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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  June 24, 2021 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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when covering bidens agenda? i want to know what the job is like versus what you expected it to be like. >> laura: nicole wallace would like a word. >> such high marks from the vast majority of the people in that room. how do you feel like it's going? >> is also a place where have to answer tough questions. >> stand your ground, yes, ma'am. >> laura: [indiscernible] alert. "gutfeld!," next. ♪ ♪ >> $1.9 trillion so far. i wrote the bill worried on the environment. pay them more. >> greg: this is getting really weird. [scattered applause] >> greg: yes. the only phrase used more than
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"greg, you should get that rash checked out" is "what the hell's article race theory on why are we forcing it on everyone's throat"? like butter at brian stelter's dinner table, it's spreading everywhere. from classrooms to human resource departments, look under a rock and there it is, right next to joy behar. it's even infected our military. now come the military used up two objectives. kill the bad guys come and blow their stuff. to that we've added a third, understand white rage. >> on the issue of critical race theory, i do think it's important, actually, for those of us in uniform to be open minded and be widely read, and it is important that we train and we understand -- i want to understand white rage, and i'm white and i want to understand it. what is it that caused thousands of people to assault this building and try to overturn the constitution of the united states of america? and i personally find it offensive that we are accusing
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the united states military, our general officers, or commissioned and noncommissioned officers of being "woke" or something else because we are studying some theories that are out there. >> greg: little grandmothers are trying to overturn the constitution. glad we arrested them. i miss the days when generals would be nuking this nonsense instead of defending it. so he wants to study crt as if it's something rare like a rational cnn host. but you know there's other stuff soldiers could be studying, like how to say "halt" in chinese, russian, or detect actual threats to our country. for example, threats like a pernicious half-baked theory that divides a country into oppressors and oppressed, using nonsense terms like "white rage" that announced to a cultist pseudoscientific indoctrination. white rage sounds like some sort of steamy hot latte you can get it sheldon whitehouse is country club. [scattered laughter] but it's scary that so many of us have never heard of this and it's spreading in the military faster than a case of crabs.
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you know, when those guys get out of the crate, there goes your supper. [scattered laughter] if you want to destroy a country, the first step would be to get its military to incorporate race-based self immolation. china couldn't have done it better if they were behind us. be they are. wouldn't be the first deadly agent to originate in china and then go viral in the u.s. one of the defenders, the proudly bigoted joy reid, finally agreed to debate the white crt critic who smeared based solely on his race. i wonder if she lets them talk. >> you're really just having a campaign to take everything that annoys white americans -- >> that's not right. that's not right. >> hold on. you want to make a campaign to stop everything in there. >> you played my highlight reel. give me a chance to respond. >> critical race theory. you fighting against wokeness you don't like corporate
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wokeness. i get it. >> hold on. >> no, no, not hold on. >> it's intersectionality theory of. >> that's a separate thing. it's not. >> 64 primitive americans know what critical race theory is. >> of which 58% of them -- >> you made up your own -- my friend, you made up your own thing. you admitted you are going to do it. >> greg: she's quite the host. she seems so confident in her beliefs that she couldn't let the other guy speak. and of course there's this chap who tees off on white people so often he needs a caddie. >> i agree with brother tim in speaking about, you know, the. i'm sorry, the maga. that is so corrosive in this, you know, political moment. i resent as an intellectual and as a black person in america that we have taken the brunt of
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anti-intellectualism, we have borne the brunt of being disloyal to this nation, and we have stood by to see mediocre, [indiscernible] mouth, snowflake white men who are incapable of taking critiques, more willing to dole out instruments, repudiation's of the humanity of the other and yet they call us snowflakes and they are the biggest flakes of snow to hit the earth. >> greg: i get it, maga sounds kind of like maggot. [scattered laughter" that's comedy, professor. this guy who keeps calling himself an intellectual thinks that racist ad hominem attacks against white people constitute an actual argument. he hates whites more than my wife holding a pair of my boxers on laundry day. as the media mocks critics of the theory that even the media doesn't and stand, who is left to defend america?
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the parents. unlike the media, parents have something of value to lose, something called children. now, i'm not a fan of children. i hate them. they stink, their loud, they get to board first on airplanes, but you ever see how parents act when their kids are being threatened? they are more combative than joe biden being told to wake up from his nap. >> do your job! do your job! do your job! [indiscernible]. coward! coward! shame on you! shame on you! >> greg: goodness. it's like an outtake from "footloose." what you're seeing is people waking up to the woke. people rising up to find an ideology designed to divide the country but in order to fight
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something you first have to be able to describe it, whether it's racism or cavities. the truth is, crt is just one beastly tentacle of white liberals of pharmacy. it's all based on an idea that black people are incapable of achieving anything on their own, so why not let the superior white liberal help you. the sea is crt actually stands for condescension, a recurring theme in the democratic party's platform. voter i.d. as an example of this neo-racism. it woke white liberals say blacks could be anything, including present, yet they say black people can't figure out to get a photo i.d., something the average 17 euros can do the moment they want to buy we are. but maybe it's too late. this stuff seems to be everywhere. in cornell, there's a course that suggests black holes could be linked to racial blackness. the word police man is now on a list of offensive words at brandeis university. this is true climate change and it's one the parents are feeling first, because their closeness to the toxic wind.
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maybe it's time for an educational tea party. maybe it's time to occupy the classroom. let's make our schools and maybe our military crt-free zones where students and soldiers can learn the full story of america. there are better ways to establish racial harmony and true equality in this country and if children are indeed our future, it's time to keep the adults in charge for a bit longer and let the parents take control. [scattered applause] >> here he is! let's welcome tonight's guest! this former volleyball start keeps insisting the panels get up and rotate. fox nation host, abby ported even his thank-you notes or bestsellers. up in the air author, welcome per -- walter byrne! he switches to a shoulder holster on casual friday, former cia operative and [indiscernible] group, ceo mike baker!
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and she recently walked down the aisle to get a flight attendant to bring her more vodka. fox news contributor kat timpf! [scattered applause] all right, walter. you are an intellectual. you are an academic and you said something very, very poignant in the green room and i thought to myself, you should say that here, because i thought you captured it in terms of trying to define the true essence of critical race theory, you have the floor. >> well, when i was a child, lily white rural minnesota, which i'll admit is not the most racially mixed place -- >> greg: okay, so you were a bigot. >> yeah. well, no. i was told by my teachers that out there in america there existed a thing called prejudice and bigotry and that perhaps i would encounter it someday. and i looked in my heart and i said i don't have any. mostly because at that point i
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had no one to hate except, you know, there were lutherans, there were swedes and there were norwegians. >> lutherans. >> but later on -- >> greg: there goes our lutheran audience. >> i know. but later on when i was presented with the opportunity to dislike other people because of their color, i decided i wouldn't. i stopped myself and i declared myself innocent of bigotry and prejudice. the problem with critical race theory is that if you think you aren't a racist, that means you are. it's a logical regression. it doesn't allow innocence. it doesn't allow a way out. it's a suggestion that even considering yourself above race is white. now, in the summer when i'm less white i'm also less racist apparently. but it convicts you before you have committed the crime and there's no crime that you can,
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you know, not commit that will let you off the hook. >> greg: is like throwing the witch into the lake and if she drowns, she's innocent. >> it's absolutely that. >> greg: mike does that all the time. but it's not which is, it's just, you know, citizens who -- well... >> i'm not saying they don't deserve it. that's all i'm saying. >> greg: abbey, welcome to the show. i just want to warn you this isn't like fox nation where you can just use the f word whatever you want. >> dang it! >> greg: we want you to try to keep it clean. >> don't say dang it either. >> i've run out of words. i'm sorry, i got to leave. is this the exit? we want you might hit your head, you're very tall. i didn't realize how tall you are. >> i am, it's the heels. >> greg: so you're suggesting i should wear heels. >> yes. you can borrow them if you want. >> greg: what's your take on -- did you know what critical race theory was, what people were talking about? because that's the thing, it's like when you say you know what it is, the people practicing it will say no, that's not what
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we're doing. >> i think we saw in that interview, like jerry springer. i don't know. it's so hard to understand, because like you said, you say one thing and then someone is like well, that's not it and it's like we don't have a cohesive definition. look what you're supposed to do with masks once you're vaccinated. what are we supposed to do? i'm not really sure. and i think we're seeing this microcosm within -- like you saw with the parent meeting. it's just like that's what the country is like right now. it's just a bunch of people fighting. i don't know why we didn't start that meeting with "let's get ready to rumble." it's so interesting to me because no one seems to understand it and no one can really argue for or against it. >> i think it would make the homework really easy. white plus person equals bad. like that's math. history, who was responsible for the civil war, i was. a plus for catherine! i wouldn't have to think but then the problem would be i wouldn't be thinking.
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>> greg: it's a great point. if you're clever enough to read the room and go like wow, i don't have to work that hard if i just agree with the theory. and so every answer is always white is bad and will be irrevocably bad. i did that in college all the time. no, because it was all based on deconstruction and if you just did deconstruction, deconstruction is thinking, you could get an a in any class. i do have like 30 kids, right -- mike, you have like 30 kids, right? >> well, in the u.s.? >> greg: i do believe that you can actually explain what critical race theory is. it's just that the opponents come as you saw, will say we are not doing that or you've got it wrong, so it's up to the parents to read about it. >> right. of which i think is a really key point. first of all, may i just say that president biden's tendency to lean in and whisper during this is creepy as [bleep].
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it's like drag queen story hour. >> no, that's fine. >> i think you should change that. i think someone should tell him come up with a different look. but this is partly a result of the pandemic. as a result of the pandemic, get into this issue with the parents, parents all over this country suddenly started to have to pay attention to what was being taught in the schools. >> greg: it's true. >> because we didn't pay attention before, right? well, that's not fair. my wife is much smarter than i am, always pays attention. i had no idea. and so pandemic hits, your homeschooling and suddenly you're interacting with the lesson plans and the teachers on a regular basis and that's when, i think, a lot of this started to really kind of bubble to the top. but as a white person, i really can't have an opinion on critical race theory. i see no upside to me saying anything at this point. >> greg: that's coming from a guy who's killed a lot of white people.
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>> vietnam. >> certainly. if you just weigh the percentage. >> but theories like this are designed to shut you up. >> greg: the lexicon, you're not supposed to understand. >> no. if you don't understand something after this much talk about it, it's because they don't want you to understand what it is. it's an enemy like the fog or the block, you can never get your hands on. for calculus or physics. >> greg: don't smear mathematics! mathematics is good, blob was an underrated film, the original one, with steve mcqueen. up next, crime is on the rise, but who's to blame for the bad guy? that's next. [scattered applause] r what i ne. 'cause i do things a bit differently. wet teddy bears! wet teddy bears here! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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>> greg: today it's part of a daily diet to improve a riot.
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another day, another attack on a police station, this one in carolina. at least they didn't burn up to the ground. i guess gas really hasn't got too expensive now, has it? this fire was started following the arrest of a known drug offender and no, it's not hunter. the arrest, caught on video showed officers wrestling with two suspects. that went viral and hours later we end up with this. no word yet on when the suspects will be released and not prosecuted. more crime, more lawlessness, but who's causing all of this? global warming, obviously. but let's take a deeper dive. let's start by asking the least qualified person in the entire world to comment. >> from 1993 to 2019, and that is a period that i was not scared to go out, crime steadily decreased in the united states. every president since clinton inherited a basic declining crime rate has continued to decline. until trump came along because
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trump resided over the greatest crime rise in modern american history. i don't want to lay the whole thing at his feet, but he did create for years normalizing crime carried >> greg: yes, trump normalized crime, you bozo. like when he defunded the cops. stop prosecuting rioters. and do criminalize shoplifting or my thinking somebody else? now, i'm not an expert, but i think she's stupid. [scattered applause] i didn't do the research on it, but i think i can go out on a limb. but instead of blaming the last president, let's see how the current president is addressing all the violence. >> president biden: crime is historically rises during the summer. and as we emerge from this pandemic, the country opening back up again, the additional summer spike, they will be more pronounced than it usually would be. all of the stuff about how we're going to have to move against the government.
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[indiscernible] liberty is not water with the blood of patriots. what's happened -- if you want and you think you need to have weapons to take on the government, you need f-15s and maybe some nuclear weapons. >> greg: oh, man, that's weird. it usually when someone says f-15, biden yells "bingo!" that's from the guy -- remember, this is from the guy who says there january 6th protests were the worst attack on democracy since the civil war. of course, to be fair, he was an eyewitness to both. so now he's mocking his own citizen taking on the government, which is glenn greenwald points out, shows how moronic is biden's depiction of a few hundred maga protesters as a threat to the stability of history's most militarized and armed government. bottom line, the damage would rather paint the gun is the billing rather than go after the bad guys because that would
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further expose their own failure to stop crime in the first place. you know, it reminds me of what reese witherspoon told me at her children's birthday party. you're here to make balloon animals, please get out of the pool. [scattered laughter] mike. >> if it takes f-15s and nukes to defeat the u.s. government, how come the taliban has held us off or 20? how can the vietcong won? this is ridiculous. i take it as a threat, as a strange thing to say is one of the most peculiar statements an american president has ever made. this is a country that's founded on the notion that we are the government and that they are our representatives and the notion that they might, you know, even in their dreams, come back at us with military weaponry and troops drawn from our own families is the strangest thing
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a president has ever said for a long time. >> yeah, the president actually minimizing the importance of the second amendment by saying this in, we could always nuke our own people on our own soil. that is bat leap crazy. it why don't you fly it for all the amendments! the first amendment thing, i know it's really important to you, but, you know, your whole speaking truth to power could not stand up against us nuking you! like what! >> greg: i don't serious it is when your voice actually reaches a new -- >> i think i'm finally going through puberty at 32 years old. not to brag. >> greg: abby, what you think of joy behar's take? that it's all due to trump because he happened to be in the oval office when this happened or started? speak i think we should start as she should start writing biden's monologue. i don't know if anyone can take what joy behar says seriously and if you do then that's a
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problem in itself, but she love numbers so maybe she look up in the amount of loose officers who were retiring and the lack of people wanting to go to police academies. that would be maybe a telling sign. maybe that crime and police officers has increased by 45%, ramming from vehicles, stabbings, shootings, that kind of thing, but i don't think she should be speaking on it because she's very good at placing blame but not really taking account ability herself, so i don't know if she's necessarily expert on this. >> greg: yes, she is, and she only spoke on the things she was an expert in, we would never hear from her again. but i don't let that stop me from talking, mike. so as guns n' roses once asked, mike, where do we go now? your in law enforcement! what is going on! >> i'm not in law enforcement, i would never give myself that sort of credit.
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look, part of the problem is -- one of the things the president said in this comment is he should never be allowed to riff, but his riff about the f-15s and the nukes, there's an element of contempt in there as well. and that's really disturbing, because it -- that also -- if you tell people they're stupid or they just don't get it and if you do that often enough, they're going to get irritated. they're going to start to lose it. but i think part of the problem also is we can't seem to have two thoughts in our heads at the same time, two conflicting thoughts. can you improve policing? of course you can grade can you do that by funding the more, by providing more training, more consistent training, by better hiring practices, more account ability? of course, you can do all those things. can you also lessen crime by more aggressive policing? yes. we can't have these conversations. it seems like there's nothing layered about our discussions anymore, nothing simple about them anymore.
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>> greg: we politicize law and order. >> but grade, the liberal solution for everything is spend more money on it, except policing. you know, why is it that we can defend the police, get more crime and then use that as a pretext for taking away guns? i mean, it's a perpetual motion machine. they love crime. it gives them an excuse to do all of the social controls that they have wished for their whole lives. >> is good to say something about this. i'm now realizing that i can ever be on the show again with walter. he's really smart. >> are you going to kill him? >> not until after the show! i'm interested in what he has to say, but after the show, that's it. >> greg: are you saying you don't like being on the show with walter because it makes you seem less intelligent? >> but you'll be on with me, because i'm dumb! and sexist! >> yes, it is, actually. yes, not you though.
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>> i'm just going -- i felt it too but i had to take that one away. >> greg: coming up, they found john mcafee dead in his cell, but from what? they can't tell. one call to usaa got her a tow, her claim paid... ...and even her grandpa's dog tags back. get a quote. i don't feel sick why should i cure my hepatitis c? how can i handle one more thing? you can stay on track and be cured in only 8 weeks with mavyret. you can keep your momentum with mavyret. before starting mavyret your doctor will test if you've had hepatitis b which may flare up and cause serious liver problems during and after treatment.
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you get a shortlist of quality candidates from a resume data base claim your seventy-five-dollar credit when you post your first job at ♪ ♪ >> greg: is no longer with us, and it's kind of suspicious. so should we really be saying r.i.p. to john mcafee? the legendary et eccentric tech entrepreneur was found dead in his prison cell in what authorities are calling an apparent suicide. no word on whether the authority who said this is named hillary clinton. mcafee, who made his fortune creating antivirus software, was being charged with tax evasion and just hours before his death a spanish court had approved his extradition back to the u.s., which would explain the surprising suicide, maybe they were planning to fly him back on spirit airlines.
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i trust everything the media says with every cell in my body. but what if there was more to the story? circumstances surrounding his death are so fishy they came with a side of chips and tartar sauce. he spoke for years about being a hunted man that the charges against him were politically motivated. after what happened to jeffrey epstein in his prison cell, would it really be surprising to learn that mcafee didn't kill himself? could he affect his own death? a lever to a brilliant jet-setting bitcoins mogul to pull it off. for legal reasons, i'm not saying he is still alive or that he was murdered. i will let kat do that. but it's like steve doocy used to say when we'd go camping. if there's nobody, there's no crime. [scattered laughter] all right, kat, you met and talked to him -- >> i did. >> greg: how long ago -- >> you're going to say when i
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was in my 40s or something like that. whenever you make fun of me for being old, you're much older than i am. you are aging as a man, but still very >> greg: yeah, but i age gracefully. >> ih very gracefully. >> greg: let's get back to the topic. mcafee, alive or dead! >> i bummed a cigarette from the sky at the libertarian convention in 2016 and we talked for 15 minutes it was truly -- like i've been bored every second of my life compared to that. no offense. >> greg: that's almost as and insulting is what mike said. >> people have this thing, most people in their brains where they think a little bit before they talk. he not even the slightest bit buried at what some call tax evasion he says listen, i'm just running from these people trying to steal from me. he's like i don't believe in taxes. so nothing would surprise me when it comes to this guy. i mean, he was truly just like -- did not care. you can't judge him among the standard of what humans are light, because he was nothing like that.
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>> greg: there's one person besides mike baker who can fake their own death, it's this guy. this guy -- he had bitcoin, he knew a lot of people, he was cunning. what's your take? i haven't seen the body. >> yeah, i know, and that's always at. >> greg: and we know epstein didn't kill himself, let's be honest. >> anybody who still thinks he did, yeah. greg, as you know, i'm right in the middle of filming second season of discovery's hit series [indiscernible]. and -- he turns to the audience and looks at them and smiles -- we do a lot of investigations. and that plus my time with the agency over all those years has taught me that a lot of times things are just as easy as they seem or just a simple as they seem. and -- but in this case, yeah, you had a guy who was slipping into paranoia over a period of time. you had a guy whose health was
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diminishing over a period of time. you had a guy who was fearful of coming to the states, of actually having this -- >> greg: you killed him! >> i'm not saying that. i'm not saying that yet. but i'm not a conspiracy guy, much like you. you're not a conspiracy guy. >> greg: that's why this is interesting to me. i don't trust anything you're saying. >> but i'm just saying -- i don't think he's alive still. do i think he killed himself was he possibly killed in prison? one of the other. >> greg: all right, thank you, thank you that. >> he killed him! >> greg: walter, you -- >> i am a conspiracy theorist. when i was younger, used to start with what nbc news told me and then i'd work toward the weird. now i start with the weird and go back to what nbc news tells me. my default position is that everything is crazy, ufos are about to land and that we
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shouldn't trust anyone. in this case, i think he went nuts and got depressed and killed himself. >> greg: really? >> yeah, i'm afraid to say that. i don't think that of epstein. i think someday there's going to be a civil war in the united states. it won't be over racial lines, it will be who thinks epstein killed himself and who thinks hillary clinton whacked him and it will divide among the states, but in this case it looked like a guy who is at the end of the road. i don't know -- >> greg: what's your opinion? >> i wish i did. speaking of whacked, he got a tattoo, he kept saying if i die via suicide in prison, i did not die of suicide, i got killed. he got a tattoo -- >> [indiscernible] if i die of suicide in prison! >> but he knows from the epstein case, has anyone ever, by not killing themselves, assured legendary status like epstein? if i wanted to be a legend, i'd
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kill myself and have people think i didn't. >> that's why i don't think -- hopefully that never happens. >> it's complicated, but it works. >> greg: you know, i think we will stop there. >> you mentioned -- walter, you mentioned ufos and could i just say i'm right in the middle of filming discovery's hit series -- >> greg: he's a murderer and a shameless promoter. your an unidentified flaky object. up next, are they lacking tuna dna in the tuna at subway? ♪ ♪ [lazer beam and sizzling sounds] ♪♪ ♪♪ for deb, living with constipation with belly pain was the same old story for years.
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♪ ♪ >> greg: was the tuna fish a phony? a lawsuit claims that what sub or restaurant calls tuna fish isn't really tuna fish. "the new york times" had 60 inches of their fish sandwiches sent to a lab.
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although their wives said it was more like 50 inches. [creepy laughter] the results came back. talk about pulitzer prizing research research. and apparently the lab was unable to find any amplifier both tuna dna, which leads me to ask, what the hell have i been serving a christmas dinner every year? amplifier bowl tuna dna. that's my stage name. in berlin. [indiscernible] that the tuna isn't tuna, it could also be that the fish was just too heavily processed to be identified or a subway calls it, organic and all-natural. so that's disgusting. give me something that's unprocessed and all-natural, lick chicken mcnuggets. meanwhile, subways insisting that the lab test results aren't reliable. this is what it been trying to tell my wife about this cold
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sore. as for the claim that the tuna fish is too heavily processed to be identified, we consulted some experts in that. they didn't get back to us. i guess they froze up. oh, man. i don't even know where i'm going anymore, abby. this seems like a pretty big story. >> this is huge. >> greg: yeah, this is huge. the big story is what is it if it's not tuna? >> i think if you go to subway and get a tuna sandwich, that's your own fault. did anyone think it was food to begin with? but you know, this -- full me once, shame on you, foreman twice, shame on me. >> greg: did you just come up with that? >> i did, i made it up and got it tattooed on my arm. they went through this, what, 2014 or so a few years ago where what was found in their bread was also found in yoga mats. >> greg: that's right! >> they say at subway, eat fresh. not really obvious to that fresh but i think if you're going to go to subway and get tuna,
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something is wrong anyway. >> greg: you know what, what if the tuna, mike, was actually jared? >> amplifier bowl jared dna. >> greg: we haven't heard from him in a while. baby he's in prison in spain or navy he's the tuna special. >> maybe he helped john. >> so you're saying no to the tuna at subway. i'm guessing truckstop sushi, no? >> that when i'm okay with, to be honest, more than the tuna. >> i've got three boys, they all love subway. one of them i won't identify always gets the same sandwich, a roll with pickles and mail, that's it. >> so we don't have to worry about. >> we are pretty sure the pickles are actually pickles. i don't know where to go with this. i just know -- >> greg: that's never stopped you. >> it's never stopped me. i think i agree with abby. if you're hankering for a tuna
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sandwich, as we say in boise, you should go someplace where the tuna is fresh. we say that in boise all the time. it rolls off the tongue. >> greg: you know what kills me, walter? i don't eat seafood, which means i could have been eating that tuna sub all this time. >> why does it smell like tuna if it doesn't have tuna? >> i've got a joke for that. >> is there tuna perfume that they spray on it? this is the same stuff they made -- they made a fake tune out of the same stuff that the nonmeet in taco bell a few years ago was made out of. >> greg: interesting. >> they're already doing the bug thing, is what i'm thinking. >> greg: really? >> you know bill gates wants us to eat bugs and replace beef because it's climate friendly? i think they are smuggling the bugs into our fast food now. and i think all the texture to protein products that you read about are actually cicadas. >> you know what i said about walter earlier? i'm taking that back. >> greg: and this is a guy would think that mcafee
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actually killed himself and the things we are all eating bugs. kat, isn't this analogy for the news? we expect the news to be the news, but it's entirely fake and that is -- it's just like a tuna sub at subway. what do you think? >> i think that is so good. that's your next book. >> greg: thank you! >> it doesn't matter that much. i mean, i don't know. if they are calling it tuna, that's not right, but you can eat whatever. everything that i have in my head its own appropriate that i can't say it. >> i'm right there with kat on that. greg, dear member we were in new york city when they did that test around the restaurant and they were mislabeling all the fish. >> greg: yes. >> charging people for brand zeno and it was subway tuna or whatever. that was a big story. >> greg: i like he's bringing up memories. >> yeah. >> that was a big story. >> that was a big story! your grandfather, aren't you? >> what was that? >> your grandfather, right? >> no, i'm not a grandfather!
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i mean, i could be. >> greg: up next, when cars no longer have a clutch, collectors say thank you very much. ♪ ♪ ahhh! get out of here mouse. ahhh! ♪♪ don't flex your pecs. terminix. when you earn a degree with university of phoenix, we support you with career coaching for life, including personal branding, resume building and more. that's our promise to you. that's career services for life. learn more at for a limited time, you can save more on flights, that's career services for life. hotels and rental cars during priceline's freedom sale.
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>> greg: are we getting the stick the shaft? "the new york times" reports the demise of the stick shift has
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given rise to a new class of collectible cars. in 1980, a year, kat, about 35% of cars made in the u.s. had a manual transmission. today it's just 1% and fewer than one in five americans can actually drive a stick and if you tell someone you drive a stick, the usually think you mean this. [scattered laughter] that's the cleanest picture we could show. but it's great news for collectors in auction houses husseini manual sports cars and are going for three to four times as much as an automatic. makes sense. scarcity makes for high demand, not to mention lots of people nowadays never grew up driving a stick. i asked my assistant kyle to pick up my car from the shop earlier today, and this happened. don't worry, kyle walked away unhurt. sadly though he got hit by a bus while getting lunch.
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r.i.p. kyle. yeah, so anyway. walter, just another example of the wussification of america i'm afraid i just point and never heard on "fox & friends"? >> i mull behind it. it was big brothers and boyfriends and dads will always loaded it -- lorded it over you. you can't drive a stick, you're going to ruin the clutch. i mean, it made a generation of kids like me feel inferior and the stick was the thing that masculinity used to make people feel small and now it doesn't exist anymore, we are all equal and i like it. >> greg: it is true because that was like a big claim to fame. the guys in the parking lot at high school, they were driving a stick, baker, they were cool and if you were driving a manual, you sucked. do you have a stick? >> with a big knob. >> greg: very good. >> thank you. in my car. >> greg: the women here are
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disgusted. >> all this goes on tv. >> i was talking about my car. i just bought it. you'll like this, i just bought a 65 and gb, it's being shipped over -- even as we speak it's on the boat. >> so you're saying yes, you do. >> i learned how to drive when i was in a stroller, what i was 14 is old, i learned how to drive on a stick shift and had them ever since. i got a truck with a column shifter. remember those? so anyways, this ngv is coming over to get to the beginning of july and it's a right-hand drive, so the shift is over here and i'm going to teach my boys how to drive that, so not only is it a stick shift, it's on the wrong side. >> so you're going to continue the cycle of abuse. [laughter] >> fathers begging their kids feel bad for not putting the clutch in at the right time. >> they're going to get it, they're going to figure it out and that's satisfaction.
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>> i feel like it's genius to have dads and moms have their kids drive stick because they can't text and drive, they have to focus on something. >> greg: that is actually good point. >> thank you. i'm not even a parent. >> greg: kat, you don't have a driver's license. >> i do, but i haven't driven in seven years, so the fact that i still have it -- i don't know. i haven't driven them like seven years and if i tried to drive -- i mean, i could drive with a stick but like 40 people would probably die. >> greg: i don't know when it was in the apostate 90s, i once had a coral salesman in the lehigh valley teach me to drive a stick at 8:00 a.m., i think it was the lehigh valley mall. in a miata. and i still didn't buy the car. i still feel guilty about that. i'm sorry, car salesman. >> greg: that's what you should feel guilty about. >> greg: that is the one thing that keeps me up at night. not those drifters are buried in
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9:00 pm
>> greg: set your dvrs every night so you never miss an episode. thanks to abby hornacek, walter kirn, mike baker, kat timpf, our studio audience. "fox news @ night" with shannon bream is next. i'm greg gutfeld, i love you, america. ♪ ♪ >> shannon: hello and welcome to "fox news @ night," i'm shannon bream in washington. breaking tonight, new video of rescue crews desperately digging through the rubble and floodwaters in the basement of a collapsed condo near miami. south florida professional sports teams all pitching in, the dolphins, marlins, all offering to provide aid for anybody impacted. we will take you to


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