tv Hannity FOX News June 18, 2021 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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out on, we have two days off and so we hope to you that we spend it with the people you love the most away from politics. we will see you monday. have a great weekend. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> welcome to the special edition of "hannity." standing up for your values. i am judge jeanine. and spending a million directions when continues to fail every corner of the country and it's getting so bad and so disconnected from the american people that they are trying to rewrite history. for example, just look at
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liberals with stacey abrams who is trying to claim she was never opposed to voter i.d. and says she is actually backing democratic senator joe manchin's voting reform efforts, but stacy, we have the tape, compare her what she is saying now to what she said months ago, take a look. >> just give me a list of the provisions that you object to. >> it shortens the runoff. from nine weeks to four weeks. it re-restricts absentee ballot application. and other form of identification they are willing to surrender in order to participate in absentee ballots. >> that is one of the fallacies of republican talking points deeply disturbing. no one has ever objected to having to prove who you are to vote. it has been part of the nation's history since the inception of
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voting. >> judge pirro: and it gets worse for stacey abrams. one "new york times" writer is pointing out her new position is euro lee similar to the georgia voting law that she adamantly opposed and called jim crow 2.0 and biden called jim eagle. remember this? >> this makes jim crow look like jim eagle. this is gigantic! >> judge pirro: so joe and stacey, what changed? can this dramatic turn around take place because abrams and farrar left socialist cabal see the writing on the wall and no americans of all races and all y support voter i.d.? because get this, now even democratic senator from georgia raphael warnock is claiming he never opposed voter i.d.
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so yet again, democrats are not telling the truth, lying over and over again and destroying whatever credibility they had left all along the way. enjoying may now for reaction fox news contributor leo terrell along with america's legal founder stephen miller. okay, guys, i will start with you stephen. let's talk about the voter i.d. issue. the supreme court has already ruled that asking for a voter i.d. is constitutional and, in fact, only 12 states that don't ask for a voter i.d. so it's not like this is really out of the realm of even the supreme court's knowledge. >> no, but we need to go one step further. we need to make sure for people voting by mail, which is that sound bite you played earlier, have to also show an i.d. it is insane in this country you
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come vote by mail without showing who you actually are. tens of millions of people voting by mail that never have to provide an i.d. is crazy. i will go one step further, every single state should approve said as she can say up to become a voter. this is just common sense. >> judge pirro: all right, leo, let me ask you this because this is perfect for you, i believe. stacey abrams says that she supports the new mansion compromise because she says despite the idea in their requirement a voter i.d., she has never been against it but is that a lie? let me be very clear. i want to be very clear and i hope stacey is listening. she is lying. she insulted every black american. any person of color that they couldn't give an i.d. i've got tons of ids on me
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right now. she is insulting the intelligence of every american appear at the polls are overwhelming. you know what, major league baseball left atlanta and now a complete turnaround because it was idiotic, it was a life. it's -- smoke and mirrors going on. the bottom line is simply this, judge, what stephen suggest about voter i.d. for absentee ballots and the fact we should prove proof of citizenship coupled with the fact voter i.d. is fundamental to make sure that only americans vote. >> judge pirro: all right. let me tell you now, stephen come i will go to you. one of the requirements and the compromise is that automatic registration through the dmv. now as a prosecutor come i read that and i say to myself, there are states giving illegals lice. this is the loophole they use to
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register to vote if there is automatic registration with the dmv. >> boy, you hit the nail on the head with that one, judge. people show up at the dmv and they get issued driver's license, but they're here legally or not. then, you can hand them a form and check a little box that says citizen on it. congratulations, you're a registered voter. nobody checks if you are a citizen and heck, nobody checks a lawful resident of the state you are in. you just check the box and you can become a registered voter. the potential here for fraud -- and this been going on a long time and happening over the country but this will put that fraud under extraordinary magnifying glass. you were going to see it everywhere. >> judge pirro: well, we are going to see it everywhere but in addition to that, we will see it every state, even those states where they haven't passed the law saying illegals can get a license or whatever executives
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want to call order to give them license. it will be all over. every illegal in every state will use this to register to vote. that's got to be something that they oppose. one of the other things that i'm concerned about with this is that finally come at least mansion is talking about removing people from the voter registration role that we haven't been able to get secretaries of state to even give, if i recall since the trup administration to get dead people off the voter role. this requires it, correct? >> it is a great thing. and joe manchin a couple of days ago was a racist, a republican but now he has embraced. you know what, joe manchin was speaking logical and looking for bipartisan coalition. stacey abrams has a future political plans so she knew she was on the wrong side. so she thinks as she goes to warm, friendly cnn analyze on that station, but we know the truth. she has political ambitions and the whole key here is to inflate
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the voter's think minorities will vote democrats. look at me. i went to the other side. a lot of democrat minorities are leaving the democratic party. >> judge pirro: that's true. all right, steve and i will go with you with a last question. the idea that stacey abrams never conceded that she lost gubernatorial race in georgia. did she? >> no. and i want to pick up something leo said earlier that is so important. >> judge pirro: go-ahead appearance because they have been calling republicans racist for wanting to ask people to present an i.d. to vote. that is so insulting to african-american citizens and the country. it is so outrageous. stacey abrams was front and center making this argument pushing corporations to make the exact same argument and for her to pretend otherwise is total revision of history. asked to stop. democrats are not pushing for voting rights. they are pushing for voting fraud.
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the only reason, the only reason to oppose i.d. to vote and only reason to automatically register people without citizenship if you want fraud in the elections. republicans should stand strong and proud and in favor of real election integrity. >> judge pirro: all right, leo and steven, thank you so much for being with us tonight. and also developing tonight more evidence of the unequal standard of justice and unequal application of our laws. the media selective outrage and violence surmounting all things biden. for example, the daily mail is reporting that newly released tax reportedly from hunter's hard drive from show hunter yet again using racial slurs. this time while describing asian women. in a reported conversation with his caroline, she appears to set hunter up with certain women to
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which hunter replies, "domesticated foreigner is fine." the next message reads, "no yellow." referring to asian women. now, imagine if this was someone in the trump family. how do you think the corrupt left-wing media would be covering it? and it gets worse. because we are also learning tonight that hunter was apparently banned from l.a.'s famous chateau marmont hotel and texts show we had to get preapproval to get back on the property. i will ask again, replace the name biden with trump in the media would be covering it nonstop. and what about hunter's shady dealings? that will reportedly go up to $500,000 apiece. with mysterious, anonymous fires. a new report sheds light on biden's brother frank, talk about a crime family, whose
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reportedly arrested three times in the last 11 years, including for theft and driving under the influence, along with at least 15 traffic infractions in palm beach county alone, including a case this month with suspiciously dismissed. but of course, the biden family aren't the only ones who want to play by their own rules as the never ending lawyer, adam schiff get this, is now throwing a tantrum over recent revelation over federal authorities seizing his phone records as part of a leak investigation. but of course, as gregg jarrett points out in a new piece, perhaps know when weaponized intelligence more than russian collusion with adam schiff himself and remember during 2019 impeachment, adam schiff was the one who subpoenaed the phone records of republican devin nun, trump attorneys, rudy giuliani, jay sekulow and more.
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aunt fox news analyst gregg jarrett and fox news contributor and former republican congressman jason chaffetz. jason, i will start with you. this whole idea of the biden crime family and i'm not even talking about what's going on in europe. we have the brother who apparently has been driving with a suspended license repeatedly, and then driving someone else's with a suspended license. it seems to be that they are above the law. it had apparently has worked for them, has it not, jason? it has come a judge because robert gershom who is the judgen the case of frank biden who was arrested yet again the day before yesterday, he dismissed the case when the police officer or the sheriff deputy failed to show up at court. that is highly suspicious.
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but keep in mind, frank biden is the person with 15 violations, including a drug, driving under the influence. this is a guy who went to a blockbuster video and tried to hide dvds and his pants. and he was detained. he tried to leave blockbuster. this is the kind of family that the bidens are and combined with all the things hunter is doing and it's just fallacious, weird, pathetic thing. but they get away with it. they get away with it because nobody will hold them accountable. >> judge pirro: you know what, greg, you wrote an excellent article about this whole idea of the adam schiff having a connection with his records, we found out subpoenaed and at the time, he was getting everyone else's records when he was in charge of intel. talk about a double standard. what is with adam schiff?
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what is he saying? >> there is no equivalency, it is amusing if not comical with this fit claiming, oh, this is terrible injustice and an abuse of power. this is an attack on democracy. no, it's not peer at the department of justice had evidence presented to a grand jury with probable cause. the grand jury issued subpoenas to track down crime. leaks of classified information that jeopardize national security. and there is schiff and not once does he mention, oh, by the way, i did the exact same thing. two people secretly subpoenaing on his own authority, not with a grand jury, not with the department of justice but on his own authority, seizing people's phone call records, journalist, including, by the way sean hannity. and you know, he then had the
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audacity to go in front of a court and his lawyers claimed that he had unfettered authority and unlimited power to do as he pleases and this court has no jurisdiction over me. what is really troubling is the media. they never challenged him here they never said "mr. ship, you need to do the exact same thing." the media didn't do that first of all because the knee media didn't remember but first of all they are hopelessly biased. there is no objectivity in trial or fairness but remember what lester hole in the anchor of "nbc nightly news," he was accepting the award and told journalist to ditch objectivity because "fairness is overrated." he would be spinning in his grade. >> judge pirro: i will go back
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to you jason, the biden crime family. now that hunter biden seems to have made plans after jimmy kimmel and all the other stuff he's doing, he is now an artist, okay? he's getting up to half a million dollars for his artwork which is a prosecutor tells me is money laundering and people using his art as an opportunity to access the president. talk to me about that. >> i wrote an op-ed for on this. last year the united states senate issued a report and talked about the all the guards the russian oligarchs will use the art world as a way to launder money. look, hunter biden has this very suspicious background on what he was doing and china, what he was doing in ukraine but his latest scam is he is an artist. suddenly, his art is valued up to $500,000 per painting. if he wants to come clean on this, he needs to let people
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know who are making these just ridiculous psalms? who is paying that money to the bidens to have access to get to hunter biden? this as a hobby, if you will that he took up and started marketing after daddy was going to start running for president. now that daddy's president, guess what, the value has gone up. he will do the art show and talks to the art world and suddenly, they will be raking in millions of dollars. it is six and he needs to expose who is paying the money and how much are they giving him? >> judge pirro: when you think about it, who would want to access hunter biden giving him money to access the white house? let's see all the g cartels, foreign governments and then finally, i had to go back to you greg. there is no way, greg to stop someone like adam shift. he continues along with his belief that he is above the law
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like the biden crime family thinks they are above the law as well. >> yeah, me and hunter biden come i would like to know who is buying that art. are they buying influent and access to joe biden? you know i'm i've been an artist for about ten years. and i love doing it. i paint landscape but i think my best work if you can call that that would earn about $50. so how this guy is getting half a million dollars -- from home? and what is he really pedaling as if we need to know? >> judge pirro: we need to know, but something tells me he is not going to tell us. jason and greg, thank you so much for being with us. and straight-ahead, why is joe biden so angry with reporters? monica crowley and joe concha is straight ahead.
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♪ ♪ >> judge pirro: now despite the mob and that medias high praise of president joe biden, it is getting harder and harder for those biden protection program. theoretic outburst and downright nasty comments. just this week during his big summit with vladimir putin, biden snapped at a cnn reporter when she asked a very reasonable question. take a look. >> why are you so confident you will change his behavior, mr. president? >> i'm not confident. when did i say i was confident? >> judge pirro: and of course biden's recent outburst is just a pattern of outburst when they ask questions he just doesn't like. take a look at this. >> how is your role as
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vice president with ukraine and your son in ukraine? how is that not a conflict of interest? >> it is not a conflict of interest. it has been no indication of a conflict of interest. i will not respond to that. let's focus on the problem. let's focus on this man and what he's doing. no president has ever done. no president. >> a long wait until november. we have more questions. >> you have more questions? if you have a problem, figure it out whether you are for me or trumpian you ain't black. >> come on, give me a break, man. >> meanwhile podcast host jim rogan has had enough far left hypocrisy and cold out fake news week. listen to this. >> they were saying, serious people on youtube get more views
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than this show. this is because the market is spoken in your show is [bleep] terrible. >> talking to the press secretary saying "what are we doing wrong? like a [bleep] you are supposed to be a journalist! >> judge pirro: joining me now for a reaction fox news contributor joe concha alongside conservative columnist anna cook crowley. a good evening to both of you. joe come i will start with you. the mob and the medias high praise is really stunning to me. how did these people look at themselves in the mirror after they talk how great joe biden is when he is literally falling apart in front of us? >> well, judge i guess they look in the mirror and turned to their perhaps something next to their bed where they keep may be a little safe sort of thing and count their money. okay, it is all okay. to be can be as funny as we appear to be. look, couple of things to
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unpack. kaitlan collins should be profoundly disappointed with many of her colleagues who didn't run to twitter or run on the air to defend her after that question. it shows you how funny the outrage was when donald trump pushed back against reporters and felt unfair or dishonest question that was posed. but here is the reason why there was no joint press or between vladimir putin and joe biden. joe biden's m.o., judge on the rare occasion he does a press conference, seven, eight, nine questions from handpicked reporters chosen by his analyst. from there he reads the answers for baden off of note cards written for him and takes one question on the way out. if he was paired with putin, he would not allow biden to leave so quickly. he would keep him on a stage an hour, two hours like a heavyweight championship where one fighter knows he will be the other one but he wants to punish him for a while. he would force him to take
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multiple questions outside of his comfort zone by mental endurance. based on biden's meltdown one question by kaitlan collins, that would be a catastrophe, judge. >> judge pirro: well, you know, monica, the amazing part of this, also, you now have joe rogan who is loved, has an incredible podcast, who is calling out cnn brian seltzer. you know, criticizing him saying he's basically, you know, not a great guy. not a great journalist. >> yeah, and total props to joe grogan for calling out brian seltzer and alta colleagues at cnn. listen joe rogan is thriving because he is an independent speaker and people are starving for that because they are not getting it from the propaganda of the media so his audience is just exploding because people know b.s., no nonsense.
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they want the truth. they are certainly not getting it from brian stelter and cnn. and that exchange and biden 'reaction to kaitlan collins shows how thin-skinned and what a short fuse joe biden has because that question came from a reporter at cnn and boot licking network and biden blew a gasket. that points to a bigger issue, judge. for decades, democrats like progressives have been coddled and so protected by the so-called mainstream media that they are not used to getting a tough question. by the way, that question from cnn was thoroughly benign. they are not used to being challenged even in the most benign kind of way because they never have. so when they are confronted with a question like "are you confident that putin is going to
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change?" he blows up and use it this time and again. he gets questions like "what is your favorite flavor of ice cream?" >> judge pirro: monica, monica when you say it points to a bigger issue, not just the coddling by the mainstream media, but the irritability and, you know the sentences that have no end and go on and on. are these signs of a bigger cognitive issue? >> well, that is something i think that ronny jackson and others have raised that president biden i think, needs to prove that he is up to this job because some of the reactions do not show a commander in chief and an american president in control. now remember when president trump was in there the press was combing over every little utterance. remember they would say president trump is unwell. they have no basis in fact for that whatsoever. they were coming through every
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annual checkup that president trump had appear they did this with every republican president. we have a democratic president in there where the press throws up their hands when it is clear to everybody that there are some issues here. and yet, no questions are raised. it is thoroughly a press corps. >> judge pirro: you know, joe, one of the sounds we played had to do with joe biden, who was very on top of his game whenever it came to hunter. he would say "there is no conflict of interest. there is nothing wrong here. i will not answer that." he was well prepped on that. but it is amazing that he was able to get away with that and continue to be able to get away with it when, as we said, in the last segment, hunter is getting half a million dollars for his artwork and the guy is not an artist. is it going to be this way for the next four years? >> i am not sure about that, judge, only because they look at
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the numbers and a look at the ratings and the clicks and everything is plunging. cnn, for example, cnn's media show 8-10 viewers. since the beginning of the year. that is consistent with the entire network. msnbc down 50% since the beginning of the year. you look at "the new york times," "washington post," subscriptions are down when they rose obviously during the trump administration. at some point, i would think these folks would say "you know what, maybe we should start doing our jobs and hold the powerful accountable, despite party." without fear or favor to party. if you want to stay in business, maybe you do that instead of being so profoundly predictable. and the numbers, they tell the story, judge. that is the bottom line. >> judge pirro: well, it will be interesting to watch the next few months as especially monica indicated. the call by ronny jackson l, congressman to have the
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president submit to a cognitive test. monica crowley, joe concha thank you for being with the spirit of next the crisis on the border keeps getting worse. we will have a full report and reaction from madison cawthorn and mark. pain reliever... life opens up. aleve it, and see what's possible. you need an ecolab scientific clean here. and you need it here. and here. and here. which is why the scientific expertise that helps operating rooms stay clean is now helping the places you go every day too. seek a commitment to clean. look for the ecolab science certified seal.
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♪ ♪ >> judge pirro: welcome back to this special edition of "hannity." the crisis at the border to spiral out of control, frustration is mounting over the lack of urgency from the biden administration. and borders are, kamala harris actually laughed and asked by a reporter if she would be visiting the border. now, it has been nearly three months since she was appointed to oversee the border crisis and
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still, she has no plans to visit. the biden administration continues to neglect the problem and the situation is deteriorating more by the day. tbd statistics show illegal border crossing to this year are more of all of 2020. joining us now but their reaction, congressman madison hawthorne and attorney general mark vrnovich. thank you so much for being with us. i want to start with mayorkas and he had a back-and-forth with a congressman that was not polite from south carolina who asked him what he was laughing about and why, why the vice president was not going to the border. and mayorkas seem to be outraged at this congress would dare ask the question. are you familiar with what
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happened, congressman? >> i sure him and ralph northam made it clear that though i think molly harris has done about the border is laugh about it. under barack obama administration, 1,000 people illegally crossing the border, they announced a crisis. but now we have six times that crossing the border currently and the only thing she can do is sit back and her posh white house office and hold her hands to the heat and cackle about it and say there is no crisis here. >> judge pirro: and you know, the sad part about the attorney general mark vrnovich, she made light of it and not just the cackling and the laughing but the sarcasm, you know, i haven't been to europe either as though vice president you want to say you have never been to europe. and ahead of the free world, you haven't been to europe either. what is going on in her mind?
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>> judge, it may be a laughing matter to the biden administration, but i assure you not people in arizona and throughout the country, they realize this is a serious situation. we have talked about this before. 4500 pounds in the last month with statistics available. and the cartel or enriching themselves. the reality biden administration measures said, and a means kamala harris -- 5,000 people have crossed the border illegally. the population of minneapolis. this is overwhelming and outlay national security perspective but undermining the communities. it is having a huge physical impact. they biden administration with detention centers and write in the middle of scottsdale, arizona. it is being disregarded for the people. it is so important that i have kids and they play in sports but
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the biden administration at the border, they would not even qualify for participation trophy for the kids to get because they are awol and refused to acknowledge a problem at the border but need to come down and see for themselves. >> judge pirro: you know, congressman hawthorne you have mayorkas who is the secretary of homeland security. he said it was quite unfair the way people were treating kamala harris for not visiting the border. i mean, what do you make of that? >> quite unfair, it is ridiculous. exactly what the agent was talking about. they would not get a participation trophy. the closest the texas border is the texas roadhouse in washington, d.c. it's not xenophobic and we don't want people emigrating to america but there are cartels. and we saw in 2019, the mexican army whenever they choose unable
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to transport thousands of people into the country at will. imagine if they start coming and not just trying to make a quick buck. we have seen they are trying to transport many people in terrorist watch across the border. this is not a question of national security or xenophobia. it is disgusting the way the left takes this narrative and paint republicans as racist. no, we want their children to be safe in our country to be secure and actual borders. >> judge pirro: you know attorney general mark vrnovich even when kamala harris the vice president went to guatemal, the president of guatemala comes out and says "you know, part of the problem is your administration." the fact you won't enforce your own laws as it relates to order patrol as well as the coyotes coming across. you are not even prosecuting these cases and you come over here and ask us what the problem is? you are the problem.
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do we need embarrassment on the world state not to imagine, by dinner with vladimir putin. >> just a few days ago the biden administration said they would draw a redline for russia and putin. i have to imagine, my goodness, though lines at the border from mexico. we are not even enforcing those. we are not enforcing the laws put out in a line that are there. it's what makes you think that biden administration would force the red line with any other country or any part of the world? you mentioned the guatemalan president. look, even the mexican president understands the biden administration created this crisis by sensitizing and monetizing and trying to legalize people coming into this country illegally. now, they refused to acknowledge it and help the states. we know that one of the reasons
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a lawsuit because too many people deporting. and biden administration is not supporting them. >> judge pirro: let me ask you this... right my right. i agree with that, criminals and we don't know that they are. but how long does this go on? i mean, what is the end game here? how many illegals have to cross before they say "okay, we've had enough." first of all we have 160 countries. give me an idea because i want to go to congresswoman mattison. >> the biden administration recognizes that but until they care about the american people instead of guatemala, central america it will not be resolved. i'm a first generation american and there was a reason why people want to come to the country. it is about the rule of law. the cartels are making money off at the camp of the biden administration and what they created. >> judge pirro: congressman how long does this go on? >> judge janine come i think it
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goes on indefinitely as long as the democrats are in power. i don't think they are doing this by mistake or mishandling for situation so much. they want to destroy the capitalist system. the only way to do that is succeed over the past two decades. and then as i said they continue to flood the countries with more and more illegal immigrants. the system will not be able to handle the strain and then look, we need to be a socialist country. we need to stop putting our arm around the french president macron and trying to be chummy with everyone at the g-7 and slapped around like a rag doll bite vladimir putin. we need to be feared on the world stage. when we start enforcing our own laws and strong americans to stand up to this evil that is happening of the southern border, then the border crossings will stop. we need to put republicans back in command and take charge this time. >> judge pirro: congressman, attorney general, thank you for being with us tonight. when we come back, pops under
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♪ ♪ >> judge pirro: welcome back to the special edition of "hannity." if crime continues to soar across american cities, so does the left anti-police agenda. portland's entire riot control squad to resign en masse yesterday. following an indictment of another officer. a riot drink the city's countless violent outrageous protest. meanwhile, take a look at your screen. another alarming scene broke out in new york city yesterday as a gunman opened fire on an alleged
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gang member while two young children were caught in between. here with reaction to all of this, retired las vegas police lieutenant and founder of the "e wind blew" randy sutton and dallas police sergeant trey penne. let me ask you this, gentlemen. think it's much for being here. and all of your experience, how long have you been in the law enforcement? i will start with you, randy, how long? >> i spent 34 years as a street officer, both as a detective and retired police lieutenant. >> okay, how about you? >> i've been a police officer 22 years and law enforcement for seemingly my whole career. >> judge pirro: okay, all right, that makes three of us. have any of you seen a disk pan? >> no --
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>> judge pirro: let's go to randy first and then trey. >> no i've never seen crime and violence surging across the country as i do today. and it's really not a shock to me, judge because what we have seen from the left is an absolute degrading of the law enforcement community over the last several years. what we have seen from both the president and on down through the congress and local mayors and governors, mostly democratic states and citizens come of course has been a degradation of law enforcement community. we have seen decimated and law enforcement officers dwindling. surging and crime come up course as a result has been skyrocketing. >> judge pirro: all right, tre, you are still on the force and dallas.
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is that correct, tre? >> i am, i am. i have seen this police sediment across the country. i have seen it hit locally as it has to deal with these protests over and over again. judge, our city is on the seat right now. we have to call it what it is, the special don't like restricting the law enforcement's efforts to protect the city. in fact, they provide a safe haven for the criminals to continue to victimize us in the community. which led to massive effort of law enforcement on the profession. that is unfortunate where we are right now and we have naturally seen 20% reduction in law enforcement across the nation because officers realize they are not protected. absolutely, they realize they are not being protected. you look at the seattle situation, look at portland and how these officers resigned from working this rapid response. of course they will not put
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themselves in the middle when they think they will be prosecuted were demonized. we have to look at what is happening, these are real police officers on the front line and not only do we have to worry about the citizen in front of them but targeted by people behind them. >> judge pirro: well, there is no question and va might have their own squad but randy, what he was talking about in portland, they are almost like a s.w.a.t. team and they are brought out and have been out for like 75 nights. one of them is indicted for using the lowest level of force with a baton that was consistent with standardized operating procedure of the department and all of the officers, surgeons, may be even a lieutenant. i'm not sure. they said "enough of this, get another law enforcement agency if you do this to us." can you blame them? >> no, i absolutely can't blame them.
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judge, i'm not sure if you are aware but i spent a lot of time in portland talking to peace officers in my role as both journalists with blue lives radio but also as the founder of -- you know we deal with officers all over the country and every single one of those officers come every single one has been physically injured, not to mention the emotional and psychological that is taking place in portland. it is actually so harmful to the mental and physical health of these officers that you cannot blame them for what they have done. but this is a move out of desperation because judge i have dealt with cops all over the country from the east coast to the west coast. i have to tell you, those officers in portland and especially those officers on the rapid response team or some of the best most dedicated police officers i have ever met in my life. they are highly trained. they are highly motivated.
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they are good human beings. the human toll this is taking on them is absolutely astonishing. >> judge pirro: well, you know, they are a riott squad. i mispronounced but tre it is not just the toll on them but the toll on the family and the ripple effect that goes through society and for all the wrong reasons when the police end up being emigrated and demoralized. you have 20 seconds, hit it. >> absolutely and being attacked across the country. we have seen 23 killed in the line of duty this year put they are doing a difficult job. i know a lot of people want to give up their rights but look, they have their fourth amendment right to fair and equal protection under the law as anyone else. we need to protect our police. >> judge pirro: thank you both. we will be back with more of this edition of "hannity." this edition of "hannity." thank you. ♪ ♪
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>> unfortunately that's all the time we have tonight. i asked the eternal question after his recent behavior, shouldn't joe biden have to take a cognitive test? "the ingraham angle"'s next, good night. ♪ ♪ >> laura: i'm laura ingraham, this is a special edition of "the ingraham angle" from washington. we have a jam-packed show, course. i think we should dig right in, shall we? the mansion abrams to step, that's the focus of tonight's angle. like so many liberals, stacey abrams has strong feelings about voter i.d. laws. it's racist, it's a redux of jim crow, in a suit and tie. >> laura: how interesting, given what she just said about the election law proposal
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