tv FOX News Primetime FOX News August 18, 2021 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT
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picture happy headline. >> bret: some boston people are very sad about that but that's good to end on. something different. thank you. tomorrow on "special report" we will continue to follow the developments in afghanistan and with this administration. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight and for trusting us. that's it for this "special report," fair, balanced and still unafraid. "fox news primetime" hosted by will cain starts right now. hey, will. >> will: ari fleischer with silver lining for yankee fans in the new york metro. thank you,. >> bret: bret you bet. >> will: good evening and welcome to "fox news primetime." ♪ ♪ >> will: i'm will cain and president joe biden today in a blatant attempt to distract from his debacle in afghanistan stepped up to the podium and announced a slew of mandates, masks, vaccine and booster shots to the american people. >> it only makes sense to require vaccine that stops the spread of covid-19. we need to make sure children are wearing masks in school,
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plan for every adult to get a booster shot 8 months after you got your second shot. >> will: this speech was a complete dereliction of duty for the president of the united states to ignore the fall of afghanistan and his abandonment of tens of thousands of americans to the taliban. but we will not ignore that crisis. we will turn to afghanistan shortly. but, first, we have to deal with the antiscience tyranny that is falling over america. there is no science to back up what joe biden just said. there is no science to support children being masked in school. only a proclamation from the cdc. there is no science that supports 100 percent of americans getting the covid shot only edict from experts. and there is very little data to support a third covid booster shot does it work? is it necessary? we don't know. the only trials being conducted by pfizer not exactly an unbiased party are incomplete
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start being two weeks ago israel began administering a million booster shots and one study there does suggest higher antibody levels it's too soon to know anything for surety. this is an experiment playing out in realtime. we are the guinea pigs. rock, it may well work. but the push for a third shot is not science it is proclamation it appear edict by experts we replaced science with experts. truth seeking process full of humility, you learn from your mistakes, scientists full of questions and often those questions do not have answers expertise on the other hand is a conclusion it's fuel of uberous, incapable of acknowledging her own mistakes. experts are full of answers, often without question. yet, we often hear only we only ever hear you are a doctor now, you know more than fauci, it's a constant appeal to authority.
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it's become a religious doctrine and the high priest is tony fauci. this is not science. this is sciencism. and here is the problem with religious edicts from quote, unquote, experts. they lead the stories like this. in june. the university of washington medical center reportedly began removing patients from transplant lists that they were waiting for if they are in fact unvaccinated. no heart transplant without a covid vaccine. in alabama dr. jason valentine announced he will stop treating unvaccinated patients. just shame on him. familiarize yourself with the hippocratic oath. shame on you. today, by the way, it was announced that quinnipiac university will no longer provide wifi access to unvaccinated students. and this is all while restaurants, gyms, and potentially flight and interstate travel segregation has begun to descend over this
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country. this is insanity. it is religious devotion and we are spiraling out of control. so, for just one moment, let us step out of this church of group think and sensors and share some truth. here we go. five truths about code. number one, covid including delta is very little risk to children. fear porn from media and journalists is telling you that hospitals are full of kids with covid. not because of covid. despite antidotal stories of hospitals running out of beds, the data, real data still suggests covid is less dangerous to your child than the common flu, and yet, here today joe biden embracing manned number two. there is little evidence to suggest that masks are effective. this includes all mask including n-59. a study published on the jama
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network, randomized clinical trial that's the gold standard randomized clinical trial found n-95s produced no significant difference in the transmission of influenza, not that different from covid. no significant difference the truth is there really haven't been very many studies on the effectiveness of masks, real randomized control trials on the effectiveness of masks there has been occasional data and that's what the cdc relies on. but many say of those studies that have been done, that masks really are not that effective. and by the way cloth masks, nasty and gross, well, they in fact could be dangerous. number three, this truth. natural immunity is better than vaccine immunity. if you have had covid, there is no real need for a vaccine. study out of israel show that t cell and b cell immunity this is the long time immunity you get after having been exposed to
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covid makes it way less likely that you will get covid a second time, less likely than if you have been vaccinated. you wouldn't know this though in america. for example if you google natural immunity vs. vaccination this is what you get on google. you get no results on the israeli study. you will come up with absolutely nothing. but if you go to duck duck go for example, this is an independent search engine you can find those israeli studies that i just mentioned. and for what it's worth, israel is the gold standarard in data. they are absolutely the best place to mine covid data on this planet. number four, if you are in the 10 to 15% of americans who are adults and you have not had the vaccine and you have not had covid, the vaccine will reduce your symptoms and will reduce likely hospitalization and death. that is important. vaccine if you are adult will reduce the likelihood of
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hospitalization and death it's worth repeating. but, if you can't get the vaccine for health reasons or maybe you don't even want, to there are promising therapeutics out there like hydroxychloroquine, high hire ivermectin,those have been disam the internet. hard to find. number five on this list of truths. the unvaccinated are no threat to anyone but themselves. the unvaccinated are no threat to the vaccination, to the vaccinated individuals. so why segregation? why what we are doing all across this country. these truths that i just laid out for you these are backed up by studies. can you go find all of these studies. these are studies that rely on science not the declaration of experts. experts are capable of capture by group think. they fear often that their reputation will be slandered by
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their peers and they are certainly beholden to funding from universities to journals, experts are beholden to funding. the science, science doesn't care. experts have a terrible track record. they were wrong on masks, wrong on lockdowns. wrong on school closures wrong on everything over and over again. yet, they keep telling us just listen to my proclamation. sign tim is what it is, and it's fake. it's a fear-based religious cult and it's warped the american mind. here is an example from yet another study the brookings institute public perception study says americans are 81 times off on the perceived versus the real risk of covid. and trust me on this. experts are ready to capitalize on your fear. they are ready to sell you safety for the price of your freedom. yale university professor of epidemiology dr. harvey irish re
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now. you have been independent voice when it comes to covid. i open up anything i just said to your disagreement or correction. i also want to ask you this moving forward. you have done a lot of research on therapeutics on the effectiveness of early intervention in treating covid. why are you alone? why is that information so hard to find? , thank you for having me this evening. i actually agree with essentially everything that you said in your five points. i am not alone that i have two internet email groups physicians one that has more than 200 physicians actively working and treating patients in early treatment and others include phds as well as physicians that more than a thousand people who are actively involved in understanding public health issues about vaccination, about early treatment and so on. there are a lot of brain power
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that's involved in trying to understand how to manage the pandemic and we have disagreements with the formal management from the experts that you noted. but there is still a lot of people. >> largely been ex150eu8d from doctors consensus of public health fauci, why is your why is your contribution to public health and this conversation totally been banished? >> >> i think you said it when you talked about capture of pharma interest into the medical profession that goes into journals, it goes into reporting of journals in the mainstream media. and it goes into funding drug company support and consulting and so on. so i think that it's very difficult for us to get more
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objective discussions into the public media. >> will: so follow the money is why we only get one singular group think driven point of view. so you agree with most of the five truths laid out. miswhat kind of cost are we paying as society? >> well, actually, we don't know. the problem is that these -- the vaccines are experimental and we don't know what the long-term consequences are going to be. whether they promote autoimmune diseases or clotting diseases going, you know, 2, 5, 0 or more years into the future. the other thing that we have already suffered is the unnecessary mortality of not early treating covid patients over the last year and a half. and so we have lost at least 500,000 americans needlessly who could have been early treated with medicines that we know work. you mentioned 85% effectiveness,
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that's true at least 85%. and those people could have treated could have survived. and so those are major catastrophic losses to us. >> will: that's a major cost, half a million lives potentially not to mention whatever we have lost in terms of suicide, ignoring other medical conditions out there that are going untreated. not to mexico what we do not know about the negative evenings of masks potentially and i think that's the humility that i enjoy or understand that is important that you certainly bring to the table. the humility of what we do not know from our quote, unquote experts, high priests it's only proclamation only certainty and that certainly is driving us in one direction. dr. harvey risch i encourage anyone to check him out read his research and studies. i appreciate you, with me tonight. >> a pleasure. >> will: let's keep going on this. up next, get a job? stay away from guns and get a vaccination. those are the rules of an ohio
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>> discriminatory medical tyranny all over this country. segregated vaccination from the unvaccinated and it's here in new york. if you haven't gotten the shot, you can't eat in a restaurant. you can't go see a movie work out in a gym. none of it and last night we were told no exception to the rule. none. not each if you have a medical condition preventing from you getting the vaccine. but the question is now being raised is that even legal? well, if you look at the
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americans with disability act, the government has protected anyone with a disability from being discriminated. this includes places of employment public public accommodations must comply with basic nondiscrimination requirements that prohibit exclusion, segregation and unequal treatment. okay? god got it? now it's important to note the act does not specifically list which disabilities qualify for protection. it's vegas. so, are immunocompromised americans protected by the americans with disabilities act. joining me now is journalist and host of tim pool. shares some of the same concerns all over this story yesterday. start with where you were, you called information 311 in new york. you ask any medical exceptions can someone immunocompromised get into a restaurant? what did you find out? >> immediately they said no. and before i even finished my question i said are there any medical exemptions? no. seriously?
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well, somebody has say epilepsy or m.s. multiple sclerosis they are not able to get the vaccine the woman said no. let me make sure there is nothing listed. put you on hold she comes back and says i'm sorry, no. i asked for clarification. this effects me personally fans of my show know that my producer has multiple sclerosis and unable to get the vaccine. that means we are not going to be going to this city. so i said my friend who has m.s. and cannot get the vaccine will not be welcome indoors in new york city? she said no, sir. she will not and this is correct. so i followed up. i decided but will the people of new york stand for this? because you need to understand it's not about being a patron. the mandates from the mayor means employment as well. that means by september 13th, all businesses in new york city must fire every single immunocompromised epilepsy sufferers people are a history of anaphylaxis m.s., it's absolutely insane i called about
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25 restaurants and i asked them would you bar my friend if i came and she has m.s. and can't get the vaccine? they all said yes, i'm sorry. i'm just following the orders of the mayor. >> will: we have heard that before. >> i wish i didn't have to do this but that's the truth we are going to implement it now. >> will: that's a scary refrain i'm just following orders. tim, i know you are not a lawyer but a wonderful investigative journalist who is vested in this topic. how is this discrimination legal? i mean, we do have the americans with disability act. i don't know, i am an attorney, i'm not sure yet, whether or not cover something like this. i no he would on the frontlines, exploratory phase of discrimination right here. >> imagine a mayor issuing a mandate allowing racial segregation trying to supersede u.s. federal law either the ada or civil rights act. that's akin to what we are seeing. again, i'm not a lawyer. did i speak with a lawyer. i said the question is, would multiple sclerosis or epilepsy, or cancer, would this be
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considered a disability? my understanding is yes, they would be. something that impacts your life in a negative way, a medical condition, now, i actually called -- i called all these restaurants. i asked them, if you bar someone with a disability, you would be in violation of not only new york human rights law, but also federal law, and they hung up on me like that. i understand these restaurants are under a lot of stress but this is absolutely insane. >> will: you are not a law and i don't have the legal answer just yet how this would play with the ada. do you know what the scarest part besides the refrain i'm following orders mayor doesn't follow if it is discriminatory or doesn't care if it's illegal. is he going to let it roll. we will check you out on tim cast. go ahead, real quick. >> there is an exemption for performers. if you are a musician or a median can you go to new york city, you are allowed in all these buildings but not if you are suffering from a disability. >> will: imagine that thank you so much for being on. so, i'm sorry, it just keeps
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going. how about this? get the vaccine or go jail. that's what a judge has ordered in ohio during one man's sentencing. 21-year-old brandon rutherford was in court on drug charges. and as part of his probation, judge christopher wagner reportedly demanded he get the shot within 60 days or face prison time. now, i have some questions about this. since when does a judge get to take someone else's medical decisions in hand? well, that actually has happened in american history. >> we have dark moments in american history that involved force the sterilization. but medical treatment vaccines as a condition of probation? joining me now to react fox news contributor tammy bruce. tammy, i just want to turn it over to you. what is your reaction to this story? >> well, this of course is inevitable because everything we are seeing is pretty much the same thing which are politicians enjoying the ability to tell you what to do. this is effectively training. it is training the average
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individual the regular citizen, conditioning us whether they be employees or restaurant owners or people who go to dine, whoever you are, you are being trained into believing that the government is allowed to do this. the government, of course, can be a judge who is getting signals from a mayor, who is listening to dr. flipper fauci, who is listening to de blasio, and they all come together and, of course, what we have learned is that a lot of governors and mayors and others have been reversed by courts, thank goodness, because their decisions have been illegal and unconstitutional. and this is why i think that the importance of who it is we elect matters. character matters, because when they get -- it's like an addiction, will, right? the moment they get a taste of this, this is now the way that you operate. and, of course, the foundation of it is, believing that the average citizen is a moron. that we are the ones who are idiots and, yet, if we look at what's happened in afghanistan, we know that, of course, a fraud has been perpetrated on us when
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it comes to people who have told us that they know what they're doing. >> will: you make an excellent point about character. you give someone power you need to know how they would respond to that power. point out judges. not pay enough attention to what judges are doing in this county. in dallas a judge requiring everybody in that city to wear a mask. pay attention to who we elect at every level and their character. tammy bruce, always good to hear from you, thank you. >> thank you, will. you just heard tammy bring up afghanistan. let's turn it now. joe biden hoped we would be distracted. we are not. so guess what he is saying? hey, we couldn't have done any better than this. >> but the idea that somehow there is a way to have gotten out without chaos ensuing, i don't know how that happens. i don't know how that happens. so, for you that was always priced into the decision? >> yes. >> will: so chaos and americans, tens of thousands of them stuck behind taliban lines wasced into the decision.
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a promise is everything to old dominion, because it means everything to you. >> will: hot boys summer afghanistan and the taliban is having the time of their life. they are making ice cream are weight gains bumper cars with their mask defiantly below the nose. a summer the u.s. government doesn't want you to have right here in the united states. the point isn't to make light of the taliban putting together a "people" magazine they are just like us spread. it's to point out the absurdity. no, the depravity. they are licking ice cream cones while americans are literally running for their lives. this is beyond an embarrassment. but, actually do you want more embarrassment? here is our president today saying what you are seeing, well, this was all in the plan. >> you don't think this could have been handled, this exit could have been handled in any
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way no mistakes? >> no, i don't think it could have been handled in a way that -- we, we're going to go back in hindsight and look, but the idea that somehow there is a way to have gotten out without chaos ensuing i don't know how that happens. i don't know how that happened? >> so for you that was always priced into the decision. >> yes. >> will: priced into the decision. the picture we're about to show you is horrifying but to president biden this woman and child beaten by the taliban outside the kabul airport priced into the decision. i, like the majority of americans, may not be interested in nation building in afghanistan. but i'm sure not interested in watching these scenes play out. it's horrifying. it's humiliating. to say make matters even worse, it's endangering american lives. mark levin put it perfectly earlier today. >> >> what do you think theodore roosevelt would do? what do you think franklin roosevelt would do? what do you think ronald reagan would do? what do you think donald trump
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would do? do you think they would sit back and negotiate with the state department or take steps now and say you are going to give us our people or we are going to crush you? yeah. >> will: yeah, what do you think donald trump would have done? it's true he wanted to leave afghanistan like many of us. do you really think it would have gone down like this? do you think it would look like this? be this kind of loss? take a quick inventory. who is unquestionably weaker today? the united states? and u.s. allies. that's not debatable. and who is stronger? the taliban who now have a country but also weapons and technology, ours by the way to use or to sell. al-qaeda,s who ha a new safe haven and russia and china who now have a claim as the world's leading super power here is a crazy bit of irony we fought vietnam to block of expansion of communism global reach we funded the afghans in the $1,980 to once again stop communism and this time's russiaens influence. now because we bungled this so badly, russia and china are
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poised to become the preeminent players in the region. maybe the world. they are going to use this. they see it as an opportunity to go on a massive propaganda spree where they are going to tell countries, look, america they are a declining power. we snrulg a war with a bunch of goat herders. it's given one of our adversaries everything they need, a playbook as to how they can beat us which is time and patience. of the taliban philosophy of, look, americans have all the watches but we have the time it worked. and it just -- it makes me think. isn't that exactly china's strategy and it has been since the initiation of the ccp. chinese culture is built on a symmetry warfare and patience. they have patience. they also have money. weapons, strategic influence and china is stronger today and we are weaker. joining me now is "washington times" national security correspondent bill gertz. bill, i can't help buts in the
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china is putting out propaganda to taiwan that says basically the united states of america is not going to be there for you. so so is china stepping in to this void? >> absolutely. the chinese had gained strategically from the u.s. rout in afghanistan and we are going to be seeing more of that. we have already reached out to the taliban where meeting in shanghai between senior taliban last month. that's a sign that pay jing quickly recognized the regime in kabul. this is a big feet for the u.s. to push back against china. what china gained is they have got the removal of u.s. troopsy an area near their western border. so that's going to be a big plus for them. on the downside, they are going to have to contend with a hard line islamist pro-terrorist regime and a bunch of terrorists
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in afghanistan also on their western border. >> will: let's pick up on that and make a fascinating next to china prepared if anything goes down. but let's pick up on the taliban because you wrote this today and what a line. you said the taliban is now the-what is it the best funded best equipped most militarily -- they got all our stuff. and there is no terrorist organization on the face of the earth that is now as well equipped as the taliban. >> that's correct. mass amounts of u.s. arms and equipment are now in the hands of a terrorist organization that is connected internationally with other terrorist groups that does provide safe haven to at least four different terrorist groups that are now resonate in afghanistan two auto al-qaeda groups, one isis and the haqqani network. they are very well armed. they have got aircraft. they have got drones that can be used. they have got lots of vehicles and arms and equipment. >> will: this is just insanity that could not have been priced
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into the decision. bill gertz, thank you so much for being with us tonight. >> thank you. >> will: all right, also here tonight radio host dana loesch, always good to see you. so, i don't know. >> good to see you, will. >> will: about as condemnable as you can get but it also endangers american lives to put those images up and to talk about all the weapons and technology that we just lost. how can the president of the united states say all of this was priced into the decision? >> yeah, and, will, that's a great question. i have no idea considering that he was just saying in july that there was no way that anything like this was going to happen. he was saying that on july 8th. and now it's a completely different reality. and the state department, they don't even know -- they are not even coming to a consensus on this. there is a really interesting point that's been raised with china's actions in all of this. you bring up the technology and whether all of that was priced into it. i mean, think of just, you know, what was left over at bagram air force base for instance. our drones. that's technology that the taliban which already receives
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funding from china that they are going to turn around and sell to china. china can easily reverse engineer that and then they have our tactical advantages like that. i would encourage people, too. those photos of taliban soldiers look at the firearms they are carrying. look how they have them decked out. the scopes and optics everything they have on rifles that were provided by the american taxpayer because these firearms were seized at bagram air force base. to your point, one last quick note on this because i was listening to your discussion with bill gertz as to, you know, china and taliban, there is a little point of contention between both of them with the imprisoned uyghurs in the ginnening province. i'm interested to see how this works out between the two. >> i don't want to focus too much. i think it's incredibly important and we both have pointed it out the technology and the weapons. i don't want to focus on that to the excollosian of the fact that there is also tens of thousands of americans who are still essentially behind enemy lines, behind the taliban. and once again, was that priced into the decision. you know, dana, we both want to
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be honest arbiters of the truth. leaving afghanistan as well, and that is true. but i have trouble believing that president trump would have priced these types of conditions into his decision. >> no i completely agree with you. feel pail to remember when they always try to pin it on former president trump that they called off discussions with the taliban npr actually had reported on this. npr taken credit that killed 11 people including u.s. soldier that was long before this had opinion set into motion. joe biden he was the one who set the september date. will, i also point out we talk about the value of those thousands of americans not to mention the afghan assets. the informants and the interpreters. people who put their lives and the lives of their families on the line. and worked with united states, united states military to help out with this effort. why wasn't -- why wasn't whether they decided to bag gram air force base why wasn't the visas,
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why weren't the visas situated? why weren't the special immigrant visas situated? why wasn't all of this pretty much tied up before making this huge announcement on the world stage. i'm a civilian and i'm asking this question. we civilians are playing monday morning quarterback here. >> will: the answer, dana is more grotesque than the unanswered question. the answer is it was all priced into the decision. that is an answer that should hang around his neck shame the rest of his administration. dana loesch. >> i hope someone will ask him if they're okay with those lives being lost because this is going to be catastrophic and it's going to be on this president's hands. >> will: right. >> thank you, will. >> will: it's about the execution. that's what it is about the execution of the decision to leave afghanistan. i can't imagine this chaos was priced into the decision. going to move forward. you are not going to believe this next story. meet the race zars. these are people who get to decide who is a minority and who isn't. and, if they deserve funding
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based on that status. that and more coming up on "fox news primetime." controlling his, my dad's got this, too. with the right choices, you have it in you to control your a1c and once-weekly trulicity may help. most people taking trulicity reached an a1c under 7%. and it starts lowering blood sugar from the first dose, by helping your body release the insulin it's already making. trulicity is for type 2 diabetes. it isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. it's not approved for use in children. don't take trulicity if you're allergic to it, you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. stop trulicity and call your doctor right away if you have an allergic reaction, a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, changes in vision, or diabetic retinopathy. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. taking trulicity with sulfonylurea or insulin raises low blood sugar risk. side effects include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, which can lead to dehydration and may worsen kidney problems.
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o. >> will: welcome back. who decides which companies are entitled to big bucks? thanks to reporting from revolver, let me introduce you to the national minority supplier development council it's a mouthful but the nmsdv. certified business enterprises and connect them with corporate members. okay. fine. who qualifies as a certified minority? well, that's the council's job and, according to the council it works like this. you have to be at least 25% asian indian asian pacific black hispanic native american. 25%. assigning percent daniels. keep going on who gets this windfall of cash it gets uglier. what if you are from the middle
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east or iraq? nope. what about other minorities here in america? why are they ignored? why is a white american with one grandparent from mexico entitled to these funds when an immigrant from, say, jordan is not? what's the deal? who are these bureaucrats picking minority winners and losers? let's ask the host of the informed dissent podcast lee nights johnson. always good to talk to you i guess this has been around for some time but as more companies go woke and more people seek affirmative action dollars, it's pretty unseemly to think there is this group behind the scenes that get to test or decide your racial purity in which races are thumbs up and which races are thumbs down on getting dollars,. >> it's incredible, will, i can't believe this is where we are in 2021 in america. think back to the often quoted i have a dream speech by martin luther king we talk about it all the time. we dreamed that his four little
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children would one day grow up in a nation where they were not judged by the dollar of their skin but the content of their character. we talk about it all the time. i don't understand how we have fallen so far and come so far away from the yms of the civil rights movement and here we are talking about judging people by the color of their skin arbitrarily judging people by the color of their skin or ethnicity or whatever it may be. it's further evidence, will, this anti-racism campaign and everything that they are pushing on the progressive side, it's plain old racism. it's absolutely racism goings back to the 50's and 60's judging people. >> will: percentages. >> based on their race. not based on what their abilities are or who they are as a person but what they are checking on birth certificate? are you kidding me? they are exactly who they say they are fighting against. will willing it's so gross, lee nights to think the board of
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bureaucrats double-checking people's percentages and whether or not they are an approved racial minority category. it's -- but here's the thing, you have friends and i have friends that work in corporate america this is happening in every big corporation in america go with diversity initiatives who counts and who doesn't in satisfying your diversity initiatives? >> yeah. i mean, it's completely arbitrary and basing it on whenever servets their agenda and whatever the flavor of the day is you know, it's -- there is no ideological consistency to it whatsoever. and, you know, like i said, progressivism is regressive. they are completely flipping it on its head and the whole things i can't believe we are talking about this 20021. booker t. washington people who want to keep victimhood and grievances in front of the public partly because it garners sympathy and partly because it pays.
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>> will: you put it correctly. >> they do not want -- >> will: i have got to go lien nights. i have got run. i'm tight on time. you put it perfectly this is regressive and racism. i got to go always good to see you lien nights. check this out. that's real star power in the studio. that's tv jesse watters. he is here to go on the clock with me next. ♪ ♪ are we still exclusive? absolutely. and that's exactly why you should join.
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>> i know i'm on tv. i'm telling jesse watters i invented the segment but no one will give me credit. that's because you invented the segment? you're not going to let the producers take any credit for this? >> true. and pete hegseth is trying to take credit, but i invented over drinks with him. we got jesse watters, author of "how i see the world," probably going to cut a little bit of time here so let's go. video of a man pestering someone on the subway for wearing a mask
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went viral this weekend cnn anchor down them and had a lot to say. violence by the way was his solution. watch waters. >> i can't believe in a new york city subway that that guy didn't get tuned up. i'm glad he didn't, i know that would be the best of us. but i got to tell you. >> i might have. as i always say, play lotto, don't play me. >> lemon hasn't seen the inside of a subway since barack was president. he still thinks you use a token to get on there. he is 55, he summers in the hamptons and he is no vigilante, unless he knows mma and maybe then, but i actually had a throwdown on the subway. and i said no, >> and it's like
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hip-hop? >> and then you say i love you man. up next, "wall street journal" said some americans have doubled their salary from working from home during the pandemic. what's their secret? if they did two jobs at the same time. who would no? >> so my wife did this during the pandemic. i'm not doubting her, she already quit because of maternity. she set up an internet situation where she would broadcast workouts. she put her little outfit on with her sports bra, and did the high knees and the leg bands and all that stuff that i'm not flexible enough to do. and this is for tax purposes, and jesse, that's fraud. >> >> two jobs down to zero.
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>> you've got a short list of the new names for the franchise here, you are guy. so here are some top contenders. washington red hogs, washington presidents, and no one is even knowing what that is anymore. the president is too political. half the country hates whoever is in the office right now. what about the washington monument's? >> what about the washington federals? do you like that? >> i like that. so i go with the hobbs, that's a washington thing. if you are going to leave the redskins behind i actually like the generic washington football team. you know like a penn state uniform just plain and boring? a kind of like it. >> called him whatever you like,
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they will lose to the birds. >> and speaking the nfl, over 2,000 football fans have determined which teams have the drunkest -- we know who this is. the drunkest supporters. the number one, the eagles are earning the top four. this is not real. >> i think the eat eagles may have misread the poll. because the eagles said three drinks per quarter, that's not true. the bangles have to drink to forget. because that team is trash. and the bill's mafia, have you seen them in the tailgates? they are obviously loaded. >> you could make a good point. they dive onto the folding table and they like to get tuned up. but if that list doesn't have eagles fans in the top four, it's bogus. >> fake news. speak up that's what we are here for, fair and balanced. that's fake news. >> and you invented that
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segment. >> thank you for promoting me. and promoting this book, "how i save the world" on fox news prime all next week. >> and i will be back tomorrow night at seven. but tonight it's time for tucker carlson. ♪ ♪ >> tucker: a good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." what a betrayal of the war in afghanistan turned out to be. they people for 20 years who paid for the occupation are the ones that died there of course, and that's a disaster for the rest of our lives. they lied to, we were all lied to. but the war in afgh
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