tv Gutfeld FOX News August 19, 2021 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT
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charity of the month, which is the little sisters of the poor. we've got to cool beach towels. summer is not over yet. all made and the usa. go to, because freedom matters. that is all the time we have tonight. greg gutfeld takes it all from here. see you all in california. ♪ ♪ >> covid is dangerous. it is lethal. it is a bit like the beef that notorious b.i.g. used to rap about. guaranteed to be in icu. >> greg: and i see you making a dash out of yourself. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [applause]
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so i was trying to think if there's anything perhaps worse then our pullout from afghanistan. at first, saigon pops into your head. but compared to this that now looks like a rocket's dress rehearsal. i did in fact find something worse than the afghanistan cut and run. it's the president's defense of it. >> still a lot of pandemonium outside the airport. >> but look, nobody is going to be killed right now. correct me if i'm wrong about that, but nobody is being killed right now. a couple thousand a day, it's increasing. we are going to get those people out. >> but we've all seen the pictures, we've seen the hundreds of people packed into a c17. we've seen afghans falling -- >> that was four days ago, five days ago. >> greg: what does that even mean? it was two days prior, not four. of course, i blame that racist
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math. who doesn't lose track of time when you are in hiding? and as for no one is being killed right now, if joe sets the bar any lower i will be able to drink it. so it's time once again for... >> great job there joe. >> greg: so yeah, joe sat down and interview -- george was standing on a milk crate. so does the chaos no longer matter because it was, as he pointed out, and correctly for five days ago? did you get the date deliberately wrong considering the interview was pretaped. does even know where he is? we haven't seen a leader this fallen asleep at the wheel since ted kennedy. what a strange, nonsensical answer. is he really this incompetent or did he inhale too much of that
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spray tan? but every time, every time you think joe biden is bad, remember what canada has. >> it is exactly the example of the kinds of things you need to do to counter the c session and turn it into a she huff and calvary. >> greg: he really is full of sheet. apparently the u.s.'s exporting woke stupidity. the taliban has taken more questions than joe biden. and then there is this pair. >> it sounds like you are is saying this depends on diplomacy with the taliban. >> well, let me add something here, alain. we've got a couple of entry control point set up. a north one, a eased one, and a third one at abbey gate.
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they are currently mounted with officers, marines. >> greg: why is everyone acting like it's their first day on the job? their entire job is to protect american citizens, yet they are more scared of depending on the democratic left. he doesn't put the milli and military. just let that marinade. in defense of the general, none of this was in any of robin d'angelo's books on how to be an antiracist. it sounds like joe thinks we should of gotten out a long time ago. >> it's on flick you should've gotten out a long time ago. >> we should have. >> and accept the idea it was going to be messing a matter what. >> what would be messy? >> getting out would be messy no matter when it occurred. >> greg: it may be he has right. but he could have tried to make it a little less messy.
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joe says we anticipated all of that. but i wonder if the people clinging from the side of the plane were made aware of that. he sounds like pee-wee herman after flying over his handlebars declaring "i meant to do that." i guess the only safe and orderly exit the president could muster was the one directly after his first press conference to flee to camp david. the real shocker is that in afghanistan it took 20 years to maintain and it fell faster than biden in a strong wind. its "gutfeld!" foreign policy 101. the first thing you need to figure out is how to get the hell out of it. the getaway car is priority number one. first thing you do is look for the exit. and a good meth dealer, right kat? and now we have thousands of americans there. and we cannot get them out, even france is sending in teams to go door-to-door. france! the home of minds.
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so this moment sucks, because the whole entire thing sucks. people were making billions off the war. as pointed out by journalist matt taibbi, the special inspection general found 44% of 66 billion and expenses examined was lost to fraud and waste. if the cost of the whole war was too chilling, the whole amount lost may be 600 billion. select cake at a nursing home birthday bash, everybody got a piece. everybody except for the men and women who risked their lives there. nice try, maybe next time. veteran darrell owen said it well. "the u.s. provided the level of stability to afghan lines for two good grades trying to reduce the risk of terrorism in our country. they were given back to the taliban with barely a whimper." it's no surprise according to a poll that 71% said this debacle was a reason for personal
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sadness. but who knows, maybe the taliban has changed. >> do you believe the taliban has changed? >> no. let me put it this way, i think they are going through a existential crisis about, do they want to be recognized by the international community has been a legitimate government? i'm not sure i would've predicted that, nor you or anyone else, that when we decided to leave they would provide safe passage for americans to get out. >> greg: that's a relief, no one predicted a safe passage from taliban. but if that's the case, you are saying it could have been far worse, but we got lucky from the kindness of murderous strangers. i put more prep into an animal's are great segment then our leaders did to give citizens and alleys in afghanistan a safe exit. what if the taliban has changed? i would like to see their new look. >> we are getting the putin back together. taliban 2.0.
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this is not your grandfather's terror network, we killed him years ago. we still think women are inferior. but now we use the right pronouns before we kill you. see? and our local offices are always open. and we promise never to go to door to door looking for you. >> we've been hearing messages with from people who are saying that the taliban and their fighters have gone house to house. are you denying those allegations? >> yes, i totally deny them. >> they won't censor it because we don't criticize election. don't forget to smash that like button like the head of an infant. warning? taliban 2.0 cannot provide the safety of lgbtq, women, or animals. [applause] >> greg: we've got problems. but it's not just the new
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afghanistan. it's the old biden. he's deftly not awake. let's look at tonight's guests. if she were a restaurant, all she would be serving -- amanda millie has. he went to harvard and yelled, but don't let that fool you. he's actually smart. is like a glow stick, bright, fun, and seen on the ground at a rave. kat! and when he walks to work, janice dean reports the weather is overcast. the nwa, tyrus. [applause] >> greg: amanda, what you make of this mess? >> well, it's kind of so dark that it's hard to even try to have a sense of humor about it. but you've done a good job. that was well done.
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i mean, the thing about it is that coming from having worked the state department and the white house, it's a really dark thing to look at, because they are right that it's a complicated situation and there is no good to leave. but there's no way our administration would've let that happen. the thing that i think people get confused about is why people get so angry and frequently point to the woke-is on. certainly our current state department over doing their job. moments like this are why we need them to be good at their basic job. their most basic fundamental job is to get americans out of harm's way and to not conduct ourselves in a way that is this embarrassing on the world stage. and projects this much weakness. that's what's really frustrating. i think that's gotten lost. i think it's sometimes easy to joke about it like yeah, they
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are not -- they don't have the instructions on how to get out of afghanistan in the white fragility book, which is true. but the frustrating thing is you are like, and your little programs. add your eons of ngos doing female bead making entrepreneurship programs after you figured out the basics. >> greg: i've only known somebody who's written a book about woke-ism. this is why when people dismiss that woke-ism isn't a big deal. it is a big deal because it replaces something. it totally does. it replaces american fortitude. i think there's exactly one way that joe biden could have prevented the situation from happening. it is a credible threat to the taliban that we will completely annihilate you if you mess around with our exit from afghanistan. and if you did that, they would not have messed around. they would not have gone for kabul. but joe biden couldn't do it.
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you want to know why? because he's obsessed with self criticism the united states. even the taliban knows he doesn't have the moral standing to back up that threat. so that is why they went for it. i think that's the way that woke-ism disrupts american on the global stage is it reduces our moral standing to use extraordinary force, precisely when we need it most. i think that's part of it. i also think it's incompetence. if you are joe biden, why wouldn't you go into winter? we have football season america. the taliban -- they have this thing. fighting season. it is summer. so guess what? in winter it is gold. they have snow. and said he wants the symbolism of doing it before 9/11. now if the symbolism of the taliban flag flying on the top of the u.s. embassy on the 20th anniversary of 9/11. >> greg: it's true, and it was all to bake it before a date. and then you choose the date and you to everybody that's what's happening and you do it when they fight -- it's a bit strange that they have a fighting
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season. >> we all kind of thought of a fighting season. [laughter] literally, two or three days a week when i'm home. it's like... [laughter] spew on yeah. >> oh, joe. i get it. it's hard to admit when you are wrong. we need to respect her boots, but we've got to get rid of the suits. if there's anybody was thinking about not voting this year, if -- there should be a record number of votes when the senate and the house is up. because how is any administration... i mean, i'm not a rocket scientist, but i would've killed our social media platform. you realize the taliban is not only pushing propaganda but also using it to find where people are hiding, that flag on the building everywhere. they are getting world recognition. but yet if you say about thing
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about somebody or if you were in the fifth grade and said the wrong thing, you are canceled or whatever. but here's a platform of people are actually dying. we are seeing it on the streets, getting text messages and messages from all around the world hearing about people being shot ads. and always gotten so far is a scathing email. we sent a scathing email. not working, great point. how about, you know, i get it. maybe just send a video of the bomb that president trump dropped. maybe send that or say, you know, he's a phone call away. whatever. because there was a time he didn't like what he set on twitter so he took them off. but his foreign policy, every one of those countries fought before they stopped. now they are just like our borders. it's open season and they are literally posting while they do it. that is so arrogant and confident they are based on the spineless administration. >> they need to send a picture
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of what they did -- what we did to solomonic. >> greg: what i miss is reading any of chrissy teagan's tweets about the taliban. there's a big empty space. >> i think she might've been able to solve this. [laughs] >> greg: her withering which. >> absolutely. i for one was very shocked to hear biden say that he doesn't think that the taliban is killing people, because i've seen the videos and not a mask insight. have you noticed that? they are also not using their platform to encourage vaccination. >> greg: that is true. >> so murderers -- i don't know. it's so gross to watch so many of these things on so many levels and not least of all that news conference with the general complaining about erroneous reporting after the years of [bleep] that they fed us about
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this war putting people in harm's way. cry me a river. shut up. >> greg: only one [bleep] from c.a.t. today. you get two more for the rest of the show. >> i don't have any more plans. it depends on where it goes i guess. >> greg: up next, it's a dumb ambition putting racism into addition. ♪ ♪ how much money can liberty mutual save you? one! two! three! four! five! 72,807! 72,808... dollars. yep... everything hurts. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ heyyy! (steins breaking) your cousin. ♪ from boston. ♪ it means, “ok-to-beer-fest”.
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home of the wolverines and also apparently idiots, math is dominated by whiteness and racism. and that whiteness says deborah ball plays a key role in explaining racial disparities in math performance. here she is on a recent podcast. >> i think it's been quite difficult to figure out how to surface and unpack the way in which mathematics for example is a harbor for whiteness. but what's also very difficult is to get people to see how the very nature of the knowledge and who's produced it and what has counted as mathematics and has also dominated by whiteness and racism. my ability to articulate the role of that white supremacy plays in teaching word wouldn't have been evident early in my career, but i had a sense for it. >> greg: dominated by whiteness, what does that even mean? that doesn't add up. and i'm white. it's the math thing. it doesn't add up. meanwhile, to money managers have created an exchange traded
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fund or etfs, that's a business term, kat, that avoids investing in companies that go woke. it excludes companies that have been the worst offenders when it comes to woke capitalism while also avoiding left-leaning legacy media or companies that have been off style to conservative values. the founder told fox business, all these funds were going after issues that resonate with me as a conservative over time it became baffled why no one has stepped in and offered their products for conservatives. seems like a huge opportunity. he's right, why didn't i think that first? probably because i've been too busy doing this. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> greg: yes, i love to combine exercise with my morning commute. and obviously i don't like to
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get stopped by people because i'm famous how tall not, hence the disguise. if only someone wrote a book about woke-ism in the workplace. i'm going to keep plugging that. i have a theory. it's probably not even mine. is there going to be an unconscious discrimination when people start hiring and you sense that somebody is woke-centric. and do you think wow, their operating system is to seek out patterns of systemic racism in everything. i don't want to hire that person. because that person is going to make my life and everybody's lives hell. this is actually going to -- they are not going to get hired. >> just going to continue divide and a spear that is the thing that bothers me with the etf. if this was a shark tank, i'm actually end. there's actually a big opportunity, he's right. but just speaking as an american citizen, i don't love it.
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two sets of mutual funds, two sets of coffee, two forms of baseball. i don't think we have a country left, because at the end of the day, the private sector of the economy is supposed to be the thing that brings us together. and once we have a democratic version and a republican version of everything in the economy, i think that's when we are on the road to civil war. it's the same thing you said about when you're hiring somebody, that's the new power structure. that is the new power structure and people are going to use the same tool in reverse. i don't think we would have a country left at the end of it. seriously, that's why i wrote the book. i think we need to get beyond each side trying to cancel the other in reverse. there's great money to be made on both sides by doing it, but i doubt that that's going to leave the country better off in the end. we had to figure out new ways of actually having a private sector were people buy things. it doesn't matter what you are. >> greg: i feel like we arty have two versions of the country. one of them is capitalism and the other is the democrats. >> i'm with you there.
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those who have and those who don't. jim crow would be very proud of this. because it's a very polite way of saying, you are not good enough. because -- i also think it's arrogance. any time i meet anyone who tells you they have a special gift, do you have any verification for that? or is this just you. because you are a. and take the mic away, because last time i checked, asia and india seems pretty hip on math and science and history, et cetera. they want to be doctors, lawyers, they want to contribute to the world. they want to be able to build something. because that is their way out. and in america we have two problems. one, the media, especially in my community, we don't see commercials about becoming a doctor or a mechanic or doing something like -- if you put this into your education, if you take the time to study and learn algebra and
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calculus in these things, it's going to transition to a guaranteed job. no, you are going to be a rapper, wrestler, play in the nfl. all of those things, even if you are the best at where you are at, doesn't translate anywhere. and they are now saying listen, we know you can't do it. so don't worry about it. we will take it. we got it. and that in itself is the most polite racism you have ever seen and they can sit with a straight face and be like, we are trying to help you. because we know you can't pay your bills. because you need us. so don't worry about math, we will take those jobs. don't worry. >> greg: kat, uas know you are part of an incoherent cult when the lexicon is so stupid. it's a harbor for it whiteness. let's unpack this. it's just garbage, and i hate using that phrase. >> as you are reading it, i blacked out.
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>> greg: and you do that a lot. >> usually not -- it's usually on the weekend, okay. i'm not crazy, just like to have a good time. but again, it's oh so easy, because it's the same words, you arrange them however you want, and if there is the threat of if you dare say that there's anything wrong with my words, then you are a racist. it's full proof, it's way easier than learning math. i mean, i hated math in school. i would've loved to be able to say, as a white ally, i am not going to learn this. >> that is exactly right. way easier. what do you think? >> yeah, i would've done the same. i wish we had that, because i was really bad at math. i think obviously it's totally polite racism and it just says everything it can to push the issue. once you go past the subject of humanities, which by the way is
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the subjective, and to now doing it to math is insane. on the other topic come up got to disagree guys on the conservatives doing their economic thing because i actually think we ate need our own chamber of commerce. i do think it's bad for the country. i just think we are farther down the timelines then you do. we are already there. they've been doing it to us for so many years. this is how it is on social media and in film. i argue about this all the time because of my company, but i usually make the argument that yes, of course, the economics and the culture would be better if it's not divided in any way politically. we are so far from not. what i want and what i think would be good for america -- we are so far from not that it least it would be nice to have some people fighting for us. it would be nice -- i think what teal capital does it in this way. i think it's actually kind of a good step in the right direction. >> amanda, i hear you on that. i just worry that this cultural
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war ends with the left actually infecting the right or the right just starts doing everything in reverse. i want to tell you little bit about the asian-american community. at the end of the day, they are acting like victims now too. and the second generation kids want to pretend like they're bad at math because now math is racist. so it brings everybody down when everybody infects each other. >> greg: we got to move on. in afghanistan, lots of drama. but where is kamala? #1 in customer satisfaction. and a partner who includes 5g in every plan, so you get it all. welcome to allstate. (phone notification) where we've just lowered our auto rates. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ and savings like that will have you jumping for joy. now, get new lower auto rates with allstate.
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♪ ♪ >> greg: not a peep from the veep. not a holler from kamala. it's been many days sends mrs. harris had something to say. silence from the vp, where could she be? turmoil in the middle east, and her presence is decreased. well, afghanistan falls to the taliban and kamala harris disappeared faster than normal
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rivero's shirt after a camera is pulled out. is kamala keeping a low profile because of her role in the afghan debacle or respecting the taliban's wishes of silencing women. >> president biden away says he wants you to be the last person in the room just as he was for president obama. he just made a really big decision paired afghanistan. were you the last person in the room? >> yes. >> do you feel comfortable? >> i do. be one last person in the room here that was from april. that hasn't aged well. she scheduled to come out of hiding tomorrow when she embarks on a trip to singapore and vietnam. kind of like the fall of kabul. wonder if she is a layover in benghazi. but despite her confidence, she's closer than over to the presidency. because the presidency is in super bad shape.
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who's laughing now? >> [laughs] what do you want to know? >> i want to give you the opportunity. >> greg: she's a barrel of laughs, kat. what would you want to hear from her if she actually spoke? >> i kind of feel like you're not speaking is going to inspire a young generation to get into politics. that otherwise wouldn't have. because so many people might think they can enact some changes, they might like the power, but they don't want be responsible when things go wrong to deal with that pressure. she is doing at this new way where she does the magazine covers, she has the power, she has the prestige, but then when it's time to be responsible for things going wrong, she just goes, no. and disappears. and it's like self-care sunday for six days or whatever. >> greg: who did she learn that from? the president, right? it's all about banishing. but now she's closer to becoming president than ever, because i think people have lost confidence in joe. >> i think so too.
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i try to look -- i find the most entertaining thing about politics is this one side faction fighting, because it was certainly very entertaining and our administration. what she's doing makes total sense, because this is an obama/bush war. this was a mistake he was a part of making. she actually had nothing to do with it. and what i hear, the gossip of thought inside the white house is about the obama power base versus her people, which is this new california group. for them to kind of disappear and don't pin this on me, is very crafty. i have no love for kamala harris. why should she step up to the plate on this when she doesn't know anything about foreign policy? she's never made a foreign policy decision in her life. and biden was in with the administration that helped continue this. keeps denying it.
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of all the things, stepping back on this is really not one of them. >> you know it, i disagree because that was the job. the whole point was that in that horrible interview, were you the last person in the room? yes. back to you, greg. because you weren't the last person in the room. because you took the job saying you are going to be involved and all the talk about joe slowing down, the whole point was she was going to be the most -- i mean, cheney wasn't going to have anything on her. but i've been talking about this from day one. it's going to be scapegoat joe. they are going to put it all on him. now you are seeing the cnn's turn. and it's the president, the president. and then what is going to happen? all of the sudden somebody's going to come forward.
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and on the progress of agenda is like, it wasn't us. it was the obama and joe. and i'm here because that's the only way she's getting in that seat. she is in terms of personality and just not -- just coming across like she doesn't care. if my role is to be next, lack of something it happens to you, we will sword fight in the parking lot. but as something happens to you, going to be ready. and yes, i was in the medium. that was showing enthusiasm. she said yeah, i was in the room. >> you've got to talk. >> greg: last word. it's because she was the first bema president of the united states but everybody clapped. i hate identity politics. and if she's done wearing her badge of honor, i'm happy. this could've been been her chance to stand up to the taliban. she wasted it.
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♪ ♪ >> greg: you can no longer drape the passengers and tape. telling the flight attendants not to duct tape unruly passengers to their seats anymore. instead, you just shoot them with tranquilizer darts and store them in the overhead bins. good work. that's after several such incidents on other airlines recently going viral earlier this month. i would do it at got duct taped to his seat after he allegedly groped his flight attendants. another trying to open the door mid flight. i thought about it for a while, but i kept it in. in a memo to employees, united vp john slater wrote "please a
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member there are designated items on board that may be used." what's that? alternative measures such as tape should never be used. you should follow your regular de-escalation and training process and use your best judgment. so don't use tape, but he doesn't tell you what you should use. it's a question for us on the show that we often struggle with, should we use it? >> head, greg. how's it going? show is looking good, scripts look good. we have some good guests. i'm going to check on it right now. >> today wasn't even hard. >> yeah, greg, she escaped again. [applause] >> greg: it's weird. they don't even know she works here. give to keep her in a closet. tyrus, how does this work for the duct tape brand? should they add people to their
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list of things you can use their product on? >> duct tape, tape and people sense... shame on the airports for this for saying don't use duct tape. so you are saying you're going to pull out a flotation device and throw it at them. these attendants are getting attacked. there was one where a woman -- a guy put his -- laid on the ground and put his head under her ankles. if that's not a reason to be duct taped to a chair -- unless you allow your flight attendants to pat, have stun guns, or take them to wyoming and teach them . they are literally doing the best they can. people are out of control. you need to think about -- maybe the fbi or someone. because finding people does not work. let somebody act a fool and spend a year in prison. >> greg: this seems like a great opportunity for the straitjacket industry.
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straitjackets exist, but where is there a trade association? because this is perfect. >> that's true. this could be a great p.r. opportunity. be one exactly! >> i think that the p.r. that airlines are doing now really shows how much it sucks to fly. that united came out with -- united airlines, where we don't duct tape i wear violent drunk alcoholics who punch people. there's not much positive you can say about flying right now, it's horrible. >> greg: amanda comey said there were other items. that disturbed my curiosity. >> what are the other items? what could they be? it's like probably the same exact layout. but i'm actually, quite pleased that they use the duct tape. this young lady tried to open the door. i would want them to duct tape to her seat. these are the fears that i have every time i go on a plane
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anyway. and you know, i responsibly medicate myself. so i've never had to be duct taped to his seat, yet. >> greg: i've had a few incidents. thank god i don't remember any of them. >> those of us that get the call to come get him, it's not a pretty sight. >> greg: is to get just get up and grab the bag and look at the horrified faces, what did i do? what do you think should be done? >> i say more use of duct tape. i'd say duct tape them. the thing i want to get rid of, i would actually take duct tape over the tsa people feeling me up. >> greg: we are still taking our shoes off, man. this is crazy. all right come up next, getting fat on calamari, start playing atari. for mac. who can come to a stop with barely a bobble. lucia.
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♪ ♪ >> greg: feeling fat? new games could help with that. playing call of duty could tone your chunky booty. i don't believe this. gaming may burn around 200 calories per hour on par with 1,000 sit-ups. according to a new study from the gaming platform, of course they have absolutely no bias whatsoever in this research.
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next up, a study on the benefits of chewing tobacco according to the association of chewing tobacco. but as kat points out, other benefits of gaming include a lowered risk of skin cancer because you never see the sun. and c are a risk of relationship problems because you do not have a love life. kat, that was unnecessary. i don't want another gamer gate 2 to happen. >> i will not be apologizing to any of them. i won't. because, you know, i don't have to. >> greg: all right. i'm glad you took a stance here. i find it interesting, amanda, that they say it's because anxiety burns calories. if that's the case, why do i fit need to go to the gym? i should be rail thin. i could be eating constantly, i
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kind of do. but if anxiety burns calories. >> apparently. >> greg: that's why they say fat people are jolly. >> because they're too jolly. obviously it's crazy, but you know how if the internet is going to be running around not only pretending to have served in the call of dodi world, but also the athletes. anyway, i love the gamers, we love the gamers. >> greg: the gamers are great. this is the next up and getting video game status as a sport. it's not just handbag, it's also aerobic. >> i would say it's more aerobic than for sausage. >> greg: the horses don't get any credit. >> i would rather get exercise. >> it's just some kind of weird thing, tyrus. four freaks. >> luckily kat only used one of
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her [bleep] -- because this whole thing is [bleep]. you lose 200 calories an hour but you only get your food through post mates and you order pizza so you just chow down 3,000 calories per game. now let's use math. i know i'm black, so it's hard for me. [laughter] 3,000 calories and i burn 2... i would still have 2700 calories. i did it! so i gained weight. get your fat [bleep] off the couch. that's not anything. you are not doing anything. this is a joke, this is someone making excuses. mom, i'm working out. yeah, get out get out. >> greg: exactly. cat, i think they should compare the video game of soccer with real soccer. that would be intriguing. then we could actually replace real soccer with video game
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soccer. >> i think that real soccer probably burns more calories. >> greg: you think so? but in video games -- >> she is white, she doesn't have to! racist. >> i didn't understand that one. >> you used your white mouth. >> oh, yeah, that's right. video games -- it's sad, because it makes people care too much about the video game. and it's not real. if you've ever dated a guy when he has that headset on and it's like -- it's not a real war! >> greg: i can see this as an interesting effect on you. >> it was tough for a while. >> greg: good for you. don't go away, we will be right back. ♪ ♪
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i want some premium ideas for land o' frost premium sliced meats. land o' frost premium... so much goodness it'll make you cry! very nice, very nice. land o'frost premium. fresh look. same great taste. pa: hold those steins up! lcrowd: 42, 43, 44... did i win? your cousin. ♪ from boston. ♪ ♪ ♪ heyyy! (steins breaking) it means, “ok-to-beer-fest”.
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it is the industrial complex. read it. thanks, greg. >> greg: congratulations on the success of the book. i think you owe it all to me. set your dvr so you never miss an episode. thank you, that is it from the entire studio audience. shannon bream next. i'm greg gutfeld and i love you come america! ♪ ♪ >> shannon: hello and welcome to "fox news @ night," shannon bream in new york. ♪ ♪ breaking tonight, more than 5,000 u.s. troops now on the ground in afghanistan. brand-new images of our soldiers beating afghan refugees and trying to help them escape taliban control. >>
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