tv Gutfeld FOX News June 18, 2021 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT
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made in the usa mugs, what else matters? freedom matters. of course. and all of the proceeds go to rachel's challenge this month. every month we feature a new charity on laura and happy father's day to everyone across the country. that is all the time we have tonight. have a great weekend. greg gutfeld is next. ♪ >> greg: yeah, i mean, it's great, but where do you put the $20 bill?
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it's friday! or what kat likes to call tgi who threw up in my closet day. i wonder if she even remembers singing to her cat last night? ♪♪ and i will always love -- ♪♪ >> all right, all right, all right, i'll stop. please let go. please. all right, i'm done. >> greg: we understand how that cat feels. but maybe she should talk to someone, i suggest her husband, but we still can't find him. do you recognize this face? obviously that's a sketch. i think we might have a photo of him. anyway, i'm glad janice dean is back but, you know, she is a risk taker. [cheers and applause] >> greg: as this video of her can attest.
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she is healing nicely. good news for citizens of portland oregon. you'll have more time to loot because the riot squad gave themself the boots. the guys and gals on the front lines of mayhem resigned en masse after one of their officers allegedly smacked a rioter last august so all 50 quit. can't say i blame them. think about it you're brought in to stop a riot and lately you're busier than, chaos mayhem smoke fire, fists, the stench of body odor. like the rehearsal on the set of the view. and all you're trying to do is control things and save lives and yet you get busted for hitting someone at a riot who just happens to have a camera in the thick of it. something alex baldwin does every day. you see how it's a losing proposition? it's like apologizing to the woke mob, you're damned if you
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do, damned if you don't. or if you're the remaining law abiding citizens of portland who can't move out, you're damned to hell. especially when you have a mayor this pa theyically weak. >> i'm going to do the work that i need to do here in my local community with my local officials to take accountability for what's happening on our street. and i'd appreciate that either the president support us or he stay the hell out of the way. >> i stand with you no matter what. and if they want the tear gas against you, they're wanting the tear gas against me. >> greg: how iss that apiecement working out? fact is the decorated officer was doing the best job he could but since our politicized criminal justice system has now replaced an actual justice system, he's the villain. he pays, not the criminals. just the way it goes in a progressive paradise. little background on that night in portland.
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roughly 200 demonstrators had approached the building in portland. the media calls them demonstrators but that's like calling arsonists carless smokers. they came with tactical helmets armed with weaponry their cowardly faces covered, exactly what i wore in larry kudlow's hot top. he won't be watching this, so... they said fire the dumpsters of course which raises the e term question why the hate against dumpsters? maybe it's self hatred, car mortgage attacking garbage or maybe they think it will sterile eyes the container before they move in. they defaced buildings, tossed molotov cocktails setting it on fire, in portland this is known as making s'mores. as in you're going to get s'more rioting after you defunded your police. so imagine being tasked with dealing with these animals.
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i don't even know if i can call them animals, because animals are better creatures than these bad losers. i mean have you seen the antifa mug shots? be glad they're not scratch and sniff. they look like their fight for justice includes a war on soap and clear sill. they could be cast in cats without any makeup. i wonder how cnn portrays antifa these days. >> aren't they just kind of like an idea at this point or just peaceful protesters? >> yes, a brilliant idea. we should have honorary deagrees from every university. or better yet, a medal of honor, a nobel peace prize and a stanley cup. >> sometimes i wish they were carnival stuffed animals that i could win and take them home with me. >> i wish i could take them home with me so they could get me pregnant. >> greg: i don't even think that's as crazy as cnn normally. what if your job was to stop these violent cry tense but when you do it doesn't matter.
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in october last year mike submit great third base man rejected 540 related cases in the interest of justice, catch and release. these are felons not fish. that kind of punishment wouldn't even make jeffrey to be input his pants on. this is happening all over thugs get arrested for crimes and then released before the next purpose they sucker punch hits the ground. a recent monster who sucker punched an elderly asian woman was arrested 42 times. if only they would send a social worker or vegan chef. you would think the judge would have seen this coming when they did away with bail. but they probably went to i havey league school. so what happens now than the riot cops don't show up for the weekly riot? the riotors rejoice and the remaining cops have no clue what happens next, not enough boots on the ground, this as massive demonstrations are planned for the coming weekend. so think about the world's worst
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mayors. you have the hedge hog homicider who allowed the greatest safest city to descend into madness. and then to step over a dead heroin user. and then writes e-mail billion private time while chicago citizens die. you have this spinals sack of jelly that did nothing but kneel before the arsonist while the city of minneapolis burned. and you have this putz from portland. would you work for calling him an ass hat? calling his an ass hat insults asses and hats. what do these leaders have in common other than they couldn't manage an arbies? obviously they're progressive democrats. wouldn't voters learn that the only thing progressives do is make things progressively worse.
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>> period >> greg: let's welcome tonight's guests. when weather comes to new york it has to go through her first, fox news senior meteorologist janice dean. she lets you carry a gun in her restaurant so you can bet the service is prompt. colorado congresswoman lauren boebert. he made the police look so good, they cancelled his show. author of the new book breaking blue, sergeant sean "stick" larkin. she's down to earth, especially when she's passed out on the street, fox news contributor kat timpf. >> all right, sean, i have to go to you first. you just recently, you're a recently retired police lieutenant. this is part of a growing trend that's happening everywhere and i would say that the trend actually, actually, you know, hurt your career. your show, you've got to say
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this, on the weekend, so this was -- i enjoyed the show. it was beating me in the ratings, in the demo, but they cancelled you because you were doing too good of a job making the police look good, they cancelled you making my show number one in the demo. >> full circle >> greg: full circle. [cheers and applause] >> greg: that had to have pissed you off. >> dramatically. and we were beating everybody. it was the number one show on friday and saturday nights typically on cable tv. >> i was watching it. >> she wasn't even watching our show. >> i was on the other one. >> but, no, it did. and all the conversation about policing in america, to me live pd, what it showed was, hey, this is really what's going on out here. there was nothing dramaitized, the show, the producers, nobody picked what the officers did each night. they were just in the cars documenting, hey, this is law enforcement in the country >> greg: right. >> and we showed tonight the
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urban areas. we showed it in rural areas. you name it, you saw it. and it's kind of funny being out on the street as a police officer when the show was cancelled, even all the bad guys i spoke with were like where's the show, we miss the show >> greg: that's where they get their big break. >> yeah >> greg: we had a drinking game when we watched live pd. we had to drink every time a suspect was missing a shirt. >> there was live pd bingo that you could print cards and play at home. social media was a with big part of twitter, live tweets. so you got to see this all night long the way the viewers interacted with each other or even us in studio. so a lot of people missed it and fingers crossed they will be back >> greg: you need reunion shows where you get the cops and the suspects back together. just like real house wives which are basically criminals. aren't they criminals janice? >> yeah >> greg: what do you make of this. the whole riot team leaves.
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can you blame them? >> i don't. i'm a family of first responders, my hub is a fire fighter and his brother is a police detective so i'm in a family where people risk their lives to help others. so to see this happening -- and the fire department and police department are kind of the same in that, if they feel like one of their people, their brethren is affected, they're going to ban together and do something like this >> greg: yeah. >> so i applaud this. i feel bad for portland. i don't know how safe it's going to be there now. >> greg: well, yeah. >> but, i mean, going back to what was going on there, this was not like stopping cars for speeding, this is like violence >> greg: yeah. >> so what are they supposed to do? just stand there and take it? >> greg: they're supposed to. by the way, what does your husband have against fire? i mean, maybe he should look in the mirror. what is fire but really just a chemical reaction looking for love? >> would you like to call him >> greg: i would.
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and i'm sure as a fire fighter he wears a red hat, right? racist. >> very offensive >> greg: exactly congresswoman. let's say you were a congresswoman not in colorado but in portland. what would you do. >> i think the portland congress men they just let insurrections happen, right? in seattle we allow chaz. it's a peaceful protest because there it's okay. but actually in colorado we've taken away qualified immunity from our police officers and it's devastating and now they want to do it on a national level in congress, the house passed it and, you know, now the few republicans who stood up to say we're not going to pass this, this legislation for the gold medal for the capitol hill police because they want to use them for their political games and we've already passed it once, they come by, they rewrite it, add another officer in has nothing to do with january 6th. and then we have officers going to members offices, congressional offices saying why
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did you vote no on the goed medal bill. i hope those same officers are going to all the democrats that represent portland and seattle and all these other crazy cities and say why did you vote to defund us? why did you vote to take away our qualified immunity and make us personally responsible for our jobs? these guys love their communities and i'm proud of the stand they took there in portland because enough is enough. and i think we're going to see this happening a whole lot more. >> greg: yeah, kat, when you look at portland, do you think it's a lost cause? i don't figure out how you go back. like if you equate any kind of law and order or disciplinary action as aggression or an affront, there is no answer at that point, other than the quick roll to just chaos. >> right >> greg: much like your hair tonight. >> thank you. >> hey i would take some fox
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news hair. >> thank you. if you want some i can uncan clip a piece and send it over. >> and i've been there when she's taken pieces out. >> i will do it in public, i have no shame. but i don't do arson >> greg: no, you don't. >> okay? and the reason why arson is definitely not an effective strategy is because it's not allowed. so if you do the arson, there are people that stop the arson and you get in trouble. but if you are allowed to do arson, it's incredibly effective >> greg: that's true. >> it's incredibly effective because now all these quit who is what they want. i'm somebody who wants police reform. i disagree i think we should have qualified immunity however i still think they shouldn't have no police which is what these people want. they want no police and no prison and because they're allowed to do unbridled arson people are quitting and they're getting what they want. it's hard to be this stupid but they're pulling it off. >> greg: all right. we'll have to leave it there. >> okay >> greg: i hate saying that.
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up next, they love carl marx and they're a bunch of narcs. ♪♪ [cheers and applause] ♪welcome back to that same old place♪ ♪that you laughed about♪ ♪well, the names have all changed♪ ♪since you hung around♪ welcome back, america. it sure is good to see you. welcome back, america. not all 5g networks are created equal. when it comes to 5g coverage, t-mobile is the best thing on the menu.
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>> greg: they live in dorms and they love to inform. and now a poll so bonkers you'll say, hey, greg, that's bonkers. but you look great, let's have brunch later. then i'll say, i appreciate the invite but i'm just not ready for a commitment right now because i've been hurt in the past. >> it's okay, greg. rejection is a part of life. you are worthy of love. but you could use a better hair cut. >> greg: thanks, god. i guess he was getting back at me for what i said to you, kat. >> thank god >> greg: anyway a sprawling survey out of north dakota state
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university, they have universities there janet, i know you didn't believe that. that would have joseph stalin saying they stole my idea. majority of college students would rat out their teachers and classmates if they heard something they didn't like. turns out liberal students love snitching along with their constant bitching. when asked if a professor says something they think would be offensive should they be reported to the university 85% of rib rails said yes. but also 41% of conservatives said yes and 65% of independence say nah, man, i'm not into 308 particulars got any weed. but when asked if students should be reported, 76 of libs still said yes, they would rat out on their classmate but 69% of conservatives said hell no they wouldn't because that's nuts, get out of my face. okay, i added that last parts. but this is not how our country was supposed to be, right? you cannot have discussions when
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disagreement has rep cushions. freedom of speech is for reason to allow for discourse even if it offends you especially if it offends you. as it's like our founding fathers once said, these wigs itch like crazy but they get the babes. they were swingers, especially ben franklin he was a wild would. >> oh, yes >> greg: he had a nice figure. what are we doing? it's late, friday night we're all wasted. congresswoman, are you worried about this generation? >> oh, my goodness, is that a loaded question >> greg: well, i am loaded. >> this is ridiculous. this is where we've come with the first amendment and with free speech. how about let's report the professors who are reporting on the students who are reporting on the professors. i mean, is this all going in permanent records? when does it end?
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when are we going to put an end to this. freedom of speech is against offensive speech. people offend me all the time, i don't care i move on. i grow from it, tell them off, move on. it's pretty concerning this is where we're at right now >> greg: sean is there anything that needs to be done to toughen up these college kids? like prison? >> well, prison unfortunately doesn't even toughen up our bad guys. i have a 19 year old son and i've tried to teach him from growing up, man, you don't have to like everything, you're not going to like everything. everyone's going to have their own opinion and that's something we talked about with live pd. the people that didn't like it, change the dam channel. instagram, you don't like what someone posts on instagram unfollow them. you don't have to listen to it. this is america and we all are entitled to our own opinion >> greg: not everybody, though. you know, kill meade. >> am i allowed to report all
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the reporters that ask me offensive questions? >> greg: you should. >> am i allowed to do that on their permanent record? >> greg: you know what happens is narcing bee gets narcing. once somebody starts doing it to you. you see that, a good non-political example, people who get mad if you're wearing masks and people who get mad if you're not wearing masks. it's a weird kind of thing that feeds off each other. >> totally been offended by people wearing masks in the car alone. like why, what are you doing? >> greg: and it's funny, i have to kind of like hold myself back from laughing at people outside on bicycles riding bikes and they have masks on and i want to yell on them. and i'm like am i becoming like them. >> but will you go into an establishment that says you have to wear a mask with your pack >> greg: yes, i'll do that because i'm a decent human being and i'm a world renowned celebrity i'm a role model. people come to me for advice and
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inspiration and if i were to act a certain way in public, you know. is weather forecasting racist? >> i have never been asked that question before. but i'm sure someone will. the clouds are white >> greg: the clouds are white. >> the sun is yellow >> greg: and you're also looking out for people with fair skin. >> right. i'm glad you brought that up. i will be prepared the next time out if someone says that my forecast is racist >> greg: how about this? how about what happens to these people when they get out of college? because they're not going to have any specific talents, right? >> right >> greg: so their own talent is to be angry with other people. >> or tell on them >> greg: which you know where they're going to go. >> hrearview mirror you and i, hr resources. except at fox, they are amazing at fox. >> they are amazing >> greg: do not open my file. >> but maybe that's what people have to get into is be hr >> greg: they are now.
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that is the extension, the tentacles from the campus and that's why you get a lot of the diversity e-mails which are harmless but then they build up into other weird e-mails. >> it's the cycle >> greg: i feel like i'm being bullied by the anti bullying crowd because as a bully, why can't they respect my feelings? >> remember when you used to say you're a tattletale. >> yeah. >> right? it was not good to be a tattletale >> greg: if somebody snitched on you that was it. >> they were done >> greg: yeah, i coined a phrase many years ago, snitches get stitches, remember that? >> yeah, you came up with that >> greg: yeah. >> some things need to be reported, sfliet like if a teacher says to you i'm going to kill your whole family and frame you for it. probably report that. but in tattle tailing in kindergarten would say if it's something that you cannot handle yourself then tell the teacher. otherwise you should handle it yourself. where's that?
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like these are all adults. so you should have some, you know, conflict resolution skills developed at that point, and if you don't >> greg: they don't, yeah. >> you should probably start to try to develop those >> greg: here's the thing. what's happening is it's going to widen the gulf between your thoughts and the things that you say. we're already seeing that happen. you're doing it all the time and you might not even -- i call it the chrissy teigen gulf, because she's the patron saint of narcing. but i still have an idea, i have an idea that, you know, for college kids what they should do, there needs to be a new movement where they pledge to each other freedom of thought and words. like they sign a no narc pledge that they can't narc anybody, fan some kid starts that and that happens, that would actually kill this thing and then they'd have to pay me a royalty for it because it's my idea. >> i thought the movement would be college students going to college to learn and get an education. >> there you go. >> have a great career.
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educators actually educating students >> greg: how naive are you. >> racist >> greg: you are racist and naive. >> greg before we split out of this, as a cop i'm a big fan of snitching >> [laughter]. >> i can't do my job without them so, at that level >> greg: before the show ends you might want to look in kat's purse before you go. >> dogs are on it already >> greg: they are. it's amazing. up next, does the world health organization have the right to cancel lady's night? ♪♪ it's fast, powerful long-lasting relief with a revolutionary, rollerball design. because with the right pain reliever... life opens up. aleve it, and see what's possible. tracfone wireless gives you more control. just swap your sim card (whistles) you can also keep your phone, keep your network, keep your number, $20 a month, no contract. don't keep that case though...
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at novartis, our goal is to help keep cosentyx accessible and affordable. if you're taking cosentyx and your insurance or coverage changes or you need help paying cosentyx connect is here to help. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting, get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms, if your inflammatory bowel disease symptoms develop or worsen or if you've had a vaccine, or plan to. serious allergic reactions may occur. call us or visit us online. we're here for you. >> greg: if you want to pop out a family, you better lose that martini. not a good rhyme, but it's funny. that's what the world health organization is demanding. baby makers got to drop the boilermakers. that's a great line people.
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the who has a ban on drinking alcohol of all women of child bearing age because of potential harm it could cause to an unborn baby even if a woman isn't pregnant or doesn't plan to have children at all. that's like saying we all need hell mitts because some people play football. don't give them any ideas. not surprising lick they've have been planned for i had yos saying alcohol isn't great for guys either and women should be able to make these decisions for themselves. but how can this advice be sexist if men can get pregnant oh, my head hurts just thinking about it. maybe because i'm pressing my hands against my head t it went away. it's back. anyway. some sources claim the real reason for the proposal was kat's behavior at my barbecue last week.
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>> oh, my god. >> greg: if i had a dollar for every head kat's destroyed. >> you keep inviting me over >> greg: because i like getting rid of my hedges. by the way don't hedge on your answers to this. see, that's how i'm a hosed. so used to phraseology is amazing. you plan on changing your behavior? >> no. >> absolutely not. first of all, i get that health is important, but it's also craft. you can be a super healthy person eat healthy and work out all the time and get hit by a bus out of a green juice store. i don't know the name of one because i don't do that. >> there's a statistic that says more people die leaving health food stores getting hit by trucks. did you know that. >> i'm sure it's true. alcohol is not that good for anyone but also it can be kind of fun >> greg: it is. and also if it wasn't for alcohol, many of us, including me, would never have been born.
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right? my parents were in their 40s, clearly they were bob menendezing when they conceived me. that's fwhak the 60s, being 40 was like being 70. right? that's also science according to the gutfeld institute of numbers he made up the other day. sean, i have a thinking, or an idea that live pd wouldn't exist without alcohol. right? because 90% of your suspects wouldn't be breaking the law if it wasn't for the fact that they are high as kites. >> a lot are big fans of alcohol and illegal drug business. and me as well my parents met in a bar so i wouldn't be here without the good old alcohol. i'm a big bourbon collector i worked for and higher bush in college and drove a beer truck so i think people should have libations and have a good time. we are all adults we can make our own decisions >> greg: you drove a beer truck. >> greatest college job ever >> greg: you should have a show. >> good idea.
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>> greg: don't you think? >> good idea >> greg: why don't we talk later. i could probably help you out on this. i have a shoe shows under my belt janice. speaking of belt you take a few belts don't you? >> remember the old days? >> greg: i remember the old days like it was last night kid 0. by the way i have to clean that stain out of the rug. >> i remember that stain. i think i was there. but i might have been too drunk. you know what? i'm going to celebrate this terrible survey by going home and getting drunk. >> yay. >> and, listen, my parents drank, supposed, did all sorts of bad stuff and i turned out just okay >> greg: yeah. congresswoman, let's not forget, the who was wrong on wet markets and we're going to let them judge our wet bars. >> that's right, they can't even tell the difference between a lab and a bat. so i'm good with the who. but here's the deal. they're just now coming out with this that women of child bearing ages or if you're pregnant you shouldn't be drinking alcohol. i've had four kids, i had no
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idea i was able to drink that whole time. all those pregnancies i could have been drunk. where was the who then? >> greg: yeah, where was the who? aside from the band. you know, i'm pretty sure, even smoking, i think my mom was smoking when she had me, explains a lot. everybody was having a good time. but that's not even what this is about. this is about, they're actually talking about making a law, right? >> yeah, yeah >> greg: that's insane. >> because it's awful. it really sickens me to my core >> greg: it should. as a drinker. >> as a drinker and a woman i am offended >> greg: yes, every person has a right to release. >> yes >> greg: especially relief from you kat, my god. >> greg, i'm very smart and i have brilliant thoughts in my head sometimes i just have to make myself dumb with alcohol or i wouldn't survive >> greg: i understand. all right. don't go anywhere. you're not going to want to miss this. the ba berserker blöthar is gwar
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is next. our live shows august 22nd in nashville and memphis, go to for ticket info. ane to severe ulcerative colitis or crohn's disease, i was there. be right back. but my symptoms were keeping me from where i needed to be. so i talked to my doctor and learned humira is the #1 prescribed biologic for people with uc or crohn's disease. and humira helps people achieve remission that can last, so you can experience few or no symptoms. humira can lower your ability to fight infections. serious and sometimes fatal infections, including tuberculosis, and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores.
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joining us the band's leader the berserker blöthar. blöthar. >> how you doing there, greg? >> greg: i'm great. i'm great. 30 years. are you surprised? >> am i surprised? of course i'm surprised. i don't -- i'm not looking for the next five minutes. you know, we're not thinking ahead. blöthar, by the way, it's blöthar. i know you pronounce the accent correctly. don't do that, it's just for effect >> greg: for some of the viewers, we used to have gwar on on my old show red eye, you remember the lead singer and you were the base player. do you miss him? >> do we ever miss him. yeah, he spoke very highly of you. >> greg: oh, did he? >> very highly. which isn't hard because he was always high. >> greg: that is true. that is true. i will not elaborate on that.
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but tell us where you're from, for new viewers. >> well, gwar is from outer space from far past uranus as you know. we were ban i should to this planet, this piece of crap planet and we were in antarctica waiting like a bunch of pot pies waiting to you that out . >> i never had a whiskey before asking you what's in it but i probably should have asked you what's in it because it's from gwar. what -- >> i have absolutely no idea. i assume it's just hand sanitizer and food coloring. that's my guess. yeah. rye whiskey.
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it will get you messed up. >> greg: so, i'm curious, so you're starting your 30th anniversary tour. what did you do during the shutdown when you couldn't tour? what did gwar do? >> same thing as everybody, hoarded toilet paper and drank rubbing alcohol. i mean, really we were glad for the break so we didn't have to be around each other. i don't have to tell you about the smell of gwar. >> greg: oh, yeah. yes, yes. you know, i was curious, do the members of gwar require vaccination or are you naturally immune to the novel viruses that have been developed here on earth? >> yeah, i mean, we don't have anything to do with that. gwar, gwar, i can assure you, that whatever happened, it's not our fault.
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it was not an accident. we're not responsible. did i say that right? my lawyer's over here. all right. >> greg: i approach this question with some trepidation. besides whiskey, you also have another product for the bedroom, am i correct? >> i didn't know we were going to be talking about that. my. yes, we're coming out with quite a product for the bedroom. >> greg: yes. what -- >> yeah >> greg: but what -- would you say that it's more like a marital aid? >> well, for a particular kind of marriage, i suppose it would aid. but, you know, i don't know how it's going to fit, to be honest. i don't know exactly who that would aid. more like a marital hindrance, a
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roadblock. >> greg: where did your tour begin? and when? >> well, i have absolutely no idea where the tour begins. i just go where they send me. tickets are on sale now. we're playing scumdogs, our classic shock rock historic album from front to back. we'll be accompanied by some of our old friends like techno destructo, the sexicutioner, special guests from our past >> greg: isn't napalm death touring with you? >> yes, the family friendly soft rock of napon death. and i hate god and mad ball >> greg: who knew. i didn't e -- great band.
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again, very friendly, bring your kids. grandma loves napalm death. i have to go. if you don't know who gwar is, you have to check out their music. the opening song was viking death machine a classic. blöthar pleasure talking to you. hope we have you back in studio soon. >> i will be there, you know it >> greg: excellent. don't go anywhere, back to tell us what we got wrong. bipolar depression.
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♪ >> greg: welcome back. let's find out if we got anything wrong so far this week. for that we go to our show own's buzzman steve phoenix, senior. >> oh, wow >> greg: i know, crazy. i didn't expect them to clap for you. steve and i actually used to tour the country as the badu 0 banana split. >> it was so right and now it's time to examine the oh so wrong. tuesday, fashion designer michael, roll it >> greg: her attack on the designer, i get an e-mail telling me this story about
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frank costello being ruined and destroyed. >> okay, well, first of all, the designer's name is michael costello, and you kept calling him frank the entire segment. and i know why. i know why >> greg: why? >> this is frank costello. >> greg: yes. >> it's the name of jack nicholson's character in the departed. and, you know, greg and jack are a lot alike. one is an aging bloated alcoholic and the other one is jack nicholson >> greg: all right. fair enough you got me. >> thank you craig >> greg: craig? >> up next, kat, kat, let's hear you on thursday talking to jimmy failla about section workers. magic mike hit it. >> nobody goes to mcdonald to eat healthy it's like hiring a hooker to snuggle. it's not why you're there. >> people do that. >> well, stick with your current job.
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>> wow, okay, well, first of all they're not called hookers kat so i'm correcting you for not correcting jimmy. >> i've never used the word hooker i always say sex worker >> greg: aren't you special? >> i absolutely am >> greg: katherine this is my time. secondly, it turns out professional cuddle buddies are a very real thing. i'm trying to prove that you're right. the washington post said in 2018, demand is growing, store fronts have opened up in portland, lovely place, and los angeles and numerous web sites and apps now offer on demand snuggle services across the country. so there you go. >> yes. right in colorado. you're welcome. >> all a front for hooking. >> hooking, baby. yeah. no, kat, i've got to tell you, the price, i got a quote, for about 60 bucks an hour you can hire someone to help you forget about your cold, loveless marriage. but we have to move on. congresswoman, are you there? >> hey there. what you got for me?
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>> earlier you mentioned you had four kids and you wished you could have been drinking the whole time, right? >> i just wasn't advised by the who that i couldn't. >> turns out according to a new study burned in the journal of obstetrics and combine coly. small amounts of alcohol especially in early pregnancy don't appear to increase your risk of high bloop, premature berth or low birth weight so i guess you kind of missed out there, huh? >> bummer. >> bummer, i know it. we love colorado, big shout-out. big fan. >> the same for the marijuana in colorado. >> smoke 'em if you got 'em. greg, let's hear your comments on wednesday about kat's appearance. one more time, mike, take us home. >> if you committed a crime, i wonder how they'd describe you. >> jawny like mccauley cul kin with a wig on >> greg: i was going to say second baseman from the original bad news bears. >> with a wig on
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>> greg: yes, yes. >> greg, i have some bad news for you, pal. you were way off base. as any true fan of the bad news bears would know, the original second baseman was josé agholor and, guess what? he doesn't look anything like kat. you were probably thinking of tanner boyle the shortstop >> greg: yes. >> i understand the confusion because the entire team looked like kat. swing and a miss, pal, swing and a miss. >> greg: it is so true, they're all kates. >> that's exactly what i look like without the weave. >> greg your glasses need glasses i'm out of town. see you next week >> greg: thanks steve, great job and i'll see you at home later. be right back. ♪♪ managing type 2 diabetes? you're on it. staying active and eating right? yup, on it there, too.
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9:00 pm
set your dvrs every night so you never miss an episode. thanks to janice dean, congressman lauren boebert, kat timpf, steve phoenix jr., our studio audience. "fox news @ night" with shm's next. i'm greg gutfeld, and i love you, america. ♪ ♪ >> shannon: hello and welcome to "fox news @ night." i am shannon bream in washington. breaking tonight: inflation fears rising as americans pay more for everyday items, and republicans not the only ones concerned over president biden spending habits and plans. why some on the left are sounding the alarm. growing outrage tonight from airline passengers still required to wear those
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