tv Hannity FOX News July 2, 2021 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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petition of rights, you can't quarter troops in private homes, you have the right to self-defense and bear arms, 1689 bill of rights, free elections, free speech. >> tucker: will be back very soon. every weeknight, and we will see you then. have a great night. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> hi, everyone and welcome to the special edition of "hannity," fighting the radical left. i'm tammy bruce in for sean hannity. and tonight with july 4th around the corner, millions of americans are gearing up to celebrate the greatest country on planet earth. but hold onto your seats, because the biden administration has a major announcement. according to the white house, the price of a july 4th cookout has decreased by an incredible $0.16. forget about the 50% increase in
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gas prices, or the 4% rise in housing, or the 21% surgeon used cars, or the 124% increase in lumber. thanks to joe biden, you just saved $0.16 on your cookout, unless you are having hot dogs. the price of a hot dog is now a 10-year high. but jen psaki never lets the truth get in the way of a good narrative. take a look. >> reporter: the official white house account we did yesterday, the cost of a fourth of july cookout is down $0.16 from last year? $0.16? >> there has been a reduction in some of the costs of key components of the fourth of july barbecue, that is what the tweet was noting. >> reporter: does the white house think that $0.16 off a barbecue has more of an impact on people's lives than gas being $1 more this fourth of july? >> i would say if you don't like hot dogs you may not care about the reduction of cost. you don't have to like
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hot dogs -- a reduction of -- >> tammy: so disconnected. while jen psaki spends in circles, her boss joe biden is flat out refusing to answer questions because it's friday and we are heading into a holiday weekend. take a look. >> i'm not going to ask anymore -- quick question on afghanistan. fourth of july. i'm concerned you guys are asking me questions that i will answer next week but it missed the holiday weekend, i'm going to celebrate it, those great things happening, the economy is growing fastest time in 40 years, record numbers of new jobs, covid deaths are down 90%, wages are up more than 15 years. we are bringing our troops home. we have all across america people are going to ball games and doing good things. this is good. i'll answer all your negative questions -- not negative, they are legitimate questions. >> tammy: come on, man. no doubt joe biden is primed and ready for some rest and
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relaxation but make no mistake, his radical base is hard at work in the next item on their agenda, court packing and if they get their way, the integrity of the u.s. supreme court will in fact be ruined forever. joining me now with more is former acting director of national intelligence ric grenell, along with former trump white house chief of staff bryce previous. thank you guys for coming on here, i appreciate it. i have to say that when it comes to the job of being commander in cheese, i thought it was 24/7 especially with all kinds of things going on in the world, what is your take on this attitude from joe biden of i don't want to talk about afghanistan, it is the fourth of july, is that a normal and safe approach for the president? >> no, not at all, tammy, and happy fourth to you and rick. not at all. it's obviously a 24/7 operation but it's also something that is very serious and when someone
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has a question about afghanistan and troops that are leaving airbases that have been occupied with american airmen and soldiers and marines for the past two decades, it's something the president needs to answer but he doesn't. in the media gives him a pass. but i think it would actually be more fun if we played the $0.16 game and see how many things we can actually buy with $0.16. like maybe a button, a jolly rancher, perhaps. >> tammy: not even that. that is about. >> $0.16 can buy you 4% of a gallon of gas. so totally out of touch while cops are getting shot up, olympic athletes are turning their back on the flag and 180,000 people are pouring over the border every month. they're going to be in for a reckoning very, very soon. in this country. >> tammy: what's frightening, and both of you have been right next to the seat of power there and with that $0.16 meme on
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social media, it invites mockery and ridicule. it kind of signifies that whoever is making this decision is completely disconnected. and they think so little of us that they think we are going to get excited about $0.16. >> $0.16 won't get you on the other side of "the washington post" pay wall, where all of the newsrooms in washington, d.c., across the political spectrum are celebrating the $0.16. and so what happens in washington, d.c., is that they read each other, they retweet each other, they recycle each other's news, and then they go into the newsroom and they say wow, this is such a popular story of saving $0.16 but they never really realized that they are literally re-tweeting and amongst themselves. this is the problem of washington. it is so insular.
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i'm here in california. people mock this story. they know that when they drive to the grocery store, they just blew through way more money than $0.16. and there is a whole list of things that are more expensive, and so only in washington, d.c., does this type of narrative work, and joe biden will keep ignoring questions about foreign policy because he gets to. the media will allow him to, one in washington, d.c. but when you talk to regular people, they are laughing. >> tammy: we know it's a disconnection but it really is, going with them thinking $0.16 would rock our world, it's insane during the pandemic, what continues to rock our world is $1200 which would maybe last a week or pay a couple of bills or is going to get you through may be two weeks. this is where americans are
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realizing that they have no idea what is happening in our lives, in our cities, because as rick noted, because of the insula are dynamic. or do you think it's possible they genuinely simply do not care at this point what is happening to us? >> no, i think they are totally out of touch, just as you and rick have talked about. i think they've totally misread the american people. they think the american people are stupid, that we would actually be excited about $0.16. but they misread the american people on cops, they misread the american people on the border, they misread the american people on critical race theory. and you know, in corporate america dove in with them. the regular folks are looking around saying, what is going on here in this country? just six short months that we are losing not just the economy in this country, we are losing the american culture and what makes the fabric of this country great.
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so they misted the boat in the $0.16. well, it is funny. just shows you how backwards they have their read on the american people. >> tammy: here we are on independence day. we know there will be no fireworks at mount rushmore. there is some punishment going on there. there is fireworks of course across the country. this is a time to celebrate and yet we've seen with olympic athletes et cetera, condemnations of the flag, of america itself. is this something that you think is really embedded in the democrat party itself? because i'm thinking these are french actors who get a lot of attention and are elevated through the system itself. that is perhaps not something that is infecting america as a whole. >> look, i think it's a little bit of both. i've been very worried over the last year that we have too many americans that are just falling prey to government directives.
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we are not supposed to be told to stay in our homes and lock our doors and not go out. to help practices and covid, they are all good but they are warnings, they shouldn't be mandates. i hope the american people start standing up and pushing back. the country that allows the government to dictate our behavior is the country that falls prey to totalitarianism and fascism pretty fast. and i'm really worried that we don't have enough americans recognizing what the government is trying to do. washington, d.c., corporate america, the media, they are all in on this. we've got to push back and people need to speak up and they need to be supported when others speak up. to go to facebook, go to social media, talk this weekend when you are celebrating your
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freedoms and your independence and speak out, and don't be afraid. >> tammy: i'm going to give you the last word here. if you last thoughts about the, ten, 20 seconds, would he think on this independence day where we are headed, if americans wild enough. >> i think we are heading, if not in 2022, post 2022, we are headed for a steel cage match politically in this country. a lot of it is going to have to do with cultural decisions that have been made, the economy, the inflation is going to be hitting the roof. >> tammy: this is going to be a disaster. >> but it's going to be a call to question moment for the american people. >> tammy: great way to put it in deed, and something we are ready for, we are the generation that was born for this, washington, d.c., should wake up just a tad bit thank you for joining me tonight, i appreciate it. from inflation to the border to the staggering rise in violent
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crime, the biden administration is an order train wreck. it's so bad that some of the democratic party are wondering if joe will even run for a second term. these same democrats are also worried that kamala harris is not capable of beating any g.o.p., let alone that you know who. joining us now with reaction is former secretary ben carson. secretary carson, thank you, sir, and of course when we think about you know who, the man who was always present, donald trump, a man who understood your value and relied on to use such a great deal. we think of him as we watch this madness unfold with what he and you and so many others in his administration accomplished. what are your thoughts on this on this fourth of july weekend with what is happening in the country. >> but we need to think about is those who are in grave danger of death and harm because we have
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relinquished our respect for law and order. when i was a kid growing up, i spent a lot of time in places where there was a lot of violence and people relied heavily on the police to stop some of that, when we talk about defunding the police and taking away their immunity of some type, and they are afraid to risk their careers and risk their livelihood for their family, the people that we are really hurting are those that they are protecting. we really need to begin to emphasize that because the left frequently talks about racism, the people who are being hurt are the very ones that they claim are being hurt by racism and the other ones who are responsible for it. we need to drop the pretenses
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and saying who is being hurt and how can we stop that from happening? >> tammy: you know, that is a perfect point and a very wise point because the left claims, the democrat claims, minorities of all sorts, and yet all of their policies or destroy those actual lives over and over and over again the urban areas of this country come incredibly important to american cities being burnt down, businesses destroyed, those businesses owned by people of color. even a broken clock is right twice a day. it seems like you've got to really have an agenda to accomplish this for this kind of distraction to continue. >> sure, and logic and common sense needs to come back. if in a place like san francisco you don't prosecute people who go in and shoplift, what are you going to do?
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you're going to increase the amount of shoplifting and other types of crimes that are going on. if you are having cashless bail, you're releasing criminals. you are not doing anything to deter those actions. what needs to be done as some of the things that were done in the previous administration, encourage people, employers to go into the jails and began working with some of those inmates and in many cases, actually giving them jobs so that when they come out they have an alternative, they don't go back to the same situation, that is why the recidivism rates are so high. if we take politics out and start thinking about the people and what we can do for the people. this is not a republican or democrat then, this is a people thing. do we want to govern for the people or do we want to govern for political power? >> tammy: i think it's fair to say we've seen the democrats, clearly don't have people in mind. what they have in mind is
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gaining more power, more money, more influence and we seem to be cannon fodder at this point, sir, over this weekend, americans have got to realize and i think we can reinforce here that they are not alone, that what they see is not what anyone wants, regular democrats don't want it. they are the people being destroyed and hurt and these blue cities and states. all of this is a shock to so many. what would you say for republicans this weekend, the democrat family members, how can they come together on this because this unites us all. >> i would say, first of all, what is going to happen in chicago this weekend? how many people are going to be shot, how many people are going to be murdered? why does no one care about that? why are they trying to blame someone else for that? why are they trying to say it's
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guns when they have the strictest gun laws of any place. obviously, it's the heart of people. we need to storage reimagining what life can be like for people who are disadvantaged. it can actually be a very good. growing up in a disadvantaged situation myself, people were always saying you can't make it until i started reading about scientists and surgeons and entrepreneurs and i realized that the person who has the most to do with what happens to you is you. but there are others of us who can help those people and that is what we really need to be thinking about and if we really cared, we would be thinking about that. >> tammy: yes, sir. i'm sorry, we are out of -- at the end here, but this really is about realizing that none of this is normal, that we can make a difference and of course, you are a great inspiration for so many. thank you for joining me tonight. straight ahead, the crisis at the southern border has never been worse but one msdnc host
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just announced the crisis is actually nonexistent. we will be here next with reaction. don't go away as "hannity" continues. do you struggle to fall asleep and stay asleep? qunol sleep formula combines 5 key nutrients that can help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, and wake up refreshed. the brand i trust is qunol.
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♪ ♪ >> tammy: and now as the biden-harris self-inflicted border catastrophe worsened by the hour, the democrats and their allies in the media are on full on damage control. just listen to msdnc's joy reid say the crisis doesn't exist. speak of the roaming gnome is back at it again. it would appear as the inaugural absolute worst is jealous all the attention the record holders are getting, so she is sending south dakota's troops rolling.
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deploying them to the southern border of texas, joining governor desantis and the governors of iowa and nebraska in sending help to the border. 50 national guard troops are being deployed in response to greg abbott's plea for more border security for a nonexistent crisis. >> tammy: nonexistent. it border encounters are on pace for a decade high. cartels are emboldened. human smugglers are operating in plain sight, drugs are pouring into our country and authorities are completely overwhelmed. remember, there is nothing compassionate about illegal immigration and nothing compassionate about incentivizing this treacherous journey. from central america to the u.s. border, it is inhumane for the migrants and a slap in the face for all of us here at home. reckless immigration policy, trusted that our leaders will faithfully execute the laws and faithfully keep us safe and secure. what we are seeing at the board is a full-fledged public safety risk. just listen to one mom in
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del rio, texas, say she's even scared to have her kids play outside. >> i'm constantly concerned right now with my family's safety and especially that of our three daughters. >> when people say that is because you live on the border, has always been like this customer could be always been concerned about your family's safety? >> i think our situation is unique because we used to live on a very large ranch west of del rio but we moved to del rio seeking the nice, quiet yard for our girls to grow up and play an end within the last six months or so, activities here, it was peaceful for a while. i was actually enjoying having peace of mind and allowing our kids to play outside, but they can't do that anymore. >> tammy: wow, that's awful. don't forget, when donald trump left office the border was as secure as it ever had been but then biden scrapped the highly successful remain in mexico policy. he ended construction of the border wall, he reinstituted catch and release and is open
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borders rhetoric said no more border enforcement. here to break it all down, fox news contributor tom homan along with fox & friends weekend cohost and american conservative union chair matt schlapp. let me start with you, tom, obviously it's heartbreaking for all of us to have seen such success from president trump, to see our agencies working successfully to secure people's lives and to make everybody's lives better south of the border and north, and now, we just see it set on fire. essentially it seems deliberately so. what is your take on where things stand now? >> the border is in complete chaos. i've been enforcing immigration law for almost 35 years. this is the worst i've ever seen it. for folks who say there's not a crisis i suggested she go down to the rio grande valley, something kamala harris didn't do, and spend one hour with
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border control. i've been there four times. when i spend an hour with border control i watch 197 illegal migrants come across our river. two weeks ago i was in arizona and i met with 100 border sheriffs. plus many border sheriffs and they will tell you about the rise and fennel overdoses and seizures, tell you about the rise in high speed car chases. one border sheriff alone told me he already found 44 dead migrants, why he became president. 44 dead migrants and one count. plus with the lady says is an insult to the men and women on the border who are dealing with this crisis every day. i suggest you -- because she is dead wrong on this issue. we have a crisis of immense proportions that i have never seen in my career. >> tammy: it's a great point, sir. rachel, this is not just theoretical, right? we know there's technical issues going on at the border but you heard that mom. your mom, people watching this are parents, you have people you
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love, this is about an event that directly impacts the safety and security of american families. this is a real life. what were you thinking with that mom unable to feel safe letting her children even out of the house? >> they actually caught an immigrant coming up her driveway who actually had a criminal past. this is a real thing, she's petrified and says the border patrol is tied up with processing people and she was lucky that someone in local law enforcement caught this man and took him away but remember, all of these people are going all over the country. bob good, a representative from virginia went down with the republican senate committee to look at the border. not only did they see that the border was completely out of control as tom homan has said but then he went to the airport to go home and found all these illegal immigrants in the airport, with manila folders and in these manila folders they had where they are going, how to
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navigate the airports and also, they had what they call notice to appear paperwork and that paperwork said to be determined, so they are not ever going to go to court, they are being spread out across the country, and the reason joy reid can say that is because the biden administration is in being honest about this. i had so much more respect for them if they tell the truth. saying we opened up the border, we want all these people end, we are sending them to airports and putting them on buses and sending them across the country but they are doing it and lying to us. >> tammy: great points, rachel, great stuff on the weekends, fox & friends in the morning. they are lying about it because they know americans don't want it. and they of course have no regard for us, they think we are just going to believe it and swallow it whole but the fact is you have a dynamic where this is
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once again, forget about quality of life whether it is in chicago or at the border or in los angeles and doing this because they think it is going to get them political power. is that going to unfold and will it be successful? >> look at where socialism is being enforced in our major cities. people are fleeing their cities and moving to states like texas and at one of the people doing who are closest to the border? what are they doing? they are actually electing republicans to make oral seats in historic wins. they are changing seats on school boards because the societal unrest associated with this illegal crossing is something that the people in texas realize, if you live on a border you realize what the problems are. the second thing is it is about political power, tammy. hr wanted all these legal reforms take away all the voting security. there is going to be a million new people running around this
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country that will have no security on voting. the modern democratic party is all about not following the rules and i think the american people next november are going to send them quite a message. >> tammy: we have to because while you can have pockets, rachel, back to you quickly here, when you have pockets of cities and areas, whether they are blue are not where there is such chaos and such a lack of "law & order," that is going to breed even more violence. every american matters, erase city matters come, we don't care what color those cities are, we can't have a divided nation and yet that is also what seems to be hu have a completely different quality of life. when it comes to the decisions americans are making and what cities we are fighting for, what would you tell the average american, waiting until the mid terms what is it we need to do to keep our communities
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particularly safe? >> we need to keep talking about this because the lies are so bad. kamala harris is claiming that she's addressing the root causes but these policies are actually empowering, enriching the cartel, which is going to further destabilize supposedly the root causes in the countries. this is actually so bad and is going to get worse as mexico and central america are having increased violence there. we are going to see that pouring across our border, see more people trying to flee and we just have to stand up. i think you're absolutely right, we can't wait until the midterms. this thing is getting out of control. there's a million people who will be here before the end of the year and we don't know who they are. >> tammy: great point. tom, in the minute we have left here or so, you know, people, we see families going to the school board meetings, we see families going to the police department, we had a great decision to
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minneapolis about, that they have to hire more police officers, beyond the larger federal infrastructure dynamic, what would you with your experience tell local families getting involved in their community? what should they step up to do for us, you think? >> they need to start calling their congressmen and senators, the responses they work for them, not the other way around. i want to expand resume rachel just said. kamala harris talking about root causes. all kamala harris has to do is walk down the hall to the oval office and she will find the root causes. another thing, rachel is spot on at the airport. i was at the airport down at the southern border with the president two days ago. as a hundreds of family units counting on those airplanes and not only that, those tickets are paid by the u.s. taxpayer, you get a brand-new iphone complements of the taxpayer. this is much worse than people realize it is. i think president trump made a good trip down there, he got his shoes dirty on the southern
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border, and he actually talked about solutions to fix the border, unlike anybody in the biden administration. >> tammy: thank you, tom. not only president trump, he remains inspirational but so can individuals in their own cities. may be never thought you would have to talk to the police commissioner or the mayor. that is your right, you should do it and you stepping up, so many parents becoming inspirations because of viral videos but it doesn't even need to be a video. it can be about your neighborhood and your community so there is a great deal that we can do leading up to this midterm election. thank you all for joining me tonight. obviously, we've got a lot of work to do. coming up, as chicago descends into chaos, mayor lightfoot is calling her critics racist and sexist. leo terrel and emily compagno will join us when we return. yo. why wait? we're here nights, weekends and right now, to give you exceptional care and 20% off your treatment plan.
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♪ ♪ >> tammy: now the destructive democrat agenda is sailing on all fronts and nowhere is it more apparent than in our democrat-run far left cities. for example out california homicides jumped 31% last year. in san francisco a new survey finds that the city is on track to lose nearly half its residents in the years to come. and in minneapolis, get this, a judge has ordered the city to hire more police officers after ruling in favor of a group that sued the city council over surging crime. and perhaps more tragic of all is in chicago where weekend after weekend, dozens upon dozens our shots. over 1,500 so far this year. but failed him here lori lightfoot is still refusing to take any responsibility for her far left feelings and is blaming it all on, get this, racism and sexism. >> mayor, in recent months there
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have been questions raised about your temperament and your reaction to criticism, an editorial used the term "irascible." how much of this do you think might have to do with the fact that you are a woman and is typically a black woman? >> about 99% of it. women and people of color are always held to different standards. i understand that, i have known that my whole life. >> tammy: -- so ask yourself, how is it the same people who claim to care about lives and our urban areas of the same ones fueling policies that make the quality of life worse and worse. never ending attacks on law enforcement, far left socialism, government dependency, all while taking no responsibility for the human suffering and the human toll, the loss of life and the loss of human dignity. taking place on their watch,
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month after month, frankly it is disgraceful. the far left washington machine and their allies in the media are leaving these communities behind. how often do you hear the names of the victims of shootings in those days? why aren't there protests for those lives? and why aren't there massive fund-raising campaigns for those families, because it's the democrats. they really don't care at all. they love having the issue, that love stoking the division, they love raising the money and they never actually want to find a solution and the worst part, it is all by design. because they are frauds, they are grifters, and they couldn't be less interested in delivering real results for poor and working americans all across the country. joining me for action, civil rights attorney leo terrel and "outnumbered" cohost emily compagno. this has to be, emily, one of the more shocking things. i want women to be in office, one all kinds of people to have experience in governing cities
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and this is what tribal politics does. destroying a city and then she blames racism and sexism. what are your thoughts on that? >> i agree with you and it's also disingenuous. she campaigned over two years ago on diminishing the unyielding violence in the communities of chicago. she knew exactly what she was getting into only to see it spike 15% her second year, the homicides. then after memorial day weekend week dominic last month, she said it's a bloodbath and unacceptable only now in the face of criticism, rightly so, in the public outcry she calls it all of a sudden racist and sexist when she herself came out from the beginning to say she should do something about it. we all know from her internal emails -- runs this toxic office is anything less than what is flowing from her but she is letting down the community, your point, tammy, and the loss of
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lives. for example, the loss of lives this past weekend, a one-month-old. >> tammy: it is heartbreaking and it is horrific. leo, we've got a dynamic here where we claim and we know the people of color, women, men, everybody can be as great as a counterpart or as bad. we know this for a fact and yet, here she is. she ran as a reformer, shockingly, as emily really laid out in the lives that are being lost, truly, are people of color. are brown and black communities being destroyed and she seems to just be fine with that. how is this possible? >> just look at this panel right here. diversity. women, black. she tries to speak, tammy, for all of us which i reject. she said women and people of color are treated to different standards. that's a lie. she's trying to hide and conceal
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her incompetence by saying that blacks and women are at a disadvantage. that's not true. i don't see a disadvantage to you, tammy or emily. they did is a lie and what is so sad as she plays the race card and she is in charge of the system. and you're right, people of color are being killed and yet the attention to it is being disregarded. oakland mayor, oakland police chief was begging the oakland city council, don't cut the funds. i need the money. they cut it anyway. democrats don't care about people of color, they use them as pawns and yet their lives are worthless and that is what you see in chicago and in all these democratic cities. it is shameful, tammy. >> tammy: the oakland example is perfect, incredibly eloquent plea from that man about what mattered in a community and this is what tribalism does come of this is what identity politics does and it's being used now
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against people who were trained into believing this would be their salvation. look, let's admit it, it's clear i think in people's lives, there is a different life experience for black men, that is a different life experience for gay people, for women who are perceived to be women of color. there is a difference but if we make excuses and allow politicians to ruin our lives and then to blame something else when it is their incompetence we are not going to make any headway on any of these issues. >> that's exactly right in there and oakland where i was born the police chief called it a crisis, the same word used by the lieutenant mayor and the police chief in seattle where i currently live, they said it was a public crisis there, defending the eroding of the police ranks, the unilateral defunding of the budget. we saw as well the judge that is in charge of the consent degree, said it took them two steps back, what were you thinking of
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doing this unilaterally? you have set back meaningful criminal justice reform by doing this. we saw the same thing in portland. a unilateral defunding of the police. the mayor bagged to refund and the city council wouldn't even hear at the hearing the topic on the floor. they had to restore funds instead to park rangers, to community members. the people suffering the most in chicago, 73% of those homicides are young black men as well. it's the youth suffering. >> tammy: great point and leo, we are talking tonight about walking people do locally. we've seen them go to the school board meetings but when we talk about, as emily noted about the city council, people have got to start going to the city council to be heard because i think a lot of these local entities have not necessarily heard from their citizens. >> i think you're absolutely right, we've got to start small. a small city council school boards, they take over the
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democratic cities which have been in control for over 50 years and you see the destruction and the poverty in these democratic cities. we've got to start small and work our way up. i agree with your previous panel, we've got to take over in 2022 on a national level. >> tammy: has to be all of this, it is not a zero-sum game, it is everything. on this fourth of july weekend we assert that we are the sovereign, we must begin to act within the structure of what the founders expected, which was involvement at the local level and of course, then the translation of that at the federal one. emily and leo, thank you very much. now coming up, corrupt clinton hack is added again, and are basically accusing his opponent of racism. virginia g.o.p. gubernatorial candidate will respond next as "hannity" continues.
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♪ ♪ >> tammy: the left selective moral outrage. their weaponization of race and they're never ending outrage machine is taking over every single corner of our national political discourse. just look at the state of virginia where democrats tonight are attacking republican gubernatorial nominee for referring to his supporters as black, brown, white and yellow despite numerous examples of democrats using the exact same term. remember, it was a virginia democrats who stood by governor ralph northam when a yearbook photo showed him dressed in a klan robe or maybe he was the one in black face appeared wise there was one standard for democrats and a completely different standard for the rest of us. democrats in virginia try to alienate kids on the basis of race as they are completely hell-bent on indoctrinating
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students with the destructive critical race theory and denying them the dignity of a balanced and quality education. do you see what's going on here? what democrats accuse the rest of us doing is actually what they are doing themselves. ask yourself also, will any democrats in virginia or any other state ever find the courage to stand up to the lunacy of their party, even claiming that critical race theory is one big right-wing conspiracy. "this is totally made up by donald trump and glenn youngkin. this is who they are." but those comments are just one of many ways that he is hurting his own candidacy. take a look at his version of what he calls dancing. viewer discretion is advised. take a look. >> all right, everybody everybody, we ready! ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> tammy: yeah, there you go. joining me now for reaction is republican gubernatorial candidate from virginia, glenn youngkin. glenn, thank you very much for joining us tonight. you've got your hands full in virginia, don't you? >> tammy, thank you for having me and i hope there were no children at home that had to watch that because that is pretty embarrassing. i have to say that this is -- >> tammy: go ahead. >> this is a desperate candidate. he expected this to be a much easier race. virginia has trended blue the last few years and i've been at this for 20 weeks and he's been at it for 40 years and we are tied and i think he is pretty desperate right now and they have the same old playbook they run all the time which is if they have no way to win on the issues, they have no way to win on merits and let me just tell you, terry cannot win on issues, he's on the wrong side of all of them. he's actually torpedoed our
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schools, he's against police, he is not for keeping virginia's right to work status and he wants of the unions comment everywhere, so they have to revert to name calling and they are actually the most ridiculous part about this is these are all the same descriptive words that they used at their own convention last year, so this is why i feel so much momentum in this race because terry is pretty desperate right now. >> tammy: it should also tell everyone and not just in virginia but around the country that there is no new life for new blood in the democratic party. they had to go and drag joe biden across the finish line for the presidency. this guy comes up out of mothballs right from the clinton dynasty and people have to realize, i don't know if they think that this is a name that we know, he will be moderate and things will be normal. just look at biden, look at what they expected from joe biden. everything the democrat who was standing in front of the disaster of the democratic party
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wants critical race theory. they want to defund the police, they will not stop any of those things. is that a message that you're moving in virginia and do virginia's understand that, that this is not just a graph, it's a scheme! >> they fully understand it. this is why this race is going the wrong way for terry mcauliffe and the right way for virginia's and why am going to get elected this fall is virginians recognized that we have to get common sense back in the building and get the left, liberal, progressive agenda out of the building. how in the world are we going to teach our children to compete in a world where terry mcauliffe lowered the standards and all of our schools so that schools who were failing, 88 of them would all of a sudden pass their accreditation standards? he doesn't understand the fact that the bigotry of low expectations is taking over our school system and we are just not going to let it happen in virginia. >> tammy: this is important
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and i really admire you doing this because this is about regular citizens coming up to confront the establishment and the swamp because all those things you speak of affect everyone regardless of your complexion, regardless of whether you are a boy or a girl, no matter what it is you want in life it is about schools, it's about respect, it's about not reengineering our nation into a racist nation. we worked too hard to get out of that and the democrats seem to be really convinced that that is what they want to have happen here. your candidacy seems to perhaps be bringing some sanity back to the state of virginia p thank you very much for joining me tonight, sir. i appreciate it. more of this "hannity" special right after the break. hide my skin? not me. by hitting eczema where it counts, dupixent helps heal your skin from within, keeping you one step ahead of eczema. and that means long-lasting clearer skin...
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it is of course the best country in the world that we have the blessing to live in. . have a happy independence day. thanks to sean and his team. i will see you next time. thanks, everyone. have a great weekend. >> ♪ ♪ >> i am jason in for laura ingraham and this is a special edition of the "the ingraham angle." the largest teacher's union in the country is pushing for your kids to be part of a medical experiment. a doctor is here on why this is dangerous. and violent crimes against children are spiking. where is the outrage? biden strikes out and disney the most inclusive place on earth? raymond arroyo has one of our favorites
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