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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  July 2, 2021 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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please check out my new show every saturday night at 10:00 p.m. eastern time. we've got a flaming height, caught monologue this week you won't want to miss. as always, thank you for joining me. the great, legendary broadbent arroyo, my good friend is in here tonight for laura. you have the confines, take it away. >> every monologue that comes out of your mouth is flaming hot beard i will b every monologue that comes out of your mouth is flaming hot. i will be watching this weekende this is the ingraham angle from new york city. a bombshell report accusing kamala harris of an abuse of office. we will bring you the juiciest details and are dramatic reading.
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the hacking or hijacking of july 4th and how we should all be resisting it and alan dershowitz is here, britney spears's fight to regain control of her life but first the trump organization and its cfo are indicted on tax fraud charges brought against them by the new york attorney general and the manhattan da. prosecutors of cues the former president's company of orchestrating a tax avoidance scheme where top executives were compensated with fringe benefits. weisberg accused of avoiding taxes on $1.7 million worth of off the books income. it is important to note that donald trump himself is not been charged. weisenburger the trump organization say they are not
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guilty. they are saying make no mistake, this is not about the law, this is all about politics. joining us is eric trump, executive vice president of the trump organization, the prosecutors claim that your cfo even dated taxes on $1.7 million worth of income. we are talking about the use of a company car, possible tuition payments for his grandchildren, how concerned are you tonight as vice president of thi down the escalator. they been going after him for the last 5 years, the district attorney has subpoenaed 3.5 million documents and they don't care about alan weisberg, they care about taking down my father, they subpoenaed 3.5 million documents, with every tax record my father has had since 2005 and this is what they have, a company car, give
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me a break. they've been on a witch hunt, the new york attorney general the teacher james has been going after my father, she swore to get him, to try to take them down, it is disgusting, the manpower they put on this -- >> i stew share with people the new york attorney general's own words. her office is prosecuting this case, basically she ran on a platform of putting your father behind bars. >> we will never be afraid to challenge this illegitimate president when our fundamental rights are at stake. i believe the president of the united states can be indicted for common offenses. >> is going to be a real pain. >> your reaction to those comments? >> this is what we've been dealing with, what we as a family deal with every single day and it is horrible, the little girl guy shot in times square, a marine got shot in times square two days ago, crime is rampant, people are leaving the city in record numbers, it
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is dirty, disgusting, new york is no longer what it is and they have an entire district attorney office, and attorney general's office focused on $3.5 million to take on a political opponent, this is what they do, this is worse than a banana republic. you know this better than anybody. they are afraid my father will run in 2024 and that he's going to win as they don't look at corrupt hunter biden the fact that he's taken money from china and ukraine and other countries and selling his fingerpainting's for 500,$000, they don't care about any of that. they care about going after innocent great human beings, alan weisberg is one of them, taking out donald trump and going after a political opponent. >> the associated press just dropped the story moments ago that the trump organization is in trouble. do you believe you're in trouble tonight? they are going to put the screws to your cfo to try to get him to say something, anything to
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implicate you and your father. >> of course they. after 3 million documents they realize they had absolutely nothing on donald trump. alan while bert wasn't the person they want to, they want to donald trump and after 5 years they weren't able to get anything on him, wasn't able to get anything on him, they don't care if a nice great human being gets caught in the crossfire, they don't care. that is what they want to do. they want to go after trump and everybody around him for their own political purposes and you see it in that video if there's one thing they are very transparent about their m o, very transparent about their motives. >> i want to play something for you, the impeachment maestro himself, adam schiff, what he said on msnbc. >> this is a grifter from start to finish. he brought his swamp from new york with him to the oval office.
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relatively easy to make a case against the corporation but to be able to follow that criminal liability to the very top you need people inside cooperating. that's why weisenburger so important. >> sounds like he just gave the game away, weisenburger is just upon to get to your father, that's why he's so important. >> that is exactly right. adam schiff, look at the democratic party, we got a border absolutely out of control, crime surgeon run the country, they want to defund law enforcement, energy, the price of oil and gas is skyrocketing, the price of lumber skyrocketing, massive inflation, we have are problems this country and a lot of people are missing donald trump right now and i think this is going to backfire. people understand what this is about. this is about a warped democratic party who will go after trump as they have every single day for the last six
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years and they are handing him the win in 2024 if he decides to pursue it. we've seen this movie before. >> break this down, these charges fall between 2005, and 2017. they claim it is $1.7 million they are talking about in even dated taxes. that may be overblown in your estimation. explain. >> these are employment firms. a corporate car which everybody has, i guarantee people in every company in the country have corporate vehicles. this is what they are going after. this is into, matter. after the financial crisis they didn't go after a single person on wall street despite the fact they took down the us economy but they will go after somebody after fringe employment benefits. is that what the das focused on
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with little girls getting shot in the middle of times square, they go after a corporate vehicle and a corporate apartment? give me a break. the media has been fair about this. the new york times, so many different news outlets literally said this isn't criminal. >> this would normally be a civil complaint where you sit down with the person charged and hammer out a fee to be paid and they go home. because of the expectations. very quick question. is this an incentive for you, the trump organization to leave new york city? >> i don't know why anybody wants to be in new york state. people are fleeing for every reason under the sun and this is one of them. if you sit on a different side of the political aisle you will have people that will weapon eyes politics to take down you, takes on your company, take down your life and destroy lives
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while the city totally rots. i love new york. i was born in new york. but it is not the same place because radical politicians like these, it is horribly sad. alan is going to win this. raymond: thank you for being here. for those who thought nancy pelosi would create a nonpartisan objective january 6th investigative committee you were wrong. yesterday pollution -- pelosi made her intentions known. >> a select committee on the january 6th insurrection that would investigate a report upon facts and causes of the attack, the causes of white supremacy and anti-semitism. let's be on the right side not only of history but the future. raymond: she's on the right side of the future.
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pelosi already gave away the conclusions of her select committee, the trump and his supporters are racist terrorists who need to be punished and cowed. this isn't an investigation. it is an anti-trump inquisition. the key aspect of the pelosi committee of note is the select part. she stacked the star chamber with eight of the most trusted political cronies and trump antagonists including this crew. >> i'm very proud to announce the members of that committee, the house administration, adam schiff of the intelligence committee, jamie raskin, constitutional scholar, oversight committee. >> i like the nursing home edition of the suicide squad. this is not serious, this is not a fact-based investigation. this is the second trump impeachment reunion tour.
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all three of the panelists not only voted to impeach trump but were part of the prosecution. it is hard to fact find and investigate when you come to the game with hardened opinions of those you are investigating. >> america has been through a civil war, world wars, great depression, pandemics, mccarthyism and now it from the stan white nationalist insurrection. this is the single biggest terror threat to the american people and our public security right now. >> we don't need a long investigation to know the president incited right-wing terrorists who attacked the congress to try to overturn the constitutional government. >> pelosi should have invited general honoree back to investigate. at least it wasn't part of the impeachment reader. pelosi also appointed someone laura has been warning you about for months. >> congresswoman liz cheney of
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the armed services committee has patriotically agreed to serve on the committee, honored and proud that she has agreed to serve and provide us with bipartisanship. >> i'm surprised you didn't ask john kasich. this has been investigated to death. pelosi's january 6th commission has one purpose, to try to spin the crimes committed by handful of nuts into an insurrection orchestrated by trump. we've seen this movie. it was the second impeachment. joining me to respond to all of this is florida congressman byron donald. why doesn't pelosi trust the fbi and the doj? they are actively investigating? >> because she wants to play politics and everybody knows it. the senate already went through an investigation, they came out with a complete report. the homeland security committee and oversight committee which i
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sit on by the way has already had multiple hearings about this but you know who she won't allowed to testify? the capitol police. and here's why. the fbi -- before january 6th talking about threats to the capitol. on january 3rd or january 4th donald trump talk to the head of dod mister miller and mister miller testified in oversight that donald trump authorized national guard troops, as many as they needed to secure the capitol, the day before january 6th, january 5th, there was a rally on capitol hill. donald trump called director miller and told him did you see the crowd? there's going to be a lot of people out there. do you have everything you need with the national guard? if you are fomenting an insurrection why do you make sure there's enough law enforcement capacity in the nations capital on the day in question. the reason why nancy pelosi -- he can't let it go. their agenda sucks and this is
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the only thing they have left. raymond: this entire committee seems strange given that policy claims to already know the root causes and was was behind the riots on january 6th. >> all of these institutions talking about -- i hate to even go there but it is what they have said in terms of white supremacy, anti-semitism, islamohphobia. all of these attitudes that have contributed to what happened on january 6th. laura: raymond: do you believe those people taking selfys in the rotunda were driven by islamohphobia, white supremacy, anti-semitism, is that what drove them there? >> is what we need to figure out. let the department of justice, the fbi finished the investigation. they are in the process of doing
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that. all congress will do is play politics which is the last thing we should be doing with this select committee. of homeland security and oversight want to continue holding hearings, let's do that. nancy pelosi understands one thing. they have to keep donald trump front and center because they've gotten so accustomed to attacking him all the time they don't have anybody to do that with and their agenda is exposed. they can't get anything through the house was their ideas are bad. the american people know it. they have to constantly go back to january 6th. raymond: liz cheney's appointment to the committee totally politically motivated, your take on this, what is the republican congress saying? >> absolutely, it is all politics all the time. what can you expect from nancy pelosi? she rules the place with an iron fist. raymond: as we approach independence day, david is supposed to unite us we are seeing the radicalization of americans right before our eyes.
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i will explain in moments. stay there. lives of six million jews
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and thousands of jewish survivors are still suffering in poverty today. god calls on people who believe in him to act on his word. "comfort ye, comfort my people." when i come here and i sit with lilia i realize what she needs right now is food. these elderly jews are weak and they're sick. they're living on $2 a day which is impossible. this now, is how god's children are living. take this time to send a survival food box to these forgotten jews. the international fellowship of christians and jews urgently need your gift of $25 now to help provide one survival food box with all of the essentials they critically need for their diet for one month.
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no vitamins and no protein so my legs and hands are very weak. oh, oh, oh let's make sure that we bring them just a little bit of hope. by bringing them a little bit of food. become a part of the fellowship today by reaching out to bless these precious people of god. for just $25, you can help supply the essential foods they desperately need for one month. that's less than a dollar a day. i just want to encourage all of you to join with yael eckstein and the wonderful work of the international fellowship of christians and jews. god tells us to take care of them, to feed the hungry. and i pray holocaust survivors will be given the basic needs that they so desperately pray for to survive.
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♪ ♪ >> raymond: i'm raymond arroyo, this is "the ingraham angle." and now ameri raymond: america's birthday, glue more glory? there seems to be a determined
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effort to hijack or dismiss independence day. and effort that we as a people should resist, the president is having a party for first responders and the military at the white house this weekend which is a nice gesture but listen to his vision for july 4th. >> by july 4th and there's a good chance you, your families and friends will be able to get together in your backyard or your neighborhood and have a cookout where we totally marker independence as a nation but begin to marker independence from this virus. >> that are independent ever hinge on the spreader containment of virus. we still have our liberties, those were given by god, not doctor fauci. the democratic national committee is continuing this independence from covid theme in a new layout. >> this year there's more to
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celebrate, the freedom to hug a grandchild, to come back together again. >> people had their grandchildren and got together last year. remember the july 4th celebrations at mount rushmore? i covered it and at the white house, all those people, that is one operation warp speed was still underway, reducing july 4th to the campaign and vaccine victory lap diminishes the importance of this holiday when we need it most, july 4th remind us a hard won liberties and marks their independence as a people from a tyrannical overlord, historically the british. beyond cookout and mattress sales john adams related to his wife on july 3rd, 1776, clearly explaining his vision of july 4th. it out to be commemorated as the day of deliverance by solemn acts of devotion to god almighty. it ought to be solemnized with palm and parade, shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires
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and elimination from one end of this continent to another. i'm well aware of the toyland blood and treasure it will cost us to maintain this declaration and support and defend the states, yet through all the gloom i can see the rays of ravishing light and glory. what has become of those rays of ravishing light and glory. adams would joke, hot dog if he saw how cavalierly americans brush off their birthright. a new fox news poll finds only 69% of americans now believe the us is the best country in the world to live in. the numbers are even worse among those under 45, the big question is why? part of the answer lies in the
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intentional racial division and trashing of america's past, people took to the streets deliberately destroying the markers their shared history, stages of lincoln, the great emancipator, grant, columbus, even the saints who founded the missions in california were ripped down, the visual memory of these great american lives, once a source of unity and pride have been physically stricken from public places. in classrooms and in pop culture all memory of these lives are being replaced or reimagined. young people are taught america is an irredeemable place predicated on the sin of slavery and colonization which continues to this day stuffed with deformed history and lukewarm marxism the acolytes dutifully repeat this. >> you believe in the book was written by man by a white supremacist. this books is respect your neighbor as your own. woman, black, trans, pregnant, stone them to death. >> republicans blocking critical race theory wants to continue ms. educating our kids in the name of patriotism.
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>> she asked if she could play with my dumbo trump flag. this one. i feel like it is kind of profound that he ruined the flag for anybody else. >> if someone were defame in your relatives you would be mad as hell and that is happening here. this is not a sober reckoning with american history but the strafing of it. we owe our children poultry, good, bad and ugly, a task force that your national archives as a new report that the roots under which houses the declaration of independence and the u.s. constitution is itself an example of structural racism, y, us? because the rest of the, quote, logs will be white men in the nation's felt unwell marginalizing black, indigenous and other people of color and other communities. the task forces the solution, they would like to reimagine the rotunda, put in place trigger
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warnings, content advisories to forewarn audiences of content that may cause intense physiological and psychological symptoms. historic documents and records, this is not the release of song of the south on disney plus, we don't need a lawrence. additionally they recommend the creation of safe spaces at every national archive facility. thomas jefferson and the other founding fathers, can we still use the term founding father? at the federal reserve you can't, they instructed employees to embrace bias free language avoiding construction like founding fathers, man-made and those bothersome personal pronouns. whatever the intentions all of this divides people by sex, race, religion, we don't even agree on a common language anymore.
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the consequences of this were dramatized heavily by the said spectacle of olympic contender glengarry last week she made a big show of disrespecting the flag of the country she competed to represent, not only did she ignore that and the but she threw a t-shirt over her head in protest. this is glenn barry in 2015, the first time she qualified for the olympics, she had no problem waving a flag and representing her country then. what happened between 2015, and 2021? clearly glenn barry like many others were repeatedly told about the gloom of america focusing on problems and setbacks and sins but like the people who make up america, that is not all there is. we are good, inventive, loving people in this july 4th let's rekindle john adams's rays of ravishing white and glory to celebrate this. despite our differences as one american people.
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joining me now is dennis desousa, conservative opera, filmmaker, host of the dennis desousa podcast and doctor carol swain. i want to start with you. we are all for inclusion and making every citizen a part of this ongoing american experiment. but talk to me about the habit of dividing people along racial, sexual and religious lines and what that does to our unity particularly now. >> i can tell you i find it deeply offensive and i believe that it is destroying our nation and it is weakening our nation before the world. the only people who benefit from what has taken place our our foreign enemies and the american people are rejecting this, the democratic party, everything they seem to do seems to be
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about turned down america instead of building it up and they are bringing the american people together because across political lines i believe we've had enough. >> put your political head on, what do you make of biden trying to commandeer july 4th as a vaccine victory event? >> for biden he is in a bit of a trap because there is a part of him that would want to affirm july 4th in traditional patriotic terms but he knows he can't do that, he now has a kind of boisterous left that responds even to the anthem, the flag, the founders, all the paraphernalia of the founding as racist, biden talked about a cookout people would say a
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cookout, whites are disproportionately known to attend cookouts, there's such poisonous rhetoric of for from the left biden is kind of captive to it so just about the only unifying thing he can think of, we are trying to fight the virus, maybe if i focus on the virus that will help us find common ground on july 4th. a statement of where we are at this point. >> you are naturalized citizen and i want to play you something, cbs this morning interviewed an author who is a naturalized citizen and he explained what drew him to america and why it appealed to him. >> in the market 1980s england inhaling everything american violated by hans on, a place filled with possibility and promise. becoming an american citizen is the single greatest achievement of my life. >> my father was also a naturalized citizen, i was struck by the power of his witnessing to america's ascendant 80s culture. that was the lord for him. contract that to where we are
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today. >> all immigrants recognize that we have come to a country that was made before we got here. even though people say america is a country built by immigrants immigrants have contributed to the building of america but america was invented by its original settlers. they innocent orchestrated, set up this country that immigrants have subsequently been attracted to and that is why the denunciation of the original settlers, the people who made america is offensive to every immigrant, black, white or brown. >> we found something frederick douglas wrote about the founding fathers who have been much
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maligned, he wrote the signers of the declaration of independence were brave men, great men too. i cannot contemplate the great deeds with less than aberration, the statesmen, patriots and heroes and for the good they did and the principles they contended for i will unite with you to honor their memory. douglas was an escaped slave who has more reverence for the founding fathers than free americans do today. >> if you think about martin luther king and other civil rights leaders, we've always believed in america and the american people i believe across racial and ethnic lines do not buy into the democratic party's radical vision to destroy this nation and i as a black american, i'm of this nation, i see it as the greatest nation in the world and despite our flaws i think we can move beyond this moment, look back at this time, and hopefully learn from it and never let it happen again. >> great point, the amazing
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thing is while we apologize for america, protest and attack the things that unite us, in china they are celebrating the one hundredth anniversary of the chinese communist party. it looks like the olympics opening ceremonies over there with xi sitting atop the wedding cake. i'm out of time. thank you for being here. this troubling camelot or should i say kamala, not only is the vp of political albatross about biden's, her aides are running to the media to complain about their toxic work environment. we feel the shocking testimony next, stay there.
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>> vice president kamala harris isn't just delivering positive results the american people, she is now being accused of
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presiding over a toxic workplace, bombshell reporting politico exposes it all to give you a feel for the atmosphere the vp's office we thought a dramatic reading was the order. q the music. harris's team is experiencing low morale and diminished trust among aides and senior officials, 22 current and former vice president of aids and other associates describe attendance and at times door office atmosphere. it starts at the top said one of the administration officials, people are thrown under the bus from the top, short fuses and abusive environment said another. people often feel mistreated. it is a place where people feel treated like -- joining me as chris bedford, senior editor of the federalist and lisa booth, fox news contributor. is the fact that the story even came out a sign of the biden team is fed up with harris and her failures?
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>> early in this administration there were no leaks, very different from the trump white house with basically more leaks than the iraqi navy. this white house started to leak on kamala harris as soon as the trip started to go south when she was down south and started to put some distance between them and let the world know president biden was certainly interested in running again. kamala harris's office started just like back and say the bar was higher because she was a woman of color which identity politics is a major player in why she got selected for the vice presidential job, after calling the president racist but democrats are lining up opposition research against each other because they realize with the tottering president joe biden and politically weak kamala harris the field could be open and four years or three years time. >> the ladies at the you think any complaints about working for harris can be easily explains. >> this is coming from inside our vice president's house, it has a lot to do with the fact that she is a woman of color and a woman because we know that
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things that are acceptable from men are not acceptable from women. >> harris spokesman simone sanders said we are not making rainbows and bunnies all day. what i hear is people have hard jobs and i'm like welcome to the club. what do you make of these explanations? where does it lead politically? >> a terrifying bedtime story you read before we came on. i think her staff should consider themselves lucky they don't have to work for amy klobuchar who upbraided a staffer who didn't bring her a fork and 87 with a comb. it could always be worse. i don't think anyone should be surprised kamala harris has a toxic work environment, she called president biden a racist, said he was a sexual harassment and proceeded to sign up to be his vice president and chalked it up to politics. she the witchhunt against brett
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kavanaugh that was baseless without any evidence. this is not a nice person, not a good person but president biden walked democrats off the cliff for 2024. if she's going to inherit the democrat nomination she's a terrible candidate, terrible politician. we are seeing that over the past few months with her as a vp and in the 2020 race, she ran one of the most expensive and least effective primary races. they will be in trouble with her. raymond: people finger-pointing and fighting all the way. speaking of president biden the big question on everyone's mind is how is biden going to react? here's what he said in january. >> i'm not joking when i say this. i hear you treat another colleague with disrespect, talk down to someone i promise you i will fire you on the spot.
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on the spot. know ifs, ands or buts. >> do you expect biden to march into the executive office building until kamala to pack? >> i don't think so, not saying, here she is calling people racist and sexist for attacking her, she did that first with republicans, first she do that with president biden and then republicans and since done it with the white house with the president's team, now she is saying about her own staff, the people that work for her, the bar is higher because she's a woman of, but the reality is the bar is high because she represents a state, she's the vice president in an important role. when she is a brought her first international trip from this white house she's representing all of us. he hasn't done a good job. she finished dead last behind amy klobuchar, probably the most unlikable politician in america. she needs -- she definitely wants that mantle after president biden. >> they say poor kamala harris
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has been thrown these difficult intractable problems to solve and that is why she's having difficulties. immigration, voting rights, too much for anybody. >> it does raise questions. is president biden trying to throw her under the bus? created the immigration crisis by dismantling policies and then say kamala harris, being the border czar, it looks like maybe throwing her under the bus. the existing tensions, kind of. raymond: i can't wait to join you on july 4th for the big fox news special at 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm. we will be cohosting together. britney spears fighting to regain control of her life from her conservator. alan dershowitz breaks down the latest develops, stay right there.
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♪ ♪ speak of the next question hmi okay? i am totally fine, extremely happy, have beautiful children. i'm taking a break right now because i am enjoying myself.
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raymond: britney spears so i lied and told the world i am okay. i am in shock, traumatized, so angry it is in the same. she headed by father and anyone involved in my conservatorship and management who played a huge role in punishing me when i said no should be in jail. the company that served as co-conservator petitions the court to withdraw from overseeing her financials. her father has done no such thing. joining me is alan dershowitz, author of the case against the new censorship. there are two conservatorships here, the financial one and is a personal one run by jody montgomery. what is going on here? >> this is a personal human tragedy and the law has not proved itself capable of dealing with the human tragedies. one thing that is clear is the current situation is unsustainable.
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she can't continue to be controlled by her father who she doesn't trust and doesn't like. she can't continue to be controlled by people she doesn't get along with. in the end the father will be removed. she petitioned for removal of guardianship. her lawyers indicated he will do so in the next few days and i suspect the court will have no choice but to eliminating the guardianship but that does not mean she will be completely free. the court might try to appoint someone else to take her of her financial issues. the harder one is a personal one because she is an adult, most 40 years old and has the right to determine her own destiny, make her own mistakes and it was they can prove she is so mentally ill that she belongs in a mental hospital the law should opt in favor of letting out adults deal with her own problems. raymond: the whole conservatorship i have been told
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is bizarre for someone who have all their faculties subjected to this. the question is does the course know something we don't about britney's well-being, her mental state? might there be something we're missing? she tried twice to remove the father or petitioned the court to. >> there is probably a lot we don't know. a lot of the material, two things are clear, she has problems. she's not an ordinary entertainer. she has been through all kinds of serious problems. she may continue to have problems with people who exploited her. that is number one. number 2, the current situation is worse than not having a conservatorship at all. in the end the court by removing the current conservators particularly her father, trying to find some professional professor or doctor or somebody who has only her interest in mind who isn't paid to earn money from this, there's no
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conflict of interest, and the court has to be sure they are taking only her interest into account and let her make her own mistakes. that is the way america works. if you're an adult you are entitled to make your own mistakes. raymond: a trump question about that enticement, the wealth management company bessemer trust asked to be removed from the conservatorship. do you think that will happen? they haven't apparently done anything since they were appointed. >> he has to have somebody she has complete trust in or complete faith in. we will see a change in circumstances but it is not going to be a complete illumination of all conservatorships. the court will maintain some role but less intrusive than they have today. >> the charges brought against the trump organization and the cfo your legal take on this. if they had something on trump why with ago after his cfo for
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$1.7 million. is this a political problem? >> it is a tax on one.7 which is a small percentage but they would never have gone after this guy criminally if he didn't work for trump and if trump were not possibly running for president and the reason they are going after him obviously is to get to trump. it is the domino theory originated by rudy giuliani. his own lawyer when he was us attorney. they would try to get him. raymond: a special announcement when we return, stay there.
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i hated sticking my fingers, then i got the dexcom g6. i just glance at my phone, and there's my glucose number. wow. my a1c has dropped over 2 points to 7.2. that's a huge victory. >> raymond: i wanted to congratulate our own raymond: i wanted to congratulate david cassidy's wife carla on the birth of their new baby girl dakota who was born on june 20 sixth.
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from the bottom of our hearts can congratulations for the entire team, now come back to work. i am raymond arroyo sitting in for laura ingraham. i will be back tomorrow for friday follies and you will see a lot of me this weekend, i'm cohosting the big saturday and sunday show at 5:00 pm eastern and july 4th, prime time at 8:00 pm eastern, greg gutfeld takes it from here. good night from new york. jillian: shootings in broad daylight attacks are becoming a part of everyday life in new york city but don't expect accountability because the media is helping democrats to pin it all on the gop. neil: from the police is the motto, now it is about court packing, rulings that reunited calls for justices on the bench. >> foul ball.


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