tv Media Buzz FOX News August 15, 2021 8:00am-9:00am PDT
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work. now there's release from golo. it naturally helps reverse insulin resistance, stops sugar cravings, and releases stubborn fat all while controlling stress and emotional eating. at last, a diet pill that actually works. go to to get yours. howie: i am really out of patience and i'll tell you why. president biden for months has a been describing the battle against covid in military terms. >> that's why i'm using every power i have as president of the united states to put us on a war footing to get the job done. howie: a war footing, then why isn't he acting like a four star general. why hasn't he ordered the pent began to begin vaccinations for the vast work force. why isn't the press challenging him on this. after weeks of study lloyd austin says the mandate will
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begin in mid-september. the new york times says the president pressed biden for an immediate start. why isn't that a bigger story. general austin says it's because the fda hasn't permanently approved the vaccine. >> i think most people are worried, that's why i'm hoping that the fda will say that we permanently ayou prove of -- approve of these vaccines. howie: the fda's been foot dragging for months, even though it's fine for 160 million americans having gotten full doses. anthony fauci says the emergency approval just a technicality but it's deterring many people from getting the vaccines. nobody's saying biden should overrule the fda on science. but can he press the slow-moving bureaucrats that he hasn't nominated an fda commissioner to speed up what they plan to do may way. the -- anyway. the media should be asking these questions every day especially in a war time situation. i'm howard kurtz and this is
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media buzz. ♪ howie: the lightning quick collapse of the afghan military as the taliban marched into kabul today as u.s. official tells fox that the president has fled the country, has stunnedever one from the -- everyone from the media and war experts to the biden administration as congress. as taliban forces seize one provincial capital after another, reporters kept pressing for answers including fox's lucas tomlinson who challenged john kirby on thursday who insisted the afghan military had the upper hand. >> you said they have the advantages as they're getting crushed on the battle field. the taliban you appear to have all the advantages right now. >> i appreciate the effort, again. they have greater numbers. howie: lucas was right, the debate on the airwaves after 20
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years and an american withdrawal negotiated by donald trump, did joe biden do the right thing? >> it's chaos, will. you see how unprepared the biden administration was for the utter collapse of the afghan army and the government and the infrastructure. >> on the issue of whether or not biden should have continued to deploy thousands of american combat forces in afghanistan i think the answer is absolutely not. this was trillion dollar social science experiment. howie: joining us now to analyze the coverage in new york, will cain, the host of "fox & friends weekend" and also hosting fox news prime time 7:00 eastern this week. and leslie marshall in los angeles, radio talk show host an fox news contributor. president biden had to order 5,000 troops back to the country to evacuate the embassy in kabul, thought he had a month or two months, turns out it's today. the media foreign policy establishment isn't ripping president biden.
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do you think that much of the press is basically more hawkish than the country when it comes to these endless wars in. >> he yes, i do think the press is more hawkish than the american public when it comes to the endless wars. i think the issue of the endless wars and how to exit the endless wars are two separate issues. should we be in afghanistan? it's a question we've been asking for four decades. the plan to leave afghanistan has been in place both under president trump and president biden. but then gets to the issue of the day. how do you leave. when do you leave? under what circumstances do you leave? i think it wouldn't be partisan, it would be objective truth telling to say that the biden administration absolutely fumbled this. i mean, there is being reactionary, there is bad predictions. a month ago the biden administration was saying the afghan army are not the south vietnamese army, they're more
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prepared to face the taliban. they were not predicting this would happen. they moved the timetable. they moved it continuously. so they've been reactionary, ill-prepared. and that has a cost, by the way. that's all of the interpreters, the translators, the afghans that helped the americans, they'll be the ones that pay the price in the coming weeks. howie: it is a mess. leslie, president biden owns this because he's the commander in chief. at the same time, you don't have the usual left, right split because of president trump's involvement in negotiating with the taliban, a withdrawal that was supposed to take place in may. does that make it harder for media conservatives and retired generals to push all the blame onto biden? >> yes, it does. and i would say going on vacation tomorrow, will, i you agree with your first point that the media is more hawk i on this. when you look at the polls, americans largely favor pulling out of afghanistan, we have been there as cited directly for two decades and in addition though that, when you just look at what
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it top of mind for voters, afghanistan is not even on the radar. what is on the radar, and what was quite frankly during the trump administration was america first. and since the pandemic, it's america first even more. you can't -- many american voters feel, focus on the economy and covid if they're worrying about afghanistan. whether you agree or of disagree with president biden i think many of us didn't expect how fast the tall a ban would come up to power. the president has said they need to fight for themselves and if you look at -- again, if you look at what's happening in afghanistan, at some point this was going to be inevitable. do we continue to teach them to fish or do we give them the fish or teach them to fish and i think the latter is what the biden administration wants to do, not expecting how fast the taliban would rise up. howie: the afghan military basically didn't fight. that's why much of the country quickly fell.
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let me get to statements, president biden saying he inherited the withdrawal from president trump who invited the taliban to camp david in 2019. statement, put it up, please. one more year or five more years, says biden of u.s. military presence wouldn't have made a difference if the afghan military cannot or will not hold its own one tri. in the middle of another civil conflict, it was not acceptable to me. will, cnn's jake tapper this morning says it seems shocking president biden could have been so wrong, saying six weeks ago the collapse was highly unlikely. but biden makes the case that what's the point of staying and investing more and more american treasure. >> yeah, but that's to that greater question, the one that apparently there's agreement between leslie and i, between president biden and president trump, between i think americans of all stripes and all political persuasions and that is do we want to have an endless presence in afghanistan. whatever my opinion might be on that, i have it with humility
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because of how complicated the issue is. we don't want to be in the exercise of nation building, we can't have more will for freedom than the afghan people do, we can't indulge a military industrial complex that profited on two decades of war but at the same time we do need to make sure that the war on terror is something that remains overseas and not here at home so i have my opinion with some humility. what my position is, though, it's what's happened in the past one to two months, specifically the last couple of weeks and the biden administration it did not have to be this way. and i'm sorry to be repetitive, howie, but we could have been prepared to take care of the people that took care of us. there is going to be horrendous, of course horrendous law and loss of life all over the country but it will be focused on those that helped the united states. and that's what time would have bought us is to help them. howie: would it have been worth leaving the 3500 or so american troops to keep the fragile
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peace. let me put up a statement from donald trump, saying joe biden gets it wrong every time on foreign policy. this is complete failure through weakness and incompetence and total strategic incoherence. the media can debate as will is saying whether or not trump might have handled the actual details of the withdrawal differently but didn't joe biden end up carrying out donald trump's policy on getting out of afghanistan? >> yes, and quite frankly i think that's because if you talk to veterans and veterans groups, if you look at the polling of americans and if you look at the cost over the past 20 of plus years to american lives, not just to military lives but the cost and how much and how long could we keep these costs going on. i don't have a crystal ball. neither does donald trump, or joe biden or the administration. everybody knew this wouldn't be easy and everyone knew the taliban would rise to some power. we have been with and working
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with the afghan government, more specifically the afghany military and the military i was told by people who have been in afghanistan and the military, they said they were stronger, they were more prepared. so at some point somebody -- i don't want to use the phrase, but i'm going to, pull the trigger on getting out of afghanistan and quite frankly i think that donald trump if he were president right now would be dealing with the same issues. again, howie, because we just didn't realize how strong, how much larger and how fast the taliban would recoup. howie: let me get in here, will. anybody over a certain age remembers the horrible spectacle of saigon 1975, americans air-lifted out of the embassy there, and the active withdrawal from vietnam. i see less media attention being paid to how many more years and how much more money and we spent $100 billion to prop up afghanistan and this government and it does seem like there's a -- you alluded to this earlier, a parallel to americans propping
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up the south vietnamese government. if the afghan military won't fight after all the training, then maybe it was time for the u.s. to go. >> look, this is a failure. there is no other way to describe what our adventure in afghanistan over the last two decades has been. it has been a failure, like it was for the soviets, like it was for the british in the 1800s, like it's been for every empire that tried to enter into afghanistan, either impose rule or civilization. but joe biden is the president of the united states right now. and that means the buck stops with him. so to the extent that this immediate moment is a failure, it's his failure. and on the national stage, on the international stage, we are now just like with vietnam, howie, like those images from saigon, we are suffering and international embarrassment. howie: i can't quarrel with that. afghanistan was supposed to be the good war because we went in there after 9/11.
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leslie, i liked reporters pressing the administration's spokesman on the rosy assessments, saying the afghan military has the upper hand. they have a job to do but the 5:00 followlies in vietnam when it was light at the tunnel for a war the u.s. could never quite win. >> that's their job, like you said, howie. that is their position and it's the journalist's job to press them on that, the media to press them on that. if you look at it, we're getting hard questions and they're pressing them for hard answers. nobody wants a saigon two, whether you were alive or not, you can google it, you've seen pictures or movies. it's just horrific. but to your point earlier, how much longer could we stay. howie: exactly. this debate will continue. when we come back, the press said andrew cuomo would never resign until he did. why the governor is being savaged by the same media outlets that once lionized him.
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howie: the time andrew cuomo announced he's resigning as governor, the media across the political spectrum were defoundsing him over the sexual harassment finings the day after his assessment went on cbs to describe being groped. >> what he did to me was a crime. he broke the law. howie: cuomo's i have no excuses but i didn't harass anyone speech didn't play well with the pundits. >> in my mind, i've never crossed the line with anyone. but i didn't realize the extent to which the line has been redrawn. i didn't do it consciously with the female trooper, i did not
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mean any sexual connotation. it was embarrassing to her and it was disreooh expectful -- disrespectful. howie: the democratic governor is being roundly condemned. >> it was very clear just from the way that he was fighting it, also the way he spoke today that he still by and large doesn't think that what he did was wrong. >> governor cuomo is not being cancelled, he's being held accountable for actions he admitted to. >> he's so tough he's running away. >> his remarks were pretty offensive. howie: the press is quicking andrew cuomo harder after that speech, i didn't do anything wrong except i offended women, it was not my intent, i'm sorry, i like to hug people, it's generational. >> governor cuomo, welcome to the rest of the world the rest of us experienced in 2021, in which everything is upside down.
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it's hard to make sense for a lot of us out there, we're told that men can get pregnant and we have to rename breast feeding chest feeding. it's confusing in 2021. i'm sure it's that way for governor cuomo. he was told, first, bad things don't happen to me, i'm entitled to power, this is privilege, i'm a best selling award winning author. he wakes up and the world is upside down. everybody wants to hold him accountable for what he did. i'm sure he's suffering from whip lash, wondering how the world got turned upside down. he's going to give you privilege and defiance that got him where he is today. i forgot to include bullying, his style of leadership and governance. howie: the press knew about that part. it did sound like andrew cuomo woke up that morning, discovered there's a me too movement out here and the rules have changed. but you could flip around the channels, liberals, conservative, independents,
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vegetarians and nobody was defending the soon to be former governor. >> how could you? an investigation found that these women's allegations were correct, that they were victims of harassment and as the victim of harassment i can loudly and proudly say the line never moved, howie. sexual assault and any kind of sexual inappropriate has been in legislation and in workplaces since the '80s. what's so disgusting to all of us, whether victims or women or not. was this man was saying mea culpa but not really, not accepting responsibility, stepping down only to get out of the way politically, not owning what he did. you have to accept responsibility. apologizing, even. and he didn't go far enough because it's one of those like, you know, i'm sorry, but i'm not really sorry and i think the
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media did the right thing to get on him for that because i had my jaw dropped, not that he stepped down but the way he did it almost saying i'm stepping down but i haven't done anything wrong. howie: i understand. will, the democrats who control new york's assembly have dropped the impeachment proceedings, saying he's going to be gone anyway. cuomo told new york magazine in his only interview since the resignation that he would have won the impeachment battle if he fought it out, but he did the right thing, rather than dragging the state through the mud for three or of four months. so he's still defy ant. >> defind, arrogant, bullying. he wrote some of the laws, helped draft some the laws when it came to sexual harassment and assault. nothing changed except finally he was held accountable for something. and by the way, when it comes to the impeachment, look, i am under the understanding that impeachment is largely used to remove someone from office so i don't know whether or not
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impeachment should be the way we hold governor cuomo accountable going forward. there are still investigations, appropriate and necessary investigations into the nursing home scandal and there are criminal investigations ongoing. there are going to be plenty of opportunities to hold governor cuomo accountable. howie: the new york sometimes says andrew cuomo went back and forth in the final week about whether he should resign. his top aide stepped down, his executive assistant she went on cbs and it was the next day after her appearance so did the media push cuomo over the edge into resignation? >> the media would tell you i was his brother, chris cuomo, who pushed him over the edge. there were people that said his brother asked limb to resign, there were people in the inner circle that asked him to resign. i don't care what he says about the impeachment. you have to look. if he got to the second tier of the impeachment, he was going to
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lose on that front and will is correct, there were other investigations that are ongoing not only with the nursing home scandal but potentially criminal charges. he knew he was not going to survive this. everybody was jumping off the ship. there was nowhere for him to go. he had no way to survive this. howie: i want to close with a moment of xen from last year. roll it. >> people online are falling in love with him. i'm not going to lie, those people include me. my tinder profile lists me as a cuomo-sexual. howie: he wasn't the only one idolizing andrew cuomo at the beginning of the pandemic last year. he had problems on that front too. great discussion, leslie, will, thank you for dropping by this sunday. up next, joe biden sparred with reporters over he misrepresented his answers and a racially charged baseball controversy that wasn't.
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howie: president biden who who called on andrew cuomo to step down tried to give the press corps terse answers, after a nuanced question, katlyn collins aggressively pushed back. >> how would assess his ten and-a-half years after governor of the state? >> in terms of his personal behavior or of what he's done as a governor. >> what he's done at a governor. >> he's done a hell of a job. >> can you really say he's done a hell of a job if he's accused of sexual assault. >> he asked a substantive, should he remain as governor is one question and women should be believed when they make accusations when they are investigated and the judgment was made, what they said was correct. that's one thing. the question is, did he do a good job on infrastructure, that was the question. he did. >> can you separate the two? >> no, i'm not. i was asked a specific question.
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howie: joining us now from dallas, steve krakauer. make maybe joe biden was clumsy there. when katlyn collins pounced on him, didn't he have a point, that he was asked a specific question, not about personal conduct. >> yes, he was answering a question about how he did during his time as governor. not about infrastructure specifically which i know he focused on and i have to say he did a hell of a job, you talk about nursing homes, let's talk about covid response, there's other areas where you could knock him on his time there. joe biden gets pressed -- first of all, he rarely holds a press conference. this was on tuesday. he hasn't talked -- i know you did the first segment on afghanistan. he will not be talking to the press until at least wednesday when he's back in the white house from camp david. he does these so rarely. peter doocy asks a tough question, he laughs it off. katlyn collins asked a question,
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he gets angry about it. i'm not saying that joe biden is a mysoginist the way he answers katlyn collins, the press would seem to ask questions about what riles him up and what he laughs off and moves on. howie: the president often doesn't get it. i think if you try to conflate one thing with another, the president has a right to push back. baseball, there's an uproar, after a report that a fan yelled an "n" word while a black player for the miami marlins was at bat. the team conducted an investigation. what happened next? >> this was another story that felt a little like cobbington high-ish. you have an out-of-context video clip, a five second video clip that made the round on twitter
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and you heard a fan in the background saying something that was immediately declared the "n" word and was covered, the colorado rockies drove the story as well, the mlb association said they're investigating, the zero tolerance policy on racist, all of that is fine if the media said the rockies are investigating whether a racial slur was said during the game. the story was reported a racial slur was said during the game and of course when it was found out only mere hours later that the fan was actually calling the rockies mascot, this tricritops to come over, and you could see the mascot in the video that went viral and then everyone had to change the story. this bothers me so much, it gets to the cost/benefit analysis for the media. you would rather correct a story but not be pillaried on twitter for maybe not going strong
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enough on racism than getting it right the first time. howie: don't report it as fact when we don't have all the facts. there's a racial rush to judgment. i can't figure out why the rockies have a purple dinosaur mass t cot. that's a -- mascot. that's a bigger debate. next, a fierce media debate over of covid vaccines and masks. how far is too far? later, a top fact checking site on the buzz beater. (phone noti) where we've just lowered our auto rates. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ and savings like that will have you jumping for joy. now, get new lower auto rates with allstate. because better protection costs a whole lot less. you're in good hands with allstate. click or call for a lower auto rate today.
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states like florida and texas are passing bans on mask mandates for the states. >> the left isn't doing anything of this because they're worried about governor de santis. the agenda is based on fear. . sure, fear of covid but fear of climate change, fear of capitalism, fear of standards, fear of hard work, fear of religion, fear of your fellow americans. >> no, screw your freedom, because with freedom comes obligations and responsibilities. you cannot just say i have the right to x, y, and z, when affect other people, that's when it gets serious. howie: joining us in new york, liz claman, and robby saove, robbie, i've been struck by the media debate as we hit 130,000
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new daily cases, a ten fold increase from early june, people are angrier on all sides. >> a lot angrier. what i find curious, the debate is very focused on masks and mask mandates even though you still have -- in areas of the country where vaccination is very high, you still are not seeing an uptick in deaths. the vaccines are working, they don't prevent all breakthrough infections but they're a tremendously good mitigation effort. yet in places like florida, so the coverage, the criticism from the mainstream media is about how you can't have a mask mandate in schools because of governor de santis' orders but the deaths of teachers that we heard about in the media, those were unvaccinated teachers. why are we not discussing the urgent need the to vaccinate people. the media for some reason is obsessed with the mask issue which seems like a side issue at this point, given the vaccines work better and that's what we need to focus on. howie: the larger picture it
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seems to he me is this. one side says the left is trampling individual rights, the other said the right is indifferent to people's health. how much are the media fueling the polarization in a divided country. >> remember when, howie, big government was something that conservatives said was bad government. well, right now you really look at some of these states, whether it is florida or texas, where certain localities and municipalities are getting hammered and they do as an extra echelon impose mask mandates and they're not allowed to at the moment. so you're looking at houston, for example. houston has no more icu beds in the pediatric units and it's interesting because i looked at local news pages this morning and fox orlando reporting that about houston. obviously the fox stations throughout and local media stations whether abc, nbc, cbs, are talking a lot about this.
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there is in texas i believe, local municipalities are defying governor abbott and saying we're going to impose our own mask mandates. it's a way to mitigate what's happening. i'm saying that's how the media is looking at it but the fact is for governors in the south and southern states and some of the conservative states, it's not going to age well. you look at asa hutchinson of arkansas, republican, pro-trump, he regrets the legislator banned the ability to pose a mandate. howie: with the reopening of schools -- i don't want my kids to have to wear masks all day, it seems a flash point now, particularly for kids 12 and under they don't have the ability to get vaccinated so the question is do you protect them by ordering vaccinations for the people around them and that's the media focus right now. >> kids have a tremendous thankful natural immunity to covid. they can of course get it. if you look at statistics, they
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are as safe from a severe covid outcome basically as a vaccinated adult is. i'm not of worried about them. i think it's reasonable to worry about the teachers. i would support this, i think employees of public schools, government agencies, the government should require them to get vaccinated or not teach there. that's something that de santis' other order gets in the way of. i can understand criticism of prohibiting vaccine mandates for public employees but the media's not talking about that. they're talking about the mask mandates which are inferior to getting people vaccinated. that's why this is ridiculous. howie: let me come back to the top story. we all woke up this morning to find out that the tall a ban are marching into kabul, the president of the afghan government fled the country, this happened with stunning swiftness. liz, one of the questions i have is, you know, the finger pointing has already started. president biden by pulling out the troops may have triggered this. on the other hand, i've always found, going back to iraq, that
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the media/foreign policy establishment is more hawkish than probably most of the country. your thoughts? >> well, my thoughts are that the press this time around is not giving biden any kind of pass. all you've had to look at is both -- whether it's fox reporters who have hammered john kirby, the pentagon spokesperson or cnn this morning and nbc, you had chuck todd of meet the press, i watched him, he hammered tony blinken, saying -- speaking of not aging well, what you said weeks ago is not aging well. this has been a total disaster. biden is doing what president trump had wanted to do, four presidents, two decades, disastrous war in an area that just doesn't want us there and it's stone age war lords going at it with each other. it's a horrific situation. but the way that biden pulled out shows a real disaster as far as intel is concerned. he kept saying that it would be fine. four weeks ago, that the afghan military was up to the point of
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what they needed to do. clearly, that's not true. with lightning speed, the whole thing has fallen apart. howie: while you certainly can blame president biden for the way this withdrawal has been managed, he was carrying out a withdrawal process that was first negotiated by donald trump and public opinion, after 20 years, after the billion, after the people have died, the brave soldiers in iraq and afghanistan, there is a lot of war a fatigue out there. >> it's understandable. this was the inevitable result. the american people realized this was always going to happen at the end of our occupation and we have been lied to by our generals, by our intelligence officials. think of all the quotes from top generals over the years saying the government is stable, the military there is getting better every day, the situation's improving. all of those statements were false. mark mille has recently become a hero i think to some of the mainstream media for depend fending the teach of --
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defending the teaching of anti-racist stuff in the military, all well and good, but where is the scrutiny of the media who kept saying we're about to win, everything is great. those were lies. the media needs to do a better job of holding the foreign policy establishment that is hawkish responsible. howie: over the years military officials may have delewded themselves into thinking what they said was you true, that the afghan military was wanting to fight, clearly that is not true. chris cuomo saying nothing about his brother's resignation, has that compounded his problems at cnn? and stay tuned for the buds beater. -- buzz beater. has their own safelite story. this couple loves camping adventures and their suv is always there with them. so when their windshield got a chip, they wanted it fixed fast. they drove to safelite autoglass for a guaranteed, same-day, in-shop repair.
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sustenance for mountaineering expeditions and long journeys across the world! but most importantly? they give us something to eat when we drink beer. planters. a nut above. howie: chris cuomo hasn't made a single comment about his brother's he'sic nation, despite reports that he privately advised him to quit. he had already taken flak for joining strategy calls with the governor and top aides. >> i understand why that was a problem for cnn. it will not happen again. it was a mistake. howie: and for helping write or edit the governor's initial denial of allegations back in february. a reporter tried to question cuomo during a preplanned vacation in the hamptons. >> did you advise him to step down? are you continuing to advise him?
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do you think that's an an ethical conflict? >> i think you have a job to do and i'm letting you do it. howie: liz claman, do you think chris cuomo should be speaking out about the resignation of his brother that he privately advised even though he's not allowed to do it on cnn and do you think this episode has damaged him. >> he's a journalist and he should not be speaking out on it, especially because he is right there as one of the so-called faces on the mount rushmore over at cnn prime time. cnn was in a tough position, you know, and basically they probably held him to what journalistic standards require, that anybody, if there's a conflict of interest they cannot participate in that conversation. that particular night when governor cuomo stepped down and resigned, well, yes, cnn audience didn't get to hear that story because he didn't weigh in but cnn did what they had to do under that circumstance, short of pulling him off the air.
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if he weighs in, that's a he total disaster. there's very little upside to that. it's an awful situation for him to be in. the governor is his brother. clearly, yeah, it was a tight spot. howie: the problem as i know you understand is that cnn last year changed its rules to allow chris cuomo to interview his brother, 11 love filled appearances on his prime time showed. that's when andrew was riding high, and then pulled the plug on that. how much responsibility do you think chris cuomo has in admittedly was a difficult situation. >> that was a disastrous decision to allow him to interview his brother. i don't blame chris for sticking by the governor, a family should stick together. i think it's wrong to expect denouncing family members. he can't do that and be this important host of this news hour on cnn. they were in a difficult situation because it's weird to have a very important political
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figure on one hand and then his brother, the head of a very important news slot on a mainstream cable channel. that's the problem. so you have that situation and then an unsolveable conflict of interest issue comes along. there's no good answer but that's why you shouldn't have that arrangement in the first place. howie: it might have been better if he had taken a leave of absence as was suggested. people don't realize that chris and andrew cuomo had resentiment towards the press because of the way they felt their father was treated with baseless rumors of mob ties. chuck todd, msnbc, the atlantic has a piece on this, andrew cuomo could rise from the ashes and run again in the future. that seems far-fetched to me. >> highly unlikely. here's why. when he resigned there wasn't a political friend in sight. that is a big issue. obviously, the situation is such that it was sexual harassment
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and there were multiple, multiple cases, so when you think about exactly what has transpired here, it would be very tough for him to come back. i'm not saying he won't try of. the ego of these politicians and the arrogance is so inflated on so many levels. but it's different. i was thinking of mark sanford, the governor of south carolina back in 2009, he had a can scan, he disa appeared for five days, he was in argentina with his mistress. in 2013 he was elected as house of representatives for south carolina. you had nikki haley putting tim scott to the senate position so it became available. he ran and got 54% vote. there are ways to come back. this will be tough. howie: the media would be against him from day one and what a contrast that is to the way he was lionized last year. we are out of time.
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robby, liz, thanks for joining us this sunday. still to come, a co-founder suspended after an ethical disaster, a major victory for the free britney campaign, that and more on the buzz beater. sor, are rethinking the choices they make like the splash they create the entrance they make, the surprises they initiate. otezla. it's a choice you can make. otezla is not a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla, 75% clearer skin is achievable. don't use if you're allergic to otezla. it may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. tell your doctor about your medicines, and if you're pregnant or planning to be.
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howie: time to beat the clock on this week's buzz beater. go. turns out the co-founder of the fact checking t site has no sense of journalistic ethics. buzzfeed discovered he wrote 54 54plagarized articles. he was suspended. he apologized for his serious lapses in judgment. and said something about not having formal gurn listing
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training but he -- journalistic training. britney's social media campaign actually worked by constantly attacking her father for suffocating her during the conservatorship, he was pressured into agreeing to withdraw. the lawyer calls it vindication for britney, we're disappointed by their ongoing shameful atax on ms. spears. britney didn't win in court but jamie spears withdraw, saying that while he's the target, the unremitting target of unjustified attacks, he doesn't believe a public battle with his daughter is helping her, the public battle is the only option she had. hashtag free britney is a reality. jeopardy producer beat out a bun bunch of celebs to succeed alex
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trebek. there are questions whether the tryouts were just for show. >> i distinctly remember watching jeopardy ten, 11 and you don't get very many right when you watch at that age. howie: he had to beat a wave of negative press, one model filed suit saying she was treated differently when she was pregnant. richards said the complaints don't reflect the reality of who i am, wound up winning. msnbc's most popular liberal host is strongly considering leaving the network, rachel maddow sounds a bit tired after 12 years, and she is intrigued by podcasting and streaming video. this could be a negotiating ploy. she talked about the importance of work/life balance.
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a host says she's getting treatment for a deep black hole of anxiety related to the bad news out there. she writes in the daily news that she hasn't been able to watch any stories without spry spiraling into -- spiral aing into panic and fear. she said the anxiety became a monster during the perfect storm, pandemic, politics, problems. i can't string together a cohesive thought about the story i've been covering my entire career. it takes courage to acknowledge such a painful struggle. and we wish her well. there we go. that's it for this edition of media buzz. i'm howard kurtz. we hope you'll like our facebook page, i post my daily columns there. let's continue the conversation on twitter, check out my podcast, media buzz meter, apple itunes, google podcast or amazon device. we tore up the show, because of the breaking news in kabul. who dreamed it would happen to so quickly.
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the takeover will be analyzed for a long time to come. we'll stay on it here at fox and we'll be talking about it i am sure among other topics on our show for next week. we'll be back here next sunday, 11:00 eastern, we'll see you all then with the latest buzz. ♪ but if you're a kid with diabetes, it's more. it's the simple act of enjoying time with friends, knowing you understand your glucose levels. ♪♪ ♪♪ (vo) the rule in business used to be, "location, location, location." now it's, "network, network, network." so you need a network that's built right. verizon business unlimited starts with america's most reliable network. then we add the speed of verizon 5g. we provide security that's made for business and offer plans as low as $30 per line. more businesses choose verizon than any other network.
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on most 2021 buick suv models. arthel: we begin with breaking news, the fall of afghanistan, of the taliban, appears virtually complete. the president has fled his country as taliban fighters have entered the capital city of kabul, far ahead of every prediction. and u.s. troops are evacuating our embassy there. hello, welcome to "fox news live." i'm arthel neville. eric: thank you for joining us on "fox news live." i'm eric shawn. it's nightfall in kabul, 8:30 p.m. and afghanistan's collapse has been stunningly swift and dark as the night. u.s. and
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