tv FOX News Primetime FOX News August 5, 2021 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT
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secretly working to make sure kevin mccarthy is the next speaker of the house. >> bret: all right, guys. we'll see you tomorrow on "special report." we'll follow the senate as they get closer to vote on the first infrastructure deal in years. thanks for inviting into us into your home. fair, balanced and unafraid. fox news prime time is hosted by ben. good evening. >> good evening. welcome to "fox news prime time." if you are wide awake, you understand that the authoritarian left is using the pandemic to a chief as many ends as they can imagine. weakening the family, restricting faith and undermining community that they may rule over us as they see fit, this is rahm emanuel's latest victim, never let a crisis go to waste. you remember the life of julia?
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almost a decade ago, obama's re-election campaign that said it loud. they want you beholden to government, from cradle to grave. as bill bennett wrote, julia's life is defined by her interaction with the state. government is everywhere and each step of her life is tied to a government program. notably absent is any relationship with a husband, family, church or community except a community garden where she works post retirement. instead, the state has taken their place and is her primary lelationship. the left is using the pandemic to make permanent the lives that they want you to leave. we've seen churches close. neighbors reporting on each other for unity. we're all in this together so long as we stay in our homes and don't socialize. teacher's unions are the most powerful in american life to the point of wrecking the lice of the students if the teachers don't want to work.
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local small businesses have to close but walmart can stay open. don't fred, fauci knows best. if you conflict with a bureaucrat, you must hate science and putting your kids and everyone else at risk. what connects all of these things? what draws them together beside that they draw us apart? why is worshipping god, burying our loved ones, celebrating graduations and marriages banned but protests and riots aloued if not to break the hold on faith and faith and community? the three things that make us more independent from government power and coercion? they tell you the reason for this is your own good. keeping you safe and sound. the truth you need to wake up to is despite over 1 1/2 years of bitter failure, our public authorities are bringing back the same policies they did before. you're about to experience renewed lockdowns, mass mandates and ridiculous restrictions on
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kids in school. they'll tell you they do it because they have to. they're doing it because they want to and because they can. the corrosion of our institutions including family and community has been happening for some time. the powers that be get rich and powerful deploying wokeness as a distraction and selling us technology that makes us depressed and hateful. isolated and divided peopler are easier to manipulate. you have a 60-tv. who cares if there's home let a block away? our growing dependence on technology no one seems to understand or control has given rise to feelings of powerlessness and victimization. we find it more and more difficult to achieve permanence or connection with the world around us. relationships with others are fragile. goods are made to be used up and discarded. reality is experienced as an unstable environment of flickering images. everything conspires to encourage escapist solutions to
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the psychological problems of dependence, separation and individualation. it's you sitting in a green powered apartment complex waiting for fried rice and scrolling through endless products on your tv as your unmarried partner tries to right filter to post a picture of the hairless cat to instagram. normal times they don't produce the outcomes that they want because people are not scared enough to give them the limitless power that they crave. crises are news. if there's aren't any, they manufacture them. and the office-holding elites are showing you how serious they take these mandates. martin luther king -- mayor bowser distinction care that she
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violated her own mandates. it has no effect on the left's willingness to try them again. that's how you know they have something else in mind. consider under the ever-growing pile of so-called covid relief measures, we sent $300 billion to public schools. that's more than we spent built rebuilding europe. like our countries around the world, american schools are locked down. who is that money for? it's not for the kids that may never recover from their lost education. most of it won't be spent this year. it's fuel for a different agenda. designed to raise subjects, not citizens. it's enough to make anyone furious. a tough question conservatives should answer, where is julius supposed to turn today in the wake of the pandemic? a single mom hammered by college debt, facing an undetermine future? in the absence of strong family, church and community bonds, why wouldn't she give up and get
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used to permanent dependence? the hard answer is that without strengthening these institutions of american life, the past of the authoritarian left will seem easier and more straightforward, even if it is built on a lie. a long time against, a frenchman warned against this writing "what good does it do me if an ever-watchful authority keeps an eye out and races ahead of me warding off danger spearing me the need to think about such things. if that authority even if it removes the smallest thorns from my past is master of my life, if they monopolize to such a degree when it's languishes, everything else must languish. when it sleeps, everything else must sleep. when it dies, everything else must also perish." many won't take that appeal.
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that's why the left's plan will backfire on them. when teachers tell kids that they're racist, parents might get fed up and form home school co-ops. they might decide turning over the care of their kids to the state is a bad idea and rearrange their lives to avoid this. they might wake up for the truth. for the insistence of pandemic permanence, the facts are encouraging. cases may rise but deaths aren't. thank god for that. do not though thank the unthinking office holders that had nothing to do with it and who merely see this as an opportunity to exploit the moment to achieve their authoritarian ames. the left's only answer to the crisis is the only answer that they've ever had. the only answer that they wanted. their boot on your neck. but they can't do that if you are wide awake. so are you? i'm ben domnich and this is the
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american crucis. here to discuss, liz wheeler, "new york post" columnist carroll markowicz. carroll, we've had the experience of seeing 95% of private schools in this country offer some form of in-person learning even though fewer than half of our public institutions were doing the same thing. it's absolutely infuriating. what is your perspective on this? >> as you know, i was born in the soviet union. most of my life people have asked me do you see any similars of america with the soviet union? never until this year did i say yeah, this is like the stories that i heard growing up. seems like the things that my grandmother or parents would tell me about. i came to the u.s. when i was small. the idea that they just took
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away schools from so many kids and that was barely a problem for so many people is absolutely at the forefront of that. it became untenable that there was a society of people that were living their lives and doing whatever they wanted like the mayor of washington d.c. while telling the rest of us to do something different. what has been done to kids is egregious, the worst part of the last 17 months. >> liz, seems to me that one of the things we didn't wake up to early enough about the approach the left was using during this is they would try to exploit this pandemic in ways that would advance their own policy agenda. achieve their broader ames. do you think that that is proven to be the case now? >> well, certainly. covid hasn't been about the covid-19 virus for a long time, if it ever was. covid-19 is now about marxism, the broader purpose of the left. you can see it.
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everything that you mentioned, the destruction of family, the violation of religious liberty, these are tenants of marxism. our leaders, politicians don't believe what they're saying. nancy pelosi doesn't wear a mask anymore. the cdc when responding to a request about randomized clinical controlled trials of mask against covid, they answered there's none that we know of. they're forcing us to do these things. masks is a good example with children in schools when they know that it's a farce, a falsity. they know unvaccinated children have the same likelihood of dieing from covid-19 as a vaccinated 30-year-old. so they're using masks to deprive parents of their parental rights and to mandate conformity with what they know will ultimately help them achieve their political goal. >> carol, i've been so frustrated by this but i've seen a silver lining. i think there's many parents across the country that are not necessarily politically engaged
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in their local school board or other aspects of this that have been waking up to the reality of what their children were being taught thanks to zoom lessons and the like and the priorities of teacher's unions. you think that that can take hold long-term politically? >> yeah, absolutely. this is such a moment for parents to get involved in their schools. i get e-mails every day from parents that are running for their school board, speaking up at school board meetings, fighting the fight in a way they never have been. that is the wake-up moment. this is the time. one of the things that i was worried about the last 17 months, this moment is a moment of conformity. i had a hard time getting parents to speak out about schools being open. nobody wants somebody calling their boss and saying sally wants teachers to die. parents have had enough. i see a distinction. i see parents writing to me, calling me, using their names and saying i want to speak out.
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>> liz, in terms of this life of julia example that i cited, i really am feeling in this moment like the left is advancing their cause in so many different ways what can conservatives offer as an alternative for people that said i've been through this desperate last 1 1/2 years. i don't want to take this government largess. i don't know what else to do. >> right. i'm going to take a position that is a little more cynical than carol's and say yes, we can save our country from this if people, if conservatives, if you, if i, if parents in this nation are willing to live counter culturally. it's easy for us to sit here and watch television and nod our heads in agreement about corruption of big government, this marxism that we see being ought to to our children in public schools. if we just do that, if we aren't willing to be uncomfortable, if we're not willing to go out and fight and say listen, i'm not
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going to have my child do that, i'm not going to have them wear a mask. i was out in town with my baby and a 7-year-old walking with her mom crying. i thought that girl is old to be crying. i don't know what's going on. i heard her say i want to take my mask off and her mother wouldn't let her do that outside, outside in the middle of summer. if we're not willing to be counter cultural and say listen, we can think for ourselves and we can see the facts and the data and know the truth about covid-19 and the teacher's union agenda and we're not going to stand for it, i think we have to do that to save our country. >> there's enormous power in being wide awake to this truth. thanks for joining me tonight. >> thanks, ben. >> up next, democrats say extending the eviction moratorium will help americans in need. this latest push to socialism is actually hurting families and small businesses. we talked to one of those struggling mom and pop landlords next.
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>> ben: not only is joe biden's moratorium on evictions unconstitutional, it also hurts small and family-owned businesses around the country. the brookings institute found 40% of rental properties are owned by mom and pop landlords, many pay their own bills and mortgages with the money that they take in. where is their compassion? jen, tell me about your situation. >> yeah, i'm a landlord here in buffalo, a working class town. a diverse town. lots of immigrants just like me. i went out part of my house and i live in one of the units, rent out the others. it's been hard. it's keeping me up at night.
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i'm afraid to rent out my units now because people might not pay. there's other landlords like me. i've talked to other women landlords around new york. there's people that sacrifice child care or even paying their own utilities and mortgages because of this unprecedented measure. >> ben: it represents a war on small business. in your situation, there could be a number of people in similar situations that end up selling out to larger firms that can afford to rent at very inexpensive prices at this moment in order to scoop up a lot of these properties and get through this period in order to rent it out themselves. is this something that you heard from fellow landlords in new york? >> you know, what i hear by a lot of people going out of business or switching to a short term rental.
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it's pushing young people or vulnerable people that might normally give a break and give them a chance, they can't do it anymore because they cannot run the risk of having somebody living in our property for free and us having to pay mortgage and utilities and keeping it up. it's impossible for somebody that only has maybe two or three units. >> ben: i know you work. you're familiar with all manner of usage of the invisible hand or the things that are unseen. isn't this a perfect example of something like that playing out within our economic policy? that what is seen is the president going out there and saying even if this is unconstitutional, i'm going to do the compassionate thing for all of these different americans? meanwhile, he's crushing the very people that are necessary for our economy to be able to make a comeback. >> right. they made landlords villains. honestly, i'm an immigrant. i moved here when i was 18. i work every day.
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i pay my taxes. it's been like 15 years since i was able to afford a property. now it's my time to build some wealth and invest and the government is taking it out of my hands by robbing me of my american dream. i feel like i speak on behalf of all the hard working immigrants in this country. this is not the america we signed up for. >> ben: it is not what you signed up for and it's incredibly unfewerating to see the type of praise that the president was receiving from major media entities, "the washington post," for the critique that would highlight the ramifications that he's doing. jen, thanks for joining me tonight. >> thank you. >> ben: coming up, protection for me, but not for thee. >> i have private security because my body is worth being on this planet right now. suck it up and defunding the police has to happen. we need to defund the police. >> how this squad member
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justifies defunding the police and paying an astronomical amount for personal security. senator ted cruz is next. at usaa, we've been called too exclusive. because we were created for officers. but as we've evolved with the military, we've grown to serve all who've honorably served. no matter their rank, or when they were in. a marine just out of basic, or a petty officer from '73. and even his kids. and their kids. usaa is made for all who've honorably served and their families. are we still exclusive? absolutely. and that's exactly why you should join. (struggling vehicle sounds) are we still exclusive? absolutely. think premium can't be capable? think again. ♪ (energetic music) ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ introducing the first ever at4 lineup.
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premium and capable. that's professional grade from gmc. hi, i'm debra. i'm from colorado. i've been married to my high school sweetheart for 35 years. i'm a mother of four-- always busy. i was starting to feel a little foggy. just didn't feel like things were as sharp as i knew they once were. i heard about prevagen and then i started taking it about two years now. started noticing things a little sharper, a little clearer. i feel like it's kept me on my game. i'm able to remember things. i'd say give it a try. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. your heart is at the heart of everything you do. and if you have heart failure, there's entresto. entresto was proven superior at helping people stay alive and out of the hospital. don't take entresto if pregnant, it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema,
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low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about entresto. >> tech: every customer has their own safelite story. this couple loves camping adventures and their suv is always there with them. so when their windshield got a chip, they wanted it fixed fast. they drove to safelite autoglass for a guaranteed, same-day, in-shop repair. we repaired the chip before it could crack. and with their insurance, it was no cost to them. >> woman: really? >> tech: that's service you can trust, when you need it most. ♪ pop rock music ♪ >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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>> ben: brazen acts of violence keep threatening the lives of americans in places like san francisco where this woman was filmed aiming an ak-47 out of the window of a moving vehicle. so while dangers like these persist, democratic politicians justify spending thousands on private security while calling for defunding police. easy, their lives are worth more than yours. >> my body is worth being on this planet right now. i have private security because they, the white supremacists, racist narrative that they drive in to this country, i'm going to make sure i have security because i know i have had attempts on my life. i have too much work to do. too many people that need help right now for me to allow that.
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so if i spend $200,000, $10 more on it, i get to be here to do the work. so suck it up and defunding the police has to happen. we need to defund the police and put that money in social safety nets because we're trying to save lives. >> ben: senator ted cruz is here now to react. in the words of crusty the clown, i think i accidentally said the soft part loud. what are your thoughts on representative bush's comments? >> you know, the sad thing is how typical that is. the left embraces hypocrisy. there's an old saying that hypocrisy is a virtual. whether it's communist or socialist, fidel castro was a billionaire. the left mandates rules for different people than they live. in lockdowns, we saw gavin newsome having a dinner at the
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french laundry despite he ordered the people of california not to do that. we saw new york mayor bill de blasio going to the gym because he said it's really important for him to work out and not the little people of new york. their lives don't concern them. you have leftists like cori bush or rosy o'donnell that want to take away your guns but hire armed security. like cori bush's case, they want to abolish the police. african americans and hispanics that rely on the police to keep them saves, their lives are not their concerned but the privileged elises, the rules are for thee, not for me. that hypocrisy, if you're will any to impose tyranny on the people, you shouldn't impose rules that you won't follow. >> ben: this seems to be increasing in the moment. you see the lockdowns come back,
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the mandates come back. i'm sure we'll see more and more examples happening again. if you were right now, you're probably saying yeah, it's one thing to complain about this but will anybody do something to stand up and call these people to account to create a difference in their behavior. that is the thing that i think is really not seen across the country at the moment. what can conservatives and people believe in a rule of law and law and order that they shouldn't have different standards for politicians and for the little people who they actually work for? what can they do to push back against these trends? >> unfortunately some politicians like a cori bush or maxine waters or an aoc or talib or omar, they're in such overwhelmingly democratic districts that they keep getting re-elected. the democratic voters don't care no matter how radical or extreme, no matter how
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anti-semitic they are, how anti-american they are, they keep getting re-elected. they don't have any check on them directly. i'll tell you who does have a check, the american people and the rest of congress. the answer is as you can see these angry american-hating voices, the radical liftists driving the democratic party, i believe in 2022 we'll see a fantastic election. the american voters will say listen, when i voted for joe biden for the folks that did, he was supposed to be this centrist, uncle joe, nothing to see here. they didn't vote for this guy to hand the country over to the radicals. that's what he's done. that this administration has been breathtakingly radical and the check on that is the voters in november. we'll see a fantastic election in november 22 and a better election in november 24. >> i have to ask you about one area where we've seen this
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radicalism play out and that is on the southern border. we see their unwillingness on the part of the white house to deal with the ramifications of their own policies. they blame it on all man-of underlying elementer and kamala harris suggests that we have to turn the -- turn the central america into some kind of paradise in order to solve this problem. what steps are you taking when it comes to the border issues and what you think the actual solution ought to be when it comes to this issue and preventing the type of chaos that we see playing every day? >> ben, we know the solution. we know what works. what works is seven, six months ago, we had the lowest rate of illegal immigration in 45 years. we had incredible success last year so what changed? it's important to understand this crisis is a manmade crisis. it was caused by joe biden and kamala harris. they keep saying that they want
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to understand the root cause of this crisis. well, they're the root cause. it's like the old pogo cartoon. they met the enemy and they is us. they did three things. they halted the construction of the border wall. a serious mistake. number 2, they reinstated the catch and release policy. that was catastrophic. number 3, they ended the incredibly successful remain in mexico international agreement. this was an agreement that president trump had negotiated with the government of mexico. mexico agreed that people that crossed into mexico illegally would remain in mexico while the u.s. asylum cases were preceding. it showed unbelievable results. joe biden came in office, first week in office, he ripped that international agreement to shreds. in six months, we've seen over
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one million illegal aliens. they caused -- your question is how do you fix it? you go back to what works. you build the wall, end catch and release and end the remain in mexico policy. we don't have to speculate does that work. we've seen it works. we know it works and the reason joe biden and kamala harris and the corrupt corporate media don't want to talk about this, they made promises to the radicals on the left to embrace open borders. they're not willing to change. they want to cover up the problem the next four years. >> in terms of the issue of defunding the police and the chaos on the border, seems to me and it seems to many observers that this is an example of an administration and a radical left that wants this chaos to exist in order for them to exploit it for their larger purposes. is that what you believe is going on? >> i don't think it's as much as they want chaos to exist. remind me of something reagan
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said about the left. it's not what they don't know. it's so much of what they know isn't so. when it comes to open borders, they believe in that. when it comes to abolish the police, these folks are naive and think sending social workers will solve the problem. it's a horrendous failure over and over again and they're so radical and idealogical and partisan they don't know it's a disastrous failure. >> ben: thanks for joining us. >> thank you. >> pandemic behavior is on the rise. anthony fauci is warning of pandemics that don't exist yesterday. let's see what they said today. >> the more we have replication and the more we're at risk of a new variant. >> i'm so worried about a new variant than delta. >> we may not be done with it yet. delta is bad enough.
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but happily delta is protected by people that have been vaccinated. what is coming next, we don't know. >> ben: author john tyranny published an article on this panic pandemic. what is your perspective when you hear these expects basically telling us, be more afraid? >> well, they're in the business of scaring people. they just can't let this crisis end. we have to learn to live with covid the way we live with cold viruses and flu viruses. they don't disappear. they hang around. we a require immunity through vaccines, exposure and they become less dangerous. these people that are dreaming of a zero covid that panic with every variant, they claim they're following the science but they're panicking, ignoring the science the way the media and politicians and public health officials have been doing throughout this pandemic. >> ben: you mentioned zero
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covid. this is an idea that i run into all the time when i talk to my friends on the left. it seems to me like an idea that is laughable on its face. that we're never going to get to that point. how can we make that argument in a respectful way that this is not something that we should just think about realistically achieving? >> we have to tell people what the risks are. if you're vaccinated, the risk is very tiny. if you're under 70, for instance, the risk of surviving a covid infection if you're under 70 is 99.9%. we live with cold viruses and flu viruses. there's risks in everything we do. we should not obsessively and panic on this one risk and ruining society. we've been hurting so many people with these lockdowns and mandates. you know, one out of three people worldwide has lost a job or a business. more than 100 million people have been pushed into extreme
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poverty. children have lost school. they're being forced to wear masks that they don't need. they're doing it only to really asuage the fears of adults. >> ben: i think we underestimate too much the danger of the kinds of steps that you're talking about, to have long-term ramifications that will ultimately play out over the coming decades in diminished lives for so many people, particularly those children that you mentioned. john, thanks very much for joining me tonight. >> thank you, ben. >> ben: if you thought digging diseased bats out of calves was a sick idea, turns out that dr. fauci can do better. under his leadership, the nih is paying for experiments on dogs. lara logan on that next. ♪ someone once told me,
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that i should get used to people staring. so i did. it's okay, you can stare. when you're a two-time gold medalist, it comes with the territory. [sfx: psst psst] allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily stops your body from overreacting to allergens all season long. psst! psst! all good that delicious scramble was microwaved? get outta here. everybody's a skeptic. wright brothers? more like, yeah right, brothers! get outta here! it's not crazy. it's a scramble. just crack an egg.
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deadly experiments on dogs to the tune of $400,000. researchers used biting flies to infect dozens of healthy beagles with parasites to test an experimental drug. records show the dogs induced months of pain. once researchers were done with them, they were killed. here to react, lara logan from fox nation and justin goodman. let me begin with you, justin. what did you find in terms of your research on this? >> everybody knows that anthony fauci caused the pandemic in wuhan with animal testing. we learned that the -- fauci's division contracted $400,000 for university experiment where they bought 28 healthy beagles, the nih website says they choose
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beagles because they're small hand docile. they're easy to abuse. they infected them with parasites as they have done in the past, strapping devices to them that allow flies to eat them alive. give them parasites and killed the dogs at the end of the study even though they could have been rehabilitating. this is a classic of no following the science. these drugs have been extensively tested in other animals including dogs in the past. the fda says testing on dogs is not necessary. the epa and is v.a. have ended dog test-or about to and the nih says 90% of these animal tests fail to translate to humans. >> lara, i love dogs. i assume you do as well. i'm trying to contain myself on this story. it's really infuriating. how can something like this happen at taxpayer expense nonetheless? >> well, i'm sitting here with
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my little dog on my lap. she never leaves me. >> ben: what is her name? >> this is honey. if you want to see her. just happened. we didn't plan that. i'll be honest. but so i mean, you know, like most people, right? how could you not love dogs? this has to be something that people everywhere are united on. in fact, they're supposed to be quite a few experiments on animals, particularly dogs, because so many people are really just horrified by it. there's ethical considerations, moral considerations and of course, there's the price. we know these things happen but should they be happening with taxpayer money? that's an important question. dr. fauci is increasingly becoming dr. evil. the decisions that he made that have just destroyed millions of lives all over the world is becoming more apparent by day. we still don't know so much
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about what he's doing. we don't know what they're doing at the nih with animals. we don't know what research they're funding with gain of function. let's be honest. it's bio weapons research. that's what they're doing. creating bio weapons. we don't know how many people have died, how many kids lost their education, how mental health has been effected and other disease. the economies destroyed. it is just really staggering the impact of the way this has been handled. i'll tell you, ben, i was in liberia at the height of the ebola epidemic. you had a 99.9% chance of dying. that was truly terrifying. when you're talking about a disease where you have a 99.9% chance of survival, it is staggering that we just wrecking apart everything that we have ever known from liberty to our mental health and physical well-being and the poverty that will affect generations to come. so what is exactly is dr. fauci
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doing with animals? what experiments is the nih conducting? these are questions we need to answer. they've been hiding gain of function; they don't talk about how many people are asymptomatic, how many people are sick, the death rates, they don't talk about protocols and all of the medicines that you can take that heal you. the big question is why not? who will hold him to account? >> ben: i want to thank you for the research that you've done at white coat waist project. where can folks learn more about what you do? >> you can go to >> it's important to have the truth, the transparency as you were saying, lara, about what is really going on behind the scenes to get to the bottom of
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decisions that need to be made. thanks for joining me tonight. up next, we continue putting comedians on the clock. who will it be this team and does he have an awesome beard? find out after the break. erty m! nothing rhymes with liberty mutual. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ [relaxed summer themed music playing] ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ summer is a state of mind, you can visit anytime. savor your summer with lincoln. summer is a state of mind, you can visit anytime. not all 5g networks are created equal.
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>> ben: we're back and we're going to put comedian and host of the lou perez on the clock. we'll cover four topics. thanks for joining me, lou. ready for this? >> no, but all right. >> ben: jeopardy executive producer mike richards has tried out more than a dozen celebrity guest hosts. it appears he's made his choice. according to reports, richards decided that he should be the one to take over the iconic franchise. the fans are not so sure. what do you think ant this whole concept, dick cheneyesque using things to pick yourself? >> at first, i was really scared
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because i heard michael richards. i was like whoa! the dude from sienfeld. but i don't know, something smells off. it's like you're the executive producer, the host passes away. i'm smelling foul play here possibly. more than anything, it's like alex trebek was amazing, he was great. can't we let it go? alex should be allowed to host from heaven. that's the way i look at it. let it go. >> ben: they won't be able to replace him. there's truth to that. hawaii is set to mandate that all high school athletes be vaccinated before allowed to set foot on a field or court. athletes have until september 24 to prove their full vaccination status or else. what are your thoughts on this requirement for high school students? >> i think it's great.
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for me, it's whatever it takes to get the kids back on the field inflicting concussions on one another. i think we have to make sure we know what our priorities are. head injuries are just not as important as healthy lungs and a healthy heart. it will be an interesting dynamic in high school. basically you'll have all of the jocks that will be vaccinated. the chess team will be the unvaxed rebels going around. it will flip things. >> ben: give some punk rock cred that does that don't have to get on a field or court. what else are you going to do on a friday night other than see kids give each other concussions? >> in hawaii. i beautiful. >> ben: the newest trend is in and it's not bathing children. kristin bell is the latest star to reveal that she bathes her children when they stink. that is in my experience a
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regular occurrence with children. what is motivating this hollywood trend of a lack of soap and water when it comes to their kids? >> they're so relatable, aren't they? wow. i'm a parent myself. i'm like man, we have so much in common. because i forget to bathe my child sometimes. sometimes we forget to change his diaper. sometimes we forget that he etch exists whatever his name is. so we have like so much in common. it's awesome. >> ben: this european approach to bathing habits does not strike me as something that would endear them outside of hollywood. when you're in tensile town, you have the ability to get away with it when you have that level of stature. >> california is always going through a drought so this is the way to score some points. >> ben: tell yourself you're doing something good for the planet. what started off as a joke has become an internet sensation.
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a $72 fried rice. one vietnam additional was a success. it has wagu, two different kinds of caviar, three different kinds of crab. it's so over the top. silicon valley folks didn't see through the joke. >> well, i love the idea that it's a joke, but it's like the ultimate humble brag. it's like yeah, we were totally pranking these guys but we happened to make an incredibly delicious meal that apparently that is the only thing that people want to buy at this place, which i find very interesting. you know, the fact that it's happening in san francisco, you're talking about people that are willing to wade through feces covered sidewalks to come and get this rice. you know, say a prayer, give thanks. >> ben: it does seem to be very fitting for the city and for the
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decadence that it reflects. thanks, lou, for joining me tonight. >> thank you. >> ben: thank you for watching "fox news prime time." we'll be back tomorrow night at 7:00. until then, be lovers of freedom. tucker carlson is next. >> tucker: good evening. welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." of the 200 different countries on the face of the earth, one of them has an elected lead that publicly identifies as a western-style conservative. his ney is victor orban, the prime minister of hungary. it's a small country in the middle of central europe. it has no navy, no nuclear weapons. the gdp i
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