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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  June 28, 2021 3:00am-6:00am PDT

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counter points. jill seth jahn, thank you for joining us and thank you for the supervisors of your country. >> i appreciate you guys having me on. thank you very much. jillian: thanks for joining us today and good to anchor with you today. ashley: so great. jillian: "fox & friends" starts right now. have great one u.s. launching airstrikes at iran border. we are told it was a weapons glorming good sign they are willing to take strikes. until they have a good policy, i don't think they have done anything. >> at least nine people are confirmed dead following the devastating condo collapse in surfside florida. >> miami-dade officials says the priority remains search and rescue. >> she turned her black on the american flag and now a u.s. track and field athlete claims she was set up. >> you can't salute the flafing the united states of america, then have the guts to not represent the united states of america. >> america's crime problem is
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growing and easy to spot. >> any amounts of harm is unacceptable. but i also want to make sure this doesn't drive hysteria. >> and the olympic champion and what does that time look like 51.0. that's a new world record. >> first woman ever under 52 seconds flat. ainsley: straight to a fox news alert new video this morning of u.s. airstrikes hitting iraq and syria? the rockets wiping out facilities, fox news has learned we are used by iranian backed initiatives to launch attack at united states assets scattered throughout iraq. four militants were reportedly killed is in the trike that we november. iraq's military has condemned the strikes as a are breach of sovereignty. brian: that's probably a wink and nod. he didn't.
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this is the second time he has ordered airstrikes in the region since he has taken office. remarkable to see how much more positive nancy pelosi is about the whole thing. great, good idea. they took direct action. so people on the same side you could do the same thing if you were president trump and got a different reaction on the democratic side. without the wars powers act you wonder if congress like senator murphy wasn't upset about it recommendation is he a democrat from connecticut and he said this was conducted without the approval of congress. he voiced concerns about the february strikes in the same region. he said it's starting to look like a pattern of hostility under the war powers act and he hopes to be briefed on why biden decided to do this. steve: right. he says both the constitution and war powers act require the president to come to congress for a war declaration under these circumstances. so he wants for the administration and the pentagon to brief congress to show why being exactly they just did that over the weekend. jim hanson says and he served in the army and special forces, he
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was on "fox & friends first" a little while ago. and he said what exactly is the administration doing. watch. >> i'm concerned though that the biden administration hasn't shown any kind of a coherent policy towards iran. they are still trying to get back into the fatally flawed iran deal. i think the iranian regime always senses weakness from the biden regime. iranians are telling them we are not going to let anyone inspect anything that matters as far as nuclear facilities and before anyone has given any indication that the iranians will be helpful in this dole the biden team dropped sanctions and gave them unearned reward. that's not the type kind of signal top negotiator sends. steve: what is the strategy he wants to know. it's not abundantly clear. ainsley: the pentagon says they took necessary and appropriate and deliberate action to sandy clear deterrent message. that's what nancy pelosi was saying. we he clearly had a threat we had to do this even though
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congress did not approve. brian: they were worried about drones firing at them. technology use against us. steve: more on that throughout the morning. meanwhile, we move on. ainsley: now to another fox news alert. charles watson joins us live surfside, florida as the number of deaths in that florida condo collapse nearly dunels over 24 hours. charles? charles: good morning, we are off to a total of nine victims who are confirmed dead. authorities releasing four new names overnight who are identified as 80-year-old leon, 26-year-old louis. 46-year-old anna or tease and 74-year-old christina beatrice alvero. hundreds of rescue workers working at the crash site as they search for 150 people who have been missing for five days. those who survived the collapse are confused and holding on to a
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lot of eve motions. >> i have a lot of survivors guilt, obviously. you know, why me and why not my neighbor from 604. she was like a lovely lady. i hope to god that they are going to find somebody but, man, you know, if you saw what i saw, nothingness and then, you know, you go over there and you see like all the rubble, how can somebody survive that? charles: and yesterday the families of the missing were allowed to visit collapsed site. many shouting messages. fema is on the ground providing support along with the army corps of engineers which will now assess the structural integrity of buildings neither collapsed site as investigators try to figure out what caused the champ plain towers south to collapse. theb this as we learned official told building was safe. according to published reports the remark came less than six
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months after a stunning inspection report from 2018 revealed major structural issues needed to be repaired. a project that would have cost around $9 million and, guys, the nearby city of t. will begin conducting inspections on condo buildings begins today. the city of miami is suggesting the same be done for buildings that are over six stories tall and more than 40 years old, guys. steve: well, they should. all right, charles watson live on the scene collins avenue in north miami. thank you very much. he is absolutely right. people just want to know what happened. arnie and meriam lived on the third floor of the south wing of that building. and it they have not been seen. they are presumed dead. but, at the same time, their grandson has gotten 16 phone calls from their land line since the collapse on thursday morning. ainsley: no voices just static. makes you think are they under
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that rubble? you know, is the phone next to them? are they dialing from a land line? that's what people want to say. ainsley: next to bed. if it fell it might have fallen next to them. >> man, are they alive under that rubble that's what everybody is thinking. ainsley: some different stories. the youngest one is the 26-year-old, and he was identified over the weekend. his father cop firmed his death on social media and his name was lewis bermudes he said my melio you gave me everything. i will see you soon, i will never leave you alone. the young man was a fashion graphic designer he posted on just a big man with dreams and ideas. looking to collaborate with artists making my way up. blest. brian: a lot of people are saying what happened? what happened to this building? could we have known this ahead of sometime did people know what kind of shape it was in? evidently, too. the developers of the dicey past
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because when this tower was once accused the developer of this tower was once accused of paying off officials to get permits $15 million of repairs to bring it up to code. pablo rodriguez grandma and mom missing building in bad shape. this was an hour ago they said on "fox & friends" first. >> there is no reason that the building should have been allowed to get into the condition that it was in. my mother complained about that over the years many times because there would be water in the garage there would be cracks around the pool deck there would be just, you know, it will cracks around the building. we don't have hope that we are going to be able to see them again. the minute we saw the video of the collapse, which is all i see when i close my eyes that hope disappeared for us. it's criminal that they have let this happen. i hope that investigations go forward and somebody is held
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responsible for this. because my mom and my grandmother are now gone forever. ainsley: the two of them would come over to his house on saturday and pick up his son. you see his son there in the picture with his grandmother and great-grandmother this saturday ran into dad's room daddy, when are they coming? he said i don't have the heart to tell him yet. steve: we heard him recounting things and talking a little bit about the pool deck. i have got a feeling we are going to hear about this pool deck more and more. as brian pointed out, the -- in 2018, months after that engineer's report flagged major structural damage bloat pool deck that required immediate repair, the chief building official for the town told the people in the condo it was in very good shape. and that completely contradicted what the engineering report from five weeks earlier had said that they were warning that the waterproofing in the concrete structural pool deck slab needed toen be replaced in the future
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it was flat and it was not sloped. and it could not drain. here is what one of the engineers who worked on this building in the past if we could put that up for just one second. that video once again. a resident had called her husband to say just slightly before the collapse that she could see a crater in the pool. the engineer who worked on it says he thinks that the pool deck fell into the parking garage below it which then dragged the other parts of the conned 2k0e in a domino affect. so it starts and they knew about this apparently a couple years ago. there is a problem with the drain thank of the pool. it needed to be replaced. and they were about to get started on doing some of that work immediately. brian: this is going to be a criminal investigation eventually as we still try to find and hope that somebody who is buried is still alive. talking about crime though, it doesn't stop and start in miami. all across every major city crime is a major issue. so bad was it that president
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biden had to switch gears and acknowledge it his way of solving the crime problem is ridiculous on its face. he says it's about gun sellers and gun owners as opposed to defunding the police. empowering criminals. having no cash bail, especially in new york city. where, over the weekend, we see another shooting right in times square. this time victim is 21-year-old marine shot in the back by a stray bullet that ricocheted into him just like two blocks from where we are. evidently over two mutants, i see these people every day who try to jam a cd in your hand. they start shooting at each other and people get shot. at about 5:00 couldn't imagine this? you want to bring tourists back to this city. in chicago 62 wounds, three killed. five under 17. we thought we he could agree that crime was the problem. but, listen to aoc. she believes we're kind of making it up. >> we are seeing these headlines about percentage increases.
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now i want to say that any amount of harm is unacceptable and too much. but, i also want to make sure that had this hysteria, you know, this doesn't drive a hysteria and we look at these numbers in context so that we can make responsible decisions about what to allocate in that context. ainsley: it's not hysteria when you look at these situations and you look be at these cities and the crime totals. this past weekend in chicago, 65 people were shot, i read this article that cbs had on their website and it says a woman and four men were all standing outside when a black utility vehicle passed by and someone inside shot them all. the woman was later pronounced dead. a 19-year-old man was shot once in the leg. a 20-year-old man shot once in the bottom a 21-year-old man was shot one once in the arm and twice in the leg. 35-year-old shot device in the regular. two men 20 and 25 shot in the leg. 25-year-old man shot in the stomach and drove himself to the
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hospital. the list goes on and on. the 65 in one weekend alone. it's heart breaking. steve: for that marine, the 21-year-old marine who just graduated from citadel. ainsley: with his wife. steve: sister and in-laws. he was in new york for a baptism. is he going to be okay. and he is a marine. and he's tough. and it turns out of a relative of that marine pulled the slug out, apparently, with their hands somehow and gave it to the police. that is just a block away from where we told you last month a little 4-year-old and a couple of others were struck by random violence. ainsley: juniors eating cheese cake said everyone ran into the hotel into the marriott hotel it happened right outside of the hotel right there on 45th and broadway i believe. a few blocks from us. steve: see, that's it right there. and this all comes after and, you know, we're smart. we remember. remember all the talk of defunding the police? well, you know, a lot of places tried to make it look like that.
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and some towns did do just that they took money away from the police. and that has brought us where we are; however, the democrats looking at the poll numbers right now and yahoo news survey said 36% of americans approve of joe biden's handling of crime. 36%. only a third whereas 44 are disapproving. so what are they doing? they are rewriting history and now they have figured a way to come up with this narrative that says, you know what? we tried to fund the cons, but the republicans in one of those rescue bills all voted against it that's what cedric richmond, an advisor to the president claimed yesterday on "fox news sunday." >> let's talk about who defunded the police. whether we were in congress last year, trying to pass a rescue plan -- i'm sorry not the rescue plan but an emergency relief plan for cities that were cash-strapped and laying off police and firefighters, it was the republicans who objected to it and, in fact, they didn't get
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funding until the american rescue plan, which our plan allowed state and local governments to replenish their limits and do what are needed. republicans are very good on staying on talking points hough says defund the police. but the truth is they defunded the police. >> that is not true. nobody believes it's true. >> in the american rescue plan. >> just extra money in those cities. the cities got blank checks like new york who didn't deserve it they get all this money. los angeles got a ton of money. states got a ton of money. able to replenish funds that didn't need replenishing. you could choose to put it into these things. but los angeles defunded the police. kamala harris fully spartanned that austin, texas defunded their police. all they have is more at the present time cities. nothing is worse than new york city. they took a billion out immediately. including their anticrime unit. oakland, california and portland is up 500 percent.
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ainsley: all democratic cities. brian: only thing we know for sure the cops that weren't funded at least 20% have quit their local forces because they have had it, they turned in the badge because of these democratic run cities and the whole reimagining police thing. there is not a republican who use the term reimagining policing. ainsley: or redirecting funds which bill de blasio did. steve: there was somebody -- a retired los angeles police department sergeant was on msnbc. and her name cheryl dorsey. and she had such an extraordinary explanation of what's going on. we had to play it for you to see how one support of policing apparently thinks it's all supposed to work. watch. >> officers now we see across these 18,000 police departments are butt hurt because, you know, they can't run willy-nilly through a police department and abuse with reckless abandon. so they're stepping away from specialized units.
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too cowardly to quit outright the department. they are stepping away from units. i don't necessarily think there is uptick in crime. what officers, police departments, police chiefs, those who are savvy try to do is pull back, make communities suffer just a little bit so you will miss that heavy handedness. then when you cry uncle, they come back times ten with more militarization. more heavy handed elephant hunters who are now preying on an unsuspecting public. steve: she had suggested that cops in the police departments are manipulating the numbers to but for her to say that they -- they are upset because they can't run willy-nilly through a police department and abuse with reckless abandon. she is talking about police officers want to be able to abuse it appears is what she is saying. where is that coming from? ainsley: democrats are the ones that wanted to defund. you had james clyburn down in south carolina. a prominent democrat. and he was saying this is just stupidest message no.
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one is on board for this. if you look at the poll numbers. the majority of people are not for defunding police. that's why they are trying to change the narrative. they are not even prosecuting these criminals. they go into the jail and out that very same day and back on the streets committing more crime. brian: it is -- it's farcical to think that they said the police are making up these numbers. these are stacked. and police are not doing anything. they are told not to do anything by their police chiefs and by their communities who, in many cases are saying don't put your hands on them. you can be sued, number one, number two is, you can't use restrantsz, you are not supposed to chase in some cities suspects that get out of your sight. if they have good foot speed you can commit a good crime with a burglar who happens to have good agility and be able to allude an officer who is weighed down with equipment you are now free. there is not one person that buys that cedric richmond fruitlessly trying to spin.
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i don't think anyone bought it. steve: it's cause and effect. they said let's defunded police, that was the cause. the effect is random tourists shot in times square. and this is not as ainsley was detailing an isolated incident. ainsley: okay. jillian has some more headlines for us. hello, jillian. jillian: in broad daylight. even scarier. jillian: let's begin your headlines with this. one of the two suspects accused of killing an arkansas police officer faces additional charges. local media reports shawna cash is charged with reckless driving and driving with a suspended license. cash and aliza were already handed capital murder charges. they could you seed of fatally hitting it officer with their vehicle. both are being held without bond. two lsu medical students judge gorsuch into action when a passenger on plane to greece suffers a medical episode. responding to request asking for medical professionals.
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according to the school the passenger was light headed and fell but was later feeling much better thankfully. to the tokyo olympics we go. sydney sets a new world record in the 400-meter hurdle during the track and field trials. clocking 51. seconds. and in the gymnastic trials biles punches her ticket to tokyo. 18-year-old tanisha lee who battalioned through ankle industry also making the team. six gymnasts selected to compete in the summer games. that's a look at your headlines, send it back to you. steve: after the pandemic we didn't know what the olympics would look like and fill the team there are great athletes out there. jillian: always. incredible. brian: see how many people will go to japan and watch so they can turn a profit that will be great. 21 minutes after the hour. steve: coming up on this program on a monday as crews search for any signs of survivors in that condo collapse down in florida. we now learn engineers warned about major structural issues
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three years ago. a former miami-dade fire cleve is going to respond coming up next. plus, an olympic bound american athlete turns her back on the stars and stripes. we will get reaction from the former nfl player jack brewer. you are watching "fox & friends." thanks for joining us this monday ♪ shining star ♪ no matter how are ♪
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ainsley: florida rescuers are desperately searching for signs of life. as we learned engineers hired to inspect the building warned about major structural damage three years ago. residents claim they were told it was safe. one woman who survived the collapse told npr in 2018 we had a board meeting. the town of surfside said to us that the building was not in bad shape former miami-dade five
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cheer and urban search and rescue deputy coordinator dave downey joins us. good morning, dave. >> good morning. ainsley: good morning. so, when you hear that, that residents were told and reassured back in 2018, what do you think happened? did someone know something and then was there a cover-up? >> i wouldn't have any idea. you know, i don't have any of the details of the original report nor any of the conversations that took place. ainsley: let me ask you about the fires. what's causing the small fires underneath the debris? >> well, first, to start with the good news the fires have been suppressed over the last 24 hours we haven't had any sign of even small smouldering fires. but, originally there was some fire, it's tough to guess how that occurred. there is a good chance that as the building was collapsing there still was power in the building. and smoldering fire could have ignited.
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as the winds off the ocean and air flow changes through the pile. air gets introduced and the fire is allowed to start to grow. so, it's mostly ordinary combustibles. it wasn't cars burning or gas lines or flammable liquids. it was just ordinary things burning. a light type of smoke. ainsley: are you supporting the fire chief? are threw on the scene or have you been? >> i am. i'm here on the scene and i have been here on the scene pretty much since the beginning. i certainly am supporting my previous fire department miami-dade fire rescue. i understand what the fire chief is going through. i understand the heavyweight he is feeling with this rescue operation. i have lived through this as the fire chief and as a search and rescue specialist. and i'm here to support them on behalf of the state of florida. we are coordinating outline
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forces here now working around the clock. and i can tell you, you know, i see them when they're coming off their shift because we change shifts at 12:00 noon and 12:00 a.m. and i saw my guys yesterday at 12:00 noon they were just exhausted. and last evening i saw them as they were getting a meal and they said chief, we're ready to go. we're rested and ready to work. ainsley: yes, sir. because time is of the essence. >> it's extraordinary what's happening. ainsley: what are you seeing down on the ground? have you heard any voices? >> no, i haven't heard any voices. we are still doing very methodical. >> we have deliberate search. everything is grided off. and teams are working various areas of what we refer to as the pile. due to the heat and humidity, squads are -- six squads of six at any time working. and then they will rotate off
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every 45 minutes for about a 30 minute break and this goes on in a cycle for 12 hours. ainsley: wow, y'all are heroes. >> 12 hours we bring three more teams. ainsley: that's amazing. >> thank you for having me. ainsley: teams came as far as from israel to help with the rescue efforts. we are big supporters of whether a y'all do. hopefully we will find some survivors. >> that's what we're hoping for. thank you so much. ainsley: thank you, dave. coming up, an olympic athlete set to represent team u.s.a. in the olympics' the playing of the national anthem. ♪
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with customized car insurance from liberty mutual! nothing rhymes with liberty mutual. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ suspect stole a plumbing truck shot and killed by police. the make a wash foundation faces backlash for saying it would resume granting wishes involving air travel and large gatherings in september but only for those fully vaccinated. this as none of the coast vaccines are currently approved for kids under the age of 12. the foundation clarified to fox business saying unvaccinated families would either have their
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wish delayed or changed to an alternate event. french authorities conducting a manhunt for the spectator who signed caused a massive pileup at the tour de france. more than 20 riders hurt in the crash over the weekend. officials say she ran away. french police are planning to press charges once she is caught. the director of the race is vowing to file a lawsuit over the incident. that's a look at your headlines. >> let's talk sports, u.s. sleets gwinn berry. national anthem began to play with the winners at the podium. take a look. berry turned other black on the american flag covering her face with a t-shirt that read activist athlete on the front. and she is call it a set-up telling the "new york post" quote i feel like it was a set-up they did it on purpose. they had enough opportunities to play the national anthem before we got up there. it was real disrespectful. try to get your head around that statement. jack brewer is trying to do that we asked his comment on it former nfl player ce oh of the
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bureau group. what do you make disrespectful to play the national anthem they told her they were going to play it before they got out there? >> you know what? it's always play the national anthem. it doesn't matter when you are putting on that uniform. her uniform says america. she is representing america. and the u.s. olympic committee needs to do something about this garbage. what we're really saddens me is that we have a culture four u. now in our country and it's growing a culture of people who disrespect our nation. disrespect our flag and disrespect our anthem. at shouldn't be allowed. when you look back and think about greats like jesse owens who overcame real racism and overcame, you know, all the issues that came along with that who was a grandson of a slave, who was the son of a share cropper. he stood on the podium and proudly represented this nation. and she claims to be standing up against racism. well, i have news for her that
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there are a lot that came before her that went through real racism. and the only reason they got through it is because they live in america would very a constitution that allow was to us go after our freedoms and to become whoever we want to become. and we need to start educate these athletes, we need to start to educate these youth that are being indoctrinated now in our schools, being indoctrinated by this liberal media and that are starting to hate this country. we have a massive divide and it's not because of president trump. it's not because of conservatives. it's not because of the operates in america. allowing them the freedom to go out and participate in sports like this as a black woman. so many black woman have gone through so much to be even able to get in this situation. she is being completely disrespectful for all of those that have died for us. and i'm just sick and tired of seeing it. brian: she just tweeted this out this morning. i will share it with you.
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gwen berry did. i never said i hated this country. people try to put words in my mouth but they can't. that's why i speak out. i love my people. all right? that's where she stands. the u.s.a. track and field statement made this statement the national anthem was scheduled to play at 5:20 we didn't wait for the it athletes on the podium for hammer award. it's played every day according to a previously published schedule. the fact is i'm not worried about the semantics of this or the schedule. the fact that she feels this way. and it nobody can protest their flag on the podiums. they just made that a universal rule. what's going to happen if she places and she does it again on the international stage? >> something should happen. they should bar her from competition at this point. when you become a member of a team, you cannot go out and protest against a team that you have become a member of. it just makes no sense at all. no matter what sports you are in. whether you are in the national football league or baseball.
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any sport. just the fact that we are having this conversation is ridiculous. i'm glad the international olympic committee did step up and make that rule. they can't force these athletes to do it once they get on the stage. they need to do something that has real repurchase sessions. we are going into a time where our olympics team is probably one of the strongest we have ever had. we have more world records and more personal records that have been broken over this past olympic trials than i have ever seen before. so we have a lot to. some great minorities participating for our nation breaking records. we need to continue that more importantly, we need to start being a better example to these children. all of those kids that are going to be tuning in to the olympics right now. we have a spiritual battle going on right now in this nation. where we have forces of evil dividing critical race theory, and all of these hate messages going out. we need to stop it and the olympics is the time for unity, and that's the only thing that it needs to represent in the
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name of jesus. brian: i want to stop the hyphen, period. i look at my track team as american. i look at my field hockey team as a burning of americans. that's it. we are so into the hyphen what your background is. skin color is. i never remember anything like this in my lifetime. everything is about skin and fashionality and gender and identity. let's get back to being american. that's the way i look at it? >> that's right. brian: thank you. >> thank you. whether that starting gun goes off in the olympic no, sir athlete cares what color skin is. brian: i hope so too. dr. anthony fauci accused of lying to congress research that went to the wuhan lab. buddy carter says it's time for fauci to go. with type 2 diabes are waking up to what's possible with rybelsus®. ♪ you are my sunshine ♪ ♪ my only sunshine... ♪
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>> there was a decision made by the trump administration to cancel research on a grant that was specifically focused on coronavirus ener general's. do you know why this grant was canceled? >> canceled because the nih was told to cancel it. >> and why were they told to cancel it? >> i don't know the reason. ainsley: g.o.p. lawmakers accusing dr. anthony fauci of lying to congress after a new book claims the white house covid adviser resisted a trump era directive to cancel the nih grant to the ecohealth alliance, a nonprofit linked to the wuhan institute. steve: let's talk to georgia congressman buddy carter house energy and congress subcommittee on health and he joins us now. hey, buddy, good morning. >> good morning. steve: so how did anthony fauci lie this time? >> >> obviously what we have got here someone more concerned with
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remaining relevant than they are about telling the truth and what he did was to actually lie to the energy and commerce committee. he told them he did not know where this order came from when he did know. and he knew all along. we find that out now. we don't need someone who is more interested in remaining relevant and more interested in their own p.r. campaign leading this fight against the -- against this virus and against the pandemic. we need someone who is going to be studying the origin of this and investigating this that truly is more concerned with the truth and not with their own pr campaign like anthony fauci is. that's why we need to get rid of him. he needs to be fired. ainsley: and the directive you say came from president trump. and he was trying to down play his role in all of this? >> >> that's exactly right. dr. fauci knew that and that comes out now. the hearing that you saw there
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was in june of 2020. and now we find out that he did indeed know where this came from. and that's exactly what he was doing. he was trying to down play the role that donald trump was playing in fighting the virus and fighting the pandemic. he knew that all along. and, look, we don't need that type of personality, that person leading our charge here. brian: yeah, congressman. if you disagree with anthony fauci, you don't like science. that's a ridiculous statement that he wants us to live with you about we won't. meanwhile, i want to talk about something else that's on the forefront of your mind and agenda. that's what's happening in georgia. we saw our department of justice come out and the attorney general say they are going to sue georgia because they are denying georgiaens, especially minorities, the ability to vote. jonathan turley was on this show and said, are you kidding me? he guys think this is a fight that the democrats are going to regret getting into. because there is nothing unconstitutional about what they are doing. how do you see this playing out?
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>> well, this is what happens when you have woke socialists gain control over the department of justice. and weaponize the department of justice used for their own political gain. and that's exactly what they are doing here. i mean, the election integrity act in the state of georgia actually made voting easier and cheating harder. and, yet, here we have the democrats who just last week were trying to pass the corrupt politicians act, a power grab that federalized all the elections and now they are going after the election integrity law in the state of georgia. if the biden administration friewl wanted to do something about voting integrity other states like new york and new jersey and delaware who have more. brian: congressman, the referee is the judge. will the judge see it that way? that's the key? >> he will. i believe as mr. mr. turley said early iier this is going to vilify and actually show that
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georgia was right and i think this is going to backfire on the democrats big time. steve: well, let's see. congressman buddy carter sits on the energy and commerce committee. sir, thank you for joining us today from savanna. ainsley: thank you. >> thank you. steve: it's about a dozen minutes top of the hour there is j.d. out on the street. >> it's going to be hot and humid in new york city. not as hot as it was in the northwest this morning. take a look at the map, we are going to set all time highs for portland, oregon and seattle today if we hit these daytime highs 115 degrees in portland. that is warmer than phoenix, arizona. this is historic. today will be historic in portland as well as seattle. we will bump those temperatures down a little bit. it is still going to be warm. this is going to be not only historic situation but it's going to last -- it has been lasting for several weeks now. we will keep an eye. the other big story is flash flooding in effect for parts of texas a all the way up to the great lakes because we have
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frontal boundary not going anywhere too soon and the potential for heavy rainfall along that front is going to cause the potential for some flash flooding and then we have this area of concern that could develop today. whether or not it get a name it will develop showers and thunderstorms along the southeast. a lot going on extreme weather center. steve: a lot going on indeed. thank you. ainsley: a california college is dropping a major requirement for admission as it aims to welcome it economic background. jeremy hunt joins us next it this is the start of a new trend. ♪
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are. steve: will equity. removing act and sat scores from admission process. you don't have to commit one. standardized reflect socioeconomic privilege more than college preparedness. so, instead, it will consider other factors like gpa how hard the classes were they took and extracurriculars. here with reaction is west point grad army vet and yale student jeremy hunt jeremy good morning.
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>> good morning. steve: i don't think yale waived the act and sat thing to get you. >> in west point my undergrad school and no those were not waived at all. the law school was the l-sat of course. steve: of course you have been through a million tests what is this college trying to doorges what they're doing is instituting a policy that makes some progressives feel good but it actually makes the issue even worse. i mean, when you institute this kind of policy, basically it privileges those who are very well-connected who have these kind of elite networks whereas students who come from working class background, who are capable of smart, they are losing the kind of objective metric that levels the playing field. and so, you know, and it's also just makes no sense. if you actually care about the disparities. then how about tutoring a student and helping and giving them the tools to succeed. help them meet the standard. they have all the potential in the world if you just give them a shot. don't just remove the metric all
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together. steve: the college says this. threeee pilot for the test blind policy will include an assessment of the policy's impact on the applicant pool. admissions, demographic characteristics and the goal to enhance equity there is that word and access among other factors. you know, you mentioned west point a moment ago. when you were in high school, you know, i'm not speaking out of school here, you were not qualified to get into west point but something changed, didn't it? >> exactly right. like i was saying just before we got on the air. when i was in high school, i decided i wanted to go to west point and i had two problems. one, i was very overweight. i had to get into shape. two, my test scores were not where they needed to be. and i was so thankful to have a set of mentors who helped me, you know, working out every day. getting in shape. and also to help tutor me to help me meet the standard. instead of lowering the bar. many they helped me every at a
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to make the standard to have a shot at west point. i was so thankful when i graduated in 2015 it was because of them. steve: there you go. that's the way it's supposed to work if you want to get into a school, do the work that they require so that everybody is on the same playing field, right? real quick? >> that's exactly right. that's what it takes. we don't need to move the standard help people meet the standard and invest in their potential. steve: thank you very much for your service and thank you for joining us from d.c. jeremy hunt. >> thank you, sir. steve: the national archives in washington, d.c. they have a task force on racism. they say that that room, the rotunda is racist. how the group is trying to reimagine american history coming up. you are watching "fox & friends" on a very busy monday. ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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ainsley: the number of deaths in that florida condo collapse nearly doubled over 24 hours. >> this is america. this doesn't happen. somebody has to be held response dible. jillian: the are airstrikes against in the middle of the night. >> it's good to take strikes until they have a policy i don't think they have done anything. >> house republicans plan to hold a hearing on the origins of covid. >> it's time for scientists to use actual science not political science. brian: u.s. athlete gwen berry placed third in the hammer throw. when the national anthem began to play she turned her back on the american flag. >> being completely
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disrespectful for all of those who have died for us. i'm sick and tired of seeing it. >> there it is. birdie on the hole. brian start with a fox news alert. you are looking at surfside, florida where rescue crews are searching for victims of the collapsed condo. ainsley: nine people confirmed dived 152 unaccounted for. steve: our correspondent watson is in surfside as families await any news about their looed ones. charles? >> hey, good morning, guys, you are right. up to a total of nine victims. authorities releasing four new names overnight. those victims are identified as 80-year-old will
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hundreds of first responders are working nonstop really at the collapse site as they search for more than 150 people who have been missing for five days. officials say they are still holding onto the idea they will find people who are alive. yesterday the families of the miss were allowed to visit the collapsed site many shouting messages hopes of finding looed ones under the heavy concrete and twisted medal. >> first priority and only priority is to pull our residents out of that rubble and reunite them with their family who understandably are out of their minds with emotion, sadness, anger, and just confused and wanting to know what is happening. >> right now fema is on the ground to provide support along with the u.s. army corps of engineers which will now assess the structural integrity of buildings near the collapse site as investigators try to figure out what caused the chapel plan
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tower south to suddenly collapse. this as we learn a south side florida official told residents the building was safe according to published reports, the remark was made after stunning inspection report in 2018 revealed major structural issues needed to be repaired and the building a $9 million project that didn't get underway until just recently and guys, as you can imagine. there are some frustrated family members missing. they are frustrated with how slow this process is going and how slowly they are receiving information. officials here in miami-dade acknowledge that this is a slow process not only for families but for the first responders at the collapse site asking folks to be patient to hold out hope and continue saying prayers because everyone affected by this building collapse is going to need it in the days and weeks ahead. guys? steve: absolutely. charles, thank you very much. because it's going to take a long time.
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but, you know, as they are looking for survivors, or at least bodies, you know, the frustration to know that in 2018 apparently they had a condo meeting and the chief building official for the town said, yeah, we took a look at the building and the buildings is in very good shape which was not true. that directly conflicted with an engineering report from five weeks earlier that said that there was -- the waterproofing in the slab around the pool needed to be replaced because it was flat. it wasn't sloped. it couldn't drain. it was going to be a problem. they knew was a big problem three years ago and, yet, it was only just recently about to start this $15 million worth of renovations. and the only reason they had to do that because the building was 40 years old and had to be recertified every 40 years. so they had to do the work now so that they could continue to have people in it. ainsley: now here we are with people dead this morning as a
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result. arnie and meriam lived on the third floor and their grandson said that his mom has been receiving phone calls from their landline phone that was next toe their bed. their numbers appeared on his mom's caller i.d. 16 times since thursday. steve: there apartment is under that rubble somewhere. ainsley: there is no voice. just a lot of static. makes you wonderrable pick phone someone still alive. brian: have you got figure if there was indeed the case. pockets voids that's what they're hoping for in anybody missing ends up sadly passing away this is going to equal oklahoma city where we knew who to blame timothy mcvay. now we are saying to ourselves how does this happen? how many other buildings can do that? even if you hear about a building being in bad shape or move out or got to be fixed. no one ever thinks it's in bad shape and going to fall apart with us in it. pablo rodriguez's mom and grandmother are mission and said
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that he saw the problems. , there is no reason that the building should have been allowed to get into the position that it was. in my mother complained about that over the years many times because there would be water in the garage, there would be cracks around the pool deck. there would be just, you know, stray cracks around the building. we don't have hope that we're going to be able to see them again. the minute we saw the video of the collapse which is all i see when i close my eyes, that hope disappears for us. it's criminal that they have let this happen. and i hope that investigations go forward and somebody is held responsible for this because my mom and my grandmother are now gone forever. steve: yeah. we keep hearing about the pool deck and look at that family and, you know, they just want answers. an engineer who worked on the condo pool deck a couple years ago says he thinks that the pool deck which was warned in 2018 that there were problems with it.
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it had to be fixed back then. he thinks the pool deck fell into the parking garage below and then when it did that, it dragged the other parts of the condo tower into kind of -- just watch, domino affect between those two parts the pool deck pulls them both. in and when you look at that video, you think oh my goodness and they knew in 2018 it was a problem. ainsley: the youngest guy who was his body was recovered and he -- he was no longer alive louise b ermundez his father confirmed his death. he quote you gave me everything, i will miss you all of my life. we will see each other soon. i will never leave you alone. he is the 26-year-old, a fashion graphic designer who put on his social media in his biojust a guy with big dreams and ideas creative in every way and looking to collaborate with artists making my way up. blest. steve: it did not have to happen. breen brian meanwhile, 7 minutes after the top of the hour.
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we have never stopped looking into the origin of the covid-19 virus. we don't think anyone was telling the truth. not our own government or scientific community. maybe their hands were tied and maybe they had their own horse in this race and certainly not the chinese stopped making an effort. the president of the united states said i'm going to put my best people on it for 90 days, the fact is people are reaching this conclusion as part of the "wall street journal" they are not going to come up with a conclusion yet. they said president biden mindful of the fact that after 90 days we may not have absolute definitive answer but he wanted to focus effort fine i understand that. if you look at some of the 27 people that signed off on that article that science magazine peter does imas didn't happen from a lab leak. now almost all of them are changing their mind. charles, he too much coincidence.
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ian director of the center of infection columbia university. he says my view has changed as does other doctors. including many of the people who have worked and been in the wuhan lab. more and more people are saying i don't know who is going to stick with this whole animal-to-animal transfer thing. in fact, staggering number of covid -- excuse me, of sars viruses that have come from lab leaks. from the majority have come from lab leaks they weren't doing this dangerous stuff there remember they told us there were no bats in there and peter there were bats in there story falling apart. social media would penalize you or me or anybody if we put something on facebook or twitter that talked about a lab leak theory. that, to me, is scary. steve: so it's just the point of this "wall street journal" article is, you know, when the president said okay, i'm going
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to give the intel community 90 days to figure out what happened. was it from a bat or an animal or was it a lab leak? and now they say, look, you know, the intel community has never been prioritized to go after a virus like this. so, it could take longer. but we do know that the united states did, in part. by giving some money to the wuhan lab and, of course, money is always fung quibble. you can put it over here but they spend it over there where they were doing that gain of function thing. dr. fauci was asked about a year ago why exactly did the nih cancel that particular oprogram? and the reason was that donald trump said hey, we are funding that lab. pull elm the money out. pull the money out. that came from donald trump himself. and so that's why a number of republican congressman say dr. fauci lied in this testimony. watch this. >> there was a decision made by
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the trump administration to cancel research on a grant that was specifically focused on coronavirus emergence. do you know why this grant at -- was canceled? >> it was canceled because the nih was told to cancel it. >> and why were they told to cancel it? >> i don't know the reason but we were told to cancel it. ainsley: you know why exactly it was canceled donald trump. he was down playing it because he didn't want to give donald trump the credit. here is buddy carter. >> need someone who is more interested in remaining relevant and more interested in their own p.r. campaign leading this fight against the virus and pandemic. we need someone to study the origin and investigating this that truly is more concerned with the truth and not with their own p.r. campaign like
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anthony fauci is. that's why we need to get rid of him. he needs to be fired. brian: more and more defensive with every interview. beginning to see him fall apart. just watch by the time his 80 page book is out in the fall he will be totally grasd. steve: at the same time, we heard from jen sacky the podium in the briefing room, there are no circumstances where president biden will fire anthony tawsh. brian: court of public opinion. we will make our own decision. ainsley: speaking of playing politics. the national anthem is play will one time every evening at the u.s. olympics track and field trials. and when was played when three women who won their medals. steve: just coincidentally on the platform. ainsley: can you see the lady in the back she decided she was not going to stand for the national anthem. she was going to turn her back. and she put that t-shirt over her head that said activist athlete. brian: she came in third, gwen berry did u.s. olympic hammer
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thrower. they play it for the u.s. trials to find out who is going to go and represent the u.s. in japan. and she so upset that they played the national anthem when she is out there. she 23e89d like it was a set-up. think about this playing the national anthem is a set-up. it happens to be played while you are the podium. it used to send shivers #u up your spine not with her. i feel like it was a set-up and did it on purpose. they had enough opportunity to play the national anthem before we got up there i don't really want to talk about the anthem, that's not important. the anthem doesn't speak for me and never has. my purpose and mission is bigger than sports. i'm here to represent those who died due to systemic racism. that's the important part. that's why i'm going. she also put up her fist when she won a medal in the panam games. so this is consistent with her anti-american behavior. steve: she also tweeted after -- there was broad backlash to what she did. brian: i wonder why? steve: then she tweeted this out. these comments really show that number one people in america
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rally patriotism over basic morality. number two, even after the murder of george floyd and some others, the commercials, statements and phony sentiments regarding black lives were just a hoax. i never said i hated this country. people try to put words in my mouth but they can't. that's why i speak out. i love my people. steve: why is it not okay to play the national anthem at the u.s. olympic trials? ainsley: the country she is going to represent? steve: yeah, exactly. we have had two people with unique points of view on the air already this morning tsh john played for the u.s. 2015 panam games and jack brewer was in the nfl. what they both see in what she did over the weekend is simple. it's disrespect. >> the first word that comes to mind is disgraceful. it's ridiculous for her to even state that she felt like she was
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et up here on the podium. that's when they play the anthem. the majority of the athletes are actually just virtue signaling, grandstanding. >> her uniform says america, she is representing america. need to do something about this garbage. >> we have a culture now in our country. and it's growing. a culture of people who disrespect our nation. disrespect our flag and disrespect our anthem. there are a lot that came before her that went through real racism. the only reason they got through it because they live in america. steve: during the olympic trials as ainsley said they only play the national anthem once a day. it was going to be at 5:20 in the afternoon on saturday. what is going to happen at the olympics when every time an american wins a medal they are going to play the national anthem. are we going to see more of this? brian: the ioc says you can't. they don't want any protests touring of the playing of the national anthem. if some czech republic shot putter is upset with his
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healthcare plan and he or she wants to take a knee, you are not supposed. to say i don't know what the ramifications are you are not supposed to do it at the uso either. i'm trying to escape and watch competition see how the u.s. is going to do. medal count and then it's going to be in your face. i think we have got get to a point where we stop cordoning off people in age categories, age bracket, gender, sexuality, their heritage should be americans first. and i think we should stop with the hyphen. no more italian earns in, irish americans. we have to push back on everyone who wants to put us in a category. it's ridiculous. ainsley: this athlete gwen berry my purpose and mission is bigger than sports. i'm here to represent those who died to systemic racism. that's the important part. that's why i am going. that's why i am here today. brian: what about the 62 that got killed in chicago in black-on-black violence. do they matter?
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steve: why would she want to play for the american team then? brian: i have no idea. steve: anyway, she has been tweeting all night. we could have some more updates. brian: another tweet she came out and said and just basically said don't put words in my mouth on that. steve: that's some of what's going on. jillian: good morning. including this fox news alert. a new video this morning u.s. airstrike hitting targets in iraq and syria. wiping out facilities, fox news has learned by iran backed militia to launch attacks against u.s. assets in iraq. four militants were reportedly killed. iraq's military condemns the attack as a, quote, breech of sovereignty. we will keep you updated. meantime the louisville metro police department reports a staff shortage of more than 200 officers amid a surge in violent crime there officer beth bruce joined me earlier on "fox & friends first." take a listen. >> everything that's gone on
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nationally for the past year really is not drawing new people into the profession. jillian: this year louisville has seen 100 criminal homicides and more than 320 nonfatal shootings. big crowds clashing with police at new york city pride events toledo at least 8 reported washington square park. the annual lgbtq pride parade was held virtually this year but didn't stop thousands of people from celebrating. for the first time the lapd was banned from participating because organizers say they posed a threat to the community. take a look at this. an horrific collision during the indians twins game. cleveland josh nay lore comes flying in but doesn't seem see his teammate. nay lore immediately goes down in pain and carted off the field. the baseball star was hospitalized with a broken bone in his broken bone in his leg.
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devastating to see a conclusion like that i should have warned you. warning, it's hard to watch. steve: thank you very much. all right, jillian, thank you. 18 minutes after the hour. coming up vice president harris claims progress being made at the border. new reports reveal the crisis continues to escalate former acting dhs secretary chad wolf joins us now. the administration response will be evaluated next. ♪
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conditions over the last many years. an aasylum system that has been broken and that needs to be reconstructed. and in five months we have made progress. but there is still much more work to be done. so we have made progress. steve: okay. vice president harris last week blamed the trump administration for the border crisis during her visit to el paso. meanwhile, hhs secretary a basara will head to fort bliss migrant facility today as troubling reports minors there are on suicide watch after being exposed to disease and abuse. here to react, former acting dhs secretary and heritage foundation visiting fellow chad wolf. chad, good morning. >> good morning. steve: you know, it's interesting, kamala harris last thursday went to el paso and she actually was within about a mile or so of the place that mr. basara is going to visit today. but she didn't go to that place because that place is not the kind of image the administration
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really wants. >> well, i think that's right. i would characterize vice president harris' trip to el paso as a missed opportunity on a variety of different fronts. she certainly could have visited fort bliss. but she also could have actually gone to the epicenter of the migrant crisis that we see today. and that's rgv 100 miles away from el paso. she could have gone to the donna facility down there, which is where the vast majority of these migrants are being housed and processed. she didn't do any of that instead, she went to a legal port of entry where we know this is not where the crisis is occurring. folks are not coming across legally. they are coming across illegally. so she really didn't get a sense of what was going on and able to talk to the agents there actually apprehending these folks on a nightly basis. so, overall, missed opportunity, i would say. steve: well, but the administration had to do something because, when you look at their polling numbers. and they are looking at the poll numbers 24/7, do you approve or
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disagree disprove of the way the biden administration is handling the situation. a are theoff the americans disprove of what they are doing. you couple that with crime which also more people disapprove of it chad, they have got some problems. that's why she went and checked the box last week because because she was even getting questions from nbc's lester holt about, you know, when are you going to visit the southern border. i have already been there said no you haven't. she had go. she went and didn't really do much, you say? >> georgia, that's exactly right. she continues to spread misinformation talking about how they inherited a difficult problem from the last administration. that's simply not the case. what they did inherit was a secure border and they inherited a network of policies and procedures that we gave them to keep that border secure. a variety of different options to choose from as they try to secure that border and enforce immigration law. what we know is on inauguration day they threw all of that out. that's the result of the crisis
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that we are seeing today. over 183,000 illegal apprehensions in one month alone, the last month. we are likely going to see those numbers continue throughout the summer. so, she is not being honest. and we continue to see this misinformation spread. steve: you know, secretary mayorkas is saying that the strategy is working. so if you got close to 200,000 people coming across the border illegally, what is the strategy? well, it's very difficult to ascertain. when they talk about progress being made on the border, all i can see is the progress moving migrant children or i should say teenagers from border patrol facilities to hhs facilities, and so you are simply moving them from one government physician another. i'm not sure that's really progress. that's not progress on actually trying to solve the crisis. trying to stop the illegal behavior. they are simply trying to manage the crisis and instead of actually putting procedures and programs in place to stop the crisis. and i think that's pretty
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evident to the american people and those are reflected in the poll numbers that you show there. steve: i think you are right. they are upside down on them. chad wolf, thank you very much for joining us live today from d.c. >> all right. thank you. steve: meanwhile, right in the center of downtown washington, d.c. is the national archives. and their task force on racism finds that its own rotunda where they display the constitution and the bill of rights is racist how the group is trying to reimagine american history coming up next live from new york city. ♪ ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ oh! are you using liberty mutual's coverage customizer tool? sorry? well, since you asked. it finds discounts and policy recommendations, so you only pay for what you need. limu, you're an animal! who's got the bird legs now?
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jillian: lemonade stand fundraiser raises money for a florida officer shot in the line of duty. neighbors in daytona beach did this to help officer jason rainner his recovery. he was shot in the head last week while responding to a call. is he currently recovering in the hospital the go fund me page has raised close to $300,000 to help with expenses experts now weighing whether a booster shot will be necessary for those who received the johnson & johnson covid-19 vaccine. this after a study in the u.k. fined pfizer and moderna shots are more affective against the
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delta variant which is currently prevalent in the u.s. at this time the cdc is not recommending booster shots for anyone. a seattle mariner's pitcher becomes the first to be ejected under mlb's new sticky check rules. hector was booted in the inning after umpires inspected his glove. he said he only used rosen a permitted substance which helps pitcher's hands dry. suspension or be cleared of any wrong cooking. we will see what happens. a look at your headlines. send it to you. brian: thank you much. baseball crack me up. task force on racism claimings its own rotunda is now racist. this kind of slipped by the headlines. didn't slip by us though. examples of structural racisms at nara include but are no well means limited to a rotunda in flagship building that log laudswealthy white men in the
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nation's founding while marginalizing people of clock whim and other. those wealthy white men happen to be our founding fathers. here to react is casey smedly. are you surprised that we now have a racist rotunda in the national archives. >> another example of what we are are seeing across the board. you all have covered this a lot. democrats control every lever of our federal government. we are seeing these efforts become that much more flagrant and persuasive and no classroom or agency or institution is off limits. brian: i mean, it's -- they are saying those white guys are depicted in two positive of light and they have to stop that. if you want to include other things in the mural, i understand that or it's a big room. why alter. without them there is no us. here is suggestion to fix everything and make it perfect
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for them. reimagine rotunda. create a more accurate tribute to the nation's founding. display trigger warnings on certain documents and exhibits. do you believe that? change language website. create safe spaces in nara facilities. can you imagine going to the archives and needing a safe space to get yourself back together? >> this came from the very top from the chief archivist. this is something they did a big group think on. brian, here's the thing we are coming upon july 4th weekend celebration of our independence and the vast majority of americans think that our country is pretty great and say, okay, we can form a more perfect union. we all agree with that but we are proud to be americans. and this whole idea that we are going to allow a very small group of people to set the tone, set the message, set the curriculum just doesn't jive with where the vast majority of americans are i think that's why when we find these things are happening. it's incumbent upon to us call it out.
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incumbent to figure out what elected officials are behind this and then for our part of the america rising to try and get better elected officials, the good guys and gals to come in and say i'm not going to use your time and taxpayer dollars to put up with this. brian: here's the problem. more and more kids are not learning what you and i learned. they are learning to not like the country. to see problems with the founding fathers. instead of finding out back then slavery was on every single continent. we didn't invent it but we fought a war to get rid of it we all learned that that was part of everybody's history and structure. no one ever ducked it. tv series, the most successful most were about that portion of american history. why now are they looking to take part apart the foundation? >> yeah. again, it goes back, to i think there is not a checks and balance. have you democrats controlling every lever of government and many of them agree with this sort of behavior. agree with these sorts of recommendations, but you are also seeing this uprising,
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again, you guys have covered this a lot at school board meetings and just getting out there about court and critical race theory and you are seeing saying this does not jive with the america i know and love and america i want to raise my children in. there is this effort afoot try to set these recommendations in stone because they know that they are out of step with the vast majority of americans. brian: you want to put frederick douglass and booker t. washington harriet tubman and great figures of our past i'm all for that don't take down the indispensable people that put our country together and put their lives on the line to do it. thanks, cassie, appreciate it. >> absolutely, thank you. brian: meanwhile, straight ahead. we have actually a fox news alert. families demand answers in the aftermath of the florida condo collapse. we are going to talk to one researcher brian: who says there were signs of structural damage in the building back in the 1990s. ♪
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flushed last year by next guest resealed the land it sits on has been gradually sinking a little bit of a time since the 1990s. ainsley: florida international university professor shimon joins us now with his findings good morning to you, professor. >> good morning. thanks for inviting me. ainsley: you are welcome. tell us what you found when you studied this building. >> okay. i was study focus on miami beach and norfolk because these two communities have been flooding and sea level increases that were more flooding in community and we wanted to evaluate what was the contribution of [inaudible] because flooding can
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occur sea level siding or the length of time. steve: sure. >> we used technology called infratemperature based on a satellite it will emits a signal from very high elevations of 40y up to the surface. object to the and return to the satellite. steve: now, in that case over miami beach we found shall subwill subsigh dense. western side of the city that parts of the the city was built on reclaimed wet land and these wet land was filled with soil that slowly settled in. and we see some focus of that but it's about 1 to
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3 millimeters per year. the one place that was unusual in that respect was this place in surfside which we observed a cluster of showing us the condo building was moving at about 2 millimeters per year, which is very small. steve okay. and professor, so that -- the condo that collapsed was thinking because of sustenance subsubsighdense of 2 millimeterg down. we observed subside dense it can be something in the building itself this can also reveal that
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the building was moving into the soil or without the movement in the soil. steve: thank you very much for clarifying that. so my question is, could that have caused the building collapse? >> >> building collapsed because amount of failure it led to that the slow movement usually typically when we go to buildings where we see cracks, is not unusual. what happens remember 1990s. from 1993 to 1999. what happened since then we don't know if it stopped or accelerated. we are now working on a new data set that will allow us to evaluate that. but, it means it was very slow.
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we think probably which threshold for failure just last week, but continuous -- there was some movement in the 1990s and most likely continued. brian: professor, word is when you heard about a building collapse, you knew exactly what building it was. you thought it was this building. if so, why? and should other people in similar buildings be worried today? >> okay. so, we pointed out that the building, because it was unusual. it was the only collapse that we saw along the buildings over there. brian: plaster? >> people should be worried -- have to check to see their building if it's in good condition. what we can do -- what we did in the future, that's what i'm promoting now is the use of technology to see that movement
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has been building. now, this is just that something may be wrong. it's the responsibility of the owners is to check if something is wrong, if something is moving, if there is a structural problem then they need to fix it we cannot really detect these things we can flag there might be a problem. ainsley: did you flag any other buildings in that area? >> no. but we didn't flag because that wasn't the focus of our study. our study was flooding thousand impact the community of miami beach and norfolk. steve: interesting. >> we didn't focus on building. we focused on the land. steve: indeed. professor, thank you very much for joining us. interesting stuff. >> you are very welcome. thank you. have a god day. steve: you as well. all right, will we have a good day weatherwise? let's check with senior meteorologist janice dean out on the streets of new york city where it's already hot.
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janice: it is hot and sticky. what are your names where are you from. >> sandy and mike from montgomery, texas. janice: you are here visiting new york? >> good morning. visitingnew york. we sold our house in texas and we are just traveling around and came to see new york. janice: came to see fox square and fox news. i love it take a look at the maps. did you want to say hi to somebody real quick. >> i want to say hi to my dad jack and mother sue and sally. janice: awesome. i hope they are all watching. take a look at the maps. all very warm. houston weather. 77 right now with humidity it feels even warmer than that. 77 in huston, texas well. we do have very warm conditions. epic warm conditions aclose cross the northwest. that's going to be happening today. we set all-time records yesterday. that's going to happen today, 115 in portland, oregon, it's unbelievable, so people are urged to stay indoors where the air conditioning is. there are a lot of cooling centers open in the pacific northwest. also watching showers and thunderstorms potential for
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heavy rainfall along the gulf coast as well as the plain states where we have flash flood watches and warnings in effect. all right. say hi to steve, ainsley and brian. >> good morning. >> good morning, friends. it. steve: indeed. look at that it. janice: got a kiss. brian: as woke agendas creep into thrasms classrooms. parents fear may be deeper role educators and academics versus values next. ♪ let's be crazy ♪ ♪ ...
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ainsley: parents of eighth grade students at stuart middle school in washington fuming after their kids brought home this flier from their science teacher, suggesting that they can get abortions and plan b without parental consent. tacoma school district telling fox & friends, "it was a mistake by one teacher. " seattle radio host was one of the first to report on this story and joins us now, hey , jason. >> good morning. ainsley: good morning, so why were they giving this flier out to eighth graders? >> so the district says the teacher basically found this in a binder of otherwise acceptable and approved material , to handout to students and so it was a mistake that
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this teacher just gave it to these kids, but there in lies the problem. to me looking at this flier clearly shows a lack of judgment if you look at this and say oh, no this is appropriate for eighth graders, talking about allowing kids to get an abortion without consulting with tar parents, telling them the agent of consent starting at the age of 11 for sex, talking about std's and hiv tests without having any sort of parental consent is sending the wrong message to these kids basically telling them okay you don't have to have open conversations with your parents. i understand fliers like this generally speaking the messaging is for kids who have very abusive relationships with their parents, and i think that that is a nobel cause to try to get ahead of, and protect kids but for the vast majority of these kids, that's not what we're talking about. this just further divides between the kids and the parents ainsley: most people think that washington state is so liberal. were the parents okay with this? did you have complaints when you talked about it on the radio show? >> there were a lot of
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complaints. lots of people are starting to pushback at this stuff and it's notable this isn't seattle. this is tacoma, washington and i've been being very specific in talking about these stories outside of seattle because you expect it in seattle, but you don't necessarily expect it outside of that part of the state, and the problem is, and this is the case in new york and california and elsewhere. it doesn't just these nonsense policies and the lack of judgment extends well beyond the cities that you expect it to come from and so people are starting to pushback. ainsley: what did the parents say? >> they are saying this goes too far. they are saying this is not the kind of content that the school should be teaching, this should be left up to the parents, and for the longest time, you know, parents got a look into the classroom because of the remote learning environment. that's going away in this upcoming semester, so this is actually a really good example of what parents need to start doing with their kid which is is have open conversations about what's being taught, what's being passed out, go over the material to make sure that the teacher isn't overstepping
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their boundaries. ainsley: i know that the schools said they were sorry, but did they talk to the teacher, did the teacher think this was appropriate? >> the teacher thought it was appropriate and that's the problem. now whether or not the teacher faced any sort of punishment, we don't know because of privacy laws. it sounds like there was definitely at least a scolding but i don't know if that scolding is because they sent out the wrong material or because i shined a spotlight on this and now fox is talking about it. ainsley: jason thank you so much for coming on. >> thanks ainsley. ainsley: u.s. air strikes hitting targets in iraq and syria wiping out facilities used by iran-backed malitia. reaction from texas congressman dan crenshaw at the top of the hour. you're strong. you power through chronic migraine - 15 or more headache days a month, ...each lasting 4 hours or more. botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine. so, if you haven't tried botox® for your chronic migraine, ...check with your doctor if botox® is right for you, and if samples are available.
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[ squawk ] hot dog or... chicken? [ squawk ] only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ >> rescue crews are searching for victims of the collapsed condo. >> nine people are confirmed dead with 152 others still un accounted for. >> i hope that investigations go forward, somebody is held responsible for this because my mom, and grandmother are gone forever. steve: hhs secretary will head to fort bliss migrant facility today. >> they inherited a network of policies to keep that border secure on inauguration bay they threw all of that out and that's the result of the crisis. >> senior biden advisor says it's republicans who cut funds for law enforcement. >> republicans are good of staying on talking points but the truth is they defunded the police. >> national archives rotunda slammed as a testament of
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institutional racism. >> the whole idea that we're going to allow a very small group of people to set the tone. this is where the vast majority of americans are. >> the olympic champion. >> [applause] >> that's a new world record. ainsley: we start with a fox news alert you're looking at surfside, florida where 152 people are still unaccounted for , after that condo collapsed steve: the number of people confirmed dead has nearly doubled in the last 24 hours. brian: charles watson is live in surfside as rescue crews desperately search for any signs of life. charles? reporter: good morning, guys. we're off to a total of nine people who are confirmed dead, authorities releasing four new names overnight. those victims are identified as 80-year-old leon , 26-year-old lewis bermuda, 46- year-old anna ortiz and 74-
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year-old christina elvera. crews are working non-stop as they search for more than 150 people who have been missing for five days, meanwhile, those who survive the collapse are confused and holding on to a lot of emotions. >> i have a lot of survivors guilt on us, you know? why me, and why not my neighbor from 604? she was a lovely lady. i hope to god they are going to find somebody but man, you know, if you saw what i saw, nothing this , and then you go over there and you see like all of the rubble, how can somebody survive that? reporter: now, yesterday, the families of some of the missing boarded buses and were allowed to visit the collapsed site. some shouting messages in hopes of finding loved ones under the heavy concrete and twisted metal. fema is on the ground to provide support. the u.s. army corps of engineers
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is also expected to assess the structural integrity of buildings near the collapse site as investigators try to figure out what caused the towers south to suddenly collapse. this as a stunning inspection report from 2018 revealed major structural issues needed to be repaired in the building, a $9 million project that didn't get underway until just recently , and guys, we do know that there is a surfside official who assured residents of that building not long after this inspection was conducted that the building was safe and sound so you can get there are going to be a lot of questions about what surfside knew about this building and how closely they were paying attention to maybe structural issues that may have been going on at this building guys. steve: charles thank you very much because if the chief building official for the town comes to your condo meeting and says the buildings in very good shape, even though they had an
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engineering report from about a month earlier that said that the waterproofing in the concrete structure will flab around the pool needed to be fixed because the pool slab was flat and it couldn't drain and that would cause problems and that's what they said five weeks before the guy comes out and says your building is in very good shape. it was not. ainsley: the pool is on top of the parking garage. steve: exactly that's what they think happened. they think as you look at that right there, what happened was the pool fell into the garage below, which then dragged the other parts of the condo tower in like a domino effect, and when you see that, you hear that description and you see those images, that makes sense. ainsley: we had a professor on earlier in the show. he published this study last year, revealing about the land that this condo sits on and he says it has been gradually sink ing for decades. listen. >> the one place that was
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unusual in that respect was the place in surfside, which we observed a cluster of these points showing us that the condo building was moving at about 2- millimeters per year which is very small. the building collapsed because it an a amount of failure. it led to that. there was movement over there in the 1990s and most likely continued afterwards. brian: we'll cover latest and maybe this today we'll start making big progress. its been very tough, meanwhile at five minutes after the hour there's other big news that happened last night and that is the bombing of a malitia in iraq by our forces that the malitia is affiliated with the iranians, they fully finance it and it might be the iranians in it and they blew up this weapons depot because they have been taking
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shots, some of the shots are coming through drones. let's drink in congressman dan crenshaw the republican from texas. congressman we just got rid of the war powers act, or the declaration, so it means that that is no longer, it's no longer allowed constitutionally for the president to take shots without telling us, right? >> well it's a bit more complicated than that, because the war powers act does still exist. the president always has the right to take action to defend u.s. troops, so i believe , i didn't see exactly what authorizations they were referencing for this particular strike, but it could have been 2001 it could have been war powers because what's happening is these malitia they are constantly poking the bear, and they are using drone toss do so, they used increasingly advanced drones and they want to create conflict, they are trying to create conflict, and they are trying to create conflict with us in the hopes that we would leave because in the end they just want to take over iraq, so
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look, striking, this strike that killed five iranian-backed malitia groups, it's a good thing. brian: i love it. >> especially if you're going to be talking about trying to enter into a new nuclear deal with iran, okay, which i think we should be very skeptical of but if you're going to do that at least do it with leverage, at least do it showing them that they should be on notice and that we will not give an inch, and that we will not let the sovereignty of iraq be violated by iranian proxies. ainsley: congressman i know the hhs secretary is going to go visit fort bliss that migrant facility today, and there are now reports of migrant youth being subjected to rampant disease, sexual abuse, some are on suicide watch, kamala harris was there on friday but she didn't visit fort bliss and she didn't visit the donna facility where a lot of people are saying that's where the big problem is
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and that's where she should have gone. your reaction? >> yeah, it's pretty obvious kamala harris does not care about this issue. brian: at all. >> i think it's rather obvious she only went to visit where there was a convenient airport, where she could do a quick photo op, say she did it because she was sick of getting made fun of by conservative media that she never went but she's not going to actually take any action. look when it comes to these facilities, they are overcrowd. they are over elmed, and we could ring our hands trying to figure out what to do with that but we don't have new ones just to build right off the bat so we have to look at the source of the problem and the source of the problem is the biden administration, because they reversed policies that were in place that was limiting the flow they reversed the remain in mexico policy, they reversed asylum cooperation agreements with the northern triangle countries and they refuse to tackel the biggest issue and that is that we can't legally hold migrant families or minors
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past 21 days, so we can't adjudicate these claims. this be the simplest fix and it has to be a legislative fix and come from congress, and all we have to do is increase that number of day, increase the number of immigration judges , adjudicate these claims, make the process go faster and you know what that avoids? it avoids this catch and release program which means that there's less incentives to just jump across the border. this stuff is easy to fix and that's why it's so infuriating that the democrats don't want to and you have to question their motives here. well they want more illegal immigration. they like the crisis. that's why they don't want to solve it. there's really no other way to explain this. steve: you know something else we've been talking about in addition to the crisis at our southern border although they say the strategy is working. something else that we've been talking about is critical race theory crt being taught in america's school, and you know, a lot of parents are learning during the pandemic, they are looking over their kids shoulder
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s and seeing what the kids are learning and horrified at it and that's why we see all of the protests at different school boards across the country but in addition to in the schools, it is being taught and talked about in the military, and i know you have asked whistleblowers to come forward and tell you examples of this. i think you've heard from 400 so far. what are you going to do with their testimony? >> yeah, we've heard from hundreds and hundreds and hundreds. i think we tend to say there's over 400 credible ones, but you know, there's many many more than that, and look, we're going to keep exposing this , we're going to keep posting it, and here is a couple examples that we've already posted. one air force command was making their trips go through privilege walks, okay? implying if you're wait, or male you're more privileged than somebody else so what this is, it's a crt theory but it manifests in this anti racism training. all of this stuff is connected
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with intersectionality theory, but the primary thread that links them altogether is this. america institutions are inherently racist. the liberal order should be challenged. the liberal order, the liberal definition of equality should be challenged, and replaced with a new order, where you see everything through race. this is how you get to race quotas. this is how you get to this teaching of anti racism which tells white people that they are on oppressor . no matter what they've done, they must be an oppressor , if you're a minority you're oppress ed. this is the basic idea behind critical race theory and it results in extremely divisive outcomes. people now seeing each other as an other as opposed to a simply another teammate wearing the same uniform with the same mission. very dangerous. brian: i thought general milley totally missed the point. that has nothing do with it and we head in school and that was
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part of the curriculum, you find out about other things in others we get it that has nothing to do with what critical race theory is and the privilege is an example of that. if you had to question them you probably wouldn't be able to get them back on track and say that has nothing to do with critical race theory. >> what i would have told them is you might teach mauism in the context of that it killed tens of millions of people so if you are going to teach crt, teach it as if two people are debating it. teach it that way but what's really happening is when you have a seminar at west point called "whiteness and white range" and it is taught by a professor in the past written that white republicans want a white supremacist country, i'm sorry that's one-sided not just teaching for education. that's not just teaching for the sake of situational awareness. don't give me tax that's just racist nonsense that's being taught and so i disagree with
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his point there. this isn't being taught in some good faith way and we can't go down this path where some liberals are just so open to everything and they aren't ever open to everything. they are open to what they like but in the end they stand for nothing and that's the problem with that openness and you have to stand for something and you have to stand for classic, liberal american values. that's what you have to stand for and what our country is based on. those values are not racist. they are not oppressive. they are how we have become the most prosperous country and most successful country in the history of the world and we have to stand by that truth instead of trying to undercut it with these propaganda seminars being put into our military institutions. ainsley: dan what was your reaction you fought for our country to the olympic hammer thrower, gwen berry, she turned her back on the flag during the anthem and put a black t-shirt over her face that said "activist athlete." >> we don't need any more
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activist athletes. she should be removed from the team. the entire point of the olympic team is to represent the united states of america. that's the entire point, okay? so you know, this is one thing we need nba players do it okay fine we'll just stop watching but now the olympic team? it's multiple cases of this. they should be removed. that should be the bare minimum requirement is that you believe in the country representing but look taking it a couple levels deeper, this is the pathology that occurs when we're teaching critical race theory into our institutions, because critical race theory, again, basically teaches that our institutions are racist, that our systems are deeply racist. you can't see the racism, because it's subtle, but and if you deny it, it's because of you teaching people this constantly and this is what it results in, in these displays of hatred towards our own country and its got to stop. steve: dan what would have happened to you when you were in
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the military, standing in formation, and attention, during the national anthem, and you turned away from the flag? >> well, it's a good question. the unfortunate answer these days is i bet it be allowed. these days it would just be fine now, you might gain a lot of disrespect from your teammates because look, the broad consensus amongst the troops the people actually doing the war fighting is that america is still a good place, and we love our flag and we love our anthem, and we love to fight for our military, but the problem going on in the military now is that there's more of an incentive to turn away from the flag, to say something woke, than there is to fight against it. that's the truth. brian: you mean like the rest of the country. >> right. you know, i'll never forget just about eight months ago there was a seal who was, you know, trying to transition into a different gender and he goes on anderson cooper and politicizes this , goes on anderson cooper as an
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active duty seal, and then instead of the seal admiral saying look, we don't let our people go on the news and talk about their politics or about their agenda like this. instead he says, we fully support this person, in ever every capacity and i'm not sure why he would say that considering if you are transitioning you are therefore undeployment so we just put millions of dollars into training you, you have this surgical transition you're no longer deployable, so i don't know why we would say we support that but that's the incentive structure in place so look we've been looking at this problem for a while just because biden is president. no, we were looking at this while trump was president too. this started then, its gotten much much worse now, that's why we did the whistleblower project and that's why we're receiving hundreds of these complaints that we're just going to keep promoting until the dod comes out with policy that says this stuff is not okay. this training happening at the lower levels, it's not okay. we didn't tell you to do that.
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we said and that needs to be said very very clearly. brian: a couple officers wanted to come on here and talk about the calamity which is the pull out of afghanistan. they said no to that but if you want to hop on with anderson cooper and talk about your sexuality that gets the green light and praise. unbelievable. >> exactly. steve: dan crenshaw thank you have much for joining us. >> appreciate it. ainsley: we appreciate it. let's hand it over to jillian with headlines. jillian: good morning, and we begin with the violence across all cities in america really, this weekend. the nypd searching for two suspects who shot a 21-year-old marine in time square. multiple outlets are identifying him as samuel pullen. police believe he was not the intended target when shots were fired outside the marriott hotel. this, as 74 people are shot over the weekend in chicago. six of them dying from their injuries. police are investigating dozens of crime scenes including this one overnight where six people were shot during a drive-
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by shooting. >> turning to fox weather the record heat wave in the pacific northwest halts olympic qualifying events as temperatures reach triple digits. portland hit an all-time high of 112 degrees yesterday and the city opened cooling centers with air conditioning for the elderly and homeless and thousands losing power due to heat related outages. >> the first of 2 million doses of pfizer's covid-19 vaccine will ship to peru as part of a u.s. commitment to help under served nations. another 2.5 million doses of the moderna vaccine will be shipped to pakistan. the white house plans to send 55 million doses abroad. >> a louisiana veteran is honor ed with a purple heart after more than seven decades. 101-year-old world war ii veteran johnny jones earned the honor for fighting while injured on the beaches of normandy. jones went several years without recognition for his service, until senator bill cassidy heard his story, after his service, jones became a lawyer.
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we thank him for his service. that is for sure. steve: thank you. ainsley: coming up, as rescue teams search to find more than 150 missing in that florida condo collapse, one grandson isn't giving up hope after finding momentos from his grandmother in the rubble. we'll talk to him, next.
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steve: fox news alert as rescuers in surfside, florida frantically search for my signs of life at the site of that devastating condo collapse. one family remaining hopeful after stumbling across precious momentos in the rubble that belonged to their anything grandmother. mike noreaga is the grandson of
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92-year-old hilda noreaga who remains missing and mike joins us live at the scene in surfside mike, good morning to you. >> hey, good morning. thank you for having me. steve: so after the building collapse, i believe you and your father went to the site, and you found some momentoses. tell us what happened. >> it was really nothing short of a miracle. we arrived about 2:30 a.m. just about an hour after the collapse , and there was debris all over the street, i mean, we found everything from ties to bills to pictures, and my father, just within an hour of being there, looked down after stepping on something and saw a birthday card that was just given to my grandmother two weeks prior, and then not so long after that, my family found two pictures. one picture was of my grandmother that was unfortunately in this building, and also of my grandmother and
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then a picture of my father right in the middle, right in between them in their younger years, and there was another picture of my grandparents on vacation and it was very surreal steve: absolutely, i mean, and it's not as if you are on the pile, looking through the rubble, because that first of all you weren't allowed there , you were just on the street and you saw these things from their apartment which is so extraordinary. you see that as a sign. >> yes, yes, i do. steve: and what is the sign? >> well, i believed in a higher power. i believe in the love of god. i believe that god doesn't act like a hhs genie where we ask for three wishes-type thing but rather i think that god loves us
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and that he's there with us and so when we received that, it was almost like god saying i'm here with you. i love you, and whether or not your grandmother is alive in that rubble, i'm with her and if she's not alive in that rubble, she's with me, so either way, you and your family are comfort ed. steve: you know, i've been reading about your grandmother, and apparently, the condo was up for sale, so that she could move in with family to be closer to her family, but she never made the move. >> yeah, that's correct. steve: that is so tragic. so just talking about the family , and your family is like a lot of families down there, how do you feel about the pace of information that you're getting from the authorities? they don't know anything but its got to be frustrating for you, because you know that she's in there somewhere.
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>> yeah. well, since we got here, on the scene from the very first day, we've seen firsthand what these first responders have had to work with. i mean, we've been watching first responders fight fires that have just been erupting endlessly at least for the first couple days. we were watching firefighters go up into a building that at that time we thought could collapse at any moment. there was just so much to deal with and even through the rubble if they were to move even one wrong piece, it could cause an avalanche that could kill other survivors, so they've really just had the worst circumstances to work against, so i'm just so proud of our first responders. it's just in credible to see everybody working together and then how our mayor, how she's just stepped up in such a huge way and been so supportive.
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our senators that are here, had a great conversation with senator rubio yesterday. he's been absolutely incredible and supportive and then governor desantis. the support that he's shown, its just been absolutely incredible so although none of us are happy with the pace of information, i know that everybody is doing the best that we can and we're definitely taking comfort in that. steve: you should take comfort in knowing so many people around the world are praying for you and your families and your grandma. all right mike, thank you very much. >> thank you for having me. steve: all right, coming up, as violent crime surges across the country, the white house is now blaming, wait for it, republicans for defunding the police. senator tim scott is leaving bipartisan police reform discussions and he will join us next, with reactions. at aspen dental, today is the day
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brian: u.s. cities hit by a surge in crime rate and the white house is pointing the finger at republicans for de funding police. >> let's talk about who de funded the police, an
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emergency relief plan for cities that were cash strap ped and laying off police and firefighters? it was the republicans who objected to it, and our plan allowed state and local governments to replenish their police departments and so look republicans are very good at staying on talking points of who says defund the police, but the truth is, they defunded the police. brian: you almost wait to hear the laugh track after republican s defunded the police, does anyone believe that? this is bipartisan lawmakers get a closer look at a preliminary deal on police reform. joining us now a man in the room from the side of his senate re-election launch today, south carolina senator tim scott. senator i know you're excited about your bus trip, barn storm ing around the state trying to get the momentum for six more years to do this fun job that you have, but first things first do you republicans defund the police? did i miss something? >> [laughter] brian you didn't miss a single thing. that is the most ridiculous thing i've heard all year long, and we've heard some very ridiculous things from the democrats, but this is not
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the icing on the cake, this is the most ridiculous thing ever said. the fact that simple. seattle, portland, los angeles, cleveland and new york, baltimore, all have defunded the police. what we've seen is a 40% increase in violent crime in major cities because the democrats have been de funding the police for the last year plus. what we have done on the other side, of course is to refund the police. even the police reform legislation i'm currently working on provides more money for officers because the last thing you can do is ask someone to go into the most dangerous places in our country without the resources and without cover ing their liability. if you don't do those two things , you can't ask good people to go into bad places to make them even better. brian: senator yesterday buried in all of the huge news with joe biden stepping on his own message of bipartisanship by saying i'm going to jam
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$4 trillion down your throat and walking it back on saturday, i'm reading the story that the framework of police reform has been agreed upon with republicans and democrats. you're in that room. did you agree to something? >> well we've agreed to the framework so we know what's not in it which is as important as what is in it so there is a frame work that's been agreed to but the language itself is still being written so nothing is agreed to until everything is agreed to, other than the fact that we know that we are not going to make it easier for us to criminalize please behavior and we're not going to expose the officer to more liability. we know those two things are off the table and that's good news for our officers. brian: so you're saying that the qualified immunity is off the table? >> for the individual officer is not on the table. brian: right, you'll go after -- >> and brian it's also good you're able to go after the jurisdiction, rather it's a local, state, or whomever and number one, number two i say it's also very important to
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realize that we have the law enforcement agencies, the fop, iacp, the alphabet soup of law enforcement agencies and organizations are helping us craft the legislation, so we're not doing this in a vacuum or a silo. i'm sure corey is talking to the civil rights groups on the other side but we're making sure that what we do to protect the officer and the community that they serve, if you can't do both, you shouldn't do either. brian: senator i know i don't have to tell you this , but in speaking to the number of officers that i speak to regularly, you have to make it more attractive not less attractive. you're losing people by the hundreds, around the country , so you could blame all you want. bottom line is, the most vulnerable are the most vulnerable, because the police officer numbers are going down staying in their cars because they are told not to do anything >> well all over the country we're seeing that reaction because liberal cities and liberal counselors and mayors
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are making targets out of police officers. it's the least common sense thing in america. i had a group of african american leaders meeting with attorney general barr at the time in south carolina and the question came up about de funding the police. i asked for a show of hands who wants to defund the police. not a single leader wants to de fund the police but the liberal elites and the democrat party want to make targets out of our law enforcement officers. it's our responsibility to stand in the gap, stand in the fire, because they do that every single day for us, and we're going to do it for them. brian: senator in this country with something i never experienced in my life more people deciding not to work than to work. we can't get cargo off ships, we can't get truck drivers behind the wheel of a car and a lot has to do even though democrats say the data doesn't show that, that they say it has a lot to do with the supplemental insurance, in 20-plus states they've cut it back. what are the after effects? >> well the after effects of 21 -plus states that have already decided to eliminate the federal benefit, enhanced benefit of
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unemployment will be people coming back to work. you can not pay people $20 an hour to stay-at-home and ask them to come back to work for something near the same. that is just an undeniably difficult choice for people to make. when we in south carolina eliminate the enhanced benefits at the end of this month, in just a few days, people will be back at work. people can't be given a choice between doing nothing and getting paid and doing something and making the same amount of money. that's just a bad decision. brian: senator you want six more years at this job. you started in congress, and tim scott will be great and he was right. very few people i know don't think you're doing a great job. what's your message for six more years? >> well the message of hope and opportunity. promises made are the promises kept. we are going to focus our attention on expanding opportunity zones, expanding our economy for all people, and we are not going to have a blame game like the democrats are having. we're going to talk about the unified america, the american family working
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together, to make sure that we all prosper together. that is a simple message. it is one that we will focus on, on the economic standpoint, from an education standpoint. school choice, quality education , is the closest thing to magic in america. that's what we're going to do and we're going to get it done. brian: when will you decide if you go six years or after two run for president? >> [laughter] well, brian that's a good question. the presidency of my homeowner association isn't open until 2026 so hopefully i'll be able to work through my term. brian: i wasn't talking about that. i was talking about that white house. >> oh! brian, i misunderstood you. let me just say it this way. the only thing that matters is 2022. you have to win in 2022, we'll see what happens next. you guys of course will help me win in 2022 by going to votetim brian: he's on a bus all day getting off talking to people it's always exciting to launch a re-election campaign. thanks for joining us first,
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senator. thanks brian, god bless. brian: coming up straight ahead , dr. fauci accused of lying to congress over research grant funds that went to a non-profit linked to the wuhan lab. dan bongino on deck to react. plus, his hit song "god bless the usa" rallied americans in celebration of freedom for our decades country music icon lee greenwood, live before we're done. >> ♪ my name is monique, i'm 41, and i'm a federal contract investigator. as a single parent, i would run from football games to work and trying to balance it all. so, what do you see when you look at yourself? i see a person that's caring. sometimes i care too much, and that's when i had to learn to put myself first, because i would care about everyone all the time but i'm just as they are. botox® cosmetic is fda approved
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>> and why were they told to cancel it? >> i don't know the reason, but we were told to cancel it. steve: that, according to a number of republican lawmakers, is a lie that dr. fauci was saying there let's bring in dan bongino, host of the dan bongino show, streaming daily on fox nation, and host of "unfiltered" with dan bongino saturdays on fox news channel, hey, mr. bong ino. >> good to see you all thanks for having me. brian: what do you think of that comment? >> well the question here, we should all be asking is what is dr. fauci and others really hiding? it's pretty clear based on the evidence that what dr. fauci said there, and i'm trying to be nice here, guys, was at a minimum misleading. he knew exactly why the funding had been canceled because the trump adminitration, according to multiple reports, told him, hey, this lab had a questionable safety profile, and they have been doing things we don't like. we shouldn't be giving them money, so that state, again, being generous is misleading,
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and but believe me i'm emphasiz ing that being generous portion, because i don't want to get accused of hyperbole on my end. having said that getting back to the initial question, what was fauci and others, what do i believe they were really hiding here? well i covered this on my show, on the network, twice now. guys, they were funding a bio weapons facility, okay? that's not a conspiracy theory it's a fact. was this in fact the coronavirus covid, sars covid-2 a bioweapon? you don't know. you'd think that be a question media people be interested in answering, correct? it's not crazy it was a bio weapons facility, and it was doing joint research. having said that, china's actions afterwards would lead a sensible person to believe that china is still hiding something, and maybe that's the question and one of them that i addressed this weekend on the show is this code, this footprint, in the virus that has yet to be found in nature, doesn't mean it
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doesn't exist in nature but it hasn't been found. this double cgg code guys is in covid-19. it's found almost exclusively in gain of function, manipulated viral lab research. that's in the covid virus that was built in a bioweapons lab, so let me just summit up this way. did your taxpayer money fund a chinese bioweapon? i don't know, but you would think sane media people be answering the question based on the bread crumbs the chinese government left behind. ainsley: a senior administration official the washington journal, president biden is mindful of the fact that after 90 days we might not have an absolute definitive answer, but he wanted a focused intent, time-bound effort. will we ever know? >> not with this guy in charge, ainsley. that's all crap. that's a bunch of nonsense bs. we could find out right now, you know how? we had three researchers in the bioweapons wuhan institute
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facility. we had three researchers get ill get ill right around the time the pandemic started in china. where are the blood tests from that? where are these? anybody ask that question? i mean, if we had the blood tests and the serum we could look in there and detect to see if it was covid-19. how hard is this to figure out? also, we could ask questions like what happened as you use that? it was a military researcher working for the pla, people's liberation army of china who suspiciously was working on this vaccine for this virus before it was a pandemic. now why would you want a vaccine if it it's not a pandemic? so i go back to the original question. if you're creating bioweapons in a facility it's a good idea to have a vaccine first. i'd love to ask but we can't do you know why? because he's dead. under "theory of circumstances." again questions you think the media be asking, outside of this network but they don't seem concerned that neither does the biden administration.
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steve: and that is why the administration is saying we don't know if after this 90 day intel community look at it, whether or not we're going to be able to figure it out because the intel community doesn't look into the pandemic, so let's see where we are in mid-july when the report comes out. dan, thank you very much for joining us from down in stuart, florida. >> thanks, guys. brian: great show over the weekend. >> oh, thank you! that was very nice of you brian i appreciate tax. brian: absolutely. steve: you bet. all right, meanwhile, he has performed his hit "god bless the usa" for decades including here on fox & friends, i remember that day. this morning country music icon lee greenwood will join us to celebrate his american pride. ainsley: but first let's check in with dana perino for what's coming up on her show. dana: good morning, ainsley i love your dress this morning. the u.s. launched air strikes against iranian backed malitia overnight we have the breaking details coming in the morning as
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the sun comes up here plus families are holding out hope to find their loved ones in the rubble from the florida condo we will speak with the miami-dade mayor on the latest from surfside and an olympian turned her back on the american flag during the anthem and get this , she is blaming the olympic trials saying that she was setup. we'll have more at 9:00. we believe at newday usa we have a noble purpose. we want to be known as america's mortgage company for veterans and active-duty service people. some of them are giving their lives right now, today, for the freedoms that we have here in this country. so for us, at newday to help those people at this point in time. it's a labor of love, it's a noble service, and that's what we're all about.
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[ "me and you" by barry louis polisar ] ♪ me and you just singing on the train ♪ ♪ me and you listening to the rain ♪ ♪ me and you we are the same ♪ ♪ me and you have all the fame we need ♪ ♪ indeed, you and me are we ♪ ♪ me and you singing in the park ♪ ♪ me and you, we're waiting for the dark ♪
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ainsley: let's check in with our senior meteorologist janice dean for our fox weather forecast. >> good morning, ainsley, it feels like summertime here in new york city. we're getting into the 90s with humidity is going to feel even worse than that but do you know what i'm not complaining because look at out west. we are going to break all-time high records in portland and seattle today, if we get to 110 in seattle, 115 in portland so this is historic, my friends. the heat is going to break a little bit on tuesday, and wednesday, but it's still going to remain warm but today will be historic across the northwest. heat advisories are posted all up and down the west coast, and into interior sections of the northwest, where again, it's going to be really dangerously hot. just listen to your local authorities if you need to go to a cooling center please do. check on the elderly and your pets and of course bring the kids inside. past 24 hours shows you showers, thunderstorms, and flash
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flooding potential across the plain states from texas all the way up towards the great lakes so that a concern, and there is your forecast today so hot and sticky along the gulf coast too showers and thunderstorms and also watching the potential for developing storm system across across the southeast coast and this is a hurricane that's going to make landfall across baja, california over the next couple of days so so much to talk about in weather hearts and prayers to the northwest they are going to break serious records today ainsley we'll keep you up-to-date. ainsley: good deal. thank you so much, janice. well his signature song "god bless the usa" has been bringing americans together to celebrate our freedoms since first- released in 1984 and just in time for independence day fox nation is taking a look back at knee greenwood's career, american pride and the songs lasting impact for our brand new special. >> it's incredible the power of the song, and it moves people to respond. >> [applause] >> and you're screaming as loud as you can. i would put him as the personifi
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cation of patriotism. >> it puts a spotlight right on america. ainsley: and lee greenwood joins us now, with more. hey, lee, hey, my friend. >> hi, ainsley how are you? ainsley: doing great, thank you! you do so much for our troops, helping a hero which is his organization, he raises money, so that he can outset soldier's homes if they have been injured fighting for our country and tell us about your fox nation special. >> yeah, my documentary, proud to be an american, which is the lee greenwood story will debut on fox nation on july 1. it'll be a lot of interviews and things that come about before the writing of my song, god bless the usa, and then the years following. ainsley: that's what the lee greenwood story is. >> it's a little bit of everything about my history, where i come from in california, being raised on a farm as a sharecropper, leaving for las vegas, nevada working casinos for almost 20 years at the age of 17 and left at 37 and moved to the state of tennessee and
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i'm loving being here, of course , my beautiful bride kim and i been married 29 years with two wonderful sons dalton whose at vanderbilt getting a phd in cancer research and parker at tc u in fort worth, texas as a musical composition major so i'm glad 2,020 year is in the rear view mirror and we're moving on. ainsley: yes you can perform again which brings us to our next topic. we're looking at video of the american queen steam boat company and you'll be sailing on their ships and meeting with the crew and meeting with the folks who are on the boat and you're going to be performing. >> i actually had two shows last night because of two seatings on the american dutchess which is docked in clarksville. we'll do that again tonight with two shows and more in the year, but of course what we're trying to let the people know is that i'm a conservative christian, and i have to tell everybody that our new bible it's the god bless the usa holy bible which contains the complete text of the old and new testament and
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it's inspired by my song "god bless the usa" the most recognized patriotic anthem in america. pre-order is available now and ships in late september 2021, the ultimate american bible, includes the king james version of the holy bible and the founding documents of america, which includes, the reading versions of the u.s. constitution, the bill of rights, the declaration of independence, the pledge of allegiance and happens to have the handwritten chorus of god bless the usa. ainsley: every single lyric in that song if you really listen to it, it is so powerful. i know you'll sing a little bit for us. are you ready? >> yes, i absolutely will. let me get over to the microphone, this is my performance position from last night's show so here we go. >> ♪ and i'm proud to be an american, where at least i know i'm free, and i won't forget the men who died, who gave that right to me, and i gladly stand up, next to you, and defend her still today,
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because there ain't no doubt i love this land, god bless the usa ♪ happy independence day to everybody in america. ainsley: that's right. lee what's your message to our country? we're so divided in so many ways >> we absolutely have to get together and have unified. people ask me, we've been more divided than i ever can imagine. do you not remember the civil war or vietnam, prince, we'll get through this. 2020 is just different. ainsley: lee thank you so much for everything you do. god bless you. >> thanks. ainsley: good to see you. you can catch "proud to be an american" the lee greenwood story this thursday on fox nation and fox nation is offer ing veterans and military a free year on the platform. you just go to and sign up today. brian: also on fox nation what made america great, got a brand new season out, it's actually dropped right now, so you have
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four new episodes, whoever watches the special last night there was brief looks at what's going to be in the new season so hope you like it from greenbriar , to little havana, to hemingway. steve: check it all out at fox nation if you don't have it go to fox ainsley: watch brian on fox nation, listen to him on the radio have a great day. steve: see you tomorrow.


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