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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  July 20, 2021 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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this was the mask i wore with a doctor's mask under it big our own former president inciting people into violence and pushing them more into this violent white extremism. much the way bin laden did. >> i don't allow people to just make up and say lies. >> him who run the world? >> to correct the record, i am never greased up. you will see sweat but i'm never wearing any kind of oil or anything like that. when i work out. the governor suggested otherwise, nothing but respect. not true. >> it's okay. you can deny it. it's fine. we can talk about it privately. it was coconut oil, i was told. let's forget about it. >> greg: come on, chris. everyone knows you put the oil on after the workout.
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♪ ♪ happy tuesday. it is tuesday, right? yeah. kat is recuperating after a minor commuting accident. >> oh, that's what i was afraid of. >> greg: that wasn't really her. and for her is emily compagno who was just on "the five" recently. >> happy friday. so excited to be here on "the five." they will all be here any minute. see you at 5:00. [laughter] >> greg: so funny. you remember the "sports illustrated" swimsuit issue. it's the one that had about as much to do with sports as i do.
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i was more of a "better homes and gardens" kind of guy. it wasn't the best at landing a free throw but i could landscape a backyard. in more ways than one, chadwick. i bring up that old magazine because like hunter biden, it's now trying hard to change. for their 2021 swimsuit edition they featured three stars on the cover, tennis pro naomi osaka, a rapper megan thee stallion. any trans artist. it's going to confuse the 9-year-olds that still subscribed to the once legendary magazine. outrage theater for the right and noble approval seeking from the left. both work hand-in-hand to help "sports illustrated" prop up their brand like the corpse in weekend at bernie's. because the desperation for relevance is so obvious, the consumer shrugs. people know a participation trophy when they see one. while their peers in the media apply their enlightened
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editorial perspective, the average guy or gal rolls their eyes. it's happening everywhere. sports, politics, life in general. everything is welcome. it's no longer about reality. it's the perception of inclusion and exclusion that changes the definition of reality and any resistance is seen as bigoted, hateful and reactionary. i get the tennis pro. like the equipment she uses, the rest of this woke-is and is a racket. thank you. hence the connection between trans activism and "sports illustrated" especially when the magazine ignores the elephant in the room which is the impact of male to female trans athletes on female sports. the trans model cover protects them. it's a fair question. which he had been on the cover up she wasn't trans? asking that question is like asking why a sports magazine cover would have swimsuit in the first place. i never understood this. i like to keep my general interests and the looking at half naked women separate. imagine a popular mechanics had
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a swimsuit issue. i mean, i wouldn't mind. i have a thing for plumbers and their ballcocks. that controls the flow of water in a toilet, people. thanks to the trans cover the staff looks woke as opposed to a bunch of dirty old editors. it gets activists off your back. it's like a shop over spray painting blm, we're with you on the plywood protecting their window. the pure woke and that would involve might let you survive. otherwise they'll topple you like a statue of abe lincoln. the women's magazines got this early on putting plus size models on their covers because they knew for decades. session with rail thin mannequins lead to eating disorders. the editors are obsessed about being thin but they use the heavier models at a stainless shabbat enlightenment. shame on you for a fat shaming. it's not about the readers or viewers. the media is the only issue that
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was barely disguised contempt for their customers. they are no different than chinese functional producers, cell phone companies and any government employee that is supposed to help you. it's not about creating a virtue signaling's to placate terrified advertisers. "sports illustrated" is just one example of an effort to blend and in order to escape the wrath. victoria's secret dropped their iconic angels, calling them unattainable which is the whole point. of supermodels. they aren't supposed to be attainable, like you and me, or else they would be obtainable. it's a true symbol of inequality, the real discrimination in life is between levels of physical appeal. not race. but that was the point of the angels, right. they were quite literally out of this world. now we want women grounded in real life, victoria's secret says. who are there new models? not models. their brand ambassadors. soccer player megan rabideau, transgender model valentina
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savio, and plus size model paloma. is grounded in real life, may be. i have no idea. i am a stone cold superfreak. try me. being grounded in real life but if you mean it, just skip the teddies and sell sweatpants. don't tell me expensive laundry that's grounded in reality if i want that i'll rummage through gil mead's office. the stuff he has is disgusting. don't forget once he woke police take over every aspect of what we consume, there's no telling where it'll stop. you can almost picture it. >> back here again. what is it this time? what is at this time? >> did you or did you not tweet out i wish the "sports illustrated" swimsuit issue stays the same. what's so wrong with enjoying women and swimsuits. that is sexist and objectifying.
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>> we went through your recycling. perhaps he would care to explain this. >> i like cars. >> fewer than 3% of the vehicles are electric. don't you care about global warming? also maybe you would care to explain this. >> give me a break. it's my wife's magazine. she's a woman. >> your wife is a woman. that's very gender binary. then you know women have not had their day. maybe you would like to explain this. >> people? as a new people. >> thank god you're here. >> i object. subpoena, affidavit, plead the fifth, beyond a reasonable doubt. why do you let them bring you here. let's get out of here. >> greg: i knew you weren't a real lawyer. in today's culture as seen through the distorted lens of the media everything old is bad
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and everything woke is good. it's time to normalize everything we once considered impossible. i always wanted to be on the cover of "sports illustrated." maybe it's my time. let's welcome tonight's guests! she's the vegan whose got beef with everyone. fox business network anchor dagen mcdowell. when the press needs a right turn, he grabs the wheel. right turn strategies president chris barron. he's burned more bridges than general sherman. outspoken editor-in-chief chadwick moore. now when this former cheerleader says 2-4-6-8, it's me who she appreciates. "outnumbered" co-host emily compagno. why can't street, since normative mails like maybe on the cover of the swimsuit issue.
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i would look great in a bikini. >> i have seen the selfies that you taken your private time. i love how "sports illustrated" is moving into the century with their idea of progress is a woman in a bathing suit standing on the beach. on her knees in the stands with her legs spread. we are rising up, except we're not because we are on all fours with our ass stuck up in the air. i went through the photos and it's true, so women can rule the world except if we are covered in lotion and have sand in her crack. you talked about, at least "sports illustrated" has these unattainable models. i will say bravery is wearing a bathing suit, a bikini that is laced across the middle and not having your kidney fat hanging
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over. kudos. >> greg: that's the true hero when you think about it. i don't know. chadwick, it's kind of funny watching companies fall over themselves to blend. they are covering their asses by trying to look the most enlightened. do they believe it? >> chadwick: good question. i think the jury is still out. if they are gauging if it's good for business. sometimes it is. i think you're right with "sports illustrated," here we are talking about "sports illustrated" and they do this again a few years ago. they put a fat person, fat woman in the swimsuit issue. we do excuse me, plus size. >> a person of obesity. talking about the swimsuit issue. maybe it should have gone away with the internet. >> greg: seems like something that should've been killed by the internet. it killed everything else, including three of my jobs. if i told you i worked for maxim, not everybody would be
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like, what's that? >> i remember maxim. >> greg: i was an editor. it floated off into the ether. >> it was the internet and not you that killed maxim? [laughter] >> greg: some people argue that i was probably the killer. what do you make of this trend, chris? >> chris: i would like to point out that you have two gay men to talk about the "sports illustrated" issue. >> greg: i also have two women who identify as gay men. >> dagen: it's true. >> chris: they described the trans model as their first openly trans model. my question was, have they had another? that wasn't openly trans. going back through former si models and asking, is there something you want to tell us. >> greg: i totally missed
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that. you are crazy sports fan. >> i didn't read "sports illustrated." all of those things are irrelevant. chadwick is right. we are talking about "sports illustrated" which normally no one does because frankly "sports illustrated" has been dead for 15 years. >> greg: i disagree with the idea of media attention. i think they do this not to get any attention. the fear is that they will be called out for misogyny or sexism. what this does, they paid the overpaid consultants. they got the diversity. so that they don't make a ripple. so that they can squeeze by and the advertisers don't get scared. emily, how are you? it's so great to see you. i have a question. you were once an nfl cheerleader
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in the 70s. [laughter] >> emily: a little bit before that. >> greg: the snake. you know where he got that snake through the fields. all right. here's my question. may not be a question. maybe it's an opinion. it seems that what they are trying to shut down as anything the kind of indulges the straight male gaze. it's more like anything that are straight guys attracted to is kind of the problem. is not going to happen with cheerleading in general? that's going to be the next step or maybe it already is and i've missed it. >> emily: is already been happening. the washington football team dismantle their cheerleading squad. the answer was, you feel more tempted by this and there are
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allegations of sexual harassment would be to extinguish the temptation. i think your point about this playing into the woke gods essentially to prevent their being the culture mob coming out of them is totally true. there are three covers. they want to make sure all the boxes are checked. the transgender point, not an athlete but they are in fact a million transgender athletes out there. we've been seeing them not only through high school sports and the subject of a lot of legislation but also at the olympic level. the fact that there are global parameters sent to that right now that that's when they're going to choose because it's the safe play. they are not getting into the fray of the sports world. >> greg: why didn't they actually go with the athlete? right? >> there is one reason why. >> greg: i'll tell you why. i said this briefly in the monologue, the most pervasive discrimination on earth is something we all know.
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it goes back to natural selection. attraction and beauty. people that are lucky to be born with cheekbones go much further, no matter their race, than anybody else. which is why i'm very lucky. [laughter] >> dagen: you can buy cheekbones. [laughter] >> greg: did you really buy those? >> dagen: their temporary. [laughter] there's no need to alter this beautiful face. next, the politicians aren't being transparent. distrust of dems is apparent. liberty mutual customizes car insurance so you only pay for what you need. how much money can liberty mutual save you? one! two! three! four! five! 72,807! 72,808... dollars.
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yep... everything hurts. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ priceline will partner with even more vegas hotels to turn their unsold rooms into amazing deals. delegates, how do you vote? (cheering) ♪ yes, y-y-y-yes, yes... ♪ that is freaky. (applause)
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>> greg: they are on the lamb because their party a set scam.
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according to axios, the website, not my personal trainer, although, how are you doing, axios? ahead of next year's midterms, some dems are distancing themselves from the democrat label. like citizens fleeing a mugger in a liberal city. tim ryan of ohio never mentions he's a democrat. that's like me doing a whole episode of the show without acknowledging how my faces. they keep saying republicans are as bad as the civil war. they are more ashamed of the alternative. of course you can't mention midterms without measuring the crime wave. the d found that they police crowd keeps tripping, crime continues to explode. here is a guy's smashing a glass bottle over a police officer's head. this guy was arrested for assaulting officers twice before yet here he is walking around and that's the problem. not just crime but the
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elimination of incarceration. the only thing that keeps you in jail these days is walking into an open door at the capitol. yet apparently everything is fine, right? here is andrea mitchell putting the national parks shooting in context. >> we are thankful to you into the commissioner and what the police are doing. we know how safe and wonderful our city is. it's so shocking that it was displayed for the whole country to see. in a place that has been improving and safety. we have over 100 homicides here already this year. it's really of concern. >> absolutely. >> greg: there was absolutely no signs of life in anything she just said because she didn't believe it. in terms of safety, they are killing it. as a wise man once said in times of trouble, leniency becomes a
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crime. that wise man was my masseuse. i had him deported for speaking to me during the ramp down. i don't care if he said smart things. i have rules. don't ruin the moment. you are a lawyer. you claim to be one. is this going to change? we have married racial justice with teen support politics so that there's no way hard left leaders are ever going to go back to a law and order mind frame. >> i don't see how they can give it everything we've seen. they have come too far to circle back. the median is so far left and that's why we are seeing rural americans fleeing the democrat party because those are the ones, normal real americans are the ones that think things like law and order are a good idea, that they shouldn't be taxed to death. inflation rising is a hidden tax. there should be border security. those things that shouldn't be
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wild concepts. the fact that this crime is absolutely skyrocketing with the party seems to be absolutely ignoring it, i don't know where that's going to go from here. i don't know what catastrophic event will have to happen for these guys to open their eyes. i think personally. first of all is already happening. the extinction of our children in these major cities. also i think that catastrophic event will be in the ballot box when these guys are voted out of office especially at the city council level because this cannot keep going. >> greg: i have a theory, chadwick, that i mentioned on the five earlier. if we all decided to be pro-crime, then they would switch. the reason why they are so, like pretending this doesn't exist is that they don't want to be aligned with anybody like us. >> b '70s again. society looks like we are moving
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towards brazil. you have a mass underclass left to fend for themselves and the elites are protected with private security and guards. that's where all this defend the police rhetoric goes. i think democrats are fine with that society. those are the people that remain in power. speak to don lemon likes it. he can still go to a restaurant in sag harbor. everybody else has to fend for themselves. they've got private security. they live and really, really protected areas. chris, how can people belong to a party that not only hates you but embraces people who hate you. >> chris: this tim ryan ad, here's the thing. i live on top of a mountain on the west virginia border. rural democrats don't exist anymore and it's not because they turned their back on the democratic party. >> greg: it's because it killed them. i >> chris: the democratic party not only doesn't care about rural america. they demonize rural america. tim ryan can spend all the money
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the world chasing rural democratic voters. he would be the same thing republicans did for 20 years chasing reagan democrats. that fact is until there is a sea change in the democratic party and they stop demonizing rural america, there will not be a rural person who votes for their party. >> greg: the only sea change is people drowning in blood. how do you like that for an analogy? dagen, the guy who hit a cop with a bottle. i'm sure the left was more upset that the bottle wasn't recycled. [laughter] >> dagen: you're right. we've had this conversation before. i walked around new york city. he >> greg: you get more angry than i do. >> dagen: yeah. i have stopped keying cars that cut me off in the crosswalk. i am making progress. the second amendment doesn't exist here. just like in virginia, my friend kim edwards lives in rural virginia where i grew up and he
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writes about gun laws. he said there were these gun laws put in place in virginia. what they did was create nonviolent criminals by the laws. but they are not fighting violent crime. here in new york, the second amendment doesn't exist. i constantly think, how my going to defend myself? i saw a nut bag pouring a wearing a snowboard over his back. that guy is not crazy. he's really smart. you reduce damage. i'm going to start carrying a leaf blower on my back and just walk around. i will be irritating and look insane. that's the only way you can defend yourself. >> greg: elon musk selling flamethrowers. people were buying them. i am waiting for my permit to carry. it has been like a year. it's ridiculous. i've gotten death threats from chris barrett. it >> dagen: it's not a
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flamethrower. it removes tar when you are reroofing a building. you get them really easily. >> greg: up next, will you need a giant net worth to ever leave earth? ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ summer is a state of mind, you can visit anytime. savor your summer with lincoln. summer is a state of mind, you can visit anytime. hey lily, i need a new wireless plan for my business, but all my employees need something different. oh, we can help with that. okay, imagine this... your mover, rob, he's on the scene and needs a plan with a mobile hotspot. we cut to downtown, your sales rep lisa has to send some files, asap! so basically i can pick the right plan for each employee...
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yeah i should've just led with that... with at&t business... you can pick the best plan for each employee and only pay for the features they need. okay people. oh yeah. let us begin. people!!! less with the puns. more about the moms. they want healthy, affordable options. moms want to save that dough. hold onto that green. enough with the puns! land o'frost premium. fresh look. same great taste.
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shift the focus more on you. ask your doctor about ingrezza. it's simple. one pill, once-daily. #1 prescribed for td. learn how you could pay as little as $0 at ♪ ♪ >> greg: should we embrace billionaires in space? or is it a sign of depravity? spending fortunes to be a gravity. this morning jeff bezos successfully launched himself into space like a big loogie. the capsule reached 350,000 feet but thankfully the return was covered under his amazon prime membership. this comes a week after richard branson flew a successful test mission with plans to kick off commercial space flight next year. bezos and branson are part of a billionaire space race with
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tesla founder elon musk, who is also rich. what inspires this magnificent men in their fantastic machines besides escaping alimony laws, it's nice they are doing something our government can do. exploring the cosmos on-time and on budget. space travel could be available even for the average joe. i'm a little skeptical anyone went to space today. did you see blue origins official video official video from a cockpit? >> check the o2 levels. >> zero gravity engaged. thrusters forward. >> greg: did you notice chris, he was delivering an amazon package.
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>> chris: i noticed very nice product placement. >> greg: you're on the way. i am not going to bash billionaires for trying to do something that we need to do. what do you think? >> chris: first off, they went to space. they went on a plane ride on for 4 minutes they didn't have to wear a seat belt. you can take a flight from miami to new york on frontier and have the exact same experience. it's probably more dangerous than what you. people acting like they are neil armstrong. >> greg: i was more upset, dagen, that there wasn't a woman with long hair. isn't that always the thing? look at my hair. it's all over the place. they are also enamored by having no gravity. get used to it. we are used 28. >> dagen: what is this hair thing? is it some dream? >> greg: female astronauts, their hair is always all over the place.
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>> they are you. >> dagen: a woman who -- >> greg: there were no people of color on that trip! this is not just a space race. this is a space race. >> dagen: i am a life lesson to take away. i look at jeff bezos and i think, to every young woman, don't turn your back on the guy who looks like marty feldman or peter faulk. he could wind up being the richest dude on the planet. you will regret it for the rest of your life if you don't go out on that date. >> greg: he just gave 100 million to van jones just because he likes the guy. i wish i had a billionaire friend, chadwick. anyway, that's not really a question. [laughter] do you know any billionaires? >> chadwick: i've met a couple
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billionaires. they are very nice people. >> greg: they are. what do you make of this fantastic four minute voyage. >> chadwick: i am a space nerd. i love space. it's a nice distraction from the politics. look at what humanity is doing. low orbit. think of airplanes. still enamored by air travel? we should be. where the flying cards? >> chris: i am not that jazzed. >> greg: where are the driving planes, not the flying cars? i want to drive a plane across country, emily. >> emily: that's like my car. >> greg: it is. >> emily: i loved this. i totally cried when they landed. i got super emotional. i loved every minute of it. i surprised myself because i was sort of a hater. i was team branson. bezos is a nerd.
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when i saw it, i totally cried. hearing and seeing the elderly woman and 82. at age 21 she competed with all the guys from mercury seven. this was a million years ago. she beat all of them but because of her gender she wasn't an astronaut. she was a trailblazer her whole life. she's now accomplishing what she wanted to do, her true dream. it's never too late. it's not too late. seeing her excitement was really inspirational and i think they did a good homage to history. >> don't try to shame me into having a heart. it's not going to work. >> greg: amelia earhart's goggles? didn't she disappear? >> dagen: she flew planes. >> she had more than one pair. >> dagen: i have one thing save you, sucker!
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>> greg: is an important achievement because we have to start thinking about eating something besides earthlings. i want interstellar cuisine and i wanted before my life and spirit. i am tired of eating people -- things. >> people? >> greg: i've got to go. are the makers of scrabble indulging crt babble? i'm greg, i'm 68 years old. i do motivational speaking in addition to the substitute teaching. i honestly feel that that's my calling-- to give back to younger people. i think most adults will start realizing that they don't recall things as quickly as they used to or they don't remember things as vividly as they once did. i've been taking prevagen for about three years now. people say to me periodically, "man, you've got a memory like an elephant." it's really, really helped me tremendously. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. ♪
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someone once told me, that i should get used to people staring. so i did. it's okay, you can stare. when you're a two-time gold medalist, it comes with the territory. (announcer) if you've struggled to lose weight, you might think you were born with a slow metabolism, but what you may have is insulin resistance. fat becomes trapped inside your body and it becomes very difficult to lose weight. now there's release from golo. it naturally helps reverse insulin resistance, stops sugar cravings, and releases stubborn fat, all while controlling stress and emotional eating. at last, a diet pill that actually works. go to to get yours. that's
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>> greg: it's no moment for mirth. you're racist at birth. hasbro has been accused allegedly of promoting racial dogma on its employees. a whistle-blower who came forward to project veritas said hasbro is pushing critical race theory through toy packaging and training. here he was on a show called
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"hannity." >> the reason i oppose crt so much is because crt teaches people and it hasbro they want to teach children to judge people based on race, and that's not something that i feel that dr. martin luther king would have supported. >> greg: because we were bored, re-reached out to hasbro for comment. they said in part project veritas report mischaracterized hasbro and our values. the reference session was not mandatory training. it was an optional webinar attended by a small group of employees. there is a word i hate. as always, the views expressed by external speakers are their own and do not reflect the views of the company. translation, we invited these overpaid speakers so our enlightened diversity distracts activists from our evil binary toys. meanwhile at the petition making the rounds among academics is calling for a
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"robust antiracism plan for the geoscientist." even rocks are racist. the petition says whereas a white geology used with a rock hammer will be seen as safe, black geologist may be seen as a threat. it's confusing to most americans who have never actually seen a rock hammer. it's like they always say, if the only tool you have is a hammer, then everything becomes a neil. which is still no reason for me to hang out at ace hardware. but it's true. i don't remember what i said but it was true. >> emily: something about -- >> greg: looking at a black geologist and assuming he is the mugger is something that a white leftist would put on somebody else. they are conflating a hammer with black crime. no one else is doing this.
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it's them, it's the white leftist next month >> emily: totally. i feel like this is the prime example of what is wrong with everything in academia. the professors are worried about pronouns and worry about what might happen this is why we have to change text and language, american children are last in the entire galaxy for science and geology. if they are worried about diversity in the field, why don't we go back to school choice, quality public education? why don't we go back to a lot of other things that might help that in a qualitative sense rather than some random talking about this hypothetical. >> greg: i am thinking, dagen, thinking about hasbro. could it be that instead of one a woman is giving birth, what is it? pediatric surgeon? obstetrician? my brain.
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there are no longer going to say it's a boy or girl. it's going to be, it's not racist or it's racist. look, what is it? it's not racist. oh, it looks like it's racist. >> chadwick: apparently identifying the gender of the baby is actually evil. >> dagen: you're assigning -- you're saying it's a girl. you are assigning that gender. i went through a list of toys that i played with when i was a kid and they were all really evil. lincoln logs encouraging deforestation. hungry hungry hippos. hippos don't eat marbles. what about ants in the pants? what's that about? i could go on for days about what kind of that brought on in my life. apparently, i went through a list of horrible twice. there was a cap gun that you wore on your belt. when you thrust your pelvis forward, it would fire a cap.
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maybe that wasn't real. >> where did you grow up? >> dagen: i got a giggle out of that. >> greg: there's a few clubs down town where guys still wear that. chris, i do think i see captains anymore. >> chris: cap guns are when gone. we aren't allowed to have a gun emoji. they got rid of the gun emoji. >> greg: you can't even do this with your finger. it's considered threatening. what if you do this and this? by the way, no one has put that together yet. what happened? your hand gets pregnant. >> chris: you know who loves everything who is racist? actual racists. david duke loves it. whatever that weird racist at cnn keeps putting on. they love it. they know the american people are going to tune out. actual racists know that this push by the left makes life easier for them. >> greg: that's true. chadwick, it's weird.
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under trump there was opposition between this entire media landscape and trump. this is not the case now in the sense that, it's not like fox really cares about joe biden. he's ineffectual. it's not even about a person. it's about a thing, it's a weird thing it's all around us. it has so many heads. going, what the hell is going on? it's hasbro, geologists. >> they mr. trump so much. so much. they miss trump so much. they are just talking to each other. they are not talking to us. >> greg: i'm going to boycott hasbro. i don't know what that means. >> chadwick: i don't know either. we are not good at boycotting great speech all probably buy
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more toys. >> chadwick: maybe we need to make them condemn critical race theory. >> greg: up next, tac is in trouble. why they need more ingredients on the double. liberty mutual customizes car insurance so you only pay for what you need. how much money can liberty mutual save you? one! two! three! four! five! 72,807! 72,808... dollars. yep... everything hurts. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ [swords clashing]
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>> greg: they are at a loss for hot sauce. taco bell, the purveyors of america's most authentic mexican cuisine, what's with the laughter? terrible. they are dealing with a major ingredient shortage due to national delivery delays. it's the first time their ingredients have moved slowly through any system. [applause] yeah. love a good poop joke. they are reportedly running out of beef and chicken and other staples. that raises the question, who wants to eat staples? taco bell is not alone. major drama at chick-fil-a when they -- the dipping sauce shortage. shortages at chick-fil-a and taco bell. if we had had a third example we would have led the show with this story. it's a joke about the media,
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always three things. why am i telling you this? it's a basic truth about life. >> dagen: you say that. >> greg: look at your face. >> dagen: you say that because your dude. >> greg: thank god we can control it. imagine if we can't. >> dagen: do you want me to weigh in on taco bell. always go for the not show ground a. there's been no shortage of nitro cold brew. i got out rage maybe it's a signal. >> greg: chadwick, how are you experiencing this shortage? >> my mornings have been less productive. my chilupas seemed to be
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unaffected. chick-fil-a sauces are back. that's a good thing. >> greg: chris, it's a tough thing to go through. do you have a strong family situation that can comfort you through this shortage? >> chris: you shouldn't eat taco bell. i don't know who needs to hear this. i don't care how drunk or how high you are, you should meet taco bell. they said they ran out of lettuce. i don't know if you know but you can go anywhere in fine lettuce. or they passing off as lettuce? if you had a shortage of literacy would go to the store and get lettuce. >> dagen: taco bell kept me from getting pregnant during college because i was 30 pounds heavier. >> greg: i had no idea it had birth control benefits. i salute taco bell. let's say there's four ingredients. meat, cheese, shells and let's stay loosely, vegetables.
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they come up with a number of products. it's got to be a fun meeting to sit through. okay, they lay out everything. what are we going to make now? roll it, structured, make it into a triangle. that's the pride taco bell. they get super high and they threw everything into a jar and eat it with a spoon. >> emily: taco bell was the spot growing up. in high school there was a location where, our friends would work there. we would have dance parties in the drive through. it's all about the seven layer burrito and the bean and cheese. the reason they are having a shortages because everyone grabs eight handfuls of sauces. in the times of plenty, that's when we should've been rationing more so than the rest of us could still have fire sauce. >> greg: some freak with a junk drawer full of sauce. >> you sound like a communist. >> greg: we must move on. stay right there.
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>> greg: we are out of time. set your dvrs every night so you never miss an episode. thank you to dagen mcdowell, chris, chadwick moore, emily compagno. i am greg gutfeld's and i america. i love you, america. ♪ ♪ >> shannon: hello and welcome to "fox news @ night." i am shannon bream in washington. breaking tonight, concerns that the maskless democrats on the run from texas could have spread covid to potentially the white house. there's fresh push back against mainstream media for not calling the lawmakers jaunt


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