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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  August 17, 2021 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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evolve from his early days in d.c. during a discussion about cambodia in 1975, the then freshman senator reported "i am getting sick and tired about hearing about moral obligation" at the same time he said the united states had no obligation to evacuate 1 or 1,001 refugees. >> joe biden's greatest strength against donald trump and the campaign as he has been around the block, he knows what he is doing, we are facing this crisis with covid, we need some basic competency back in government. he has lost the competency, high marks he was getting at one time. that's tough to get back. >> greg: oh, when you have lost alvin from the chipmunks, then it's over. [applause] ♪ ♪
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he looks like alvin from the chipmunks! all right, it's time once again for... >> great job there, joe! >> greg: so, within hours of the taliban seizing control of kabul, they make anti-formal look like andy williams. surprise, they are not an enlightened bunch, not only stuck in the dark ages, they prefer everyone else join them there. so they have that in common with the green new deal. but their idea of women's right is letting her air out her burqa once a year. however, we have been told by the press, this is a kinder, gentler taliban, so what does that mean, exactly? the only partially behead you? the only throw gays out of an eight story window, not a ten
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story one? did you see how one who -- back on the job, i don't mean as a tenured professor. we held onto him and then let him go. we probably fed him better than his fellow fighters. he is the only terrorist in the group with type 2 diabetes. compared to the hell on earth they created at back at home, gitmo is a spa weekend on our dime. the conjugal visits from his favorite goat. it's not like the goat is going to write letters. and they don't get this in afghanistan, so you've seen this picture of hordes of evacuating civilians packed into a cargo pain. you are staring at that in disbelief. how is that possible. meanwhile, spirit air has said "we are getting some ideas here." there is a pack of doors outside, waiting for you to leave so they can devour your grandmother. may be you leave, you kill the wolves, you don't just say "see you, granny, best of luck with
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the wolves." except if she skipped you on the $5 of your card. given it was american blood and treasure lost, we need to hear the truth. here is one vet releasing reality on a soggy brian williams. >> he owns the decision, as he put it, the buck stops with him. >> i feel like i watched a different speech on the rest of you guys. i was appalled. there was such a profound boldfaced lie in that speech, the idea we plan for every contingency. i have been personally try to tell this administration since it took office, i've been trying to tell our government for years that this was coming. we sent them plan after plan on how to evacuate these people. nobody listened to us. >> greg: of course, brian really didn't need to hear that. he has been in kabul this whole time training the rebels.
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after he killed bin laden. [laughter] but there is still some in denial, like this witless water cannon. >> 95% of the american people will agree with everything he just said. 95% of the press covering this white house will disagree. and for an american president to finally be completely aligned with such an overwhelming majority of what the american people think about afghanistan is probably a tremendous relief to the american people. >> greg: talk about brain-dead. they should change the name of her show from "deadline" to "flatline." i am not bashing the decision to leave, it is how the atrocious exit negated so much sacrifice. this is truly a man-made disaster. in biden's speech yesterday, he defiantly defended his botched exit, as if we were critical of leaving, but we weren't, we were critical of his incompetence and
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carrying it. if anybody should know that, it is a man who probably starts his day with fiber con and a pot of black coffee. people over 60 get that. my core audience. [laughter] imagine -- imagine if captain sully had bailed and let his plane crashed into the hudson. technically, it is still a water landing, but only one gets you played by tom hanks. but even if i wanted to defend biden, i can't. i mean, i do have a nagging question, in joe's defense. if 20 years made no difference on the exit, do you think taking another few months would make any difference? but still, it's on biden. remember, as president, he said that the number one threat to america wasn't the taliban, al qaeda, or isis. it's millions of white voters. so screw him. he didn't see the tallow band resurgence because he was too busy fabricating adversaries in between follow-ups of him licki.
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afghanistan is on the border or in law enforcement, the dance as embraced what undermines order. they are like a hooker deciding what bra to wear. as for those documenting the horrors of the taliban, ask yourself this? would they have supported an all-out annihilation, in a welder every attempt to fight radical terror was met with cries of islamophobia? you would have been called a monster, or worse, a trump supporter, to suggest such a thing. leaders were in the presidential palace. how would the chattering masses take to that? brutal action should only be reserved for the insurrectionist at the capitol. over here, our media focused on racist halloween costumes, mixed gender ring, refusing the
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vaccine, or appropriating another ethnic group's food in e cafeteria, and of course, social media galvanize people to -- chose to inflame racial tensions for ratings for years. our priorities as a nation were deliberately undermined, even as our troops toiled, the war became less of the background noise. we spent years letting our attention to afghanistan grow flabby. to hit paraphrase harry chapin, the war learned to walk while i was elated. hell, the war is old enough to drink and too old for anthony weiner today to. and in all that time, we still haven't prepared for that moment. imagine, you've got 20 years to plan on your exit, and it is this bad. what were our leaders doing? too busy destroying this country, i guess. [applause]
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welcome tonight's guests. he is so brave, the national anthem stands when he plays. former navy seal, rob o'neill! [applause] he's got the views of a senior republican strategist and the looks of a high school junior. political editor guy benson! he has been a guest more often than hunter biden on a crack pipe. fox news contributor, "washington times" opinion editor charlie hurt! and she's like a line of coke, thin, white, and clings to your credit card. fox news contributor kat timpf. [applause] so obvious, we are talking -- i want to go to the person who knows the most about this, who killed bin laden, cat. >> a lot of people don't know -- >> greg: i know. the way that you hid this so well, let rob take all the
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credit. >> thank you for that, by the way. >> greg: i guess i should ask, you are probably seething right now. who are you mad at? >> i was mad, at first, then i was sad, now i just feel gross. >> greg: that's me on a friday night. >> a prime example of where the country has gone. i don't know if you know this, i have been banned from an airline for not wearing a mask. i saw 800 people on a plane yesterday, not one has been banned from the country. i'll make up a name, we will call it delta air lines, but i saved they should get back on that. >> greg: delta air lines carrying the delta variant. >> 20 years after 9/11, i'm the one on a no-fly list. [laughter] i'm just asking, am i crazy? >> greg: something tells me, though, you can get a little wild on a plane. [laughter] >> the problem is, people always say to me, you killed bin laden
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so it must be nice never paying for a drink again. it's nice until this guy in the airport buys me a drink. all 15 guys had a shot, and i have had 15 shots. [laughter] >> greg: it is better this way that you got shot than the way bin laden did. >> he took three, i took 15. [laughter] the jokes are just writing themselves. >> greg: there is a joke about a bowling ball and bin laden's head, but you know, why go there? >> especially after you dropped the goat one. >> greg: but there is footage of that. >> of the goat -- >> greg: back at my apartment. >> unsubscribe. >> greg: so okay, is that all joe biden's fault? >> 100%. if there is any silver mining in any of this, it is that there is nobody in washington who deserves to own 100% of this catastrophe more than joe biden.
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[applause] and it's not a three day catastrophe, and it's not even a 20 year catastrophe, it's a 50 year catastrophe. this guy has been the smartest person, when it comes to foreign policy, the smartest person in washington for decades. it's why he was vice president. he was vice president over operations in afghanistan longer than dick cheney was. he has been the genius in washington, when it comes to foreign policy, and when it comes to coming up with ideas like this, more than anybody else, and it's a reminder that washington is the only place on earth where you can be this dumb and this bad and have this much failure and face no consequences. >> greg: you are so right. i am trying to remember who i have this conversation with, but guy, we always assume when there is important things going on, we assume the people in charge are better or smarter than us, but
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you find out they are just as dumb as the people you went to high school with. or you are currently going to high school with. [laughter] >> i am in college. [laughter] >> or worse, right? this is the thing. not only are the institutionally stupid and they all sort of feed off each other, and the bubble gets very, very thick. what is very frustrating to watch and experience is their contempt for us, thinking that we are equally stupid, or even dumber, so we watch the president yesterday, we watch the national security advisor today, literally tell us we plan for all contingencies. while the country is going absolutely to hell. people are clinging to airplanes and plunging to their deaths, the terrorist organization that took over in four days, which they themselves told us was not possible last month, and then they say "don't worry, we had
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all the contingencies covered." it's like my first job was babysitting the neighbors. if they can fall from their date night, the houses on fire, the dog is dead, the kids are missing, i would not want to be congratulated for it. that was the tone that biden took. congratulations to me, you are welcome, america, i have done this, and it was just had spitting. >> greg: i bet you are a good babysitter. >> i was very responsible. >> greg: probably had a crush on you, didn't they? >> i would read "the wall street journal" that night and drink warm milk. >> greg: yes, of course you would. and then you would defecate in a closet because you are a sick little man. >> wow, that went really sideways. >> greg: i know. sometimes that happens with me. i don't know what is wrong with me, a guy. kat, what is your take on this? you are, i would say have a
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veteran, but probably won't say that it. were married -- every day, you heat you hear how bad this was. >> i did a lot of research today, looking at all the things all these generals were saying for 20 years. they were all saying "this is going great, this is going great, all this progress come all this progress," that if you look at "the washington post," they knew that wasn't true. i don't understand is how so many of these same people are still being, you know, lauded as foreign policy experts, like david the trieste. the only thing he is an expert on is [bleep]. period. i'm sorry, but if i was that bad at my job and that wrong that often or lied that often come i would be fired, and when i am bad at my job, nobody dies, it is disgusting, every veteran i know is so upset about it, and i am upset watching them be upset, and i am upset for them. [bleep]. >> greg: by the way, kat, if you were ever a super failure at
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your job, you could just go work at "the view." up next, the national lockdown that is making people proud. [applause] ♪ ♪
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heyyy! (steins breaking) your cousin. ♪ from boston. ♪ it means, “ok-to-beer-fest”. another sam octoberfest? nein. make it ten! i like this guy. (cheers)
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>> greg: new zealand is one and done while new york and vegas miss out on fun. it's true, all of new zealand, an actual country, i'm told, still no proof, is under a new lockdown after a single person tested positive for the delta variant in auckland, home of the oakland raiders. one person caused a lot that
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lockdown, and who was that person? yep. the national shutdown will last at least three days and only essential services will be opened. in new zealand, includes grooming their penguin. it worked when i wrote it. meanwhile, in new york city, the vaccine mandate has started for restaurants, bars, gyms, movie theaters, sports arenas, bowling alleys. you name it, it is not a thing. according to these latest city data, only 33% of all blacks are vaccinated, so a huge segment of the population will be banned, and the restaurant could be fined $2,000, which will only help businesses already struggling to find workers by drastically decreasing their customer base. but the homeless still need no passport to defecate on your steps or spring and your skull. that means unvaccinated fans will be left out in the
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beautiful weather to gamble and have affairs. but if you know anything about raider nation, you know they are a rowdy bunch, so the news do not go over so well. looks a lot like an evacuation i just saw. and isn't it weird, an evacuation. no, guy? >> that is like your fourth poop joke. >> greg: i'm on pace than to break a record. all right, the optics, guy, of a black family showing up at a restaurant and being told they have to sit outside while all the white people are in, that doesn't look too good. >> no. people talk about systemic racism, and this would be the system imposing something that would have a disproportionate racial impact -- >> greg: yes.
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>> it's for the side of the angels, so maybe they won't call it that, but here is what i am also struggling with. "the new york times" reported yesterday that the biden administration is now going to recommend for all americans are most americans that will get a third culvert shot. i am double vaccinated, very happily and probably so. if it turns i need a third one, fine, but we have so many people in this country who are hesitant to get their first one, and now you are saying we are going to add a third one -- even if it is medically necessary for some people, it just feels like the rules keep building and growing, and people are going to lose their minds, if they haven't already. and i look at new zealand and i say, hey come over here it feels like paradise compared to that. beautiful country and lovely people, but shutting down a country for one case is -- is mind-blowing. >> how bad when you feel if you were that pers >> greg: i think it is a total scam. they don't want people to come there because they heard all the
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silicon valley titans were going there, kat, they like to hang out and stuff. you are a libertarian. i like to mind people at home that you are not just crazy. [laughter] you support private businesses to make their own decisions, but don't you feel like the government is kind of letting businesses play the authoritarian so they don't have to? because they are pressuring companies to do this by a variety of reasons that i haven't even thought of. >> well, a new york, they are saying you've got to do this, which blows my mind. i don't know how that's allowed, for a government to tell a private business "hey, i know we made you shut down forever, and it's a miracle that your doors are still open. we are going to need you to require these specific medical documents of all of your potential patrons." that is crazy to me. and for the record, i will get five covid shots. and some shots of whatever other stuff. >> greg: i like that you said
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"specifical." >> i did? i do my best. >> greg: charlie, let's talk about the raiders. >> let's go back to the goat. >> greg: what do raters do to goats? must be rolling in his grave. i'm assuming he has passed away. they were wild. they would never do this. >> they were the opposite of compliant, you don't even want o answer this question. >> i don't want to answer any of these questions. >> greg: answer a question you are forming in your brain. >> i do think, though, the degree to which they have politicized this entire thing from the beginning has been appalling. and let's not forget, when this virus first arrived on our shores, what had democrats spent months doing and ignoring this? they spent months impeaching the president. >> greg: of course. >> and only turn to this when that didn't work.
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then of course, they turned around and tried to hang this whole thing on -- but it is sort of amazing. i feel like the so-called liberals and so-called progressives have shown their true colors in a society where you have -- they are the ones that are pushing force vaccinations, face coverings, and requiring that people show their papers. and when we have reached the point where that is what liberal and progressive passes for, it's interesting. >> greg: the script has been flipped, rob. and you know this because you have been banned from delta. >> allegedly. no, this is one of the things, too, where the oakland raiders are the toughest team in football. i used to be a football fan, but my team died. it's just -- >> greg: redskins or 49ers? >> anyone. it's just amazing that the left and the liberals, the wokeness can prove they ruin everything.
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anything from the oakland raiders to the taliban. my mind is just full of ideas right now. it's mind-boggling that people that are so wrong all the time can keep staying in power. the president of the united states has been making horrible decisions for over 50 years, wrong on everything -- >> greg: and he gets rewarded. >> pull out of afghanistan, this is the plan, no it's not. i keep going back to afghanistan, where were the generals? when i was in combat, we screwed up, we died or got fired. they are not in harm's way, so they are not going to get fired. they're not going to resign. if i was advising the president on any of this stuff and i was wrong, i would resign. this is so simple. it's so easy. but no, they are going to finish out there 35 years and go work -- they are fine. these are yes-men surrounded by yes-men. show me a four-star general, i will show you 15 guys kissing
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his -- , he just tells them what they want to hear, yes, yes, yes. anyone on the ground knew this war was over as soon as we left. going back to the war, we are talking about the raiders. this is how my mind works. >> greg: no one is going to stop you. >> exactly. >> no, get back on topic, sir. >> if they want people to get the vaccine, should they put fund drugs in it? right? like, you get vaccinated, do a little heroin as a treat. >> greg: you know -- >> yeah... >> here here you go. these ideas are free. >> greg: all right. up next, regardingments and means, moderates drawn to extremes. ♪ ♪ at usaa, we've been called too exclusive.
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discredited community college in connecticut. [laughter] found out likes and shares are the reason why we post expressions of moral outrage. it also found social media polls moderates to the extreme while people who are already partisan even more so. basically, social media is a steroid that boosts behavior. follow me on twitter for details. moral outrage can be good and bad. for instance, the civil rights movement grew out of outrage, but so did the cancel culture. my mom used to say good manners will open doors that the best education cannot. still didn't explain why she locked me in a rabbit hunt for three years, but it made me a stronger person. charlie! what's your problem? >> the idea of you in a rabbit hut with a goat -- >> greg: let go of the goat, okay? how many times have i said that? charlie, are you surprised -- it seems human nature, you think humans would be galvanized by
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complements and nice things, but in fact, when they steal something negative, that engages -- gives the energy to get even more hysterical and strange and extreme. >> isn't that really what is so destructive about these times? the more sane you are, the crazier you are becoming, because it's like this scorched earth debate about everything. take vaccines, for example, you could have taken every vaccine, given your children every vaccine ever invented, and then you ask a question about injecting your child with an experimental vaccine, and then suddenly, you are in anti-vaxxer. it is impossible. but did you see where the taliban today was asked about free speech -- >> greg: they made fun of facebook. >> it's uncomfortable because i'm like, okay, so i agree with you on that. >> greg: so did you join the
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taliban family feed? >> i have a problem. i don't know what i'm going to do about it. >> go start growing a beard. >> greg: you got the hair for the taliban, that's for sure. >> i could get a goat. >> greg: guy, i have this theory that social media is like an ingredient in your pantry, that if you add it to any recipe, it destroys the meal, so whether it is a political idea for a legal or moral issue, you put it in there, and everybody vomits. >> it's probably unhealthy. i've been on twitter for far too long, i spent too much time on twitter. part of it is my job and that's how i justify it, but i think that self-righteousness is addictive. and there is so much positive reinforcement, the angrier you are, the crazier you are, the more infuriated you seem.
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people just get these dopamine hits and they respond to it, rather than -- how often does someone send you, oh, my god, you have to see this unbelievably rational twitter thread. what would this person say? and when that is the way that you communicate and the feedback that you get is encouraging, i think it is human nature to keep doing it, and it turns relatively sane people into insane people and you watch it happen in real time on social media over a span of weeks, months, years. it's real. >> greg: i love it when people tweet at you and they have a 1 with a slash 11. i'm not even going to read the first one. rob, you are on twitter a fair amount. you are setting on fire last night. >> a little. i am still a big believer that when you meet people in person, they are different than on mine and most people are really good, and even in war zones i've been, most people just try to get on with their lives.
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on twitter, you have to bear with a lot of people because they are not yelling at you, they are yelling at the idea of you on their screen. that's it. people do say some nasty stuff. i've lost jobs over twitter, but i blame bourbon on that. it is what it is. you know, went to war for 20 years, excuse me for having a good time. >> greg: exactly! you get thrown off twitter. >> when you meet people in person, we were talking about the raiders earlier, libertarians, i met circle people from oakland in raiders hats, we talk talked a lot and got along great. i said i'm going to be on "gutfeld!," they said "i'm going to unfollow you." there you go. >> greg: jerks. >> right? >> greg: thank you for your service. do you ever say that to waiters? "thank you for your service?" for the hell of it? write it on the receipt like "i
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killed bin laden and you killed my meal." no tip. kat, i don't even know what i'm saying at this point, so take it home. >> sure. i agree, it doesn't matter, people are a lot meaner on the internet than they would be in real life but it goes both ways, people are nicer on sometimes online then they would be in real time. i see people liking photos of people in writing "you are so beautiful, fire emojis." it's all fake. and if you are living for that. >> speaking of social media, i use to work with meatheads, navy seals, and i had a dude who thought lol meant "lots of love." he's like "heard about your grandmother's funeral, lol." no, you are doing it wrong. >> greg: they never found him in. just disappeared.
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lol. all right come up next, if there jokes are lame, our men and women treated the same? i've been taking prevagen on a regular basis for at least eight years. for me, the greatest benefit over the years has been that prevagen seems to help me recall things and also think more clearly. and i enthusiastically recommend prevagen. it has helped me an awful lot. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. age-related macular degeneration may lead to severe vision loss, so the national eye institute did 20 years of clinical studies on a formula found in preservision. if it were my vision, i'd ask my doctor about preservision. it's the most studied eye vitamin brand. if it were my vision, i'd look into preservision preservision areds 2 contains the exact nutrient formula recommended by the nei to help reduce the risk of moderate to advanced amd progression. i have amd, it is my vision, so my plan includes preservision.
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priceline will partner with even more vegas hotels to turn their unsold rooms into amazing deals. delegates, how do you vote? (cheering) ♪ yes, y-y-y-yes, yes... ♪ that is freaky. (applause)
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♪ ♪ >> greg: a wisecrack might die if it is told by a guy, but will the same one-liner stick if it is told by a chick? according to another new study out of yale university -- boy, they have a lot of time on their hands. stupid community college. [laughter] men are actually judged more harshly for cracking a joke that falls flat than women are. or maybe dudes who go to yale just ain't funny. apparently, when women's jokes did not land, people still saw them as attractive, likable, and competent, but the same was not set about unfunny men. researchers concluded this was because men were perceived as trying to get something by telling jokes while women tell jokes to connect with others. so is this true? let's test it out by having kat and i tell the same joke. kat, you go first.
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>> what do you call a pig that does karate? a pork chop. [laughter] >> greg: that was funny. all right. i'll do the same joke. what do you call a pig that does karate? a pork chop. [laughter] wow. that totally shot the theory to hell, kat. >> it's a false theory. it's a false theory and i'll tell you why. because women -- have to stop doing this -- women do this thing where they laugh at men's jokes as a form of flirting, okay? if they, you know -- like, my
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husband, when i met him, he thought that he was funny, and he is not funny. i was like, i regret to inform you you are not funny, you are just hot. therefore, all of these girls try to sleep with you, laughing at your jokes, even though you are not funny. not a funny guy. no, he's not. and i love you, and there's so many wonderful things about you -- >> greg: walking right out of. >> i told him to his face, it was a public service on my part. all these guys are running around thinking "i'm the funny guy, i'm the funny guy." no, a lot of women just want to bang you. but you're not funny. women, you have to stop laughing when it is not funny. it's not flirting. it is raining all of our lives! >> greg: there you go. i would say "there you go, girlt that is really condescending. guy, i think there is an
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internal conflict that undermines feminism. if you want or actually treat women exactly like men, they would hate it! so we actually are very paternalistic when women tell jokes because we don't want to make them feel bad. >> possible, that is possible. i want to note, by the way, here on set, when you both told your jokes, some of us laughed and did not, charlie was furious it was a pig joke not a goat joke. >> greg: not kosher. >> what i like about this story in particular, greg, is it gives me an opportunity to pander to you -- >> greg: oh great. >> and suck up to you as a host. even though men suffer more with their jokes fall and just fail, this has never stopped you, and i am so amazed -- [laughter] and inspired by you. i admire your persistence. >> greg: i agree. i am like the gandhi of bad
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jokes. right? >> yep. >> greg: thank you. i literally killed the vibe. rob, you have done stand up before. >> you know, i did a little bit before, and i need to refer to kat here because i have seen you do stand up and you are amazing. yes, your husband is hot. i've always told my daughters, always have a good joke ready in case you get an awkward silence with an adult, so you can break it up, and one of my daughters called me the other day and said "dad, why do seagulls fly over the sea? if they flew over the bay, they would be bagels." boone, i'm looking right at you, audience. >> greg: you know, let's try to stay away from the anti-semitism. beco what? >> that's your question? >> greg: let's talk about goats. charlie, here's an opportunity for you to say something sexist. >> i'll tell you, i read the
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story three times and still have no idea what it is about. i don't know what they were actually studying. it's about -- i suppose they were trying to do something to further victimize women, i guess, but i do think that it probably does prove the point about the soft bigotry of low expectations. >> greg: whenever you can't think of something, always say that. "the soft bigotry of low expectations." people think you are really smart. it is the soft bigotry of low expectations. people go "oh, yeah." kat, you and i talked about this, it has to do more with topics. >> it does. >> greg: women and men suck at comedy if they choose the wrong topics, right? i don't need to hear about your body fluids. except poop. >> you have quite the affinity for that. >> greg: up next, when you are sitting with bin laden's killer,
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♪ ♪ >> greg: welcome back. we will do a quick interview with rob o'neill and talk about the stuff that has been going on. i have a question for you. when we decided to take out isis -- i say we as in the end america -- we annihilated them
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was at 70, 100,000 fighters? >> we annihilated them at first, then we decided to leave a war zone as a vacuum, as opposed to bombing a -- i don't want to blame one person, bad decisions are made in combat all the time. keep the base, bomb the bad guys. there is a picture of them in the presidential palace. by the way, the president left, and he had so much money in his helicopter he couldn't close the door. >> greg: really? >> yes. but they are taking pictures in his weight room. here's a crazy idea, drop a bomb on that place. >> greg: if we know where they are, that's all you have to do. how ironic, his name is -- >> i never even put that together. i'm going to steal that joke. >> greg: please do, you surely need them. >> no offense, in case you are wondering. [laughter] >> greg: thank you. >> you're welcome.
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>> greg: are you skeptical of the new improved taliban? have you talked to them? >> i actually have. >> greg: are we exaggerating -- >> no, they are really brutal, but i did have taliban guys tell me, eating rice out of the same ball, but for some reason -- they have told me, if they knew we were as serious as we were at the beginning with the bombing and the fighting, they would have given us al qaeda. maybe not, because they are two different people. al qaeda is foreign fighters in afghanistan, anyway, and i don't see taliban interested in attacking us. they want their families and they want their mountains beard i want to be optimistic -- hopefully, i'm probably wrong, but hopefully they just want to keep their country, not let the press income and just murder people. >> greg: how can china -- >> because china will crush you. >> greg: going to get all of the minerals -- batteries form i.e.-bike.
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>> the taliban understands, you mess with china, they will kill you, look at the uighurs. they are both horrible. notice the russian embassy didn't close. russia will kill you. we decide, boy, i hope i don't use harsh language. >> greg: we are too busy reading antiracism books -- >> we are doing -- we have been putting our own troops in prison for murder in a war zone, which again, i feel like i am taking crazy pills. it's frustrating to see. i have talked to so many friends today, what did we go for? it is very frustrating. >> greg: yeah. did you get anything from kat, because those were crazy pills. >> yeah, she said i was taking a vaccine. >> greg: do you -- i have been reluctant to bring up heroin, but it feels the taliban financially. i was wondering, if that was there vodka or their part, why did we not go into business with them? >> their vodka is still vodka, their pot is still popped, is
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just that china does not care how the money comes in and neither does russia. we are so woke and so politically correct, we can screw anything up with wokeness. wait and see. >> greg: also, this botched exit was without question on the worst, except we don't have any comparison to it. is it possible it would have been bad no matter what? >> you know, there is a comparison. john f. kennedy, first in office, the bay of pigs, he said victory has 100 father's. defeat has 0. i was an orphan. and i take responsibility. president joe biden came up and said "i accept all responsibility for close to what. does the buck stops here? i'm not seeing you are the joint chiefs resigned anytime soon. >> greg: there you go. that was interesting. did not have to listen to charlie. don't go anywhere. we will be right back.
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>> greg: we are out of time. is that your dvrs every night so you never miss an episode. "fox news @ night" with shannon bream is next. i am greg gutfeld. i love you america. ♪ ♪ >> shannon: hello and welcome to "fox news @ night." i am shannon bream in washington. breaking tonight: thousands of americans still stuck in afghanistan under taliban control. the white house trying to clean up earlier comments for failing to guarantee their evacuation after the august 31st withdrawal deadline. they got some clarification. we will have a live report from overseas on where the situation stands right now.


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