tv Outnumbered FOX News August 20, 2021 9:00am-10:00am PDT
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>> emily: fox news alert, we are awaiting president biden who is set to speak at the top of the hour on the crisis in afghanistan and the effort to get americans and allies out of the country as a stunning new report reveals that the biden administration was warned last month of the impending disaster
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as u.s. forces withdrew from afghanistan. we are also getting reports that taliban fighters are going door-to-door targeting anyone that helped the u.s. as concerns grow that afghanistan will once again become a safe haven for terrorists. this is to be "outnumbered," i am emily compagno. here today, my cohost's harris faulkner and kayleigh mcenany, senior editor at up with the federalists," mollie hemingway and in the center see, steve hilton, host of "the next revolution." first, the report by "the wall street journal," the paper revealing a dozen diplomats sent confidential memo to the secretary of state on july 13th warning that the taliban was rapidly gaining ground and kabul was vulnerable to collapse, the latest in a series of recordings that the biden administration potentially ignored as american forces left and the insurgents swept through the country with ease.
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a former cia counterterrorism chief also advise the president's campaign, speech kabul will crumble within days with the depleted american presence. yesterday president biden claims he was never told such a rapid collapse was possible. to become number, as you know, the intelligence committee did not say back in june or july and that in fact fact this was going to collapse like it did, number one. >> they thought the taliban would take over but not this quickly. >> they wanted you to keep about 2500 troops. >> no, they didn't, it was split. that wasn't true. that wasn't true. >> emily: you have served in an administration and understand the inner workings of intel communications to the commander in chief so what are americans supposed to make of this behind-the-scenes disaster? >> kayleigh: that the biden administration was caught
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entirely flat-footed and the obvious question is why. there is a new report outcome a political magazine based on 33 different sources about the last five days leading up to the fall of afghanistan. it's really interesting reporting that says that wednesday morning there was buoyant mood in the white house, they had back-to-back legislative victories as the infrastructure bill passed the senate and report of the president joe biden, vice president harris were in the private oval office dining room, i sat there with president trump many times, it's a very casual atmosphere, they watched the vote tally coming in the senate and pumped their fists into the air in victory and prepared to go on vacation, the out of office reply started popping up in the white house and all of a sudden there was a wednesday evening secret meeting, that's how it's described, with the president, national security advisor where they were told that afghanistan was crumbling faster than expected.
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follow that up, there is a thursday morning 7:30 a.m. meeting in the situation room again where it was decided that u.s. troops would have to go in, the embassy evacuated and that's described in this piece as the "oh, bleep" moment. when you have 23 people in the u.s. embassy, we know they had that, why was our commander in chief the very last to find out that this could happen? it's a question that i think that needs to not just be asked but investigated. >> emily: steve, kayleigh asks an absolutely vital question on tops of months and months of plans submitted to this administration about the evacuation and preparation of the people in afghanistan, the united states and allies as well, what are we to make of either the ignoring of that or the incompetence in assessing it? >> steve: it's all of those things but worse than that, it is clear now from these leaks
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that we are getting, because of all the people in the administration in the state department and the military and defense department, intelligence agencies biotin has been growing under the bus the last week, they are sick of it and saying no, we did warn you. what we learn from this? that by then, the guy that was going to bring truth after trump's allies had lied and lied and lied again about this, when he made the announcement, he lied in july when he was pressed on the intelligence, he lied on monday in that speech, he lied on wednesday to george stephanopoulos and he's going to lie again within the hour because that's all he's got left and it's not just on this that he's lying, he's lying on everything that we were told about the biden administration, they said they're going to bring competence, we've got chaos in afghanistan, chaos of the border, they told us that america is back, what we got now? allies around the world feeling more betrayed by america than ever in history, they told us they would bring empathy.
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empathy, this guy when he was asked about the poor, desperate people falling to their deaths from an american plane, his first response is "it was four days ago," have you ever heard anything so cold and cruel and callous? the whole biden image puffed up by their media, all of it was a lie. this man is a despicable, contemptible human being and now we are seeing the truth about him. honestly, if there is any justice or accountability for the shame and humiliation he's brought on this country and on the presidency he should resign in disgrace right now. >> emily: harris, as steve put it, from promises of competence to chaos inside the administration and out. >> harris: not just promises of competence, i want everybody to just lean in a little bit on where steve hilton started there, and remind everyone how
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proud we are to call ourselves fellow americans, steve, you just became a u.s. citizen and hearing this from you especially with citizenship that is shared now i would assume by your home country, they feel betrayed in england in a way that isn't describable. okay? the french troops are on the ground right now looking for french citizens, our people are being told that they have to stay in that perimeter well taliban terrorists hold the perimeter because some genius decided it was a good idea to close off other avenues for americans to get out of hell and let's call afghanistan what it is right now. but it really starts to get ratcheted up when you hear what the congressman who served valiantly on the ground with so many of his comrades in afghanistan and looking back now on what could be a
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hostage-taking situation if we don't get every single american out and what he said was, they are also going to go to those places we abandoned and learn how to do stuff. what in the world are they going to find? we know we left stuff behind in other areas. we've got to go back in now and i've had generals tell me, steve, especially saying this to you that this will be a new engagement in terms of pushing the taliban back and it's going to take a lot of people on the ground to do that. you don't think were going to need the british and the french and other allies to do that? wow. what are we doing? and i don't mean us, i mean the white house. >> emily: harris mentioned, for example, bagram airbase, the decisions we were hearing were from an optic standpoint but the criticism for president biden is certainly coming from all sides as it sort of rare to find even one person that is defending right now is fumbling on the flat-footed and is that this
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administration -- >> mollie: president trump yesterday came out with a statement, when leaving afghanistan you should have out all the americans first, then we should've brought out all of our equipment, then we should have bombed our bases and finally bring back the military. he said doing the opposite just makes no sense of these leaks from intelligence agencies and defense department officials are interesting but i'm a little bit reluctant to put too much credence into them because i saw how leaks were manipulated in the previous administration. the reality is that the entire military and staged apartment complexes really did a bad job for decades with afghanistan and they lied to the american people about how well things were going in afghanistan. that's why the american public has been demanding a departure from afghanistan. but president biden is responsible for the completely
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incompetent manner in which he did that, this report from "the wall street journal" which is based on anonymous sources suggests that president biden was lying or that his national security team was also incompetent, we know general milley who spent all of his days lecturing congress on critical race theory is not doing his job on what he's actually supposed to be doing in there needs to be accountability, this is a global embarrassment, this is a huge problem and this did not need to happen. >> emily: over rolling humiliation, kayleigh. final thoughts? >> kayleigh: when you look at the reporting from "the wall street journal," 23 people in the u.s. embassy warning about a few things, number one, they say that the taliban will make rapid territorial gains. number two, describing what is happening, we are seeing translators murdered, women murdered, use tougher language and call it what it is.
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number three, they said, let's get the list of afghans who helped us a special immigrant visas in advance, this was communicated on july 13th and number four, they said let's start the evacuation plans on august 1st before we pull out the military, why were all of these common sense steps largely ignored? there must be a congressional investigation because we know the secretary of state read it, did he communicate it to president biden, did president biden ignore it? we have to get answers. >> emily: it's absolutely right and it was a confidential memo, not classified. as americans and afghans desperately try to flee the country in fear of their lives, literally clinging to the wings of evacuating planes, the biden administration planned to charge them $2,000 to board flights. that incredible story, next.
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[speaking non-english language] >> kayleigh: new video of the taliban firing on protesters in kabul showing no mercy to those who challenge its authorities, desperation growing on streets in afghanistan is the worst fears about a taliban reign of terror come true. a chilling intelligence report says the taliban are going door-to-door hunting down anyone who helped the united states. apparently even surrendering is not enough with the taliban reportedly executing those who give themselves up, meantime the future looking bleak for those living in constant beer, take a
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listen to this female afghan journalist. fico i have lots of dreams, i have lots of hopes but now i am in a bad situation, i am just trying to find a way. we had a better life but today, no one, please help the afghan people. every day, my mom is crying because of me. >> kayleigh: so i read a chilling account last night, mollie and while fox can't independently verify this, it's a tweet that talks about a veteran friend who passed along a story from a department of defense personnel about a translator, afghan translator who was hung for helping the united states, dismembered, his
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entire family killed and his department of defense tag melted into his body as his 10-year-old daughter was seized by the taliban. this happened to a man forcibly helping the united states and he was left behind. mollie? >> mollie: this is what is so about the manner of which we are doing this departure. we know we have tens of thousands of americans who remain in afghanistan and people who supported the american effort need to be evacuated from the region and that means different things, it means getting the americans home, getting the people who helped who were not american citizens for to a safe place where they can be vetted, and decide what to do about their situation, it is just unconscionable, you have the french and the british going door-to-door getting their people out of there, that is a first priority. failure to get the americans out of afghanistan an end orderly
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fashion is far, far worse than the worst thing president trump ever did. president trump faced two impeachments for things that pale in comparison to this, this is reprehensible in a historical and global scale, this is the basic thing that a country should be doing and we are not doing it and it's appalling and that's why americans are upset. they are not upset about leaving the nation-building effort in afghanistan, that was obviously a ridiculous idea. a lot of people are the fathers of that failure but right now we have an urgent need to get americans out safely, that is what needs to be done and of a flippant way that the biden administration is acting like we are going to do our best and see what we can do here is not just unacceptable, that's impeachable. >> kayleigh: it is and we have a sound bite from an interpreter, let's play that now. >> i am hiding in my friend's house, two or three times the taliban came and asked me, i am sure that if they capture me they will kill me.
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i have five children and they are now in risk of life. it means that if they see me they will capture my children and kill them as well. so this is very upsetting for me. i wish i didn't work with the united states. >> kayleigh: this, harris, as we have some new reporting new reporting. >> harris: yeah and so more on that point for one second to react to that because that was important, what we just heard they are, how long can you hide from the taliban when they own the entire country, that's going to be tough, plus they are going to have the recruitment strategies and abilities both on social media and now, the video of what this looks like, there will be people they will give safe passage to onto their land to fight whatever it takes to keep it. i want to say this, according to senior u.s. officials now, breaking news, the u.s. military no longer has permission from
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the white house to fly afghans directly to the united states despite preparations being made at three u.s. military bases. many of the afghans who have been flown out, about 6,000 so far in the past 24 hours are not sid holders but fall under refugee status. quatar allowed the u.s. to land there. now they are no longer allowing flights at the base in qatar. you just heard what mollie hemingway said, we are going to have to figure out a way to secure people on the ground, this news was making as breaking as he said that and there's more. that's a component, we can't bring them to qatar and we can't bring them to the three military bases. one more from lucas tomlinson, or correspondent less than day after the defense secretary
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hosted his counterpart from qatar at the pentagon. what was said in that conversation and how that is not being able to take afghans who helped us off the ground they are them someplace, not even here. not in qatar. they are overwhelmed. they can't take anymore. >> kayleigh: what a diplomatic failure, lloyd austin couldn't get the job done, biden couldn't get the job done and negotiate safe harbor to third-party country. all of this, we've seen this act before. >> emily: we actually shouldn't be surprised by this, frankly, at our abandonment of the afghans and our allies on the way it looks now, potentially americans. then-senator biden opposed evacuating vietnamese civilians, telling the senate foreign relations committee, "i will
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vote any amount for getting the americans out but i don't want it mixed in with getting the vietnamese out." a later, he said "i did not believe that united states has an obligation, moral or otherwise, to evacuate foreign nationals." and in early 1975 as he argued against aid to cambodia, the wilmington morning news says of what i may be the most immoral son of a gun in his room, i am getting sick and tired about hearing about our moral obligation, there's a point where you are incapable of meeting moral obligations that exist worldwide." it is heartbreaking if that is where we are now. >> kayleigh: i think about a translator that works with the united states for 20 years, his whole family killed, now he says he regrets working for the united states, who could possibly blame him for feeling that way? if you make it to the airport, by the way, let's say you are
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united states citizen and make it to the airport, we learned yesterday that you have to pay for your flight out, you didn't need to pay for anything at all except your ticket out of the terror hell that he created. i verified this yesterday on the u.s. embassy web site that the state department has reversed course after previously saying that for flights out of afghanistan you had to pay upwards of $2,000, flight costs, repatriation flights are not free and passengers will be required to sign a promissory loan agreement and may not be eligible to renew their u.s. passport until the loan is repaid end of the cost may be 2,000 or more per person. reversing course when we all figured this out. >> steve: it reminds me of the point that mollie made in the earlier discussion, although biden, as a president needs to be held accountable, it's also a massive failure right across the bureaucracy and the government
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department that supposedly are in charge, they are totally incompetent of what they're doing, totally clueless, not just on the flights, look at the things they are sending out come of the messages they are sending out to desperate people on the ground, we have the state department sending that email, get yourselves to the airport but the united states government can't guarantee or security, you're on your own. yesterday we saw these people who have been in the system for months already with their visa applications getting these rejection notices saying you still need to provide more paperwork. your application may take a few months to process. a few months? that's like a death sentence to these people and on top of that the inhumanity we are seeing, let's remember, presided over by these democrats who never thought virtue signaling about how carrying they are about human rights, they are presiding over humanitarian disasters in afghanistan come out of southern border, in our cities, it's just inexplicable how they can get away with this kind of stuff. >> kayleigh: but never forget,
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they care. right? we are to believe that they care, what a joke. we are waiting to hear from president biden on the crisis in afghanistan as a top of the hour. and vice president harris will join him as she faces heavy criticism for her deafening silence on the crisis and the plight of afghan women with a growing number of americans finding her not qualified to be president. i don't know. i think they look good, man. mm, smooth. uh, they are a little tight. like, too tight? might just need to break 'em in a little bit. you don't want 'em too loose. for those who were born to ride there's progressive. with 24/7 roadside assistance. -okay. think i'm gonna wear these home. -excellent choice. if you're 55 and up, t-mobile has plans built just for you.
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>> harris: back on "outnumbered" with the fox news alert, awaiting president biden and the vice president to appear and talk on the crisis in afghanistan at the top of the hour, vice president kamala harris set to join him as she is facing heavy criticism for her deafening silence other than a couple tweets on the crisis and the plight of afghan women who now fear for their lives under
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taliban rule. like this woman screaming and begging to get into the airport and out of afghanistan. i want to click get to do this, the "los angeles times" had a headline and this could open a door on our discussion about how these things have been covered, too, kamala harris has touted her role on afghanistan policy, now she owns this, too. steve? >> steve: the frightening dilemma for america right now is i think many women, the accountability and incompetence, it would be better if biden resigned or was kicked out, but then what do we do? we are left with her who is actually worse. the thing that's really clear about both of these people, i said this all along during the
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election campaign, they are as bad as each other, they are machine politicians who have no principles, they don't care about anything except their own political advancement, we've seen that through biden's career, he's embraced whatever pollutant do my position is politically convenient, same as kamala harris here in california, democrats will work with her all say the same thing about her, the only thing she cares about is herself so faced with a crisis these people just all the pieces because they have no bedrock of believe that they can fall back on, is a really frightening situation for the country. >> harris: kayleigh? >> kayleigh: is interesting, it took days but we finally heard from president biden on tuesday and that image that is just engraved in my mind is the one that went viral of him turning his back on the reporters and on the american people and walking away without taking questions, that headline is right, kamala harris needs to
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own this, she bragged about her role in making this decision so today instead of just president biden we will see vice president harris and my question, are we going to see two backs turned on the american people today or are they going to stand and face the reporters, take their questions and give the answers to the american people that they deserve? if they do not hear is what it will become of the two backs turned as kamala harris walks onto a plane, flies to vietnam, the fall of saigon happened there, a key reason lyndon johnson didn't seek reelection, this may be the end of the biden-harris administration if they do not stand up, take the questions and give us answers. >> harris: if it only stops there she may had to be trying to get plane somewhere else because senator cotton four years after saigon, i mean, i don't know what's worse, heading to the outskirts of a ram to
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stand outside that gate and see if she can shout over that wall, this situation seems to go south pretty quickly. you know, mollie, as i come to you, i want to pose this. i don't think anybody, for the reasons you laid out earlier, generals and others who served in afghanistan would say, no one was saying don't get out of afghanistan so when kamala harris owns it and her perspective, she is owning the already-common ground that even former president trump shared, it's time to leave. it's how you exit that counts, i don't hear biden, i don't hear kamala harris or anybody from their administration taking responsibility and ownership of that and make no doubt about it, they own it. >> mollie: when president biden gave his speech a few days ago he said the buck stops with him and was very much standing behind following true with the decision to exit the afghanistan war. that one is not up for debate, that is broadly popular across
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both political parties. the idea, everyone thought it was right to go into afghanistan in response to what they did in 9/11, the transition into a nation-building scheme and the distraction of the iraq war is when things started going poorly 18 years ago but that is very different from the initial thing that kamala harris wants to get accolades for her prominent role in the administration as the administration is completely crumbling across every policy area whether it's a crime or of or inflation, afghanistan withdrawal, she's nowhere to be found, she claims she cares about women's rights but that's only true so long as it costs are nothing to care about women's rights. right now in afghanistan we have women associated with the american effort at risk of being stoned or married off, she saying nothing about it. >> harris: you know, emily, moments ago i was talking about the comparison between where we are now and in 1979 and i
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suggested kamala harris go to iran for that photo op. i'm wrong about that, i think she needs to go to the southern border where the unfinished wall is because that's where we could see the next phase of this according to military analysts i've been talking to all week. i mean, part of stemming the crowd coming across our border and putting back in place that "keep them in mexico until asylum is established by a judge yesterday part of that, resurgence of the trump policy is because we don't know who is coming across the border but we know al qaeda and taliban are aligned. >> emily: i think there are a lot of places in this country in the world where our american presence is where the presence of a leader would be really profound and truly necessary but in this moment i don't see what insights, kamala harris is another career politician who says that her career has been based in part on championing women's rights but steve put it
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so well that her words ring hollow, i think she felt by virtue of her gender and occupying the position she's in, being a groundbreaker in that sense wasn't enough but we see and that her words are so hollow, she said gender equality makes democracy stronger and promised the world, if you don't have the freedom's fight for them and know we will fight alongside you, i don't see her fighting alongside anyone right now other than herself. as steve pointed out and remember in her first speech to the u.n. in march, she said the status of women is the status of and for democracy had her deafening silence, they came out fighting and so the world body will not abandon people of the war-torn country in afghanistan, our personnel will continue to deliver critical services. in stark contrast, shameful contrast to our vice president. >> harris: we don't even know how many americans are there, they need, they have critical
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needs, with our men and women from the military right now. it's only gotten bigger, we will get to this just ahead, though taliban return to power could also mean the return of global terrorist threats. the new warning from president biden's national security advisor about isis. refi is the lowest wdar in their history. two and quarter percent, just 2.48 apr. save thousands a year. helen knew exercise could help her diabetes... but she didn't know what was right for her. no. nope. no way.
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the risk and maximize a number of people on planes. before afghanistan is a collection of warring tribes, it is so difficult to govern, that is been true for every foreign entity that has come in and try to take control pay they have a lot of enemies and this is an opportunity for their enemies to exploit the situation which is why everyone is so upset with the horrifically incompetent manner in which the biden administration is extracting american citizens. good that they are on top of the sand looking for this but it also means that time is so much more of the essence. >> emily: steve, even back in june before the situation, top pentagon officials warned of the resurgence of al qaeda and terrorist groups within afghanistan and warned of a possible attack on u.s. homeland within two years. now, how does that play against
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this backdrop of the chaos there? >> exactly, he's going on about potential terror attacks there. what about potential terror attacks here, the chances it will increase as our result of what they've done. that's not me saying that, that was last weekend even before even the scenes of chaos at the kabul airport, we saw them put out a notice that as a direct result of what's going on in afghanistan, the terror threat in america has been raised to a new higher level. on top of that, former cia chief, former defense secretary in a really interview earlier this week saying there's no question as far as he's concerned that as a direct result of how they have handled this exit, that everyone basically supports but the way they've done it will lead, no question that you'll see the reconstitution and reemergence of terror threats because of what the biden regime has done. it is so reckless and if we see
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anything like that happen then it is very important that we hold them accountable and remember this disastrous week. >> emily: harris, in addition to the dread accompanying these horrible predictions that might come into play, also the criticism helping to fuel the fire is these american platforms, social media platforms that refuse to hold these groups accountable or shut themselves down. >> harris: you've seen some recognition of the chatter back and forth among people who might want to join the taliban on twitter and potentially other platforms is getting some recognition. so far twitter is not one of those platforms but, you know, taking a look at the situation reportedly but you've got to do more than that, you can't give taliban or its spokesperson or
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people who speak to jointed a platform at all. if anything i feel like we are in an episode of "batman" in the 1960s, use your powers for good. why don't they use their powers for good and help americans? the congressman told me today, his office, many lawmakers are getting emails, i'm standing right here, i'm right here next to this building. you don't think we're the only people that are able to see those messages, right? there's no encrypted anything. big tax could actually help. i don't know how they do it and they certainly don't have to explain it to me but how about working for america? how about working for the country was amazing, amazing presence has allowed you to become trillion? we where is that we are in it together zone. i don't know, the tech companies on their platform anything that
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looks like privatizing or recruitment for those who want to kill us. >> emily: on the physical side as you outlined a few moments ago it seems the biden administration would love to charge americans to evacuate and yet leave the southern border open and our whole country vulnerable as the physical spread of terrorism becomes so real to us there as well. >> kayleigh: what a tragedy, the united states is less secure today than it was seven days ago on friday before this takeover happened. on september 11th, 2001, osama bin laden, al qaeda was given safe harbor by the taliban and afghanistan to kill thousands and thousands of americans but for 20 years we changed that dynamic, two counter terrorism experts had a really great piece about the changes in that country now 20 years later, that the taliban has taken over. afghanistan is surrounded by six other countries, china, iran,
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nuclear pakistan, a strategically important crossroads in southwest asia and one in which for 20 years we had a different dynamic there, there was no taliban leadership, a small military presence, intelligence assets on the ground, we were able to stop counterterrorism threats which is what the entire mission was about. i don't believe in endless wars, i never have, i want our great troops and heroes to be at home by the way we exit matters, that we believe matters and we are less secure today because of the biden withdrawal. >> emily: 20 years of a nato mission of global alliance has now been absolutely eradicated in six days. just ahead as we wait to hear from president biden on the afghanistan crisis, new controversy surrounding his interview with abc news. what they edited out, next. ly p! with customized car insurance from liberty mutual!
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>> does the biden white house to have the will to get every last american on the ground out of afghanistan? we will find out. we will carry his remarks live top of the hour, general jack keane will join us just ahead of that on what this all means and what he wants to hear. we will have fox team coverage
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for you, martha maccallum, jennifer griffin, karl rove and more coming up as our coverage continues atop the hour. >> kayleigh: fox news alert, we await president biden to address the disastrous withdrawal from afghanistan that allowed the taliban to take over and left thousands of americans and afghans struggling to escape the country, the president is expected to speak in about 10 minutes after meeting with his national security team earlier today. his remarks come after he defended the decision to withdraw in an abc news interview this week but even that is getting backlash, abc appears to have edited out parts where biden spoke. you know, steve, look, this is a liberal outlet covering for a liberal president, we know that's the case, we saw some of those gaps live, one of such was him saying we don't have a military presence in syria, way, we have 900 troops there.
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can't imagine how their families feel knowing their commander in chief doesn't know that. why not just air the interview in full? >> steve: right from the start they've been covering for him, the whole election campaign as we saw was completely dishonest, he wasn't properly vetted and that's why we ended up with this completely unqualified president. unqualified on the political level, policy level and personal level as i was discussing earlier, the specific clip they should have shown but didn't reveals what we all can see in these other contexts, the senility of the person who supposed to be the commander in chief, forgetting which branch of the armed forces his own son was in, it's a completely inconceivable to me. i had this kind of information tells us that the capacity of the commander in chief is edited
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out by a news organization but it is what we've seen all along, they are basically part of the democratic party machine and that is no surprise. >> kayleigh: mollie, look, we've seen the liberal media be wrong about so much, and russia bounties under the trump administration, wrong about that, they had the hunter biden story but all of that aside, this moment in particular where there is such a disastrous withdrawal that everyone has admitted on all sides of the aisle, this moment in particular, it's so irresponsible of abc not to have shown the american people who is leading the country. >> mollie: it's amazing, one of the systematic advantages the democrats have over republicans is that our media, are by and large propaganda in support of them, we've seen that for years. we've seen it for many years but this is no exception from that. at a time like this when we are dealing with national security
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issues and the entire world is concerned about president biden, to selectively edit and not release the full video of what happened there is not journalistic and we shouldn't expect him to be journalist because they haven't been for very long time. it's true that the biden administration is also playing games here, they believe if they pretend like nothing is wrong and afghanistan the entire country will move on. they deeply underestimate how much concern people have. a lot of people served in the war there, a lot of people are friends and family who served in the war there and are appalled by what's going on in the biden administration thinks they can pretend that's not the top news of the day, they keep trying to talk about other issues, people need and deserve answers and i think the fact that biden is about to speak here suggest that they finally got that message. >> kayleigh: i can't help but think about the messaging we've
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seen, we had one briefing this week, the daily briefing goes away when the going gets tough. they refer to the state department who said we don't have a number either, in summation, what you expect we will hear from president biden about 4 minutes from now as he goes to that microphone? >> emily: frankly, my expectations are really low, i am not expecting him to come out in a position of clarity and leadership and strength, because we have nothing to believe that on, nothing but a lack of transparency about the avoidance, a gross underestimation of what the american people care about and complete incompetence and cover up. i understand that many interviews are edited for time purpose but a situation as crucial as this, for abc to have
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done that and that serious question about our president's competence and decision-making and leadership, that is the largest travesty as we are all waiting for some type of leadership. i'm not holding my breath that it begins now at 1:00 p.m. >> kayleigh: will the president of the united states with the vice president at his side to questions are once again turn their backs on the american people? >> harris: it's a very spare expectation to have because we've seen people walk away from microphones from questions being shouted, and what emily just pointed to is so true. we see the editing for different reasons but to editorial edit such that you take out the parts that actually inform people
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something about the person who is speaking and you know, trump wasn't the only president i've interviewed. when i sat down with clinton toward the beginning of my career and talked with directors about how we take that material and edit it and always chronologically laid out and edited for time, i want to know more detail about how abc got here so they can have clean hands but now we see the reality of being president and alongside a vice president speaking live because there won't be ahead of the editing. if they can't remember something or miss remember, whatever it is, they're going to have to answer for that on the spot so we are ready to pass the president of the united states speaks live to the natio for the first time alongside th vice president thanks for joining us on outnumbered very
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"america reports" is now. >> a fox news alert. moments away from president biden's remarks on afghanistan. it's the second time that he ha address the public since the fall of kabul, and as thousands of americans in allies remain trapped by the taliban. they stand in harm's way at thi hour in we are covering every angle of this for you. >> good day, everybody. any minute now the president will update the nation on the chaotic evacuation efforts in afghanistan. we will bring that to you live very in the meantime, the violence in afghanistan is escalating. >> taliban fighters breaking of the protests in shooting into a crowd as demonstrators waved an afghan flag. while thousands of people are still breathing ra
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