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tv   FOX News Primetime  FOX News  July 5, 2021 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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think you so much for your time in your analysis. tomorrow on special report, looking back at the legacy of former first lady nancy reagan. i mike emanuel. fox news prime time hosted by mark steyn starts right now. have a great night. >> mark: good evening and welcome to fox news prime time. i mark steyn. happy postindependence day if that's the word i'm looking for, hope you had a glorious fourth in these inglorious times. i tried to be the glasses one fourth full kind of guy so here's the story from my beloved state of new hampshire from two or three hours in the small town of marlborough, population 2,000. a quite a large town by the time you get up to northern
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new hampshire and that's what that department tweeted to the citizenry. it does not have a fireworks ordinance so apartments are not required but if you insist, you can issue yourself a permit using that template pictured below. and the template below was a still from the sitcom parks and recreation showing iran with a self issued permit bearing the words "i can do what i want. signed ron." that police chief is making up aprofound point. on the other hand, did you know fourth of july fireworks are america's silent killer. this is science, you can take it to the bank, completely reliable just like dr. fauci and his bat woman gal pal in wuhan. from the international journal of environmental research and
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public health "impact of fourth of july fireworks on spatiotemporal 2.5 concentrations in california based on implications for policy and environmental justice. what does that mean in layman's lingo? is "national geographic" summarized it, using crowd sourced data from home air quality monitors, scientists found vulnerable communities in communities of color were disproportionately exposed. you're not one of those science deniers, are you? the science is settled that a firecracker is even more totally racist than a cracker. in chicago this weekend tragically, many vulnerable persons succumbed to fourth of july air pollution before they had the chance to be shot crossing an intersection.
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i don't know whether it's from firecrackers but from congresswoman corey bush, black people still aren't free. happy independence day from the lifelong dependence at national public radio whose annual reading of the declaration of independence now includes a trigger warning. the document also includes a racist slur against indigenous americans. oh, my. men from three centuries ago don't think exactly like you do. do they say anything about transgender bathrooms and they are all men are created equally entitled to the ladies locker room? "the new york times" editorial board today flying the american flag from the back of a pickup truck or over a lawn is increasingly seen as a clue i'll be at an imperfect one to a person's political affiliation
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and a deeply divided nation. i could do these all night and i can't be bothered, so let's cut to the chase. in the late 19th century, sessile roads who i know is a problematic figure who created the famous scholarship that enabled bill clinton to go to oxford but in this case, he happens to be problematic but right. and the late 19th century, said "to be born an englishman was to win first prize prize in the lottery of life." a century later, to be born an american was to win the first prize in the lottery of life or death for one thing, nowhere else on earth can you become enormously wealthy just by whining about how bloody awful your country is and finally enough, the more awful it gets, the more people are waiting ashore every day on the rio grande. love of country is not a rational thing anymore than any other kind of love. it is felt. on the eve of the declaration,
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john adams wrote to his wife about the significance of the day. it ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade with shows, games, sports, bells, bonfires, and illuminations from one end of this continent to the other from this time forward forever more. and so it was from this time forward for two and a quarter, two and a third centuries, analysts predicted it all. it was all in place just as he said within a few years of independence. independence day has an annual jamboree's was the first of many american innovations. around the world before old glory, a flag was for battle or the personal standard of a monarch, not for waiving en masse around the village green, not for decking out columbia, the female embodiment of a new nation and laid around
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uncle sam with his white hat, blue coat, and red striped trousers. sure, nowhere had national iconography on the swift spectacular scale overview suddenly independent colonies far from the great palace of the world, a flag so beloved and the woman who apocryphal he made the first one could herself become a national icon. it when i first came to small-town new hampshire, i loved it all. the basic disadvantage of a fourth of july parade in a small town is that everyone who would enjoy watching it is in it save for a few little old ladies and lame village dogs but i tend to understand that's actually central to the whole enterprise. love of country is not a spectator sport. you have to participate. and if one has come from those parts of the globe that remained within his majesty's dominions,
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one is always mindful of that rueful line and thomas jefferson's first draft to the fellow british subjects he was leaving behind. "we might have been a great and free people together. you know that line, it's hard not to be humbled by all that a new nation and put in place in those first 50 years would we talk all the time these days about culture wars, but we do so mostly in political terms to elect this or that candidate. the first generation of americans talk of a real culture war to build a new distinctively american culture. they gave a new nation things to feel. the declaration, the constitution, the federalist papers are for thinking about columbia, uncle sam, betsy ross, the parades, the fireworks, lighting up this guy, the spirit of '76 is a feeling in your heart.
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so too with the songs of unabashed love of country culminating in a century a half later with god bless america, land that i love, the seven simplest words and get too hard not just for corey bush and maxine waters, but for apparently the majority of americans, only 36% of whom say they are proud to be american. to control the future is all too well understood if you destroy the past. columbia's gone, uncle sam is going, the flag is divisive and the declaration is racist. demolishing centuries of your inheritance is easy and our culture is our serious about it. independence day is a day to celebrate the declaration of independence from a powerful king far across the water. so to declare your independence
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from a woke totalitarian consensus that can stroll everything but build nothing. ♪ ♪ that is playing and singing with his band right there, he is an up-and-coming, plus my old chum from the rush limbaugh show and tyrus goes on the clock all straight ahead on fox news live. well, well, well. the master bath.stered you created your own style. and you - yes, you! turned a sourdough starter into a sourdough finisher. so when you learn your chronic dry eye is actually caused by reduced tear production due to inflammation
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>> mark: it's one of these sick peculiarities of our time that every monday, the chicago weekend shooting stats are reported like the weekend movie process and with the body count straight out of the liam neeson bloodbath, it's just keeping score provisionally for this fourth of july weekend, 14 are dead in chicago, at least 86 were shot. among them, a month old baby girl. why is she now fighting for her life in a chicago hospital? three guys got out of a jeep and started spraying gunfire. a 9-year-old girl was also shot in the head, these are black lives that don't matter. not to chicago's useless and corrupt government which is apparently content to live with an annual pile of corpses equivalent to a year of combat deaths in the revolutionary war. former illinois gubernatorial
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candidate and executive director of violence interrupters. i will just make a comment on your organization's name from my experience in belfast and bosnia and places like that and that is once people get used to violence and get desensitized to violence, it becomes very hard to interrupted and persuade them actually to muster the will to stop it. >> it's all about training the right people evidence about personal relationships no matter how a person has become desensitized towards violence if you have the right relationships with those types of individuals, you can break through to their minds. we have to join their world and then bring them to a higher level of understanding and i cannot talk to the people on the news that we had talked to the brothers in the neighborhood but most people understand what i'm talking about. it's all about understand what the person is going through at that moment and weighing out the consequences for that individual
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at one time or another pair that's very important, changing the mind-set. that's what it's all about. >> mark: if you look at that poor little month-old girl, three guys come out of a jeep, a luxury vehicle so presumably whatever kind of life they are living, they are living it well enough to be able to afford a premium motorcar, they just get out of that car and started spraying the neighborhood with gunfire and it's as if it's not even an issue with the municipal government. the chicago government entirely irrelevant to this? >> that's the thing, a lot of guys are stealing cars and using those cars to go out and shoot at people and then also i am not anti-police, my thing is the police have never been trying to stop killers on the front end. that's very important for people to understand. right now, over 2,000 people have been shot today and about 354 people have been killed and
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to date also, 52 young people under the age of 15 have been shot and ten young people under 50 and have been killed so violence is an epidemic in its become chicago and you have a mayor and superintendent going to the third quarter of the year just like you were the super bowl when you saw you were down 31 points, you change your strategy to come home with a super bowl ring and the mayor is not listening right now, i am not the overall solution but i am part of the solution. everyone keeps saying violence interrupters. i am the originator, i'm often imitated but never duplicated, they are not mentioning the guys that i train to stop killers on the front end. >> mark: i don't think there's anything more evil than getting use to the slaughter of your children and in that sense, what you do is as important as what the cops do because it's a psychological shift.
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i know it's difficult. they are kids being killed -- the murder of a child ought to be unusual in a civilized society and what's happening in chicago is that it's become routine and accepting that, it's a great evil, is in a? >> without a doubt. let me say this, no matter what program you have out there, it's incumbent upon black men to address the issue of gun violence in our community. that's very important because if it was happening in the irish or italian community, the men would step up and address their people. over 80% of the gun violence occurs in the black community. i did a ride around last thursday on the southside of chicago on my facebook live page and i did not see one police car for one entire hour on the south side of chicago literally and it's really unacceptable but the thing is, we want them to succeed, we want the superintendent to succeed but they are calling plays out of an old textbook and there's no
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police model that has been proven to work in chicago so now you need all hands on deck and the mayor is stubborn and refuses to reach out to new players to come to the table and maybe then we can resolve this issue to a degree. >> mark: thank you for that and god bless you. we are going to try to get an answer as to why there were no policemen visible on the streets during that period you are driving around the south side. my fellow fox news prime time host, tammy bruce is here. tammy, this is a terrible subject to be talking about on an independence day weekend. it should surely shame -- i don't want to be political about it, but these cities have been democrat cities now for 90 years. nobody remembers what it was like when there was anything other than a one-party state running these appalling cities. >> i think it's perfectly
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appropriate to talk about politics on the day in a few days surrounding the origination of this country which was an extremely political act, obviously and this is about keeping in mind what the founders wanted and representing them which means believing that every single american no matter what city they live in deserves to be able to have a future which is what the entire revolution was about, determining their own futures and now that we've got is a political system driven by democrats that have denied that future to children, to babies, two young people effectively because they've been corralled into the urban areas and are controlled by single party. that is the antithesis of what the revolution wanted and what it was meant for, what the founders wanted and may i say for everyone else who was an antiviolence entrepreneur, someone who can move into those cities and understands their
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community, the fact is, governments and politicians like lori lightfoot now rely on fear. this is about -- violence is a factor of that but violence creates fear that keeps people in retreat and it suits them and you know this when she blames racism and sexism, when it's all about her, when it's about those people who are suffering every single day and that great american city and his shame on her and everyone in the democrat party who is facilitating this. >> mark: i don't know how the families of those two little girls fighting for their lives in hospitals aren't entirely sick and insulted by her reaching for those lame tropes. the left talk about other all the time, i am other ring transgender's, but there is nothing basic in terms of
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otherizing that you open fire and you don't care whether you kill kids? once you were at that stage, how do these guys -- it's nothing political. how do you get pulled back from that? >> that's e the nature of what happens when there were no repercussions. even passivity, it's a decision to sit back and allow that and wheneive subconsciously the message that no one is going to care for no one is going to come and stop me, it does send a signal about what's appropriate in a community and if you want racism and sexism for lori lightfoot who god forbid ran as a reformer, i thought she might be the person to do this and as a gay woman on top of it to be in the city that is a river of blood and all she can do is talk about otherizing as she goes
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home to her white partner, she creates this as a race framework. it when you are dead, the color of your skin is meaningless. your children, your constituents, citizens, all of this has got to stop but it's people like lori lightfoot and the democratic party who have a ghoulish interest in fear and violence as a mechanism of that. >> mark: thank you for that, tammy and you're quite right about that disgraceful mayor. happy post independence day to you. up next, james golden better known to millions as rush limbaugh's up next on fox news prime time live. oh! are you using liberty mutual's coverage customizer tool? sorry? well, since you asked. it finds discounts and policy recommendations,
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>> mark: you were a grand old flag come up with "the new york times" has noticed that of these days, you're being flown off the back of icky pickup trucks. admittedly, the extra weight would bring the car to a standstill, but the times has decided the flag has become divisive and alienating. joining me now is james golden, longtime sidekick and now with his own magnificent show on wabc new york, independence day is controversial, the flag is controversial, the national anthem is controversial, there's not a lot left, is there? >> there is an bear the surprising thing is "new york times" a few weeks ago, one of the editorial board members actually raise the same
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issue that she was afraid or something or another because she saw an american flag on a pickup truck on long island and she felt so displaced and so unnerved. "the new york times" at that point tried to cover their tracks and say no, they tried to walk it back. two weeks later, here they are echoing the same sentiment that the american flag is somehow divisive. it's stunning. >> mark: what i love about that piece in "the new york times" about long island and seeing these strange people with flags and everything is she is riding about it as if she is making an expedition to the jungles of new guinea. he would have no idea that she lives in the same country as these people and you have to ask yourself particularly on independence day, sure, you have to have enough in common to be
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able to stay together, don't you? >> you do, and the question that i want to know -- the question i am asking is why? so you put that together with everything else that the left is coming up with these days, it would almost seem that they are suffering from an infection of anti-american hatred and this infection is what they also want to pass on to their children so that the children of these leftists grow up hating their own country. between stalin and mao, 50 million dead, add world war ii germany, another 50 to 80 million dead. today, all of these countries are looking forward. here in america, the nation that fought for more freedom than any other country on the face of the earth and what are they doing? trying to drag our path back and
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throw it in our face and say we are a terrible nation now because of what happened in the past. this is psychotic or it makes no sense. why are they doing this? that's my question. >> mark: bingo is peter navarro would say because you got to the actual paradox of the thing, we know nothing about history, yet we circle endlessly around one tiny little corner of the past that we can never get beyond. you put that beautifully and i thank you for that. happy independence day and i will listen to you on the radio on saturday, thank you. always a pleasure. the gary sinise foundation is celebrating its tenth anniversary and in that time, it's raised a quarter of billion dollars for veterans and first responders and gary sinise joins me now.
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that is him playing and singing with the lieutenant dan band there. let me just ask you this in difficult times where our great national holiday has apparently become controversial, you can't sing god bless the usa and fake it, can you? you've got to mean it when you do that song. >> we do do that song. it's good to be with you. we have done that song in my band for about 18 years now at the end of our show, it always closes our show, who wrote great patriotic anthem to the united states and it always plays well with our audience. they know the song, they sing along with it and most of our audience are military veterans, first responders who play hundreds of concerts for them and their families and that is
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always a big treat at the end of our show. >> mark: i can't think of any other character from a movie that became a band, there is no mary poppins band, but there is a lieutenant dan band and somehow i take it presumably by accident, a character you played in a movie connected with millions of real veterans has somehow getting to the heart of what it is to serve and to suffer in a war that eddins ambiguously or ends in defeat and yet there is still nobility and glory and having served your country. >> a couple of years ago, i wrote a book called grateful american, a journey from self to service in the cracks how i got
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into this with our military and it starts with family members and my family, world war i, world war ii, korea era, vietnam, a lot of veterans in my family. i ended up playing a vietnam veteran and forrest gump and at that time, done very little. haven't worked in a movie or television business for very long had all when i started going out and visiting troops around the world and going to hospitals, most of them didn't know who i was but they knew lieutenant dan. they knew my face from the movie so when i started taking the band with me on these two words, i said they will at least know the guy who played the character is coming to see them and as i said since then, we played hundreds of concerts, the band is a program of my foundation, so much like when you support the uso entertainment, one of the things that we do is we send
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the band out and you can help us do that. >> mark: let me just ask you finally these are weird times when a national holiday becomes controversial, you played a lot on july 4th, played a lot on memorial day, what does independence day mean to you personally? >> hardly controversial to me. it's about freedom and having gone to places around the world, the war zones of afghanistan, iraq, places like that where they don't really understand what freedom is, i've stood on the border between north and south korea several times and they are free in the south and enslaved in the north. you value your freedom that much more in you value the people that provided for you and knows the men and the women of the
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united states military, that's why i started my foundation and i want to support them in every way i can because freedom is precious and it has to be fought for and has to be protected. independence has to be fought for and protected and for the men and women that are willing to do that, i just want to help them out. >> mark: god bless you, gary and god bless the usa. you've done great work for the last ten years and i'm sure there are moments where you'd much rather be on a sound stage or in a theater, but you do this work, you are a great actor and a great patriot and that combination doesn't always go together as often as it should. thank you so much this independence day weekend, gary sinise. coming up, joe biden has bought a cherry pie. we need the fox news alert sting for this. joe biden has bought a cherry pie in a pie shop. i'd like to see any other g7
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leader pull that off. straight ahead on fox news prime time live with miranda devine. and you need it here. and here. and here. which is why the scientific expertise that helps operating rooms stay clean is now helping the places you go every day too. seek a commitment to clean. look for the ecolab science certified seal. (customer) movie night. (burke) should have been watching the stove instead. (customer) tell me something i don't know. (burke) with your farmers policy perk, guaranteed replacement cost, your home can be rebuilt, regardless of your limits. (customer) that's really something. (burke) get a whole lot of something with farmers policy perks. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ try one a day 50+ multivitamin gummies. with vitamins c, d & zinc for immunity support.
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♪ ♪ >> mark: joe biden and his 147 car motorcade decided to have another piece of pie in central lake michigan and instead, i didn't run up half a million college debts i can watch them drooling hair sniffer decide whether he wants a strawberry rhubarb or the boston cream, the western world's most pitiful press corps to watch joe biden pick out the cherry pie. they removed all the stones both from the pie and from the journalists. unfortunately, one reporter committed the faux pas about the quality of the cherry pie of asking joe a question on some
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trivial pitfall about foreign powers cyber hacking 200 american companies on friday and show focus like a laser on whether he should have gone for the lattice crust got awful confused. >> with the most recent hack by the russians, would you say this means. >> i got a brief as i was on the plane, that's why it was late. i will be in better shape to talk to you about it. i will tell you what they sent me, okay? >> mark: the good news is he was paying for that pie with his own personal bank card. you rewind the tape, you can just make out the words first national bank of wuhan. with me now is miranda devine.
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aranda, on the birthday of a great self-governing republic, the great self-governing republic has no idea who is actually governing it except that it's not that guy. how long can your colleagues in the press go along with this charade? >> hi, mark. they've been doing it with joe biden his entire career. he's made a real performance of being this dodgy guy who bounces around eating ice cream and cherry pie and the anti-donald trump and i guess they feel that this is somehow reassuring to the populace to have this old man fumbling around the country not really doing anything very serious but the world is looking on and is concerned about joe biden's cognitive ability and we are all
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wondering who is pulling the strings the strings behind-the-scenes because it obviously isn't joe. >> mark: i can't stand these. i've been with you down in australia and australia gets a new prime minister every week and a half or whatever it is in recent years. i can't think of any of them that any self-respecting journalist -- would you like to watch the prime minister eat a cherry pie? no, i wouldn't. meanwhile, you make an excellent point in your column, today's column about poor hunter biden who may have been the original victim of joe biden who back when he had his marbles was a cruel and somewhat hard taskmaster and made the point just to be a third rate artist and a fifth rate writer, around-the-clock is the personal bagman with foreign governments
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figuring out various ways to piled up loot for him. could have been selling them down of the local flea market and wearing shorts and sandals all day long and is going to have meetings from the chinese communist party. >> you can see why he turned to crack cocaine, it was a pretty tough life for him from his point of view because he wanted to be an artist and he is not a bad artist apparently. >> mark: he is. you're getting carried away now. he's a terrible artist. come on. >> my sister said it's pretty good which i was surprised about, but anyway instead, his father appointed him to be the family bagman and so from very early days, he got this from a
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credit card company in delaware and it went on from there, had to pay the tuition of his brother and his sister ran himself and now we find that through his chinese lavish money that he's earned overseas through daddy's contacts, he is expected to pay his household bills and in fact, hunter complained at one point to his daughter in 2019 that he had to give half his salary to his father. you can understand why he'd be a little upset. >> mark: that's true, that's what happens when you get mixed up with a mob boss like joe. thank you for that, miranda. as you can tell, this is my first show in a couple of months so i'm a bit out of shape, taking ages to get to the point come off and not knowing where i am a bit like joe biden but fox news prime time has a solution to that, our new feature, for new stories at a
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brisk 60 seconds of peace, tyrus is the only guy in the building up to that killer pace and he is next on fox news prime time live.
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>> mark: you saw this with jesse watters last week. every night, a fox news personality goes on the clock and demonstrates his ability to swing from subject to subject like a renaissance man ice dancing. tonight's ice dancer is the one and only tyrus. here we go, happy post independence day to you. topic one, while the cdc is waiting for chairman sheedy to launch the next covid variant, they are alerting us to the real threat facing us. he will need a thick mask for this one.
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>> all right. >> mark: what do you make of this? >> first of all, it's all about the strawberry rhubarb pie, cherry is not a good choice so let's just go there but you know what? you've got to be careful when you're going into a public ocean. anyone who has seen "caddyshack" knows it's not always going to be a baby roof on the water so you need to be careful and mess up and let's all diaper up, only way going to be phenomenal. >> mark: let us get to topic to then, nobody wants to run into diary at the swimming pool,
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what do you reckon for that? >> when i'm a billionaire, we can do things like that and i'll watch and say that's really cool. wow, that's really cool. why not? i pledge allegiance to all of that. i want to have all of that in a size 17 shoe and a weight limit of 350 plus. they do, we are all in. as long as it is not that in a pool full. >> mark: wait a minute, you are a hipster groovy kind of guy. >> watch your mouth when you call me those things, sir. you watch your mouth. >> mark: you know what i'm trying to say. he doesn't look hip or groovy or
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cool doing anything but $128 billion and can't look cool on the circle. >> billionaire, do what you want. >> mark: okay, let us go to topic three, vladimir putin says that champagne from champagne in france cannot be sold as champagne and russia. in russia, only champagne from chernobyl counts as real champagne. this is a tough guy move. >> is a tough guy move and no offense but i'm going to pass and just stick with vodka. i just assume that everything was vodka with you call it champagne, french bubble, it all came back to everything in russia is vodka and we all drink what he drinks because you know the first person to go i don't care for vodka, the story will then change to your accent going and that was the last time we saw old chernobyl and was never
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heard from again. we know he is doing well, hashtag you'd better love the vodka over there. it's all about vodka. >> mark: just as long as they're not serving anything from that swimming pool where the cdc guys hang out. finally, a patriotic sing-along at walmart in texas, what's more american than singing the national anthem surrounded by chinese merchandise? what do you think of this, the national anthem and walmart? >> walmart gets a bad rap. always sing the horrible videos of people fighting over tvs and toasters and people running to get all the candy they can possibly feed themselves, i am all for this. this is great, about time walmart has a good video that everyone can show off and why not? this is america, pledge
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allegiance to the flag, all of that stuff is all good to me. >> mark: what a patriotic note to end on. thank you, you've done a terrific job, for topics, 4 minutes and back in a couple of hours with greg gutfeld. i will see you right back here tomorrow for fox news prime time but don't touch that dial because the one and only tucker starts right now. ♪ ♪ >> tucker: good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight," hope you had a great fourth of july with the ones you love them i wasn't too long ago that joe biden told us we might not be allowed to celebrate our own independence day because he had the power to decide that. had more and more control over our lives more than we ever had in american history but at the same


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