tv FOX Friends First FOX News July 22, 2021 1:00am-2:00am PDT
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mandatory at grounded venues in september legendary to after boris johnson announced vaccine passports would be mandatory at venues beginning in september, legendary singer and guitarist eric clapton said as i feel about the making of them i am. i wish to say that i outperform on any stage with a discriminated audience presents. that is being a real reveling today's society is. gutfeld next. jillian: the white house reportedly weighing new mask guidance even if you are vaccinated as the cdc prepares to release a new set of tools for the upcoming school year. >> the biden administration is saying it did not mean to promote an activist group's handle of disrupting whiteness in his classroom's iap guide
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cannot avoid buying. >> they one of the tequila pics and team usa already taking a knee. "fox and friends first" starts right now. ♪♪ >> i don't know, it reminds me of summer, fresh share and this happy visual when i saw. >> can we keep up that vibe for the next two hours. i'm going to take up my shoes, you're watching "fox and friends first" on thursday morning. jillian: packing mass, looking likely children who did not receive the covid 19 vaccine will be told to cover up in the classroom. >> this as the president considers new guidance for vaccinated americans, griff jenkins kicks us off with
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potential changes in any resurgence of cases. >> member the white house's springtime public message of masks? it is more complicated. a scene in ohio last night they had this to say. >> we have a pandemic for those who haven't gotten the vaccination. if you are vaccinated you are not going to be hospitalized and you're not going to die. people should get vaccinated. >> this comes as the administration is debating whether they should urge vaccinated americans to return to mask wearing, the officials who spoke to the washington post cautions any informal guidance would come from the cdc. the president did publicly address masking guidance for schoolkids. >> the cdc is going to say anyone over the -- under the age of 12 should probably be wearing a mask in school. those over the age of 12 if vaccinated shouldn't wear a mask. if you aren't vaccinated you
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should be wearing a mask. >> the shifting guidance comes as the cdc director said the spiking delta variance accounts for 83% of cases nationwide and as more cities and counties of those required or recommended mask mandates from la county in pasadena where it is required from southern nevada all the way to louisiana and the east coast where it is being advised. finally in response to the recent criticism, white house press surgeon psaki said aboard air force one last night, providing more transparency about an infected staffing came in contact with the president, the vice president and second gentleman. >> thanks. the president said something, this is only a pandemic for the unvaccinated. a lot of people would disagree with that, they would be vaccinated people and they would not be focused on the sickness element of it. these would be business owners, the last 60 months of been abysmal and there are signs that
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we are coming back but with the rise of the delta variance there's a little bit of trepidation once again and one other thing, he says since i got in office making it seem like the last 6 months have been a panacea, this we forget the reason we were able to get that vaccine whether you like him or not, operation work speed. >> you will never hear that credit given. for some people anyway but to the point you just said about how the president said this is only a pandemic for the unvaccinated there are business owners already facing more restrictions in certain counties in some states of this country and we've had business owners on this very network in the last few days saying how my now supposed to tell people again you have to wear a mask in my restaurant where you do one thing, you get the freedom back, i can't do it. how do you do this again and
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survive as a business? that was one of the things that was discussed last night. another thing that was discussed at this townhall, a range of topics including defunding the police. let's take a listen. >> police aren't doing their job they should be held accountable, they should be fired if not doing respond. >> how do you respond to republican to try to paint you and your party is anti-police? >> they are lying. >> what about defunding the police. >> i've never said defunding the police. >> he may not have said those words but he didn't come out and endorse police as the answer. he did advocate reallocating money which when we are talking money if you are taking money away from the cops who are on the beat doing the work, in essence you are defunding police but you also have to keep in mind there is no way that those statements, even though they were pretty tepid, no way they
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can walk back the democrats over the course of the last 16 months, probably more like 1516 months actively saying we want to defund police and not surprisingly have a montage as well. >> i support the defund movement, not only do we need to defund, we need to dismantle and start a new. >> this is the word coming from the streets. >> i'm for defunding the police. >> reimagine policing, take things off the shoulders. >> in many cities in america one third of the city budget goes to police so we have to have this conversation. what are we doing? >> you can argue the president himself may not have said i want to defund the police, you just heard that for yourself so you can make a decision for yourself based on what a lot of people, not everyone but a lot of people in the democratic party have
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been pushing for and we talked to police pretty much every single day on this show and they don't feel supported by the administration, a majority of them. won't speak from police but majority police officers we talked do and law enforcement officers on this show say they feel what we heard, they don't feel supported. >> no matter what president biden says, last night between now and november of 2022 safety is the number one issue for americans and the fact that democrats made those statements over the course of the last year is going to hurt them come midterms whether it is going to flip the house i don't know -- i don't know if anybody knows the races but it is going to hurt them in some way, shape or form. there is also another thing that could hurt the democrats, all the free money that is not free, president biden morning inflation is rising but doesn't seem to think it is that big a deal, take a listen. >> legitimate question being asked about the concern about
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inflation, the vast majority of the experts including wall street are suggesting that it is highly unlikely to be long-term inflation will get out of hand, there will be near-term inflation because thing is not trying to be picked back up. >> is tying inflation to rising demand is fundamentally incorrect. that is not proper economic theory. demand is not in fact do that. the printing of money, trillion dollars here, giving money to people during the pandemic is what causes inflation, devalues the dollar. this is fundamental economics. it is disingenuous. >> what happens, the conversation we are faced with will we have more restrictions, we had some restrictions but will we have restrictions as a country, let's hope we don't but what if we do get back into
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lockdowns, people losing their jobs, recession, what will inflation look like after that? scary to think where we are now and where we could potentially be. todd: we can't sugarcoat it. jillian: let's make them happy. we try anywhere. todd: we will play that song all day. >> house speaker nancy pelosi sanders republican congressman jim jordan and jim banks, 7, january 6th committee saying they were rejected to preserve the, quote, integrity of the committee's work, both republican slamming move saying it proves the opposite. >> they knew jim jordan and i would ask tough questions that they didn't want to answer about the systemic breakdown of security at the capitol on january 6th and ultimately who is responsible for that?
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the speaker of the house. >> maybe she doesn't want to answer that fundamental question or any other question. this is all political and we've known that from the start. >> house minority leader kevin mccarthy said unless pelosi includes banks and jordan republicans would boycott the controversial committee. congresswoman nancy mason joins us live in the next hour to react. >> gop leaders ramping up defense of cuba after it to fight for freedom while calling on president biden to oppose the socialist government during a special hannity townhall. >> the cuban people are hostages. they say these people are going to starve, suffer unless you send more money. >> step up and be on the side of freedom. >> leave these folks out to dry, what is going to happen if they don't get any assistance the regime will continue to clamp down and stamp this out and that will be a huge blow to the cause of freedom. >> they are not saying down with the embargo or we want more vaccines or more food, they are saying we want freedom. >> display calls for action senator rubio feels addressing
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human freedom, quote, is not a priority for the biden administration. >> let's go to tokyo where the us women's soccer team took a need to start their a big opener. several other teams also took part in the demonstration against racism after restrictions on protests at the games were relaxed. sweden went on to beat team usa 320, the first loss for the world cup champs since 2019. the first lady arrived in japan this morning, leading the diplomatic delegation to the. joey jones will join us to discuss the living kneeling protests in the next hour. todd: we have a real problem playing sweden inside. hopefully we can figure out. time 11 minutes after the hour. the biden administration says it was an error to promote a radical group in the school reopening guidance. the pressure they are facing to condemn that curriculum when we come back.
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error to promote a link to radical activist group that pushes critical race. schools. >> ashley strohmeyer joins us live with wiser lawmakers say it is not enough. this is interesting. >> that radical activist group is called abolitionist teaching network, it's handbook of the, quote, commitment to learning from students, families and educators who disrupt whiteness and other forms of oppression but now the biden administration says it was a big mistake, it and up as part of its guide to help schools safely reopened during the pandemic, the department of education saying it does not endorse the recommendations of this group nor do they reflect our policy positions. it was an error in the lengthy document to include the citation, south carolina attorney general alan wilson celebrity the reverse a calling it a big win for parents and says it is because republican attorney general pressured them to do the right thing but senator tom cotton had a different take on the matter
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telling fox news, quote, president biden has supported critical race theory since he took office, no one believes this was an honest mistake. of the biden administration doesn't support this radical racist ideology it should complicate critical race theory and stop it from being promoted in the federal government. republican representative byron donald says this is biden's way of trying to fundamentally change america. take a listen. >> simply put they have an agenda they want to continue to push through our country. if you make it possible for young people to look at our country with his dane, to not believe in the goodness of america, that our country is irreparably no ability to better itself -- >> looks like the debate over critical race theory in our schools won't be slowing down anytime soon. >> let's bring in president and founder of parents funding
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education, nicole, thanks for being here, the statement of the department of education and tom cotton said he's not buying it. are you buying that apology? >> i'm not buying that apology the because we've seen this administration's department of education over and over again try and sneak things like this in without people knowing and the price of liberty is eternal vigilance which we been able to catch these things but look at the grant programs they have floated, what they are trying to do to obama era discipline regulations, injecting race into the process. trying to be electrified, seems like they are trying to see what they should get away with. todd: what are the most concerning features of this handbook. >> it is very -- the name is a misnomer. this is not about teaching evolution.
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this is about attacking whiteness, defining and treating children differently on the basis of immutable characteristics. >> throughout the handbook and the discussion you hear supporters espousing is this word disrupting. there is an emphasis on that word was why can't the focus be on raising up all groups so we can fight as one nation against the rising education stature of other countries? >> great question. at this point of the pandemic the learning losses, the mental health problems and depression facing children yet we are not trying to make children feel bad about things they can't change but think about disrupting the end goal is to undermine and tear down american values and that is not what we need to move forward or teach children to competing global marketplace. todd: i feel like america is waking up to what is being taught in kids schools or what could because in coming years
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but look ahead 5 or 10 years, what is the future of what you would characterize as this harmful approach to learning? >> our children are being taught what to think about how to think of the they are not encouraged to engage with materials. they are told to hate america, the values on which the country are found are bad and divisive and hard break because there's no way, to be a strong nation if everyone is fighting each other and hating. our competitors are laughing at us, china, russia, they think this is entertaining and i think it is tragic. todd: thank you for getting up with us. >> 19 after the hour. we've seen this before but yet again see use walk out other major retail store with handfuls of stolen clothes because interstate it seems there really
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>> good morning and welcome back to residents in venice be, california blaming their local leaders are letting homelessness overwhelm the neighborhood and the iconic boardwalk. of next guest is one of those people who want to see leaders take action. joining me now a member of the neighborhood council, solo dad, appreciate your time. >> good morning and thank you for having me on. >> i know you're among many
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others are completely frustrated by images like what we're seeing on our screen right now. city leaders promised they would return of the end of july to finish cleaning things up. have they done enough? >> know. this has turned into a huge crisis. the venice beach neighborhood that is 3 and a half miles, we have over 2000 homeless people in her neighborhood, that makes us second next to skid row. we've become a skid row west and from that we've seen violent spikes in crime the one of her latest committee meetings which i chair warm thus overall violent crime is up 64%. robberies are up 150%, burglaries 93% they often caution us that we should keep windows and doors closed at all
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times, otherwise it could be a victim ourselves. it is very difficult to live a day-to-day life and we keep calling on our elected officials to do something and they have abdicated their responsibility, they have all failed us. our mayor, council members and county supervisor. jillian: so many questions where do i begin? you mentioned the 2000 number of unsheltered homeless people living in venice these. why this has happened in venice be and why do you think local leaders in your opinion aren't doing that. it so out of hand, where do you begin because there's so much to tackle? >> and remember the 2000 number was done in 2020 prior to covid. the city never did a 2021 count so we don't know the actual number. if you ask the resident, that is
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a pre-covid number we are looking at and why are people coming here? our elected officials have their arms out and welcoming them. i understand there is video of a couple from arkansas, they were setting up their tent on the venice be toward law, the policies we have in place, the way to pierced myself and the rest of the nation's anyone can come to california, become homeless and we have the obligation to find you not just shelter but permanent supportive housing so that is what is being pitched and can you blame people for coming here if that is what they are hearing? >> it sounds similar to many conversations and i don't always make comparisons but sounds like conversations we have with what is going on on the southern border. does it not? >> don't know who is doing the worst job on the border but
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there were videos yesterday councilmembers did visit the boardwalk so we were joking it was a bigfoot sighting on the boardwalk. he's finally come out, it has been two years since he has seen what is going on there. >> when you allow something to happen for a certain period of time it is going to take a long time to remedy the situation so it this point you into the residents know it's not going to happen overnight and that is probably in part why you are so frustrated and a lot of people moving out, thank you, keep us updated. >> that video, i used to walk that strand all the time. time 27 after the hour, the dc mayor giving police the right to use any overtime necessary after a slew of weekend shootings majesty ago the department was defunded and our next guest is
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worried the damage is already done. a member of the dc police union joins us next and while you were on your vacation did you miss the fox about -- i haven't read it to you yet. from our friends at fox that download the fox that super 6 apps and play for a chance to win 10,$000. i you need to do is predict 6 outcomes in the fox that super 6 quiz show, tell of the fox that super 6 apps. ♪♪
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look at this video you can see the smoke and flames pouring from the second for the massive house. to 2 adults and four children suffering burns. one of the adults and two children had to be flown to a hospital. officials expect everyone to survive. it is unclear at this point what caused the massive explosion. >> overnight chaos, 14-year-old boy, 9 others shot across multiple crime scenes. no word on any arrests. the violent leading police to plead for help. >> this is becoming an effort where we need an all hands on deck approach that will involve our community. our community getting involved and saying what is going on. >> violence rages in chicago, city council approving a civilian board to oversee the police department, it will create a commission with the power to draft police department policy. >> cameras captured two men walking out of the t.j. maxx with merchandise. officers say crimes like this are spiking because under
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california state law, $950 are considered a misdemeanor not felony. the sergeant with the lapd says, quote, if they are caught they are probably given the equivalent of a tractor ticket. it's not taken seriously. >> washington dc, mayor muriel bowser directing police to use any overtime necessary to keep the city safe after weekend of shootings including this one that sent people running for their lives at the nationals game. jillian: this comes a year after the council voted to partially defund police. you to react as treasurer of washington dc police union, mayorappreciate it. here is the mayor's statement, quote, over the last you the district of columbia is grappling with a sustained increase in gun violence, the terrible incidents of the past weekend including the tragic murder of nayak courtney illustrates how far we must still go to address the brazen
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shooters in our neighborhoods. how far do you have to go and is enough being done? >> we appreciate the mayor's letter and the short-term solution for overtime is a problem short-term but with negative consequences. first office officer burnout the working 40 hours a week, the results are stressful enough and if you double that to 60 or 80 hours todd: officer burnout which leaves a lot of members leaving the department because they don't want work forced overtime, we didn't sign off to be a job 24/7, she also addresses a long-term solution, refunding the police department which is desperately needed. right now 3400 members from our newest police officer to the chief of police, that is 400 less than we had a year ago. to get back that number is going to take 2 or 3 years from iran police officers from the
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application process and having fully trained afterwords is going to take 2 or 3 years to get to the number we are looking for so that's another issue we are having. also you see the damage from the city council, the legislation passed in the hiring freeze, for years, bad decisions by city council. >> most people expected crime to rise as a result of the funding police, why didn't elected leaders in dc see what basically most people in america saw would happen? >> that is a question. i believe the vast majority of the district of columbia citizens want good responsible professional policing but there's a small vocal minority out there that has other plans and for whatever reason city council was moved by the mid-wants to follow the footsteps of defunding the police. >> do police feel supported there? >> by city council i do not think so.
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morale is okay for the new chief of police but when it comes from the council i don't think they support us and it shows the legislation, there's been enormous bills passed time and again, eroding our rates to putting us in danger. >> what about from community members? >> i believe the vast majority of district of columbia community members realize this was a bad move. they see it all the time. they live in the district of columbia, they shop there, they work there and a lot of them are noticing it is not as safe as it was here go. >> your initial answer to jillian's first question seemed very optimistic. i'm curious whether you are going to be able to put the genie back in the bottle in the district. i wish you the best of luck, hopefully you can. thank you. >> hunter biden is expected to meet with potential buyers in los angeles in new york city
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before his art exhibitions later this year, that is raising more ethics concerns as the gallery owner vows to keep bias identities a secret from the president, his son, the white house and the public. resources hunter will not discuss prices or purchase details during the event, some of his artwork price tags are as high as half $1 million. >> i wonder if that is where carly is today, she's always been a huge fan of hunter biden art, no she hasn't. 37 after the hour, remember those red states that ended federal unemployment benefits are become new data reveals more people are back to work. >> is the weekly paycheck preventing businesses from finding workers, we will discuss with the owner doc's smokehouse bar in indiana next. ♪♪ taking care of business ♪♪ taking care of business ♪♪
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jillian: former detroit police chief james craig sitting his eyes on leading the state of michigan. >> i politicians do across our country let's talk about governor witmer she follows different is going to show the governor what leadership looks like. we are part of the movement, we are going to take the state back. >> craig spence eight years leading the detroit developed after 10 years in cincinnati and portland. he believes more than four decades of service makes them the best candidate to lead michigan and i don't think many people are surprised by that announcement. majority of californians are undecided ahead of the recall election but according to a new poll radio talkshow host larry elder leads the pack, john cox, kevin falconer and caitlin jenner as the judge rules california's secretary of state
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must put elder on about the state claims he did not submit the necessary tax information. a judge deciding that will does not apply during recall elections. >> 3 times more people returning to work in 26 days but chose to end president biden's unemployment handouts early than in states with the benefits. joining me to discuss, brent brashear. before we get to the meat of the story a very serious question, less than we introduced us chief barbecue officer when you are in the program. have you been stripped of that title? is there a scandal we should be aware of? i have the same title. laura: make sure that error is fixed for next time. now that we are well into summer how are you doing trying to find workers? >> we are still struggling. i could put 100 people to work tomorrow.
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i've got 3 of my four locations open. i'm in milwaukee today, we are working on that, that is the final one to get open and in my 25 years 7 the hospitality business i never had this many -- this much difficulty hiring folks. when you go back and look, in wisconsin where i am now, 3.9% unemployment, indiana 4%, these are pre-pandemic numbers and the benefits still remain in place. indiana, the governor attempted to pause them, shut them down early as was sued and the judge overruled them and they are still in place. it is not helping folks in the restaurant business like me. >> let's pop up some screens, ending enhanced unemployment benefits, here are the additional people joining -- is
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the map, look at the map, you see the map of 26 states, take a look at this. this is the key stat, pop up full-screen with the numbers if we can. 47,000 people in states that kept the benefits join the labor force last month. 174,000 joined the labor force in the states the stop the benefits early. how does the biden administration failed to see exactly that would happen? >> i am not sure. i think those benefits were important last year when everything was shutting down. we have moved well beyond that. everything is opening up, vaccines available. restaurant in indiana has been fully open since april and with everybody i know in the restaurant business, i travel a lot, you go lots of places nobody's fully staffed, it
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doesn't -- i can't reconcile why we would continue to support people staying off work when there are so many jobs. >> leslie president biden told a business owner he would have to raise wages and building on that every time i post one of the segments is a large part of people that follow me on social media say they should just raise wages where they should go out of business, they are not a business that should be staying open. how misguided is that view? >> pretty misguided. we have raised wages significantly. my company offers great benefits, excellent health plan. just raising wages, our average wage is almost double minimum wage. 25, 30% over what was pre-pandemic, we have raised wages. the applicants are not there. we are not getting applicants no matter how much money we spend
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on recruiting, a full-time hr director spends time recruiting and it is difficult to get people to work. it seems like -- todd: how are high school kids doing? >> they are doing great. that is what we've overcome with high school and college kids. it is a big fear for the management team, what are we going to do at the end of august when those kids go back to school and can't work anymore. todd: the chief barbecue officer, you can breathe easy for the rest of the morning, thanks for your time. jillian: that is quite a title. still to come, fentanyl seizures are up 78% compared to last year. fueling health crisis in this country, the opioid epidemic, we are talking to a doctor, a detective and a mother who lost her son to an accidental overdose.
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>> recent numbers show fentanyl seizures at the southern border skyrocketing this year, 78% higher than the last fiscal year. here to react doctor janette nesheiwat and angel masonet, and a woman who lost her son to an accidental overdose during the pandemic lockdown last year. thank you for being here. i can't figure out what you're going through. you have so much strength to come and talk about this a short time after the death of your son. for those who are watching can you tell us what happened to chandler? >> i can. he unfortunately died of an
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accidental overdose laced with sentinel. is doing great. we had some issues with him in the past was he was an amazing young man. unfortunately he had a disease he could not fight. he had a full-time job, he was working and then covid hit and isolation, job security, he lost his job and things after that started spiraling down. the thing that upsets me the most with all of this is number one there's a stigma with opioid use or addiction and i think when covid hit, it is not when you all our liquor store to be any essential business but you do not allow an a or a to be any
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essential business we need to fix the system. unfortunately in isolation he was not able to be with his friends or his family and he went into a depressive state, went back to heroin which he never thought he would do again and unfortunately it killed him and he passed away. jillian: i understand he hadn't been responding to messages from people, yourself included and friends and that knocking down his door. >> that is correct. i received a call from a friend of his there is a problem, we cannot get in touch with chandler. i sent him a note asking him we have been texting back and forth, i asked how are you doing, never heard anything from him, received a call around 10:00 or 11:00 that morning, he
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called me back and said my husband and i kept getting in the car at that time and the police knocked the door down and he stated he had passed away of a drug overdose. steve: doctor janette nesheiwat, michelle is not alone in experiencing this in our country and that story shatters your heart. >> i'm so deeply sorry for the loss of your son and thank you for being a voice and speaking out because you're potentially saving lives of thousands of others and last year alone in 2020 we had 93,000 drug related deaths so this is something that is preventable but we've got to take more control over it. fentanyl is a synthetic man-made opioids, very addictive, potent, 100 times were stronger than
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morphine, it is cheap and easy to get your hands on and that is why we need to take control, educate our young folks, educate americans to understand that just one time use can get you hooked, get you addicted and it is so important to be educated and to know the dangers and ensure we talk to our loved ones, keep an eye on our family members, check up on our children to see what they are doing, changes in their behavior and grade or eating patterns of these are clues that can raise a red flag and help get the treatment they need. jillian: look at this number, 1060 pounds of sentinel were seized in the month of june alone. from a law enforcement perspective, what needs to be done to stop this from coming into our country and spreading
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into our communities so we can hopefully prevent more situations like the one michelle is going through? >> we have to shore up the border. fentanyl is easier to smuggle into the border than other things. in el paso, texas alone, it is easier to get pills, these cartels and coyotes are forcing illegal immigrants to do this stuff and if we don't shore up the border and get a hold of what is going on at the border it will never stop. >> doctor janette nesheiwat, thank you for your insight, so valuable. we are so sorry for your loss, thank you for being here. >> one more thing the doctor stated that is so true. we have to talk to our children.
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don't be afraid to ask questions, teach them at a young age and that is so important for our young people because if we don't get control over this we are going to lose more and more -- thank you. have a great day. todd: a big show, will cain, nancy mays joining us in the next hour of "fox and friends first". look, this isn't my first rodeo and let me tell you something,
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>> thursday july 20 second 20 mask guidance even if you are vaccinated, a new set of's for the upcoming year. >> the biden administration is saying it didn't need to promote an activist group handbook on disrupting whiteness in its classroom. >> team usa taking a knee. "fox and friends first" continues right now. ♪♪ have a nice day ♪♪
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