in response to the recent indictment of one of their own. corey budworth was indicted for allegedly assaulting a photographer with his baton in a riot last august. call it a politically motivated move. the officers who quit the riot team will is still be employed by the police department. on to extreme weather, rains, flash floods expected today and along the weekend along the gulf coast. a tropical storm warning is in effect for louisiana, mississippi and alabama ahead of a potential tropical cyclone,
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state of louisiana state of emergency as the storm is expected to make landfall today. president biden officially made juneteenth a federal holiday. one congresswoman make policy changes. cori bush it's juneteenth and reparations calling to end police violence, the war on drugs and accuses the u.s. in engaging in housing and education apartheid. she said it's time to treat the truth about white supremacy and black liberation in its totality. ron desantis could have a future pro-golfer on its hands. check it out. daddy, look what i got. >> oh, wow. jillian: shared this video of his 3-year-old's stunning golf skills. so jealous. you will hear from more from governor desantis when he joins us live. steve: the follow through, it's
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so perfect. jillian: that's what we aim for. brian: they met on the driving range. she is a phenomenal golfer. ainsley: his wife is. brian: yeah that kid is going to end up pro. i would be surprised if he doesn't go to school. ainsley: you are already predicting that remind me of the tiger woods videos remember when he was little? jillian: yeah. steve: when the governor shows up at 8:00. we will put the tiger woods video where he is of the same age. side-by-side comparison. ainsley: and put brian's video next to it. brian: that hurt my feelings. how dare you. i have very bad video i have one good drive. ainsley: do we have that now? brian: coming up, president biden says vladimir putin is committed to keeping the peace in afghanistan as the taliban wastes no time expanding their reach. general jack keane breaks down russia's response. steve: america's restaurants forced to reboot in order to combat staff shortages. nobody wants to work. so look at this.
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mr. roboto working at the restauranto. ainsley: where are my fries? ♪ be mr. roboto ♪ nobody want to mr. roboto ♪ thank you very much
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get started today. ♪ ♪ >> he asked us about afghanistan. he said that he hopes that we're able to maintain some peace and security and i said that has a lot to do with you. he indicate that he was prepared to, quote, help on afghanistan. brian: what does vladimir putin mean help by afghanistan. president biden describing his
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exchange with putin on russia withdrawal from afghanistan as the taliban waste no, sir time expanding their reach. here is retired four star general jack keane who spoke to the president of begany, the president of afghanistan. general, do you really belief vladimir putin was wishing us the best with our exit? >> absolutely not. what's taking place here is russia for years has been supporting the taliban with money and with weapons and ammunition. they are absolutely rejoicing that the united states is finally out of south asia. that vacuum is going to be filled by russia, by iran, and by china. all of those who have adversarial interests against the united states. what i think is happening here is we used a base in uzbekistan in which to launch our attacks
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after 9/11. the united states, if weekend get perms from russia to use a base again, an airfield in one of their countries, uzbekistan, that would give us the opportunity to provide support for the afghans and hopefully provide some air support which is really the issue. president ghani of afghanistan, who i spoke to a few weeks ago, his number one concern at this point obviously is disappointed by the position to pull out. but his number one concern is lack of air support. and then we're pulling out all the contractors that support his air force. and he said my fleet will be deadlined in a number of weeks i need to have -- he doesn't have that kind of capability in his country to take care of sophisticated aircraft like that. we have the capability and we know how to secure them it's unfortunate this is taking place. the issue putin want air base. will he will give it to him or not. there is a possibility he would.
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here's the reason. putin knows full well that al-qaeda and isis are going to reemerge in afghanistan as all of us observers are predicting. that becomes the threat to him. after all he went to afghanistan in 1980, not him but the soviet union leaders did because of the threat of radical islam on their southern flank. they have always been very concerned about that. that is the one reason why he may support president biden. brian: general, we have seen this movie before. it's called iraq. they are ready to stand up on their own. we left and iraq was more ready than afghanistan we knew we had to go back in. is it going to be that easy going back in like iraq. >> no. >> we have difficult. the iraq situation is a wonderful corollary. the administration at the time when we pulled out over everybody's objections the military's objections and certainly the government of iraq. when we pulled out, we said look
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it, we are not leaving you. we are just pulling our troops out. we will be here for you and support you and take care of you. didn't happen. and we got isis a few years later. conducting significant invasion into iraq we are making a lot of promises now, ryan, it rings hollow to me based on what we have done before. we have to belly up and support them with what they need to be able to sustain themselves even though our troops are out of there. brian: general, i don't have the military contact you have. i do have some. they have all expressed to me they are extremely worried about the people that helped us the last 20 years in afghanistan if the taliban take over, they are all going to be annihilated. are we going to allow that to happen? is this going to be saigon 2? >> it has potential of that secretary of defense has loued
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to expedite this with the state department to try to get as many of those people out of there. the near term solution is to take them to a third party country and hold them there while we vet them. get the thousands of them out of there. because that's the near -- half of our forces are gone. probably in another month or so. most all of them will be gone and certainly these folks are going to be very, very vulnerable. they have already killed scores of these people already there is no doubt. even though they made-they are not going to do anything -- brian: american people prepared for the fact that the taliban is eventually going to point fingers. still fixable. i hope there is sober minds at the pentagon to get out the right way or keep enough troops
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to keep presence right between china and russia. thanks so much, general, appreciate it? >> yeah. great talking to you, brian. have a great weekend. brian: you, too sir. heated clash over president biden's treatment of the press. >> he is apologizing he just embarrassed himself. >> i don't care. >> i don't care that you don't care. >> we're going to go. brian: the co-host of "fox & friends weekend" who i have met before will be on deck to react. ♪ what if i try ♪ it if i can't stay ♪
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hamas' release of up send area balloons that lit several fires across southern israel. here at home the st. louis couple guns agreed to a plea deal. mark mccloskey assault. both agreed to give up guns used in the incident and pay fines around $2,700 in total. more serious charges were dropped as part of their plea deal. the supreme court coming down with two major rulings, first the justices unanimously side with a catholic foster care agency. philadelphia has suspended the organization's contract in 2018 for refusing to place foster kids with same sex couples. the high court ruled against the city saying it violated the agency's first amendment rights. meantime the high court rejected a republican bid. had no legal standing to file their lawsuit. check this out. incredible body camera footage
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shows officers pulling a man from a burning vehicle in california. piedmont and oakland the car was engulfed when they arrived on the scene. you see them fighting the flames and drag the dazed man and dog to safety. both are expected to be okay. that is powerful. steve? steve: oh, man, you keep thinking in the back of your head the car is going to blow up. the car is going to blow up. oh my goodness, all right. thank you very much, jillian, the co-host, a couple of them on the show "the view" over on abc getting into a really heated exchange yesterday when it came to joe biden's treatment of the press in switzerland he essentially said caitlin collins was in the wrong business. >> it's the press' job to speak truth to power and just because biden has gotten a pass so far, which he has and continues to do, it is a knowing best interest to treat him like state tv. >> the thing i never saw trump do was apologize to anybody.
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and i will take. >> i don't care if he is apologizing he embarrassed himful is. >> i don't care. >> i don't care that you care we're even then. >> well, then good, meghan, then you can be how you always are. we'll be right back. >> you can be how you always are. ainsley: joining us now "fox & friends weekend" co-host rachel campos duffy, will cain and pete. rachel, your reaction to that? rachel: the press has been fawning over biden for a long time he and he got the tiniest of pushback from the nbc reporter. and he couldn't take it and, you know what in the press kind of deserves this kind of treatment they allowed him to stay the entire campaign in his basement and they want him to be transparent and available. in that interview meghan mccain also says that her contacts in the press tell her that the press is frustrated
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that biden isn't allowing them access which, again, what did they expect after that kind of, you know, campaign? i mean, this is what biden is doing because he is allowed to get away with it. he's not going to change. why would it back and said i was just being a wise guy. their situation and's much like we are doing right now. the three of you currently are at different locations. all of the hosts of "the view" are at different locations. when they eventually get back at their table on the west side of manhattan, i don't know that that's going to be a cozy situation. pete: may not go so well. sort of what it looks like when will and i talk in the green room it's i don't care. i'm going to be how i'm going to be on the air. ainsley: i know you are but what am i. steve: you are not the boss of
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me. pete: when we get in person we stand down a little bit on air. it's always more difficult remotely. easy to be tough guy remotely. a little different when you are in the room. still, that's not good tv. that's a terrible exchange. i will say this though, that ultimately we look really weak. you have joe biden apologizing to a reporter. joe biden apologizing if he takes questions he shouldn't because his aides are going to slap him on the wrist and ultimately he is getting one tough question and the way he talked down to the reporter was because the reporter wasn't playing the game that supposed to be nice to democrats. it was all different under trump because they were going after him. ultimately "the view" remains unwatchable. just watch "fox & friends" instead. brian: will, the one thing about meghan mccain she is obviously her dad and president trump sparred but you could still compliment president trump when he did something. any time joe biden goes off the reservation or gets stuck on a
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word they make excuses and never flip to the other side. meghan mccain has credibility because she will. will: she said i just want intellectually consistency, treat biden the same way you treated trump. that's not happening, obviously. press treated trump in unprecedented fashion. i mean, everything was attacked. nothing was right and everything was wrong. opposite for joe biden. as meghan said in that clip the ultimate task. back to "the view" for one second i may be different than everyone else. i don't have a big problem. it may be a little tense when they get back to mid-atlantic, that's okay. it's okay. be real, be authentic. if you are truly mad at each other like that. look, i have had those kinds of fights on air. anyone who watched espn first tick knows that was every day between me and stephen a. smith. if you could shake hands and realize we were real with each other and pros afterwards. i don't have a problem. ainsley: each if it get pretty
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personal in it got personal. steve: i don't know if the two of them could ever shake hands that's the way it looked as a viewer. will: in the end, all of this is a personal relationship. i have a good personal relationship with every single one of you. and that has to be able to be the thing after a rude personal moment. real person on tv and behind the scenes we are comfortable with something like this. if you hate each other, that's the end. brian: for the record i like you and rachel. i haven't got a chance to know the real will cain. i don't know if i could look at myself -- ainsley: let's get personal get to know will. will, tell him your deepest personal. brian: thank you very much. tell me how much you care, will. staff steve instead, rachel and pete, how about you split the coming up menu of who is going to be on your show this weekend? rachel, you first. rachel: we have alveda king coming up this weekend i'm
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excited to be interviewing her. pete: joni ernst and will, who is the athlete we have this weekend? will: look at that he gave me the third and didn't have to. you said only those two. the two will be brett favre, pete. steve: the reason i said that because pete keeps a clock and he times everybody's segment and you had slightly more time. pete: that's why they there are fights in the green many radio. brian: will, would you tell us something personal? will: brian, so i had this dream last night. [laughter] brian: that's it. [laughter] pete: all right, we will all be watching. steve: rachel is the brand new co-host of "fox & friends." ainsley: she worked really hard to get there congratulations. 6:40 on the east coast. still ahead, lawrence jones eating breakfast with our friends at the leesburg, diner in virginia if you want to go say hi, as parents are fighting back against critical race theory.
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lawrence? lawrence: hey, guys. i'm still here at the diner. got biscuits and gravy, chicken and waffles. probably going to eat that during the commercial break. they were expecting you guys to be here but they are settling for me. a lot of passion for the folks today. i cannot come here and serve these people coffee. [cheers] lawrence: this is how we do. we make ours fresh at home anyways. that's coming up on "fox & friends." see you all soon. ♪ ♪
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itching; confusion; memory problems; muscle pain or weakness; joint pain; flushing; or fever. these are not all the possible side effects. problems can occur together and more often when opdivo is used with yervoy. tell your doctor about all medical conditions including immune or nervous system problems, if you've had or plan to have an organ or stem cell transplant, or received chest radiation. here's to a chance fos. a chance to live longer. ask your doctor about chemo-free opdivo plus yervoy. thank you to all involved in our clinical trials. steve: if you walk into the leesburg diner in leesburg, virginia right now you will see this man behind the diner. there is lawrence jones talking to the folks with breakfast with friends on friday morning. lawrence: that's right, steve. thank you so much. i'm here talking with some here. they are part nonpartisan organization fight for our
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schools. you say the division amongst the classmates is what is really starting to concern you. >> starting to concern me. here is the reasons why. petitioning to recall our school board. important to focus on education and not division. i'm one of the angry moms that talking about trying to recall the school board. lawrence: speak a little bit about what have you seen onlol . you are passionate about it. what really concerns you? >> it's a multitude of things we feel like we are isolated from what our kids are learning in classroom. we don't have any input. we don't have any stay. ' being hidden from us. for instance, some of the inappropriate books that have made their way into our kids' curriculum. happened to my daughter. the school board just deflects and is dishonest about it and lawrence: what has been the
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response from the kids. this is what this is really about. have you made it clear. you want your kids to learn history. the good, bad and the ugly. but the way it's been presented is what concerns you? >> we all have kids that are in the school. we -- we talk to them about what they are seeing and they have mixed stories of what's in their school and what's in theirs yet. we have heard rumblings. they are worried to speak up and worried about what is going to happen to them if they say okay, this isn't what my family believes in or, you know, what we have been taught. but we want them to have true history and true math and true like literature. that's all we are asking for. lawrence: that seems to be the common thing that we are hearing from the parents here today. they want the kids to learn the good, bad and ugly. they want them to learn math, science. the way they are presenting this is not the right way to do it. guys, i'm going to be here all morning talking about the issues of today as well as the crt. we wanted to hear straight from the county that's leading the charge. back to you in new york. steve: plus you're also going to
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be having a delicious breakfast. i use offed to go place. lawrence: do you think i'm going to pass up biscuits and gravy, steve? ainsley: sawmill gravy is it the white gravy. >> it is the white gravy and seasoned to perfection. only us southern folks know about this. ainsley: that's right. steve: thanks, lawrence. ainsley: next cookbook. brian: check in with janice dean roughing the elements. ainsley: another beautiful day in new york city. i can't say the same across the gulf coast. we have a tropical system that's going to make landfall in the next 12 to 24 hours. this will probably get a name today. regardless of whether it is named or not. the results are still the same. 4 to 8 inches along the gulf coast. some areas could see isolated amounts of over a foot of rainfall. we are into it, my friends. the tropics heating up especially along the gulf coast. there your forecast today. the other big story, of course, we have been following this for books be now, is the heat across
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the west. another scorcher of a day. deadly heat potentially over parts of california in towards the southwest. not only today but through the weekend. so that is going to be, you know, a wig issue. and we also could see the potential for stronger storms over the midwest. lots going on in the weather department. we will keep you up to date back inside steve, ainsley, brian, happy friday. steve: that's right. get away friday. thanks, j.d. janice: you got it up next, businesses in need of people who work for them forced to get creative. look at this, a miami restaurant is turning over to a robot as long as it gets your fries to the table while they are still hot, i'm okay with that. ♪ when you have nausea, ♪ ♪ heartburn, ingestion, upset stomach... ♪ ♪ diarrheaaaa. ♪ pepto bismol coats your stomach with fast and soothing relief. and try new drug free pepto herbal blends. made from 100% natural ginger and peppermint. [sfx: thunder rumbles]
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shingles can be whaaaaat?inaa oh, so... i guess it's just you, me and bill then. i'm making my appointment. bill's all yours... 50 years or older?
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♪ ainsley: well, more than 3 and a half million americans still claiming unemployment benefits despite a record number of job openings. the current labor shortage forcing business owners like our next guest to get pretty creative. sergio's restaurant, which has multiple locations across south florida is using this food running robot, the robot's name is astro to pick up the flack of this employees that haven't returned yes. let's speak with carlos gazitua
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good morning. >> good morning. how are you today. ainsley: i'm good. in the past we have t robots replacing jobs and all worried about that.hen people ct find employees this is really helpful, right? >> yeah. so, we were offering, obviously, increases in wages, healthcare plans, 401(k)s and people weren't applying. like many in the industry we didn't know what to do. some restaurants down here in particular south florida were closing one or two days a week just from the burnout. we started looking internally our employees talking to them and we realize that they just walking way too much. the servers can't pick all our tables. 30% of our restaurants are closed. that's where the robots come in. what if the servers can be more with the guest and we take that hard part of doing the server's job and use robotics? ainsley: how does astro know which table to go to. >> premaped the restaurant, it
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knows all the walls, interesting using technology we are able to know exactly where we want astro to go for each table. so we use a walkie-talkie system where we are talking, communicating with our server, letting them know hey table 55 is coming out. this is actually increased server's wages, right? before they were able to take three to four tables. now they can take five to six tables. ainsley: does he ever spill coffee? >> we don't do drinks so far right now the technology. but what's interesting is. ainsley: do you tip? that's a good question steve does do we tip the robot? >> no. the robot doesn't get tipped the server actually keeps that money again helping them retain a higher salary wage. ainsley: i wonder if you will get more employees now though because florida has stopped the federal assistance as of june 26th no more of those $300 checks per week.
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do you think you will have more people applying? >> we are hoping so. every governor has to do what's best for its citizens and they are seeing that people are out. vaccines are available. you know, the unemployment benefits was given -- they didn't want to piecemeal it they extended it until august. governors have to take the initiative now that they are seeing people out. they are seeing that the inflation is going up. they are seeing the supply chain is a mess. they have to take the leadership role to protect the citizens not only that are not working but the citizens that are working. ainsley: that's right. >> hopefully with what we are seeing now. ainsley: ron desantis is doing that in your state. go visit sergios if you live in south florida. it is friday. you know what that means. get ready to rock and roll by some of the biggest hits by foreigner our summer concert series ♪
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servicenow. with armor all, a little bit of this... ...protects you... ...from a lot of that. keep your car cleaner longer. armor all extreme shield plus ceramic. jillian: every single member of portland's riot control team resigns roted unanimously to resign one of their own. florida governor ron desantis back up to the border surge what texas and arizona are doing what they can do law enforcement from florida may go to the border vice president. >> you talk about critical race theory. how do i have two medical degrees if i'm sitting here oppressed? >> when i'm hearing this stuff that people are crying out right now black kids being oppressed i'm calling b.s. on it.
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>> being subjected to harsh disciplinary action. >> because he chose to exercise his right to not take the vaccine that he would be called a susceptible status. >> governor ron desantis 3-year-old son. >> whoa. >> in the bunker. ♪ feels like the first time ♪ feels like the very first time. steve: you are listening to foreigner as you looking at downtown, orlando. going for a high of 80s. kind of a threatening sky. dress appropriately on this friday, june 18th, 2021. foreigner is our featured performer in our all-american concert series one hour from now it's good to be back with them in the house that's a little different given the relaxing of the covid restrictions. ainsley: we are having concerts
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again. brian: go ahead. ainsley: about to kick off greatest greatest hits tour. brian: this was the era and i thought it would last forever of bands, foreigner, boston, elo. it's gone now. individual artists and they just get supporting peculiarities. what can we do to bring the bands back besides booking the 70s or 80's bands? steve: that's a good question. here in new york city, "new york post." bruce springsteen is going back to broadway very shortly where he does like a 2 or 3 hour show where he sings his greatest hits and stuff like that. but, if you are a foreign tourist who got the astrazeneca shot, you will not be allowed to go in because they're only going to allow vaccinated people to go in and the astrazeneca shot has not been approved by the fda. so if you have had that shot, good for you can't see bruce in person. brian: what's happening in this world? unbelievable. lawrence jones, we don't know if you got the shot but we know you have a tattoo.
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you are at leesburg diner in loudoun county, right? lawrence: brian, whenever you are ready to get tattoos, i will be willing to take to you get. brian: i'm still looking at various designs. steve: he would need a shot before the tattoo. ainsley: we told him he needs to get long island on his deltoid. lawrence: that's right, ainsley. i have got show you all this right here. look at this chicken and waffles and then they put the bacon on top of this. steve: zoom in on that. lawrence: not a fight over the food but a fight over what is happening in county. ainsley: that looks so good. lawrence: after they went and volunteered their time to make sure that these kids get the right education, instead of giving them the raise. the administrators gave themselves the raise and decided to just give them challenge coins. though that's what they are deal with not just crt.
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infrastructure, cybersecurity really matters to them. and they don't think he is leading on issue that. i'm going to be talking to them all day. they decided to open just for us and he open even though brian is not. steve: talking about crt. they aren't unlike that breakfast she just showed you. they are not waffling. they are upset about it and they are going to speak up until they change it. ainsley: there is gravy. did you see the gravy on top of the chicken? steve: that's right. brian: all right. thanks, lawrence. steve: we're still talking about the restaurant. ainsley: lawrence, you are not walking and talking. you are only as good as brian when you walk and talk. brian: i invented it my idea to walk. steve: talk to the folks about crt and biden administration. in the meantime, listen to this crazy story. go out west, portland, oregon. every single officer on the very important city riot response team has resigned. every one of them quit following
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an indictment of one of their own. todd piro joins us right now from the new york newsroom with the very latest and this is crazy. todd: yeah, steve, ainsley and brian all 14 officers in department rapid response team say they are out, done, resigning from their positions in response to the recent indictment of one of their own. corey budworth was indicted by the grand jury for alleging assaulting a photog in the riot last august. the police association called it a politically motivated move. portland has seen waves of protests and riot follow the murder of george floyd in minneapolis. making more than 1,000 arrests. even the portland police union building has been forced to relocate its headquarters because it's been a target for vandalism and arson. meanwhile 100 national guard members are on stand by in case of unrest in minneapolis. that city has experienced protests and looting since the june 3rd shooting of winston smith. investigators say deputies with the u.s. marshals fugitive task force shot him after he
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allegedly fired a gun. the city was further into disarray after a woman was killed when a driver rammed an suv into a group of protesters, 35-year-old nicholas krause chargedged with second degree murder. prosecutor say he admitted to driving into that crowd. as for the national guard troops. minneapolis authorities say they are not currently in the city but they are ready to respond if they are needed. back to you. steve: all right. todd, thank you very much. so all 50 of portland's rapid response team quit because of the indictment of that officer which they say, you know, is inappropriate. there was a riot. there was an accident. he should not be indicted. now, here's the thing about this rapid response team. they are still all going to be police officers, but to be on that team, that's just voluntary. so, why volunteer for a job that could risk your career? and they all feel that the city does not have their back. so they are going to continue to draw their salary. they will keep the people safe.
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but when it comes to another riot, then suddenly the city is going to have to figure out okay, where do we get cops to make sure that this does not dissend into chaos. ainsley: i have a friend down in florida her dad has a concrete trucking business. and he says i can't find workers right now. and he is having the same problem many of these restaurants. he said could you all stay on air. all these police officers that aren't happy to call me and i will hire them and they can retire early and come down to florida would we love our police officers and they can work for my company? brian: that's a good thought, too. they chosen this as a career they would like to finish the job. in portland they have been totally abused emotionally, marginalized their job and mayor, you reap what you sow, you allowed the chaos to happen for hundreds of days. then the unit, once they get into a little bit of turmoil you turn on them, don't support them. they support each other because that's all they have. law enforcement you want to defund the cops and disparage
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the cops, you reap what you sow. in new york new york, the number one issue is law and order in new york among the mayoral candidates even though not one of them is necessarily the next rudy giuliani. if you ask the american people the new yorkers that's what they care most about. ainsley: the crime has skyrocketed in our city. so painfully sad when you walk through times square that used to be safe. and you are worried. you are looking over your shoulder and making sure -- most people avoid it most everyone in new york is avoiding some of these areas because it's soizenf constantly. steve: yesterday when i was driving through times square 4:00 in the morning there was a fist fight. just two guys trying to kill each other. ainsley: people aren't taking the un subway anymore? brian: wasn't even t-ball game. steve: that's right no. parents. we know it's a desperate situation in new york city. that's why it's the number one issue because people do not feel safe. people do not feel safe in the
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states of arizona and texas well. that is why governor abbott in texas and governor ducey, no relation, in arizona have both put out the clarion call hey, we need help, that is why ron desantis the governor of the great state of florida has decided to send the highway patrol, members of nine sheriff's departments, fish and wildlife commission to texas and to arizona to help with the border crisis. evidence was in st. petersburg yesterday and explained the rationale between -- by sending people from florida 1,000 miles to keep america safe. >> i think what texas and arizona are doing is really all that they can do if they are not getting the federal support, they have got to try to step up and try to mitigate some of the harmful impact that we are seeing. the thing that makes it so tragic is it's been avoidable. there was not a crisis january 20th on that border. not just saying that everything was resolved. but it was -- the policies were
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working. and those were all thrown out. i think more for political or ideological reasons. the result has been what we have been dealing with now. we have got the request just a couple days ago we thought okay, we have got to help. we asked the sheriff -- man, a lot of these sheriffs immediately are like, yes, we want to be involved in that. brian: the question is what can they do? i know idaho is now the latest state to start sending their law enforcement to the u.s.-mexican border. the question is what can they do? they are in the camouflage, they don't really can't be proactive and make arrests. they can it react to security situations. most of them carry a 9-millimeter with them. we will see. having law enforcement give a sense of support for the outnumbered border patrol. ainsley: the governor of idaho said we will do what we can do to protect americans and against the damaging consequences of the inaction of the biden harris administration. there was a sheriff on "fox & friends first" this morning and he had this to say. he is from florida.
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>> i think it's outrageous that our deputies and law enforcement from florida may go to the border before the vice president. bravo to our governor ron desantis for making sure that we're standing behind texas and arizona and their requests for law enforcement to come out and help fight this crisis. it's taking place because the biden administration opened the flood gate allowed everyone to come in no control measures and we are left to put pieces back together to fight the battle. wee have to pool our resources together. the federal government is not going to do their job under this administration. then local law enforcement and states are pulling together and going to do it. steve: he is from one of the nine counties that are sending law enforcement to those two states. governor desantis is going to be with us at 8:00. we are going to be talking to him about the decision to go. the attorney general in florida, ashley moody, is supporting the governor's decision. and she says she dedicated to protecting our children from sexual predators coming across
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the border. fighting the opioid crisis which now in florida, and this is jaw-dropping number. 21 people die every day in florida from opioids unbelievable. ainsley: wow. that's a problem. meanwhile, do you belong to an hoa, homeowner's association in your neighborhood well, apparently a dad by the name of dave lives in one of those hoa areas. and he built a tree house. ainsley: during the pandemic. steve. brian: at his home. steve: apparently did not get permission it happened. somebody, an anonymous person just walked by, saw it, complained to the hoa. next thing you know he has got tear it down even though he spent a lot of time building it for his children. ainsley: so the dad wrote a scathing letter and it. steve: tacked it up to the tree. that's the tree the tree house was on. ainsley: this is so funny. he wrote deer anonymous passersby. don't worry, you're safe now. your act of casual cruelty was
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successful. the complaint you lodged with the hoa was heard. they had me take down the small tree for the that i built on this location with my sons during the pandemic no longer will its presence offend your walk past my house. please enjoy your stroll free from the sound of my children's play and laughter. they are safely back inside now watching television, i'm sure. enjoy the unobstructed view of my backyard. i will try to keep it up to code. brian: don't worry, your act of casual cruelty was successful. so the kids don't get a tree house. what kid didn't want a tree house. the swiss family robinson started it and kids since then. i thought this was a picture of it but it is a generic shot of a tree house. ainsley: people need to get a life. really? steve: my kids wanted a tree house so i called the town and i said can i build a tree house and they said absolutely. but you have got pay the $500 permit, the building permit.
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more i was going to spend on the tree house. they said you got to do it. i said okay, thanks very much. within 15 minutes code enforcement from my town drove down my driveway to see if i was building it. brian: unbelievable. steve: i built it the next day. unfortunately, as karma would have it, my wife says i built it too high and the kids were all a little freaked out to go in. brian: i remember, i asked my dad for a sandbox. i just said i would like a sandbox it looks like a lot of fun. i had fun in the sandbox in school. he gave me a tsholl and right below the earth's crust is sand. i lost interest after a while. and i never got a sandbox. steve: do you think that has marked you your entire life? brian: it has no question. to say this day i don't play in the sandbox. steve: at least e. didn't say hey there is a litter box. brian: he did not. we are not a cat family. ainsley: hand it over to jillian did you have a tree house? jillian: did i not. did you pay the $500?
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steve: no. i still built it because of the permit is really just a tax. they just want another 500 bucks. ainsley: you guys live in a nice neighborhood you don't have a neighbor like they do. steve: i do live in a nice neighborhood. jillian: begin 4e6d lines with this story. surveillance video shows a murder suspect lunging for a detective's gun while being questioned for las vegas police. he allegedly confessed to killing his girlfriend's 2-year-old son before he tried grabbing the gun it took four officers to restrain him. he faces four counts of resisting arrest as a result in addition to murder and assault charges. my goodness, look at that dies while attempting to break a world record he was practicing the 352-foot dirt bike jump in washington but up able to clear the dirt mound and thrown from his bike. passed away from his injuries after being rushed to the hospital. he is survived by wife and two young sons he is 28 years old. west point cadets not vaccinated
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against covid-19 reportedly facing stricter rules. a parent of a west point cadet says the school is punishing her son for not being vaccinated even though he has been tested and has the antibodies. take a listen. >> because he had chosen to exercise his right to not take the vaccine that he would be called a susceptible status, he would have a susceptible status and he would have to submit to a restriction of movement throughout the summer which meant that he would have to give up some of his lead. jillian: there is no plan date requiring the covid-19 at west point or the military as a whole. then there is this. new york islanders fan do it again. they put on another impressive display of patriotic unity. watch this. ♪ for the ramparts we watched ♪ were so gallantly streaming ♪ and the rockets red glare
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♪ the womans bursting in air ♪ gave proof. jillian: as you can see fans join in for a beautiful rendition of the national anthem. this is the second time they have come together to do so. they sang the anthem at another game last week. the singer was so moved she let them take over. you may remember that singer nicole from "fox & friends weekend" she joined them. she joined pete, are rachel and will on saturday. steve: remember back in the olden days when everybody always sang at every game? brian: right. ainsley: there have been three playoff games for the islanders the first one the mic went out and crowd saved her. second one she let the crowd chime. in now it's becoming a theme. this is -- so cool, isn't it? beautiful? brian: they still best of 7 two games to one. ainsley: can you go to one of their games you live close by. brian: on long island.
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ahead, what if we told you there were two presidents in this picture. newly surfaced photo begging the question did president reagan come face to face with future president vladimir putin 30 years ago? ainsley: no way. steve: look at that. brian: was putin on a mission to spy on. >> talk to geraldo rivera who also has great hair ♪ there is always something there to remind me ♪
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brian resurfaced photo begging the question did ronald reagan ghiewmp a future president of russia by chance 30 years ago
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when he was the photographer? ainsley: not the kid it's the man behind him with the binoculars. letting instagram users posting for themselves in 1988 i photographed president reagan during visit to moscow. 10 years later i received a random letter in the mail from someone who asked if they knew i had captured a picture of reagan and vladimir putin. steve: years later the putin denied it was putin. what does geraldo rivera think he joins us now? geraldo, good morning to you. >> geraldo: good morning, how is everybody? steve: we're great. steve: in geneva this week where our president met with putin, this story got legs again and pete sousa put out could that possibly have been k.g.b. at the time vladimir putin who was posted to east germany and it looks like he is posing as a tourist where there is a kid in front of him. he is wearing a camera around his neck. what do you think, geraldo?
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>> geraldo: well as you know, steve, he was posted to dresden and eastern germany that's one year before the wall goes down, everything is about to happen in the old soviet union. it's about to crumble. and the russian federation will emerge and just 11 years later that nerdy guy with the camera and the high waist line will be the prime minister of russia, one of the most powerful men in the world if the press story is true. ainsley: is he spying? >> geraldo: could very well be. why would he be spying on president reagan in moscow? i don't know maybe he was buying -- i don't know. it's an intriguing story. you know, very credible. if he believes it, i believe it. it doesn't seem to be definitively proven but, you know, this leads me to the main point. steve: which is? >> geraldo: i think we obsess
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way over the top when it comes to vladimir putin. the democrats particularly, the liberals particularly russia, russia, russia. ever since 2016 they have tried to use russia as a cudgel to get president trump. they used it to wreck his presidency. used him to get him to the first impeachment. steve: what about. >> geraldo: what about who? >> geraldo: romney. number one enemy was russia and he was mocked by barack obama? >> geraldo: but he should have been our number one enemy is clearly china. and by concentrating on putin and russia we took our eyes off china. china was brewing up the devil's brew in wuhan that ultimately made the world pay the price hundreds dead and thousands of americans along with them. i really think that the obsession with putin and it was clear in geneva between putin
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and president biden. we are so focused on a third rate country. russia is a third rate country with a declining population. if they didn't have oil and gas to sell they would be stone cold broke. they have a first world army they can bully people around but they have no real strategic power globally. you don't see russia opening ports in africa and south america. that's the chinese doing that by focusing on russia and obsessing over the relationship, the purported relationship between putin and trump, i think that we have really [inaudible] ainsley: what about the russian interference though that was serious. >> geraldo: it was, ainsley, i just hasten to add that there was never any evidence that anyone in the united states had anything to do with it. ainsley: correct. >> geraldo: talking about the services in nations including ours interfearing in other
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people's elections. that's a tradition that goes back as far as back as the inveption of the secret services in the various nations. brian: right. [talking at the same time] brian: geraldo, we have to convince the rest of the world if what you are say something correct. germany and france are too in to trade with china to sober up and understand the threat that is china. if you want real leadership on the world stable, that's what president biden should be doing. rallying people to the cause, what more proof do you need that they are poisoned to the world? and need to be reined in. they actually poisoned the world. >> geraldo: they actually poisoned the world. and we, for some reason, are obsessing over a bare chested 68-year-old man who can ride in frigid temperature without getting hard nipples. steve: okay. that's a description we have not heard this week about vladimir putin. brian: i did not know we had that nipple report. steve: and on that high note.
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>> geraldo: flavor from cleveland. steve: that's it, thank you very much. brian: so interesting. always breaking news. ainsley: i'm going to keep my mouth shut. thank you, geraldo. i hope you have great weekend. still ahead, gunshots must now videotape gun buyers in california. one firearm group says the big brother tactic is grounds for a new lawsuit. and we're going to head back to virginia where lawrence jones is having breakfast with our friends at the leesburg diner. hey, everyone. ♪ ♪ centrum multigummies aren't just great tasting... they're power-packed vitamins... that help unleash your energy. loaded with b vitamins... ...and other key essential nutrients...
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jillian: good morning. we are back now with your headlines, l.a. county district attorney george gascon laurens independent team re-examine police shooting cases that have already been closed. gascon selected a local black lives matter activist to be on the panel and senior staffer at the aclu among others. the panel will only gather information. gas cone's office decide whether to reopen and file charges. overnight kim jong un orders north korean officials to prepare for both dialogue and confrontation with the u.s. this comes days after g-7 countries including the u.s. called on the rogue regime to abandon nuclear program and
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return to the negotiating table. the biden administration's previous attempt to open diplomatic communication with north korea was met with no response. and highlighting american heroes team red, white, and blue is a nonprofit that connects veterans after they transition out of the military. doing a 1776 challenge ahead of july 4th to showcase their commitment to the men and women who have served our country. the goal is to do 1776 reps of 18 different exercises in 18 days. fox nation is sponsoring day two straight leg raises with our own abby hornacek showing how it's done. join the challenge at team slash 1776. take a look at this. chick-fil-a employee breaking out in dance for customers in memphis, tennessee they saw a musical note on his name tag and asked him to bust a move he went above and beyond showing off
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different slides and spins. this video already has hundreds of thousands of views all over social media making him an instant hit. steve, got to love it. he's good. steve: that's fantastic. thanks, jillian. in other news, gunshots out in san jose california must start videotaping the people who buy guns there. the city passed the law to stop somebody from buying a gun from one person who may be prohibited from owning firearms. that person would be known as a straw purchaser. the order anyone's comes just week after disgun telled employee shot and killed nine people before taking his own life. will this tactic make people safer? adam clout the senior director of legal operations for the firearms policy coalition joins us now from filly. adam, good morning. >> good morning. steve: let's start at the beginning, you are already planning of suing the city of
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san jose over this. >> we are indeed. we are currently researching case law regulation, statutes, to see what angles we can take we will be bringing a lawsuit against the city. steve: at the very core you say violates people's first amendment rights? >> yes. certainly there is a right to acquire arms and the conduct of people to go purchase them, you know, the videotaping of them is certainly if you take it and you flip that to let's just say the abortion context, for instance, the uproar would be outrageous that, you know, the government would mandate that these types of transactions be videotaped invasion of people's privacy and other things. steve: absolutely. so, what they are doing is they are saying, okay, businesses are going to have to videotape somebody and then keep the videotape for 30 days. and that would prevent a straw buyer, somebody, let's say i go and i buy a gun, legally, and then i sell it to you,
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illegally. the businesses are only required to keep that video for 30 days, so these straw buyers, if that's happening, all they got to do is wait 31 days before they sell it to the other person. >> well, on top of that you also have the papers that you need to fill out for both the state as well as the federal government that all of that information for prosecuting an individual for straw purchase already exists. so the city ordinance that they passed is in no way, shape, or form going to add more information that would allow the successful prosecution of an individual who does this. the whole point of it is to chill conduct and the fact that city of san jose worked with groups like giffords to chill a constitutionally protected right is just outrageous. steve: so you are saying ultimately at its core, after well, is just the fact that they are saying, hey, you go buy a gun we will have a video of you buying a gun, anything happens with that gun? we have got a record and we're
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going to come after you. you are saying that's the message? >> essentially, it certainly seems to be that, yeah, the city of san jose is making it to that people who want to acquire arms for lawful purposes are now, you, know, concerned about the government surveillance that's occurring with it that certainly chills conduct. steve: well, let's see what happens. because your organization is going to haul them into court. adam, keep us posted on what happens next. okay? >> absolutely. steve: all right. thank you, sir. all right, straight ahead on this friday, we are heading back to the commonwealth of virginia where lawrence jones is having breakfast with friends at the leesburg diner. lawrence, it looks like it's breakfast time with friends. lawrence: y'all, i'm about to be in a food coma. i'm here with maria, she is the owner. >> no, i'm the manager. lawrence: general manager. what is this right here? >> this is our french toast. i like to nickname it french toast on crack. lawrence: it's on crack. do you see all this cheese on
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here. >> our breakfast questions dillla. lawrence: can i take a bite? >> please do. lawrence: i just broke my diet but who cares? more "fox & friends" after this. ♪ ♪ got that sunshine in my pocket ♪ got that good sole in my feet ♪ they may be missing vaccination for meningitis b. although uncommon, up to 1 in 5 survivors of meningitis will have long term consequences. now as you're thinking about all the vaccines your teen might need make sure you ask your doctor if your teen is missing meningitis b vaccination.
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. >> you are now training our children to be social justice warriors and to loathe our country and our history. the critical race theory has its roots in culture of marxism. it should have no place in our schools? crt has a singular purpose and it's to divide. and it depends on wrsh you launch it here the threat to pull on are racism. >> equity is critical race theory dressed up pretty. it sounds lovely, equity but it is poison. ainsley: virginia teachers and parents are fighting back to keep critical race theory out of
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their schools in loudoun county. britain brian we have been covering it and so has lawrence jones. is he there having breakfast with friends at the leesburg diner. lawrence? one thing i continue to hear at the leesburg diner i care. they don't want to be judged for caring about their kids. go to elizabeth. talked you earlier you moved from boston to new york because of the schools. you left ant went to california and came back because of the schools. tell me about that. >> well, woe moved in to the loudoun area 2008. and loved the schools. our kids went through one of the best elementary educations you could possibly imagine. they were -- they were going into middle school, so we took the opportunity to move out and be with family in california. but the schools were just so much different there that we made a urine and come back to
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loudoun county have been incredible to realize they are putting an agenda on our students as opposed to an education you talked about your friends have diverse friends and you have conversations with them. this is not what the school district is doing here in loudoun county. they are not about the conversation, it's the indoctrination that's concerning you? >> it is. i don't think we need to be identified and used and have everyone use a label when kids are colorblind. they are completely oblivious to any of those things that they are talking about. and by pointing it out and telling them that because they are white they are oppressors or because they are black they are oppressed. it hurts my soul to know we are no longer judging people by the content of their character. we are judging them by the content of their skin. and we are better as a country of that.
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lawrence: you are engineering -- your wife is a teacher. ha what has been the impact of your wife being a teacher and seeing this. >> we had three kids raised in loudoun county public school. she a seventh grade public ed teacher. she loves her kids, loves the school. great school system. she wants them to get back to teaching and get away from pushing' a political agenda inside the school. she -- it makes it very difficult when you are trying to push an agenda on children and trying to teach them at the same time. so she really wants them to get back to reading, writing, math, english, history, and stop concentrating on, you know, kids don't see color. my kids never saw color. i have a black child i raised from, you know, when he was born. we adopted him. and we raised him in a colorblind house. >> and that's all we want to see
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is kids don't see color. they don't see race. it's who you are. it's what your character is. lawrence: you say this district is dividing those kids one person person talk to teacher, tracy. tell me lock down. you think they are going to come out of this more resilient? >> very much. so they are so happy to be back in school. even the kids that struggled were just happy to have the relationship and to be back in with their teachers. it ended up being a wonderful year, saying goodbye to them was so hard. but i think all of the kids no matter their challenges they went through this year. they learned skills. they don't know they learned those skills yet but they did learn them. it will come out in their lives. in the long run we really hope the kids will survive and be resilient and awesome. lawrence: tracy also told me one of the most impactful things was being able to hug her students and those students were able to hug her back. guys, a lot of passionate folks.
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we are going to be talking to them all morning. then i will get some food on the side. i will see you all back. steve: that french toast looked fantastic they showed us a little while ago. lawrence, thank you very much for joining us from leesburg, virginia. ainsley: that's right. and go over there if you live in that area and meet lawrence. let's check in with senior meteorologist japan miss dean for our fox weather forecast. hey, j.d. janice: a beautiful day in new york city. a lot of weather ahappening across the map. temperatures as well as the potential for tropical trouble along the gulf coast here. this is expected to become a named system but regardless of whether or not it gets a name, we are still going to see the potential for very heavy rain across the gulf coast. we have flood advisories in effect from louisiana towards the florida panhandle all the way up to even georgia. so flash flooding is going to be a problem not only today but through the weekend. the other big story is the incredible heat, dangerous heat across the west. temperatures well into the 110 to 115, 16, 17-degree range. and so we have heat advisories posted for another day across the west.
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and then also, spreading into the central u.s. where we could actually see severe weather later on today. so lots to talk about in the fox weather department. back inside, steve, ainsley, brian. brian: all right. thanks, janice, coming up tonight at 7:00 on primary. we don't have to worry about the weather. it will be indoors. amongst the guests will be -- we're going to have majority leader kevin mccarthy. lara logan -- minority leader i should say. steve hilton will be there. michael waltz, will cain, pete hegseth and my friend cessna will be there making sense of it all. best sports in the history of talk. we will be talking about everything. ainsley: okay. we will watch you don't at 7:00 and then go out to dinner. brian: and then go to the clubs because it's friday. ainsley: see you there. ainsley: all right. still to come florida's governor ron desantis with senator ted cruz and judge jeanine pirro. so join us for that stick around, we have great guests. steve: how would you like 10,000 bucks right now? tom shillue is going to tell you
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how you can win 10,000 bucks with a fox bet super 6 quiz show and he will give you the exact question that you can win the doe dough with. stick around. we'll be right back ♪ that's what i want ♪ ♪ your love gives me such a thrill ♪ the makers of nyquil. new zzzquil ultra. when you really really need to sleep. ... and get cybersecurity solutions
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brian: all right the fox bet super 6 app is giving you another opportunity to win $10,000 in a quiz show game. steve: that's right all the you go to do is answer six questions correctly on a wide variety of topics. we're going to give you the exact questions right now. ainsley: fox nation host tom shillue is here with more, with episodes streaming now, so sign up for fox nation to get exclusive access to other original content, events and your fox favorite personalities on any device. good morning to you, tom. >> good morning, ainsley we got great questions this week. tough ones though here we go question number one. which of these cities will not reach 100 degrees on saturday. el paso, texas albuquerque, new mexico, los angeles, tucson, or more than one city? steve: i think more than one city. brian: i'll say more than one city. ainsley: i'll go with, hmmm. los angeles. steve: maybe. hasn't happened yet. ainsley: it was really red when
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janice showed us the map. >> question number two which of the following golfers, of the following goalers who will have the most birdies during the u.s. open? ainsley: i like jordan but i'm going with brooks. brian: are you going to tell us >> let's check next week, brian , here we go. which of these celebrity dads will have the most tweets and this is not including retweets, the most original tweets on father's day. matthew mcconaughey, john legend , dwyane wade, "the rock." ainsley: "the rock." brian: "the rock." steve: i'm going with d, because that's the one according to the graph, that most people think will be the winner. >> going with the majority that's "the rock." question number four. how many people will go flew tsa
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checkpoints on friday? under 1.7 million, 1.7-1.79, 1.8 -1.89, 1.9-1.99 or more than 2.1 million. which is the one? steve: let's go with 2 million that means things are reopening. ainsley: that be e. 2 million. brian: i'm going to pass on this one. >> don't pass, brian. ainsley: you have to guess. brian: all right, a. >> so brian thinks low travel. here we go. what is the cost of a gallon of gas, the lowest cost, which state, florida, new mexico, delaware, monday tana new hampshire, or virginia? brian: i would say new mexico. steve: i'm going with florida. ainsley: i'll go with florida too. >> and we're getting to question number six, which nfl playoff team will score the most goals on friday and saturday?
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lightning, islanders, -- ainsley:nhl, right? >> golden knights. steve: or a tie. ainsley: i'm going with the islanders of course. steve: i will too. >> the islanders there's your question, guys you got to predict the future. steve: so those are the exact questions, get them right, and you have a chance of winning the $10,000. tom, thank you very much for joining us live. ainsley: thank you. brian: for the record you play a great angry white guy for greg gutfeld. >> [laughter] look how happy i am. brian: he's not as angry on this show. meanwhile, florida governor ron desantis has promised to come on as did ted cruz to talk about matthew mcconaughey and so much more and jeanine pirro will look at our taxes. steve: and it feels like the first time foreigner performing live on "fox & friends" stick around. ingles in. well that leaves 2 out of 3 people who don't. i don't know anybody who's had it. your uncle had shingles. you mean that nasty red rash? and donna next door had it for weeks.
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>> the border crisis taking center stage on capitol hill. >> and it is my responsibility to manage the border. the biden administration opened the flood gates, allowing everyone to come in and now we're left trying to put the pieces back together. jim jordan every single member of portland's rye at control team resigned and they voted to resign from their voluntary positions in response to the recent indictment of one of their own. >> i'm in loudoun county today. >> we're all petitioning to recall our school board. it's really important that we focus on education rather than division. steve: businesses in need of
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people to work for them, a miami restaurant is turning over to a robot. >> we were offering obviously increases of wages, healthcare plans, people just weren't applying. >> the new york islanders fans do it again. >> [singing the national anthem in unison] >> ♪ i want to know what love is ♪ brian: how many days until you get up and say to yourself i want you to know what love is and i want you to show me. often if you're talking about me and certain enough foreigner ended up taking that montra i would say and made it into a hit song. steve: they did indeed and the reason we're starting off -- ainsley: and then you met dawn and you knew what love was. steve: on this friday foreigner is our feature performer during our all-american summer concert series and they are joining us live with a performance at the conclusion of this hour. brian: by the way don't they
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get the biggest crowds? ainsley: everyone knows their songs. it's almost like a -- steve: they've been here so many times. i think of the big acts of our lifetime. foreigner has been here more than any other performers. ainsley: really? brian: right and we should give them a plaque next time we see them. ainsley: we'll see them today. so make the plaque. brian: right i don't know if they will be here but they are playing here. steve: speaking of here, lawrence jones is not here. he's down in lees burgess owens, virginia, which is loudoun county. lawrence when is the next school board meeting because it seems like after a school board meeting we talk about it for a week because crazy stuff happens ainsley: they know how to get loud inland, don't they? >> [laughter] that's right, guys a lot of concern about loudoun county, we've been seeing it a lot so we decided to actually come here, have breakfast with folks and talk about the issues that are
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impacting them. first of all guys so much love from these folks they are passionate, they care about their kids but they are also concerned about the direction of the country so we're having breakfast with them, they are telling us about how this is going to impact them in the future, and they don't like that their kids are being pitted against each other. they said everything was fine, they were having these crucial conversations. they want diversity to be talked about. they want history, the good, the bad and the ugly but when you start pitting the kid against each other, the momma bears come out and they are in full force today. we'll be talking to them all morning. thanks guys. steve: such a good way to put it the momma bears. all right, lawrence, thank you very much. stand by we'll be down there shortly. brian: one of the big debates over inland county is about critical race theory, governor ron desantis put an end to it one of the many things he's done to stay ahead of the curve and what's happening in our country and society and especially in florida. governor welcome back. ainsley: good morning. >> good morning. how you all doing? steve: doing okay it's a friday. brian: yeah, i mean, that issue
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we're handling inland, almost on a daily basis, why did you feel as though you had to get in front of it? what really made you think this is something i've got to stop before it gets roots. >> well, you were seeing it sprout up across the country, and you were seeing it sprout up in some of these woke corporations as well, and, you know, we felt very strongly that our tax dollars should not be going to teaching these theories that are not based in fact, and that really divide people and is effectively a storm of state sanctioned racism so we had huge support in doing that. people from all walks of life, and i think you're seeing that throughout the country and so i know that there's still some people on the far left who are trying to justify this , but i think you're seeing americans really come together and say we do not want this in our schools. ainsley: governor i know you're sending law enforcement to patrol the border because the vice president and the president haven't gone down there so states are having to act alone, and you're so, it's very kind of you to help.
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you're not the only state but to help those folks our border patrol agents who need all of the help they can get. ralph norman is a republican from south carolina a congressman, and he was grilling the secretary of homeland security, the house homeland security meeting yesterday morning and he was testifying and he was asking him , why isn't the vice president going down there. listen to this. >> you made the statement and my question was unfair. i'm making the statement that your comments are just words and they're very unfair. i asked you a simple question and i would like for you to just answer simply. does it make sense for the leaders of the free world to go and to talk to and see what's going on at the border. >> i am the secretary of homeland security and it is my responsibility to manage the border at the direction of the president and the vice president and i have visited the border on multiple occasions the vice president served as the
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attorney general of the border state, of california, and she is quite familiar with the situation on the border. ainsley: so your officer, governor, are going to go to the border before the vice president , who is basically the border czar. >> well, the sad thing about this is the federal government is just completely advocated its responsibility. we had policies under president trump that were working. the border was under control, and biden comes in and they knowingly revoked all of these policies, knowing what was going to happen and now they are just showing a callus disregard and not just us border communities being affected. obviously they are. one of the things we're dealing within places particularly some of our rural counties is the mess and it's all coming from across the southern border. the cartels are absolutely eating biden and harris' lunch, and the fact that she won't even go down there, but look, what
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greg abbott's doing, they're stepping up and filling a void where the federal government has left its lack of leadership so when they ask for support i felt it was the right thing to do, that florida be there to help them out. they've helped us out in the past when we've had emergencies and natural disaster s but the idea that we're even having to do this is really a sad commentary on the left of federal leadership. steve: and the attorney general of the great state of florida supports you in this move, and she pointed out yesterday, 21 floridians die every day, because of opioids and that's why it's a crisis and we need to stop them from coming into the country. governor, you've been in washington. you're there in florida and tallahassee. explain the politics, if you would. this has been your business for a while. explain the politics on how somebody at the white house thought it was a good idea to put her in charge of this and not have her go and see it with her own two eyes. >> i think that they realize it's a disaster and i think they
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think if she goes it's just going to highlight it even more, but i'll tell you, not showing up, not taking decisive action is ultimately, it's the bad policy response, ultimately politically it's not going to work. people are fed up with this. they want to see action. this is the federal government's responsibility and you have all of us and the states now having to step up and do their job for them. brian: just want to point out when you were in congress, then senator kamala harris went to homestead to point out there were kids coming across the border being placed into facilities like this and she was concerned about their condition. what happened to that concern? >> it's amazing how things seem to change based on where they're sitting, but of course, they were just using that to try to attack donald trump. that was the only reason they were doing it. that's why they have done these policies because they think trump is bad. if he did it, it must be bad. they have to do the opposite. that's not good leadership. good leadership is doing what's best for the country and obviously she is failing in that
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regard and so is the president. ainsley: i know you just recently signed a bill to give police dogs priority medical help. tell us more about this. >> well we're actually, you guys are getting the preview, because i'm going to transition out of this interview due to press conference we're here at the st. john's county sheriff's office signing the bill probably in the next 30 minutes, and what it does is we have these canines that are on the front lines protecting us, they perform a valuable function, and yet under florida law, if they are injured in the line of duty they could not be transported by emt personnel like an officer be able to, and this bill change s that. this gives them that emergency, those emergency services, they are going to be able to be transported, and hopefully, that will be enough to potentially save some of the canines lives because you'll have some of these assailants try to shoot the dogs and they will do a lot of really bad things so we really, i think, leaned in and we also in florida have a number of great organizations that are
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involved in training dogs, we have organizations that train dogs for service members, suffer ing from ptsd, and a whole host of things so we're really proud of what florida does to stand by our four legged friends steve: and you're going to be signing that bill very shortly. governor, let's change from a news channel to the golf channel ainsley: [laughter] steve: yesterday, you actually posted your three-year-old son mason, and people love to golf in florida but usually they start when they're like 30 or 40. he's three, and he can really drive that ball. what did you post as the caption under mason's picture there? >> well, i said the guy is three years old and he's already got a better swing than his old man does, and i work at it when i can. i have a baseball background so i used to swing but he's just, my daughter, madison, is really good too. they just have great hand-eye
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coordination, but he is obsessed with hitting golf balls and baseballs. he does it all day long and i think you see in that. he's hitting like a nine iron, he's hitting that 60-yards, as a three-year-old kid and he's got nice straight, maybe a little bit of a fade, and so i think he's got a great future if that's what he wants to do. brian: you know what's amazing is he has no rituals. the ball goes down he just hits it. people are always getting set but it's no surprise, really, because you met your wife on the driving range, didn't you? and isn't casey a really good golfer? >> she is. she's a great athlete. she was a college equestrian scholarship, and we were just happened to be at the driving range next to each other, where is mason, come here, buddy. she's wacking balls, i've got him right here, and so yeah. show him how you hit the ball. >> [laughter] >> a little bit early for him but yeah so we did that and it's
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something we've enjoyed together and these kids, i think, really are fortunate they've got a mother whose very good looking and very athletic and so i think they are getting everything from her side. steve: there is your whole family right there it's good you can write-off this appearance. >> madison wave to the camera. brian: now madison, when i had a chance to spend the day with you, governor one of the first things that's happening your kids are running around the house in control, having fun but you were able to show me madison's swing, take a look at this swing. you missed the first one but she hit like five in a row. you're making the most of the governor's mansion. so this is an athletic family. >> we've got an ability to do all kind of athletics all around the mansion compound and these kids take advantage of it, but that's kind of, you know, we have to learn when we're dealing with the young kids, they may put finger paint on the wallpaper in the state dining room we've got to troubleshoot they may do this or do that so it's a constant
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effort to keep one step ahead of them. ainsley: there was one on top of the side board in the dining room. which one was that? >> actually, we ended up getting both, when you all came, when brian came, but the reason that it happened, the last time there was a baby in the mansion was over 50 years ago and they took a picture of the governor's then baby son in there, so when we came in, we put mason in and got him to do a picture, and then they both jumped in when brian was down a few months ago. brian: so governor, you're going to have a hard time, you work a lot now and people are helping you when they start having games and after school activities, you're going to have a hard time running press conferences knowing they are playing baseball, golf, soccer, football, whatever. >> oh, no, no, no, we will not be scheduling press conferences during any of their games i'll make sure that i'm at the games we'll figure out a way to make that work. steve: you'll be the only parent with a police escort to little league. we were talking about this
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earlier, we've actually because your son, mason, who obviously gets his athletic prow ess from your wife, is so good at golf we've put together a side by side comparison of mason at three with a very young tiger woods. tiger woods when he was a little boy, showed up on i believe the mike douglas show, and -- ainsley: look at that. brian: wow. steve: stunning the similarities between your child and tiger woods, who lives in jupiter, florida. brian: do you have a monitor there, governor? >> no but they did show it to me before i got on and so, you know, it's pretty neat to see. i don't think there's anyone that's been a better golf prodigy than tiger. he's a very special guy but you never know. you know, when they start, i think golf, if you start young, it really does help, because it builds the muscle memory. i didn't start playing until i was in my mid-20s after my baseball career was over and i had the hand-eye coordination but it is a different swing. he's very comfortable with getting that club face on the ball and giving it a ride so we look forward to seeing what
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he can do in the future. brian: he's comfortable being on television. totally natural. ainsley: governor, we wanted to put brian did play some golf with president bush and we wanted to compare his swing to masons. brian: oh, you're dead. you did not want to compare my swing. ainsley: [laughter] it's not bad. it's not bad. brian: i am so stiff. ainsley: i think mason might be better. >> they showed that before too. brian, i think you got good technique. i mean, i would dog you if you didn't. i think it was a good swing. brian: very positive. you think might be potential. ainsley: i think it all worked out well for you. you're doing okay. brian: governor thanks for the kind words so we got to talk about politics we talked about dogs, and we talked about his life. steve: can we have mason just wave goodbye, if the governor is still there? >> wave goodbye to the camera. ainsley: goodbye, mason. >> bye-bye. ainsley: have a good weekend, governor, thank you. steve: you know the benefit of starting golfing in my 40s was
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unlike when you started them early on, half way through you can have a beer. brian: right that's true. ainsley: jillian, do you play by the rules or pick-up your ball? jillian: no, no, i play by the rules absolutely. ainsley: recently it was so fun because i didn't play by the rules. let me just pick-up my ball and go put it. jillian: i count all my strokes. brian: i haven't golfed in a long time but i golfed about three weeks ago and i could get out of the sand trap but i insisted on trying and i kept hitting the ledge and going back so that was good character builder and there was 10 people just hysterically laughing at me ainsley: [laughter] brian: it was one of the most frustrating things. jillian: we got to work on your back swing or follow through. steve: she has got a natural swing. follow her on instagram you can watch her swing because about every couple of weeks you post you're golfing. ainsley: the beginning of brians was good. it's just at the end it was
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almost -- jillian: let's get to news. you guys keep talking about that let me tell you what's going on because this is a story wie we have been following relatives reveal the man shot and killed alongside his mother in south carolina received online threats before his death. his family says they came from strangers and didn't appear credible at the time. he had previously been charged with boating under the influence in a 2019 boat catch that killed 19-year-old mallory beach. her relatives and four of the boat crash survivors reportedly gave dna samples to clear their names in the investigation. >> in the midst of a dramatic spike in gun violence chicago mayor lori lightfoot declares racism a public health crisis. >> we can no longer allow racism to rob our residents of the opportunity to live and lead full healthy and happy lives. jillian: lightfoot said there's a nearly 10 year life expectancy gap between black and non-black
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chicago chicagoans. the city will allocate $10 million in covid relief funds to improve community living. >> let's talk about extreme weather. heavy rain is expected to hit the gulf coast today with possible flooding. a tropical storm warning is infect in louisiana, mississippi , and all a ahead of a potential tropical cyclone. louisiana has deere declared a state of emergency as the storm is expected to make landfall today. >> anthropology incredible video shows a cameraman keeping pace with sprinters in a 100-meter race in china. the cameraman wearing jeans holding the camera attached to equipment that weighs gosh at least eight pounds the video has gone viral all over the world with viewers tipping their cap to his fast-pace and dedication to his craft. this is wild. brian: taunting the sprinter. jillian: oh, my gosh. brian: like the rabbit in the dog race. ainsley: why isn't he participating? jillian: he won. steve: put on some shorts they have cameras on cables now. >> exactly. brian: not in china.
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you will run faster than that or you'll be in trouble. that's what happens. ainsley: you will fun. steve: jillian, thank you. still ahead on this friday telecast, senator ted cruz from texas is going to join us live. ainsley: plus theophano' very had enough every single member of portland's rye at control team resigns judge jeanine pirro will react after a year of non- stop violence and vandalism. or baby wipes, or powders, try the cooling, soothing relief or preparation h. because your derriere deserves expert care. preparation h. get comfortable with it. ♪ ♪
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react justice host, jeanine pirro. judge, welcome. your reaction to their action? >> well, first of all you can't blame them. i mean, the pressure that they have been under with what is it 75-100 days every night a riot, every night a protest? look, the fact that one of these guys was indicted for using the lowest level of force that he was supposed to use pursuant to the police, the standard operating procedure, and then gets indicted for it by some liberal d. a. and everybody knows what's been going on in portland, and these situations are rapid. they are fluid, and what happens is you've got a group of these elite cops, you've got officers, sergeants, they go out every night. they face these protesters who were burning down buildings or bringing in all kinds of garbage cans with fires, they have to clear it out, bring in
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the firefighters, then the protesters come back and make no mistake, brian. these protesters are dressed in riot gear themselves. they've got ammunition on them. they've got tear gas themselves. i mean, this is a civil war going on in the streets of portland, and no one cares about the cops who are putting themselves on the line, so they have the nerve to indict a police officer for doing what he is required to do, using the lowest level of force with a baton, which everyone in the police department said is pursuant to standard operating procedure and police policy, so the whole gang said do you know what? we've had it. we're not going to do this for you anymore. there is a bullseye on every one of our backs, and we are looking to protect the public. our job is public safety whereas your job, the job of the mayor and the job of the d. a. is to indict any of us if we do anything that you don't like, so deal with it yourself. get someone else and do this rapid response team
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dangerous work that they do every night at a riot in portland. brian: the people need the protection aren't getting it because the people that they elected aren't giving the law enforcement any backing and blaming them and indicting them. one of the quotes from the long statement after the volunteer force said we're just going to be cops, we're not volunteering for this special unit anymore, the city leaders will continue working in partnership with portlanders, community organizations, and police leadership to reform our community safety system. no. you reform your city. your cities been out of control, 37 riots from may to may and you think the problem is the cops? sober up. meanwhile, some of the things that judge, you'll be talking about on justice with jeanine over the weekend, jim jordan will be a guest, governor mike huckabee and leo terrell. is that all true? >> that is all true, and one of the issues that we're going to be discussing is can the various agencies require that you take a vaccine and i'm also going to be
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talking about joe biden, how he looked on the international stage. is this guy, i mean, does he ma? what is going on with him and we're going to have a lot of discussion about the way he is behaving and how our enemies and our allies are looking at the united states based on the way this guy is showing up in public it's pathetic. brian: politics and marbels coming your way at 9:00. all right, thanks, judge. meanwhile coming up, we're heading back to virginia where lawrence jones is having breakfast with friends at lees burgess owens diner and still ahead it's the all-american concert series foreigner kicks off their tour with a performance of their greatest hits right here only on fox & friends. do you struggle with occasional nerve aches in your hands or feet? try nervivenerve relief from the world's #1 selling nerve care company. nervive contains alpha lipoic acid to relieve occasional nerve aches, weakness and discomfort. try nervivenerve relief.
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the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about entresto for heart failure. entrust your heart to entresto. ainsley: june is pride month and to celebrate we are shining a spotlight on those in the lgbtq plus community who work to encourage love and acceptance. fox news national correspondent bryan llenas interviewed georgia state senator kim jackson who is also a priest. reporter: good morning ainsley, state senator kim jackson represents not only a historic shift in georgia's politics her life story teaches us all something about grace, leadership and courage. >> god has called me to be this
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awe authentic person who is yes, i am a lesbian, and a pastor and i have the great privilege of being able to serve as an elected official and i don't think that god makes mistakes. >> in january, reverend kim jackson was sworn in as the first openly lgbtq state senator in georgia's history. >> oftentimes anti-gay homophobic legislation has begun its course in the georgia senate and there has been no representation before, and so part of me being there is to say like you have to look me in the face and have a relationship before you try to pass that kind of legislation, and i think that matters. reporter: in rural south carolina, jackson always knew she wanted to be a pastor. her journey began when a college chaplin suggested she join the ministry, something she thought was not possible. >> he literally put me in his car, drove me around greenville, south carolina, and introduced me to women who were serving as pastors. at the same time that i was realizing that it was possible
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for me to become a priest and in college i was also becoming aware of my own sexuality and very much felt like the two possibilities could not live together. reporter: when jackson came out at age 23, she was kicked out of her church, and abandoned by her parents. >> my real low was coming out to my parents and having them say to me, we're done. don't call us. don't visit us. only let us know if you're dying reporter: jackson insists her parents love her, but they struggle with her sexuality, because of their religious beliefs. >> i'm very clear that god made us all. every one of us, and some of us happen to be gay. reporter: in 2010 jackson became the first out black priest ordained in the atlanta diocese of the episcopal church where she's currently at the church of common ground. >> i serve a congregation of people who many of whom actually sleep outside of the capitol.
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they sleep outside on the streets of atlanta. my sexuality does not matter to them at all. what matters is that i keep showing up, that i am trustworthy and that i help them when i can help them and that i will pray with them. reporter: atlanta bishop mentor ed jackson and says she's perfect for politics. >> she's got a big heart, and a lot of passion for people on the margins, people who are getting a raw deal, people who are not well. she wants to give up herself to be in that space. she's got a fire on sunday and she's got a fire on monday, under the gold dome. reporter: greg bluestein is a political reporter and he says jackson is a force to be reckoned with. >> she's married to a muslim and she lives near stone mountain which is now a majority black area, but used to be the meeting place for the kkk in georgia which is astounding. reporter: jackson is especially hopeful already lgbtq-plus youth >> if you push through and find
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other communities that will support you, it does get better and you can be sitting where i am. it's very possible. we now live in a world where a black queer kid can grow up to be a state senator, or even a president one day. reporter: it does get better, senator jackson has been married to her wife trina for 10 years and together for 13 as for jackson's parents things are much better than they were and they have taken steps towards coming around. ainsley: that's great. thank you so much, brian. and for more stories like this head to 35 minutes after the top of the hour coming up next, texas senator ted cruz joins us live, as florida law enforcement makes its way to the lone star state to take on biden's border crisis and it's a busy morning at the leesburg diner, lawrence jones is having breakfast with our friends. hey lawrence. >> hey, guys. just talking to a woman here from loudoun county. she says she's done and leaving
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arizona. texas, republican senator ted cruz, sits on the border security and immigration subcommittee and joins us right now from orlando, florida we'll talk about that and why he's down there in a moment but first , senator, you know, it's a sad commentary that the federal government is not patrolling our southern border and now, the states have got to help each other, because governor abbott said we need help, and now, states all across the country are sending people to your state , because it's a mess. >> well, it is, and it is a complete and total advocation by the federal government. joe biden and kamala harris are quite simply not doing their job and refusing to enforce the law and they've created an un mitigated crisis at the border. a couple months ago i took 19 senators down to the border to see firsthand what was happening and i've been to the border many many times. it is worse than it has ever been. we had just, last month, over 180,000 people cross illegally,
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last month. we're on pace for 2 million people to cross illegally, and joe biden and kamala harris have zero intention of doing anything that's why they won't go to the border. kamala at this point it's almost like a comedy show. she's so terrified it reminds me of that old show wherein the world is carmen san diego. she'll go everywhere except the border, because she's afraid of what's going on down there and they have no solutions. steve: she hasn't been to europe either i hear and then she laughed. >> [laughter] stushies laughing it off. what's interesting is because it's such a mess down there, its been announced by the governor, that he's put a down payment of $250 million on having the state of florida finance the wall. >> yup. look, i think it is a very good thing that we're seeing states stepping up. we're glad to always welcome law enforcement whether from florida or other states to come to texas. the state of texas has been leading when it comes to securing the border for a long time.
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i'm glad that we see the governor and state legislature investing and finishing the border wall, but for years we've had texas, department of public safety officers patrolling the border. i've been out on them and i tell you, you know what's crazy? the texas dps has better equipment than the feds. their boats are better, planes are better. i've been up in the dps plane with incredible infared technology where you can go eight miles away and up in the air and there are two or three coyotes, there's a group of illegal immigrants they are getting ready to smuggle across and what they do is call the customs and border patrol agents and say all right they are crossing right here and when you have border patrol agents able to do their job, they can stop and intercept them. steve: that's right if they choose to do it, and that's it right there. now, you are in a hall right now , in orlando, because coming up at 11:00 this morning you are speaking at the faith and freedom coalition's road to majority conference, which is streaming this weekend, on fox
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nation, for fox nation subscribers. what are you going to be talking about, senator? >> well, i'm going to be talking about the need to defend america, that we're seeing an assault on our foundational principles, we're seeing an assault on our constitution and bill of rights and an assault on our founding fathers and the principles that built america. we're seeing an assault on our sovereignty with the border not being defended and today, my remarks are really a call for american revival. a call for us to stand up and defend our nation. there are angry forces on the left that want to tear down all of the pillars of american democracy and we've got to answer the call and we've got to stand up and defend this great nation. strategist well you've got a busy day thank you very much for spending time with us at fox & friends. and right there, he was about to say, you're welcome. all right, meanwhile, let's go outside, janice dean, with the fox cast. >> janice: good morning what's your name? >> eric. >> nicole. >> reagan.
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>> bethany. >> hayley. where are you from? >> leesburg, virginia. >> you're with a dance troop? >> yes i am couple at the joffr e y. ballet school. >> fantastic let's do the forecast, let's take a look at the temperatures across the country, actually we'll talk about this tropical system because it is going to make a potential landfall along the gulf coast, we have tropical storm warnings up for louisiana, through mississippi, alabama, and georgia. all right this is going to bring a heavy amount of rain, flash flooding is going to be a concern not only tonight but through sunday. even if this storm does get a name, the results are going to be the same it's going to be a flooding issue and then the other big forecast is the heat across the west. i mean, temperatures well over 110 degrees in some of these areas, so the heat is dangerous, make sure that you're inside and taking care of the pets and the elderly and your kids and we'll keep you up-to-date on all of the weather forecast. say hi to steve, ainsley, brian my friends. >> hi.
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ainsley: we wish them all the best with their dancing. they are from leesburg, virginia steve: i know speaking of leesburg let's go to leesburg, virginia where lawrence jones is talking to friends, breakfast with friends at the leesburg diner in loudoun county, virginia. good morning to you. >> good morning, guys. it's an excellent morning to be in loudoun county. you guys have been hearing it all in the news especially on fox but we wanted to actually talk with the folks, break bread with them, the food is excellent here. let's talk to some folks. so tell me what you do for the county here. >> sure, i work for the board of supervisors but i live in sterling and i have four kids that have gone to public schools >> your not happy with what's going on in the school district? >> no i actually pulled my, two of my older kids graduated from public school and my other two, i pulled out of public school after the first covid semester. >> what was the breaking point for you? >> just that my kids can't learn, sitting in front of a computer for six hours a day. they just can't learn that way,
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so we found a great private school, st. john boscoe where they could go in person. middle school and high school and they had a great year last year. >> guys, it's a story you continue to hear is that the private schools were open in the middle of the pandemic. gary what do you do for the district? >> the county. i'm a am toker school board member and a member of the board of supervisors and i'm currently retired from those and working with the district republican committee. >> and you're not pleased with the direction after being a part of the board and you said it's going in a different direction? >> well i spent the better part of the last 20 years working to create a school system that was an excellent school system, and what's happening in the last 17 months is we've done away with advanced degrees, we've done away with class rank. we've dumbed down the standards of learning. we can't read dr. seuss but sexually explicit books and we've turned our academics of lo
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udoun which was intended to be a magnet school, we've put quote os on that. >> dumbing it down, last before we go, guys got to hear about this lady here. this is beth, right here, beth you say you're done, out of here >> i'm done, i'm leaving. >> you said you're going to the beach because you're not comfortable with the direction. >> what is that? >> you said you're heading to the beach because you're not comfortable with the direction that this is going in loudoun county. >> no, it's awful. bring the community back. we need more love and embrace the diversity. >> so you got folks that are going to be here to fight and you got people that are leaving out of here, guys thank you all so much. we'll send it back to you in new york. steve: great job today lawrence and thank the folks there at the leesburg diner. brian: wow meanwhile, up next on our show, the all-american concert series is back with a performance from foreigner, but first -- ainsley: let's check in with our friend dana perino. dana: love the concert series i'm so glad we'll get to see that all summer thank you so
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steve: well, we all love their music, and you've seen them on fox & friends a number of times. brian: now foreigner getting back on the road and ready to rock and roll in every day. ainsley: their greatest hits tour kicks off next week and lead singer kelly hanson joins us to tell us all about it. thank you for coming on. >> what time of the morning is it! ainsley: [laughter] steve: stop it you're complaining because during the pandemic, you've been locked down but now everybody wants to get back to it and you've got 121 dates, you're going to span the globe. >> that's true. that's true. i mean, we're starting off in iowa june 24, we're going to be doing, we're going to do the greek theatre, we're going to bring some shows to select cities, we just want everyone to know that touring season is back
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and to go to and get tickets. we are so thrilled to be back on the boards, and doing what we do brian: kelly in many respects i imagine we all take it for granted you want to go see a concert we can go, you want to see foreigner we'll find them. not last year. what has it done for your approach to getting back on stage? >> well, you know, you have to watch what you do. you got to work out. you got to get the wheels greas ed and get that going again we did a couple of warm-up shows and got the whole gang back together with all of the crew and everything, and there's a lot of moving parts in what we do, so that has all had to come together, but it's time, and it's 100 degrees here in los angeles so i'm ready to get anywhere where it's a little bit cooler. ainsley: i love that you feature a full orchestra oftentimes, and that you support the troops. you all are doing a performance at fort bragg, is that right? >> yeah, on the 4th of july we'll play at fort bragg, and as always, we love to play for
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troops there. they are some of the best audiences ever, and so that's always a thrill for us. steve: so you know, there are protocols. no handshaking, but plenty of song singing, right? >> yeah, you know, i will try to minimize the spit that emanates from my mouth. steve: so you're not going to sing with a mask. >> that be very impossible, and yeah, we have, you know, the protocols vary from state-to-state and region to region but we are working closely with all of our organizers and promoters and agents to make sure that we do the best that we can, and certainly for me, i don't, you know, i want to wear a mask because listen if i get sick the whole thing stops. steve: you're absolutely right. brian: you're that important. steve: it's all going to start right now here it is our all-american summer concert series featuring foreigner, with some of their greatest hits. >> ♪ standing in the rain, with
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his head hung low, couldn't get a ticket, it was a sold out show, the roar of the crowd, put his head to the wall, and like a distant scream, had one guitar, just blow it away, and the very next day, so he started rocking, and he's never gonna stop, gotta keep on rocking, some days to make it to the top, juke box hero, he's a juke box hero ♪ ♪ he has one guitar, juke box
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hero, stars in his eyes ♪ ♪ you're as cold as ice, you're willing to sacrifice our love ♪ ♪ you never take advice, some day you'll pay the price, i know , i've seen it before, it happens all the time, you're closing a door, you leave the world behind, you're digging for gold, you're going away, and feeling that some day you'll pay ♪
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♪ well, i'm hot blooded, check it and see , i've got a fever of 103, come on baby, i'm hot blood ed, i'm hot blooded ♪ ♪ you don't have to read my mind , to know what i have in mind, honey you ought to know ♪ ♪ now you move so fine, let me lay it on the line, i want to know what you're doing after the
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show ♪ ♪ now it's up to you, we can make it, just me and you, i'll show you loving like you never knew, well i'm hot blooded, check it and see , i've got a fever of 103, come on baby, do you do more than dance, i'm hot blooded, i'm hot blooded ♪ ♪ hot blooded, you're making me sing. ♪ >> [applause]
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ainsley: we got a taste of three songs. brian: that's why everyone lines up to come out to our veranda and by the way go to, and go get tickets. steve: that's right and you'll see the list of the 121 dates that they've got across the country. ainsley: happy father's day to both of you and all of you out there. brian: see you on radio. steve: see you monday, everybody so long.


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