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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  June 25, 2021 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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we are doing our best on that front. go to laura and pick of your great gear. do it today. tonight, tomorrow. does all the time we have tonight. don't forget to set your dvr fo every weeknight at 10:00 p.m. eastern said you never miss us. lucky for you, greg gutfeld takes it from here. have walked in similar shoes as you, 23.5 hours a day. how do you feel it is going and we've had such high marks from the vast majority of people in that room. i'm sure that privately even they give you raging perspectiv how do you think it's going? >> we thought that biden was th only point giving out back rubs.
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[ applause ] >> happy friday night, everyone. kat is gearing up for a wild weekend. she eats first before she drinks . not like last weekend. at least her husband has got up to give her right to work. we also have our favorite on th
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show. being from the south, she reall would at last good off-road adventure. >> here we go. >> i hope you've got that. >> and to think that she lives in that. so far cost 75 grand and rots your brain besides that three-day three day weekend wit hunter biden. >> if you said college, you would be right. university who students and faculty are being instructed no in expanding one present vocabulary, but some of the ports that they want to ban are like to trigger warnings and will of thumb the home. rule of thumb, who does that
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offense other than maybe a few careless shop teachers. shout out the four fingers. and all of these are related to systemic oppression, even trigger warning. for shocking subject matter ahead. that a shocking in itself because trigger is part of a gun , so now we needed trigger warning for trigger warning. how soon before we get a trigge warning for the trigger warning for the trigger warning. here is my suggestion. the list posted on the school website includes examples of phrases that appropriate cultures. and if there is a barbershop nearby, it should be taking any walk-in appointments because what if you can't walk. you could just ignore up at tha
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would be the adult thing to do. it is much better to feel offended. got for bet but the mere presence of the barbershop does to nearby bald people. it is exactly how i feel but i walked by a high shelf. someone says, someone says this is nonsense, don't say all year because he would be alexander holifield. of reports off, congressman, into even press. because of that evil man part. must be hard to decide what the course part of the phrase polic man is. and if you were to complement any one who put this list together by saying you killed it , how dare you equate their achievement with murder. i'm not kidding. i show -- this is publish and senate kidding insulting is that two
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people who don't have -- don't refer to meetings of powe is because of the speed of american culture. be called lismore and four, but her smoke signal busy. so you how there are college fo the data, it appears this could be a school for the dome. the script the angry them white male for comment. >> well, going to be brief because i checked the list everything is at a daily basis is on the list. long time and knows see. i will tell you with all these restrictions, the one positive thing is i will never have to talk to these knuckleheads agai and i checked a knucklehead and that is not the list.
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i think i figured this out and in order to have a meaningful dialogue, just get the dialog altogether. that is left will be grunting and sighing like that dialogue in a portal as we look as to ou infantile stages of existence. there will be no more pens in the world, all the -- only tell is. went to work a one man. it is cold college because in the old days at a place of learning. now please note that's not the case but it's plays for ritual indoctrination into the cult of mindless conformity. tried to stop calling colleges colleges. we need a new name. i propose idiot far. how insulting is that to the farmers are cows are cornstalks. when does this madness and pick it top apologies to jim acosta. this oppressive language less can only grow. so it would be illegal to eat white rice. once you start the game of the
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oppressor versus the press. each new powermad ms. report shall only try to outdo their predecessors. that is the root cause of this to a fertility, but i make it worse for power. every band bracelet breaks another terrifying administrative is a better of the cap the mindless woke. the more we indulge them, the more insatiable he become. my rule of thumb, let them destroy each other well we go t a picnic. [ applause ] >> welcome to my's guess, she i a southern vegan so hurt guns are strictly for shooting -- dagen mcdowell. he gets up so early i can't imagine how many words he has b now. co anchor todd. he is so sharp, he had to quit
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comedy to sell razors. western, david angelo. and she wants give a blind man at cactus and told it was braille. welcome kat timpf. >> mr. angelo, what i was doing the stripe my only concern for her career as a razors salesman. because being a salesman for appraisers has you by on language to sell your product. so i imagine that you're facing a lot of obstacles in this era when you are trying to sell its your precious razors. it is true. it's very difficult and that is why i got out of comedy. here is the thing, there are some words i do think -- i wouldn't call them needing a power law. i probably put. calista got i don't think i went . i think it is a little weird.
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it is a little weird. >> what. >> i don't know. can you admit washington redskins, that was a little weird. that was weird. there is certain ones. some of these overreactions are there are some ports that you could be added, maybe not use a much. when you through everything and like picnic, then it is too many . it's too hard to keep track and then it re-centers the power on english majors. that is what they're doing. they're sitting around and hang out all day. the phd is working at starbucks and they figured let's have a brain of terror on the community . and make it about us again. that is what they do and it is an overreach. >> it is a low voltage reign of terror. todd, welcome to the show. you've been up for about 47 hours. >> i have no idea where i am.
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we make of this whole thing. this absolutely no opposition i academia to this. >> assaults the fact that to your point, these folks up way too much time of their hands. going back to my life, i'm tired , i've been up for 24 hours at this point. this people need more to do. and opens to my dad, but i feel like he brought a camera and ou house and it's just recording all the 430 says. another thing he says is coming soon, i've got to go to the little boys room. it is on the chopping block soon . going to the bathroom, america. killing people that can use tha is the lincoln project. do you remember when college students led the free speech movement and now it says vote they are trying to undo the ver thing that they had been known
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for in the '60s and 70s when you are in your early 20s. >> exactly. i don't remember anything like before 1990 because of college, because of the drinking and the cake stand at all the other substances. this is the definition of privilege and the elite at the elite, that they have enough time and energy to sit around and care about the spent the rest of us are just trying to get through the day. i just want to get to the day without getting mugged and hear from my doctor that that mold i funny or coming home and my two docs that reenacted that scene from bridesmaids. you didn't see it. so they start with words and then they going to objects. how long before they try to genetically engineer fruits and
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vegetables that are offensive t them. let's change melons because the are to melanie or those aggressive bananas. they should be in a different form. >> it depends on the banana. >> you have a missed on your face. >> up was just thinking it depends on the banana. >> the point being made here is the all of these complaints are based on a luxury. if you actually happen in life, you can't pull off this. >> i don't think you need to have that much of a life becaus i don't really. the whole point is language, to changes in means different stuff . like the role of something that maybe came from the width of th stick he could use to beat your wife and my cold british law. the wife met an old british law was not great either. i have a life and stop that. you get a dowry so some guy can
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go towards her daughter what to do for the rest of her life or she's going to be set on fire. doesn't mean that anymore, so i think that people need to -- i don't think. i didn't know that. >> that got to go back to the root cause of this. people think it is about people 's feelings. is not about people's dealings. it's about a first for power. people feel good when there abl to do this stuff to other people . against them a rush to say you can't do this and the peace stopping them. and that is why there is no slippery slope here. it will end up somewhere. this is just going to keep goin because no one has the balls to stop it. >> there is like english is a colonialist language. at some point they're going to be the whole dictionary is gone in a few point to apply the logic, what are we left with. we can get a new language is appropriate. you really expand of the whole way, where did you land. >> emoji.
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money is power. these are charging $300,000 to go to school there. is not enough quick. >> that's what the parents are going crazy. >> we've got more to calm. bull the press rejoice when biden lowers his his voice? ♪welcome back to that same old place♪ ♪that you laughed about♪ ♪well, the names have all changed♪ ♪since you hung around♪ welcome back, america. it sure is good to see you. if your walls could talk... welcome back, america. they'd say... help us. today let's paint. let's paint our houses. and our fancy doghouses. it's a fancy dog home. right now, get incredible savings on behr marquee® paints. starting at $39.98*. we made usaa insurance for members like martin. an air force veteran made of doing what's right, not what's easy. so when a hailstorm hit, usaa reached out before he could even inspect the damage. that's how you do it right.
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is there no relief from the whisperer in chief. he's the bat think who murmurs what he says. should we fear him when we can barely hear him ask when he get sleepy, he certainly gets creepy . joe biden is lowering his voice the way he is lowering expectations. he raises eyebrows when he uses
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an indoor voice and outdoor press conference. >> i got them 1.9 trillion for being so far. i wrote the bell. >> oh, man. we haven't seen something creep inspect christmas party. it wasn't his only bizarre moment. while delivering remarks and vaccinations, he set this. >> there is a reason why it has been harder to get african-americans initially to get vaccinated, because they used to be experimented on, the tuskegee airmen and others. people have memories. people have long memories. it's hard to get a teenager vaccinated as well. therefore that they will be vaccinated and deported. obviously he bungled that when
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the implication many latinos ar in the country illegally, but also using the woke term to prefer to latinos. no one actually uses that. i expected something better fro hunter's father. the truth is latinos are not afraid to going to get deported. they are afraid that joe might sniff their children's hair. and finally joe's third trip up the day involved that war with iran never happened. >> we lost 600,000 dead in america. that's more than every life los in world war i, world war ii, the vietnam war, iraq, iran, across the board. at least is being factual and that covid kills -- more people did die from covid
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with the war from iran and we'r with peru. and the people's republic of [??]. but that's like it always tell my dinner guests, eat around th class ring. so i think whispering joe is a great nickname. he's also the creepiest on the train. steer clear of whispering joe. i'll whisper in your ear and invite your nose off. >> of whispering because a good pickup technique and bars if yo -- to have to make the woman are the man come closer to you so i just made that word up. i am a scholar of crazy growing up in my family and the south. you should start worrying about joke when he starts communicating in morse code wit his armpit like this.
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that is worth, i don't know. >> what is you make of this? are we being too hard on the president? >> in new jersey we have never whispered once in our life. we need to take a step back. this is disturbing behavior. you can go to the other side. this happened in our building u and you would go to hr. with got the stop joking. and understand that the black comedy show but we got to stop joking about this. he's the leader of the free world and he should know when w invaded somebody in case we nee to invade somebody again. want to make sure he gets the right country. it's pretty certain that he voted for the ukrainian invasion . >> i agree with you. my grandpa's ten years older than the biden and he is not even the president but if he started acting like this at a family barbecue, i would be lik are you good? do you need to go to the hospital? somebody told him that if he whispered people would listen
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more intently. that is -- >> that's not how you whisper unless you are a cartoon. >> david, you claim to be in show business before he started selling razors. i've got it right here. go. there you go. it's like he is playing a character in a horror movie about a decrepit librarian who is like the only one, the fredd krueger of the library. i was just trying to think of a name for that movie. not to be renewed or -- >> that's a good one. i don't know. reference desk. that is worse than mine. >> it is. it is. >> overdue. >> overdue. >> overdue.
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here's the thing, i think he is whispering. i like it. he is going for the millennials. but the thing also is this is a cry for help. this is how he talks normally but usually to his secret service agents. the get me out of here. jumble met me in leave after dark. helped me. help me. this guy wants to be on the porch sipping lemonade. he doesn't want to be doing this . >> this was not his choice. he had a long life and public service where he made a lot of money collecting the bags aroun the world. he should be living the leisurely time. he didn't want this. heat is like al pacino in that movie. wasn't that the pond that they keep -- >> i think it was sensible woman . >> the movie that shall not be
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named here at. >> he the creepiest president since kevin spacey. and house of cards. we've got to go. >> he made twitter verse screec and that he stood up for free speech. introducing aleve x. it's fast, powerful long-lasting relief with a revolutionary, rollerball design. because with the right pain reliever... life opens up. aleve it, and see what's possible. tracfone wireless gives you more control. just swap your sim card (whistles) you can also keep your phone, keep your network, keep your number, $20 a month, no contract. don't keep that case though... this is your wake-up call, people. tracfone wireless. now you're in control. i didn't realize how special
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he took a stand to protect his band. true, he is leaving mumford and sons but sticking to his guns. a member of the pope rock group mumford and sons is stepping aside so he can step aside without his band mates getting involved. mumford and sons. thank you. back in march band banjo player winston marshall tweeted while price for journalists on mask. and the tolerant left responded with the grace of darth vader
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with the hornet and his helmet. he said nothing could be furthe from them the truth. i condemn all extremism from th right got elected you would think that subtle that with no apology is ever good enough for a left is so marshall is leavin the band so he can speak my min without suffering the consequences. and so surprised he got unfairl smeared as races. he is up like i playing the banjo. but give him credit for standin up, even at a major cost. to be honest the band doesn't sound the same without him. ♪♪ >> he really was the heart of the band. [ applause ]
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i learned that there are no son and that band. it is mumford and he called the other people sons, but they are not his sons. that's false advertising. >> clearly they are not going t wait for him. this is is the most 2021 thing that ever seen, this guy supports a gate asian journalis who literally his job is to get his head bashed in on a daily basis in the us pacific northwest and this is a guy tha is like affect to quit now. the book is an anti- violent book. it is chronically -- he's the only one doing it. it's a situation were reversed, he would be getting a pulitzer. it was a right wing mob insurrections, that journalist journalists would be, again, already said he would win a pulitzer. >> he would win two. that was a close shave.
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made in america. made in america. >> is a really made in america? >> made in america, great. >> you need to get them for the audience. she razors at the audience. >> we of an audience shot. >> no, we don't. >> look under your chairs. that ended your chairs. that is where their pulpy appraiser next time i am here. >> let's get back to -- sorry have brought it up, kat. this is another example for a small minority on twitter is dictating what is up her behavior. this guy is freaking out becaus he was in a new cycle for one day. >> it's true. i've been able unable to start folk band. any other explanation is that i talk too much about politics. my goodness, and you love folk music. and you grew up in a folk rock band.
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-- we will take a solid silver tim and for good reason. i'm out there on the front lines . >> that is halfway there. i like how far music is falling.
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did you want to get on a knife fight with the audience. we are not sure about that tweet . we've got to have a meeting about the tweet. he you said you'd like the book. that is bad enough. these guys are dealt. they kick out -- the best looking guy in the band . the remaining three of them are like extras from p pe blinders are amateur hobos trying to pla
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country bluegrass music. thanks for doing this segment that actually had to listen to mumford and sons for a smidge earlier in the day. >> you know have to go to ruby tuesday to hear that song. when you for pride friday in th present the totally different meaning. great, you are awfully judgmental off me for a guy who's best work was so loudly. he set up a colony of these. which is better care health. at the end a week on a yacht. first a quick reminder.
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i just added 2:-- two more dates to the tour and alabama and new jersey. tickets for the zen two shows and tennessee now on sale. go to
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disease? if i got a shot to make be up t break the record high thousand tequilas and two bottles of han sanitizer in one happy hour. >> yes, even liver disease, kat. we could hear your thoughts. meanwhile a study from columbia university finds that an application could reverse gray hair. rate got darker during periods of relaxation been 90 well bill hemmer is going to cancun. he's 83 years old. he is. but how is this news really? we know that they can cause you are here to turn gray. my hairstylist on the economic away bikini? because you are a man. kat, question. answer. there are two stories, which on has more value to you to answer?
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>> i mean,, vacations. i don't really do those. >> are you excited about a superhero vaccine? would you get it? >> yes. >> you have a strategy with vaccines quick. >> a strategy? you're supposed to have a strategy? >> if you first. i waited until you've got a vaccine. when you didn't •-ellipsis the vaccine. >> that's absolutely true. i got the vaccine and that i go the second shot. >> and that i decided that i would do it. >> i think it is still a third one. >> it is a good one. it is pretty much wasted on you. what about the superhero vaccine ? >> i don't need that.
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them already dialed in. donor. i do a lot of different activities. you are kind of like an athlete. what do you make of this vacationing story? >> you don't want to go on vacation with me. your hair will go great it's probably going to follow becaus i am in utter nightmare to be o vacation with. i go to the airport 3-4 hours i advance. if the hotel -- i demand that the broom be changed if i hear an air conditioner.
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the vaccine, superhero vaccine for don't want that he did get that may might have to help people. i'm not climbing a tree to get your. not going to put up brush fire with my breath. i'm busy watching master chef with my dog. >> you not the eccentric a good superhero is? having jumper cables in your car . what is with young women? getting murdered and blaming it on talkshow hosts. kat, why do young women dye their hair great? have you noticed this? you're going to be great in 30- 40 years been playing queue jumping the gun. >> it is feminist or something. it is basically i'm adding baggage to myself to say that i don't care.
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like when old age comes for me, going to give one of those kardashian -- people won't know what to do. >> i've had extreme surgery. >> is that -- i didn't think the hair was great. i thought it was lilac. i thought it was supposed to be lilac, but it looks like dark gray. but we've got off the rails. >> i've forgotten what the topi was. let's take the stack back here. barbie funding -- vacation is relaxing wuhan? come on, we are wasting our money on stuff.
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i think you're going to have a future here at fox. [indiscernible] monte carlo. >> i can't believe that that is in our past. albright. >> up next, our ombudsman tell us but we got wrong. reaches acr,
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welcome back. that's find out if we got to didn't want this week. we go to steve phoenix junior. and he or four, podcasts about snacking and bed. how did we do.
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distillate thing that i enjoy more than fact checking is eating candy but i should be sleeping. eking of things back to your health, let's take a look back in your show. started with your comments yesterday about manual transmission cars, roland. to guys in the parking lot of high school, if you're driving manual, you suck. >> great can i typically do som pretty in-depth research but as you are player, did not need to understand because everyone knows that stick and manual are the exact same thing. >> i know that. it was a mistake. that's i'm here for. even my son, steve phoenix junior junior, he says, that is
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why is greg so bad at this. you know what, we've got to mov on. hey, kat, let's here's your comments on wednesday about cop toner. hit it. >> we forget that we have manufacturers -- >> like i used to drink before work were can i get high off copy toner, i'm going to save a lot of money. >> save some for the rest of us. >> well, kat, printer toner, or to say copy toner it's one of the most expensive liquids in the world. abruptly 2-$9,000 per gallon, according to consumer reports. by comparison it only cost $1,500 for a gallon of human blood. just stick to business. >> i guess the copy toner -- copy toner, is available at all the offices. i want to --
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we are not endorsing any kind o ingestion of such chemicals. >> yes, thank you, greg, for that lovely interjection. brennan the enthusiasm. i like it. mumford and sons looked like amateur hot hobos, which does not make sense because it implies professional hobos and we don't help those unless you count razor salesman. >> he is dressed like a professional hobo. well done. well done. finally, we are almost out of time. great, back to you. that's hear your comments on wednesday about gravity. one more time, take us home.
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my theory is that outer space was never finished. , the builders of the universe were ran out of money and they couldn't extend gravity be -- beyond the earth atmosphere. when you think about it that they stop with gravity every yo cannot see this theory. what's i'm going to stand by this until the day i die. once you understand that, it explains everything. they ran out of gravity material . three theories are outer space, i man, because gravity actually exists far beyond her it. it is literally one of the four fundamental forces update of th universe contributed to the curvature of space time. and it is because of gravity we've been able to land probes
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in the solar system. it's the opposite of your monologue jokes, grade, which neverland. you are so off base because you can't prove anything you said because of this all out there. we can't actually see it with our own eyes because was never completed, so they tell you these things are happening. is like when you play a video game coming you only have to play with the stuff that doesn' print even than what they take pay this whole of the word out there. i'm going to need a lot more help fact checking everything that you just said. but unfortunately one thing is true. i'm back out of time. upgraded to see you next week. see you later, steve. all right. don't go anywhere. be right back. your name ♪
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9:00 pm
set your dvr see so you never miss another night. the six. -- shannon bream is next. i'm greg gutfeld. i love you, america. welcome to fox news that night. i'm shannon bream in washington. more people will be rescued fro the rubble of the condo in florida. the got a live report on the ground in just minutes. plus we're joined about finding -- in the middle of a


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