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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  July 16, 2021 2:00am-3:01am PDT

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cuban suffering on america. todd: flagging facebook post, the white house admits teaming up with big tech to center social media. problematic posts the biden administration is policing and could the lab leak theory be one of them? carley: the major cities going back to masks. "fox and friends first" continues right now. ♪♪ never going to let you down ♪♪ never going to run around and hurt you ♪♪ never going to make you cry ♪♪ say goodbye ♪♪ todd: every now and again -- carley: you click on a website and the song randomly plays was wise anything? todd: so many times you can play apples and bananas and -- carley: and mix it up. todd: you are watching "fox and
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friends first". we get straight to a fox news alert, breaking right now covering the clash between afghan special forces and the telegram. reuters says a senior afghan officer caught in telegram crossfire near the pakistani border. embedded with afghan forces since earlier this week, the reuters president and editor-in-chief releasing a statement saying he was an outstanding journalist, devoted husband and father and much loved colleague. our thoughts are with his family of this terrible time. carley: another massive march in support of cuban amid the worsening crisis. todd: the white house is slow to react despite the president calling cuba a failed state and condemning communism.
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carley: good morning, lauren. >> reporter: protesters calling for us action in cuba by shutting down highways, speaking up for cubans who have been demonstrating in historic numbers against their government over food shortages, unstable economy, cuba's handling of rone long-running communist regime. president biden acknowledged communism and socialism cannot work calling cuba a failed state. >> communism is a failed system, universally failed system and i don't see socialism as a very useful substitute. >> reporter: in cuba the government censoring protesters shutting down internet access. what little is left is unreliable. florida governor rhonda santos held a press conference to pressure the biden administration to step in and provide internet for cubans. >> we have to stand with the people of cuba against the communist dictatorship and one of the most effective things we can do as a country, we need president biden to step up and be helpful to getting internet
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back on the island. >> reporter: the cuban government restricting social media apps to crackdown on dissent and spread the photos and videos of the massive protests. senator marco rubio asked to provide reliable internet using a high-altitude communication system that would go around the cuban government's control. governor desantis wants to the technology like that used after hurricane maria. president biden says they are looking at if the us has the technological capability. >> it is a huge issue that is challenging for the people of cuba. we are looking at that, what can be done to address. >> reporter: president biden said his administration is considering sending vaccines to cuba but if he can be assured the distribution would be fair. todd: fight or flight, a flight
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to bring his democratic coworkers home after the group avoided voting on an election integrity bill. republican writing in part, quote, i am demanded all our colleagues in dc to contact my staff immediately to secure their seat on the plane and return to do the state's business, the state of texas is waiting, they met with senator kirsten gillibrand and richard blumenthal on capitol hill yesterday. texas lawmakers writing on twitter, quote, we refuse to go back. carley: democratic congresswoman arrested at a senate office building protest. congressional black caucus chairwoman being taken away with her hands tied behind her back. she led the protest demanding passage of the for the people act, the group chanted fight for justice and end the filibuster. capital police confirmed 9 people were arrested for demonstrating a prohibited area. they compared the protest to those of civil rights icons.
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>> we were in our moment. we felt like john lewis and martin luther king. carley: women's march cofounders joined beatty at the protest. todd: investigators will question andrew cuomo about the sexual harassment allegations against him. the state attorney general's office signaling the probe is in its final stages. a spokesperson writing a statement continued leaks are more evidence of transparent political motivation of the attorney general's review, cuomo is accused by multiple women come a public report will be released when the investigation is complete. carley: uranian hackers target military personnel and defense workers on facebook, the social media giant says they removed 200 account allegedly linked to the cyber attackers. the hackers pose as recruiters,
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defense contractors and women to bait users into clicking harmful inks with malware. users from the uk and europe were targeted. the white house facing backlash after press secretary jen psaki announced it is flagging this information from facebook. todd: serious concerns over the government's hand in social media censorship. ashley strohmeyer joins us with what could go wrong. >> reporter: many online say a lot. these comments from the white house press secretary sparking the controversy. take a listen. >> we are in regular touch with the social media platforms. we have increased disinformation research and tracking within the surgeon general's office flagging problematic posts for facebook that spread misinformation. >> reporter: facebook standing by the statement reading, quote, we partnered with experts, health authorities and researchers to take aggressive action against misinformation about covid 19 and vaccines to
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protect public health. many calling it infringement of the first amendment. listen to what glenn greenwald had to say about the government and big tech teaming up. >> four times in the last year democrats have summoned the ceos of twitter, google and facebook to appear before them and explicitly threaten them saying if you don't start censoring what we regard as 8 speech and misinformation you will suffer our legal and regulatory punishment. it is really a merger of state and corporate power which ironically is the classic definition of fascism. >> reporter: josh howley is no stranger to pushing back against big tech, his letters to mark zuckerberg and jack dorsey demanding answer saying, quote, his casual admission of collusion between the state and corporations that monopolize the flow of information is shocking, he requested a full account of social media content flagged by the biden administration. what they asked to be removed and what was removed, follows a
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trail of contradictory comments from health officials like doctor anthony fauci throughout the pandemic, fauci went back and forth on masks and herd immunity as well as working with facebook to downplay the theory that covid 19 was leaked from the wuhan lab. todd: thank you very much. this should send a shutter down the spine of every single american because this is what you see in communist countries was one of the great things about america is regardless of where you fall on vaccines on covid is you have the right to be wrong. you don't have to be perfect all the time. nobody cares what your view is on it but you have a right to share that view. this is part of a pattern we have seen. this is not the first time we have reported on this desire to censor by the government of other viewpoints that don't go along with what they think. remember censoring the post on
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the origins of the coronavirus, one person as we mentioned, senator josh howley. take a listen. >> when facebook said disinformation, the president himself has said it is one of the two leading theories where the virus came from. i'm talking about a potential lab link to covid 19, the public needs to know. we need to know the facts, the public and make up its own mind, let's get people fact on the origins of this virus. the bottom line is to have this monopoly companies acting in concert with the government to say you can say this, you can't say that, we are going to decide, that is antithetical to the first amendment of the united states, antithetical to free and open debate. carley: what josh howley said about the casual admission from jen psaki, didn't cross her mind people would be upset about literal government censorship, exactly what this is when the government tells social media companies what people can and cannot post, what is right and wrong, like they know so much more than everyone else, the
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textbook definition of censorship. everybody should get vaccinated. i got vaccinated myself. people who don't want to get vaccinated have the right to say that on social media and i find it rich that on the day president biden came out and condemned communism and socialism his administration did the most dictatorial thing in the world by admitting they are working hand in glove with social media companies to tell people what they can and cannot say. glenn greenwald has more thoughts on this subject. >> it is a merger of state and corporate power which ironically is the classic definition of fascism. we have heard so much about fascism over the last 5 years, the people who say they are against it are now supporting it. >> first it is covid what you can or can't say on covid because they have been so right about the wuhan lab leak. masks and some of the treatments that some doctors think work and
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others don't, it is not all truth, some truth is subjective when it comes to medicine. first it is going to become covid and what else could it be? could be guns? could be abortion? that is a slippery slope and if you are worried about that you have every right to be. carley: todd: when the left accuses you of something two things, you're probably not doing that thing and they are and they tried to deflect by accusing you. >> donald trump came out with that lawsuit against social media companies and you heard a couple people say there's no way you're going to win that case. is point is the government is working with social media companies to silence people and that is what jen psaki admitted to yesterday. todd: cracking down on transgender treatments for kids. a dozen state ags defending a
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ban on experiment with drugs. carley: the luckiest boy in the world, you will never believe the trip he just scored. ♪♪ ch money can liberty mutual save you? one! two! three! four! five! 72,807! 72,808... dollars. yep... everything hurts. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ pool floaties are like whooping cough. amusement parks are like whooping cough. even ice cream is like whooping cough, it's not just for kids.
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carley: cracking down on transgender treatment for children, gop attorneys general joining forces with arkansas to defend a ban on experimental drugs like puberty blockers for minors. todd: indian's attorney general joins us now. here is the crux of your defense, quote, the evidence shows nearly all children whose gender dysphoria is treated a few reporters to buy time will
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proceed for sex hormones, why have you signed on. >> i tell you. appreciate the explanation you just gave been in regular terms, that is called a lot of places child abuse. there's reasons minors make decisions like this on their own and their brains are still forming. they shouldn't be manipulated. that is what is happening here by the left. we are for children, the 17 states. proud of all attorney general, steve marshall from alabama, ms. rutledge from arkansas doing a great job and taking back not just our culture but our laws, our common sense laws that protect our children. todd: what would you do instead? >> raise your child, they have
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issues, certainly perhaps a mental health examination and other things but you can't do irreversible physical damage to minors. >> they are suing arkansas over the lie and say transgender children in crisis shouldn't have to turn to the court to ensure they can get the healthcare their doctors and parents agree they need but that is the reality the anti-lgbt queue forces have created as part of their campaign of attacks on transgender youth. typical conservative position is parents should get to choose what goes on in their children's lives, not the government. the covid 19 vaccine, from your perspective why is this issue different? >> at the top this is child abuse.
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you are taking your political leftist ideology whatever side you are on and injecting it and saying it is mainstream healthcare. this is not a procedure a child needs in order to live a healthy physical life. this isn't about organ transplant or something like that. this is about irreversible change to a child's sex. that is mutilation if not abuse. carley: will this go to the supreme court? >> i imagine. we are going to fight and we are not going to let this leftist ideology destroy our most precious assets, our children. we are always going to be for the children and the left can be for their ideology. at the end of the day we are going to win. todd: this gets to the court. i wonder if they punt, that is the big question when things
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like this get to the court. appreciate your time. thanks for joining us. carley: the school system where nearly half of all students. the gpa below one.0 during the pandemic. todd: what parents and community members plan to do about it next.
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every day in business brings something new. so get the flexibility of the new mobile service designed for your small business. introducing comcast business mobile. you get the fastest, most reliable network with nationwide 5g included. and you can get unlimited data for just 30 dollars per line per month when you get four lines- or mix and match data options. available now for comcast business internet customers with no line-activation fees or term contract required. see if you can save by switching today. comcast business. powering possibilities. todd: failing our kids. baltimore public high school are seeing their grades plummet during the pandemic with half of all students earning a gpa below one.0. here to react baltimore city
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council president candidate patterson and mother and grandmother of baltimore students and former mayoral candidate yolanda palmer. these numbers, i can't come up with a super litter for them, they are astounding. you can see 24% in the second quarter of the prior school year, at one.0 or below, 41% for the first 3 quarters of the current school year. covid didn't help matters but where's the accountability to school leaders here? >> thank you for having me on this morning. baltimore has the best institutions, financial, health, but who is sitting those opportunities up for our kids? when it comes to accountability there is none because our appointed system, our appointed school board system leaves our
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parents in the dark. there is no way to get these people out, these people should be fired because they are failing our kids. >> you are a mother and grandmother to students in the system. how bad is it from your perspective? >> it is pretty bad. i definitely agree that there is no accountability. i feel like the mayor should fire the current ceo because of the disappointment in city schoolchildren. >> why is this happening in your estimation? >> it is about the money. it is all about the money. nothing trickles down to the children. full adjudication because they have no money that comes to the children. it goes to the administration first and trickle-down effect
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and then there is no money. todd: a statement from baltimore city public schools reads as follows consistent with the experience of many school districts across the country, the covid 19 pandemic created significant disruptions to student learning. what is your reaction to that? this was going on well before covid. this has been going on for decades. i know 60-year-olds who cannot read in the school system. for them to say it is because of the pandemic that is a complete lie. todd: that is a powerful statement, 60-year-olds who can't read. you ran for city council president on a platform of accountability. what steps would you put in place to achieve accountability in education? >> first thing is we have to give a voice back to the people and that starts with the elected school board. we have to audit everywhere, every dollar spent in the school
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system. we also have to offer educational opportunities. baltimore is home to the greatest schools as well. those schools in certain parts of town that are educating kids and those kids are succeeding in life when the rest of the city is suffering. these are likely leaders, the rest of us aren't. todd: it is a shame, it is a shocker. something has got to change. thank you for being here. have a great weekend. carley: 26 after the hour. the sunshine state given the warm welcome to thousands of jobs, a major company taking its business out of california and heading to florida. the white house criticizing the
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cuban regime but is it too little too late? rachel campos duffy talking to cuban-americans in miami and joins us live next. ♪♪ ence, hyper performance that takes you further. at the lexus golden opportunity sales event. get 0.9% apr financing on the all 2021 lexus hybrid models. experience amazing.
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5 oh sergeant is killed and four police officers hurt in texas, all five were shot by a man barricaded inside home. the suspect was arrested after an hour-long standoff. three of the officers were treated and released from the hospital, when is fighting for his life in critical condition. swat commander sergeant josh bartlett died at the hospital. the love and sheriff's office had a procession and honor. he leaves behind a wife and 3 sons. heather: vietnam war veteran shot in broad daylight. keith cooper suffered a heart attack fighting off carjackers while running errands around chicago. the former city officer joint is
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earlier and said chicago needs to come together around police. listen. >> you have city councilmembers pushing to defund the police department. if we don't get on the same team working the same direction we will lose our city. todd: they have been arrested in this incident. cooper who served two combat tours in vietnam died just days before his 70 fourth birthday. lisa bombshell twist in the molly tibbetts case. the little that is illegal immigrants a convicted in her murder of your denial court after two witnesses came forward, told the judge he should get a new trial because he was framed by the real killers. 's attorneys say two witnesses told investigators gavin jones admitted to killing tibbetts after kidnapping her for sex trafficking ring, jones confessed to his ex-girlfriend and fellow inmate when he was behind bars, the judge says he will decide by the end of the week whether the confession can be used in court. the hearing is set for later this month on a possible new
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trial for rivera. todd: president biden promising answers in the european travel been in the coming days. >> how soon we can lift the ban is in the process right now and i will answer that question in the next several days. i'm waiting to hear from our folks on our covid team when that should be done. todd: the president facing pressure to lift travel restrictions after the eu reopened its borders to americans last month, that band has been in place and march of 2020. carley: los angeles county restoring its mask mandate for people vaccinated against covid 19. that goes into effect before midnight saturday. the revival of the order comes with a spike in new hospitalizations. local health officials blame rising cases on those who have not been vaccinated. todd: 32 after the hour, president biden finally
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denouncing communism after facing backlash for the protests in cuba. >> communism is a failed system universally failed system. i don't see socialism as a useful substitute. cuba is a failed state, repressing citizens. carley: acumen restaurants in miami. rachel campos duffy, you just heard president biden, we you look so beautiful in your floral dress, very miami of you, you heard president biden speak ill of communism after he avoided saying the words. what are your thoughts on this from the biden administration? >> >> reporter: the cuban community, one thing i heard a lot about was there frustration that people aren't listening to the protesters in cuba.
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there was talk about covid and messages about economic mismanagement and they are saying they are tired of 62 years of communism. they want their liberty. i spoke to many of them outside this iconic restaurant yesterday. here's what they had to say. >> reporter: demonstrating for the people of cuba. life, liberty. >> the people have had enough. they have people dying are hospital floors of covid. >> cuba's industry. >> what your message to president biden? >> freedom, enough already. we can't have it anymore. >> we hope president biden will do something for cuba. >> why are you here? change i want cuba to be free.
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we are waiting for president biden to do something. >> my mom is in cuba and is hungry. >> what your message to your mother? >> be strong. >> cuba is going to be free. >> reporter: really emotional interview. that little girl breaking down and crying in front of me with her mom is stuck in cuba. she's iran here she is trying to show she is in solidarity with her mom and helping be in solidarity for those who are brave and courageous at risk to their own lives. todd: extremely emotional great interview. let's lighten it up a bit. you were there for a very serious topic but you were at first i. i've done it before. i've been down there. it is awesome to do a breakfast with friends there so tell us
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what is going on so far at 5:35. >> it is very early. our country has staffing issues because we are paying people not to work on for size not unlike the rest of the businesses where it is early. we are here with the people from 6:00 to 9:00, we encourage anyone who wants to share their thoughts with us, we are going to do diners cuban style this morning. i bet you are a little jealous in that studio. todd: cuban coffee is no joke. i was bouncing off the walls more than normal. carley: what the biden administration in america should do about the situation, there are so many ideas. president biden says he would give more covid vaccines to cuba if he knows the government
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wouldn't just take them. there's got to be a way to help these people but it's a complicated situation. >> reporter: i don't think it is about the covid vaccines. they want moral support from the administration, last night was the first step and they want the us government to give internet access because the communist government in cuba have shutdown internet and cell phone access and there are ways the government to sanders and the us government could possibly provide that service and get information out there. without that access there will be more repression, more deaths. we are hearing reports of 15-year-old boys being dragged out of their homes and being forced to be part of the military and possibly have to do things they don't want to do, this is terrible stuff and we are getting very small little bits of reports because the communists don't want information coming out. todd: have a great breakfast with friends, we are excited to
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hear the answers, have a great one. carley: the nfl finding itself in another and some controversy. the league's later social justice push making its way onto the field. todd: that is the way it is written. the national teachers union president walking back comments blasting governor desantis's new line of merchandise. ♪♪ and hotdog buns for a chance to win a flavortown-inspired hawaiian getaway. can i get another restock on king's hawaiian bread? again. everything's better between king's hawaiian bread. flowers are fighters. that's why the alzheimer's association walk to end alzheimer's is full of them. because flowers find a way to break through. just like we will.
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of the nation's largest teachers union is backpedaling after saying florida governor ron desantis would cause millions of deaths because of covid 19
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ignorance, randi weingarten tweeting you are right, i shouldn't have said millions, i should have just said desantis is wrong to do this, this is 24 hours after she slammed defenders's anti-fauci merchandise. todd: lawmakers threatening to get rid of olympic committee leaders if they don't punish athletes for anti-american protest. new york post reporting the congressman related to the board saying they are deeply concerned by the recent protests between gwen barry and chelsea wolf. >> recent high school graduate will be the oldest person ever to fly to space when he takes off on blue origin's first commercial spaceflight. >> i'm super excited going to space. i've dreamed of this all my life. todd: he will join jeff bezos in space, after paying $20 million for a seat, too busy to go.
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i can't make it. the 18-year-old is the son of a dutch financier, that trip slated for july 20th. >> imagine spending $28 billion, does it work out? this child, 18 years old or whatever he is will be going into space so congratulations to him. black lives better cozying up to cuba's communist regime, has some democrats concerned. todd: we have these friends at fox that he would like us to download the super 6 apps and play for a chance to win 10,$000, all you need to do is predict 6 outcomes in the super 6 quiz show topics ranging from entertainment to sports. ♪♪
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todd: blm came out with a statement about cuba in case you question their true colors with regard to things in general you can figure it out from this statement, they write, quote, black lives better condemns the us federal government's in humane treatment of cubans and urges it to lift the economic embargo, this cruel and inhumane policy instituted with the explicit intention of destabilizing the country and undermining cubans right to choose their own government is at the heart of cuba's current crisis was a will be a little contrarian here. black lives matter knows what it is. it is the rest of us, the
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mainstream media that is hiding what black lives matter release from everybody else. they are not hiding it, they came out with that statement saying this is a us problem, nothing to do with communism and the mainstream media doesn't alert the american people to this so we get in situations where people think the goal of the black lies matters to protect black people when it is a marxist organization with marxism as its goal. carley: one of the cofounders of black lives matter is unknown marxist, the philosophy she follows, she has these beautiful homes across the country, how are you affording this? true marxism where the people on top make the most money and everybody else is begging for scraps. that's true with what is happening in cuba. it is so rich for black lives matter to come out the first thing they say black lives better condemns the us federal government's inhumane treatment of cuba, not the communist
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government, dan bondgino had this to say. >> the terror group uses propaganda and terrorism and that is what black lives matter does. this hurts your feelings, don't like it? offending your delicate sensibilities, kiss my rump, i don't care, i don't give a damn. i can't stand you. i saw you up in my face, you're not fighting for black lives was the conservative movement is through school choice and empowerment initiatives and freedom and liberty around the world, you are fighting for terrorism and communism. you are not just not wrong but downright evil. there's a difference between misfeasance and malfeasance, you are on the far end of malfeasance. the movement is grotesque, disgusting and the bodybag movement. the only thing this is ever led to in human history is bodybag than that is it. call it like it is here. carley: they said the united states is undermining cuba's right to choose their own
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government. the us government is undermining cuba's right to choose their own government. the communist country which hasn't had a fair election, you can't make this up. todd: aoc weighing and breaking her silence, don't hear much from the squad, the statement starts pretty well, we see cubans rise up and protest for their rights like never before. we stand in solidarity with them, democratic elections so that's all she says not much to talk about but she continues, the us contribution, 60-year-old embargo, the un voted to call on the united states to lift its embargo on cuba. it was cool and like too many other us policies, cruelty is the point. i outright reject the biden administration's defense of the
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embargo. if she does not understand the use of an embargo on the international stage to accomplish foreign policy goals that is worrisome that she's a us congressman and doesn't see that. carley: this is why the biden administration took a while to condemn communism and socialism. there's a socialist wing of their party that sympathizes with this ideology. >> the black national anthem returning to the national football league what will the league's social justice push unite america? >> not according to doctor carol swain who explains why politics should stay out of sports coming up next. ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ oh! are you using liberty mutual's
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coverage customizer tool? sorry? well, since you asked. it finds discounts and policy recommendations, so you only pay for what you need. limu, you're an animal! who's got the bird legs now? only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ there's an america we build and one we explore. one that's been paved and one that's forever wild. but freedom means you don't have to choose just one adventure. you get both. introducing the wildly civilized all-new 3-row jeep grand cherokee l
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todd: mickey's moving. out of california in favor of a lower tax state. that lower tax state is florida. move 2,000 jobs to a campus in florida. decided to move because of florida's business friendly climate. the move is going to take place over the next 18 months. carley: there is a new campaign targeting coke do la's woke policy. >> coca-cola today we are woke, china is our labor supplier ♪ that drives our stock price even higher. carley: catchy jingle there nonprofit research says it may be woke acola ad to remind coke to focus on consumers not woke
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politicians. you will hear more from the consumers research executive director next hour on "fox & friends." todd: playing off that old coke commercial. todd: set to return as the league ramps up social distancing messaging. carley: here is professor vanderbilt universities dr. carol swain. good morning to you. how do you feel about this song being played before nfl games this coming season? >> i think it unnecessarily politicizes a game that traditionally has brought americans together and that it represents a capitulation of the nfl to the most radical elements in our society. it is divisive. and it has no place in sports. and when you think about sports and football, in particular, that has been an area for blacks where you have have a
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meritocracy that black players have been very successful and this is something that will drive away supporters and it does nothing, you know, to unite our nation. todd: the commissioner, roger goodell touches on something that you just read. without black players there would be no national football league and the protests around the country are emblematic of the oppression black players coaches fans and staff. we are listening. i'm referencing the first part of goodell's statement and he goes on with that second part. on a net gain loss basis, is this going to keep more fans in the nfl bubble or is it going to drive fans away. >> it will definitely drive fans away because americans are civic the racial agenda and the nfl shows no appreciation for american history, which is also black history. we are an integral part of
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american history and so it shows no recognition of that and when you think about the national anthem, that is something that has united us, our national motto is e pluribus unum out of many one. and so we're supposed to unite rather than divide along racial lines. and when you think about sports and the military, those have been areas where blacks have excelled and now this critical race theory it is permeated every area of our society, all plaques, including the billionaires think they're victims. it is ridiculous. we don't need that in our society and we need to punish them, those who watch football need to turn off the television, stop supporting them until they wake up and support our nation. carley: dr. swain i'm sure you heard about davidson college in north carolina they are offering
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a class called #abolish the police. they have a course description on the class that says it will enlist black politicians and feminist theories -- i'm sorry it will enlist black political and feminist theories and social and political philosophies to critically examine and think through issues of race, criminalization, incarceration, police militarization police 'and domestic security. there is a class called #abolish the police. what do you think? >> i'm not surprised because college campuses have offered courses like that for decades. but, usually it's not abolishing the police. and when you have critical theory, it's not about reforming our society. it's about taking down our society and that -- the syllabus for that course could have been written by black lives matter because when they first came on the scene, they were very open about abolishing institutions
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like prisons and police. and so they have an agenda and they are indoctrinating certainly the young people and then they go out in our society, they take jobs and they harm us in our schools and corporations. carley: dr. swain, we have got to leave there thank you so much for joining us this morning. we appreciate your insight. >> thank you. carley: with that "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ ♪ >> president biden finally condemning communism. >> communism is a failed system. >> aoc and blm do not agree. >> the actual u.s. contribution to the suffering. >> we are flagging problematic posts for facebook. >> that kind of information is scary stuff and really is censorship. >> largest county in the country reinstating the mask mandate no matter your vaccination status. >> now, federal guidance is the exact opposite. >> if they're vaccinated and not wearing a mask, they are safe.
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>> in


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