tv FOX News Primetime FOX News August 3, 2021 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT
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>> shannon: someone is going to release it i don't think the white house though. thank you all very much. >> thanks, shannon. >> shannon: foam on "special report," officials declare a water shortage in the nation's largest reservoir as the western drought intensifies. thanks for watching "special report." i'm shannon bream. joining me are 12. ben dom nesm prime starts now. ben weapon thank you, shannon. good evening and welcome to "fox news primetime." ♪ are. >> ben: joe biden is comfortable to say what the rest of us to have known for a long governor cuomo is a creep and he should resign. >> are you calling on him to resign. >> yes. >> if he doesn't resign are you calling for him to be impeached and removed from office. >> one thing at a time i think he should resign. >> ben: this of course following the damning attorney general's investigation pattern of inappropriate sexual conduct.
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>> governor cuomo sexually current and former state employees in violation of federal and state laws the independent investigation found that governor cuomo sexually harassed multiple women. many of whom were young women by engaging in unwanted groping, kisses, hugs and by making inappropriate comments. >> ben: cuomo denied those allegations and justified his actions with an odd slide show showing that he doesn't just touch women uncomfortably. >> i do it with everyone black and white, young, and old. straight and lgbtq. powerful people. friends. strangers. >> ben: equal opportunity there. despite his lackluster defense it seems unlikely that the
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powerful ruler of the empire state will face any real consequences. new york attorney general letitia james who led the investigation feels that her job is done. >> we were tanked with the responsibility of engaging an investigation and we have concluded our investigation. and our work is done. and so as it relates to next steps, that's entirely up to the governor and/or the assembly. and the general public. >> ben: it appears that cuomo is still untouchable and this month's long investigation might only result in a few days of bad press and empty words from members of his own party because democrats and media aren't actually interested in holding crooks and powerful unless they have something to gain from it ben shapiro the author of the authoritarian moment how the left authorized against the -- ben shapiro joins us now. i wish i was surprised by what i
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saw play out in front of us today. again i live in the great commonwealth of virginia where we still have governor ralph northam who literally everyone called on to resign and still there campaigning across the country -- campaigning across the county today for his would be successor. what are your thoughts on what you saw today from letitia james and your thoughts on andrew cuomo? >> governor cuomo came into office to grab as and kill the elderly he is all out of the elderly. the fact that letitia james laid thought case about shower. and sexual pressure and retaliatory work environment and all of it and then she said and i'm not going to do anything about it kind of tells you how this is about to play out. you will recall as you just mentioned everyone called on ralph northam to resign and joe biden campaigning with ralph northam. you either die a hero live long enough to become a villain or live long enough to campaign and fund raise.
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>> ben: one of the things your book touches on is the demand people have in this time to have more authority from government. even as the faith in institutions decays there is this odd thing that happens whereas we have seen you know, happen in mexico and places around the world where more authority is given to these folks who have already shown themselves completely terrible when it comes to using it. you believe in instance that cuomo is just going to hold on to power as hard as he can and just keep fighting back against this, ignoring what biden is saying, ignoring what other party leaders are saying and just, you know, taking a lesson that as long as you have that authority you should never give it up? >> absolutely. no one wants to be al franken and left office when they could have just stayed and lived it through. i actually think what you are probably about to see from governor cuomo is wag the mask situation in which the delta variant is used as an excuse for him to push new measures that are really authoritarian in nature and then he will be cheered by the press again for not being ron desantis because there really have a desire by a lot of people out there are to
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be controlled from above even if their leaders are corrupt and venal and terrible the way governor cuomo is all this controversy is not how he killed half the elderly people in new york. the doj actually dropped active investigation into his cover-up of that we are just talking about something we have known for a long time he treats women horribly. the fact for cuomo if he wishes to we gain any sense of popularity and credibility. my guess is that he is going to go big again once more on covid. >> you know how corrupt the media is when it comes to covering these type of situations or politicians of the ideological views that they have or close enough to it they have the right party letter after their name. i know in northam's case as soon as it became apparent he wasn't going to be replaced. he wasn't going to be standing down the media essentially went silent and pretended this wasn't something they needed to be asking about. do you expect democrats to actually have to answer for what's going on here with andrew cuomo in the coming weeks or do you believe similarly the last time around certainly knowing his connections over at cnn that he is going to be able to escape
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that kind of media pressure? >> >> no it will be one news cycle and gone. i would expect it to be exactly the same thing. all we have to do to figure it out watch the human wind sock kristin gillibrand and she will tell us in a couple weeks whether it has blown over. >> ben: your book is interesting and timely one it speaks to all the things we are worried about in this pandemic. that america is going to invest even more authority in our governmental leaders who have shown themselves so incapable of rising to this moment and so terrible at actually putting forth policies that made things better in so many instances. what can be done to push back against this athorn impulse as we see it across the country? what can individuals do in their communities and states to make sure that this doesn't happen? >> we really do need to band together at this point. there is no question if we get together together with our al thrice we do formulate the majority. i think that there has been a very hard core minority of left
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wingers who have been able to cow people into silence and move forward incrementally. a lot of people out of plightness and apathy have done nothing. the blow back is coming 2022 will be the beginning of it. wen ben good luck with the book and thank you for joining me. >> thank you so much. >> ben: in case you missed it last night watch ben's speech at the national conservative student conference tune in to fox nation now through friday to watch the rest of the event live. coming up, cartels cashing in as the biden white house sows disorder at the border. discusses illegal migrants in his state next. ♪ ♪
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this is the greatest idea you'll ever hear. okay, it's an app that compares hundreds of travel sites for hotels and cars and vacation rentals like kayak does for flights. so it's kayak. yeah, like kayak. why don't you just call it kayak. i'm calling it... canoe. compare hundreds of travel sites for thousands of trips. kayak. search one and done.
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here are the two battling to the line compare hundreds of travel site and allyson felix...ips. simone manuel's above her trying to fight on, and above simone... getting an opportunity to show her stuff. nonstop, displayed at the highest performance level... finding something and the us takes gold! ♪ dream on ♪ ♪ dream on ♪ ♪ dream on ♪ ♪ dream on ♪ - yes! ♪ ahhhhhhh ♪ ♪ dream until your dreams come true ♪ ♪ >> ben: last time i came to you
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with a story from our nation's history about the wide awakes the hells angels of 1860s the hero whose lamps and clubs protected those who dared give voice to the cause of freedom against the corrupt establishment of the day. if you are watching tonight i trust you are wide awake to the challenges before us as a nation. once again we confront an out-of-touch elite seeking to dominate us in every respect. even as they hold on with brittle fingers to the power they have so long enjoyed and abused. they want to compel you into silence about all wrongs you see. gaslight you into believing things that are not true. or make you out to be a hateful ignorant bigot for bleeg things that are. the central question before you is, what are you willing to do about it? in john ford's classic western fable the man who shot liberty valence we see the tension that the taming of the wild west and the need for law and order. but, also, about the acts of hard men such order sometimes
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requires. spoiler alert for a movie almost 60 years old, the lee marvin hired gun south of the picket wire must be dealt with and the law books of jimmy stuart's ran some stoddard are not enough. the task falls to john wayne to do what must be done. >> as the great john morini writes the movie makes clear without unlawful deeds there could be no law and civilization in shin bone but also a civilized has no place for such virtues or such a hero. >> this is the reality that law and order requires. we have borders because they are guarded by rough men prepared to do whether a it takes to protect the lines that delineate a nation. it is meaningless to say that we have laws in our cities if we due defund those americans who are brave enough to enforce them. this may be repugnant to our
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nation's elite but it is essential to a civilized society. as george orwell wrote in the 1942 essay about roger kipling it would be difficult to hit off the one-eyed pattism of the english fewer words than in the phrase making mock of uniforms that guard you while you sleep. you can see that phrase exemplified in photo genic fashion, of course by aoc. yesterday white house press secretary jen psaki dodged a question from fox news peter doocy whether the biden nigers not being tested for covid. federal officials are dealing with historic surge of illegal immigration and they have neither the time or the resources to test the thousands of migrants they apprehend on a daily basis. testing is being done by nonprofits if it's being done at all. even though many of these migrants are coming from countries where covid is rampant and vaccines almost nonexistent. according to fox news correspondent bill melugin those charities have been ordered to keep the covid positives a secret. that means illegal immigrants
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carrying a virus that represents supposedly existential threat are being released into small american towns all along the border often without the knowledge of local authorities. make no mistake, the biden administration is now treating foreign law breakers better than the american people. millions of law breaking foreigners are now walking over the border and being given taxpayer funded bus tickets and medical care and schooling while american kids are being denied such things as democrats cement more lockdowns. does it bother you babies and children in the rio grande and trafficked into sex slavery because the civilized party is back in charge. those rough men who mind the border apprehended more than 200,000 migrants last month. the last time we apprehended that many people crossing the border was more than 20 years ago. the number of unaccompanied children is once again surging with more than 2,000 taken into custody over a three-day period last week. placing enormous strain on
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border facilities for migrant kids that are already overcrowded these migrant kids are now coming into the united states faster than the department of health and human services can release them. but if you raise any of this as an issue, if you question it, if you suggest this looks like chaos, chaos being exploited by violent criminals who seeky harm america, you will be denounced as a heartless racist or worse. you are supposed to be comfortable the government elites give you use emergency powers to keep you masked up, locked down and prevent you from buying seeds but will do nothing to stop the cartel benefiting anarchy at the border. just as the elegality feared and hated the wide awakes of the 1860shate the wide awakes of the 2020s. the make no mistake inheritor enslaved power of yesterday. the same aristocratic creed the same anonymity of the
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declaration of independence and same dread of the americans against them. same horror possibility ordinary working man regardless of his race might wake up to the truth. that's why they do their damnest to keep wide awake americans suppressed, demonized, locked down and for the rest, to keep them asleep and in the dark. you know the playbook by now. americans who reject the woke and show they are wide awake are denounced by elites and media hand maidens as extremists as dangerous and this is rich as white supremacists. it's a lie and no one believes it. not even them. free speech, free soil, free men. it was the wide awake battle cry in 1860 and it's the same today because you see the stakes don't change. and neither does the enemy. only the circumstances do. on one side, you have the enemies of everything this nation has ever been. and on the other you have the patriots, the americans, the men and women who will do anything to preserve it because they know
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what civilization requires. you are the heart of a nation that has slept for so long. but now at last, you are wide awake. so now i ask you again, what are you willing to do? joining me now is someone from the frontlines of the exploding border crisis. texas governor greg abbott. governor, thanks so much for joining me tonight. >> sure, ben, my pleasure. thank you. >> ben: governor, i think what we are seeing play out in the terms of the challenges you are facing is something that we never wanted to see happen again. it's the kind of explosion and kind of, i think, ignorance toward a border policy that is only fueling this crisis. i know that you have taken new steps to stand up against it tell us a little bit about what your attempting to do and how the biden administration has responded. >> well, first, the biden administration has open border policies that is really allowing anybody to come across the border, including people with covid-19 and the biden administration is completely refusing to enforce the federal immigration laws. so i am using every tool in my
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toolbox doing things that no other governor has ever done before in the history of the united states. one thing we are working on is to build our own border wall, another thing that we are doing is we have a program where we are arresting and jailing people who are trespassing coming across the border in the state of texas. the biden administration will catch and release. texas will arrest and jail. and then also, in response to the biden administration releasing covid positive immigrants into cities, into the state of texas, i issued an executive order trying to prevent the biden administration from moving covid positive migrants into our cities that could infect fellow texans. so i'm doing everything i can to fight back against biden administration that has no desire to enforce the immigration laws that were passed by the united states congress. >> ben: you know, one of the things that you obviously run into here is a situation where these covid-positive migrants are being loaded on to various
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buses, buses that are not government buses but that, you know, are being used to transport them to all these different places around your state and into the united states. what can be done in that instance? because, obviously, there is tension here between the federal power that comes-when it documents immigration policy and your own power as a state leader to push back against it. >> so, as a concerns putting migrants on buses, to have covid-19 and then moving them around certain areas in south texas, i issued an executive order to put a stop to that movement. just moments ago, a federal court issued a stay on my executive order, temporary restraining order, because the biden administration filed a lawsuit against it, we will have a full hearing in the coming weeks where we will get to put on the evidence about how the biden administration is exposing texans to thousands of migrants who are bringing covid-19 into the united states of america and i hope and believe that upon a full hearing of this matter we
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will be able to present the evidence that what i am doing is the thing that governors were empowered to do. that is to keep the people of their safe while at the same time holding the biden administration accountable to follow the laws, the immigration laws passed by the united states congress. >> ben: i know that you are a politician and policy maker you also have the perspective as a leader on what the biden administration, the biden-harris administration actually wants when it comes to the border. do they want this? is this the outcome that they would like to be seeing? because it has to be hurting them politically. >> so, go back in time, ben, during the democrat debates for the presidency when all of the candace were on stage. they all agreed to implement open border policies. so, what we are seeing is what they promised during the democrat debate exactly what they would do. now americans are seeing withce about the damage, the wreckage to the uni the biden
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administration open border policies are achieving. it's disastrous for the people in texas. however, wherever your viewers are. there is deadly fentanyl, deadly drug killing many americans at a location wherever you are watching this show that's come across our southern border. in addition to that 9 migrants some of whom have covid-19, they are put on buses or put on planes and they are sent to cities across the united states of america wherever you are watching from, you, too, are facing the consequences because of the broken border. >> ben: it's a level of chaos that puts some americans at risk. governor abbott, thank you so much for taking the time to join me tonight. >> thank you, ben. >> ben: up next, masks for you. masks for your kids. masks inside your own home? senator rand paul takes on this latest piece of ridiculous guidance from the nation's top health experts. ♪ ♪ ♪
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america has hit an all-new high. nih director francis collins now wants parents to mask up in front of their own kids inside their own homes. >> so, yeah, you do need think about it and that's the reason why the recommendations are for kids under 12, that they avoid being in places where they might get infected which means recommendations of mask-wearing in schools and that at home, parents of unvaccinated kids should be thoughtful about this and the recommendation is to wear masks there as well. >> let me follow up on that. >> i know it's uncomfortable and i know it seems weird but it is the best way to protect your kids. >> ben: after a full day of outrage over this positively ridiculous recommendation, collins tried to walk his comments back tweeting, let me clarify, the masking message that i garland on new day this morning vaccinated parent who live in communities with high covid transmission should mask out door settings.
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their kids no need to mask at home. joining me to react kentucky senator rand paul. thank you so much for joining me. francis collins is a very smart guy. he helped map the human genome, core for crying out loud. when he says things like this, how you cannot lose faith in our medical establishment to give us good advice? >> how can people who are so smart say such stupid things? there is no science to defend putting your kids in masks or parents wearing masks. no science whatsoever. if there were, we would be wearing masks for years and years because for kids, the death rate is about the same as the seasonal flu. it may be less than the seasonal flu. to so is francis collins proposing because the flu is with us forever that parents should be wearing masks around their kids that have the flu? it is absolutely and utterly without scientific evidence. now, they are all freaking out right now about the delta variant. one thing in all likelihood true
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significantly more transmissible. guess what? every bit of evidence shows it is less deadly. significantly less deadly. public health england looked at 92,000 people. if you are were vaccinated and under 50, there were no deaths. if you were unvaccinated and under 50, .08%. still very, very small. so it's not an argument for not getting vaccinated. it's an argument for not getting hysterical over the delta variant. we shouldn't be changing any mandates and really in all likelihood the masks didn't affect the trajectory of the virus at all. the only thing that's slowing the virus down is the vaccine and natural immunity and they continue to ignore natural immunity because they think we are too far behind. we have to vaccinate the children. in reality i think look, it's i think it's 90% of people over 65 have been vaccinated. that's extraordinary. we should be celebrating. >> ben: we should be celebrating. you used the right word there, hysteria that i think we are experiencing right now which is
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leading to unfortunately the imposition of a number of different mandates on the way that people are living. whether it's coming from government or whether it's coming from the private sector and corporations. weeing seeing these increased demands, these mandates for vaccination, including in new york city and elsewhere. it's only going continue to crease from my perspective across the country in all these different blue areas. what's the argument that you have against these types of vaccine records as requirements in order to participate essentially in normal society? >> well, i'm against the mandates because i believe in a free society. i'm pro-vaccine. in fact, some idiot reporter came up to me and says are you still against the vaccine i am for the vaccines and freedom. here's the thing. there are some interesting things coming up. i'm against the mandate. even if you are going to mandate it what if you are making a mandate that ignores the science. a professor at george mason who has a lawsuit that's very interesting going on. he had covid five months ago. he has a positive test. he has antibodies and they want
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him to be vaccinated he said i have the same immunity you have and all the scientific evidence and my doctor says i don't need it. so i think that will be an interesting lawsuit. because even in the old days when they say oh, well, everybody had a passport, you know, for small pox. do you know what the exception was, if you had visible pox you didn't have to take the vaccine and that was your passport to travel. >> ben: you know, senator, i fear as i know that you are concerned about that we are going to see a permanent pandemic reality in america where all of this is used to essentially have a much more powerful role for government in all of our lives and, you know, if francis collins was to be believed the ability to go in your home and make sure that you are masking up around your kids. is this a situation where there can be steps taken by governors and by the congress to push back against this and ensure that we don't end up in a situation where government has a lot more control over our lives than we would like with this as the
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justification? >> it's about the only redeeming thing that i have seen in the last year or. so the only encouragement towards those who believe in freedom. we have had some governors pushing back. ron desantis pushed back against, you know, vaccine passports and mask mandates. look, if you look at all the mask mandates, whether they were imposed, the incidence of the disease went up. i'm not saying the vax caused the disease to go up. as you had mask mandates you found more disease. they didn't work. >> ben: senator paul, thank you so much for joining me tonight. >> thank you. bebb ben the last few weeks break through cases caused by the delta variant have caused democrats in the media to insight utter panic across the country next guest reason magazine robby suave says reaction is unwarranted he had one of those break through cases and writes the evidence overwhelmingly the vast majority of people who contract covid-19 will suffer only mild symptoms. there is no good reason that we
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must again wear masks or live under lockdowns. he joins me now. so, robbie, how bad was your situation? how bad was your break through case? >> i'm happy to report it was extremely mild. i lost taste and smell and that's been taking its time to come back and when that happened i got a test that did confirm i had a break through infection even though i have been vaccinated with the pfizer vaccine. i felt better and i really didn't even feel all that sick. i felt completely better after about a day and a half. and i absolutely credit the vaccine for helping me with that other than. lingering symptoms whatsoever. my experience is not personal antidote. that's the experience that the data shows most people have break through infections are having numbers are so, so low really bad outcome after being vaccinated especially for people
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my age except for the non-elderly. >> ben: the white house and so many of the administration's allies are making the case across the country that this these type of break through experiences are justification for restoring all manner of mandates that we saw last year, in some places new requirements. what is your take and what response would you have to the politicians who are making the justification for that. >> implementing mandates in some cases implementing mandates stricter than we had last summer when the pandemic was out of control and we didn't have the vaccines yet. d.c. has reimposed a indoor mask mandate one that our mayor has no interest in -- even though she imposed it, she is still having parties and officiating a maskless wedding just for you to follow not for her. i'm terrified that any time there is a slight -- there is a death anywhere in this country,
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there is a slight uptick in this disease or some other shining the idea that come in not breathe on each other, maybe lockdown restaurants and restrict capacity. that's really scary that can happen not just in a true emergency situation as you can argue last year was. any time. the mask mandates well in this until we had the vaccine. what is it now? until the politicians are satisfied that there is no -- weapon ben it really seems to me and we just lost robby there it really seems to me what we really have experiencing here is something where these arbitrary rules are going to be put forward regardless of whether they actually worked or not last year, which, to me, is just absolutely ridiculous on its face and really ought to raise skepticism from every american.
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i hope there is more opposition to it you know what it reminds me of is post 9/11 security theater measures that endure to this day still take off shoes and belts to get on a plane. no one believes, that's true, that doesn't enhance security whatsoever. study after study tsa misses weapons. it's not doing anything. it's still in place. we all go through it because no one has changed it it's the policy is just there forever. our pandemic restrictions could be like that, too. >> ben: it absolutely could be the case. robby, thank you so much for joining me tonight. >> thank you. >> ben: coming up, democrats and the media are dropping andrew cuomo like a bad habit. there was a time when they were hot and bothered for the love gov. dana loesch will check in on how
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here are the two battling to the line and allyson felix... simone manuel's above her trying to fight on, and above simone... getting an opportunity to show her stuff. nonstop, displayed at the highest performance level... finding something and the us takes gold! ♪ dream on ♪ ♪ dream on ♪ ♪ dream on ♪ ♪ dream on ♪ - yes! ♪ ahhhhhhh ♪ ♪ dream until your dreams come true ♪
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>> ben: democrats are abandoning andrew cuomo like rats on a sinking ship. looks like the love affair with the governor is over after a year of fawning over his every move. >> some people call themselves cuomo sexuals they want to date you and marry you. >> trevor, you call yourself a cuomo sexual, i agree with you, i feel like i'm a cuomo sexual, too. >> do you think that you are an attractive person now because you are single and ready to mingle? >> is it true that this was the swab that the nurse was actually using on you and disappeared so that in scale this was the actual swab that was being used. >> it's okay. these foreign relation perfectly natural. many americans experience mommy's of being at least andrew curious if not fully cuomo sexual. >> ben: joining me now nationally syndicated radio host dana loesch and melissa chen.
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first to you. i look at this and i wonder if any of the people who participated in this type of situation over the past year have any kind of shame. do you think that they do today? >> i hope so. i hope they have to roll back all of their fawning praise. i mean, you saw that the media and all our celebrities canonized this man for his handling on covid which, by all objective measure was kind of a disaster. new york state had, you know, the highest total number of covid deaths per million residents. and it's almost like they completely forgot the fact that he had, you know, covered up the fact that his office covered up the fact that he had sent thousands of elderly patients into these nursing homes. 46 nursing homes. nursing homes for 46 days where they ended unjust dying from covid. it was objectively terrible policy and led to more unnecessary deaths. but, there they are, you know,
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liizing this man for covid handling. and of course, right now, the sexual allegations that's what's taking him down. personally he should have been canceled for nipple gate alone. >> ben: dana, i know you have experienced, gone through many times the ridiculousness of being covered by cnn network that has a very odd approach to the kind of uberous that they have when it comes to their journalistic endeavors. this, to me, was really revel la tore of how much that network and chris cuomo's presence on it led them to look in the other direction. what are your thoughts today about both andrew cuomo and his relationship with cnn? >> oh, ben, i think that his relationship with cnn is incredibly interesting. that network does have a history with elevating men of the leftist persuasion be it scott israel or be it andrew cuomo. the fact that so far no one over
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at cnn has addressed the simple fact that his own brother, andrew cuomo's brother who has his cable news show there was apparently also unofficially writing and draftings his responses to all of the early accusations i was reading some of the emails on my radio program today that he had sent out. that's incredibly problematic. i also think it just goes to show you how invested in andrew cuomo not just the media but democrats were. remember, this was their golden boy. right? i know that joe biden called him the gold standard. but this is the guy the democrats were looking at for maybe 2024 for after biden. they were defending him at all cost. we started with the opening of cuomo sexual. marched this guy out. he had mugs. he had t-shirts. he was single and ready to mingle and doing all of these completely cringey interviews. these people enabled all of it so now all of them have to eat their words. every single bit of it i'm here with the popcorn, ben. i'm just watching. >> ben: i have always said that we should not put politicians on
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pedestals. it inevitably disappointed. there is never going to be a politician who is always going to, you know, take the right step all the time. but, in this case, there just almost seemed to be this longing for a savior on their part a golden boy who was going to do everything right. melissa, as you reflect on this. what do you think the media members who ought to come forward and say, you know, maybe i was wrong about andrew cuomo should be saying today and do you believe any of them will say it? >> i mean, they should be upholding the victims come forward right now people like charlotte bennett who have come forward in her allegations against the governor who want him to be held accountable. i think, you know, it helps that some in his party, i think president biden has said that cuomo should resign and that, you know, there should be impeachment proceedings. i think the new york legislature is considering it. but, you know, i want to also point out, let's not forget that cuomo actually has won an emmy for his pandemic coverage and, you know, which is pretty much
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like president obama winning the peace -- nobel peace prize. >> ben: i had forgotten about the emmy. i have to admit. it's so ridiculous. dana, before we go, i wanted to ask you, do you think there is going to be any real consequences for andrew cuomo politically because of this or is the left experience somebody like governor ralph northam you just power through and you can get through almost anything because the left and the media is going to be there for you at the end of the day? >> i think it's a little bit of both. i don't think that democrats are going to part with him until it's most advantageous for them to do. so i don't think that they have arrived at that moment yet. so far telling him to resign, it's not going to do it alone. he will have to be impeached by the state legislature they don't have the will power to make that happen so it may never happen. sad, isn't it? >> ben: it is. dana and melissa, thank you so much for joining me tonight. >> thanks, ben. >> thanks, ben. >> ben: segment you know and love about to get even better.
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>> ♪ ♪ >> ♪ ♪ >> we are back and we are going to put the host of the adam carolla show on the clock where we will cover 4 stories in 60 seconds. hope you are ready for it. >> i am ready. >> okay. here we go. the # free britney campaign gained an ally in dolly parton. parton relates with britney's situation saying she understands where he is coming from. what is your take on this new ally for the free britney movement? >> well, i like dolly parton. everyone likes her. i don't know why she waited until age 77 to chime in on her subject.
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chimeing in on this one. i don't care about dolly or britney. i care about all of the people who are outside of the courthouse at 2 in the afternoon on a tuesday wearing wigs saying free britney. these people need a conserve attorship. these are deadbeat dads and welfare frauds. we need to roundup the people outside of the courts and forget about britney. >> a day of new york based scandals, one investigation went under the radar. the investigation into over-priced airport beer. the port authority is calling for an audit of a group after pricing a $28 price tag on a sam adams with a 10% covid recovery free. would you pay $28 for one?
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>> all i could think of when i heard this story if my poor dead grandfather was still alive and i said to him there is a domestic beer and it's $28 a bottle, he would have just clutched his heart like fred sanford and jumped back into the grave. maybe we need to have a boston tea party. sam adams was one of the planners of the boston tea parties. dump the beer in the bay. stick it to you for charging us that much. >> comedy up on the next racist list. it's a way for racist to be racist. >> comedy is an excuse to be racist. i know i am being racist, therefore it doesn't count and
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it's okay. >> when you hear that, do you feel a guilt or personal pain your career in comedy is an excuse to live out racism in public? >> all right, we should all understand this. it's not robin's fault. she is a race hustling shrew. it's not her fault. it's the guy who hosts the podcast. jetson's are racists. he goes tell me more. let me learn more. why doesn't anyone push back. it's not her fault. she is making money. >> we are continuing to pay her. disney today added joe biden as a robot. what will he say? >> he was a bad dude and we
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choose truth over fact. poor kids are just as talented as white kids. you know the thing -- >> [laughing]. >> adam, what do you think the robot joe biden ought to say when he is unveiled? >> well, first off i would bet you that 71% of americans would rather have robotic joe biden run the southern border than the actual joe biden. number 2, at a should put a mask on that robot. let's face it. that's what his presidency will be known for. mask up. i don't recognize his mouth. last they did a wonderful job on the hair plugs. >> [laughing]. i am looking forward to any robot president taking on the southern border crisis. thank you very much for joining me tonight. you can watch adam carolla on
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fox news nation's canceled in the usa right now. thanks for watching fox news prime time. back tomorrow night at 7. be lovers of freedom. tucker carlson is next. >> ♪ ♪ >> ♪ ♪ >> tucker: more evidence tonight that it's always the people you most suspect. andrew cuomo governor of new york is every bit the creep you thought he was and more. talks like a mafia leader and act like one. 11 sexual harassment claims against him public today. go to cnn right now and watch jeffrey toobin of all people talk about how c
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