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tv   The Five  FOX News  July 7, 2021 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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investigation further along because they could access the entire area that had been too dangerous for them to approach. >> thank you very much. we are going to surmise here it was the lack of and the apparen inability to find pockets and that rubble that had prompted the decision to say no it is a recovery operation, 46 known dead. ♪ >> hello, everyone. it's 5:00 p.m. in new york city and this is the five. >> another big day of celebration, surprises and a lo is coming your way if you haven't heard, the five turns ten this week for the show is amazing for so many reasons. a lot of laughs, a lot of memories and we're going to mak a new one that i have been worried about for ten years, ou
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home has been here in the big apple, but have our fellow new yorkers been paying attention? jesse, suited up, and hit the streets to find out. >> let his/her name? >> courtney. >> lindsay. >> brandy. >> it is dana. >> that is dana perino? >> es. >> she works for george bush. >> can't remember. >> dana. >> i'm going to say that is robert downey junior.
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>> that's geraldo rivera. >> he is a host. >> geraldo, are you surprised that you're here? >> no. >> this guy has a late-night show. he has an exclamation point after his name to get a don't think i've ever seen that gentleman before. >> he is not a gentleman. >> he looks like a show for a. >> could you keep your eyes on the road, please? >> good thinking. >> greg got felled. >> that's you. >> very good. how do you feel about me?
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>> i really like this t-shirt. that is how i save the world. you have to buy my book. her name is katie. >> i feel like i've see her and her on cnn. >> that's fake news. >> cnn and the others are fake news. >> britney spears? >> free britney. >> ever seen the show? >> the five. >> the five. >> is that a new show? >> it was a horror novel by one of my favorite writers. >> it's a new show on fox news. >> it's ten years old. >> it's been around for ten years, baby.
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>> it's on at 5:00 o'clock. >> it's 5:00 p.m. in new york city and this is "the five". >> great. >> we just turned ten. >> congratulations. >> that's awesome, the five. >> i've been watching since i was 13. >> happy birthday. >> so well done. >> that was cute. to get it a struggle. 89 degrees. i couldn't find a lot of fox fans out there. where did you go? to get you went to central park where all the tourists are. >> good point, but too late. >> what i learned though, the p shots make everybody look the same. i think i saw her on cnn becaus everybody gets the same head shots. all the head shots look the same
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. >> they thought i was britney spears. to get that was a compliment, that was britney from 2003. >> geraldo, everyone knew excep the people who thought you were the host of the apprentice. >> you know, you can't do that show about fox news in this mos progressive city on earth. they voted to outlaw the army here in new york city. but, things catch on and the like you and the fact that you could sell that act to them and they don't know you, i think that shows real charisma. >> i was selling and act all right. we had trouble finding people for you, we had to stay late in union square so you didn't feel bad, but i worked hard because didn't want to hurt your feelings. >> that's nice of you. i think it's interesting when you live in new york is the closeted vans who when they see you, to give you the, we had a few people on the show. >> because the logo of this is great, and then they get fired.
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>> people in the building, the lake and the only one in the whole building that watches the show. >> the tenth person that told m that this week. >> i have a lot of people conspiratorially saying i like fox news. >> you should've gone to trump country. >> that's 50 minutes outside of the city. >> oyster bay,. >> geraldo, you know these things. >> you could go to like knoxville, tennessee and do lik the cnn, i think they might know . >> they see more cnn people on fox. >> what you should have done, you should've gone to i would'v loved to see that. to get the good old days. we thought that chas was going to last forever.
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i am so hesitant and reluctant to go up to anyone to talk on camera, did you get over that right away? >> i'm not afraid of rejection. >> i can see people from miles away. >> in your book you talk about how you rate people on how well they do in an ambush. >> we do talk about that, the best thing you can do for an ambush is not say anything. you look like it's a perp walk, but that's better than explodin like alec baldwin on me because that's what we want. we want people to explode. >> i love the editing. >> that was all johnny. >> you know that's his last day today. >> you can't fire him. do you think you are? >> ahead, democrats trying to deflect on the massive crime search as president biden visit america's deadliest city. we'll tell you where that is.
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hello, greg, ten years of sayin that, taking the toss from you guys, congratulations on the te year anniversary. when this first started ten years ago, the lead into the show, i thought man, i'm not sure, five people around a card table, i'm not sure it's going to work great it not only worked , it surpassed everybody's expectations. you guys are great, i will try to come up with funny things on the toss, but here is to ten more years.
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his number? delete it. deleting it. so break free from the big three. xfinity internet customers, take the savings challenge at or visit an xfinity store to learn how our switch squad makes it easy to switch and save hundreds. >> it is a crime wave blame game
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, president biden one of the busiest cities meeting with laurie lightfoot is violent crime in the windy city spirals out of control. that happening as democrats try to blame violence on everything but their policies one glaring example, the white house has been same preposterously that i was actually the republicans wh defunded the police, the washington post is gave that claim. and now new york governor andre cuomo is going after guns today declaring a disaster emergency and responds to the violence. >> we went from covid to the epidemic of gun violence. today, the first date in the nation going to declare a disaster emergency on nonviolence. >> everyone in the states, i want you to understand the problem. you can also allow us to move even faster, you free up money, free a program so we can get it on the street. >> he's talking about a magic
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wall that would stop guns and allow good programs and goodlif to go through. >> okay, but you have to look a the actions that have been take by new york city in contrast with what the governor is proposing here in december of 2020, they said new york city has thousands of gun suspects which in chicago, today, or it was yesterday you have the police superintended their davi brown begging the core system t keep these guys in jail. they are arresting these guys over and over again on gun charges, they're not being give heavy sentences. they get arrested and there doing it all over again and people are being killed as a result. next luis who is he was killed by a stray bullet that came through a subway car and killed him. there are real victims here, so yes, criminals are using firearms illegally to carry out their crimes, they're not being prosecuted to the fullest exten of a lot to do that.
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when summer you like governor cuomo or talks about intimating more gun-control laws. laws are no good if the judicia system isn't enforcing them and putting people behind bars, criminals can't, crimes with guns if they are in jail, so that is the problem here. >> i get that, but there are 400 million guns more or less i the country, at what point is there enough, we are the number one per capita gun possessors i the world by far. >> the constitution says you ca own one, so i guess there is no limit to gun ownership in this country. you can stop producing guns tomorrow, or for the next ten years were still going to not stop the crime wave in chicago, so biden's handler sent him to chicago to tarry talk to lori lightfoot about the crime sorts are. he would didn't go to chicago h went to crystal city which is 5. that is the kamala harris route don't actually go to the people this a move into it's a joke.
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it's a given problem, hundred thousand gang members in that city. they got the latin kings, they have the gangster disciples, everyone you can think of so al the narcotics, the fennel, meth and heroin fly right into chicago. you look at a map, borders indiana, iowa, missouri, everyone from that part of the country goes into chicago gets the drug. there is a lot of money to be made and there's really nothing you can do except one thing. throw in the task force and start incarcerating these guys. get the federal prosecutors involved, make it a federal gun charge and lock them up because right now all these stray bullets are killing people to the rate we haven't seen in the last ten years. these guys don't know how to shoot weapons further not trained shooters, their shootin weapons all over the place. it sitting people because of th population density. it's just too tight seven area to just fire bullets into the area. >> law-abiding gun owners are
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better shots. i don't think hitting a specifi target is not what they're after . >> they're just spraying everybody. >> the retaliation, revenge, it is about guns and drugs, that's absolutely true. we want the feds involved, ironically today, president biden goes to the chicago area into atf agents get shot. in the chicago cop gets shot. one thing i don't want to be a party here, but chicago didn't start when biden got elected. chicago has been around and rotten for a long time. i went with jim brown to cabrin green back in the 70s, chicago has been awful for a long time. >> that's what my assistance at the other day, chicago is the worst it's ever been. i said chicago is bad and it's been bad for a wow. in particular talking about york . one of the things they wanted t do is reimagine the police.
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they eliminated the anti-crime unit. the anti-crime unit was basically they were smart enoug and they had good intel and the were in the communities and the could be like get illegal gun. and they picked him up there that's how they they reinvent police, and then they and the task force in the crime goes upright for the washington post given the white house, if you could count on maybe one hand many times in the last year the washington post is given a democrat one of those things an three pinocchio's, i don't understand why it's not for him it really should have been. i think when the story of all this is written, they not only we're trying to deflect blame and lie about the republicans, but they weren't doing anything to do solve the underlying problem. i watch one of the broadcast networks last night, two of the big broadcast networks last night did not even mention the fact, didn't even mention not a 152nd reader that 400 people in the country were shot in 150 killed over the weekend. not to mention.
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>> i agree with that. you know, i read in at interesting thing about the sandy hook parents, they had to release, the sandy hook parents who six -year-olds we're killed by, they say there should be liability on the gun manufacturers. that when you sell a military style assault weapon, you're no selling it to deer hunters, wha do you think is going to happen with the military style assault weapon. >> i don't even know where to g with that question because military style assault weapon. ar 15. >> you mean a rifle that has a bunch of things added onto it. lori lightfoot was asked about the criticism of her city and the crime wave and she blamed i on the fact that she is black and a. he/she said 99 percent of the criticism is because of that. a lot of this has to do with a
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lot of identity politics. she could just hopefully escape culpability and say it's not al it's because i'm a black gay person. people gave her a lot of room t grow and instead of growing, sh is dying on the vine and the city is going with it. the democratic strategy right now is talk about gun violence, not talk about the gun and. when you remove the person from the act, you remove your own responsibility from it. the elimination of responsibility eliminates the pressure on you to do anything about it. it's gun violence, it's not the we don't have to do anything about the people we need to get more laws, so gun violence pull through the stupidity of cnn were somehow criminals don't exist, our sin doesn't exist, but these guns are walking around, these guns are walking around to shooting at people. they're not being held by
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anybody. it's just like how they fires mysteriously started. of fire was started. now, someone started the fire. >> at a police precinct. >> ls and until people recogniz that this is the civil rights issue of our time, that there i a ghetto civil war, drugs and gangs are what it's about. >> at the head of a major teacher's union ripping into parents who oppose critical rac theory. see it next. >> that legacy will be one of great sacrifice.
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he came out the other side to help. god sends us people all the tim an anonymous donor has donated tremendous amount of property s new talent we're going to build a community for these great heroes and their families. it's going to be called to let us do good village.
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>> the head of the teachers union ready to go to adult for critical race theory. she said her union is prepared to fight in court to defend teachers who push it in their classrooms. >> mark my words, our union wil defend any member who gets in trouble for teaching on his history. you have a legal defense fund ready to go. >> teaching the truth is not radical or wrong. distorting history, and threatening educators for teaching the truth is what is truly radical. >> was with first lady jill biden today. >> together we can support each other because we also knows there is an administration in washington, dc that has our back . and an education department tha
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truly respect your voices as professionals in classrooms. and frankly, that starts with the first lady. >> this seems like an intimidation tactic that she is using against parents there to speak out. threatening lawsuits, and now there saying the white house is involved for it. >> pour dr. jill biden. that is not a bill you want to die on, critical race theory. this country is against us by like 3-1. if the cia were to invent a way to assert destroy the country i would be teaching critical race theory and our schools. she is not a nice woman, first she's going to embezzle all the money that we gave them to not teach. i can't prove it, but we will next year when you see all the indictments because that's our track record. then she kicked out the kids ou of school. the entire year, and then now that they're behind, instead of catching them up, she is
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dragging them through the dirty racial butter. it's a shame, it's disgusting and the parents aren't taking i anymore. i've not seen the democratic party this coming discombobulated trying to defen something than what they're doing with critical race theory. usually they're really on message. this time there like we don't teach critical race theory, actually we do, we just teach i in colleges, actually we teach it in middle school it's a good thing, i can't find what it is, but it's good. >> it's not history. can get they are gas lighting the parents and they're also calling them bullies. >> culture worriers are labelin any discussion of race, racism, or discrimination as crt to try to make it toxic. they are bullying teachers and trying to stop us from teaching
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students accurate history. >> dismissing your critics as racists is the biggest way to say that i don't have to deal with you anymore, and it's also telling the parents are just confused come at their knots, and they're engaged and they've been to more school board meetings that they've ever thought they would in their entire lives. i think we showed yesterday the number of school board recall petitions are up a huge amount and then they have people running for the school board. this escalated quickly from thi is just an obscure elite theory that no one really pays attention too. we have a legal defense fund to defend anybody, all these millions of members that our teachers, there's got to be som that don't want to teach critical race theory. will she defend them? i would imagine that they are going to invite a lawsuit that will be very interesting by the time it gets to the supreme court what would happen. the union dues issue was alread dealt with and they were pushed
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back on. if your in the union, you don't have a choice you have to pay s now you are paying out of your paycheck as a teacher into the union, you don't have a choice and some of that money will be used to defend critical race theory even if you don't believ in it. >> now that kids have been at home for a year and the teacher unions are threatening to shut down schools again in the fall. parents have seen more of what they we sought the beginning they didn't want them to listen in on the zoom calls and now we know why, they're saying we don't teach critical race theory , but the parents are seeing it firsthand with the work that they're doing in thei home, at their kitchen table. >> this is where you can really get an edge on these people because you've got to define it once you define it, they are on the defense because the practitioners will deny it stil say a, no, crt does this, we don't teach that within its documented in there, you don't even know what it is, but the first thing you have to realize
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is it's a theory, it's not history, it's a theory based on defining america as an oppresso versus the oppressed. nobody is free from race, at that race, your skin color, actually defines your outcomes, and that is the reason why we will bet turn only divided and the worst thing about it, what makes it racist is that it says that there are certain specific attributes that are distinctly white. so that's racist. we know that's racist, and it's okay to bully a racist. that's what i've been told by the media, so if they have racist components and she is teaching this stuff, she deserves to be bullied. to quote the great maxine water to get in her face because she is teaching racist stuff to children, lastly, let them run with this stuff, and get your kids out of these schools. it is time for a separate track school choice, let these people
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crash and burn, if they want to destroy their children, have at it, but if your a parent, you get your kids out of there, you go to as school, it moved out o town if you have to, and let these people die with the. >> and now there's a rush to disconnect property taxes and attach it to individuals meanin your kids. when it comes to success in lif teachers are focused on this garbage that turns kids against each other and their bowling th parents and threatening to docs them or it. >> i think that you are always too sensitive. when i was in school, the only black person in american histor i ever heard of was like jackie robinson. >> you were a lousy student. >> let me finish. the founding fathers and, you know, i was never taught that there was only one catholic among the signers of the declaration of independence.
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later in some good in 1619 and all these other concepts. they go overboard, but teachers are way to parents can be inseparable to. my doctor, but they say, the 15 -year-old say that the parents can be inseparable to the teachers may go overboard. >> i was at lunch today. if they object to it, then they should do something. >> totally of noxious parents who think something fit.
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>> you probably. >> i am the nicest parent. >> you're sensitive. >> all all right, moving up. trakstar will not be running in the olympics this summer, that and more is up next.
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to help avoid eye injury and contamination, do not touch bottle tip to your eye or other surfaces. wait 15 minutes after use before inserting contact lenses. the most common side effect is a temporary burning sensation. ask your eye care professional about restasis®. now to trick out these lights. visit to learn more. ♪♪ >> welcome back, time for the fastest first up. it's official, america's fastes woman will miss out on the olympics, she got suspended las week after testing positive for marijuana and now team usa and answer trakstar did not make th final roster saying it's an issue of fairness for athletes who already earned a spot.
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i understand the argument, but from a public rations perspective, this could've been a great moment for republicans and democrats to come together and defended her, but they all went down across-the-board. >> even the u.s. track and fiel association that made the ultimate decision basically to even block her from being able to run in the really because they could have allowed her to do that because it was a 30 day thing. the relay as it run until the early two days later so they could have done it and been smart and let this young person do that. she is superfast human, and so she knew the rules, i get it, but think how in shape she is. i don't know how much marijuana she smoked, i have no idea, but she can still run faster than everybody. that's pretty impressive. >> what are you one right now? >> not enough. >> jesse come out let's play a game, alternative universe,
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trump was reelected, he would have gone to bat for her. it wasn't crack good her on the track. >> i want to see her run. america wants to see her run. >> exactly. >> geraldo,. >> i started smoking pot in 1963 . it's never made me run faster. >> just from the cops. >> actually, i used to be on th board for the national organization for the reform of marijuana laws. we thought it would be legal by 73, 74. it's taking so long and this is just another tragic story, another victim of reefer madness . >> what you think?
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>> i think it's wrong if men ar allowed to compete as women, then you should be allowed to smoke. >> they are taking drugs to enhance their performance. >> all women should be allowed to delp. >> we should have like as separate not a as separate race. >> but like, we could host a competition. >> i was wondering where you were going. >> that way everybody can run. >> the 100 meters, the 11th yea of the five. >> it was a good year. to keep up next, men are going through a friendship crisis. a new survey says one in five meals don't have a close friend and the percentage of men with at least six close friends have fallen by half since the early 90s. jesse, i contend it's that they
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all died. >> i did videos about how i sav the world and people that i han out with is off-camera. i say the same thing. our parents won't let us play anymore. >> that is funny. i haven't thought about that is that in the wild part my mom used to say that every once in while. rall to, you my mom won't let m play with you kind of kid? >> oldman don't have friends. their friends with their wives husbands. >> ended like you don't have an choice in that. >> you have to make an effort. >> efforts sucked. >> women are very good at this. they make the effort, they have a lot of friends. and if your out there and your husband is like you've got to push a little bit, set up a dat for it.
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>> i think we should just have separate race. katie, so do you buy this commi does your husband have a lot of friends? >> my husband is in the middle of the mayor of the world, he has a lot of friends. he just knows a lot of people has a lot of friends, his trave a lot great i feel sorry for th guys that don't have lots of friends because the limit of technology is gone full circle. >> you should look at it a different way. make enemies as you get older, that's more fun, right? could keep my wife's friends ar obviously her age much younger than i, so their husbands are much younger than i,. >> started texting on my surviving friends. >> that's upbeat. >> up next, jesse has a feeding frenzy and it might make us squirm a.
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>> happy tenth anniversary to everybody over at the five. pretty cheeky for a ten -year-old, but you should be because you are crushing the competition and your sparking interest in conversations every day. there are a couple of egomaniac on your pml too. we won't knee names. i can't wait to see you do in the next ten years. congratulations. with 20 grams of protein for muscle health. versus 16 grams in ensure high protein. boost® high protein also has key nutrients for immune support. boost® high protein.
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♪ limu emu & doug ♪ oh! are you using liberty mutual's boost® high protein also has key nutrients coverage customizer tool? sorry? well, since you asked. it finds discounts and policy recommendations, so you only pay for what you need. limu, you're an animal! who's got the bird legs now? only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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♪ >> i've become reacquainted and that started a feeding frenzy. >> this election three topknot baby foods, of course it's all organic and you guys are going to test these out and we're going to figure out the flavors. let's begin, food one is the 31 everybody raise your spoon and tell us what this flavor is. >> celery? >> it's not celery. >> broccoli.
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>> can we get a buzzer? >> it's like that thing on thanksgiving that role. >> green bean casserole. >> he thought these we're dips. >> at like that we all get separate spoons for this like this is totally professional. >> the next one, it is the mustard colored flavor. >> produced by the baby itself. >> this is what you take out of the diaper. >> the cameramen are doing a great job. >> i am disgusted. >> mac & cheese? >> at no. >> come on guys, this is easy. >> pumpkin? to get you guys are terrible at
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this. it's chicken noodle. >> discussed impaired. >> i don't even think you tried it. smashed up chicken noodle. >> i got it in my mustache. >> there's a lot in there. >> we're going to finish up wit the third, and it's dark. >> this one looks like the best. >> i requested it. i requested this one. >> briefs due? >> no. >> it tastes like a fig newton. >> craig? are you feeling differently? >> in what way? >> i don't know how i feel. if i have a terrible show after this, i'm blaming you. >> it is prunes.
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>> i just ate the whole thing. >> you ate the whole thing. ticketless bring out someone very special. beriberi special. >> look who it is. >> emma and the little baby. >> it's emma. hi, how are you. >> what does the shirt say? >> he looks just like his dad. >> he's a big boy. >> you don't see me? >> not yet. >> emma? >> he's adorable. >> can i hold him? >> he just learned how to raise his head.
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>> does he have a favorite? >> he's not in the solid food camp yet. we're doing bobbled. >> like it him. always put clients first. (other money manager) so you do it because you have to? (naj) no, we do it because it's the right thing to do. we help clients enjoy a comfortable retirement. . fisher investments is clearly different.
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may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. once-weekly ozempic® helped me get in my type 2 diabetes zone. ask your health care provider how it can help you get in yours. ♪ oh, oh, oh, ozempic® ♪♪ you may pay as little as $25 for a 3-month prescription. ♪ >> dana: time now for one more thing. jesse is going to kick us off. >> jesse: i don't know if i know i have a book out. how i saved the world came out yesterday. there is still time to order your signed copies. go to how i saved the world and you get a signed copy but you also can do a live book signing with dana, who is going to be hosting this. you ask questions. i answer them or if i don't know
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i lie. >> dana: send him the most embarrassing questions you can think of. >> jesse: right. so visit premier collect at 6:15. we will answer your questions. and then i'm doing levin's radio show. they call him the great one. then hannity at 9:00 eastern. >> dana: you are working gerald gerald dana must like you. [laughter] >> dana: i do like him. i saw him at 6:30 this morning i was like welcome to my world. i got this for you, everybody. everyone loves this segment, right? ♪ >> dana: corny jokes. are you ready? one, which letter is the coolest? what is the coolest letter? >> geraldo: z. >> katie: iced tea. >> dana: what does the sun drink out of?
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drink out of sun. >> dana: glasses. number three, why are dolphins so healthy? >> katie: because they flip? >> dana: they get a lot of vitamin sea. >> jesse: these are hard. >> dana: not that hard. >> geraldo: sunglasses wasn't hard. >> dana: last one, how do you get in touch with a fish? >> geraldo: hook? >> dana: drop it a line. [laughter] >> katie: that's my favorite one. you are next. >> greg: we should focus group that find out how the audience likes. this. >> dana: i think they love it. >> greg: oh, do you know what today is? july 7th? national dive bar day. i have been a big fan of dive bars ever since i was a teenager and they let me drink there. dive bar has got to be clean, it's got to be comfortable. women have to like going in there so that means not too many creepy people. the bathroom stalls should always have locks. >> jesse: why, greg?
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>> greg: just for reasons. >> dana: nobody walks in. >> greg: my favorite one down in midtown siberia no longer exists. >> jesse: thanks to global warming gut. >> geraldo: harbor inn in cleveland. >> greg: visit dive bar tonight. you have an excuse. pittsburgh p.a. has 12 bars per 10,000 residents. >> jesse: do you notice how greg didn't like corny joke segment. he thinks he is the only who hud be tell jokes on this set. >> greg: we had a debate they are not jokes they are riddles. >> dana: corny riddles didn't work that well. geraldo, we saw pictures of your family. what else have you got? harley geraldo more pictures move i family. i went to malibu. i have a house there 32 years. my oldest son on the guest gabriel he and his son have been living in europe. five years in holland and germany. he is a computer guy. his son desmond was basically
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raised in europe but he came here so anyway, erika and i went to the hotel and stayed went to the pool marilyn monroe and there is my youngest grandson vincent. getting it all over grandpa. >> dana: they ought to get together for a playdate if that's allowed. happy birthday to my assistant caroline sherwood, happy birthday to you. that's it for us. "special report" is up next. hey mike emanuel. >> mike: happy birthday to caroline. thanks, dana. ♪ ♪ >> mike: good evening, welcome to washington, i'm mike emanuel in for bret baier. breaking tonight, what has been a rescue effort at the site of the collapsed condo towers in south florida is now a recovery process. that signals a search for survivors is over. the death toll is 46. we are awaiting an update from officials at the site. correspondent phil keating is live in surfside again this evening. good evening, phil. >> good evening, mike. a lot of factors here. first, the 12-story condo tower pancaked


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