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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  August 12, 2021 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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>> dana: america's other pastime soccer. check out this little kid. he wanted to get in on the action the other night at this game. it was in cincinnati. there is the little guy running across and his mom is like oh no, in the middle of the game. she tackles him. check it out. i think it's great, mvp mom. >> bill: another employee of the month. we have to roll, okay? >> dana: take care. >> harris: fox news alert. morale at an all-time low among chicago police officers. we're learning cops there were reportedly outraged when top brass rushed a traditional ceremony to honor one of their fallen. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus". on the night that 29-year-old ella french was tragically shot and killed during a traffic stop, gunned down with no mercy is how i would put that, her
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fellow officers lined the street outside the medical examiner's office to deliver her final send-off, tradition. but the department's second in command instead demanded her body be taken inside. >> go ahead and get the vehicle inside, forget to bagpipes. go inside. do not stop. >> harris: critics say it is a sacred tradition and officers have a right to be angry over this. however, the mayor of the city, lori lightfoot, is defending it all. >> the reporting on that is just not true. with covid protocols, the coroner has made a lot of new restrictions on what can and cannot happen at the morgue. eric carter is an incredible public servant. he is a dedicated veteran and takes his job very seriously. what people don't like he wasn't part of the friends and
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family program. he did his job. >> harris: she is citing the coroner, the medical examiner. garrett tenney live in chicago. i'm not -- the m.e. said the covid protocols were in place. this didn't have anything to do with that. so i guess we have to track down the truth. >> exactly right. the mayor is saying the reporting on this isn't true but her explanation is what isn't adding up as to why it was the right decision to make. she pointed to those new covid protocols at the morgue and suggested that those restrictions could have impacted the family of fallen officer ella french if they were forced to wait for the honor guard escort. when i reached out to the cook county medical examiner's office they didn't know what the mayor was referring to. protocols for processions have not changed since the pandemic began. first responders have always gathered in the parking lot to pay respects forfallen officers
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and firefighters. just an hour before the mayor spoke when i reached out to cpd about these reports, a spokesperson didn't deny them and would only say no comment beyond reminding you of what an emotionally difficult night that was and continues to be for everyone involved. as you mentioned, harris, this ritual is a big deal for chicago police officers. lining the streets from the hospital to the medical examiner's office with an honor guard escorting the officers' remains. they're furious at eric carter for rushing or trying to either skip that tradition and that show of respect for officer ella french. former chicago police superintendent garry mccarthy says at this point it ll be hard for carter and the mayor to regain the respect of rank and file officers. >> you know, it's inexcusable what happened. maybe eric should talk about it publicly himself.
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i think it is damage control at this point. >> we have sent multiple requests to the mayor's office for clarification on her explanation of why this was the right decision to skip or delay this procession. so far we have not gotten any response. but of course if we do we'll keep you updated. >> harris: you are talking about a mayor who flouted some of the covid protocols for her own benefit at times. kind of ironic she would call on protocols at this time. former chicago police superintendent garry mccarthy says this whole episode reflects an anti-police sentiment that he is seeing throughout the country now. >> officers are looking at this and they feel unsupported by the leadership and under attack all the time. this is a very important time when we have officers -- police are highly under attack and why
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we have 100% increase in crime. >> harris: jason rantz is a seattle area radio host and on the issues with law enforcement and where we are at this moment. your top line thoughts. >> i hope everyone is at outraged and embarrassed by this as you and i are. you have officers in chicago and across the country every day that put on the uniform knowing they might not come home after that shift and ella french didn't get to go home. her partner is still fighting for his life and they are owed respect. these officers reeling from what has been going on, losing not just a member of the team, a member of their family, but realizing that they also are going through something and they are not being treated with any sort of compassion. it is incredibly disturbing that anyone would treat a sacred ritual like this the way they did. it is indicative how little
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support and care mayor lightfoot and her administration have for cops. it is a symptom of that issue. >> harris: we're talking about a situation, too, where they are having to put money back into law enforcement in that city after defunding. look, there is a whole lot of -- i've talked to a lot of officials from there and across the country who don't like the word defund the police. they say they are mimicking what they see in the streets. i don't know what they're talking about. when you take money away from things and reallocate or whatever word you want to redefine that some on the left like to do the bottom line is you've taken resources away. that's another thing that this mayor, lori lightfoot, is having to go backwards on now and say we need money for more cops. >> absolutely. look, there would probably be a little bit of room for errors like what happened rushing through a ritual if these officers felt some level of support.
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but to be clear, mayor lightfoot and democrats around the country have emboldened the criminals by pushing policies that make communities unsafe. they blame trump or they blame guns or everything except the actual criminals because it wins them political points. then they pretend someone calling you out for not doing a very good job well, you don't understand the defund movement or you are coming after me because it's sexist and racist. something more dangerous than the gang bangers are the democrats that are emboldening them to do that and cops are sick of it and this is what they're doing in response. they are turning their backs, they are telling the mayor as they did last night don't come to our gathering. don't come to our meeting. we don't want anything to do with you. when you have lost your cops like that, it's not a good sign for your leadership skills nor is it a good sign of what's to come. >> harris: and the people that matter are the people you have to protect against the people who want to harm the rest of us. the chairman of minneapolis
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farmer labor party is facing blowback -- an op-ed read this way. like it or not setting the third precinct on fire was a genuine revolutionary moment and act of righteousness to open new worlds of understanding. again that's a quote. he later tried to clarify those remarks or what we say clean it up. people have seized on the word righteousness as if i am the one assigning it moral value. that is not the case, the quote goes on. it is meant to convey how the protestors felt at the time. this as a judge has ordered minneapolis to hire at least 730 new police officers by next summer. even as the city says it plans to vote on a proposal to dismantle the entire police department. so again, oh my gosh, take it away but you need it. make sense of this, jason.
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>> there is no sense of this, right? when you listen to activists in the community you end up making really silly moves. when you have a large wing of the democratic party, the progressive movement, which has so much power right now within the party, holding these positions. he can backtrack all he wants. he very clearly was supportive of the violence because when you are being told and when you believe that every institution in this country has been built on white supremacy and has to be dismantled of course people will get violent. when you are being told over and over again as a community that you are the victims of white supremacy and the only thing you can do about it is to dismantle, what do you think they are going to do? they will take that literally. we saw that happening in the streets. >> harris: jason, this seems to be further. it almost sounds like this dfl chairman and dfl is the left
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party in minneapolis in minnesota. they don't just call them democrats traditionally, it's the dfl. he is actually almost celebrating what was going on. he is a revolutionary moment. that's lifting it up to a whole new level than just violence that broke out. >> it is praise. they are praising it because they believe it is justified and believe it is a revolutionary moment for them. on january 6th people broke the law and they thought we were justified and we called it out as wrong. yet when blm or antifa radicals do it all of a sudden we should understand their perspective. this is what they were thinking at the time. i thit the inconsistency have to be called out. it's dangerous. one group of people now and the last year engaging in this kind
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of domestic terrorism. when you are using your ideology to commit acts of violence like this to intimidate politicians or completely shut down anyone from speaking up against you, that's what this is, terrorism. we shouldn't embrace it. we don't have to justify it or understand the underlying conditions why they did it. violence is wrong. if you can't say that, it's weird to me. >> harris: a new fox poll finds that only 39% of people approve of how president biden is handling the crime crisis. we have a lot of crises, one at the border, this one affects every american as well, and he is underwater on it. >> yeah, cory booker tried to do some cleanup this week with whatever he did on the senate floor. a weird freak-out he had. democrats don't support defunding. the cat is out of the bag. everyone knows we have access to video and quotes of democrats embracing the
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movement. nothing that can be done about it. i wish they would look at the polling and say maybe we should take it more seriously instead of just talking about taking it seriously. >> harris: thank you for being in focus. good to see you. >> thanks. >> harris: inflation nation if you've been to the store lately, you probably know all about the sticker shock americans are getting right now. the political problem it poses for president biden and democrats in power. our power panel will debate. you don't want to miss it. another possible headache for the dems, vice president kamala harris in 2024. the red flags and a new fox poll. >> kamala harris was so unpopular within the democrat party she had to drop out before the primaries in her home state and she has failed spectacularly at the two jobs that she has been given since becoming vice president of the united states.
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>> we've had 5.4% increase in inflation recently. wiping out all the gains in the economy. how could that be? you are spending money like drunken sailors, if you own a home, drive a car, breathe air, get ready for more taxes and more spending. >> harris: republican senator lindsey graham taking a shot at the biden white house and democratic leaders as americans are paying more and more for virtually everything. milk, eggs, beef, summer travel, gasoline and more. as the "wall street journal" points out, president biden has an inflation nation problem.
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gop knows it, that could be a problem as new fox polling shows a whopping 86% of voters say they are concerned about inflation with just 47% approving of the president's handling of the economy. republicans seize on the issue with several ads that are out already. >> now the chickens have come home to roost. and they are twice as expensive. everything is, like a brand-new tax. not enough workers making things, higher prices on what's left. economists say the worst is yet to come. >> harris: the chicken came home to roost and they got more expensive too. mercedes schlapp, former white house visor strategic communications director richard fowler. republicans are watching this and they are doing in the ads and in person we told you so.
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>> i think there are two dynamics happening now. first of all, i think president biden's honeymoon period is over. i think part of this is because of this inflation problem that we're seeing creeping into our economy. secondly, the inflation is problem is a political liability for the democrats. there is no question when you are seeing the real average hourly wages decline, when you are seeing consumer prices continue to rise about 5% a month. you know, these are issues that impact american families. these are issues that impact minorities, low-income families looking at the rise in gas prices, food prices, and saying how can i afford this? i think that the democrats' reckless fiscal policies will put an enormous amount of pressure on our economy next
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year. >> harris: richard, i said republicans are saying we told you so and i say democrats are saying we'll build it back better. is this what you had in mind? >> let's be clear. inflation would have happened no matter which party was in control because we were -- we knew that every economist predicted shortages out of this pandemic because all of our factories weren't at 100%. with that being said it doesn't take away from the fact that consumers across the country including all of us when we go to the store we're feeling the impact of higher prices. >> harris: because we eat. >> absolutely. and the white house is well aware of and see the biden administration doing a couple of things. one, having a conversation how we do everything in our power to make sure we are increasing wages. mercedes said low income families so they can afford things when they go to the grocery store. number two, how do we get this economy open again safely so we don't have to worry about
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shutdowns and almost put the pandemic behind us and get factories up to 100%. >> harris: liz peek out with biden's grape slip and slide saying voters are discovering they elected a shell of a president. frequently add ld man without conviction or force whose every campaign promise was bogus. after five months of honeymoon and smooth sledding the biden administration is being tested. it is not going well. mercedes? >> i just want to add that when you are putting vaccine mandates pushed by democrats and companies, that is really impactful and hurting small businesses across the board. but i do want to in responding on liz peek's op-ed, look, i think that you have to recognize that the progressives have only grown in strength and power in the democrat party. when you are looking at the
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fact that nancy pelosi herself said i'm not going to push forward this infrastructure package until we get the budget reconciliation package done as well. that is big, it's green deal, it is bigger almost than the new deal that fdr pushed. it is nanny state at its best with so much spending. in essence they're beholding to the progressives in the house of representatives and i've got to tell you, they keep pushing president biden further to the left and as we know, he is becoming weaker and weaker by the day. >> harris: richard, ill oh he come to you on this one first because when people criticize the president, particularly calling him words like what mercedes used weaker by the day sometimes they'll cast an eye to the vp. miranda devine is out today with a new piece. a kamala harris president wall run will tank democrats. under the headline dems shudder
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at kamala 2024. she wrote this. the problem for the democrats is that she is unelectable. it's the fake laughter, the handmaiden comfortment around bidenened bad interviews and inability to succeed at any of the tasks she has been handed from immigration to vaccination. fox news poll shows her approval rating is sinking. it is now at 45%. nearly 10 points down from april. it is only august. richard. >> a couple of things. nobody is paying attention to what the vice president is doing because they're paying attention to what the president is doing. >> harris: let me tell you why they care. we have a border crisis. the things that she has been handed to do we're in the middle of a pandemic, vaccination is all anybody is talking about one way or another. these are things that are on her docket to do.
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that's why they are paying attention to her. go ahead. >> absolutely. and vaccinations are up, we're at a two-week high on vaccinations. >> harris: you think that's because of her? >> i think it's because of her and because of public information messaging that is happening because of the white house and governors across the country. and i would say number two what both biden >> harris: i have to knock on the door here. give me a specific moment that kamala harris made a difference on the rising vaccinations right now because we know we have a killer disease out there and variant that's out of control right now. what is she doing to get people to take vaxs? one example. >> i'll give you a great example. at the end of the day kamala harris speaks to various different people. we know we have vaccination hesitancy is all communities. she speaks to various
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communities about the importance of getting vaccines and out there talking about it. any time any official is talking about it they help in the process whether it's her or hutchinson or the governor of alabama. any time you have officials hurjing people to get vacance. i don't discount elected official. >> if i may, let's remember that it was kamala harris who didn't even want to take or trust the trump vaccine. let's start from there. she has been irrelevant in this vaccine really promoting the vaccine and quite frankly even her own staff have thrown her under the bus because of the hostile work environment. it has created a distraction, i believe, for the president. quite frank life i think joe biden. >> dana: we're still waiting for donald trump to do a psa about getting the vaccine.
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>> president trump talked about the importance of it. >> where is the commercial saying that americans should get the vaccine. where is the psa? where is the commercial? >> let's have big tech stop suspending the president and have him use his voice to encourage vaccinations and start from there. let me take it a step further. let's go back to this. you know how the presidents have treated and the democrats have treated president trump and how big tech have treated president trump. it has been an outrage on how they have censored him in this process. they know he should be unleashed to talk about these vaccinations. so that's just an outrage. >> harris: that's an interesting take when you listen to her carefully. we aren't hearing a lot about that. big tech and the fight against them silencing none of us and this is a white house who just a few weeks ago said they
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wanted when he from big tech and social media to look at what we're saying about the covid vaccine. they want to turn that on us as well. it is a great conversation. i want to bring you two back. richard, always good to have you, mercedes, you, too, thank you. what a debate. i didn't see it but so importan. more very interesting fox polling now with this one showing just how far left self-identified democrats really are. and what that honesty means for the party's priorities going forward and whether the divide between the moderates and the far left is about to get a whole lot bigger. plus this. >> this should be fixed from the oval office. joe biden needs to overturn his policies. this country is at risk because of this administration. >> bill: former ice director
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unloading over biden's border crisis. one house republican says the dhs secretary should be impeached over it. texas congressman chip roy in focus next. at usaa, we've been called too exclusive. because we only serve those who honorably served. all ranks, all branches, and their families. are we still exclusive? absolutely. and that's exactly why you should join. are you one of the millions of americans arwho experience occasional absolutbloating, gas, or abdominal discomfort? taking align can help. align contains a quality probiotic to naturally help soothe digestive upsets 24/7. try align, the pros in digestive health.
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>> harris: people by the thousands flowing over our southern border is now reaching a breaking point. this is video reportedly taken by a border agent which shows people crammed into a holding facility in texas. and this is replicated across the region. today we are expecting official july numbers on border arrests and it is anticipated to set a record. agents say the situation at the border is unsustainable. >> this is the most complicated situation i've ever experienced. you add covid on top of all of that it certainly is difficult for agents to navigate when you have our detention facilities
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that are at capacity in most sectors. >> harris: wow, that's brain shaking. complicated plus covid. griff jenkins is in washington, griff. >> those are strong words indeed from the incoming border patrol chief ortiz and you guys were talking about vice president harris a moment ago. her message to the migrants of please don't come is clearly not getting through. if we look back every month since president biden took office the number of migrants illegally crossing our border has continued to surge from just over 100,000 in february to nearly 190,000 in june which, as you pointed out, the july numbers expected to exceed 200,000. that hasn't been done in more than 20 years. >> we have heard that the official july figures for apprehensions are going to be north of 210,000. >> we've seen steady increases.
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i believe it will be over that. >> brand-new fox news poll numbers show americans aren't giving the president high marks on handling the border crisis. 57% disapprove of biden's job performance on immigration. that's up from last month. only 35% approve. that's down from last month. meanwhile, as border patrol chief ortiz prepares to take over on sunday, the outgoing border patrol chief rodney scott posted a farewell message to the men and women in green to their youtube channel and chief scott not mincing word of the conditions they are truly facing. watch. >> over and over again i see other people talk about our mission, your mission in the context of it being immigration or the current crisis today being an immigration crisis. i challenge you and i firmly believe it is a national security crisis.
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>> don't expect secretary mayorkas to call it a crisis when he meets with officials in brownville, texas where according to laredo's mayor they plan to ask the secretary for a moratorium on migrant releases due to the spike in covid cases among migrants. >> harris: i can't wait to hear the answer. how he will handle that. griff jenkins. thank you. dhs secretary mayorkas today at the border as griff was just telling us and so that's anticipated as arizona congressman andy biggs has drawn up articles of impeachment against mayorkas writing certainly joe biden and kamala harris have a substantial amount of blame with this. they are the ones who campaigned on this but mayorkas has not pushed back at all. so he is the guy who is responsible for the border security and national security and it is a disaster down there, end quote. here now reaction in focus, texas congressman chip roy.
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congressman, this cannot be said plainly enough. complicated by and plus covid. why doesn't this administration care about as much as us being exposed to covid by people rolling into our country, some as much as 50% of the groups covid positive as about what we do? >> thanks for having me on. acan't agree more with what border patrol chief scott said with respect to this being a national security crisis. it is a direct impact on our communities in texas. secretary mayorkas and president biden and vice president harris are completely m.i.a. frankly it's purposeful. they are purposely ignoring their duty to defend the borders of the united states. when i last visited you on your show it was june 30th if i remember correctly when president trump was joining governor abbott at the border. we talked about the crisis then. since that time we've now had
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an additional 210,000 apprehensions. worse than that we've had 40,000 known gotaways not counting the unknown gotaways. we have had thousands of pounds of fentanyl coming into our country. here is the stat that's really troubling. the department of public safety in texas in all of 2020 caught 10 pounds of fentanyl. this year in the first four months alone they caught 100 pounds. i'm told they're now north of 300 pounds. fentanyl is dangerous, americans are dying. children are being put into the sex trafficking trade. border patrol agents are in danger at the border and now since you and i last visited we had the incident in la jolla where a hotel was filled with people who were positive for covid because catholic charities was putting them there. we know 7,000 covid-positive people were dumped into the communities in mcallen. mayorkas, biden and harris don't care.
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we're the ones in danger and i'm also asking to impeach mayorkas for failing to defend the border of the united states. >> harris: a new "new york post" op-ed says biden's border disaster is key to the texas covid crisis speaking of what you were talking about. it has gotten so bad the city of laredo, texas is refusing to take more migrants after discovering 40% tested positive for covid. spikes above that but this is the highest most recent. last week mcallen reported a 15% positivity rate among migrants. you will wilt under the pressure of that if those people start to present sick. our country, how will we take this? >> we shouldn't have to. frankly, the migrants shouldn't be being exposed to this danger. that's what is happening on the
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border. americans and texans are in danger and hospitals overrun. you have seen the photos and i hope you show them to the people that we've been putting out there that border patrol agents are sharing. where is aoc, where are all the cries about kids in cages that we heard two years ago? where are all the cries about kids drinking out of toilets, those were lies. tom hoe man can tell you the truth about what happened with the border trying to deal with crisis. we were dealing with it humanely. but now we have a massive problem at our border where you have these facilities that are overrun, thousands of people in places meant for hundreds. i posted a video the other day of a truck getting packed with dozens, maybe 100 people and they are shoved in there because that's what the cartels do. bring them across, shove them in a truck and they're in a pressure cooker in the heat of texas on the highway and they are covid positive. bad for them and americans when they get here. you saw the accident of a van
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with 32 people in a van meant for 10. and they had 10 migrants who died when it went off the road. >> harris: i was just home in arizona in that heat. it was 113 or 115 when i was down there. that heat is real and you call it right. a pressure cooker and you have the added health dangers of covid inside those cramped environments. you open those doors, those people aren't wearing masks, you have mask spread there. i'm curious to know how do you see an impeachment process going against the dhs secretary? >> look, what we're looking at here is something where the american people are in danger, migrants are in danger. we're allowing narcotic asened drugs in our community and children dying, gang activity, cartel activity. cartels have full operational control of the border. we need to go and present these articles.
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perfect the articles making the case for why the secretary has abdicated his responsibility to faithfully execute the laws of the united states. it is incumbent upon the dhs secretary. he is an act of the president. the president is also cull pennsylvania able to execute and defend the laws of the united states faithfully and they aren't doing that. that's the case. we can talk about the political stuff we dealt with with president job but this is their job. this is our border. our home. this is texas. we're getting hurt by this because of their inaction. it is ten times worse than most americans think. in our communities with we're dealing with it every single day and ranchs getting overrun and migrants getting into the sex trafficking trade and the secretary needs to go and the president needs to go after him if he won't do his job. >> harris: the dhs secretary from our own reporting was just griff jenkins is about to be asked will he put a moratorium on for a while to stem the flow
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coming across our southern border. >> bill: why won't he enforce title 42? i have the petition on the floor to move it now. enforce title 42. >> harris: i hope there will be journalists there to ask those very questions. thank you for laying it out and hoping and praying for the best. hope is not a strategy. sounds like you guys have one. >> god bless you, harris. >> harris: thank you. republican governors are fighting back as school districts are defying their manner against mask mandates. are parents okay with schools forcing face coverings on their children? and then there is this. >> so many americans are opposed to the unamerican principles of critical race theory. the most important thing about it is some races are privileged and others victimized. >> harris: senator tom cotton of arkansas leading the charge against critical race theory in schools and one california
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school district going a step farther and banning in outright. is the ban against critical race theory the next big political flash point? tyrus in focus next. newday's low rate refi offers their lowest rate in history. two and a quarter percent. just 2.48 apr. save thousands every year and there are no upfront costs. not one dollar. the newday low rate refi. take advantage of these record low rates so you and your family can save. people with moderate to severe psoriasis, are rethinking the choices they make like the splash they create the entrance they make, the surprises they initiate. otezla. it's a choice you can make. otezla is not a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla, 75% clearer skin is achievable.
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to align our school strategy to the state strategy and become the first state in the country to require that all of our staff, not just teachers, folks that are critical to supporting the entire school ecosystem also submit a verification of vaccination and/or submit to weekly testing. >> harris: you heard it for yourself. california is now the first state to mandate teachers get vaccines or face regular testing. the battle over mask mandates continues to rage across america. in texas officials are asking a court to strike down a dallas county order requiring people to wear masks in schools and indoor businesses. and in florida, governor ron desantis is prepared to punish two school districts openly defying his ban on mask mandates in schools. here is the latest fox news polling. it shows a small plurality of voters want schools to resume
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in-person learning this fall without requiring mask wearing. fewer want mask mandates or hybrid learning. and that is significant. let's focus on the screen and tyrus you watched this with us. those are some tight numbers, just a small number. look, it is actually gone down since may of people feel it's necessary for kids to have on masks. it is almost split with people who feel like they do. we're going back and forth primarily because a lot of the messaging may be going back and forth. tyrus, i want you on the program as a former teacher. >> i got my teaching hat on. >> harris: i don't know if people know this about you. we know you are a dad and all that but from the teaching perspective you get this from a different point of view. what is it? >> well first of all, we have to go back to when this started when we started pushing and urging we wanted teachers back in the classroom. the teachers union said the only way they would agree to
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that if they would make things available like vaccinations, testing and having the classroom safe for teachers. across the board i think probably teachers should follow to those rules just because as adults we pass it and it is more susceptible. either have them be vaccinated. if you can't because of allergies or religious belief submit to a weekly test. that's fair across the board for teachers. as far as kids go looking at the science, the younger kids. it is not feasible one as a parent of 10-year-olds, and 9-year-olds and 7-year-olds when they have the mask on i spend most of the time readjusting the mask over their knows. kids and masks doesn't work and science does support the fact that kids are stronger against it. so i think you can have two minds of thought here. i don't think it has to be one or the other. i don't think you should punish one place for having mask mandates. it should come down to the
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individual proprietor. public school and they want everyone to wear masks you can make that choice to send your kid or choose not to because we do have options now. the one thing with the pandemic we have seen we can do at-home learning. we don't have to send our kids to school and split the difference. if we just keep politics out of it. leave red and blue out of it. make decisions from -- >> harris: wow, if that could happen. >> you wish. >> harris: i want to get to this. most parents don't want their kids on virtual. most want our kids back. >> i want them in the classroom, 100% i want them in the classroom. >> harris: one california school district voted to ban critical race theory from the classroom. the senate passed a measure to ban federal money for critical race theory. >> they want to teach our children america is a racist nation. those teachings are wrong and tax dollars should not support them. our future depends on the next
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generation of kids loving america and loving each other. as fellow citizens no matter their race. >> harris: that passed 50-49. democrat senator manchin of west virginia joined with republicans on that. your thoughts on it, tyrus. >> i couldn't agree more. i think there is a place for critical race theory in education but it is for older kids going into college. again, it is a critical race theory which by definition means it's a discussion. i agree our kids should not be learning. more in the lesson plans and how teachers are going to use, what they'll use in terms of curriculum. if you have -- as a teacher i might feel a certain way about u.s. history but my personal beliefs should not go into my teaching. i shouldn't decide i only want to talk about the trail of tears as opposed to the signing of the surrender at gettysburg. >> harris: what i loved about what you said and it stays out
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of the conversation so often it is theory. it is hard for first through sixth graders to work in theoretical. it is a college-type exercise. tyrus, thank you very much. great to have you in focus on these important topics. thank you for watching "the faulkner focus". "outnumbered" after the commercial break. uh, i-i'm actually just going to get an iced coffee. well, she may have a destination this one time, but usually -- no, i-i usually have a destination. yeah, but most of the time, her destination is freedom. nope, just the coffee shop. announcer: no matter why you ride, progressive has you covered with protection starting at $79 a year. voiceover: 'cause she's a biker... please don't follow me in.
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tide hygienic clean free. hypoallergenic and safe for sensitive skin. >> ♪ ♪ >> alert. president biden blasted in brand new fox polling with his approval numbers taking a big hit. as voters voice serious concerns about their leadership on a host of key issues. this is "outnumbered" and i am kayleigh mcenany with harris faulkner and shannon bream and leslie marshall and in the center, a virtual seat retired bomb


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