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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  June 24, 2021 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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announcement. this coming wednesday june 30 live 9:00 p.m. we will be holding a hand of the town hall at the us-mexico border alongside president donald trum in the governor of the great state of texas governor greg abbottgo t and we will talk abo the failed policies of biden an harris. let not your heart be troubled at lower ingram high big show. by the way you had a great show last night >> you had a great show last night. y laura: is your townhall going to be 800 miles from where the action is our right on the border? >> we are going to be on the border. i'm not sure of the location. wherever they put me i will go. >> will you and trump together but crawling around looking for
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the migrants? will you be in camo? i'm wondering how that will look? >> and all-terrain vehicle. >> janet reno on horseback, on roller skates at the border. >> to the border on roller skates, don't know how it will work in the dirt. >> i was making a kamala harris joke and you took it personally. i can't wait for your townhall. >> if we went to school together you would have been the biggest wise ass in class and would've got me in trouble. laura: and i had better grades than you. >> no doubt because i never showed up. >> he would have made more money than me. we will stop right there and be watching next weekend's tomorrow night is always. this is the ingraham angle from washington tonight, attend to get to so let's dive right in.
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it is do or die in the suburbs, that is the focus of tonight's angle. it is the moment of truth for all you moderates living in the suburbs. many of you voted against donald trump by voting for biden and at the time i think you felt good about it, virtuous especially use suburban women, you are the biggest voting cohort making 20% of the voters in 2020 and he went 59% for biden and 40% for trump. you felt good about yourself at the time but what about now? the events of the last year and the past 6 months demonstrate that you got a lot more trouble than you bargained for. the fact is there are no more moderates left in the democrat party to reign in the radicals.
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it was almost a year ago biden is too week to stand up to the hard left. message to suburban women and older voters, biden is not going to give you the call you think he might, so democrats have become the party of chaos, lawlessness and disorder and when they can't get their way through voting they will encourage rioting and looting and if you resist or don't publicly profess your white guilt they will destroy you. they hate our history, our traditions and our way of life. not to mention that biden's lackeys want to wipe the suburbs off the map. like everything else they see the suburbs as inherently racist, a sign of decadent white privilege built on the backs of minority suffering. as we want you to administration will cajole localities into eliminating so-called exclusionary zoning laws that make the suburbs possible. goodbye picket fence houses,
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hello high-rises and multiuse living and the rampant crime that can come with it. speaking of which biden's answer to the terrifying spiral of crime sweeping the country should itself be a wake-up call for all you suburbanites who voted for him. his gun-control speech controls what we noted last night, the democrats defiantly refused to do what we all know works to reduce crime and they are doing that in favor of empty symbolic gestures that satisfy their rabid anti-second amendment base. under the leadership of bill clinton and with the help of them senator joe biden and republicans they tackled rising crime in the 1990s and did a good job of it but now that the hard left is in charge they are never going to crackdown on
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crime, they just mouth platitudes about community engagement and shovel taxpayer money out the door to their cronies. >> this is not defund our communities, it is investing in them for crime prevention and community building and social services. >> fostering trust, earning legitimacy in the communities. >> summer job training and recreation, young people work. they help make sure young people pick up the paycheck instead of a pistol. >> a lot of things we need to do on the law enforcement side including addressing the rising domestic violence, extremism. >> you can always count on maisie for real wisdom. the bodies continued to pile up as crime skyrockets taking not just black lives but blue lives as well. on monday, 19 year colorado police force veteran gordon beasley was ambushed in broad daylight, shot and killed. today we learned more about the
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suspect's motives. >> i can tell you gordon was targeted because he was wearing a police uniform and badge. oscar beasley was ambushed by a person who expressed hatred of police officers. laura: monday was one of chicago's bloodiest days yet in the current crime or wave, 7 killed, 11 wounded. yesterday one more was killed with 5 wounded by gunfire including a 15-year-old boy shot in a drive-by but of all the depressing headlines about inner-city america in the last few days i found one particularly disturbing. 57 did in 50 days as violence continues to ravage baltimore city, these two men, christian saint roads and jamal kings
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borough were arrested for the shocking midday execution of 34-year-old tony hegseth. yet no protests, no marches, no celebrity demands for justice for these victims. if you refuse to submit to what their thought process is why crime is exploding they tried to run you over just like they did those parents allowing county, virginia. [shouting] >> i know another place where they take a similar approach to dissenting views.
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i think when you really think about it china actually has to love critical race.. they humiliated biden's secretary of state blinken in alaska last month when china and the parenting back to him the democrats going to blinds about america's problem with systemic racism so they were probably related in beijing to hear that biden's chairman of the joint chiefs defense did it on capitol hill today. >> on the issue of critical race. etc. i do think it is important for those of us in uniform to be open-minded and be
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widely read. i want to understand white rage and i am white and i want to understand it. it is important we understand it. our soldiers, salmon, marines come from the american people. it matters to the discipline of cohesion in his military. >> somehow i don't think general millie would ever speak in this dismissive tone he took today to his chinese counterparts, not the way a responded to questions. i have a question for the general. why would anyone risk his or her life for a country that is systemically racist, one that brutalize as minorities. why would any country respect those who follow our lead if that is who we are. those are some of the questions he should probably think about before he touts the value of teaching far left marxist racist ideology. the fact is millie has made his choice and has chosen to indulge the radical women's of democrats. he will do everything they tell him as long as they keep the military-industrial complex
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flush with cash but is any of this what mothers and fathers in the suburbs thought they were getting when they voted for sweet old joe biden? think about all of this. if you work hard trying to raise a family, pay your taxes, you are a good citizen, you have every right to expect that where you live will be safe and clean, that your school will be functional, teach your kids and informed patriotism and prepare your children for the challenging world ahead. this should be the case no matter where you live, in a country like the united states of america, whether in the city or the country, rural america. think about it. in urban america the middle class is as and as it can, liberal leadership has driven it all into the gutter in the city. but the hard left are fine with urban america living this way.
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but i don't think the rest of the country wants to live that way. most republican ron states are blueprints for better, more prosperous and safer living today. that tried to imagine what our country is going to look like if the far left is allowed to get away with teaching an entire generation or 2 or 3 to despise our country and its founding, to use the traditions we grew up loving from singing the star-spangled banner, to flying our flag. consider those things racist dog whistles. let's remember many of you suburbanites run successful businesses or work at one. we may feel insulated but if you think that you are sorely mistaken. no one is safe in their land of thought control.
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everyone from liberal playwright to sinker billy irish felt the need to apologize for their suppose it wokeishim and things went to a new level of the absurd when 89-year-old legend rita marino had to apologize for dismissing the colors of attacks against mister miranda. the point is those beloved celebrities aren't safe from these vicious takedown mobs why would your average suburban mother without celebrity status think she would be safe. they think putting up blm approved yard signs or trendy flags will protect them, they are not going to protect them. they think giving money to democrats or black lives matter affiliated groups is going to save them?
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it won't save them. if cancel culture doesn't get you the racial division squads in schools will get your kids and they will turn your kids against you and crime is going to start seeping into your neighborhood just in time for you to see the cost of everything go up and that means your paycheck won't go as far. does that sound like building back better to you? and that is the angle. joining me is a republican gubernatorial candidate for the great commonwealth of virginia. your reaction to what we saw unfolding in loudoun county last night and what it says about this grassroots movement of parents fighting back. >> good evening and thank you for having me. loudoun county is ground 0 in this culture war being played out in our schools where our kids are the victims and what we saw last night was yet another chapter that was just so disturbing where parents standing up for their children, teachers standing up for their
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children and being canceled and we must recognize that this election we are having in virginia this year is going to be the first moment for virginians but also for americans to see the entire commonwealth of virginia stand up and say no more. we are not going to a critical race theory to be taught in the schools, for our kids to be divided and this is the moment we get to stand up and say the progressive left liberal agenda has no place in virginia. >> your opponent terry mcauliffe. says that basically critical race. is just a right-wing conspiracy. it doesn't even really exist i guess in terry's mindset. he knows it is a real problem for him, that is why. >> hard to believe someone could
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be so detached, for someone who has been in politics for 40 years could be so accomplished in sidestepping the most important issue virginia families are facing right now which is the education of our children, forcing our children to view everything through the lens of race and dividing them into groups and pitting them against one another, this is the absolute antithesis of what we know we need to do as society and the community which has come together and find things that unite us at a time we are coming out of the pandemic and absolutely trying to get our lives back and reestablish something that is much closer to common sense, we are seeing chaos and that is what my opponent is all about, going back in time, tired policies that didn't work when he was governor before and virginians absolutely want common sense, not the chaos he represents. >> what he is advocating as well, everyone from the
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commonwealth of virginia and across the country watching this tomatoes to understand terry mcauliffe comes from a democrat party now that demands that their candidates advocate things like no cash bail and he writes about it. this is resulting door of criminality, they are recognizing the leadership from our lines for monetary bail which is why the most interesting programs that allow the release of individuals before trials. what is that going to do with everyone from ms 13 gang members or dabbling gang members to the garden-variety criminals that are wreaking havoc in our cities and in our suburbs now. what does that do? eliminating cash bail? >> what we are seeing is a 20 year high in the murder rate in virginia and when terry mcauliffe was governor before, he had a 43% increase in the murder rate and the rape rate went up every year. we are living in a state of chaos. i want to bring common sense back.
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jillian: you are not in favor of this so-called bail reform, you are against bail reform. >> i'm against the bail reform and by the way the parole boards for the parole board in virginia is a runaway bestseller run to the court, terry mccullough prides himself on letting violent criminals out of jail and putting folks back on the street. are we surprised we 20 are high murder rate did you are we surprised the murder rate went up 43% when he was governor? we shouldn't be because these failed policies of criminal first victim last do not work. jillian: we will follow this closely. it is already tight. i think that is surprising the democrats, they are worried. thank you so much. we show you the chairman of the joint chiefs during congress, the dismissive arrogant tone, about their rightful concerns about racializing the military. sadly that wasn't all.
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>> what is wrong with understanding, having some situational understanding about the country which we are here to defend? i personally find it offensive that we are accusing the united states military, general officers, commission, noncommissioned officers have been, quote, woke or something else because we are studying some theories that are out there. >> florida congressman byron donald and mike walsh. congressman walsh, the chairman. left-wing talking point that teaching crt is the same as teaching about slavery. doesn't this reveal -- a total partisan at this point. >> i have a lot of respect for generally and his service but he is completely confusing this issue. i legitimately thing he is confusing critical race. for some type of diversity training or history class on fascism and
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communism. i have no problem with history and understanding our history or diversity but understanding the critical race theory is teaching our future military leaders that they need to resist our basic institutions, the court system, the political system is bad and that its core is racist, misogynist, and therefore needs to be pushed back against. these are some kids in cal berkeley smoking pot somewhere. these are the cadets at west point, future leaders of the military that will one day have their finger on the button. critical race theory is a cancer that needs to be carved out. the secretary of defense didn't even realize it is being taught at west point to include a seminar on how to deal with your whiteness, can't think of anything more divisive or
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destructive to unit morale and cohesiveness for the military. jillian: your giving more credit than i am. i think he knows exactly what is going on. i respect his service but not what went down at this hearing today. the idea that we are sending our tax dollars to this military in an attempt to weed out so-called extremists which just means conservative evangelicals, we are paying for that. why is congress not saying, not going to give you a penny until this is eradicated from military budget, nothing this is my offer to you, nothing, that is what i would say. i'm totally outraged by him and his ridiculous response. >> you are all right. i understand you're a or. i'm upset about it as well. you are 100% correct. should not spend money to the military in order to teach critical race theory. we need white men and women who
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serve in our armed forces to defend our nation against all foreign entities that cause us harm, not having to answer for their whiteness. that is ridiculous. that is a joke. if you want to study the history of the nation study the history of the nation. be clear, critical race theory is a subjective blends to view the history of the country, not an objective study of the history of the united states. >> this is a fox news alert, emergency services responding to a apartment building collapsed in florida near miami beach. more than 80 fire department units have responded to the scene. there is no word how many people were inside the building at the time or if there are any deaths or injuries. there are reports of people being rescued from the building but we do not know yet how many
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people might still be trapped. look at this video. you see emergency crews responding, ambulances, fire trucks, police, 80 units responded to this and if we could get a video, do we have video of the building, the crumbled building? if you see -- okay. the building from what i could count from the videos and photos that we saw online, a minimum of -- i'm sorry, eight floors high. as we said we don't know if there are any casualties or injuries, that information has not been released, this happened at 2:00 am a little under an hour and a half ago at 2:00 in miami-dade in that area, a pretty heavily populated area if you've ever been to that but more than 80 fire department units have responded to the scene. do we have video of the
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building? producer? know. we don't have that yet but we will continue to work to get that throughout the morning. there are no reports of people being rescued from the building just yet but as we keep saying those emergency services and crews are unseen, stay with fox news channel if you cover this.
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♪ ♪ >> laura: sense, i don't know, march of 2020, it's been well established that the younger you >> march of 2020, it has been well-established the younger you are the more resilient you are to covid. despite this, political and media elites are possessed with forcing vaccinations on kids. the push is even more twisted, the cdc vaccine advisory committees there there is likely a link between the covid vaccine and a dangerous heart condition young adults and teens. for weeks this show along with my medicine cabinet have been documenting these cases. we called out the reckless and unethical ever to push these vaccines on kids, and for that we have been smeared not just as anti-vax but responsible for
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deaths. like so many other covert revelations we've been proven right. joining us now two of the aforementioned members of the medicine cabinet, doctor harvey rich, and professor of medicine at stanford university. despite this startling admission the cdc is still pushing forward with the idea of mass vaccinations for kids. just yesterday the cdc director was back at it. your response to this? >> really odd. the j and j vaccine evaluated for young women, the cdc paused it, the vaccines because of evidence it was weaker than we had senior. we have a link for young boys that is solid. one in 15,000 on that order, and higher of myocarditis for that group.
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it is worth thinking about whether it is right to do that and i come down on the side that it doesn't make sense since the risk of covid is solo in young boys, we should just pause. >> the shocking think despite serious side effects, the american academy of pediatrics is still pushing for the vaccine, only an exceedingly small number of people experienced it after vaccination, the people who do most cases are mild, myocarditis, much more, and if you covid 19 and the risks to the heart from covid 19 infection can be more severe. you first on that. >> this came about because of the cdc review panel that mentioned they did a cost-benefit, risk hazard analysis for myocarditis after
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vaccination and i was astonished at what they put in this report. it made me angry actually that they treat the myocarditis cases as if they are a real count of the numbers of cases that have occurred after vaccination. we know harvard is estimated between one% and 10% of the reality, most of these cases are still not evaluated because of the backlog from january of evaluating these cases and many of these cases are silent, they can be screened for but they are not found in the va rso this 10 times the number of myocarditis cases if not 50 times that have occurred up to now that the cdc is ignoring to make a statement contrary to the facts. >> they have tried everything, scaring people about the delta variant and other variants even though the vaccine seemed to
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work against those, they tried lotteries, they tried giving away marijuana, all sorts of things to push these vaccines but younger people, african-americans are just -- their antenna are going up and i think rightly so given the cost-benefit analysis, risk-benefit analysis to the young especially when the old are vaccinated, am i missing something here? >> the right thing to do is to regain trust with the public, tell the public honestly the vaccine makes sense, the older population, the risk of covid is so bad that it is worth taking some small risks from the vaccine but be honest about what it is but younger population it doesn't make sense. if you squarely tell the american population what the risks are they will listen to
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you, take your recommendations but if you come across as pushing for vaccination in a group for whom it is clear that it doesn't look like there's a huge benefit people will start to distrust you and one of the things i'm most concerned about is how do we regain that trust, public health has to be trusted. it serves a really important role in during the pandemic it squandered much of that public trust. >> do you agree with that? the politicization of science and medicine i never thought i would see it as i have seen it and gotten to know the medical world in the last 15 months how badly hurt is the reputation of medical experts? >> it is pretty bad and the problem is the federal agencies
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have told the public with the agencies want the public to know that will motivate them to carry out the agency's plans rather than the truth. if there are side effects you tell the truth, say what the side effects are, give the public credit for the ability to evaluate the evidence for themselves, don't railroad it on them because you think the public has to decide for themselves. >> as always thank you, the biden team unleashing a core of students, the first lady and even a star to promote the vaccines, how's it working out, raymond arroyo has a report, answers on all that, seen and unseen next.
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>> fox news alert live in new york. major search and rescue efforts underway following an apartment building collapse in florida near miami beach, more than 80 fire department units have responded to the scene. the video you are seeing is from someone who was staying at a nearby hotel. at this time no word on how many people were inside the multistory building at the time of the collapse or if there are any debts or injuries, there are reports of people being rescued
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from the building. we do not yet know how many people may be trapped. this is from someone who was staying at a nearby hotel, you can see those rescue crews coming in, more than 80 units and panda the side and you can see the debris on the ground right behind that truck, the rubble right there. that is from the multistory unit, it collapsed at 2:00 this morning. for an hour and 40 minutes ago. it is on:70. this is a populated area, still no word on casualties or deaths. any injuries or anything like that, that information is going to be coming out as rescue crews are working to figure out how this happened, no word on how this happened.
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we don't have much information right now but this is video that was shot from somebody who was nearby at a hotel, there are more than 80 units and rescue teams working the scene right now. stay with fox news channel for more on this developing story, we will send you back to regular programming already in progress. laura: with the covid money, how's the covid money cop money? i'm all for hiring more cops but they're just going to hire cops and make them antiracist trainees. >> they are deploying departments because they are not supported and demonized in those communities by the leaders there supposed to protect. >> i was concerned that president biden had trouble with -- it is a name to pronounce truth be told, the last name murphy, that is hard.
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>> the biden administration is making a determined effort to push covid vaccines on adolescents and teens, a group it's not breaking down the doors of cvs, enter the covid 19 student core. >> to make sure they are hearing the right information and that's where we come in to try to help and we hope this new student core we've established of student ambassadors will help us communicate to their population of young people who haven't yet gotten vaccinated but -- >> student ambassadors. what is the expertise of the student ambassadors and by the way the student vaccine task force comes the same day your panel just said the cdc is suggesting a warning be applied to these vaccines about potential heart inflammation for young people from taking this shot today still say, this is what is so perplexing, that the risk of covid is higher than the art risk. i would like someone to explain how that works.
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>> if you are young person you don't want to be a heartbreaker with the young woman, now you're going to be a heart destroyer by recommending the vaccine to the kids. sounds like the constables in the soviet union pushing the ideology, you have to be a young constable, young covid 19 core member. >> ambassador. the efforts to get americans vaccinated is not stopping. african-americans are reluctant to accept the shot. share, the share cares both. >> today they were in harlem where they launched the share cares both. >> i wish i was there. >> this is our first day back at the table. >> so happy to see you. >> i am a little tongue-tied in your presence. starstruck. definitely starstruck. are you feeling like is back to normal for you?
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>> i still feel i should wear a mask when i go outside. i have that feeling. >> me too. >> share is a hero to this. >> can ask a question. is there a huge share fan base in harlem? might fight understand that but in harlem? this is a comment that she couldn't save george ford, nice idea but i don't how she's the ambassador to bring the vaccines to the african-americans. >> i got you babe is not going to be i shot you babe. >> to coin a phrase i don't think she's strong enough in the black community but we will leave it. >> we are waiting for that share retirement.
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and moments peninsula graham angle, the 1619 project founder now issuing ultimatum. what is that about? stay there.
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♪ ♪ >> laura: all right, on tonight's >> on tonight's in addition of. >> when everything is racist.
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>> we break the latest addition to the woke black list. let's start with racism in deep space. a new course at cornell university asks this penetrating question. is there a connection between the cosmos and the ideal of racial blackness? of course the answer is yes and students will learn why terms like blackhole are now racist. the washington post recently warned of the, quote, racist legacy many birds carry writing the bachman ro and other winged creatures bear the names of men who fought for the southern cause, bought and sold black people. restaurant dress codes are apparently racially charged as well. nba hall of famer dominic wilson accused an atlanta restaurant of racism after they refused to see him.
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except restaurant says they turned him away for violating their business casual dress code. do you sleep in the master bedroom of your house? that is probably racist. as cnn notes while it is unclear whether the term rooted in american slavery on plantations it even that history because of its slavery era connotations. the houston association of realtors announced it would replace master bedroom with primary bedroom. don't worry. i'm sure it will satisfy the racial arsonists out there. this has been another edition of -- >> when everything is racist. >> 1619 project founder nicole hannah jones has issued an ultimatum to the university of north carolina chapel hill. her legal team is demanding she be given tenure or else she
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won't be joining the school. sounds like a great solution to me. my next guest wrote about the oppressive leftist atmosphere on unc campus and is here to speak out. here is patterson shan, a student at usa chapel hill. you say the word republican on campus is synonymous with racist. do you think the school will have the you know what to cancel the idea of tenure or revisit tenure with hannah jones given her demand? >> thanks for having me, thank you for your interest. i do think that the issue to the conversation which is that and
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that is something troubling students and the university as a country that we don't lose our traditions of freedom of expression. laura: what is really sad to me is your parents pay a lot of money for tuition at unc. you spend a lot of time and effort to do well in school, really hard to get into unc, an incredible institution of higher education and then you get there and you find out the whole idea of the free exchange of ideas is kind of a farce. you really cannot be honest about your views on campus and not expect to get called every name in the book. is that right? you come out and say a few where
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a maga have on campus what happens? >> i don't know what happens but i will say i love unc and i am so grateful for my education there and that is why i wrote what i wrote. when you love something you wanted to get better. we are going to -- laura: we are going to get you a better internet connection as well because it is like snowing there. don't know what is going on but this is live tv, thank you for speaking out and what happened with the frequent guest of the show, chris rufo went on joy read's show last night, the last bite explains. lives of six million jews
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and thousands of jewish survivors are still suffering in poverty today. god calls on people who believe in him to act on his word. "comfort ye, comfort my people." when i come here and i sit with lilia i realize what she needs right now is food. these elderly jews are weak and they're sick. they're living on $2 a day which is impossible. this now, is how god's children are living. take this time to send a survival food box to these forgotten jews. the international fellowship of christians and jews urgently need your gift of $25 now to help provide one survival food box with all of the essentials they critically need for their diet for one month.
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no vitamins and no protein so my legs and hands are very weak. oh, oh, oh let's make sure that we bring them just a little bit of hope. by bringing them a little bit of food. become a part of the fellowship today by reaching out to bless these precious people of god. for just $25, you can help supply the essential foods they desperately need for one month. that's less than a dollar a day. i just want to encourage all of you to join with yael eckstein and the wonderful work of the international fellowship of christians and jews. god tells us to take care of them, to feed the hungry. and i pray holocaust survivors will be given the basic needs that they so desperately pray for to survive.
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>> laura: frequent ingram angle yes chris refill went on joy reid's show and because she can't refute his chris rufo went on joy read's show it because she can't refute his ideas she took to doing this.
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>> you call him the guru of critical race.. >> so many people running away from the label of critical race theory. the -- robin d'angelo -- playing a series of word games. >> i don't allow people to say lives on the show. laura: that was tonight. >> it is thursday june 20 fourth and we are following two major breaking stories this morning starting with the search for survivors happening right now on the scene of an overnight apartment building collapsed. >> the mandatory shooter that shutdown an entire florida county of the police officer in critical condition after president biden unveiled his crime prevention plan. >> race president kamala harris heading to the border this week three months after taking the lead on the migrant crisis. >> britney


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