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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  August 11, 2021 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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♪ >> harris: we begin with this fox news alert. the fight over mask mandates is dividing americans. while pitting the white house against two republican led states with the president now checking to see if he can overrule the florida and texas bans on masks. specifically inside classrooms. this is outnumbered. i'm harris faulkner. here today my co-host kayleigh mcenany, fox news headlines 24/7 report carley shimkus. fox nation host of no interruption tomi lahren and in the center virtual seat media and politics columnist for the hill and fox news contributor
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joe concha. he is also featured in the new fox nation documentary citizens clint. i can't wait to see that more than half a dozen states now are pushing back against mask mandates, restricting local government from imposing them. president biden is looking to see if he can legally go over the governor's heads and order universal masking in public schools. >> president intervene in states like texas and florida where they are banning mask mandates? >> i don't -- i don't belief that i do thus far. we are checking that. but there are -- federal workforce i can. >> harris: when it comes to masking inside schools, governor ron desantis of florida says parents, not politicians should have the final say. >> our view is, of course, that we believe this is a decision for the parents to make. also talking about imposing a potential nationwide mask
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mandate on kindergartens, first graders, who knows, regardless of what the parents believe is in the best interest of their kid and obviously if you are talking about the federal government coming in and overruling parents in our communities, you know, that would be something that we would fight back vociferously against. >> harris: to layer on that with that kayleigh, jason chaffetz was on with me last hour and he said parents in concert with their doctors. so what jason is saying is if the leadership in the home of the parent along with the science. something that he says is completely missing from biden's conversation. >> completely missing. instead, they are turning to orwellian federal government mandates which they don't have the power to do. president biden said well, i don't think i have the power. let me be imminently clear. president biden, do you not have the power. go read joshua blackman who has done a lot of legal research on this. the commerce clause, you cannot compel someone to engage in economic activity. the jurisprudence is clear.
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you don't have the power. i don't think you care if you have the power or not because we saw with the ejection moratorium you went ahead and did it despite what the courts said. this is really scary, harris you are exactly right. it should be between a parent and doctor. not the president's decision. not dr. fauci's decision who says i hope this doesn't adversely affect children. isn't that nice? i hope it doesn't when we know his own nih has not commissioned any studies on this. and then the science is very clear when you have last week of july .5 per million is the rate at which children were hospitalized for code. that amounts to 25 patients nationwide and not all of those actually had covid as the cdc admits. all of this while in north carolina study study deed 90,000 inkansases and not a single one of those transmitted covid from a child to a teacher. our kids are being sacrificed at the altar of the teacher's union that's the cold sad fact of what
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is going on. >> harris: joe, i want to go to you after we watch something together. a school board member in oklahoma says children could murder each other if they don't wear mask was in school. >> it's just not okay for kids to commit murder by coming to school without a mask. and when it comes down to it, it's possible. they will -- they will cause a death of another child because they come to school without a mask. that's not okay. >> harris: joe, she since has reportedly walked that back. what we do know and kayleigh set it up. the school teacher's union earlier in the summer had a list of things they wanted. remember california's list quite long. the money got bigger and list longer. vaccine at one point mandatory for teachers was on it teachers say oh we want vaccines now if children get something in school, not all those teachers are vaccinated, it will be kids committing murder according to that one school board member. >> which is completely not in
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science or grounded in science or data in any way, shape or form. look, it's so important for kids and i have mentioned on the show before bears repeating again 5-year-old son and 7-year-old daughter. and their nonverbal expressions are so important at that stage in light if you read the studies on them. with masks on they no longer have the ability to do it. in some schools the kids are separated and not really allowed to communicate with each other in any way, shape, or form. which makes the situation even more hard for them already. so, look, as far as this mask mandate, the previous president had acted this way in terms of stomping on the constitution, some of the press just might call the chilling actions of a dictator. and now we see with federal mask mandates which the president to cailee's point already knows on a federal level he can't could. but i guess he is saying is he going to circle back on it any way which a common saying in the white house. then you have to wonder also what is going to happen in terms of the way the african-american
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community is going to react to, perhaps, mask mandates or, perhaps, vaccine mandates if you work at a certain business because vaccine levels as you discussed before, lowest of any racial group. we have heard a lot about louisiana lately forearm, that's a code hot spot. louisiana department cf health, this is what they report, blacks make up about 30% of vaccines administered compared to 60% for whites. overall, asians across the country, easily the highest 66%. whites 48%. the black population unfortunately is only at 38%. i think honestly, harris, the former president and first lady and barack obama should be planning less obama fests, less big parties and, perhaps, emulate jimmy carter and becoming more active on the ground and going to communities of color to encourage getting the vaccine. that would be helpful and president trump who is responsible for getting this vaccine out so quickly, something he is obviously very proud of, can do the same in going to states like florida and texas where he remains relatively popular. hold some rallies. don't say get the vaccine you must get it say, look, i got
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this vaccine to you faster than anybody expected. it works. it's effective. please do it. if you don't want to, that's fine, too. but i'm asking you to if you could. i think both of those would be great if both those former presidents got involved. >> harris: joe concha you had a lot packed in your comunts comments. the black community something we don't talk about as much since the pandemic when people of color, particularly african-americans were making up more than 50% of the more severe illnesses and deaths in this country from covid. but it is this distrust of government. and i don't know if in any way, shape, or form, tomi, having an administration that is so muddled and mixed with its messaging on everything having to do with covid, has helped any situation where people are doubtful. it doesn't matter the color of your skin or whatever your beliefs are. if there were ever a moment to try to reach people, i think it went out the window with whether or not the president felt like
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he could find his mask outdoors at an event after being fully vaccinated at a lectern. he was panicking because he couldn't find it i mean, when you see the visuals and hear what the administration and the president have said, i don't know that that builds confidence. >> it certainly doesn't. the american people are skeptical and they have a right to be skeptical because the messaging has been changing for over a year and a half now. as we talked about before, at the onset of the pandemic, everyone was scrambling. they didn't know what was going on. here we stayed year and a half later with a lot more information and data. i will also say, this the goal posts continually move. first it was get vaccinated and you don't have to wear a mask. now it's mask as a matter of facing for all, even children which we know scientifically have a very low probability of dying from coronavirus. as you mentioned before, we don't know the long-term effects on children and having to wear a mask all day. i'm not a scientist and i'm not a doctor. let's just think about this logically for a moment. you have students. you have kids who are in a
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classroom with something strapped across their face the entire day long. any germs they have picked up are now sitting on their face all day long. they touch their faces repeatedly. and i have several friends who are teachers. i have one flond teaches special education. those children have to wear masks as well. and they are constantly touching their face. so we have to look at the real health and safety here and not just what's coming out of the white house. last thing i will say in regards to biden saying that he doesn't know what his powers are, that should be chilling for americans when you have a president who is ever looking to see how much power he really has over your life, over your state, so good for governors like desantis and abbott for stepping up, for waiting for the rest of these so-called republicans to stand up and do the same. we have to take back our freedom and we have to send the message loud and clear. your power stops here. >> harris: wow. what you just said is a mouthful. what doctors have been saying to me on this very program. they get checked in the er and the or for any substances
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outside their mask. they don't touch that mask with their hands over and over again. as a child as any of us would in a my situation. nose itches, little kids, that's why jason chaffetz and others are saying it's between a parent and doctor. tomi, you often say you are not a mom yet. i can't wait. it's going to be a beautiful thing. carley? >> carley: yeah, you know, i think when it comes to children, the question everybody should be asking themselves is who really has their best interest at heart? the government or their parents in my vote goes to parents hundred percent of the time. now, obviously, governor ron desantis is getting demonized for banning the mask mandate in schools. something that is being under reported that florida is doing is they are giving scholarships to students who want to transfer to another school if they don't like how their current school is handling covid. and this goes both ways. so parents who are pro-mask mandate, they can transfer their students to another school. using a scholarship. and parents who are antimask
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mandate can do the same. he is really giving parents a lot of choice here. one thing that i have to say about president biden, i had to laugh when he said yesterday that he is looking into the constitutionality of if he can override states or not. he said the exact same thing about a week ago when it came to the ecorrection moratorium. he checked the constitutionality. it didn't pass muster. and he did it anyway. so, one to watch to see if this one place out the same way. >> harris: that's what kelley kh was reminding us of we won't be told when it's over when they check it they check the box whether or not that's actually the case. i guess that's why they call it politics. i don't know. okay. we will move on. just ahead, democrats pushing what could be the largest expansion of social welfare program since medicare and medicaid. they are going to need your tax money to do it. i mean, that's what they do. they spend our money. how will this affect the rest of the nation and particularly your
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>> i have a plan to end welfare as we know it, to break the cycle of welfare dependency. we will provide education, job training and child care, but then those who are able must go to work. >> remember that? that was 1992 when democrats said they wanted to stop rapid welfare expansion. flash forward to today and senate democrats overnight approved a $3.5 trillion budget framework that opens the door for the largest expansion of social welfare programs since the introduction of medicare and medicaid under president lyndon johnson. tomi, we should have all seen this coming. you look at what congressional democrats are saying and chuck
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schumer called this big, bold change that they are about to put forward. you have nancy pelosi calling this 3.5 trillion monstrosity transformative. when i hear words like that from democrats, i get a little nervous. this is expansion of welfare no doubt. correct? >> tomi: oh, it absolutely is, the fact that they try to trick the american people into doing something else their infrastructure bill not about infrastructure and talking about this expansion and talking about how they are going to take care of people. any time the government tells you they are going to take care of you, that should make the hair on the back of your neck stand up. absolutely expansion of the welfare state. the americans out there applauding this thinking they will get some free check in the mail. understand, this nothing is free. no such thing as a free lunch. somebody is going to pay for this. this is the yellow brick road to socialism which leads to the yellow brick road to communism. every american should be terrified. i hope americans are very well aware there are other people taking advantage of this including amnesty and path to citizenship for illegal
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immigrant. that's what this all comes down to. get people hooked on government. get more people involved in the government and it should terrify every american looking at this. we do not need to give washington, d.c. a blank check. it's time to stop this in its tracks. i would hope that we have a few republicans out there, not just in name only but are willing to stand up and stop the madness. >> kayleigh: right. harris, you and i have spoke before the work requirement bipartisan attaching that health reform want to incentivize they divorced that looking to expand. not encouraging people to work at a time we have record job openings, what kind of message is that sending? >> harris: well, it's telling people that the government want to take care of them cradle to grave and, you know, the one main problem with that is us as human beings we know we are best off when we have a purpose. that's just blanket human nature. we're all best off when we are going forward in life.
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no matter what it is that we are doing. so, when you keep somebody stationary, it's like a mushroom in the backyard. you keep them in the dark and you put, you know what on top of it to keep them growing. and they just stay in that one place. so my question would be to this administration, what is the long-term goal in all of this? is it just to get us through the pandemic which now has burst with over 10 million jobs and the money is going to run out, the give away money is going to run out in a few weeks anyway? it doesn't go on in perpetuity. what are you telling americans if you aren't encouraging them to get up and go out and get some of those 10 million jobs and not all of them are low-paying? we have a lot of things that people could have careers with that aren't open right now. again, i question the messaging from the biden administration. and even if they think they could be 8 terms they have only been in a few month. this is what they are doing. what would four years look like?
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>> kayleigh: carley, this is just it. it's not standing alone. 1 trillion for infrastructure. 3.5 trillion monstrosity of a budget. comes after nearly 2 from in covid relief when [inaudible] at the "wall street journal" said is the biggest expansion since you got it l.b.j. this comes after the biggest expansion since l.b.j. compounding that with even bigger one. >> carley: kayleigh, can i propose a new law? i think there needs to be more transparency when it documents massive spending bills. i think that by law congress should be required to release like in bullet point form what is in these bills and give -- like the way fox news has their graphics like easily digestible. and give the american people a month to read it so they can actually see where their money is going. because, i think it. >> harris: lawmakers don't even read them. >> carley: you are right.
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>> harris: they put their staff in front of it. i don't know if i want people bullet pointing anything give me the document i can read. >> carley: haggertyy made that point this is a infrastructure bill 2700 pages long. they had like a couple days to read it. so they don't even know what they just passed. we certainly don't either. >> harris: nancy pelosi, you will find out what's in it after it passes. >> carley: exactly it just happened again. >> kayleigh: said it best, joe, i have got to tell you, yes, right. joe, i have got to till republicans who voted on infrastructure, they got rolled, make no mistake about it they basically green lighted the elks iteration $3.5 trillion bill. those republican senators wow did they totally get played. >> joe: not rolled rick rolled a term you and i are very familiar with obviously. ronald reagan, right? what did he say once the nine words you never want to hear i'm from the government and i'm here to help? bill clinton actually you played it before and i'm glad you did.
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can you disagree with what he did personally but he was street smart as a politician. he knew that he was going to be in big trouble in terms of re-election unless he went to the center and he ended the welfare state as we know it declared and he won big and he was a popular president for most of his 8 years. here's the thick. the big question the white house needs to be pressed on over and other is how do you pay for these trillions and then balance that with skyrocketing inflation? because inflation is a tax on everywhere across the board, particularly the poor and the middle class. look, inflation along with foreign policy took down jimmy carter. that combination along with skyrocketing crime. revolt by parents against an extremist educational system or at least increasingly extremist will drown democrats in a red tsunami in 2022 or possibly the president or whoever the democratic nominee is in 2024. just look at the numbers and i will leave it here. 83% of americans are worried about long-term inflation. that's a fox news poll. a "new york times" poll has a similar finding. and this biden budget is passed, the press will call it a huge victory. i think, just like president
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obama and his shovel ready stimulus that passed in his first year, and they ultimately be a net negative because, in this case, outside of inflation, americans won't see or feel the impact of this marv spending on actual infrastructure for years. that's according to the wors. so, it's a big calculation. but i don't think it's a big win that democrats are going to portray it to be or the press. i think this is going to be real trouble. because democrats now own the inflation issue by printing all of this money. >> harris: cailee, can i ask you a question? what about these republicans? we are not talking about two or three people sided with democrats on the first trillion that bipartisanship infrastructure bill they had to have known i know mitch mcconnell knew the next step was coming. do you think they regret being on board with the first trillion? >> kayleigh: your harris. because they are so in bed with the washington swamp. they are in this echo chamber in the halls of congress not listening to their constituents. so, instead. they're acting as moderate republicans, bipartisan agreement, but they green lighted that 3.5 trillion, which
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none of them want, but democrats would never have gotten on board with infrastructure without that being on the back end. they got played. and their constituents know it and thank you haggertyy and the other senators who have stood up on this issue and said we're not voting for it. one day after new york governor andrew cuomo resigned over shower. allegations, his brother cnn host chris cuomo facing calls to do the same. fox news digital caught up with chris cuomo yesterday but he didn't have too much to say on this. >> have you spoken to your brother today, sir? >> yes. >> did you advise him to step down? >> [inaudible]? are you continuing to advise him?
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♪ >> kayleigh: in the wake of new york governor's cuomo's resignation a "new york post"
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op-ed is calling on his brother cnn host chris cuomo to resign. as well arguing both brothers are, quote: guilty of gross ethics violation. meantime, fox news digital, caught up with chris cuomo yesterday as he was getting off his speed boat in the hamptons, take a look at the exclusive video. do you think that's an ethical conflict. >> you have a job to do and i'm letting you do it? thank you, sir. is your brother coming to east hampton. >> wait here he will be here in five minutes. >> thank you, do you think he will be accepted in east hampton? >> [inaudible] >> do you believe the women, sir?
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[engine starts] >> do you believe the women's stories? did you counsel your brother to malign them? do you think there should be an investigation in cnn? >> kayleigh: i bet he wanted to drive away from that meanwhile cnn colleague brian stelter was confronted about chris cuomo's involvement in the scandal. >> some people are mad at him. by the way i can confirm the "new york times" report. i will confirm it for your viewers i also have a source that says chris was on the phone with his brother this week. >> is your source chris cuomo? >> he is not. he is not. you have to have boundaries and draw a line. >> why? he doesn't. >> i think he does actually. >> really? >> i think chris does. >> harris: wow. >> kayleigh: ouch. wow, harris, coming to you, i bet chris cuomo wanted to remain
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silent this as reporting from "the washington post says he is still advising his brother. what do you make of it all? >> harris: he is hypocritical. he says he is allowing those reporters to do their job. he is in a public place. he is being asked questions. what would would he have done to not allow those reporters? we have free speech in this country. we have something called freedom of the press. i mean, i don't know what else is talking about there. but the conflict of interest question, and do you believe the women question, those two things really matter in this. and if chris cuomo were going to speak out, he might have wanted to keep the i'm allowing you to do your job part and respond a little bit to what he knows are the bigger issues here. my question is what does cnn do now? because when you have brian stelter defending you, well, your story is already over. >> kayleigh: yes. well said. joe, and brian going on to say
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we covered this as we would have any other story, except the fact that your 8:00 p.m. hour, your prime time hour stayed woefully silent through all of this. do you believe a word of what brian seltzer is telling us? >> no. it's usually the case in the situation. and he is an impressive figure because not only is he the senior media correspondent for cnn and also the host of reliable sources, but also apparently is the lead in crisis management and p.r. so, boy to balance four jobs like that is very impressive, except he is not very good at any of them. that was more of the cringe worthy interviews you will see on colbert. kudos to colbert calling him out in who his sources are who else would know about chris cuomo talking to his brother than chris cuomo. so, anyway, you have got to look at this objectively though. all right? the way you do that is to read chris cuomo's own words. in may, quote: i understand why this was a problem for cnn it will not happen again, he said. it was my mistake because i put
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my colleagues here in a bad spot. well, it happened again and again he lied to his viewers. he lied to his colleagues. and, yet, you have the media correspondent out there defending him. also, cnn put out this statement in may when the news of him advising his brother on how to discredit accusers of sexual law harassment big deal came to light. cnn it was inappropriate to engage in conversations that clawed members of the governor's staff which chris acknowledges. he will not participate in such conversations going forward. except he is. while on a paid vacation to the hamptons by the way earning a $6 million annual salary in the process. and this isn't the first time chris cuomo has lied to his viewers. he lied about being in quarantine while having covid last year. he then goes out gets into a verbal confrontation, nowhere near the home he was living, in while shedding the virus. a police report was filed against him. and then cuomo on his show last summer screamed about stupid people, his quote, not wearing masks outside. only to have a complaint filed against him in his own new york city apartment complex about not
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wearing a mask in an elevator which at last check is probably not a good thing. you can't make this stuff up. he will likely survive, kayleigh, if cnn could give jeffrey tuben a happy endings. >> harris: whoa. >> joe: anyone with get by there. >> harris: you are like the last barge in a fireworks show. last 15 minutes, let it rip. the colors and music don't even match. that was amazing. >> joe: thank you. >> kayleigh: that was a nice walk down memory lane and, yes, my bad it's the 9:00 p.m. hour that has remained silent. apologies for not knowing the cnn lineup i'm watching tucker and hannity at those times. hey, tomi, joe biden weighed in on this. we have a soundbite yesterday. here is his thoughts on governor andrew cuomo. >> 10 and a half years of the governor of the state. >> in terms of his personal behavior or what he has done as a governor? >> what he has done as governor? >> well, he has done of hell of a job. he has done a hell of a job and
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i mean both on everything from access to voting to infrastructure the whole range of things. that's why it's so sad. >> kayleigh: tomi, he has done a hell of a job. jen psaki out with this tweet right now having to do clean up in aisle 5, your thoughts? >> joe biden made a mistake. i don't think any of us are surprised by that another gaffe to add to the books. to say he has done a good job as governor is not true when you consider his handling of coronavirus especially him being the nursing home grim reaper. we all know and talked about. a lot of people are not talking about that as they should. but, you know, i don't expect anything else from joe biden. i don't expect much else from the democrats. of course, they had to throw him under the bus. now they seem to be singing his praises somewhat. there are some that are still defending him. of course, the hollywood liberals who once sung his praises. some of them are still doing that alec bald wynn calling it a tragic day saying he is the
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victim of cancel culture, once again, i don't think they understand what cancel culture actually is. cancel culture is because have you made a slip up and slight mistake not fondling several women and also sending grannies to their death in a nursing home. what do we expect from the mainstream media? what do we expect from the democrats? we know they exist with liberal privilege. we know the only standard they have is the double standard. i don't see an end in sight. because the american viewers and american voters are not putting their foot down and saying that we need to see an end in sight for this. >> kayleigh: liberal activist and journalist, chuck todd, carley, has some thoughts on the future of governor cuomo. let's roll the tape. >> these are permanently over or almost permanently over he chose the path almost permanently over. i expect in my lifetime andrew cuomo to run for office again. what that office is i don't know but that's what this resignation
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tells me today. >> kayleigh: carley, is this wishful thinking on the part of chuck? >> carley: i don't know if it's wishful thinking. i do think he may be on to something though. if you are impeached and removed from office in new york you can't run for statewide office again. also, a senate impeachment trial would air all the dirty laundry and only defense would be to blame the victim. so, by resigning, he has avoided all of that and maybe he does want to resign to maybe live another day down the line politically. >> kayleigh: you may be right. we will see what the future holds for governor andrew cuomo. 13 days and counting and he is out. come up, a black atlanta mom speakings out after her daughter's public school segregated students by race. wait until you hear the explanation from the principal. ♪ ♪
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>> harris: a black atlanta mom is ripping her daughter's elementary school by seeing grey gaghts students by race. black and white students taught in separate classrooms. kyla posey who filed a federal complaint against maryland elementary school claims the principal seen here told her that she put the practice in place because she thought it was in the best interest of students. joe concha, this principal said that she did it based on what she thought the kids would need. services that white children would need and services that black children would need in separate classrooms. what do you make of it? >> joe: i make of it, again, i have children and i'm horrified when i hear stories like this, a white child can have needs just
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as much as a black child. and the fact that we're now, again, seeing everything through the prism of color. martin luther king jr., the greatest civil rights icon of our era, it bears repeating, don't judge people by the color of their skin but by the content of their character, we keep focusing on race and education and it bears repeating that the u.s. is currently ranked 25th in the world in reading, math and science. basic blocking and tackling. first is china, 11th is ireland, 21st the aussies even have us beat. we sit 25th in the world despite having tremendous resources and pour a lot of money into the educational system. don't blame the teachers, of course, at this point they tray their best. but the teacher's union or rogue principals like this are not doing our kids any favors in any way, shape or form bringing forth modern day segregation. it's a whole ball of wrong, harris. >> harris: kayleigh, this may be a little left field this is how i think of it.
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love starts very early in your life. you never know how are going to love. if you are told that a little white boy in a class and little black girl in a class can't be together as they grow up, do they see that segregation as meaningful? by the way the lord orders my steps in my world. this is almost like a purity policy like where are you going to get biracialt? and this school district world where does that teacher even see those who mix? >> kayleigh: this is absolutely outrageous, harris. this mom, good for her for taking legal action on this. it's a clear vital of title 6 civil rights act cannot discriminate based on race. went to the principal and talking about a class. the principal said that's not a black class. that is what this mother said. the words were of the prince pr. how dangerous, cruel, how wrong. think about a kid in this school district i'm sure they are teaching critical race theory in
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this school if they do this. go to the school and taught either oppressed or oppressors based on the color of your skin. by the way we physically segregated the two races into two classrooms. this is so wrong and look each other in the eyes of god which is as classmates and friends and patriots in this country, this is antithetical what this nation stands for. good for you kyla posey stood up and taking action on this horrible, horrible story. i was shocked to see this morning. >> harris: tomi? tomi tomi yeah, and i further wonder why do they, and i'm using of course metaphoric call they would do they want us to hate each other why do they want us to be divided and look at each other and notice differences and not similarities. we are a lot of children are still wearing masks can't see the lower half of their face and now separating people into different classrooms. it's not just this principal in this school and this one particular area that is separating people physically,
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let's talk about the mental separation, the emotional separation that's going on in lot of our schools across the country as young as kindergarten, all the way up, of course, in college. i'm only 29 years old today by the way. >> carley: happy birthday. >> tomi: thank you. when i was in school in college i remember women's study courses they would do this kind of separation thing social experiment. this is now happening to young people and as harris pointed out this is something that can have lasting effects. we want people to come together. we want them to be unified as one. especially under that flag and under god. why do they want to us. >> harris: carley? >> carley: first of all, tomi, happy birthday. we are moving backwards and this is a racist policy. we also learned of another racist policy that is affecting oregon. oregon just dropped the requirement for students to be proficient in reading, writing
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and math. and the thinking is that that would help students of color. so the suggestion is that black and brown students can't meet the same standards as white students which is absolutely not true. that's the racist part. the damaging part is that now students in oregon don't have to, by law, be proficient in those subjects, setting themselves up for total failure later in life. >> harris: well and discrimination. >> carley: absolutely. >> harris: people say you are less than. less than the whole way in school. that didn't change. it's backwards. you put that beautifully. by the way, kayleigh, how awesome is it that tomi lahren chose this venue to spend her birthday, outnumbered? we're honored. >> kayleigh: yes. happy birthday, tomi. you know, you hit the goods. i wish we could have known this could have done celebratory segment. >> harris: there is no time. >> tomi: nowhere else i would rather be. the praised america when she won gold.
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remarks and instand feedback. more children are falling ill from the new covid delta variant as a parent what do you need to know doctors nicole saphier and marc siegel will be here. oregon drops proficiency requirements for math and readings for high school graduation. loudoun county tearfully quits over critical race theory. a lot to talk about the next two hours. i'm john roberts. join shannon bream and me at the top of the hour for america reports. see you then. ♪ >> kayleigh: gold medal winning wrestler tamyra after winning gold in the 68-kilogram final. that moment went viral when she said, quote: i love representing the u.s. i freakin' love living here. reflecting on that moment again today. watch. >> when he asked me that, i felt like i went into transand got spoke through me. i look at the camera and just
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go. and i know that there has been a lot of negativity going on and i just want to enlighten people of my feelings to spread positivity shoot, it happened. >> kayleigh: carley, when i saw tamyra mensa stock her joy was contagious. i almost tead up. watched her hold herself in that flag and hug it. >> carley: i'm glad you are saying that even looking at that picture of her waving that american flag with tears in her eyes is making me have tears in my eyes right now. i love her. i love her patriotism and i love her joy. she clearly has such joy in her heart. she loves god. she works so hard she has such an incredible story. i know there has been controversy at the olympics who is patriotic, who isn't this is
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why the olympics are so special because of people like her. >> kayleigh: so true, harris. her faith is so beautiful to watch. she overcame a lot when her dad prince died when she was young. coming back from one of her wrestling matches. she struggled but overcame. her faith so beautiful to me. >> harris: you know, it's her faith and spirit. i just want to thank her because i know with the winds of negativity that were around her, certain people turning their back on podium against our anthem and flag. she is young enough to feel some of that pressure. we know she is courageous. if you have seen her wrestle, she can bring it yes, she has a medal for a reason and it is gold. so is her spirit. she is just a winner all around. somebody that really represents us well, this country. thank you tamyra. >> kayleigh: tomi you juxtapose that with berry and the soccer play with pink hair whose name evades me. contrast between her joy and some of the negativity that we,
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indeed, did see. >> tomi: these are the kind of people we need to hold up. you know, she mentioned in one of her interviews that she wants to be an inspiration to black girls. she is inspiration to black girls and white girls. i hope she will get endorsement deal out of this and fanfare and headlines out of this. this is the kind of pepper we should raise up and talk about off. she is a great patriot, a great american and great human being. i think we were all honored to watch how much she lost our country and she renewed our faith in this country as well. so, thank you. >> kayleigh: no doubt. no doubt. joe concha, your thoughts in. >> joe: first of all, tomi, happy birthday as well. i have actually been celebrating the 10th appear anniversary of my 29th birthday for some time now. enjoy. 2? whew, congratulations. look, everything you said endorsement deals you are right i would much rather see her in a ford pickup endorsement during the super bowl than say bruce springsteen so, yeah, colin kaepernick, lebron james, take note. that's what real patriotism
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looks like. she appreciates everything that she has. and you could say that it was the best moment of the olympics, quite frankly, guys, gals? >> kayleigh: absolutely. happy birthday, tomi. have you achieved so much at the young age of 2. we love you here on outnumbered. thanks, everyone. america reports is next. ♪ ♪ad powerfloan benefit. it lets us refinance 100% of our home's value, not just 80% like other loans. that's a big difference. and it can mean a lot more money for you and your family. and this is the best time in history use it because home values are now at record highs while mortgage rates are near record lows. the newday 100 va cash out loan lets you take out $50,000 or more to use as you wish. improve your home, pay down debt, or just put it in the bank for the financial security every veteran deserves.
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>> the fight over critical race theory and transgender policies in county schools hitting the boiling point with one that a teacher quitting on the spot in front of parents in fellow teachers during a school board meeting last night. her emotional speech is coming up. >> we will also hear from leslie marshall and john duffy on the republican effort to shame .-dot another down another massive democratic spending bill, plus doctor nicole weighs in on how you can as more kids get infeed


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