tv FOX News Primetime FOX News August 4, 2021 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT
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his overall approval rating and a bigger dip in approval of his handling of covid and the economy. >> shannon: super quick from you, bill. >> taliban setting up joe biden for an embarrassing 9/11. that anniversary is likely to find the taliban saying see, we told you the americans didn't have the stomach for the long haul and we were right. >> shannon: thank you, bill. that's it for "special report" on to ben domenech now for prime. >> ben: thank you, shannon and welcome to "fox news primetime." ♪ ♪ >> ben: if you are wide awake, you understand that today's woke leftist hate many, many things. the constitution, donald trump, fox news, comedy, and, of course, you. but, if you have ever noticed there was really one thing that woke professors seem to hate more than anything else, that's babies. of course, the industrialized murder of 60 million unborn infants since roe vs. wade is reason enough to question if when democrats promise to take
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care of your children they mean it like mary poppins or tony soprano. even on issues less fundamental than abortion the left just doesn't take their problems out on america's kids. their problem seems to be that there are american kids at all. radical environmentalists regard children as enemies of the climate. corporate elites see babies as expensive competitors for the time attention and creativity of professional women which they apparently feel should belong exclusively to them. critical race theory con men suggest that babies become racist as early as 3 months old. "new york times" columnist paul krugman pictured here holding his if you are baby apparently believes the child tax credit is racist, too because it's really about more white christians. radical feminists have built their entire brand around de-prioritizing family life and shaming happy moms as sell outs to the patriarchy. i used to wonder where this hatred came from until i became
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a parent last year. progressives hate babies because they're crying, drooling, everything left wokest believe. boys and girls are the answer to the argument and antidote to poisonous lie. first, of course, babies are alive from the moment of conception. everyone who has ever seen an ultrasound knows it second, children are male or female. parents learn the hard way that sex is not a social construct. social constructs don't pee on you while you are giving them a baath. children are individuals. people who know lots of kids know that identity politics is nonsense. everyone is born different. the only diversity that matters is the universal diversity of each child of god. children are creative. there is no greater proof of the wisdom of markets than the restless of restless 6-year-olds. spend five minutes outdoors with the pack of kids they are not going destroy the environment. they are going to save it children are brave. terrifying brave. girls are fierce and
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independent. boys heroically reckless. they are not the helpless timid victims the leftist people say they're. just as important, neither are we. that's the less real problem with children. they create families. they turn boys into men. couples into parents and women into the archangels we call moms. this understanding of family rejects the old forms of authoritarianism just as it rejects the newer evils of eugenics. america's founders doesn't didn't seek to build a rye utopia out of a bloodstream of elites but a republican where every child born in america regardless of origins has limitless potential and spark of divine. remember, this was nation begun by the rejects of the old world. iminals the religious fanatics, not exactly royal blood. but it turns out that even the wretched refuge much the world nation envy of it families are the ultimate source of meaning and happiness in society. modern left, this makes them a rival to their totalitarian politics. babies, the moment they arrive
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on the scene, create a force field of love and self-sacrifice and responsibility that leftism cannot penetrate. attentive parents don't give over their minds, bodies and souls to the latest washington outrage. the left thinks that's because kids are a distraction. no. it's because soccer practice and homework and story time are a thousand times more important than whatever aoc tweeted today. as wrote how can it be a large career to tell other people about the rule of three and a small career to tell one's children about the universe. you must be wide awake to the reality of the threats our nation faces but part of that is understanding the importance of family life as an objectively better way to spend your time better for the kids, better for the parents and better for the country. the natural authority parents exercise over their kids gives them dangerous ideas exercising constitutional authority as citizens over the state. the more attention we pay to our families, the more time we spend with other families at play dates, little league games,
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church picnics, school plays, children don't just turn individuals into families, they also pull families into communities. turning moms and dads into coaches, sunday school teachers, neighborhood watch patrols and meals on wheels drivers. it sounds exhausting, sure. and it is. but the real secret is that the more kids couples have the more they realize how strong and capable they truly are. this the woke left cannot abide. leftism is an ideology of fear, grievance and affected helplessness. families live lives that relentless genuine adventure indifferent and immune to the numb high tech loneliness leftism offers its screen addicted surfs. too little was made of black lives matter endorsing explicitly the destruction of the nuclear family. a step that would rob children of their potential to realize their freedom. that is the left tell you in no uncertain terms what they want. children not the left's kryptonite but its cure. the world must be peopled. and the more effort we invest in
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guiding the youngest muck us toward the truth, the better citizens they will grow to become. that is why progressives care about dominating our education system. it is the staging point for their counter offensive against moms and dads. it's the reason they are smuggling into our kids' classrooms. critical race theory and anti-americanism and anti-christian values outrage of the industrial complex to subdue their natural courage and resiliency. that's why they fill popular culture with vulgar idiotic distractions and why they use every lever of power at their disposal to shame, silence and cancel anyone who dissphrents their orthodoxy. it's why they lie that marriage and parenthood are expensive and demanding and hard. not because they hate kids but because they fear them. and they should. every year on mother's day the media is filled with one article after another by childless writers defending their childlessness. how virtuous and more fulfilling and on father's day dads have
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long been similarly held up as objects of correction and ridicule. these sad people protest too much and they are not convincing anyone. most americans are wide awake to the reality that kids are force multipliers for freedom, courage, happiness, virtue and grit. they create the little platoons that transform individuals into families. families into communities, communities into a society. the society into a patriotic nation. kids love america and they aspire us to make her ever more worthy of their love. parent teach their children how to be good. the children teach their parents how to be great. together they make america both. and all for the low low price of a few hundred diapers, some lost sleep and stepping on a lego or two barefoot in the middle of the night and telling yourself this is not something you have to do. this is something you get to do. i'm ben domenech and this is the american crisis. ♪ kayleigh mcenany is the
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co-host of outnumbered and former white house press secretary and she joins me now. thank you for joining me today. >> good to join you, ben. >> ben: so, tell me a little bit about what you think of the left's efforts when it comes to finishing the role of moms and dads within society and making child rearing something that modern professionals view as totally abhorrent and something that would ruin their lives? >> ben, what you just said was so important, so often not spoken but a message that everyone needs to hear. it is a subtle attack by the left. you nailed it. you know, it goes back to a time when we all used to agree president john f. kennedy said children are our messages to a time that we will not see. i know that you are a new father. i'm a new mom. i was researching for this segment before i went up to wake my daughter, baby blake from a nap. and i was reading quotes from aoc. you mentioned her in your monologue is it okay to have children in this day and age? she said that on an instagram
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live, vioxx went on to pontificate whether it's ethical to have children amid a warming world. climate change now used as a reason to not have children. look, it's every woman and man's decision whether they want to make that decision to have a child. but if you have that desire in your heart, a few things come to mind pee sides global warming that are epidemics. a pandemic, a crime wave, but the left trying to now insert ethics morality into the decision to have a child, a basic family unit and you mentioned black lives matter, of course they used to have on their website the family unit was something that they were challenging. you were spot on. it's a subtle message being expressed not often talked about. >> ben: you know, kelley, the kayleigh thething that is jarris successful, resources have the ability to have children that they can't possibly think about bringing a child into this world and then i think about all the things we have gone through in our history the children came out of the great depression, the
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people who changed the world over the years who have come incredibly difficult times in the world. what would your mess sage in each moment. men and women who say i look around at all the horrible things that are happening, how can i bring a child into this? >> my message would be exactly what you said which is that freedom is at risk, that ronald reagan said it best. freedom is one generation away from extinction. that is why we bring children into this world to carry on the message to the united states of america of your family unit, of your faith, whatever that may be, carry on the values that we hold dear. and also, there is the other component to this, ben. and i saw it in the white house as press secretary, where children now are being put last. i had dr. scott atlas come into my office, topple on my desk a stack of papers and say here's the data that our children should be in schools. all of the science is there that shows that they are not transmitting covid as readily. why are we as a country putting
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our children last. who, what nation sacrifices their children as western european countries are opening their schools and we are not as child abuse cases are reporting rather going down cases and hospitals are going up. it's reported in schools and we are keeping our school doors shut. so there is the idea of having kids and then there the idea of protecting those kids on the other side. >> ben: we will look back, i believe, at this pandemic and those decisions where the rest of the world was able to find a way to get kids back into school and we were not as being an incredible failure of governance. thank you, kayleigh, for joining me tonight. >> thank you, ben. >> ben: also here with me tonight is the author of "hillbilly he will i didn't" and republican running for senate in the state of ohio j.d. vance. i know you have opinions on this. what are your thoughts on the general tenure of the left when it comes to their opposition to the americans having more children? >> yeah, well, thanks for having me, ben. if folks want to help out please go to j.d. my basic view on this is the
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left feels comfortable experimenting on children with the lockdowns the mask mandates and just their general approach to public policy because they're increasingly the party and movement that doesn't have kids. and i look at the way they think about, for example, whether we should mask children or whether we should are actually secure the southern border, if you are a childless adult living in new york city, you probably care more about your house cleaner than do you about the children of america. but if you are a parent and you see the affect that this nonstop lockdown and masking has on kids, then you are going to care more about the kids. i think basically what we have done is that we have allowed the democrats to become dominated by a bunch of sociopaths who don't care about america's children. we just need to call it out. kudos for you to calling it out. all of us need to say the obvious this is a movement that is too invested in nothing because they are not invested in the future in this country's children. >> ben: you know, it really does feel like this is a movement that has been taken over by these young childless professionals who convince themselves that if they just,
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you know, have a couple of cats or something like that that that can be just as fulfilling. you know, a situation where, of course, those cats aren't going to be taking care of you when you get older and the government will have to step in the place. you know, as one who speaks so often to libertarian audiences i have always stressed the number one thing you should care about, you should sound like rick santorum on the importance of the american family because strong families mean that government doesn't have to step in to take all these rolls. there is no way to make that argument. in terms of your own campaign and the effort you are going to lodge and making your argue. to the people of ohio, how are you going to talk about this issue and connect with them on putting families -- working families in america back at the priorities of a new republican party? >> look, i think my arguments to the folks of ohio is very simple, which is that we don't have a country. we don't have a state unless we have children and unless we have healthy families. and we need start recognizing that and enforcing that through public policy. i advanced an idea that comes
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from a country in eastern europe victor war bond hungary where they give married couple as generous loan at the beginning of the marriage and they forgive the loan if the couple stays married and has children. the basic idea we would reward marriage where our tax code right now actually penalizes marriage and people getting married. the basic idea, whatever the policy details is pretty simple. we want people to have healthy vibrant families in this country and if we don't, we're not going to have a real country anymore. >> ben: you know, historically looking back at the strength of america's families in times of trouble, you know, they have -- it's allowed the country to emerge from difficult times in the past because we had that foundational element. my fear of this current moment coming out of this pandemic is that that is going to prove too week weak for the moment and allow government to step in and take over more and more authority over our lives. thank you so much for joining me tonight, j.d. >> thanks, ben. >> ben: coming up, joe biden knows what he is doing is illegal. guess what?
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he doesn't care. why he chose the radical left over the law. watch him sink deeper into the socialist swamp next. ♪ ♪ kidney alert for type 2 diabetes! forty percent of people with type 2 diabetes will develop chronic kidney disease, or ckd. did you know ckd can lead to kidney failure and dialysis? kidney alert! ckd often has no symptoms until it's too late! help protect your kidneys. call your doctor for a uacr test. it shows one of the earliest signs for ckd. visit! i'm so glad you're ok, sgt. houston. this is sam with usaa. do you see the tow truck? yes, thank you, that was fast. sgt. houston never expected this to happen. or that her grandpa's dog tags would be left behind. but that one call got her a tow and rental... ...paid her claim... ...and we even pulled a few strings.
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♪ ♪ >> ben: the longer joe biden is in office the further he goes left. this week self-proclaimed moderate blew off the constitution to please aoc and cori bush with a new ban on evictions. owed $20 billion in rent. that's a lot of money. who is going to pay for that? probably the same people footing the bill for the rash of other benefits that were expanded in the name of covid which the foundation government accountability found could pay folks up to $700 a month to stay home not a bad paycheck especially when you don't need to pay rent. joining me now house minority leader kevin mccarthy.
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thanks so much leader mccarthy for joining me tonight. i know this is something that has been a recurring issue in prior democrat administrations. they have never really had a problem flouting the constitution when it gets in their way. but this one seems particularly egregious because the president himself acknowledged that what he was doing was likely unconstitutional. >> it wasn't just the president the supreme court said it the white house went back and told congress that they had to take action. nancy pelosi couldn't put it through and because socialist in congress protested, they bent what is really telling regardless on the issue. we believe in the rule of law. they know this is breaking the law, but they are doing it they are breaking the constitution. breaking the foundation of the institution of who we are. >> find so abhorrent is so many landlords across the country, they are not big corporations, they are small businesses. they are owners who have been
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able to buy a house and afford to buy another one. you are putting them in a position where they're going to completely bought out or something like that by large firms that can, you know, turn to cheap debt in order to do so. it's the opposite of what we ought to be doing when it comes to policy just from fiscal perspective. what can be done to push back against this? do you believe that the courts will ultimately resolve this again against joe biden and this will be a temporary situation? >> they know they will court, but very telling to you, just like what happened all through covid, large corporations get bigger and small businesses, family businesses got collapsed by government pressuring. what's government doing today? paying more to the workers to stay home than coming back to work. i started my first business when i was 20. the thing i learned in small business first to work, last to leave, last to be paid. this is government destroying small businesses as the fiber of america. and i believe the courts will, again, defeat this measure but we need to stand up and make
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sure they can't continue to go around the constitution. >> ben: a war on small business is the last thing we need at any moment and particularly this one giving the pain that people have gone through. i know you are in florida right now and speaking to cuban citizens and american citizens down there who are very familiar with the threat of socialism and of what the squad, aoc, cori bush and others are arguing for. what are you hearing from them about this and what's their response to this? i know the media likes to frame talking about socialism as if it's a canard or red herring. this is a example of how it really is a threat. >> this is exactly. if you just go to venezuela, think about that, that was the jewel of latin america. hugo chavez won in a democratic vote. what did he do? promised free healthcare and free schooling. when he couldn't afford it any longer he took the businesses over. then he wanted to pack the supreme court. when he couldn't get there, he changed the constitution and dissolved the congress. does it sound a lot like what's
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happening out of the biden administration. that's why they are so passionate here in miami. this is where i am. because this isn't just about the internet. this is about rejecting socialism and demanding freedom. and what they find is we won two democrat seats in miami, why? because they understand, they fled the socialism and the communism of what they see. they are more passionate about it today as an american because they never thought it would come to this land. and you just quoted what happened just this week. as examples what they saw back in other countries of why people fled because they believe in freedom. >> ben: leader mccarthy real quick it seems to me one of the big questions coming out of this is how do we get people back to work and give them that incentive to do so in a situation where government has poured so much largess on the side of people just staying home when that's easier and made easier in a way that is ultimately going to damage our communities and the ability of the american economy to get back to functioning? what can be done from a policy perspective to push back against
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that. >> the very first thing they should unshackle. government has no more money. they ran out of the debt ceiling four days ago and proposing another $3.5 trillion there is a reason why we have inflation because of what the democrats passed. there is a reason why we have crime in the streets based upon defunding of the police. there is a reason why the economy is not growing as strong because government is getting in the way. we need to unshackle these small businesses. we have found it time and again. and that's what we are doing in congress. these democratic policies have given inflation, crime, and then you saw what people think about the future it's dropped more than 20 points. that is in a short six months. make us energy independent, not putin. >> ben: leader mccarthy, thank you so much for taking the time to join me tonight. >> thank you, ben. >> ben: enjoy miami. if you are not afraid of the delta or variant just wait why dr. fauci says you need to fear the variant that don't even exist yet.
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newt gingrich sounds off shameless fear-mongering coming up next. ♪ ♪ except now you have uncontrollable body movements called tardive dyskinesia - td. and it can seem like that's all people see. some meds for mental health can cause abnormal dopamine signaling in the brain. while how it works is not fully understood, ingrezza is thought to reduce that signaling. ingrezza is a prescription medicine used to treat adults with td movements in the face and body. people taking ingrezza can stay on their current dose of most mental health meds. don't take ingrezza if you're allergic to any of its ingredients. ingrezza may cause serious side effects, including sleepiness. don't drive, operate heavy machinery, or do other dangerous activities until you know how ingrezza affects you. other serious side effects include potential heart rhythm problems and abnormal movements. shift the focus more on you. ask your doctor about ingrezza. it's simple. one pill, once-daily. #1 prescribed for td.
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priceline. every trip is a big deal. >> be afraid. be very afraid. if the delta variant wasn't scary enough in the land that doesn't send shivers down your spine don't worry. dr. fauci says the worst variants are yet to come. telling mcclatchey if another one comes along equally high transmissibility much more severe then we could really be in trouble. fauci predicting the u.s. could reach 200,000 covid cases per day, totals we haven't seen since january. joining me now former speaker of the house and fox news contributor newt gingrich speaker gingrich i have to ask you what is your latest reaction latest fear-mongering from dr. snawsh. >> i did a newsletter with gingrich 360 last week saying it was time for dr. fauci to retire. if you go back, he scientific
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article 2012 laid out the exact case for why he should retire. he said at the time that we should not too any kind of pandemic research without a national public debate totally l this in that kind of debate scientists less public. doesn't deal with the moral question of dealing with the pandemic. >> we have short article, two pages. you read it, you realize this is a recipe for why fauci should retire. he gave hundreds of millions of dollars of u.s. taxpayer money. our money to the chinese knowing it was going to the wuhan lab for the purpose of studying these kind of bat related viruses they had no real controls and what the chinese were doing.
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had no rights to acquire the research documentation and when the crisis came the chinese closed him down. he helped fund the research that led to a pandemic which i think has been an artificial man made disaster on a worldwide basis for which we still have no really good answers so i think fauci should go home to relax, rest, and what he said was basically mathematical model last week we had the sigh variant. 85% effective in killing people and spread with extraordinary speed, that would be really bad. yes. that's true. if that was "star trek" episode or something else that would make sense. for a scientists who used to be important and i used to work with fauci, i think fauci a one -- was one of the most important scientists in the
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world and i'm watching his decay. worry worry about president biden i worry about fauci in terms of his cognitive impairment much more than i worry about president biden. >> dedicated is very mindful of the kinds of threats that pandemics represent and that you have argued in the past for significant reform of the way that we address them. one of my big fears is that coming out of this experience the media love for fauci is going to be so significant that we don't actually learn from this experience and do the steps, take the steps that would make our response to it to to a similar event in the future. what can be done to protect against that and prevent that type of white wash? >> look, you are the personification why america is such an irrepress cybil and i think impossible to control
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country. there are dozens and dozens of bright young investigative reporters out there. there are going to be books that come out there. is going to be information, australian reporter just written a book out in september. that's devastating i am confident and goes back to the best efforts. i'm confident that fauci and gaetz and soros and all of the oligarchs combined plus their minions in the media and unions and bureaucracy in the end they're all going to lose and the american people are going to win once again because that's the nature of america. >> ben: time and again that has proven true. let's hope it does again. thank you so much speaker gingrich for joining me tonight. >> thank you. >> ben: it's becoming more and more evident that if facebook doesn't like what you say online you are gone. simple as that.
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just this week the tech giant suspended the account of some of its biggest critics. researchers with nyu cybersecurity for democracy project the group study is the way of misinformation is shared on facebook often calling attention to problems on the tech giant's platform but not anymore. facebook says the group violated its terms of service. joining me now to react policy director at cpi rachel bovard. rachel, thank you so much for coming on. i am not surprised at all that facebook would silence its critics whether they come from the right or the left. are you amazed anymore at the audacity at which they approach this silencing project? >> never, and i'm not surprised here either. because what is very clear is that facebook doesn't want proletariat the normies asking any question about how they run their business. i think what's really instructive about this example in particular is the tool that these nyu researchers had created called ad observer
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tracked and researched how facebook was serving up ads to its users. it was an extension that people downloaded to allow this data to be collected. now, this is an area where facebook does not want any scrutiny because we often think of these platforms as speech platforms and they are but what they really are is massive digital advertising agencies that make tons of money off of eyeballs, off of amplifying content and they refuse to talk about the algorithms how this works all of the things happen and i had the scenes control the information. researchers have been begging for years to come under the hood and see how they do it. absolutely not. we are not going to show you the secret sauce. can you criticize us for it we will deplatform you for it. >> the white house recently rely on this u.k. based firm, they present themselves as a think tank if you go to their website they don't have any staffers listed on it other than the
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founder. that it has released a series of reports identifying what they have described as hate sites over the years. and more recently moved into the covid misinformation game. the white house claimed that there were these 12 different accounts that were the source of the overwhelming lone wolf of misinformation. there is very little evidence, actually of this put forward. are you disturbed at all that the american white house would be relying on foreign sort of secretive firms for the sources of which americans to target on social media? >> everything about what the white house is proposing and doing is disturbing. the not the least relying on foreign intelligence that is pretty baseless and not sufficient. and then, also directing facebook which post to take down, which accounts to suspend. and it was fascinating to watch this story develop because, you know, jen psaki very casually admitted to this like it was no big deal of course we tell facebook what to take down. >> we have obviously we are fascist. they also, you know, evolves.
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the story evolved because the thursday they announced it was just about covid misinformation. by friday they were talking about any content that went against the narrative about covid-19. so, it's a very clear effort here by the white house to control speech on one of the biggest speech platforms in the world which really speaks to what facebook is. it's an essential speech corridor. a market access point and all these things. of course the white house wants to control what can be said there you know, there is nothing that is not disturbing about it. >> ben: it's insane on a certain level. because if you use these kinds of rules going backwards, you know, you would have been deplatforming all manner of people for being on the opposite side of dr. fauci on the mask question at the beginning of the whole process. rachel, big tech is enormously critical issue and i know you are someone dedicated to watching it. do you have any hope that republicans have shifted in their attitude towards these big tech entities that they're willing to actually take steps should they take power back to really restrain them in significant ways?
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>> i think republicans are finally waking up to the problem. i don't know that they are fully aware of everything that they have to do. this is not just a section 230 fight. this is a data privacy fight. this is a market power fight. i'm hoping they can use their time, especially in the house and minority to develop a really positive solution. they can get control of what i think is one of the biggest threats to speech and the american way of life that we have seen in maybe ever. >> ben: rachel, i will tell you when i talk to people across the country, this is one of their top issues, a kitchen table issue now in a way it didn't used to be. thank you so much for joining me tonight. >> my pleasure. >> up next, new york city's vaccine mandate isn't just wrong, it's racist. we will tell you why after the break. ♪ ♪ ♪ rock the boat don't rock the boat, baby ♪ ♪ rock the boat don't tip the boat over ♪ here we go. ♪ don't rock the boat, baby rock the boat ♪ see disney's jungle cruise.
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♪ >> ben: in deep blue cities like new york it's hard to blame conservatives for holding back vaccination rates so when mayor bill de blasio mandated vaccine passports what demographic was he trying to exclude from participating in public life? well, turns out black latino new yorkers are the two least vaccinated groups in the city.
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many will be barred from going to restaurants, gyms and theaters. does that sound like segregation to you? it sure does to the mayor of boston. >> it is a long history in this country of people needing to show their papers during slavery, post slavery as recent as, you know, what immigrant population has to go through here. we heard trump with the birth certificate nonsense. here, we want to make sure that we are not doing anything that would further create a barrier for residents of boston or disproportionately impact communities. >> ben: black and blue he joins us now. officer tatum, thank youou for joining me. i'm just flabbergasted, bill de blasio's spoof here. what is your reaction to it. >> you know, my whole thing is that these people are incredibly ignorant or evil and they may be both. when i heard him say that it points to the fact of something
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i spoke about very early this year where it's clear they are going to force people to get vaccinations and he can't come out directly and make you and put the needle in your arm is what he is doing is excluding people in the population from having regular life. people can't even exist or go to restaurants or go to certain grocery stores if they don't have a particular vaccine it's funny to me that it backfired on him because the very same people that are out here crying about social justice and equal rights for all are the ones vialing people's constitutional rights and fairness. >> ben: i want to get your reaction to this because it bothered me a study by mackenzie and company black latino students twice as likely to not have live access to teachers. students to attended majority black or hispanic schools six months behind in math compared to four month white schools. i fear we are going from a situation where we are talking
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about social justice and equity and all these other things. the people actually falling behind being hurt the most by government response to this pandemic are people who are in our communities who are black and hispanic who are trying to make ends meet and try to get ahead need to be able to go out and work. bill de blasio and the teacher's unions seem to be of the opposite mind though in terms of preventing their ability to do so. >> i agree 1,000%. these people really don't care but. they don't care about minorities. it's all show. it's all political expediency. in reality you can see the policies that they push. this is one of the examples. the 94 crime bill that joe biden pushed was another example. all of these thilings that they claim are here to help minorities actually hurting them. defunding police is another scenario where the inner city where the most violence is occurring, these people are being killed and kids being shot in the street. they need police. yet these progressives are actually being regressive in the policies that they are pursuing and the main reason is because they do not care about the
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people. they only care about power. and once they get power by any means, that's their means to an end. >> ben: this agenda all seems to be structured to appeal to wealthy white suburban women who have rainbow colored, you know, we believe in this house signs in front ---in their front yard as opposed to actually solving the problems within these communities. it's ridiculous to me what can be done in terms of advancing an argument against these and what should those of us who believe in individual freedom and liberty be saying in these communities to push back against ideas like these? >> well, it's very simple. you know, martin luther king had a brilliant statement that we should treat people, we should believe in things or treat people based on the content of their character and not the color of their skin. when you see things like crt and see them pushing things prejudiced towards individuals, we need to push up against that and say let's function in common sense. we live in a great country. there is no place better than this and we all are americans under god and i believe if we push that principle i mean we
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will overcome,. >> thank you so much officer tatum for joining me tonight. now we go from brandon tatum the critical thinker to will jordan a critical drinker and we are putting him on the clock next. ♪ ♪ and if you have heart failure, there's entresto. entresto was proven superior at helping people stay alive and out of the hospital. don't take entresto if pregnant, it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about entresto.
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♪ ♪ >> ben: we are back and we are taking you to will jordan, the critical drinker, and reporting them on the clock or recover four topics, 60 seconds each. pleasure to have you want all the way from scotland. >> thank you very much, my friend, it's good to be back. >> ben: first off, want to go for a drive, blow into this first. congress wants to mandate alcohol monitors at in all new cars in all new states. i don't let americans -- i don't think americans like this, is that something that will fly in scotland? >> i don't think it would go through to well over here, the idea of being monitored in your own car, i don't approve of this in the slightest.
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>> ben: i just feel like there's so many different aspects of life in scotland that require you almost a drink in order to enjoy them. if i would think that this would prove a real problem for the population. >> pretty much. i mean, alcohol is more easily accessible than water over her. it's how we get through the day. >> ben: i know that your reviews have to put up with an incredible amount of wokeness, would you feel comfortable going through one of those reviews having one of these breathalyzers around you before you could post something on youtube? >> i think i would overload the breathalyzer before i could get fruit, so no, it deftly wouldn't work for me. >> ben: not going to watch any of those marvel movies without something hand. >> i need a few beers first. >> ben: next up, i'll be there for you unless unvaccinated. jennifer aniston says she has shrinking her social circle, cutting out her friends who either refuse the vaccine or haven't told her if they are vaccinated or not. you going to require your
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friends to show them their passports -- show you eat their passports before you can go and taken a a movie with you? >> i wouldn't ask my friends about tuberculosis or smallpox or something like that, so i don't know why we care about this. it's a really strange thing to demand of people, but hey, i'm sure the friends they have lost as a result of this are probably better off as a result. >> ben: it is one thing to be able to sort of walk away from a friend relationship with, you know, hey, you asked this person, but you didn't ask this person. it will make i think for an interesting reunion. i wonder which of the friends you think would be likeliest to avoid getting vaccinated. >> [laughs] i don't think matt leblanc leaves his house, so, you know -- yeah. >> ben: i would have voted for phoebe, but that's good for you. meghan markel is using her 40th birthday to force her famous friend into community service. she wants them to donate 40 minutes of their time to
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mentor women. among those who have answered her call, activist and authored of antiracist baby. along with singer adele. what are your thoughts in terms of how you're going to approach your role as one of meghan markle's appointed mentors for women? >> i always feel a deep response to the letter to mentor people and i'm sure i could -- i could really change someone's life. yeah, it's absolutely performance activism in the highest order. i don't really see why anyone is going to get out of this except they and slap each other on the back and say we do a great job. >> ben: if you were going to mentor brie larson on her next performance, what advice would you offer her? >> don't do it! >> ben: just say no? it's not worth it? >> just go home and live in your mansion. >> ben: finally, emma stone may be the next major hollywood star to follow in
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scarlett johansson's footsteps, she is also weighing her options to also sue disney for hurting her movie cruella at the box office by releasing on disney plus. i know that you have strong opinions on the shift to the new reality of hollywood where you've got streaming money and you've got box office money and you got china money obviously playing the biggest role in terms of guiding the decisions that they make. how is this going to change hollywood and what are your thoughts on this kind of reaction from these actresses to sue disney over these profits? >> well, i think for a star, the [indiscernible] of profits and stuff, that's not what hurt the movie. what are the movies that it was absolutely terrible. in terms of these actresses suing the studio for cutting them out some of their back and profits, they made more from like a few weeks of work on these films than most people will make and several lifetimes, so i don't feel a huge amount of sympathy for them on this one. but in terms of like the way we are going to manage streaming
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services -- oh, we are done. >> ben: it's a whole thing, we could spend a whole show on it, thank you so much for joining me. >> it's a pleasure. >> ben: thank you for watching "fox news primetime," i am then dominates. we will be back tomorrow night at 7:00. until then be lovers for f and anxious for the fray. tucker carlson is up next. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> tucker: good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." all of a sudden it's pretty easy for people to move around the world and all of a sudden they are. poor people moving from poor countries across the globe into rich countries. why wouldn't they? and again, that's what's happening. back in 2015, more than a million illegal migrants flooded into europe and many of them came matt came to hungary, where we are right now. it was a crisis for the continent but alone in
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