tv Hannity FOX News June 22, 2021 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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what we've just been through and i hope that will not comply with this. i really do. marc, thank you so much. >> on that -- sure, thank you tucker. >> tucker: we will see you again for we will be back tomorrow. the show that is the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness and groupthink. ladies and gentlemen, taking over for us tonight from the city in transition sean hannity. >> sean: sorry about that playing drums, i don't know, air drums. tucker, thank you and great show. welcome to "hannity" for the double standard inside the democratic party has never been worse. according to democrats the georgia election law that mandates 17 days early voting drop boxes in every precinct that has -- the state of delaware is racist but in biden's home state of delaware the voting laws are way more restrictive. well, that is what, a-ok? not racist at all? for decades and decades and
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centuries even, joe has represented the state of delaware. not once did he lift a finger to increase voting accessibility in the state. in rhode island, democratic senator, and the white house he was once quick to accuse president trump of racism and speak out often about systemic racism. tonight, we are learning that senator from rhode island belongs to an exclusive beach club in newport that he believes is a whites only establishment apparently is not too concerned about it because he is not leaving the club but lectures the country on systemic icism and jim crow 2.0. major cities across the u.s. democrats routinely accuse their own police force of racism, they work to defund, dismantle law enforcement. get rid of bail laws and have no bail whatsoever. violent crime rate against minorities is now skyrocketing. we will get all of this, a busy news hour tonight but first, we
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do begin with this fox news alert because tonight republicans in the united states senate have officially blocked the disastrous s1 voting bill, the sister bill to hr1, and they did it with a filibuster. just a reminder, this unconstitutional legislation would have stripped the and constitutional authority of state legislatures. the time, manner, place of elections. that authority is given to them. it would have been unconstitutional and it would have given democrats full control over the election laws in every state. we have a full monologue coming up on a lot of things tonight but first, joining us with the very latest, the man that knows the galaxy of washington, d.c. the hitchhikers guide to all things lunacy in the swamp and the sewer, chad pergram is back with us. all right, chad, we weren't sure all 50 republicans would hold. they did. let's talk about it. >> that's right.
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the voting rights bill for the time being is dead. him tonight, this was not an up or down vote. this was a procedural vote. we need 60 votes to clear a filibuster. all 50 democrats were yeas. all 50 republicans were nos for vice president harris presideded but she cannot break a tie on a procedural vote. chuck schumer, the democratic leader, he blamed republicans for obstruction. >> senate republicans have signed their names in the ledger history alongside donald trump, the big lie and voter suppression, to their enduring disgrace. a this vote, i'm ashamed to say, is further evidence that voter suppression has become part of the official platform of theth republican party. >> just the idea that vice president harris presided over the vote told you how important this bill is to democrats. j
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schumer even coaxed democrat joe manchin to vote yes, that meant all 50 democrats were yeas. this vote reveals the realities of a split senate and what democrats can get doneth legislatively. this also ramps up two other things. they will weaponize this vote against republicans for the midterms. they are trying to energize their base and get them to the polls. this will intensify the push to end the filibuster. what you need to amend the filibuster provisions, a failedd provisional -- a failed a procedural vote like this, that sets the table for possibly using the nuclear option. back to you. >> sean: real quickly can you give us an update on the infrastructure bill? i know there was a bipartisan group of senators, that effort seems to be failing on many fronts. democrats -- using the reconciliation process so they don't need to reach the magic number of 60.
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there are major hurdles for the democrats to meet that threshold, what is the update about that? >> two tracks in july, the reconciliation track and also the bipartisan track. deputy officials meeting with the democratic and republican senators on capitol hill today the republican from louisiana indicated that they were down to the hard part which is the pay forest and the republican whip indicated that is going to be the real challenging part thought they might be taking three steps forward, two steps back, that is going to be tough because they want to at least try to get a framework of this before the end of the week before the senate goes away for two weeks for fourth of july so they can maybe put something on the floor, be it that reconciliation bill or possibly a bipartisan package sometime in july. sean? >> sean: the bottom line is the biden agenda, the new green deal socialist agenda being stymied as of tonight, and the clock is ticking.
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chad, thank you, from washington. tonight, republicans were totally right and what they did tonight to block the radical voting bill. it is little more than attempted power grab from the democratic party that would givt the democrats a full control over the election laws in every state. it would be unconstitutional, as we have explained. many democrats are now demanding an end to the filibuster and calling anyone who disagrees with them racist if they stand in their way. unfortunately for these democrats, one of their own senators is pending the filibuster. actually one and a half, i'm not sure where joe manchin is on any given day. but in an op-ed, kyrsten sinema the senator from arizona, stated she would not report an actionri the damages our democracy. that appears to be joe manchin's position as well. that would mean that effort is also dead. here more on all of this is utah senator mike lee.
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let's first talk about sr1 let's talk about the infrastructure, the use of reconciliation and then we will get to this issue about the filibuster in a minute. >> fantastic. look, i'm thrilled we defeated s1. this bill was written in hell by the devil himself. this bill would make it easier to vote, it would make it easier to vote illegally peer this is the corrupt politicians act and i'm glad we defeated it.asto most importantly, sean, we have to remember that this would have arranged for federal taxpayer dollars to fund campaigns. several of my colleagues haveey pointed out to me in the last few days that in their campaigns, if this bill had been law, they personally would have been entitled to tens of millions of dollars in federal taxpayer subsidies into their campaigns.
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there's one thing the american people do not want, and that's for the federal government to be running politicians' campaigns and i'm thrilled we stopped it. >> sean: there are five things i've identified, if we want integrity in our elections and we want confidence and resultsit i think there are five simple things. one is voter i.d. you need i.d. to get into a democratic national convention the white house, the capital. you needed to buy a six-pack of beer, a bottle of wine, and a pack of cigarettes or a juul pod which i have been have at all times. you need all of that, signature verification, voter i.d., chain of custody controls, you should clean up and modernize the voting rolls every election season, that just makes sense and most states have laws that say partisan observers get to watch the vote counts start to finish. we know none of that happened in 2020. k is there anything i'm missing anything you would add, and why would anyone oppose any of those items? >> no one should oppose any of w those items, unless of course they want to steal the election or of course undermine the
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integrity of an election. in some states, they do have those things. in some states, they did follow them, and those states have elections that actually have credibility. one of the flaws in this is it would have consolidated all of this law and made it federal. and effectively precluded states from updating their own voter registration files or imposing voter i.d. requirements, or any of the good things you identified. it would have also made normal the practice of vote trafficking whereby professional political operatives could come in and for money collect votes and then cast them for other people. that is illegal in most good states and should be illegal everywhere -- >> sean: senator, i don't trust people that pick up other peoples ballots. i don't know, i believe some nefarious things potentiallyou could happen.
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let me ask you especially about you have joe biden, you have stacey abrams, you have raphael warnock, joe leading the call jim crow 2.0. correct me if i'm wrong joe biden has represented the state of delaware for decades right? maybe even you would argue centuries, it has been so long. the state of virginia, their new law allows 17 days early voting. a drop box in every precinct in georgia. you don't have an excuse for a mail-in absentee ballot. in the state of delaware there is no drop boxes, no early voting, both states require voting i.d., headed to get away with saying george's new law which is far more accessible than his state of delaware, how does he get away with calling it jim crow 2.0? >> he gets away with it because he's a progressive democrat and he therefore has a compliance
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media enterprise behind him. but this is wrong, this bill had nothing to do with 2020, it had nothing to do with georgia's law this year or texas' law this year. no, this was written years ago. that was all a ruse. that's why it's so essential that we make sure this remains defeated. you can read more about it on my website, i've been absolutely concerned panicked. if there's any chance this would become law it would be devastating for the country. this would be bad for everyone other than democratic political incumbents. >> sean: all right, we have one great senator from utah. senator, thank you for being with us. we appreciate it. we turn now to another blatantin double standard on the left and that is the mob, the media their treatment of donald trump versus the treatment of joe biden. we will call this a special "hannity" investigation because without a doubt, joe biden's first couple of months, they have been an unmitigated disaster. he's not even getting his radical, new green deal socialist agenda through, ass evidenced by tonight, but if you are dumb enough to rely oned "the new york times" as your soul, only source for news, i
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doubt you would have any idea that president sippy cup, that guy, is struggling and failing on every front. the headlines from "the times" reads like a beautiful love story praising biden for his vaccine push. the vaccine donald trump gave touting biden's constructive meeting with vladimir putin.h. he gave putin a waiver on the pipeline to build while canceling the keystone pipeline and firing 11,000 americans. then of course they like to at "the new york times" cherry pick polls that always show biden in a favorable light but even more telling are the stories that "the times" will ignore. we call this biased by omission. for example "the new york times" like the rest of the media, they say almost nothing about joe biden's and cognitive issues or massive inflation, or the unemployment rate, or the numerous scandals
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surrounding hunter biden, many of which surround directly his father, who was caught two and a half weeks ago in a lie saying he has never talked to hunter about his foreign businesses dealings and yet we have pictures of joe biden with hunter's foreign business partners. we will have more on that in a moment. but needless to say we have an information crisis in the country. e "the times," the rest of the media mob are bending over backwards every second, minute hour of every day to protect joe biden and it was and remains a very different story with president trump. this from the moment donald trump and melania trump came down that escalator at trump in 2015, continuing to this day the so-called newspaper of record. they have been stalking, never ending stalking of donald trump. the same with the three broadcast networks and two fake news cable channels. literally they have spent five
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long years spewing lies conspiracy theory, one after another, and a huge hoax on the american people. they smeared members of the president's family, they pushed the phony russian disinformation dossier that hillary clinton paid for. they used that to attack donald trump. in 2018 it was ben smith, my buddy himself published a "new york times" op-ed dealing how proud he was of himself forr publishing hillary clinton's and bought and for, dirty russian disinformation dossier. a year later he stated "the broad outline of what christopher steele was writing is unquestionably true." no, ben, it was unquestionably false. it was full of russian and misinformation and russian lies and you were a willing dupe in all of this. and "the new york times" and it didn't stop there. here are a few more examples. take a look. >> first of all, i think we need to start asking ourselves into particular republican leaders in congress need to start asking themselves at what point do we
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need to stop giving the benefitt of the doubt here? the evidence here, these close ties with russia continue to mount with each and every day.e >> but i think this is the more significant quote. i faced great pressure because of russia. that's taken off. it sure seems to fit one of the elements that there was obstruction of justice, no? >> robert s. muller the third has been examining two chief questions. ties between donald trump's campaign and russia and whether trump as president has tried to obstruct that investigation. >> i don't know if i can explain it as well as i did before. >> if they get a report from the justice department, they will likely, certainly take impeachment seriously if not begin an impeachment process against the >> sean: they reported lie after lie after lie.e. they spewed conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory, and as we speak, "the new york times,"
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the washington correspondent maggie haberman covers donald trump nearly, get thisor nine times more than the current president joe biden. when are they going to stop giving joe and hunter the benefit of the doubt, to quote them? it's completely insane. they stalk donald trump, they still stalk donald trump and they kiss the ass of and protect joe biden and his crack addict son hunter. p he's in the oval office and joe is in the oval office, maybe it's time to start doing your job. "the new york times," the rest of the media mob, and nothing more than green new deal socialists and propagandists, they lie, they push their agenda, they pushed propagandaa misinformation and they pretend to be something that they aresi not, journalists. they are in fact nothing but modern day version of -- this
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newspaper is not only biased, it is corrupt and it is dishonest. in fact, right now "the new york times" is facingdi multiple major defamationac lawsuits and a pretty amazing decision, the new york supreme court, not an easy place in to win a case, they refused to dismiss a lawsuit from project veritas and they have now granted project veritas and james o'keefe discovery. sarah palin's defamation suit against "the new york times,"," that is still ongoing and that appears headed for trial in july. i can't wait. "the times" is also facing a suit from covington high school student nicholas sandmann. i'm predicting they will probably pay him tens and tens of millions of dollarsrs because they defamed his character, told lies about him, as many other media outlets will likely be paying mr. sandman a fortune. "the new york times," the rest of the media mob, they are not interested in truth, they're t interested in destroying their political enemies. that's far more important to them.
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and with all the venom, all the hate, all the ink, the vitriol they are all clearly addicted to all things donald trump and the reality is, psychologically, for them, they cannot quit their psychotic addiction to donald trump. they miss him more than anybody. my message to "the times," my message to the rest of the media mob is simple. it's time for you to tell the truth. it's time to own your own truth. you are radical leftists, neww green deal, trump hating, trump obsessed, new green deal socialist. that's who you are. you are kind of like talk show hosts, you claim to be journalists and you are not. you're propagandists and it's very easy to expose all of your lying and your agenda. the difference, for example between me and you, it's simple yet it's kind of profound. i'm honest about who i am. i am a member of the press. i'm a talk show host.
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we do, and i can produce thousands of hours of straight news, thousands of hours of investigative reporting that you're too lazy to do. i give my opinion, i'm upfront about my conservative political beliefs, i do sports, i do culture, i am like the entire newspaper. you say you are a journalist you are not journalists, and tonight, by the way, we will start with "the new york times" because in calling on ben smith maggie haberman and other so-called journalists at "the times," just start being honest about who you are and what you leave and that you have an agenda and maybe you can start answering the questions that i posed today on an op-ed on, which brings us to another big difference between me and them, we tell the truth, they spread lies and conspiracy theories about trump and russia and collusion, things that never happened. we expose the deep state abuse of power and corruption and even they now cling to lies that have been proven false over and over again. as "the new york times" now
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acknowledge that christopher steele's dossier bought and paid for by hillary clinton and the dnc, was filled with russian disinformation? will you admit the truth finally? do you still believe, did youdm ever really believe in the trump-russia collusion hoax, or were you just advancing a political agenda from day one? will you ever investigate the millions of dollars that joe biden son, and zero-experience hunter made by selling access to daddy? how would you cover it if it was donald trump's sons? will "the times" or the rest of the media ever covered biden his family with the same tenacity that they covered the trump family or the feelings of their far left readers are more important. will maggie haberman, will ben smith, while their colleagues acknowledge that their deceptive coverage of trump and russia and funny collusion for three years
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that makes them unworthy of the pulitzer prizes they got? do they plan on returning it? do they not understand he didn't deserve it? the reporters at "the times" got the biggest story in their lifetime wrong. dead wrong. this show got it right. there was no trump-russia collusion. the dirty dossier that they say was truthful was a russian all along. they did the very thing they were complaining trump did, but didn't. and not only did they get it wrong, they got fake pulitzer prizes for the efforts. so maggie haberman, if you have any integrity "the new york times," if you have any integrity, give them back. here with reaction, fox newsou contributor joe concha along with fox news legal analyst gregg jarrett, ironically you wrote a number one "new york times" best-selling book on all of this. he wrote two of them, actually. gregg jarrett, is there anything that they got right as it relates to russia? >> no, not really, and the
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longest chapter of my second book "witch hunt" chronicles all the mistakes, all the wrongful reporting that "the new york times" and other news organizations dead and never apologized for. they issued an occasional retraction and correction, never an apology. "the new york times" and maggie haberman became obsessed with donald trump, driven by theire hatred, their arrogance, their liberal bias. they were blinded by the fundamental standards of fairness and accuracy and truth and the reward as you pointed out, sean, with a pulitzer prize for getting a story wrong. when you award bad behavior with more bad behavior, all you get is more lies, more smears. to "the new york times" is very much like a religious cult when it comes to trump. they are maniacal and they hire mindless sycophants like ben
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smith, who published the dossier without ever bothering to investigate or verify or corroborate any of it. if he had, he would have learned that it is a collection of lies conjured up by two classic funnies, glenn simpson and christopher steele and funded by the hillary clinton campaign and democrats. they were played for the fools that they are, useful idiots. and if "the new york times" had any integrity, it would fire those individuals who got that story wrong for so long and apologize sincerely to their readers. >> sean: i wouldn't hold my breath, joe concha. >> let me hop on greg's point there are around what buzzfeed did and the damage it did to the country. buzzfeed under ben smith, to greg's point, decided to go ahead and publish the steele dossier in its entirety when no other news organization liberal, conservative otherwise, would not touch it with a 10-foot cattle prod.
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buzzfeed went ahead anyway and it back to the question, what would a dossier against the democratic nominee ever be published without any vetting processes? rhetorical. don't bother answering that. smith was actually getting a promotion, going from buzzfeed to "the new york times" and being hired to cover media. you look at maggie haberman as well, she is no different from jim acosta who led the media -- as far as covering donald trump with hostility, using unnamed sources, but will not do the same with the biden administration. he removed himself from the position of white housee correspondent to do some weekend show that almost no one watches. and haberman is a paid employee of cnn.. she worked with jen psaki alongl with multiple members of the obama-biden administration. there is a clear conflict of interest here and it's very apparent to everybody because "the new york times" stock is down 16% this year. that is a reason for that. >> sean: that is why you need your own media show.
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>> sean: just like we've been telling you, joe biden's america-last policies are designed to pander to the rest of the world, you pay the bill. of course taking aim at you, we the american people, we are all going to suffer, we are all going to pay a lot more for everything. learning that biden's rollback of trump's highly successful remain in mexico policy will now allow asylum-seekers, get this, those that were ordered to be deported for not attending their court hearings to enter the u.s. interior and restart their proceedings.
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in other words, they went home they are inviting them back and they are even apparently paying for transportation. that is open borders, leading into amnesty, plain and simple. and then of course biden'sth failures don't stop there as the administration is still refusing to hold china accountable and refusing to be honest about well, the chinese role in covering up the origins of the coronavirus and we are now learning that even google was reportedly involved in funding research by the now infamous eco-health alliance that received u.s. taxpayer dollars and subcontracted with the wuhan virology lab on gain of function research. and so i will ask again, when is the biden administration going to be transparent, start being honest with you, the american people about all the evidence supporting not only the lab leak theory that the democrats and
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the media said was a conspiracy theory and lied about, it appears american dollars may have helped fund this. here with reaction south carolina senator lindsey graham. senator, let me start first witt the border. i will be down at the borderto next week on wednesday with president trump, with governor abbott. i understand there's a chance you may be going as well. we are doing a town hall while we are down there. it's the number one issue. we are now headed for two and a half million people illegally coming into the country, now they are being transported to every state in the country and people not have to pay for food and clothing and housing and education. how do we deal with this? >> number one, the biden-harris administration is incompetent and foolish when it comes to managing illegal immigration. they are literally telling people that we sent to mexico because they didn't show up fory their asylum hearing, hey, you can come back and start over again.
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the biden administration supports eliminating cash bail basically letting everybody out. look at what has happened in new york, the cops arrest a guy on monday morning, they are out monday so all of these policies are blowing up in the biden-harris administration's case. six months they've been in charge.. let's name the winners in the last six months.s. drug cartels in mexico, human traffickers and coyotes in c mexico, the taliban in afghanistan, the iranian ayatollah, russia, putin, and china have all been the biggest winners of incompetent domestic and foreign policy. >> sean: okay, we knew that the wuhan virology lab studied coronavirus'. we knew that they were involved in gain of function research. we knew all of this. anthony fauci knew this and
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anthony fauci knew that gain of function procedures were taken place on covid-19. on january 21st of 2020 panicked emails about whether or not the nih helped fund it. knowing what we know, is there any doubt that gain of functionn research caused this virus at that wuhan lab? >> there's no doubt in my mind. i think i can prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the virus came from a lab, not from a bat to an animal, into a human being, that the analysis of the case here, five fingerprints proving it came out of the lab you could convict somebody in a court of law, so what do we need to do? we need to allow the american people to go to an american
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court and sue the chinese communist party for ruining their lives and their businesses by waving sovereign immunity like we did after 9/11 for saudi arabia. so i'm going to challenge my democratic colleagues to open o the american court system up so we can get to the bottom of what happened in china. the best way to get to the truth is to have a trial over where it came from and how it got toat america. i'm convinced it came from a lab leak. i don't think it was intentional but it didn't come from nature and i hope you will have muller on your show to explain to your viewers why they believe beyond a doubt that it came from the lab. >> sean: all right, senator sr1 is now officially dead. we now have senator sinema and joe manchin on record saying they would not abolish a legislative filibuster. apparently, you were taking part in bipartisan discussions on infrastructure, not something i would have advised you to do. i think you're wasting your time. but nobody ever listens to sean hannity. trust me, i try to advise a lot
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of people. >> a lot of people actually did it. >> sean: but the question is is this new green deal socialist agenda dead? can republicans, more importantly, will republicans unite and stop it? t >> good we know the power grab to take over the elections by the federal government is dead because we stopped it if they do reconciliation to pass the green new deal, we will see where manchin and sinema are at. what i am offering my democratic colleagues is a trillion plus dollars paid for, infrastructure as we know, roads, bridges ports, electrical vehicles can be in the mix, that we can pass a pathway forward for trillions of dollars for infrastructure but we will not find a pathway forward for $6 trillion of
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spending in the name of infrastructure. so i'm hoping that moderate democrats will work with me and others to find a solution and they will reject $6 trillion takeover of the country. >> sean: i will say this senator. 2022, florida, georgia, south carolina, senator scott north carolina, new hampshire wisconsin, ohio, arizona although senate seats are up for grabs. in this race in 2022 is all on the line leading into 2024. thank you, straight ahead, joy behar made a truly strange comment about an nfl player this morning. tammy bruce and larry elder are next, they will react straight ahead. and
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out that he is gay. take a look. >> after they said penetrationat in the end zone, then -- is this a sign that?er [laughs] sunny, is this assigned that the sports world is catching up with the times? what do you think? that inappropriate joke i made on daytime television, scratch it. make believe i never said it we will be right back. >> sean: democrats in the media mob, the sheldon whitehouse of rhode island, he is under fire for his membership to an exclusive club that apparently is all white and only all whiter here's how he reacted. take a look. .. has there been any traction in in that? are there any minority members of the club now? >> i think the people running the plays are still working on that and i'm sorry about that.
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>> and delete all white club in this day and age, should these clubs still continue to exist? >> it's a long tradition in rhode island and there's many of them, i think we need to work our way through the issue. thank you. >> sean: meanwhile "the washington post" taking yet another odd turn, making a video urging americans to set up white accountability groups and force themselves into a period of deep shame. take a look. >> george floyd's death came a deeply personal and racial tragedy for many americans. for the first time, white peoplm were becoming aware of their w whiteness and the systemic ways that white supremacy affects all of us. >> white people in particular get aroused, get upset saying this is unjust, this shouldn't happen. there is like an awakening that >> i am originally from a smaller town in oklahoma. whiteness was the default and whiteness was the comfort. >> sean: here with reaction fox news contributor tammy bruce
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along with syndicated radio talk show host, he looks a little bewildered right now, larry elder is with us. i think all three of us, let's start with joyless behar, i don't think joyless behar, i think she is harmless, i think her thoughts get ahead of her speaking, that is my opinion she doesn't like me, i don't particularly like her. i think all three of us represent a very large part of america in terms of people's personal lives. we are libertarian. you agree with that, tammy? >> i do and this is what is important here, you meet more interesting people if you don't knock when you come in and that is what you get with joy behar. this is where the bigotry is -- >> sean: [laughs] this is why you should be hosting. you said it so much better than i did pay that's great. >> this is the bigotry and this is where she is so automatic offhand but i would suggest that
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in fact she thought of that joke ahead of time. she was looking forward to delivering it. she thought as a result it woulm be funny, it would be okay. this is a woman who is part of the american left establishment and we hear all of thisok haranguing and hectoring about racism and bigotry in general and that is where she goes in the 21st century, where a young man who is now the only out active nfl player who says he is gay and that is where she goes a sex joke. he is open, it's about role models, it's abouta showing americans that all different people are all different kinds of ways and we are and embracing country and we like everybody for the most part, and yet we hear this constant attack and lecturing, like "the washington post" a video about white people. they clearly are speaking to liberal democrat leadership people like joy behar.
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maybe that is their country club group and maybe they really do need to have their videos but it certainly is not all of america. it's the people they know, it is the bigotry on the left and it is so automatic that they really have no idea that it's going to be offensive. >> sean: do i need a period of deep shaming of myself, larry? >> [laughs] regarding joy behar, she's not wrong in my opinion that it is not that big a deal. precedents against gay is at an all-time low -- the problem is it isn't funny. even jeremy toobin didn't laugh at that. i thought the number one rule of comedy is to be funny and she was not. regarding "the washington post," consider the source, sean. this is the paper that has never endorsed a republican forgt president in its entire history. never in regarding setting up these commissions, these groupsg to talk about whiteness. i've said this before, whoever said that compound interest is
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the strongest force in the universe never encountered white guilt. it is phenomenal that so many white people have been trained indoctrinated, taught to consider themselves oppressors because after all, black people are victims in this era where the democrats need to have black people think of themselves as victims because they are losing black support. donald trump in 2016 and 2020 increased the black vote 50% and they are scared to death so they are doubling down on the systemic racism nonsense. >> sean: does sheldon whitehouse get a pass because he is a democrat and i guess he gets to go to an all-white club and it's been g known as such for many years and they have not made any effort to change that? does he get a pass?s? larry, we will start with you. >> yeah, he gets a pass. remember when samuel alito was nominated by george herbert walker bush and it turned out he belonged to an all male club in san francisco? it almost derailed his candidacy. if the senator did not have a d at the end of his name he wouldn be dead man walking, but he
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claims they are moving towards diversity. h haven't seen any, but they are h moving towards diversity and that is good enough. >> sean: tammy? >> look, it's the people who cancel people who are fine with this bigotry. that is the fraud. this is not hypocrisy. we are seeing him for who and what they are. we have to remember there is a reason that the urban areas and the inner cities are collapsing because the bigots have been in charge of them. this has been indoctrination this has been a giant struggle session to convince everybody of the lies that america is racist that whites are oppressors, and that black people don't know how to run their own lives. we know that's a lie and of course now we see that democrats every day virtually proving as correct on that. >> sean: as somebody that believes the natural law, that rights come from god, not fromom man, that we have a creator, we are endowed by our creator, not
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a thing but the creator, the creator of everything. when you believe that, you believe god created every man woman and child in the battle of life and the test in life isie leaning towards good or evil. anyway, thank you both. straight ahead, portland police officer speaks out following the resignation of the entire 50 member riot squad. wow. next. ♪ ♪ if you have risk factors like heart disease, diabetes and raised triglycerides,... ...vascepa can give you something to celebrate. ♪ vascepa, when added to your statin,... clinically proven to provide 25% lower risk from heart attack and stroke. vascepa is clearly different. first and only fda approved. celebrate less risk. even for those with family history. ♪ don't take vascepa if you are... ...or become allergic to icosapent ethyl or any inactive ingredient in vascepa. serious side effects may occur like heart rhythm problems and bleeding.
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11:52 pm
♪ ♪ >> sean: now the deadly consequences of the defund dismantle police agenda is perhaps most apparent in the city of portland, where shootings, homicides, they are still rising. police morale is falling amid never-ending attacks, abuse of the police, anti-police rhetoric from left-wing radicals and elected officials, and the portland police associationn
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leader, he says morale among officers is as bad as it's ever been.e after all, 50 riot squad members resigned after an officer was indicted for allegedly assaulting a photographer. here to explain more is the portland rapid response team commander, jacob clark. jacob, i'll be honest. every cop i know wanted to be a cop since they were a kid. it's not -- it's a calling for most people that go into your profession. to have to leave it because things have gotten soen dramatically difficult for you is sad to me. what happened here? >> yes, totally agree with you. it is something that most of us wanted to do our whole lives. just to clarify, the team didn't leave the policing profession. they just resigned from that team. so they still have their normal jobs. >> sean: the riot squad, they resigned from that. >> exactly, yeah.
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this is just -- i know the timing came after the indictment of one of the team members but really this was a long time coming. the team wanted to quit back in the fall, they met with the chief of police, they expressed their issues, the chief said they would address it and the team believed that, they kept doing their job, and then really this indictment of one of our officers was really kind of a second to last straw that broke the camel's back for the team. go ahead. >> sean: we now have defund. we have dismantle, then we have no bail laws like in new york and then cops are getting hit with rocks and bottles and bricks and molotov cocktails and if they fight back then they are the ones in trouble and now they want cops to hire their own lawyers. to me, that is the end of all policing as we know it, am i wrong? h >> it's certainly not going in
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the right direction, in my opinion. >> sean: i mean, how do you doot your job, right? >> that's the big question. we just need, the team just needs guidance and support. we are just not seeing that andn that's what -- they don't know what they can do because the policies, the interpretations of policies are always changing there's new interpretations of the law that applies to this stuff. nobody can tell us what we can and cannot or should and should not do, and the chaos -- how do you operate in that? >> sean: well, thank you for telling us your story. i'll tell you this, who are you going to call when all hell breaks loose, who do you call? more "hannity" next. why hide your skin if dupixent has your moderate-to-severe eczema or atopic dermatitis under control? hide my skin? not me.
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12:00 am
>> sean: unfortunately, that's all the time we have left this evening, we hope you will set your dvr so you never missed an episode of hannity. he will never get this news from anyone in the media mob that you won't get it from the three room networks. you will get it from "the new york times" for sure or "the washi in the meantime, let not your heart be troubled, laura ingraham, big show. >> laura: hannity, they are actually arresting par >> they are arresting parents who show up at board meetings. this is the united states of america, parents show up to voice their concerns about racist critical race. being taught in virginia schools, they show up at a school board meeting this afternoon, people start getting arrested just for being there and speaking out. this is a huge story and we will hit it in toni
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