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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  June 30, 2021 3:00am-6:00am PDT

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visit and check back in with you later on. >> thank you. jillian: thank you very much. >> we have busy show. "fox & friends" will continue to have all the karageorge on on the top stories that we are covering including the crisis at the border and also the copped dough collapse. todd: it former president trump on hannity this morning. it. >> violent crime is skyrocketing and democrats want to blame republicans? >> that's like an arsonist showing up at the fire and blaming the firemen. >> you know the he full song of national anthem it does not speak for black americans. >> the worst message you can give to anyone. >> 12 body recovered at the deadly condo collapse in florida. >> contractor two days before the collapse appears to show corroded rebar. >> it tried to sell the infrastructure bill. >> i think it's time to give
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ordinary people a tax break. >> you are going to destroy our economy. >> congressional republicans moving forward with their own investigation into the origins of the coronavirus. >> evidence continues this was a man made disaster. this is the shearn noble of virus reeveryone. >> in a few hours former president trump will return to the southern border. >> he will visit the mccallen area the busiest part of the border when it comes to illegal crossing. ♪ ♪ you all want to hang with me and my gang ♪ we live to ride ♪ we ride to live ♪ me and my gang. steve: the "fox & friends" gang saying good morning, cincinnati. right now you have got kind of hazy conditions according to the national weather service. 73 degrees. you are going for a high of 84 on, this the 30th day of june, 2021. and june 30th is my anniversary. mrs. doocy, happy anniversary. >> happy anniversary.
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ainsley: i love that picture of you we showed it a few times when you proposed. steve: yeah. ainsley: arms around her. brian: how long was the courtship? steve: do you want to know the real answer? ainsley: like a week or a month? steve: it was 32 days. ainsley: you knew? steve: just knew. got married in four months. we got married 35 years ago today. brian: this wasn't arranged marriage love american style you looked at each other. steve: and there were fireworks. ainsley: what do you love most about her? steve: everything she is a great mom and friend. ainsley: lie down on the sofa, we will ask you a lot of questions. steve: happy birthday. -- happy anniversary. brian: that would have been brian's. brian: crime and punishment or lack thereof. who is to blame for crime
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running rampant every major city. you would think logical wisdom in thought in their mind would conclude there has been democrats. vilifying police over the last year and a half. and rampant unrest that we have seen is really getting into america's living rooms and their kitchenette. and that's why democrats have tried to switch the narrative they have said wait a ii we put money aside and republicans didn't vote for it and that would have actually refunded police forces across the country. ainsley: no one is buying it. they are blaming republicans, saying republicans were the one that was spreading that narrative of defunding police. steve: right. ainsley: we put together a montage and not one person in montage is a republican. these are all democrats. listen. >> yes. i support the defund movement. because this is about the investment in our communities which have historically been divested. >> not only do we need to defund but we need to dismantle and
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start anew. >> why use the word defund? why use the word defund? this is the word that is coming from the street. >> defund the police does not mean abolish the police. it means dramatic reduction in the number of police in our poor communities. >> i am for defunding the police. >> the reality is we can't rely upon the police to provide public safety. >> it's a moment to reimagine policing, to take things off the shoulders. >> what we also want is a reconception of how we achieve public safety. >> how do we take out many of the responsibilities that police officers are now dealing with by investing more into housing and into education, into these other things. >> you know, in many cities in america, over 1/3 of their city budget goes police. so we have to have this conversation. what are we doing? steve: right. we are having that conversation. brian: what are we doing? steve: the white house is trying to flip the script. it's democrats who have been
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talking about defunding the police and now they have got explain why crime is through the roof and thousands of people are being shot and murdered across the united states of america. and, you know, last week we heard from joe biden. he said you know what? you can hire some cops using money from the covid bill. but when you look at the american rescue act. none of the funds were reserved for law enforcement funding. and the police are not mentioned once in over 2 or 300 pages. so ted cruz, who thinks it's comical that they are trying to flip the script as they're, had these comparisons, saying, you know, for the democrats to now say republicans are trying to defund the police it's like o.j. saying i'm going to look for the real killer. here is he last night with sean. >> for them to run out and claim that it's republicans that want to defund the police, that's like an arsonist showing up at the fire and blaming the firemen, that's like the chinese
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blaming the americans for the wuhan virus. that's like o.j. saying he is going to help find the real killer. that's like democrats saying they're the ones that want to build the wall. it's absurd. it's ridiculous and they know it but they are also counting on the media all encircle ling and saying poor uncle joe he doesn't want to abolish your police. last imtime i checked bill de blasio the democratic mayor of new york campaigned on cutting g police cut a billion dollars. de blasio was standing on that same democratic stage with joe biden. brian: you look at baltimore, austin, minneapolis, as i mentioned, new york. they all cut substantial money out of the police budget. and now we add oakland to it. we will discuss this a little bit later in the show. look at these stats, we knew oakland was bad. we know 40% of the city want to go somewhere else. this is why. crime is spiking.
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carjacking 95%. homicides up 82%. assaults up 18%. arson is also up. we will speak to that police commissioner. having said that it just defies logic to think that you will see the problems in that city and your answer is to cut $17 million from the police budget and then you ask these men and women to keep us safe and stop complaining. are you kidding? ainsley: crime is up there 90% and they want to defund and take away almost $20 million from the police budget in the police thief says it reduces the ability to hire more officers. makes it difficult to complete day-to-day stops like traffic stops and respond to emergency calls. cori bush is pushing $10 million people response bills to limit interaction with police. when you call 911 they will send health officials to deal with emergencies and not the police. brian: somebody with a pocket protector. steve: look what's going on in oakland cutting $17 million at the time that crime is spiking.
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oakland has historically been one of america's top 10 most dangerous cities and yesterday on the program, we told you about how the nbc affiliate was interviewing one of the top crime people in oakland on the steps of the city hall and during the interview, somebody came up with a gun and tried to rob the tv crew and also the official. ainsley: they were reporting on it and became part of the story. steve: how crazy is that? the chief of police is going to be joining us in the next hour said that cutting the budget not smart. here he is. >> these numbers that we see that continue to increase, they represent human beings, they represent people. and that is difficult for knee accept taking on new programs when we have a crisis on our hands. i would hope that we would all be able to come together and all agree that reducing violent crime and making oakland safer should be all of our goals and to try to defund police at this
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moment in this time where we see homicides nearly double for the last year doesn't seem like it's the right thing to do. the numbers clearly suggest that there's a need for more. it clearly suggests it's an epidemic with gun violence and also is clear that need these resources that she is taking away and giving to the department of violence prevention. steve: he has got his hans full because there is a city council woman out there by the name of carolyn fiffy propaganda. says criminals need to be nurtured, not locked up. we will talk to the chief right there. ainsley: that's crazy. steve: it's nuts. ainsley: i'm sorry to interrupt you. steve: the chief is going to be here 7:20. ainsley: he goes on to say we have seen a massive increase in 911 calls. he said the police department needs to grow, obviously, with the population, right? well, since 2013, the population
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has grown 38,000 people. buff the police department, the number of officers has gone down. he says they currently have 714 officers, but they're authorized to have 788. brian: wow, by the way, it's true, if you are being carjacked think about nurturing the person forcing you to get out of car. by the way the pocket protector with are thinking more with serious. ainsley: gift certificate for serious and out of business. brian: that's what i was thinking. ainsley: thank you. it's the thought that counts. brian: i guess. so. ainsley: and a build a bear gift card. steve: next time give her a pocket protector. brian: something at gertz another department store that went out of business do you remember. ainsley: like gimbels. brian: we bring up stories then they become national stories. the new york city mayoral race position more powerful than the governor. eric adams is the presumed winner because they are doing
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everything that you put your top five choices in. it's going to take a little time because new york takes their time on everything to -- except to release the pandemic. to count all the votes. out of nowhere they start releasing the preliminary results and eric adams who had a wide lead finds that lead diminished substantially and people pour over the numbers how did i lose my lead? it turns out they took 135,000 preelection test votes. test votes just to see if the system was working and they put them into the real total. steve: the problem on election day they gave out the preliminary number. the preliminary number was about hundred thousand. then they look at the final results and it's like 941,000, that's up with that? the nitwits at the board of education -- board of education? board of election oe in new york screwed this up in addition to test the machines, on election day they counted the test ballots. when you look at the history of
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new york and the board of elections, you know, in 2016, they purged 200,000 people from the voter rolls. in 2018 during the midterms, there were long lines and the brand new $50 million voting machines wouldn't work because of high humidity. and then during the midterm and the pandemic in 2020, as it turns out they were not anticipating long lines. it has been a disaster. and for people around -- for people here in new york city to look around the country and say, man, those people don't know how to count votes. this is a huge embarrassment for new york. ainsley: well, new software. they have never used the system before. so you would think. brian: perfect. ainsley: after what we have been through in different states with voting reform, you would think they would have tested this. made sure they had it right. because now, what's important is for us to have integrity in the election, to belief in our elections, that our vote
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actually counted and now this throws it into a tail spin. here are some of the critics, results of generations of failures that have done with unaddressed. sadly it's impossible to be surprised. mismanagement lack of confidence deeply troublesome. brian: eric adams leading. garcia close with 16,000 votes. 1 5 test votes show. ainsley: and absentee votes. brian: comparing the preseason game to the nfl season. congratulations one has nothing to do with the other. who knows what they were doing in the preseason game and what goes into the total. steve: the preseason game is a game. what they used essentially was fake ballots. it was the rehearsal. ainsley: it was a practice for that preseason game. steve: yeah. so eric adams, who now is leading 51% to 49% put out this statement. the vote total just released by the boe is 100,000 plus more than the announced total on
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election night raising serious questions. we have asked the board of elections to explain such a massive increase and other irregularities before we comment on the rank voting choice projection. we remain confident that eric adams will be the next mayor of new york. in other words they explain we messed up essentially. boe. ainsley: we will keep you posted. they are saying results are supposed to come in mid july. brian: you should not be voting in the humidity. everybody knows that. steve: no voting today. it's going to be hot and humid. brian: dew point a little taxing. ainsley: almost 100 degrees here today. talk about olympic athlete gwen berry. she turned her black to the flag and doesn't support the anthem and put that black t-shirt over her head. it turns out she has been sponsored last september color of change. it's a left wing group that advocates for defunding the police. and they said that they are funding her through the end of
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the year. they applaud her leadership. she says she never said that she hated our country. listen. >> i never said that i didn't want to go to the olympic games. that's why i compete and got third and made the team. i never said that i hated the country. never said that all i said was i respect my people enough to not stand or acknowledge something that disrespects them. i love my point point blank period. if you know your history, you know the fourth song of the national anthem. the third paragraph slaves in america, our blood being slain and pill terred all over the floor. it's disrespectful and it does not speak for black americans. it's obvious there's no question. steve: okay. so she is being sponsored through the end of this year. she has been sponsored since last september by this organization color of change, which advocates for defunding
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police. it is unclear whether or not she also stands for defunding the police. that is not clear at this point. brian: you would think she does if she is going to accept money from that group. steve: you wonder about that group. that group apparently, according to the statement that they put out supporting her apparently they are getting money from puma. apparently the shoe company has given color of change money which they in turn have given to her. ainsley: this is what color of change president says. police something a violent institution that must end. we imagine a country where there is enough money to educate our children, care for our sick and feed those who are financially unstable. defunding the police allows for this vision. brian: exactly, that is really holistic sober way of looking at it we should just feed the hungry and police ourselves. great. hand out badges to 330 million people shortly. congressman burgess owens, former nfl player drafted by the jets won a super bowl with the raiders understands what it's like to be a lead athlete and to
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be an american. he has a different view. hurting who these people always hurt. those who athletes like this. those who don't have fathers. they will go up hurting our country because they see heroes hurting our country. hurting an entire generation folks at risk. the black community are learning through these people that this country is not for them. it's worst message you can give for to anyone to a country that gives so much opportunity. steve: prominent americans are calling for her to be kicked off the team. she says she deserves to be on the team. meghan mccain on "the view" yesterday not so sure about that. she had this observation. >> the problem i have this woman is doing this internationally. if anyone just saw vladimir putin's recent speech when he met with president biden he is using the propaganda that america is an irredeemable crap hole against us you think your country is so great over there? look at blm and everything that's happening in your
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country. you don't treat your people correct lid. my problem with this is i don't understand why we would can't all have shared experiences in this space or have our own stories. for some reason my relationship with the flag isn't allowed anymore. my love of the american flag. my love of the national anthem. so excuse me if i don't think some of these athletes are representing in the same way and for some of us, i will die for this. i will die on this hill that is not appropriate or patriotic to go to a foreign country where you are supposed to be representing america and act like it's just about you. it's not about you. it's about all of us. brian: i don't think you can say it better. that was 100 percent on the money. ainsley: her father was a pow. she understands more than a lot of people what the flag represents. and the men and women who have been through so much. many of them died for that flag and for our national anthem. brian: grandfather and father and great grandfather are admirals and brothers are in the marines. so that has a lot to do with it i was reading the third stanza
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of the national anthem. and there is debate about what it means. but there is a reason why you only sing the first verse and poem converted 60 years later that i don't think anybody had a problem rooting for us in the war of 1812 and winning battle the baltimore. i think it makes sense. can you drill to anything and find offense to it. steve: anyway, she says she wants to compete and she has done some explaining. i have got a feeling we will be hearing more from her coming up in the coming days. in the meantime, still ahead, did you hear joe biden's new promise to blue collar workers? probably not. it was hard to hear. >> [whispering. in. [i think it's time to give ordinary people a tax break. steve: whispering] president biden bringing back whisper in wisconsin as he touts his infrastructure. we will tell you more on this whispering wednesday. ♪ should have known known better than to
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people relating to relief [whispering] i got them $1.9 trillion relief so far. they are going to be getting checks in the mail that are consequential. [whispering] i wrote the bill on the environment. why would i node not be for it [whispering] pay them more. this is an employees bargaining chip now. >> guys, [whispering] i think it's time to give ordinary
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people a tax break. steve: you know after he did it last week so many people said did he mean to do that? what exactly is he doing? obviously somebody said hey it was really effective he did it yesterday where he gives the little voice [whispering] gets up close to the microphone. brian: do you think people told them it's effective or do it anyway. steve: apparently a crowd pleaser. brian: a crowd pleaser? passed out. steve: not a complete crowd pleaser. york mark levin liked it. listen to what he had to say about it. >> i want to say in a way that joe biden understands given his speech or whatever it was last week. [whispering] joe, you are a screwup. you are screwing up immigration and economy and screwing up female ports and price of gasoline. what else? you are going to destroy our economy with taxes, on successful people and
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opportunity and all the rest of it, joe, and the democrat party have blood on their hands. what's going on in our inner cities putting everything else aside is utterly avoidable and unacceptable. these are democrat party policies. war on the cops? the war on the cops has resulted on war on innocent people in the inner cities. brian: he didn't bring up the border and the border could not be worse. guess what in the democrats are proposing cutting the budget to the border patrol. it's as if. steve: a billion dollars. brian: as if he is going out of his way to destroy the country. we're going to open up the back door let chaos rein throughout the country. we are going to flood the zone with money. deemphasize people working for a living. leave 9 million jobs open and then say i'm going to do a bipartisan deal and jam -- give you another $3 trillion that we don't have and that's coming right around the bend by september in that reconciliation bill that he needs no republican
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support. ainsley: he also stopped to get some ice cream yesterday in wisconsin. got cookies and cream and strawberry, the media was joking why didn't you get rocky road meaning the infrastructure bill. listen. >> if you are not getting rocky road for infrastructure? [laughter] >> not going to be a rocky road. we are going to get it done. okay? ainsley: i don't remember trump getting any question like that, a soft question. and i don't remember the media laughing at his response. steve: but then again, i don't remember melania trump getting the cover of vogue magazine. ainsley: like jill biden. steve: she did. the "new york post" has an op-ed talking about how even north korean journalists would be embarrassed by the kind of coverage that she is getting from vogue. brian: turns out she is a chief adviser to the president. steve: that's what it says. brian: that's amazing.
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steve: wife? rye why not, absolutely. closest. ainsley: talk about it coming up. 6:27 on the east coast. heart breaking image as border officials find and rescue a 2-year-old boy abandoned on the side of the road down in mexico. this comes as trump is set to visit the border today. we're going to talk to a sheriff joining the former president next. brian: he won't need that coat. ♪ ♪ for deb, living with constipation with belly pain was the same old story for years. trying this. doing that. spending countless days right here. still came the belly pain, discomfort, and bloating. awful feelings she kept sugar-coating. finally, with the help of her doctor, it came to be. that her symptoms were all signs of ibs-c.
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♪♪ ♪ and they're always glad you came ♪ welcome back, america. it sure is good to see you. jillian: we are back with your headlines and a fox news alert. rescuers recover a 12th body in the condo collapse. 149 people unaccounted for a week after the tower fell. get ahead of potential storms that could slow rescue efforts. charles watson will join us live from surf side florida with more this hour. authorities issue an arrest warrant in the case of a 2013 rape allegedly at pennsylvania's gettysburg college. police searching for ian cleary after they verify he sent this message to his accuser saying, quote, so i raped you, i will never do it to anyone ever again. his accuser shannon says he attacked her after following her
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home from a party and sneaking into her dorm new york governor andrew cuomo despite all of his candles, both union heads and corporate ceos attended a fund raiser for cuomo's re-election. 1 0 people went to the event which charged guests $10,000 per plate. cuomo is under investigation over shower. allegations and under reporting covid tests. that's a look at your headlines, i will send it back to you, ainsley. ainsley: all right. thank you, jillian. former president trump will visit the border today for the first time since leaving office. president trump will tour mcallen, texas with governor greg abbott about 800 miles farther south than vice president harris' visit last week. the former president wants visit comes as immigration agents find and they rescue, look at that a 2-year-old little boy abandoned by the side of the road in mexico. it texas sheriff is joining the former president on his trip today and he joins us now. good morning to you, sheriff.
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>> good morning, ainsley. and god bless you and thank you for having me. ainsley: god bless you. i pray that he always keeps you and your men and women safe. tell me what your role is today. you will be meeting with president trump. >> i will be. my briefing will be specifically what is coming across the border doesn't stay on the border. we know it goes out and one of the mainly hubs unfortunately live is the dallas-fort worth area where it goes north and up and out and it's the drug issues and human trafficking issues. specifically i will be talking about the threat of fentanyl to our country. it is a clear and present threat since february of this year. texas law enforcement has seized enough fentanyl to kill every man, woman, and child in the state of new york. and if that isn't shocking enough, we're seeing a 50% increase in fatal overdoses in the greater tarrant county area. i have will be talking about that threat.
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ainsley: to the average viewer at home i'm not going to see this fentanyl. we interviewed some parents recently and they talked about how their young children, really young teenagers died because they took one drug they thought it was one thing it was something else. laced with another drug. how serious is this? >> it's incredibly serious. what what we are seeing is even the low level dealers have were heroin lacing and designer discussion kids use. seeing populations of between 16 and 24. being a complete -- that they are -- that age group right there is who we are losing to this. and what i would say to the parents, whether they're sitting in new york or sitting in california, folks, please invade the space of your children. know who they are talking. to say see what's going on in social media. because this looks like a safe drug. they are using pill presses and it looks like this isn't any more dangerous than marijuana or
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prescription drug it's deadly. ainsley: almost 300 percent rise in fentanyl seizures this may compared to last may. kamala harris is saying it's not their fault they inherited this situation. >> as you know, we inherited a tough situation. looked at a system where people have been housed in inhumane conditions over the last many years. an asylum system that has been broken. and that needs to be reconstructed. and and in five month we have made more progress. there is still work to be done but we have made progress. ainsley: what's your reaction to that sheriff? >> my reaction is very clear on the streets of texas today and in january, methamphetamine, another deadly drug that's laced with fentanyl was going for $50 a gram. today you can buy it for 15 to $20 a gram. the incredible seizures of drugs. the things that we have caught coming across the border and the things that we have caught in
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country up in the tarrant county and dallas county area huge amount of drugs seized there isn't any progress. the border is open. and talking about the kids coming across we have a crisis on the border and growing across america. draw a line in the sand some place and take care of it we have heroic border sheriffs do incredible job with partners and dps. ainsley: sheriff, we really appreciate everything you are doing, thank you so much. enjoy your day with president trump and with the governor. >> god bless you all and thank you. ainsley: god bless you, too. thank you. tomorrow we are going to talk to south dakota's governor kristi noem about her decision to send national guard troops to the border. 6:37 here on the east coast. coming up, 12 people are confirmed dead in the florida condo collapse as the search for source advisors could be made even more challenging. flomplesd congressman byron donalds will join us live.
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says it is requesting an additional urban team from the federal government as resources may need to be it collapse site in parts of florida that could fall in the path of those potential tropical systems and the meantime rescue crews continue their search for the 149 victims who were still unaccounted for. this as questions grow about the condition of the building leading up to the partial collapse. photos obtained by the miami herald appear to show standing water, cracked concrete and corroded rebar in the parking garage below champlain tower south. a spokesperson for the champlain
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south condo association tells fox news in part, quote: at no time were they told of eminent threat of danger or collapse. and, guys, president biden is expected to come here to surfside tomorrow to meet with first responders and families. back to you, steve. steve: he is, indeed. since you are down in florida, bring in florida congressman, is he republican congressman byron donalds, congressman, good morning to you. >> good morning. steve: desperate search. coming up on 7th day and still so many questions and we don't have any good answers yet. >> no, and it's going to take time. i mean, look, obviously you have the engineering report that was done on this building. they were already going to start this work in short order later this year. and this tragedy has struck everybody in florida and frankly around the world there are crews in my district that have gone over to help with the search, and to clear the debris. it's a very tough situation. i no he that family members want
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answers as quickly as they can. one thing that we have to stress is calm and patience because it takes time to dig through this rubble. and we just need everybody to continue sending help and prayers. steve: on the same day they were digging poor bodies there in surfside and joe biden was in lacrosse, wisconsin, talking about infrastructure. his secretary of energy was on cnn and she is starting to connect some dots. listen to this. >> we do know that the seas are rising. we know we are losing inches and inches of beaches not just in florida but all around. this is a phenomenon that will continue. whether we will have to wait to see what the analysis is for this building, but the issue about resiliency and making sure we adapt to this changing climate, that's going to mean levees need to be built. that means sea walls need to be built. that means infrastructure needs to be built. steve: in that soundbite she is talking about climate change and infrastructure and this at a
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time when they are still pulling bodies out of that building. i don't think now is the time to get political like that. >> it's not the time hot takes or glib to get tv time. let's get through the tragedy that exists. let family members bury their loved ones or reconnect with their loved ones if they are still in that pile. to talk about politics and climate change and sea level rise, it's not the time for that she should be ashamed of herself. and frankly anybody that sits there and nodding their head should be ashamed as well. let's deal with the tragedy in front of us. leave the politics for another day. we can come back to that later. it's not going anywhere. steve: speaking of politics, now the white house is saying that it was republicans who are defunding the police because they didn't vote for the $1.9 trillion american rescue plan. do you buy that flip of the -- flipping the script business? >> oh, absolutely not.
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hell no. because they are the ones that did it. they are the ones that have been pushing this for more than a year. it's their members of congress on the democrat side of the aisle who are constantly calling, advocating and pushing for defunding the police. when this is going on through the presidential election last year, joe biden didn't say a reasonable doubt would. he did not exhibit leadership. he didn't tell the radical fringe in his party, so, no. it's on them. it's not on us. it's that simple. steve: it is that simple. heard that from a number of republicans. congressman byron donalds we thank you very much for joining us today from d.c. >> any time, thank you. steve: you betcha. all right. it is summer in the city. and janice dean is already approaching 90 here. janice: it's going to feel well over 100 degrees. already the dog days of summer as we get into the fourth of july weekend. take a look at the maps. i will show you how hot and sticky it is across the northeast. the northwest going to get a bit of the break as well. take a look at those maps unless you want to see my hair get frizzy. 81 in new york right now it
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going to feel very sticky today. 105 in philadelphia. that's when the humidity. 100 in boston. do you know what? we are going to see showers and thunderstorms, even some severe weather across portions of the interior northeast and new england. and there are your heat advisories. dangerous heat, especially this afternoon, take care of the elderly and your kids and bring your pets in, too. across the northwest of course we had historic heat along the coast things start to break a little bit. buff the interior northeast and southwest remake very warm and also showers and thunderstorms across the central u.s. where we have this very stubborn frontal boundary that's going to bring the potential for flash flooding today. a lot to talk about here in the city. steve, pack to you. steve: all right, j.d., thank you very much. come on in. we have got the air conditioner on. meanwhile oakland's police chief gives a powerful rebuke of the effort to defund the police. >> i don't know what the cost of a life is. but i know not having resources makes our city less safe.
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steve: that top cop of that city is going to join us thrive share his message. and today the ncaa could take a major step toward paying college athletes. we will talk to the real life inspiration for the hit movie jerry maguire. we're going to show you him coming up next. ♪ ♪ hell of a ride ♪ i game my game on ♪ i got my shoes on ♪ ♪
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brian: the ncaa could decide if it's time to show college athletes the money. >> say with it with me one time, jerry. >> show me the money. >> jerry, you have got to yell show me the money. >> show me the money! brian: the association's board of directors will meet today to discuss a division one council recommendation to let college athletes cash in on their name, image and likeness. our next guest is legendary sports agent maybe the most successful ever inspiration for jerry mcgwire lee joins us now. you thought you had done everything in your career. what changes now if this goes through for you and others like you and for kids going into cleaning? >> any player at the collegiate level can hire a marketing agent
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which would be the same as a regular sports agent and go ahead and start to brand themselves on social media and get revenue from endorsements, from internet projects. brian: wow. >> and market themselves the same way they would when they get to the pros. now that will most dramatically impact players in high interest sports so you could imagine a quarter back like jameis winston or johnny manziel or be big winners. alabama or notre dame or ohio state in which you have the 35th member of the football squad being marketed. and i think you have female athletes also especially those that might go to the olympics, so they will be able to do endorsements. they will be able to accept
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revenue from anything from a trading card to online appearance. brian: lee, for you, you can now -- you can call yourself a marketing agent for 1-year-olds going over to alabama or alcorn state that you think has a lot of charisma or something to offer. now all of a sudden that running back or quarterback or wide receiver who hasn't even established themselves in the league might be something for you to -- someone for you to represent? >> that's exactly right. so pretty soon you are going to have agents hangs out at materny wards at hospitals looking for healthy mothers. [laughter] >> it moves the whole age much younger. i normally wouldn't meet an athlete in that football until after their junior year. now all of a sudden it starts at the high school level going into college. and we're going to be dealing
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with 17-year-old and their family in most cases we'll be doing the interviewing. brian: lee, i find this incredible. you have got to hire a lot more people it looks like. blow up your staff. it's not going to be sal larceny salary and.factor into the recrn theand of it come to nebraska we can really hook you up. we have some big time donors that have major companies that probably want to sponsor you even if you are the offensive lineman. so, man, things changed. things are going to change right away. >> you are thinking exactly the right way, brian. because that's how it will happen. brian: lee steinberg thanks for getting up with us. you are going to be real busy. thank you. coming up next, a lot of great stuff over the next two hours. thank you very much. "fox & friends" continues.
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♪ ♪ . todd: today former president biden see the crisis himself. >> crisis did is going throughout america. we have got to draw a line in the sand some place and take care of it. >> republicans hold their own hearing into the origins of the pandemic. >> how did covid-19 start. >> preponderance of the evidence that it came from the lab is very convincing. >> this is the chernobyl of virus research. >> the crime nationwide democrats are going to far to blame it on the g.o.p. >> like an arsonist showing up at the fire and blaming the firemen. it's absurd.
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>> biden's energy secretary suggesting climate change may be to blame for the condo collapse. >> we don't know fully but we know the seas are rising. >> to come ought and play politics is not the time for that she should be ashamed of herself. >> couple in south carolina very relieved that their dog that went missing finally came home and what it did? it rang the doorbell. ♪ i'm on top of the world ♪ i'm on top of the world. ♪ ainsley: charleston, south carolina. to downtown charleston. steve: how irritating could it be if your dog knew how to ring the doorbell. ainsley: knew his way home and rang the doorbell. wake up, everyone. i'm here, i'm home. brian: the weird thing is i don't understand to let you down with today's technology with the ring doorbell all you have to do is show up and it could have been detected. steve: any dog can do that.
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this dog can actually ring the doorbell. amazing. [growling] steve: do you remember the add a couple years ago for stro's beer fido get the beer and the dog would go and open the refrigerator and bring the beer to the guy on the couch? brian: that was good. but i will tell you i'm spoiled and so is everybody here in this room. robots can the wham can a was. we grew up in an era where dogs fought crime and save people. lassie saved people. run joe run. steve: ren tin tin. ainsley: how did it work out for old yeller. brian: total overreaction. go to the vet. you shouldn't shoot him. there was stuff you could have done. steve: there were rabies involved. ainsley: frothing at the mouth. brian: couldn't there have been somebody else on the farm that could have shot the dog?
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[sighs] brian: he shot his own dog. they had to bury him. steve: a little complicated. anyway, it all started with the doorbell. next thing you know we are talking old yeller. let's bring in the house minority whip, one of the top republicans in the congress steve scalise, steve, good morning to you. >> good morning. >> good morning, good morning, i will ring the bell some time later on. brian: we know you can. steve: you know, what do you make of what is going on on our southern border because interest is this video that we have got that shows a 2-year-old abandoned apparently by the cartel or somebody that was bringing him to the united states. it's heart breaking to see these images and it exemplifies that it is a disaster down there and it doesn't seem like the administration really is taking the same tact that donald trump took that stop the flow of people across. >> no, president trump had gotten control of our southern
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border and he had actually engaged countries like mexico. like honduras and el salvador and guatemala to help us take control of the southern border. and what president biden did is reverse all of those things that were working. and it's now out of control and the fact that drug cartels have operational control of major. [broken audio] it's a humanitarian crisis. it's a national security crisis. and it was all created by president biden's policies that aren't working that's why kamala harris didn't. [broken audio] control she would have seen what we have seen. i have been down there. you all have had crews down there and everybody knows what's going on. border patrol agents all tell you the same thing. put back in place those policies that were working that they undid. brian: it's not going to happen. the fact they are going to defund border patrol. they are proposing democratic committee about a billion dollars to cutting out of the border patrol. so, wait a second, have enough agents totally defend ice and
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now cutting a billion dollars out of the budget in congressman, this isn't a tactic. this is a plan. what is going on here? >> yeah, it's really bizarre. it's their priority. they want open borders. look, you looked over the weekend you had the white house trying to blame other people for defunding the police which is a crazy idea they try to embrace. now they are trying to defund our border patrol. when that goes south they will blame somebody for that, too. they are the ones doing it. [broken audio] blame everybody they want it proves that their policies are failing. in the end they are doing this deliberately they know the results of it. you can go down to donna detention facility and see these places overrun with people here illegally. they don't know what to do with them. they are sending them to states all around the nation and they won't be honest with us or the american people about where they are going which states they are sending them to. kids by the hundreds that can't speak edges glish and they don't care about those consequences
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because they just want to register everybody to vote. they have an agenda and using kids unfortunately it's a dangerous political game for america. ainsley: interviewed the sheriff of tarrant county, in texas earlier in the show. he is going to be with president trump and president abbott today border. they goal to an area close to mcallen which is where kamala harris is avoiding. this is what that sheriff said. >> the incredible seizures of drugs, the things that we have caught coming across the border and the things that we have caught in country up in the tarrant county and dallas county area. we are having huge loads of drugs that are being seized. so there hasn't been any progress. the border is open. and, you know, talking about the kids coming across. and we have got a crisis on the border. and that crisis is growing throughout america. and we have got to draw a line in the sand some place and take care of it.
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ainsley: congressman, what do you think the action will be from border patrol and people shaking hands with president trump and governor abbott? >> look, they spoke very highly of president trump when i was there because he took care of them. he gave them the tools they need. if you meet with our border patrol agents, they are wonderful people. but they took this job because they want to get control of the border. they want to push the drug cartels out of america. they see the fentanyl coming across right now in record numbers. and they see by the way the trade, the human trafficking that's going -- this is a multimillion dollars a day business for the drug cartels. to bring people across illegally because of biden's policy. and it's incredibly demoralizing for border patrol agencies. they know that entrepreneurship had their back and that biden doesn't, as you pointed out. he want to cut them and take away their ability to do their job. all of this is playing out before everybody's eyes but negative consequences for america's national security. you have got people in the
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terrorist watches that have been caught coming across the southern border recently and not just from central and south america. from middle eastern countries and other places around the world. steve: well, the former president is going to be tashawn hannity town hall tonight from the border. and sean himself will be with us in about a half an hour. so, we will be watching for that congressman, yesterday you were busy because you are up early today. you were up early yesterday. you had the republicans want answers, apparently the democrats not as curious as the republicans. how did this coronavirus pandemic start? was it a lab leak or was it some sort of mutation jumping from, you know, animal to man? here's some of the questions republicans asked at the hearing where dr. a fauci was a no-show. >> what was the origin of covid-19? we have asked that question for more than a year and requested that the house majority hold hearings to investigate
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perplexingly speaker pelosi has refused to allow a single hearing calling it a diversion. >> i believe it's time to completely dismiss the wet market as a source of the outbreak. we have confirmed case 10 days before the wet market cluster, in fact i would say this is a diversion by the ccp and all roads point to the lab. >> said this is the chernobyl of virus research and under score the need for increase scrutiny of gain of function research anywhere in the world. we must allow for debate and dissenting views to be heard or we may never get to the root cause of this problem and hold the chinese communist party accountable. steve: congressman. 600,000 americans have died from coronavirus. you have would think that this would be a bipartisan issue. where did this thing start? >> yeah. really should be. we have been calling for more than a year to have bipartisan hearings and speaker pelosi refuses to do that. so we held our own hearing and what you saw some of my
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colleagues talking about what they found and what a lot of the research has been done. we had four medical experts from different areas of science that came who have been researching different aspects of the origins of the covid-19 virus. every single one of them testified that this started in the lab. it was a locate from the lab. will it was not transmitted to animal to human, which was initially what china, the chinese communist party, the world health organization said. it's clear when you look at the gene structure. also, they have tested over 80,000 animals in china not one of them has been determined to have covid-19. yet, when you look at the gene structure of covid-19, it looks like it's been around for more than 10 years when it's only been around for maybe a little over a year which tells you it was gwinnett particularly gwinny modified. >> we have different structure for those. [broken audio]
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maybe 5,000 or 7,000 people infected worldwide with covid-19 over hundred million infected. america over 600,000 deaths. 4 million worldwide. everybody testified that it was created in the lab and so it raises more questions that need to be answered. what did america know about it? did the nih have any financial investment directly or indirectly to that lab? not pointing fingers but saying let's get these answers? how could this have happened so we can prevent it from happening again. speaker pelosi ought to want to join with us in doing it instead she is covering for the chinese communist party. they won't have the hearings. they won't even bring a bill to the floor. a senate bill that had. [broken audio] steve: we're having broadband problems. [. >> everything related to the origin. steve: congressman, we are having a broadband issue right now. thank you very much for joining us and to our viewers we apologize for that. ainsley: a sign of the time. live tv.
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brian: msnbc is reporting bat woman virologist. ainsley: whistleblower. brian: one actually working in wuhan? ainsley: yes. brian: she bass horkd with two military scientists collaborated with two military scientists in that very lab as late as december of 2019. when people wonder why the military was in charge of cleaning up the lab and then you wonder if this was actually intentional and what were they doing there and was it manufactured, you have to figure in her links to two military scientists something really concerning. was this weaponized by mistake or on purpose for china's advantage? steve: great point. let's hope we have a better connection to jillian mele. jillian, can you hear me? jillian: can you hear me? steve: so far. jillian: hope it lasts. begin with a fox news alert now as rescue crews recover a 12th body in the florida condo collapse. 149 people are still missing nearly a week after the tower
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fell. state officials have asked the federal government for an additional search team to get ahead of potential storms that could slow rescue efforts. meanwhile, a second heat wave hits the northeast. 60 million people are under heat alerts from coast to toast as hospitals fill up with patients needing treatment for heat-related illnesses. the dry conditions and extreme temperatures fueling dozens of wildfires. in utah, a flash flood closes down national park after rushing water left more than a foot of mud. the nypd looking for help in identifying two men who attacked a postal worker in brooklyn. the individuals approached the 57-year-old man on dirt bikes. they punched him multiple times in broad daylight before fleeing as bystanders got involved. the postal worker is okay but has broken facial bones and lacerations anyone with information is asked to call the nypd crime stoppers hotline. the future of travel has arrived. this is the air car it just
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completed first ever intercity in slovakia. the air car can reach heights of more than 8,000 feet it can travel up to 105 miles per hour. after landing it can transform sports car. no word on a price yet. developers say it could go on sale in the next 12 months. and that looks pretty darn cool to me. steve: here's the question. will you have to have a driver's license and a pilot's license, too? jillian: i would imagine. jillian: seems like common sense to me. i don't know. i could be wrong. brian: we have to wear that tight cap with goggles? steve: don't you want to. jillian: i believe that's required, brian. when you have ask everyone get dressed in the morning that's what will be happening. brian: put on your goggles. ainsley: go to the swimming pool or do that. brian: same thing end up in the pool. steve: thank you, jillian. ainsley: coming up, a top cop in oakland, california is hitting back at the city council's decision to strip millions of
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dollars almost 20 million from his department as violent crime skyrockets. >> we find ourselves in a crisis. that additional $17 million reduced from the police department's budget will have an impact. ainsley: oakland's police chief is going to join us next. ♪ ray loves vacations. but his diabetes never seemed to take one. everything felt like a 'no.' everything. but then ray went from no to know. with freestyle libre 14 day, now he knows his glucose levels when he needs to... and...when he wants to. so ray...can be ray. take the mystery out of your glucose levels, and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free. visit
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[ "me and you" by barry louis polisar ] ♪ me and you just singing on the train ♪ ♪ me and you listening to the rain ♪ ♪ me and you we are the same ♪ ♪ me and you have all the fame we need ♪ ♪ indeed, you and me are we ♪ ♪ me and you singing in the park ♪ ♪ me and you, we're waiting for the dark ♪
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>> investing in policing will only continue to lock folks up but not give them the nurturing that they never had. we're attempting to do that. and this budget does not even combine to scratch the surface of what is needed to do that. steve: well, despite surge in crime the city of oakland
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california defunding police means that criminals will finally be giving given the nurturing they have never had before. joining us now chief of the oakland police department leronne armstrong. chief, good morning to you. >> good morning, thank you for having me. >> so is city council member carroll fife right, criminals just need nurturing. >> no, i think in oakland the challenge for us is we are dealing with a spike in violent crime. we are talking about an increase in shootings and homicides, robberies, carjackings, very serious crimes that are victimizing our community and i don't think that's the appropriate response for this level of crime. steve: you know, i hate to bring this up, oakland is one of the top ten most dangerous cities in america. yesterday we were showing the images of an nbc camera crew in front of city hall that got robbed, some guy with a gun, during a live broadcast. i mean, that goes to show you that you got problems and you
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don't need your budget cut by $17 million. >> yeah. it really does demonstrate that we have people willing to commit brazen crimes in the middle of the day right in front of city hall. and so we are facing some serious challenges in oakland. we need the resources to be able to address it and having less resources is not going to help us manage this problem. steve: absolutely. crime is going up in your town. and, yet, the town council wants to take away $17 million. that just flies in the face of logic. >> yeah. it doesn't make good sense to me. i think it's clear that the vast majority of oaklanders want to see a more robust police force. they want to see a greater police presence in their community. so, this goes in the opposite direction. steve: last week joe biden said, you know, towns will be able to use coronavirus money from the american rescue plan to hire cops and keep cops on the beat.
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did you know that that coronavirus money was available for police departments? >> i did not know prior to the announcement but i was very happy to hear that in a city that's in great need of more police resources, i'm really happy that that money can be used in that way and so we look forward to competing for additional funding. steve: sure. how do you explain the rise in crime, by the way? >> well, i think it is a multitude of things. i think it's definitely connected to the pandemic. we have seen economic struggles in our city. we have seen an increase in homelessness in our city. and we have also seen an influx of guns, including ghost guns. and we definitely have seen people that are willing to pick up guns and use them against pun another those are very challenging circumstances. steve: yeah, when you look at the crime statistic force oakland, do you have a message for the people who live there? because they see the city whacking your budget and they don't feel safe.
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so what's your message to the folks who live in your town? >> well, the message is that the members of the oakland police department, that come here every day put on their uniforms knowing that they are going out there to face difficult circumstances are still truly committed to making the city safe. despite the budget cuts. we're going to do everything in our power to make oakland a safe city. we just need their help. steve: no kidding. that's an understatement. chief, thank you very much and good luck to you. >> thank you so much. steve: all right. 7:23 in the east coast. still to come amazon studios goes full woke with its new inclusion playbook where warehouse workers for the retail giant sound the alarm on working conditions at amazon. and don't go anywhere because sean hannity is going to join us live. he has a big town hall but first he is going to drop by "fox & friends" ♪ ♪ ♪
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so you only pay for what you need. hot dog or... chicken? only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ jillian: good morning back with our headlines so-called doomsday mom lori vallow is indicted in the death of fourth husband. prosecutor say she conspired to kill charles vallow. body cam video shows officers
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responding to the july 2019 shooting. cox had called 911 saying he shot charles vallow during the fight. cox was not charged and died months after the shooting. vallow is charged with conspiracy to commit murder. she remains behind bars in idaho along with her current husband chad daybell both are facing murder charges in the death of vallow's two children jay jay and kylie. two florida police officers narrowly avoid getting shot during a traffic stop. watch this. [shouting] don't do it. don't do it. jillian: the suspect opening fire after struggling with two st. petersburg officers. the local sheriff says the cops lucky to be alive. >> i can't stress how close it came to hitting the officer in the head. he said he could hear the round whiz by his head it was that close. suspect austin is facing multiple charges including
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attempted murder of an officer. britney spears' ex-husband kevin federline shares her concerns amid her conservatorship battle. he says he may request expert evaluation for spears saying quote she had been put on lithium if the conservatorship were to end kevin would at least want to know what the conditions were that gave rise to her being prescribed that. despite his concerns, federline says he supports britney and her health and happiness is important to co-parenting their two sons. and dingdong dog. missing pup roger returns home in the middle of the night and, yep, rings the family's doorbell in south carolina. look at this. the 18-month-old used her wet nose to press the button. she was gone for over seven hours after getting peculiar spooked by fireworks. she is okay. she did have some thorns on her. owners say they are happy she is back home. that is impressive little pup, brian? brian: absolutely. we will talk more about that later in the break.
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meanwhile obama appointed federal judge tossing a new york city gun case citing a lack of diversity in the grand jury. judge siding with defense attorneys claiming minorities are under represented with the accused gang member. here to react biotech entrepreneur and author of the forthcoming book woke inc. vivek ramaswamy. vivek. what do you think of this case? tried there. but the jury is not diverse there. >> i was shocked, brian, when i saw this story. i think assuming that someone's skin color says something fundamental about their perspective on legal or political questions is fund mental bely the beginning of the end of the american vision as we know it and i'm not speaking as somebody who was just trained as a lawyer. i'm speaking as an american citizen. we have seen segregated mindset spread to every institution in her private sector but to see it infect our courts is something truly dangerous in my opinion because this is for a grand jury
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verdict. what about a real jury verdict. are we going to overturn prior verdicts based on racial composition of the juries who came to it those verdicts? insult not tonal american democracy but to the american legal system as we know it i was shocked. brian: a couple other things. let's go over to amazon. amazon doesn't seem like a very rewarding place to work. i want you to hear from this former amazon warehouse worker talking about the conditions that they were supposed to absorb on a daily basis and how physically taxing it is. >> 10, 11, 12 hours of call set particular working 40, 50, 60 hours a week. it takes a toll on your body. these buildings are massive. i literally walk the state of rhode island every day, no exaggeration there. 30 to 60 miles a day. they are not really securing jobs. there is no career growth for entry level workers. in the virus came into play, the company failed to protect its workers. failed to provide us with ppe.
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brian: quality of workplace. this is the richest man in the world. he can't give his workers that are literally breaking their back for him decent conditions? >> well, amazon is one of the most ruthless companies in the world when it comes to every one of their business practices. you will remember big tech was one of the big advocates even last year of shutting down the economy during the lockdown. they were the greatest beneficiaries, amazon was quite possibly the biggest beneficiary of all. shutting down small businesses. really creating real conditions for their workers that make their cost structure attractive. but make nor attractive for them to make money but not necessarily to work there brian, there is a rule about this. the more ruthless their business becomes. the more that jeff bezos gets to get on tv and talk about how socially conscious their business really is the next time you hear amazon talk about how socially conscious they are 'ow or how far jeff bezos made a challenge to walmart saying we challenge walmart to pay $15 an hour to its workers, too. you know what he is doing.
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is he undermining his competitors when they're most vulnerable. he doesn't care about his workers. he cares about aggregating not just money but power for himself. brian: they also have a lot of power when it comes to holiday. evidently they have a new policy. amazon studios will be more inclusive. they will tonal cast actors whose identity aligns with the character that they're playing. i thought if you were an actor you should be able to assume an identity going for the best person. whoever you are in real life you should only apply for those roles? >> they call it acting for a reason. look, i enjoy watching the musical production hamilton in new york city precisely they actually remixed who could play the role of a founding father. a lot of black characters playing the roles of our founding fathers. that's part of what acting and theater is supposed to be about. amazon by the way said it had to be 50% a target of people women of color. personally i reject this term people of color. taking hundreds of races amalgamating them into one category of color and pinning
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them against of white that is again the same mentality of resegregating america to a breaking point. color of our skin, brian. brian: i was under that assumption when i got up today. you never know the stories tend to go that way. we should be americans first. forget the hyphen and start pushing back on that. unbelievable. i mean, with this mindset, it looks as though it may be henry winkler would not have played fonzie because in real life he wasn't that cool. it wouldn't have been really appropriate for him to have taken that role. we will have to look into that. vivek, thank you so much. i look forward to woke inc. it's coming out soon. >> i appreciate it. brian: we checked for a statement did not hear back. back. seen similar covers like it. we never saw a cover of melania trump, the first lady, who happens to be a international supermodel in the past four years. rachel campos-duffy on the difference. ♪
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♪ ♪ ainsley: vogue magazine declaring jill biden a first lady for all of us in its august cover story. an honor never given to melania trump during her time as first lady. in its fawning piece the magazine declaring jill biden honored as a woman with several degrees who has worked really hard her wholeife at the most relate will be job there is. you generally hear her before you see her because she is often laughing. she is quite simply a joy multiplier. here to react is fox weekend
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anchor co-host rachel campos-duffy. hey, rachel. >> good morning. ainsley: good morning. what is your reaction? they describe her a joyoy multiplier, a key player, they say she thinks joe was elected to heal the nation and is he a calmer president. rachel: yeah, you know, the fashion thing we can put aside. there is just no question that when it comes to actual fashion and style melania completely blows joe biden out of the water. i'm not going to even sit here and debate this. this fashion spread came with a 6,000 word piece as you mentioned that was completely gushing. the biden administration has only been in office five months. and this kind of reminded me of barack obama getting the nobel peace prize in his first month in office. she hasn't really done much. this week she had a vaccine event with brad paisley in nashville. 12 peopleehowed up to get vaccinated. she criticized the trump administration, ainsley, for border.e treatment at the right now we have border
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children on suicide watch down at our southern border. crime is up. inflation is up. and, remember, they keep touting her in this article as, you know, an educator. well, it is her and her husband who backed the unions to close schools for children unnecessarily which also led to so many other problems including mental health issues for our children. and beyond. so, i think she has -- this is very uving, it's very premature but very typical of the media who will rally behind their side, the democrats and they have every right to do that but as conservatives, it is just observers we have every right to call it out for the hypocrisy that it actuallys. ainsley: i know you are featuring first ladies in your new fox nation specials called women of the white house. here's the clip. rachel: sure. mary todd lincoln the wife of the 16th president of the united states. a accomplished southern bell who would meetnd fall i i love with abraham lincoln, or at least
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that's what our textbooks told us. and while that's true, that's not her whole story. her flaws were exposed to the world. making her a target of the press. but, also, more human. and to this day there is more fiction tied to her name than fact. ainsley: rachel, tell us more about it? >> it's a really fascinating piece. i learned so much just doing it first ladies all the way back, you know, to mary todd lincoln and beyond have had a crucial role in their husband's administrations. it's interesting to see how the press was with them as well. you'll learn so much and i think that everyone should watch it. we also have done a fashion retrospective that you can find last year. we covered several first ladies fashion. you can find all of that on f f on. i think you arere really going o
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>> run out and claim it's republicans who want to defund the police. that's like an arsonist showing up at a fire and blaming the firemen. that's'sike the chinese blaming the americans for the wuhan viruru that's like o.j. saying he is going to help find the real killer. that's like democrats saying they are the ones that want to build the wall. it's absurd. it's ridiculous, and they know it. but, you know what? they are also counting on the media all encircle ling joe biden and saying poor uncle joe he doesn't want to abolish your police. last time i c ccked bill de blasio the democratic mayor of new york campaigned on defunding the police. cut a billion dollars from the nypd and, do you know what? de blasio was standing on that same democratic stage with joe biden. ainsley: yeah. the democrats are facing a lot of backlash as they are trying to blame the republicans to push to tee fund the police.
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steve: well, sean hannity joins us right now. he is up early. he has a big day. sean: it's a miracle. i'm up early how did that ever happen? sean. brian: did you go to bed? >> about 3:30. about when you get up for work. brian: that's up late for us we are up earlier than that. ainsley: southern border. >> you keep keep your hours toughest in tv. ted cruz was funny last night. so, we watched last summer horrible right? we are watching city blocks being taken over, summer of love zone. chaz, chop, autonomous zone, police precincts being burned to the ground. we watched the looting, the rioting. we watched 3,000ops injured, pelted with rocks, bricks, water -- frozen water bottles, and by the way all of those people apparently are not going to be charged in what they did.
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and now the democrats who are almost completely and utterly silent and refuse to call them riots now they have decided to say it's the production' fault. george orwell was a little ahead of his time because that's about as 1984ish as i can think of. steve: sean, the democrats had to think of new strategy and narrative because crime is through the roof. last week, out of nowhere. joe biden said he made an announcement, you know, and by the way, police can use the money from the covid bill. and that's new. and so then jen psaki earlier this week was talking about that's right. it's actually the republicans who defunded the police because they would not vote for the $1.9 trillion. sean: ridiculous. steve: covid bill which does not anywhere in the bill mention police. sean: kamala harris praised the defunding efforts that took place in california and los angeles specifically.
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kamala harris also promoted the bail fund in minneapolis. it was new york city that cut a billion dollars from the police bungeght crime wept through the roof. then they come up with the insane no bail laws which is that if they catch you, brian, you better be careful, your bank robber in your spare time. if you rob a bank -- literally, there was one bank robber that was on the front cover of one of the tabloids in new york. robs a bank, there is no bail. they let him out. he goes out and robs another bank. they let him out, he robs another bank. is he like thanking governor cuomo and comrade de blasio for allowing him to continue this very important craft of his and profession which is robbing banks because they wouldn't put them in jail. that's the same thing that they were doing to those people that were rioting and looting and involved an arson. look, if you look at where this is happening, l lt year we had record increases in violent crime in every case these are
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blue states, blue cities run by democrats for decades. they are the ones that pushed the defunding of the police. it's twisted logic on their part. one of the reaches i think they are doing it is because polling now shows overwhelmingly that the overwhelming democrats for policies that are not keeping law and order. simple concept. if we want to be able to pursue happiness, right? we are endowed -- we could tell joe biden creator, god, the crea everything. we are endowed by our creator. life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. if you don't have law and order, and safety and security, you cannot pursue happiness. and sadly, that is the case for way too many people and way too it's a a problem we do know howo solve if we set our behind to soling it. ainsley: the folks don't like defunding and they don't like what's happening down on the border. president trump is heading
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there. kamala went last week. and then we just learned this morning,. sean: sean she kind of went there last week. she went there for a photo op. last week but not where all the where she should have been. steve: detour on her trip to l.a. ainsley: sean, we learned this morning there was a 2-year-old child found on the mexico side abandoned on the side of the road. we keep seeing these stories. we keep seeing these images. here's the picture of it. sean: wow. but, you know, ainsley,e seen this before. you know, how many times -- all right, the walls that are built and you see people literally pulling these children up to the over, dropping them them how is it possible -- you know, always comes down to imagine if donald trump were president and i agree with steve that the only reason that kamala harris made an attempt at this photo op., which is what it turned out to be, is because donald trump announced that he was going to
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the border. we will be there with him. we will be there with greg abbott today. is because he went there. imagine if donald trump as president in the middle of a pandemic and the images that we saw of really i call them -- they're cages, they are plastic cages but the kids were trapped inside them. they had no opportunity to lead them. they are overcrowded in the mimia pandemic. living on top of each other. high rate of testing positive for covid,. brian: military bases. sean: military bases. ainsley: sexual assault? >> sean: exactly. then they wouldn't allow the governor of texas to send in child protective services to even look at these children. now, yeah, you know what? if we don't protect these kids, we're doing everybody a disservice here. it's a 25-year high. we're probably on r rord now to bring in millions of illegal immigrants in the dark of night, they are literally transporting
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them to all the different states in the country. and then the states are burdened because they are not allow to the circumvent federal law, it gets a little complicated. states responsible for food, water, shelter, for healthcare and education, and we can barely afford it for american citizens right now it. brian: governor of texas and former president of the united states. are you going to be seeing what they are doingonight bringing that to the show town hall. you know, brian, if you would have told me that joe biden's economy would be this bad this quickly. i don't think i would have little bit longer. if you would have told me they would open the borders, it's beyond open borders, you don't get to pick and choose in none of us are allowed to pick and choose what laws choose what laws we choose not to obey. nott onlnly is joe biden and kaa
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harris -- they are choosing not to enforce the laws o the land. respecting our law, our borders, our sovereignty. then they are aiding and abetting in the law-breaking because they are only processing people that are coming, in they abolish the stay? mexico program, highly successful basically catch and will process you and have a good life in kamala. providing all of the services on the backs of the american taxpayer. i'm all for immigration legal immigration. brian: that's going to be the focus tonight. brian: that will be a big part of it the other thing is 90% of the heroin in this country comes across that border. we have an opioid crisis. brian: ght. sean: 95% of the fentanyl in this country that is killing many childrenn on average, 300 americans a week are dying. that is crossing that southern
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border. i have been down to the southern border in the course o oy career this might be my 15th time. i have been by the way if you want to see really funny film, wawa on horseback. i have been on horseback all terrain vehicles. steve: choppers, boats? sean: helicopters, planes, i have seen drug warehouses rio grande all the way to san diego. i have seen literally tunnels built from mexico all the way up to office building in san diego. the problem is severe. but trump had fixed it. this problem was resolved. now we are about to hit a 25-30 year high of illegal immigrants in the country and we're not even -- we're not even watching tonight. ainsley: talking about oakland and one of the most dangerous cities in our country. looking up most dangerous cities this morning and it gave me cities in other countries. thererwere three, i think on the
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top 10 list all along the border of mexico. those are the folks who live there who want to come in our country and the biden administration is letting them just come in free willy-nilly they can walk right over. sean: you know, there is a human compassion side to this debait. it's got to be done. i remember i was standing in san diego right on the border. and on the san diego side 500,000 homes. million dollars homes and then on the other side you see nothing but utter poverty. it's not america's role, however, to bring every single person that can't take care of themselves. look, there are three criteria i would have for entry into america. number one, i would make it that we have to have a background check so we know that you don't have radical associations. post covid, i would say anybody that wants to enter the country legally, they would need to
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health check of some kind and the third thing i think people would need to be able to prove is that they are able and capable financially to take care of themselves. then go through the process legally and i don't care where you come from, my answer is welcome to america. we're glad you're here. steve: indeed, one more topic before you are going to have to go, that is our president has adopted a new way of communicating. he did it yesterday again. the way he did it last week and essentially it's george bush. it's read my lip i'm whispering [whispering] watch, watch. >> waiting for relief. [whispering] i got them $1.9 trillion relief so far. >> they're going to be getting checks in the mail that are consequential. [whispering] i wrote the bill on ronment. why would i not be for it? [whispering] pay them more.
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this is an employee's bargaining chip now. >> hey, guys. [whispering] i think it's time to give ordinary people steve: so shawn hannity, on whispering wednesday, can you explain why he's talking like that? >> yes, i actually can, but some people get angry that i do it. you know, i have been saying for quite a while, we've been showing tapeing tape,, ben tay,d sasasa this s , i c c cl him vey affection atly president sippy cup because if you look at joe's schedule he has less than one item a day on his agenda, they hide h h as often as possible, did you ever imagine we'd have a president of the united states that's constantly saying, i can't answer questions because they are going to get mad at me. they are going to yell at me.
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he goes to bt like 7:00 at night, he gets his warm milk, his sippy cup, maybe a night- night story and part of it is funny but now to me it's getting a little scary because it's emboldening people that don't like us like vladimir kim jong-un, radical islamic,, terrorists, i am very very concerned. he looks weak, frail, he's a cognitive mess and steve, i don't know what that little wisper t tng is all about but it's very odd, bizarre, and strange to me. it's the only way i can explain it. steve: every time he does it, he makes a highlight. ainsley: and saturday night live >> everyone wants me to give them, i had sippy cups made up with the presidential seal on it everybody wants them.
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brian: it's going to be a big hit. i can see. >> i'll bring one to president trump down at the border tonight brian: it'll be as big of a hit as the gutfeld t-shirt which is capturing america's ition. >> well, president trump's policies worked. the policies now are not working by the way and look how hard it is on governor abbott. legally he's not allowed to enforce federal immigration law, so now, he's got to spend $250 million as a start to continue building the wall donald trump was building. brian: let me just tell you how powerful you are. you're the first guest we've had in the history of our show that no one in our ear is saying wrap >> i don't wrap up my own show. brian: they aren't even telling us to wrap you. ainsley: can you stay for another hour, sean? >> what's that? ainsley: can you stay for another hour? >> i'm sure i could. i'll be a little late for the interview.
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ainsley: we'll be watching you tonight. town hall, sean hannity. steve: we are two minutes and 48 seconds over time, but nonetheless, we had sean hannity so now, hour three of fox & friends starts. >> violent crime is skyrocketing and now democrats they want to blame republicans? >> that's like an arsonist showing up at the fire and blaming the fire. >> we are facing serious challenges of having less resources aren't going to help us. > you'd know the national anthem. it does not speak for black americans. >> the black community is learning that this country is not for them and it's the worst message. ainsley: in a matter of hours former president trump will return to the southern border. >> if you meet with our border patrol, president trump had their backs and they want to cut them and takeaway their ability to do their jobs. >> an obama-appointed f judge tossing a new york city gun case citing a lack of racial
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diversity in the grand jury. >> it's an insult not only to the american democracy but the american legal system as we know it. >> the future of travel has arrived. the air car can reach heights of more than 8,000 feet after landing it can transform into a sports car in less than three minutes. brian: you're looking at kane brown singing this song, not live, he taped it but that is a really wide shot of atlanta where no matter what time of the day it is theres a lot of traffic. ainsley: say hello to my friends watching right there. steve: i see them right there. brian: at one point there was going to be a baseball all-star game there. i don't know if you heard. ainsley: they ended up moving it out. election reform. steve: welcome to hour three of fox & friends. we're just about five minutes late. we had a guest who we just couldn't wrap up because he had a lot to say. brian: no one tried.
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we don't need to. ainsley: wanted him to stay forever but he had to go to texas we were just on on the border. steve: the first topic we talked to mr. hannity about is how the white house is now flipping -- brian: which is what we have to call him of course. steve: of course. the white house is flipping the script over the last week,k, giving the face that their poll numbers are under water when it comes to the spike in crime, all across the country. they had to come up with a new narrative and the narrative is this. republicans are the ones de funding the police because they voted against the $1.9 trillion american rescue plan. republicans voted against it because there was close to half a trillion dollars worth of what they referred to as a blue state bail-out and when you look at the people who were actually talking about defunding the police, you know what? they've got something in common. none of them are republicans. watch. >> yes, i support the defund
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movement because this is about the investment in our communities which have historically been divested. >> not only do we need to de fund but we need to dismantle and start anew. why use the word defund. it's l this is the word that's coming from the street. >> defund the police does not mean abolish the police. it means a dramatic reduction i every day in business brings something new. so get the flexibility of the new mobile service designed for your small business. introducing comcast business mobile. you get the fastest, most reliable network with nationwide 5g included. and you can get unlimited data for just 30 dollars per line per month when you get four lines- or mix and match data options. available now for comcast business internet customers with no line-activation fees or term contract required. see if you can save by switching today. comcast business. powering possibilities.
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that a lot lately because it's the crime capitol of the country carjacking up almost 100%, homicides up 82%, assaults up 18 %, even arson is up, and the president of the united states does not want to talk about crime and punishment because he believes he got elected because he supuprted some of the chaos in the streets , and police reforor but the numbers are so overwhelming for the most vulnerable in our country who arehe vmsn our country he had to come out and makeup a story that it's all about gun dealers, ghost guns, and guns on the streets, while many cases,
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illegal guns don't help. they aren't the impetus of the problem. you can not take $17 million out of the oakland law enforcement budget and expect them to be effective. that, according to the police chief, and, logic. >> we are facing some serious challenges in oakland. we need the resources to be able to address it, and having less resources is not going to help us manage this problem. the vast majority of oakland, there's want to see a more robust police force and they want to see a greater police presence in their community, and members of the oakland police department that come here every day put on their uniforms, knowing that they're going out there to face difficult rcumstances, are stillruly committed to making this city safe, despite the budget cuts. we're going to do everything in our power to make oakland a safe city. we just need their help. ainsley: it's just hard because the number of 911 calls going there, crime is up 90% in oakland. congresswoman corey bush, she's the democrat from missouri.
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she says she's putting together this $10 billion plan, people' response act. it's going to limit the interactions that you would have with police, and they are going to send health officials to your house, not the police, to respond to the emergencies. ed mullens, the president of the new york sergeants association here in new york, he says we are dealing with nothing t democrats, 40 years in the nypd and we're getting no support from the democratic elected officials, absolutely none. he has talked with law enforcement officials and other democratic-run cities and they aren't getting support from democratic elected officials either. nypd is down 2,000 police officers now. steve: it's really something so out in oakland where we just saw the chief they've cut the $17 million, and i asked him when we were interviewing him, i said did you know that joe biden is now saying you can use coronavirus money to keep your cops on the beat and he said no, i didn't know it until the announcement last week.
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that's because the white house didn't tell anybody because it doesn't mention the police, but because now, they are in a pickle, they got to figure a way out so it's like oh, there's this great big pot of money. in reality, the cities and states can use the money for hing they want, so if they want, if oakland, california, wantsts to add, take $17 million out of that pot of money, they can do it. progressives in oakland want to do that or do they want fewer cops on the beat, despite the fact that brian, to your point, crime is through the roof ainsley: and every city is different. what if he wanted to use that money but city council is already cutting his budget almost 20 million, they aren't going to give him the money to use. steve: take the 17 million they would have given to the cops and use it somewhere else. they can use it anywhere they want. sean hannity talked a little bit about this , and how the democrats were behind this just about 15 minutes ago right here on the show. watch this. here is mr. hannity. >> kamala harris praised the de funding efforts that took place in california, in los
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angeles specifically. kamala harris also promoted the bail fund in minneapolis. it was new yorkk that cut $1 billion from the police budget. crime went through the roof. then they come up with these insane no bail laws. look if you look at where this is happening, last year, we had record increases in violent crime. in every case, these are blue states, blue cities run by democrats for decades. they're the ones that push the defunding of the police. steve: and fastt forward to todd ,, year of defunding the police. ime is through the roof. is there a connection? of course there's a connection. ainsley: all right, well, let's pivot to this. there's gwen berry we've been talking about her the last few days the u.s. olympic hammer thrower and she sparked outrage because she turned her back to the flag, she didn't recite the national anthem, she put the black t-shirt over her head that said activist athlete.
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she is now saying she never said that she hated our country. listen to this. >> i never said that i didn't want to go, that's why i compet ed and got third and made the team. i never said that i hated the country. never said that. all i said was i respect my people enough to not stand or acknowledge something that disrespects them. i love my people point blank, period. if you know your history, you'd know the national anthem, the third paragraph speaks to slaves in america, our blood being slain and piltered all over the floor. it's disrespectful and it does not speak for black americans. it's o obvious, there's no question. brian: well it's the third stanza in which she complains about, and its been controversial. francis scott key wrote a long poem and it became a song, first stanza, battle of baltimore,
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1814 we hold off the british after washington burps to the ground that's why they wrote it, it was an inspirational time in america's past. the third stanza is controversial. you have people saying he's talking about our marines by the british. others say what she actually says is that this is talking about the british offering the slaves freedom, if you would just fight with us. regardless, to drill down on the third stanza on the part of the song we never sing, that's not part of our national anthem at all, to not see the greatness in the country to wear the r r white, and blue and the glory you could be covered within tokyo, have you toonde if dan crenshaw wasn't 120% right when he said if you don't want to stand for the national anthem, turn your back to it, maybe you shouldn't be on the team. steve: bringing it fulll circlee to whaha were talkingng aboutut thing, this segment, about defunding the police, that particular athlete, gwen berry, is being funded, she's being sponsored by color of change, which is a left wing group that
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advocates for the defunding of police. we don't know whether or not gwen berry is for the defunding of police, but her sponsor, which is going to pay her through the end of this year, is ainsley: puma also gives money to this organization. you'd think sh would agree with the organization though because she is an activist and she probably did her research to find out more about this. brian: that's true. ainsley: the president of that organization said policing is a violent institution that must end. defunding the police allows for this vision. brian: well, that is the attitude of most democrats that got us into the place we are right now and horrified experienced politicians like james clyburn including former president barack obama said it was one of the dumbest things he's ever heard. ainsley: the progressives double down on it. they love it, aoc -- steve: but just to see her last saturday out in the pacific northwest during the olympic trials on the medal stand, turn her back, according to a former
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nfl player, up hating us because they see our heros hating an entire generation, particularly the folks at risk, the black community, are learning that this country is not for them and that's the worst message you can give to anyone in a country that gives so much freedom and opportunity. steve: okay. ainsley: she's making it about her. it's not about her. she said it's about all americans, and the american people and her father she never steve: 8:15 in the east now let's go to our southern border and the crisis there. today, former president trump will get firsthand look at what is going on there. ainsley: he will tour border with texas governor greg abbott. it is his first trip to the border since he left office. brian: grady trimble from our sister network fox business, which i also watch because i have cable, i have a lot of choices i choose that or this ,
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live from mcallen, in texas, hey , grady. reporter: hey, good morning, ainsley, and brian, and this stretch of the rio grande valley is what many consider to be ground zero of the border crisis and this area is the back drop for former president trump and governor gregbbott's visit today and we have seen firsthand how busy border patrol agents are here. we watched them yesterday evening as they picked up several people who told us they came all the way from el salvador. republicans have been critical of where vice president kamala harris chose to visit latino week here in texas. law enforcement officials, we've talked to, say this is the area lawmakers need to see. >> one thing that's very important is to come down and visit the rio grande valley, del rio, visit those areas and visit with the land owners, ranchers and farmers and visit with law enforcement come to the front lines and see what's taking place. reporter: you feel you haven't necessarily seen that from the federal government? >> that's correct.
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reporter: also, this week, mexican immigration authorities shared this picture of a two- year-old boy abandoned on the side of a highway. he was separated from a group of migrants also from el salvador being brought north through mexico in a hot truck, so this is the state of the crisis here in the texas border, as former president trump as well as governor greg abbott come to visit today and of course the president will visit the border wall he helped erect and that president biden has stopped construction of. back to you. steve: grady we thank you very much. you know, it is a study of contrast when you look at the presidency that donald trump was down at the border where it was happening all the time to the point where they started building the wall and the flow of migrants slowed down. joe biden, kamala harris, not so much. ainsley: and look at what's happening today. he's visiting the mcallen area, where everyone says that's the epicenter of the crisis, and en she just stopped for a photo opportunity, was there for 90 minutes?
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brian: yeah. ainsley: in el paso and went on to california. brian: she said that's the place in which the child separation policy was implement ed by president trump wanted to emphasize that, meanwhile 17 minutes after the hour, let me just bring this up again. sean hannity's town hall will be tonight heading down there shortly, meeting with the former president of the united states, and governor abbott, taking questions unscripted it'll be fun. steve: indeed, 8:18 in the east. ainsley: right now we have jillian with more headlines. jillian: good morning that's right. let's begin with this fox news alert. rescue crews recover a 12th body in the florida condo collapse. 149 people are still missing, nearly a week after the tower fell. state officials have asked the federal government for an additional search team to get ahead of potential storm s that could slow rescue efforts. charles watson will join us live from surfside, florida with more later this hour. >> election error in new york city, how about this. approximately 135,000 test ballots were accidentally
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counted in the cities mayoral race. the issue was noticed after candidate and former police captain eric adams questioned the elections preliminary results showing the major jump in ballots. the new york city election board says it "determined that ballot images used for testing were not cleared from the election management system. et al results have been taken down by the board retabulates and before it was pulled eric adams was in the lead with 51% of the vote. >> gas stations are running low on fuel ahead of the holiday weekend. at least seven states are seeing shortages including florida, ohio, and iowa. experts say the problem is a , because they eitheruck drivers retired or switched to other trtrtrking jobs during the pandemic. still, some 43 million americans are set to hit the road this july 4th weekend, as gas prices reach their highest level s in seven years. >> senators chuck grassley and tom cotton are raising awareness for veteran suicide. lawmakers are doing 22 push ups
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in the middle of a gop event in iowa. the challenge has been going on for the last decade. grassley and cotton were able to finish in about a minute. i feel like maybe, brian, you should get down there and do 22 push ups. brian: i think that be great especially when i'm how old is grassley? steve: 82 maybe? ainsley: impressive. jillian: so that's a no? brian: will i do push ups? will i throw off the whole shows timing when it says we should get out i like to get out -- jillian: oh, is that it? okay. ainsley: that just took you about 20 seconds, 30 seconds you could have done it. brian: i could have. listen, i'll do push ups when the format when it's in the run- down i'll do it. ainsley: we had to do them my father said if you say the word "can't" i can't do something you had to get down and give him push ups. steve: what about the words cannot? brian: what about when your dad said toss to break? ainsley: i do whatever my dad
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tells me. steve: we do whatever the producer says. mainstream media outlets questioning the rise of critical race theory and how long parents will care about it. douglas murray on what the media 's missing about the future of education, next. >> ♪ with armor all, a little bit of this... ...protects you... ...from a lot of that. keep your car cleaner longer. armor all extreme shield plus ceramic. before discovering nexium 24hr to treat her frequent heartburn, marie could only imagine enjoying freshly squeezed orange juice. now no fruit is forbidden. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn?
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ainsley: as more parents pushback against critical race theory in america's schools, media outlets are questioning the rise of the versial curriculum, wondering how long the backlash will last. author douglas murray is here to react. good morning to you. >> good morning. ainsley: how does this go? what's the future of critical race theory? >> well, what's happening at the moment is that the american
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public and particularly american parents are on to this whole critical race theory thing. they don't like it, quite rightly. they realize that it's going to divide america along racial lines in a way that's utterly utterly reprehensible but here is the thing. now that american parents and others are on to it, those who advocate for critical race theory, and those whoust don't like c cservative, have decided to develop a new tec, which is to pretend that we've basically made it up, that there's no such thing, that it's not a problem, it's sort of a fantasy of our imagination and they are hoping to get through the next stage by doing that. i don't think it'll wash, but it'll persuade a lot of people and infuriate a lot of people. ainsley: there's as we were saying an op-ed in the new york times, and washington post, the writer for the washington post says they really want to question the educators. how does what i'm teaching affect minority students?
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is it the whole truth? does the lesson require a deeper context? what's your reaction to that? >> yeah it' nonsense. it's massively under playing this. you don't have to bee a scholar obscure american academia from the 1970s onward to know this fact but the fact is if you just look at anything of the people who wrote about critical race theory and started it, it is clear, and they say in their own words that it is a revolutionary concept. it's an activist concept. the whole thing is an activist project that they wanted always to sweep across america, and the rest of the world, so to now say oh, no just a very minimal game, it's a very small set of sligigtments, it's absolute nonsense and when they tried to pretend, as they are now, all sorts of people who are st as i as iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiy can have no idea what they are talking about. there's no way to exaggerate a
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set of ideas, very divisive ideas which is being injected into american schools, into every american institution, all the way up, as we saw last week, to the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, so even the military has got this , so when you got everything through elementary school kids to the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff being expected to say the same thing, i think you can't pretend that this isn't a real problem. ainsley: douglas thank you so much for your perspective. >> thank you. ainsley: you're welcome. still ahead did you hear president biden's new promise to blue collar workers? you probably didn't because he was whispering. >> i think it's a time t t give ordinary people a tax break. ainsley: larry kudlow is going to break down what biden's infrastructure really means for the american worker. ♪♪ i'm steven, i'm 52, and i'm a makeup artist. i met my husband in 2002. i miss those eyes.
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no neck tie, looking sharp. larry: hey, steve. [lauauauauauauauauauauauauauauaa tsunami of new entitlements probably cost up to $3 trillion, he's going through besides the green new deal, housing,
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care giving, children, paid leave, universal pre-k, free community college et cetera, and he's trying to sell them as tax cuts. he actually said this. they are not tax cuts. they are massive new spending. they are middle class dependency on government. it's not safety net. it goes up to $200,000 or more, for eligibility. it's totally insane andehinin that, is another about two to $3 trillion of tax hikes which will decimate the economy, all of which, steve, runs completely against what our founders w w which is why our show tonight is doing, a july 4th declaration of independence special to show why we got to get back to where the founders wanted us to be. steve: well now, it seems, larry , that in washington d.c., it's all about free stuff, and nobody's ever offered as much free stuff as joe biden, so when he's talking about the millions
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of jobs, not actually going to be created according to that investment firm that we quoted at the top but who c we get free stuff and it's not going to cost us because he's not raising taxes? how does that work? >> yeah, well, it doesn't work because he is going to raise taxes. by the way, you look at some of the model, the tax foundation, rice university, they priced out his so-called infrastructure plan, which by the way, is being held hostage by this entitlement story. that's really a key point, but putting that aside, it will lose gdp, lose about 1% of gdp, 1% drop in capital investment spending on plant and equipment and about a 1% drop in employment over the next 10 years, so it's a loser,,,n absolute loser, and the idea that you're going to sell the biggest increase in entitle ments since the great society going back 55 some odd years as a tax cut, people will not be fooled.
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people identify all this excess spending as higher inflation, and they know full well that if you start jacking up corporate and business taxes, that the middle class is going to pay for that, okay? they shoulder the burden. companies don't pay taxes. people do. 70% falls on the middle class. he's not going to win this battle. he's not getting anywhere but again i want to emphasize the reason we're doing our july 4th special tonight is because we've got to get back to the vision of american free enterprise, free markets, opportunity, and rewarding success that the founders put together and by the way, we're going to have special appearance s tonight. i want everyone to be on alert. besides the great mark levine and the nice steve hilton and senator tim scott and charles payne, we have special appearances, tom jefferson will be there to talk about how he drafted the declaration, ben franklin will be there who was a good friend of adam smith who
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wrote the "wealth of nations" in 1776 adam smith was the economic rock star of his time who said don't have the government interfering with markets and trade, so adam smith will make a brief come cameo appearance and have a long discussion with ben franklin and tom jefferson. please join us. it's the exact opposite of biden -omics. this iseclaration of independence-omics. steve: are you a close friend of tom jefferson? but i guess, you're in government. larry: his house calledd him tommy jefferson but the more official one is thoho jefferson and of course ben f fnklin and by the way, mark levine and steve hilton and charles payne is going to be there and senator tim scott with the elegant view. all i'm saying is, steve, we've got to get back to the vision of the founders, okay, and that, by our create or, with the rights
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of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, they did envision a welfare dependency entitlement and they didn't envision massive tax hikes. they didn't envision the story on the front page of the wall street journal today. there's going to be the largest business regulatory apparatus p under biden and history. look at the front page of the journal today it's an extraordinary story. steve: we'll be watching your show tonight for the independence day because people will want to know is larry kudlow going to put on a neck tie. you'll know this afternoon, folks. larry: [laughter] steve: larry, thank you. all right, former president trump is heading to the southern border today, but before his founder clay travish outkick about 2024 and the biden administration. clay travis shares what he learned in that conversation, coming up, next. [narrator] this.
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he used to have gum problems. now, he uses therabreath healthy gums oral rinse with clinically-proven ingredients and his gum problems have vanished. (crowd applauding) therabreath, it's a better mouthwash. at walmart, tataand other fine. from prom dresses to workouts it's a better mouthwash. and new adventures you hope the more you give the less they'll miss. but even if your teen was vaccinated against meningitit in the past they may be missing vaccination for meningitis b. although uncommon, up to 1 in 5 survivors of meningitis will have long term consequences. now as y y thinking about all the vaccines your teen might need ke s sask k ur d dtorabout
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we believe at newday usa we have a noble purpose. we want to be known as america's mortgage company for veterans and active-duty service people. some of them are giving their lives right now, today, for the freedoms that we have here in this country. so for us, at newday to help those people at this point in time. it's a labor of love, it's a noble service, and that's what we're all about. brian: president trump slams the current administration for its catastrophic failures on
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the clay travis and buck sexton show yesterday, listen. >> we want to know what you think about what's going on right now. how do you view this biden administration now that we're months into it? >> well it's catastrophic. if treats us so badly economically, and even military, if you look at nato, i got $430 billion by being strong on the nato. they weren't paying their bills, and so we were defending them and getting excuse me, i hate to use the language but it's very descriptive, getting screwed on trade. brian: that's a little of the sentiment he gave clay and clay travis has one-half of that duo. he joins us and he's the president of outkick. what was the president like? you've talked to him before, how would you characterize what he told you, his mindset? >> i think he's raring to go. you know, he had his rally in
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ohio over the weekend, and he talked to us for a full hour, brian, and i mean, look, the reality is i think he misses the fight. isn't necessarily that head ofre the party that goes with joe biden and the democrats right now, and i think he relishes that opportunity to step in and try to fill the void. now, the challenges without his social media accounts make that a little bit more difficult. he said they are working on a new platform to allow him to communicate more effectively with his audience, but he was supposed to be on with us for 15 minutes and he stayed for the full hour and i think he would have stayed another hour because i think he enjoyed talking to our audience and being able to reach his people. brian: and you, and here is what else he said about his future, listen. >> you m m 20202 the number one question we are getting as people are listening to you talk is when will president trump let us know whetete's going to run again? >> well the most logical date
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be right after 2022, right? you try and win the senate. you want to win the house, very very great chance on the house. br cards kind of close to the vest in terms of what his timing would look like, and certainly, there are many people out there, i would imagine, who are raring to go, to be able to go theoretically after kamala harris, because i think like most of your audience, i don't believe, there's anyway joe biden is going to run for re-election, so will the president go,o, will he make that decision after the 2022 races? i think probablytly what happens in that 2022 race, and how effective is he on the campaign trail, and how healthy does he feel as we get closer to the big under taking thate r presidential campaign. brian: and clay, we don't have time to do the sports thing so i'll stick w w this. the president lost a lot, it looks like he lost a lot of weight personally wouldn't have picked that up on radio but you saw it the other night and it
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has a lot to do with this case in new york, don't you? if this case has teeth it's a problem. >> yeah i don't think there's any doubt. look he is a fighter. if anybody who followed president trump, and i think he wants to be in that political combat, and if potentially there are charges that are brought against him, it may get him even more riled up to want to fight and run again in 2024 it will be fascinating to watch. brian: there's a lot of other candidates there should he not but i can't see any getting in should he get in. i think they will clear the field for him. >> i think you're right. brian: go to it's always great to get a perspective, iperspectivivivivis so much clay for joining us today. >> thanks a lot brian look forward to it. brian: coming up straight ahead let's check in with senior meteorologist, janice dean, because she wants to talk about the weather i think it's hot. >> it's hot and i know you don't like the humidity with your hair, brian you've told me that before. it's hot and sticky here in new york city, let's take a look at
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the maps and i'll show you that the temperatures are well it feels more like 90 degrees here in new york, it's 82 right now, but with the heat indices as we go through the afternoon hours, 99 in new york, over 100 in philadelphia, up towards boston. we actually have the potential for some stronger storms this afternoon, that could erupt , around new england, boston, hartford, concord, you could see the potential for large hail damaging winds, even some isolated tornadoes, there are your heat advisories so listen to your local weather forecast of course and ifrse an, eaeang a s s sts o o o hisric cords,ngnghe cst t t tngsss wiwitao coolll offffff lite bit, but interio s ss are still going to be very warm. all right,, b b inside, brian, my friend. brian: right and if you're going to get hit by large hail ar a bike helmet before you go to work. anks s s mucuc janice. meanwhile with summer officially here, families are ready to enjoy thth outdodos we've talked to skip bedell and
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he scrambled his best to tell us how you can camp effectively and in a very fun way look at skip, he doesn't travel l l but let's check in with dana perino who doesn't like to camp. dana: i like to camp, indoors, [laughter] brian:n: that means no. dana: heartbreaking image of a two-year-old boy abandoned by smugglers in mexico. the texas lt. governor will be here to discuss that and house republicans want answers on the origins of covid, not one democrat or anthony fauci show ed up, what does secretary of state mike pompeo think about it, plus athlete gwen berry pushing back on her calls for her to be kicked off the u.s. olympic team what she said may surprise you. we'll see you at the top of the hour. (upbeat pop music in background throughout)
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ainsley: oh, it feels good to be back on the fox square doesn't it? >> finally. >> this summer's hottest vacation trend isn't about where you're going but how you're getting there, with demand for rv's skyrocketing as americans are planning their adventures home contractor skip bedell joins us with everything you need to do to take to your camp site we'll start with this. >> you got it ainsley 4th of july is right around the corner the start of the camping season so this is a telescoping flag pole from atlantic flag and pole it makes it easy to take your
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american pride with you to the campmpake it out of your front lawn and take it with you so it telescopes and it's easy to operate. they have a great bundle that comeh two flags, it comes with either a silver or a bronze pole, the attachment for your truck so look you can put this on to your camper. ainsley: you don't have to big a hole. >> or you can put it on the front lawn or even throw it in a cooler so check out their website, atlantic flag you can use that too. i love these guys because it's all-american made products and american made. ainsley: go to their website. steve: on a day liked to with direct solar radiation you need a canopy. >> steve look how easy it is to operate. steve: yeah. >> this is quick shade. very easy to operate, lightweight, if you look up at the top, its got a double roof so that allows you to vent all of the heat out and these things are great and they come i i sizs and colors and it even has the make it into a backpack version.
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steve: very easy, of course you need some light. >> you got to light everything up so steve the camp site, they use this at our camp site outside our motorhome and it's great because they have flexible legs to put it on a tree branch, battery operated, led lights but the best part is they are motion operated so you have a security light at night. steve: it's about 100 degrees here so i don't know why you brought a fire pit. brian over to you. >> what's a camp site without a fire pit? this is the world's best fire pit. brian: why? >> you can see it has holes at the bottom, 360 air flow means it's smoke-free. notice there's no smoke. brian: it still comes out the side this is what everybody wants. >> it's real wood, when you get smoke in your eyes and clothes, they even have a charcoal grill, brian to cook your food, put it in a case, and it's portable and take it with you. brian: skip bedell has all of the links to this. >> to everything. so while you're cooking that food i love this , so they used to make emergency food and people think of those emergency
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prep food, these are all great tasting meals, and they have meat dishes. breakfast, lunch, dinner, fruits , vegetables, everything it's condensed right so you just add water. you can have a whole weeks worth of meals right in this bag. you take it with you, they h t whole thing with you just water. steve: mor information go to >> great to see you. >> ♪ ainsley: more "fox & friends" moments away. this is the tempur-pedic breeze° and its mission is to make so, no more night sweats. no more nocturnal baking. or polar ice cap air-conditioner mode. because the tempur-pedic breeze° delivers superior cooling... from cover to core. helping you sleep cool, all night long. during the tempur-pedic summer of sleep, save $500 on all tempur-breeze mattresses... ...and experience your coolest sleep this summer, with our best breeze savings of the year.
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>> now you can make your own pizza at your campsite. >> gas, pellet, you name it. >> i want to camp but i have to have pizza. >> dana: thanks, guys. from the border.ching image mexican officials finding a 2-year-old boy shirtless and surrounded by trash at the side of the road. a growing push for republicans to give their own response as the biden white house refuses to act. bill is off today. good morning. >> trace: good morning. i'm trace gallagher. this is "america's newsroom." the images of abandoned children am mri filing severity of the situation at the border. we've been reporting on the crisis for months. nths after leaving office former president donald trump


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