tv Hannity FOX News July 16, 2021 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
11:00 pm as someone who lives in south africa and is staying there, the head of the largest civil rights group joins us and we hope you will see it. we will be back monday at 8:00 p.m. the show that it's the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness and groupthink. in the meantime, sean hannity. ♪ ♪ >> sean: welcome to this special edition of "hannity." i'm jason chaffetz, and for sean. for the hour we will explore the bidensns administration. bidens surgeon general is deeply concerned with covid-19 this information on social media. call to jen imminent and insidious threat to our nation's health.
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today his boss at joe biden so that so-called misinformation is literally killing people. watch this. >> m what's your message for platforms like facebook? >> they are killing people. look. at the only people we have been in unvaccinated. and they are killing people. >> jason: naturally in order to battle this insidious thought that's killing people at the house just proudly announced to plan some serious social media in the corning someone call that spying. and is now flagging various facebook accounts that it wants band from the platform. if this seems like a tyrannical attempt to control the free flow of information, that's because it is.
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but according to jen psaki the biden administration is just trying to protect you from yourself. watch. >> a couple of the steps that we have, you know, they could be constructed for the public health of the country are providing for facebook or other platforms to major and share and publicly impact their misinformation on the platform and the audience is reaching. also the public come up with all of you. to create robust enforcement strategies that bridge the properties and provide transparencies about rules. just because you got one platform and not others if you are for people providing insight. as it let's have a look. >> you make amount how long we have had the administration been defined on people's facebook
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profiles looking for vaccines and information? >> that was quite a loaded and inaccurate question which i would refute. first of all, we are in a regular touch with lena media projects and as we are in regular touch, the social media platforms. this is publicly open information, people sharing information online just as you are all reporting information on your new station. >> but the big concern think for a lot of people on facebook as this is now big brother watching you. >> they are more concerned about that the people dying across the country because of a pandemic, wherein misinformation is traveling on social media platforms? that feels unlikely to me and it you have the data to back that up i'm happy to discuss it. >> they used to block people from posting that covid may have originated in somewhere other than her lab andts the president
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now admits to liability. so are there concerns that things you are trying to block or take down might someday turn out to be -- >> we don't take anything down, we don't block anything. facebook and i'm the private sector company makes decisions about what information should be on their platform.s our point as there is information that is leading to people not taking the vaccine and people are dying as a result. we have a responsibility as a public health mother teresa tissue. >> jason: you see what's happening here? according to democrats, we the american people are just too stupidid to make your own decisions. we don't need the first amendment, they must watch over us and shield us from any information that they deem inaccurate. ultimately this is the latest and perhaps the most frightening excuse for exercising power over your lives. now shifting gears, a federal judge ruled if that deferred action for childhood arrivals
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violates the administrative procedure act. the judge ordered that the department of homeland security to stop approving new applications for the being. as a reminder dock out is an immigration program that prevents certain illegal immigrants were beingll deporte. joining us now from reaction is a call list of "outnumbered," kayleigh mcenany along with fox news contributor joe concha and former senior advisor to president trump, and stephen miller. stephen, i want to start with you because you've been so income involved and engaged on foreign policy per president trump. what does this really mean tonight? >> of the ruling is a huge victory for the u.s. constitution but unfortunately the judge to state his ruling so it's not going to mean that the work permits and the government benefits have been given to hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants and will be canceled. those will continue and so the
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lawlessness wille continue. but on the merit is an incredibly important moment for the t u.s. constitution to say that the executive can't make law. the executive cannot give amnesty to people through fiat and the congress has refused to give time and time again. unfortunately this president that we now have, joe biden, has issued a number of miranda that just like dhaka are -- taking this president to port along with many of our great attorney general to sue over those very policies. >> jason: and this is a developing story in such an important one and we will continue to monitor it. i'm sure will be coming to you with lots of questions for it. let's shift back now to what have another white house. i wanted to get your perspective, you start on that podium before but i have to tell you, what i hear this white house doing and colluding
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with facebook to takedown accounts to monitor people, some would call that spying, it's truly stunning to me that with the openness at which they are doing this. >> you just hit on the key point with mike which is the openness with which they are doing this. i hear or see a lot of things that i take issue with her or i know it's a deception and not a truthful matter and what's being spun to us, like saying republicans want to defund the police but i usually -- admission from the podium that they are working with social media companies to censor. i mean it, this is the crux of the lawsuit put forward by president trump, he said because action is pleading with the government and thus becoming state actors and trampling on the first amendment. some would say that was crazy, but it was admitted from the republican. a very poor cleanup effort, i heard something about sound bite
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about people caring less about the brother and more about saving lives but that's not how the first amendment works. you have free speech with a few exceptions like sending and ndchild photography and real threats, you have the ability to speak in the government cannot compel a private company to censor you. they have a lot of legalism's coming their way. >> joe was supposed to be the regulator of this organization but they are colluding with this guorganization to take out or dn what they demand is misinformation. how does the government and facebook, the facebook gods, determine what a misinformation is? >> precisely. ande i like the word colluding here because it fits. if the white house is colluding with facebook on what is right and wrong speech, per their definitions, then every news item be negative to the administration could also ultimately be censored or suppressed outside of cobra do. we saw jen psaki before and sher
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said the administration iseb simply, water, working with facebook to combat misinformation but who gets to define what misinformation is? the white house? so one has to believe that a facebook is not biased at thet serving up the pressure of the democratic party and of course, facebook is acting in good faith. you have to believe that. facebook has checked in the past in terms of having a good track record. yeah, no.if remember about a month ago if you posted anything in terms of did kobe to come from my lab and wuhan china comp that was suppressed and censored because it was a little hot out because it was deemed misinformation. many in the media, stood next to a reckless conspiracy theory. suddenly it's a real possibility as even democrats are conceding so facebook also suppressed and censored any misinformation about hunter biden's laptop. remember, they call it russian disinformation so not exactly a shiny track record. sure take away, hold down mike
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after poll after poll support breaking up big tent but as long are in power and they benefit from not been no games will be played. >> if they are carrying their water. stephen, one of the biggest concerns that i have is now you get this reports and they are admitting that theyn are not ony going to go and look at social media, but they want to go after your direct messages. one on one communication with whoever you choose to, a suspicionless american talking to other americans, it doesn't get any scarier than that. >> what are you are talking about this or what's happening on the border, it's about the u.s. constitution being thrown out the window. the other two guests had it exactly right joe and kaylee. this is state censorship. keeping the word terrorism from the left has not reached a full gallop.
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apparently did not jean saki understand the pin that she left in 1994 when she presumably rooted. it was intended as a cautionary tale and for her to have at the press podium talk about government censorship is a positive good is truly chilling. going after americans would be a mighty power of government in collusion with the big tech to take away their free speech and take with a platform, take away their livelihood to invade their private province and private domain, the citizen. this is something not often a talk or say. as kaylee said it, it's a huge gift to president trump because jen psaki has admitted now with the white house field behind her that big tech is doing the best, the bidding of big governments and that makes it unconstitutional. >> going into 2022, if you think that the democrats are with
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misinformation than the current administration or democrat running in some or have it suppressed or have a warning we know mike label slapped on it. >> we've already seen it all happen. we had dr. scott alice, a fantastic colic that i used to work with from stenberg. very well credentialed academics. and they merely h talked about children not wearing masks, citing all of the harm that it can do. the world health organization said it, they should not be wearing masks. but then youtube took to planning them off the platform. they need to do exactly what he said to end this will become political. they will never to joe's point about lafayette about lies about scope care. let censor any of the lives, the
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russian collusion and russian bounties that goes on and on. where is that censorship? it doesn't exist. >> one thing that strikes me too is, where are all the liberals? the big liberal who doesn't like the government or doesn't like censorship. they've been totally wiped off the face of the planet and they have now gone to this radical googly and does believe that there should be state control but it strikes me that this idea of a liberal is actually got out the door. >> that's the amazing part. right? i'm old enough to member the patriot act which was enacted right after 9/11. the excuse was the same as we are hearing from the white house, we need to save american lives, therefore, we will trample on the individual rights of people's privacy. i didn't agree with that then, i don't agree with that now and
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back then, remember that was a republican in power. the bottom line is in these situations you can't use what, we want to save your life but therefore we are now going to spy on you. we are going to infringe on what you have its privacy in order to save you. by the way, i don't think anyone is really going on facebook and saying some things that are on there and saying, you know, i was going to get the vaccine but now and not because the flu vaccine, only 40% of people in this country get the flu vaccine. maybe some people just don't like vaccines. i got the vaccine, i'm very happy with it, i think it's very effective. my family got it but i'm not going to judge anybody who doesn't want to get it and i'm certainly not naive enough to think that that is killing people. like he hasn't been around for very long. i expect their right to that opinion in terms of what they do their bodies. >> this is the united states of america where self-determination
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is so paramount. i got the vaccine, wife got the vaccine and i believe in it but you know, i respect other people get to make their own decision and i don't need the gods at facebook colluding with the federal government and the government bureaucrats to make this kind ofma termination. joe, and steven, thank you for joining us. also tonight as joe biden gears up for another restful weekend away from the white house, is number two, kamala harris, is probably busy terrorizing her staff. to reports the vice presidents erratic behavior because at least one staffer to seek psychological help because of "trauma from the on-the-job abuse." she's only been in the office six months. and more bad news from the office of the vice president. the brand-new action approach shows that only 22% of voters that kamala harris is ready to
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be present, it doesn't help us. meanwhile, remainder tonight, hunter biden is still the subject of an ongoing criminal investigation surrounding his sketchy international business deals. according to politico, the prosecutor in charge of the case kept it under the election in order to maintain the credibility of his investigation. >> right. of course this was never granted to president trump during the russia witch hunt which amounted to nothing. now senator is at johnson and grassley are demanding to know why 59 of the 96 phones used by mueller's team are still missing. joining us now with morris house minority whip steve scalise with congressman andy biggs. gentlemen, thank you so much foo joining with us tonight. i got to serve with both of these fine gentlemen in the united states congress when i was there but i left. steve scalise, i just called him
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steve but we will call him congressman. the idea is they are slow walking flight and for the death. i mean, when does the department of justice do that? advice on what they are supposed to bear doing. >> first, we miss you and alice jason, it's good to be with you but, like you pointed out then it surely never get president trump this opportunity and when they were leaking out information that turned out to be false from some of these federal agents. a he is a little alone and investigation that seems to be credible and ongoing. the real question is, what has happened with the investigation? did they pick it back up again? so when you look at that question put to have a question which is really alarming, all of these cell phones that both went missinges but as we know some of the cell phones were actually wiped clean. we often remember the hillary server but many of these bathrooms that they did find turned out to be completely wiped of data.
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so some of those fbi agents by entering and exiting her password too many times. is that obstruction of justice? is that falsifying or transferring and i hope the justice allows us to get aggressive after we chased dr. fox of whistle-blower that we heard of during the trump administration. >> jason: i doubt it, i had a front row seat and i watched that there were documents that were requested, not only the irs case but also in the clinton case, benghazi and all those sorts of a things. but never the mind of the subpoena and we will see if senator is johnson & johnson get with their demand, and it should be your us look at. the congress 182018 were midterms. there were a lot of things that
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were flowing out the door. i didn't part the department of justice. because they have all kinds of allegations that sounds like it turned out to be totally worded. there's an atmosphere there that affected the 2018 midterms. >> that's exactly right. at the point is real simple. if the excuse for not going forward -- a book we are talking search warrants, grand jury subpoenas. they progress in their investigation enough to get down to the ready nitty-gritty take it to the grandd jury. but we don't want to put our thumb on the rail and impact the election, but they did it? you got that from big tax sensor a sponsorship for sure and we also got it from the left-wing media we don't need to get it from the department of justice. they put their thumb on the scale by not taking like telling
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the american people the truth. that we need to get to the bottom of that, you add the phones in there and steve mentioned that hillary's wiped shoulder and this is bond to all-american devices so far. it's a two-tier system. i can guarantee you this, if they were to point to get subpoenas and the grand jury testimony and sh, search warrants going. if i was a republican that would have been cross hairs but we couldn't not bring her home. >> the idea that they slowed it down is just unbelievable to me. congressman, unable to skill leaks but what in the world is going on with john durham? a lot of people wonder if he is fishing today, what in the world is someone's favorite oatmeal cookies. >> that's a great question and i
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remember having conversations, over a year ago. we are saying, okay, where is this thing going, what have they found a moment they release it? how long have we been hearing the reports about to come out and if something was done that was wrong, let's get it out there. >> if it wasn't done, get that out there too but i would rather not say anything. >> i think some of these agencies seems like they might be. >> i've only got a few seconds left by congressman bigs, you're on the judiciary committee, how the world could jerry nadler the chairman of that committee not hold a hearing on more than 1,000 pages put forward by the inspector general of the department of justice about all the wrongdoings of the fbi? not even a single hearing. >> because he's so busy focusing with his colleagues about domestic terrorism or january 6 or anything else, they don't
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want to get with the inspector general has revealed. i guess if he's not going to do it he needs toth keep pushing. >> it is absolutely abhorrent that they would both hold a hearing based on what the inspector general was doing. congressman, thank you again for joining us tonight and we really do appreciate it. right after the break, aoc and black lives matter are blaming the united states for the crisis and care about. leo terrel, sean duffy and mercedes schlapp to join us next with reaction to this and more on the cuba hypocrisy. ♪ ♪
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special edition of "hannity." black lives matter has been taking heat this week for releasing a statement that most affect communists cubans well was on the american embargo against the island but it turns out this is not the first time to time taking the side of cuba's communist regime. back in 2016 the blm organization released a statement, mourning the death of fidel castro thing we must push back against the rhetoric of the right and come to the defense of l, dante matured what they learned from him. blm is not the only one. as congresswoman out because you will cortez almost called for an end to the embargo. there's just one little public, as florida senator marco rubio pointed outub on twitter. it was actually cuba's government that had the embargo
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which was listed up to the protests which remember, were against the cuban government, not the united states. know that we have the facts straight the only question left tonight's with president biden will actually do anything to help the cuban people because they coached assure you that. joining us now is that leo terrel and sean duffy as well ae mercedes schlapp. mercedes, your family, your parents, they were actually cubans and they flood that island. this all playing out what comes to mind? >> they are the only ones that can benefit from any sort of income that has come in and come whether it be from the european union, russians, chinese or the venezuelans. it's been the cuban people that
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have suffered from the food shortages or the vaccine shortages but it goes beyond that.ub that's been building for quite some time and they are looking for freedom and they sacrificed their lives for freedom and they are the ones out there with the american flags, raising their voices saying we are ready for a change in cuba. they fought this castro regime andth he's looking at this as we all are and praying for ais miracle. >> jason: leo, the black lives l matter organization of another praise in cuba, they've been doing it for years. they praised fidel castro but they are blaming the united states of america for so many of these problems but how do you read it?
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>> isn't it amazing leeson that the use of a thick coat that and it couldn't say these things to them if it improves it's one thing but aoc and black lives matter represent a marxist theory. they hate america, they hate them destroy year and all the things that i was devised them, the ability is and it's really a situation that's black lives matter officeat reach. plant the organization, leave $90 million of the cost collect anything and aoc needs to go down to florida and talk to the cuban-americans who have better knowledge on the issue then what sheha articulates from her offie ulin washington, d.c. >> one of the disgusting things
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that happened, one is a convicted cop killer. she was convicted of killing a police officer but she's been harbored in cuba and yet the blm organizationon has been craving tuner allowing her to rome with freedom there in cuba as opposed to coming home to just justice and that's out of time. >> obviously blm hates cops and if you are a cop killer then they c interview you but also, when fidel castro died at blm put out a statement that included that they wanted to look, they didn't say he was in heaven but they want to look to his spirit for inspiration to help provide that universal freedom. her and by the way, don't forget that arching your unions are looking to blm to develop your crt curriculum enough schools.
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these are communists. we hates socialism, marxism, these are communists and they love the idea of filled out castro and asked cuba. we as americans have to fight back in terms of we are not going to stand there and we can actually use the site as well. mercedes mentioned this. the people that know best what's happening are w people in the ground in cuba but also in miami and south florida. they are not bashing the united states of america, they are flying american flags andf some of them even trump flags because they know america has a beacon of hope. we are not the problem for the situation in cuba, it's communism that's a problem in cuba. >> jason: mercedes, you got deep ties into that community, what should the policy be doing. what it are you, people are being killed. there being detailed, you're
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taking away from their family for just protesting, what should depend >> lessons that all uloptions should be on the table for the most of the nation and they should mounting an international amounts to look at ways for premise, suda will be back in later need to be heard at this time. also we need to make sure that we can get internet access in there t immediately. also, we know that in the t president's budget right now they are actually cutting funds for the tv and radio marching which is so critical for cubans to be able to receive the news and that knowing what's happening, that's going to be important as well. so look. this is not an easy moment but they need to take immediately.
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and thus far as we know, jen psaki came out and said that the president really wasn'tre going to address this cuba issue at this time. but i tell you, every minute counts. we are seeing men and women being beaten up on the streets, young cuban people also being attacked, people being shot. this chaotic and out-of-control and quite frankly a tragedy for the people of cuba. let us always remember that in america we have to defend the bill of rights. the first amendment, secondment, freedom of speech, right to beaa arms, why? because the cuban people and they have no way to defend themselves. >> jason: i've only got like 30 seconds left. leo, i have to ask you. secretary mayorkas told the cuban people, don't come to the
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united states, you can't come in. but down on the sudden border it's wide open and it does strike me and i do wonder, cuban-americans tend to vote foe republicans in case they don't want to call them across the shore y. they are coming in by the millions. >> they are playing politics with the lives of those cubans down there on that island and they are playing politics because the ones across the, the southern border both leadwe initially but being denied medical help, and if that summation speak to a girl. what human rights should it give to people in need help? last words. >> shutting down internet access will not island stops organizations and speech on the
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island. we are doing the same thing in the united states of america, freedom of speech and feeding here and also for the cubans and organize a protest at games at your freedom. >> thank you for joining us tonight. her left, congresswoman cori bush who is a strong advocate for the the fund to police movement. she recently sported spending $5,000 on elaborate security. we will react, next. ♪ ♪
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across america. the far left democrats recuse themselves to live under the policy that they want for the rest of the country. for example, squad member congresswoman cori bush is at eight defunded the police advocate. she recently reportedly spent $70,000 on private security. and everywhere they see these defunct policies and we cities are laced, less safe, secure and more violence. ask yourself, who is this happening questioning it's not working americans, and it certainly not our most vulnerable and struggling communities. this is now an undeniable disaster for democrats and causing a deniable danger all across country. joining me know for reaction, congressman madison cawthorn along with cavanaugh congressman
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congressman know? and she's out there yelling and screaming happy for advocating police, open borders, all kinds of things but when it comes to herhi own situation, she just shells out the tens of thousands of dollars to have the private tarmed security. y while jason, kim here and let me tell you, $70,000 over a three-month period for private security, that's a full on battalion. this woman literallyli ran on te idea that all cops are pastorates, and on the idea of beat defunding the police, she prays the city council for defending the police and whatle she calls a historic move but now we are saying that she wants you to be unsafe and she wants you to not have firearms to protect yourself but she wants protected. this is the exact same thing as
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if she was in arsonist, going around and then firing a fire truck to make sure everything i wish you all the best in the world. i wrote a opinion piece for that's up right now and it's shows the statistics, and the numbers that are just undeniable in these democrat run cities and states and this huge massive surge or crime act w contrary and they don't know how to control the criminal population. what would you do, what do you think should be the right public policy? >> that's why jason i'm running and i urge people to go, too, elect let's not remember that black people aren't that free and i
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guess is that she talk to the city of st. louis, and it's been her up roughly 300 gallons each year. this is the highest murder rate in st. louis in 50 years, she must to defend the police. the st. louis murder rate is threee times higher than that people are most likely to be hurt by the set of black and brown people that the left claims they care about so deeply. >> jason: congressman, there was position policing in new york back in the day where rudy giuliani, bernie kerik and others. if you drop the turnstile they would come after you, if you're broke a window they would come after you but now in so many of these other states and cities, they have raised the level, allowing for petty theft and
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shoplifting. they don't even try to arrest you anymore. >> yet it's absolutely ridiculous. if you want to hear a shockingum statistics? the number of shootings that happen last year of 24 into 20 oh cup. last year student by force and obscure as one of the most important facts about that specific. at least happening in blue run cities whether it's washington, d.c., new york city or out in l.a. come of the murder rates are up at an incredible amount. i believe it's the reason why we see more good losing congressional seats and come into place like lexus and playstation because you cannot raise a family, it's essentially as war zone. at and that makes people they do
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the complete other with the actions. >> in new york city they took 500 undercover policeman off the streets and larry, that isn't going to make the city of new york any safer. >> the number one job of government is to protect people andnt property in the number one issue that help bunions are concerned about his crime. violent crime up in san francisco, up in what san diego and up in los angeles as defined the police have diverted. $150 million from the l.a.p.d. budget for youth programs and they are not doing the x and you want to turn this puppy around. i'm go to mike >> i think you got that in like five times. so congratulations. thank you. after the break, emily compagno and tammy bruce will react to a shocking new development at the united states olympic it's
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>> jason: it welcome back to the special edition of "hannity." shocking revelations about the fbi's handling of the larry nasser sexual abuse case came to light this week. remember, dr. nancy is a formert usa gymnastics team doctor is serving a 60 year federal prisoy instance after pleading guilty to it's time for you. hundreds of women and girls have said nasser abused them. the department of justice inspector general this week released its long anticipated report on the nasser case
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highlighting a number of the fbi shortcomings ultimately concluding that they refused to handle the case with the "utmost seriousness." the report also notes the special agent in charge of the case, wj abbott, made numerous errors and may have violated the process. for example the report says on outside of it sent and match and are joining us for these elections in the shocking updates, "outnumbered" cohost emily compagno. i have to tell you, this is a horrific case, hundreds of victims but so disgusting about what the fbi allegedly did, according to the inspector general when they interviewed a woman in 2015 to write a report this untold
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number of places. the fda to do their job and that's what the inspector general said. >> of the biggest tragedy in my opinion is the fact that, and the inspector general in the process in his 119 page investigation report was that the fbi failed to seize on the opportunity to disrupt this man's predatory behavior and that they didn't lose sight of all the victims that he continue to abuse during the time when the fbi should have been investigating this i could've stopped him were still abused. i have to share with viewers though that there is a silver lining and that is the fact that the fbi has now instituted three large changes to how they review these types of complaints and a whole host of changes within the three buckets. so first of all, operating in procedure. thementation, retention,
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start at eight over sight. they also have at the bucket of accountability now, where they have to share informationey with partners and sisters, field offices. also a whole light to support victims in this way so the good news is' will happen again. >> jason: i have to tell you, my own personal opinion, the fbi and department of justice should be charging jay abbott, he was the indianapolis field special agent in charge. they should be taking him to jail because he failed to do his job and they should haws all that perspective in the corner. run it gives these types of cases just drive me nuts. the fbi has no credibility on this stuff.
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>> there you go. i think we are done. that's obsolete right jason and i love emily's approach but, i have to say, i would disagree with her. i think this will happen again, i think that this is a clear example of why so many women do not report sexual assault that pitted as her twitter feed, rachel den hollander. this is really why when you do report, authorities themselves don't take it seriously and at the fbi, this is not like from 30 or 40 years ago, this is 201516. we shouldn't need a procedure i've got to get out of this, stay with us for a special edition of "hannity" after the break.
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12:00 am
>> thanks for joining us tonight. i wish we had more time. also want to -- very greatful to have a fox news podcast. it's called "jason in the house." this week's guest, former secretary of state mike pompeo. check out the jason in the house pad cast. you'll enjoy it. "the ingraham angle" is up now. >> laura: good evening. i'm laura: this is a special edition of the ingraham angle from washington. the media takes on a barrage of trump books that are making the usual outlandish claims in the predictable reaction from the adoring press corps. and inside the moments you miss from the biden merkel love fest at the white house and this is my favorite of the night. there's a new target, your pickup truck.
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