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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  August 18, 2021 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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question president biden said the state department was correct we should close bagram air base before kabul but look at the consequences there when everybody is trying to use kabul airport. a great question earlier. how long will the taliban along that? chairman meeks might want to do that. will the taliban allow you? now you have to negotiate with them. harris faulkner is up next. here she is. >> harris: we begin with breaking news. we're watching for the white house announcement on covid booster shots. that could happen any minute. we'll bring it to you as we learn exactly what they are going to do. let's begin with this dire situation. the white house now depending on the taliban to give americans safe passage to get our military planes and then escape from afghanistan. i'm harris faulkner and are you in "the faulkner focus". president biden's national security advisor says the taliban is committed to doing this despite the president
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saying he wouldn't trust them just a few weeks ago. watch. >> we're in contact with the taliban to insure the safe passage of people to the airport. we are monitoring for any potential terrorist threats. we intend to continue these operations over the coming days before completing our drawdown. >> do you trust the taliban, sir? >> president biden: is that a serious question? >> absolutely. do you trust the taliban? >> president biden: no, i do not. >> harris: however, reports on the ground are pointing to increased extreme violence in and around that airport where so many of our americans are trying to get to. this as we get horrific new images of militants reportedly beating people along the way to the airport. what we are about to show you taken by "los angeles times" photographers. it is disturbing, an early part of the day. i want to give you a chance to pull away. despite assurances of a kinder and gentler taliban, or one that could even be a little
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different, it looks the same. the reality on the ground is this. a stranded american makes an emotional plea to president biden. watch. >> my message to biden is please as a human rights, as a people who served for americans, we put our lives in danger, help them. and to help them for their goals. now we need biden or whoever has the power, please, help all these families that are on the streets and their kids are not deserving this. >> harris: he said biden or whoever has the power, wow. we have full fox team coverage with senior strategic general jack keane. congressman mark greene of tennessee who sits on the house armed services and foreign affairs committee and a veteran
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of iraq and afghanistan. let's go to lucas tomlinson at the pentagon. we get a lot of word about covid. not so much from the white house yet about afghanistan. what about the pentagon? >> harris, taliban leader has arrived back in afghanistan triumphantly as u.s. officials privately warn the chance of a full evacuation of americans and the u.s. military by president biden's august 31st deadline is now in jeopardy. officials say it will be very challenging to do that as thousands of u.s. troops continue to pour in as an air force unit that specializes in keeping air fields open have just arrived. this same unit from new jersey, harris, was just in afghanistan a few months ago to close down bagram air base and other air bases when the u.s. military withdrew. the taliban held their first press conference since taking over the country sunday saying
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quote, we have pardoned anyone. all those who fought against us. we don't want to repeat any more conflict. therefore the islamic emirate does not have any kind of hostility or animosity with anybody. animosities have come to an end and we would like to live peacefully. three hours east of kabul the taliban killed a person. john kirby says the u.s. are not outside the airport in kabul the taliban are and the u.s. is depending on them to let people get into the airport to be evacuated. critics say the decision to close bagram air base located north of kabul, the largest base the u.s. had in afghanistan for over 20 years was a mistake. infantry officer said i knew when we closed bagram we would have a problem of evacuating. the only place with a runway and was able to be secured. here is senator tom cotton last night. >> you would think the last thing you would do is turn out
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the lights. now we have thousands of our countrymen trapped behind enemy lines at risk of being taken hostage by the taliban at any time. >> there are currently 4,000 u.s. troops on the ground in kabul now. 2,000 more expected to arrive in the next 24 hours. we await the first public appearance by the defense secretary and chairman of the joints chiefs of staff at 3:00 p.m. at the pentagon since the taliban conquered the country. >> harris: there will be so many questions. i hope they have a lot of time. lucas, thank you. we played you just a little bit of the heartrending interview with that american who is trapped in afghanistan pleading for help from president biden or as he said whoever is in power. i don't know what his experience is like that he even doubts that the white house is in control now. i want to hear from him as often during this hour because it is important to know what our people are dealing with. let's watch.
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>> we all know what will happen if we stay here in the next few days or next couple of weeks after americans leave afghanistan. everyone is scared. we already -- they are waiting for their side to get approved. >> harris: general jack keane fox news senior strategic analyst and from the institute for the study of war. i don't want to call this is study of war but it is war like. we fought the taliban before and we'll depend on them to help our people get out. is that reality-based? >> it is unfortunate. look, i think the administration made a terrible mistake in pulling our troops out and giving the taliban the opportunity to take the country over. now we are going to inherit an epicenter of radical islam
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right inside of afghanistan. it will become a more dangerous place threatening america and the world is a more dangerous place. now we have this crisis. the focus and leadership should be on this crisis. i don't hear the president and even the other day with jake sullivan saying something like this, listen, we are determined to get all american citizens and our afghan friends who worked with us out of the country. we'll stay there with thousands of troops until the last person is out. now when you make that statement, that gives you huge leverage with the taliban guys. they want us out of there. they want us to go away. they don't want the visibility of the united states presence still in their country. >> harris: this is the migration from hope to strategy that my military dad taught me. hope for the best but strategize to get there. that's brilliant. because what jen psaki white house press secretary gave us was date certain august 31.
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what happens if you can't get everybody out after that? there isn't that promise that we'll keep people there who will give safe haven to our americans, some 11,000 we learned from psaki outside the perimeter of that airport. now the state department leaving it up to them, general, to try to get to the airport. that sounds crazy to me. can you even imagine trying to get to the airport if are you in a far out part of the country? >> the date certain on the withdrawal from the beginning was a flawed concept. it should have been based on conditions not an arbitrary date. the fact that we would still at this late time in the face of this unbelievable humanitarian crisis be whetted to 31 august, why? because the taliban is whispering in our ear that you guys better be gone by 31 august? i would turn it around in the way i said it to them and make sure that the person flown into the kandahar airport, he knows in uncertain terms even if they
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have to send somebody down there and put a finger in his chest, an american and let him know this is what we intend to do. we are determined to safeguard our citizens and our afghan friends who worked with us. that's it. and you will pay a price for it if you don't cooperate and facilitate this movement. >> harris: the other layering -- i'll move on after this but i want to get this piece of the puzzle in. you mentioned they want us gone as soon as possible. of course they do. they are doing the charm offensive now. they want the world to think they'll treat women better. but you have all their promises right now in front of the cameras. the minute those are gone, it is the taliban. whatever decade you want to pick. >> the taliban is leveraging publicly because they want recognition from other countries. they want trade. they need to get money obviously. >> harris: we still have leverage.
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>> we have huge leverage but we are the united states of america. we should never forget the strength we have in our values. i tell you, the president frustrates me here. he seems to have something of a callous indifference to what is taking place not with the american citizens but with the afghans themselves. 1975 maybe there was a prologue to this. senator biden said the united states has no obligation to evacuate one or 100,001 south vietnam east. so said senator biden. that may be one of the reasons why we don't see the forceful commitment to get all of our people out. >> harris: that is really fascinating. meanwhile it was just a little over a month ago that president biden said this could never happen. watch. >> is the taliban takeover of
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afghanistan now inevitable? >> president biden: no it is not. the likelihood there is going to be the taliban overrunning everything and owning the whole country is highly unlikely. >> harris: i don't think we can overdo reminding how short a journey this president and the nation have been on to get us to where we are now and the bubble that he is in on this issue is so clouded to our reality right now. "the new york times" out with this piece today entitled intelligence warned of afghan military collapse despite biden's assurances saying even as the president was telling the public kabul was unlikely to fall intelligence painted a grimer picture. that is really disturbing. one thing he lives in a bubble but if he got intelligence reports. >> he was advised by military commanders who have years of experience dealing with this issue, dealing with the taliban, dealing with the afghan security forces and the afghan government, our intelligence agency.
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it has been publicly disclosed. it had significantly had c.i.a. presence on the ground dogging al qaeda from military bases there. they have huge dexterity in terms of what is happening with al qaeda in the country and what the potential is. so he had the advice. he just chose to ignore it. and make -- this comes down to the self-righteous stubbornness he has. he believes he is a foreign policy expert because he has dealt with foreign policy committee for years. many of us who have been associated with him and seen him make one foreign policy judgment mistake after another. there is a serious one here. everyone knows the taliban take over in afghanistan. al qaeda already has a presence. they have to hide and make certain we don't detect where they are. the number two in the taliban is an al qaeda guy.
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now they resurrect themselves. they don't have to hide. >> harris: and they have money, china, russia. pakistan. >> they defeated the united states. other jihadist groups will come to afghanistan and likely could become the epicenter we all feared of radical jihadism. that's the path we're on. that is really sad. it is a more dangerous path for the security of the american people and for the world at large. china, russia, and iran watch. watch how they are emboldened. watch taiwan and iran increase iraq. watch russia push ukraine emboldened by this foreign policy failure. >> harris: we're in a worst place we were in 2001 after 9/11.
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and it certainly does feel we know for certain that the taliban have more land now than they controlled back then. it just 10 days gone completely in the wrong direction undoing 20 years in that aspect. many policymakers and experts are questioning whether the taliban will ever formally server its longstanding ties with al qaeda. you heard the general saying their number two is al qaeda in the taliban. experts fear afghanistan will become the second school of jihadism along with syria where al qaeda affiliates send fighters to. former c.i.a. director under president obama leon panetta has a sobering assessment. >> with the taliban now controlling afghanistan, there is no question that they will provide a safe haven for al qaeda and for isis and for other terrorists to be able to reorganize, strengthen
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themselves again and potentially use afghanistan as a base for attacking not just the united states but other countries as well. >> harris: your reaction. >> i totally agree with him. during his regime they killed osama bin laden. he was very much involved in what is happening here. he knows the history and the past of it. director burns this, is president biden's c.i.a. director, he said if the taliban take over in afghanistan that is significant security risk to the american people. that is the director of the c.i.a. today. so this is self-evident what is going to happen here. the threat against the united states and the american people is increasing as a result of the taliban takeover. it is indisputable. i don't know of anybody who spent any time paying attention to what is happening in that part of the world who doesn't come to the same conclusion. >> harris: we basically from what i hear you saying, correct
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me if i'm wrong, i don't want to put words in your mouth. we went from victory and an exit where we could say something happened on our watch for 20 years that were successes to what looks like surrender. >> absolutely. listen, we're doing much the same in other parts of the world. president biden mentioned it in his message to the american people. it is amazing he doesn't apply it to afghanistan. he said there are other places in the world where radical islamists are threatening the united states and we're solved in that. east africa, yemen, iraq and syria. modest forces involved. al qaeda has aspirations to attack america. and they are already in afghanistan and that's why we wanted to keep this small force there like the small forces in dealing with these others, now we sacrifice that small force and look at the problem we have on our hands. the scale has just jumped up exponentially. >> harris: general keen thank you for being here.
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the white house covid response team. breaking news we're following as well. right now talking about the administration plans for covid boosters. federal health officials saying they will be available starting in late september and eight months after individuals who got their second dose of pfizer or moderna will be able to get a booster. that timeline allows for those who got the vaccine early in the process to qualify for a booster next month if you watch the dates. that's rather immediate. president biden is scheduled to speak at the white house on vaccine efforts later today. we'll bring you that live. also will he be asked about anything else? you know we will be perched. several social media sites taking swift action against taliban accounts. they're cooking on twitter right now doing the things that general keane talked about in terms of recruiting to their people and allowing a taliban spokesperson account with more
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than 280,000 followers to remain active. plus this. >> we have an open southern border today that terrorists as we begin to see people flee afghanistan and movement around afghanistan while we have an open southern border, while our law enforcement is being weakened by the fact we've defunded the police. these are not separate issues. >> harris: who is watching our southern border to back up our brave men and women of the border patrol? former secretary of state mike pompeo sounding off there against the biden administration's handling of the migrant surge at the border. and what's happening in afghanistan. maybe one feeding the other. jason chaffetz in focus next. veteran homeowners, this is the best time in history to turn your home equity into cash. because home values have climbed to all time highs. and so has your equity. turn it into cash now, while mortgage rates are near all time lows. the newday 100 va cash out loan lets you borrow
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>> harris: texas is facing a
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surge in migrants at the southern border and it is an onslaught now coming the covid many of them. the state is preparing to house thousands of those people from now afghanistan, the refugees and people who helped us in the war. the pentagon is telling fox news the federal government is preparing for potentially tens of thousands of them from afghanistan. about 300 are expected to arrive in texas this week. meanwhile, a "new york post" headline goes after president biden's responses to those two crises. we know we have others. murder by incompetence. biden spurs afghan allies while letting border get swarmed. i want to bring in jason chaffetz now former utah republican congressman and fox news contributor. as you watch all of this unfolding, you were on the hill for many years. what as tounds you the most in terms of what's happening with the white house?
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>> the list is long, harris, but the stunning incompetence, the lack of communication with the american people. not working with our allies around the world as it relates to the border i concur with the arizona governor saying he believes that secretary mayorkas should not be in the position that he is. i look at what homeland security is saying to cubans, you absolutely cannot go here but then you look at arizona, new mexico, california, and texas and it is just a wide open border. by the hundreds of thousands of people coming in. no attention to covid and the human trafficking, the drug trafficking that is going on. no consequences. but where is the leadership and where is the communication? in afghanistan how is it that the president of the united states cannot build an
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international coalition to extract friendly united states citizens and allies? >> he just made his first phone call to boris johnson of england yesterday. this has been going on for almost a week now. you have to actually pick up the phone. >> i don't understand how somebody doesn't sit down and say maybe we should get the americans out and that the last people out should be the united states military because they have the most capability. the exact opposite happened. where is kamala harris? talk about the southern border. she is in charge of the southern border. yeah, what does she do all day? >> harris: i wish you were back on oversight. maybe you could find out. >> you know what? there is not a single hearing called about the origins of covid. there is not a single hearing to yank people up on capitol hill about what is going on in afghanistan.
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and do you think there is any hearing about the southern border? no. the democrats have the gavel and the ones to call committee hearings. you go to the calendar now for the united states sen is at and house of representatives. it is nothing. they have no interest in getting to the bottom of this. >> harris: the root cause. kamala harris likes to say. the taliban takeover isn't the only crisis the president is facing at home. here is extra headlines to bring the point home. the numerous issues piling up under biden's watch. covid crisis, biden's economic agenda. remember the runaway inflation we have now that we haven't even talked about and some analysts are saying it's undoing all the good that could potentially be happening as businesses open back up and so on and so forth. so the economic agenda. that's troubling, too. when you look at the border
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crisis, jason, folded on top of afghanistan, military experts. you heard jack keane the general saying moments ago al qaeda wants to kill us. the second in command of the taliban al qaeda, you have an open border. i don't know, is there math to be done there? >> look, every single one of those things you just laid out was a conscious decision by the biden/harris administration. things were going quite well in securing our border. we didn't have this problem in afghanistan. and i applaud president trump of doing something i felt strongly and that is we should be bringing our troops home but not like this. how we leave our enemies with literally billions of dollars worth of u.s. equipment, it is totally stunning to me. open border? we had a remain in mexico policy. it was working. you know what? the one thing joe biden takes credit for? operation warp speed and the fact that we actually have a vaccine and now they want to give boosters. great, get a vaccine. i did.
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it worked for me but you know what? this country is on fire and joe biden and kamala harris can't even get to the microphone and get to their jobs and actually even talk or answer even any questions. the taliban is more open and transparent. they have press conferences but joe biden doesn't. >> harris: let me get to how much microphone the taliban have right now. a megaphone now open to them on twitter. twitter is under scrutiny for allowing a taliban spokesperson to use the social media platform. the account is not verified but has 280,000 follows. facebook and others are banned the group. one user rights i want to join taliban help me. taliban supporter helping him he should go to afghanistan. so it may not have a blue check but that's allowed to ride, which is recruitment to whose who want to kill us. >> let's go back to barack
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obama and joe biden who let some of those people out of guantanamo bay so they could be back on the battlefield only to use american technology, twitter, facebook and those social platforms to spread their radical terrorist agenda. you can't have americans like the former president of the united states out there communicating? so much for the first amendment. >> harris: thank you for being in focus today. important things going on in the world. growing anger among lawmakers after learning that one of the taliban five or gitmo five who was freed by president obama is one of the masterminds behind the taliban takeover of afghanistan. plus more fallout over president biden's botched afghan exit as calls grow for top biden officials to resign their post. and on the list is the president himself. they want him to quit.
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congressman mark greene, retired u.s. army major who served in afghanistan in focus next. with our two and a quarter refi. that's two and quarter percent, just 2.48 apr. this is our lowest rate in history. and it can cut thousands of dollars off your mortgage payments we're holding the line on interest rates so that every veteran family can save. because that's what newday usa is all about.
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newday's holding the line on rates so veterans can save thousands. >> he is not listen to me. i have been telling the administration they need to start the evacuation immediately. all the scenes of total chaos we saw play out on tv yesterday could have been avoided if the administration had planned for this in advance. >> harris: democrats, wow. that democratic congressman an iraq war veteran going after president biden's afghan exit strategy. this is universal. senate democrats vow to get to the bottom of what they see as a flawed u.s. troop withdrawal. and look at this. a growing number of republican lawmakers demanding the resignation of this long list of officials in the biden administration including president biden himself. republican congressman mark
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greene of tennessee among those calling for immediate accountability and you yourself are a veteran of iraq and afghanistan. congressman greene, great to see you today. that list of officials including president biden, why? why call for resignations? what difference will it make? >> well, thanks for having me on, harris. we have seen nothing but fail frur this administration whether it's the border, you just had a great segment with jason. the inflation, our economy, the crime in this country. the defund the police movements that have resulted in a lot more dead americans and this failure in afghanistan just paints a picture of people who are out of touch with what is really going on on the ground in afghanistan and across the nation. so absolutely i think mayorkas
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should be gone and president biden's speech the other day was just wrong. he said things that were factually incorrect. it is time for new leadership. >> harris: are you surprised some democrats are climbing on board? >> i'm really surprised with "the new york times." some of those congressmen i've known have whispered under their breath to us for months that there are problems at the white house with the administration. now they are being bold. i appreciate that. but organizations like "the new york times" are piling on to some of these bad decisions. so that's probably more surprising to me. >> harris: probably a lot more illuminating for the american people because their silence has looked like complicity at times. now perhaps with all of us pounding on the door we can get more truth. members of congress are telling us that americans and afghans are turning to congress for help getting away from afghanistan and away from the taliban. one american we heard from
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earlier on "fox & friends" we continuing to play his words because he gives us part of the story we don't get otherwise. here is more. >> when i go out there, there are thousands of people on the streets and crazely walking around and the gate on the east side of the airport, that is not a normal gate. they just open it for us to get in but there is a lot of people. it is really hard to get in. >> harris: what we learn from that is a furthering of what the state department is saying to americans. now 11,000 of them outside of the perimeter that our military is controlling as best it can. try to get to the airport. i mean, how troubling is it that that's their only advice at this point? >> it's pretty despicable and even kirby said in his press, they -- the way they did this
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withdrawal shutting down all the military air fields like bagram in the dead of night going away without telling afghan allies has been the problem. bagram is a better airfield. we should have had multiple locations people could go to and require the taliban to spread out forces. now they can concentrate and create a blockade around that city so people who helped us -- i'm getting calls from former interpreters and people like medics who worked with us that are stranded. the taliban are searching for them going door-to-door and posted letters saying we'll burn you alive when we find you. that's what the taliban is saying. i believe them. they are a sadistic ideology so this is a failure of epic proportions both tactically and strategically. >> harris: to hear you and we know you served but most specifically for this conversation you know what the ground looks like in afghanistan and you are saying look, not only should we have
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done it differently it wouldn't have been that hard. create multiple zones that the taliban would have to focus on to get our people out. that's so basic it is hard to believe it didn't get done. >> it is intuitive. harris. and the president was actually advised by military leaders. i have friends in the pentagon. my classmates from west point telling me that we told him this was going to happen and he insisted on closing the other air bases. >> harris: wow. i want to get to this quickly. jen psaki appeared to deflect when pressed on the gitmo five release and reporting that one of those men is the mastermind behind the taliban's takeover of afghanistan. a quick watch and reaction from the congressman. >> i would also note that in prior negotiations and commitments made during the trump administration there were thousands of individuals who were released. so our focus right now is on
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again not taking the taliban's word for it. we are assessing, we're closely watching and being very clear about the capacities and capabilities we have at hand should they be needed. of course that's not our objective. >> harris: like the old song it wasn't us. >> you know, harris, there has been this tendency since carter amongst the democrats when it comes to foreign policy to just be easy with the tigers. they have a utopian vision of the world. they can't see an enemy. they pull out of iraq in 2011 and we get isis. they make a deal with iran, a horrible deal. nord stream two. the list goes on and on. the gitmo release was tragic. we told them these are horrific people who will fight against us and that's exactly what has happened. and it is the same leadership that last time biden was vice president then, same leadership, same failure today. >> harris: that's an interesting point as well.
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your friends at west point giving you some of the detail of what this president would have heard and turned away from is incredibly important to hear. so glad you are in focus today. congressman mark green. thank you so much. >> thank you, harris. >> harris: that sounded so basic, didn't it? open up a couple different air bases so the taliban have different directions to go to while we get our people out. survivors of the devastating earthquake in haiti are pleading for help. after their homes were leveled and much-needed medical supplies are slow to reach them. a familiar face to fox, jack brewer, is on the ground there. he is up next. we've been talking. he is sending us incredible pictures and video and the story from the ground. my friend jack next. for what you need. pay sorry? limu, you're an animal! only pay for what you need.
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he used to have bad breath. now, he uses a capful of therabreath, to keep his breath (combative yelling) smelling great all day long. this is steve. he used to have gum problems. now, he uses therabreath, with clinically-proven ingredients, and his gum problems have vanished. (magic twinkling) (audience gasps) this is kate. she always wanted her smile to shine. - now, she uses a capful of therabreath (gargles) to give her the healthy, sparkly smile, (sighs contentedly) she always wanted. (crowd cheers) - therabreath, it's a better mouthwash. - [narrator] at walmart, target and other fine stores.
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>> harris: no doubt every american right now is seeing some kind of battle or discussion over masks in the classroom across america because their kids are starting to go back to school. the focus is on florida today where the school board in the state's largest district is meeting to decide on a covid mandate requiring all students, teachers and staff to keep their masks on for the entire school day. phil keating is in broward county. the decision would be in
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defiance of governor desantis's order not to have mandates in place for masking. >> it depends on what that decision is. it is somewhat of a precarious position that could earn punishment as a consequence. miami-dade public schools the fourth largest district in the nation. we're awaiting what the decision will be for this semester. here in broward county today was the first day -- is the first day of school for all of the students. all of them showed up to get back to learning. summer is over with backpacks and mandatory masks on faces. here no parental option to exempt their child from masks, only with a doctor's note. the same for one other county around gainesville. since both districts are defying republican governor's order which requires parents get to make the final choice on mask or no mask for their kid the state board of education held an emergency meeting whether to punish the two districts.
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the board decided for unspecified sanction >> they have the duty to comply with the law whether they agree with it or not. >> miami-dade schools superintendent held a meeting monday with medical experts to advise the district what should be done. they advised a mask mandate 100%. >> we don't have a choice. if we care and love our children and our society, we have to take the actions that are going to smolder this horrible raging fire. >> in tampa the school district is holding an emergency meeting this afternoon and other districts through the week. mask mandate with operate out and 13% did. 9 thousand students are now in quaranty and case count is 20 times higher than this time last year. orange county also seeing a big surge in covid cases happening this week up around orlando.
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back to you, harris. >> harris: phil keating. thank you very much. and this. >> more than 100 people. each one of them it is bad news. my family who is injured or my house and people outside. like i tell everything, people are everything. >> harris: haitians warn americans here in the united states reeling from the news of the devastation in their former home country. nearly 2,000 people have died and nearly 10,000 are injured after a massive earthquake struck the island on saturday and of course they have had a tropical storm move in, grace that stalled efforts to try to reach people and brought rains and caused more collapse of structures. no place for scores of people to go. homeless without food or clean
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water. my friend jack brewer, a familiar face to fox news who founded the jack brewer foundation and serving institute is in haiti right now. he joins us by phone. we are going to watch his pictures exclusively come into fox news and brand-new video as well. jack, i just want to start with what you want americans to know immediately about the situation and what kind of help you are seeing. i know we've brought into our u.s. coast guard and military from chopper. we are there. >> we are, but i tell you what harris, i'm on the ground and i am at the back of our truck. we have four little kids all with severe injuries, broken bones, walls falling on their heads and trauma victims and yes, the larger agencies are here but unless you get to the hard to reach places. we just left a community where
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there are buildings that are flattened and homes that are flattened and people that are inside, most deceased. so you start to be able to smell the bodies. this is real. this is a real humanitarian crisis. i know we have so many issues that go on in our nation and nations around the world. we all know that. i cover that whether it's social justice issues and the things that we have but i think sometimes god wants us to open up our eyes to the world and understand that our pain and sorrow may not be true pain. sometimes it can be emotions. these are the times that i think as an american family with a country only 90 minutes from our border we can all do more. i have gotten an outpouring of people supporting but this nation here in haiti needs our prayers. there is a lot of political issues that go on, a ton of corruption in the government.
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but i tell you what, gangs -- all of that. but not one of these little kids has brought any of that mischief here. not any of these little babies have done anything except being born into poverty. the word of god teaches us that we have to go out there and preach the gospel and the good news and serve the poor and help the sick and the hungry and those that are most underserved. you can do that around the world and especially a place that we can all touch. i came here not knowing what i would find and literally i've helped 30, 40 people that were dying be able to get care. and you would never imagine that you could do that. so i just -- it is a serious situation and i'm glad to see the u.s. coast guard out there working. we have been able to coordinate several helicopters to come in and get people in hard to reach places. there are a lot of great
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organizations on the ground but people need to feed resources to us. now we have a fuel shortage. so it's difficult to get fuel in the country now. we have food and water that -- >> harris: i don't mean the talk over you and i don't want to lose. you. we are fortunate to get you out of there. thank you for all the news out of haiti and the americans on the ground. a tremendous reminder we're a beacon and work together and look what we can do. "outnumbered" is next. honorably. o have sey whether it's 2 years, 4 years, or 32 years like myself. one of the benefits that we as a country give our veterans is eligibility for a va loan for up to 100% of your home's value. so if you need money for your family, call newday usa. with automatic authority from the va, we can say yes when banks say no.
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9:00 am
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