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tv   Watters World  FOX News  August 21, 2021 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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dan: thank you for your service, sir. brave men and women do the every day, they put that uniform on. that does it for us tonight on "unfiltered". we will see you back here next saturday night 10:00 p.m. ♪♪ marxism." i will see you next time on "life, liberty & levin." [♪♪♪] jesse: welcome to "watters' world," i'm jets *. jets -- i'm jesse watters. the hostage cry is. you can only hide for so long. biden hid when he was in the senate and during the campaign and during covid. first he killed vaccine confidence with the j & j pause. then he killed the border. now afghanistan.
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we saw it coming. the guy botched the iraq withdrawal and isis takeover. his administration stranded americans in benghazi. left them for dead. now biden stranded thousands of americans in a war zone. the tomorrow way out is at the airport which is surrounded by the enemy. an enemy committing atrocities on live tv for the world to see. >> is the taliban takeover of afghanistan inevitable? >> no, it is not. you have the afghan troops, 300,000 well-he equipped. as well he equipped as any in the world. there will be no circumstance where you will see people being
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lifted off the roof of an embassy of the united states from afghanistan. jesse: but the images looked exactly the same. mad scramble out of town. people clinging to wings. thousands of americans left in a war zone. billions of dollars of military equipment left behind for the terrorists to take. blackhawks, drones, humvees, the war chest all in the taliban hands. but joe said there were no mistakes. >> you don't think this could have been handled any better? no mistakes? >> no, we'll go back in hindsight and look. but to think there is a way out without chaos ensuing i don't
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know how that happens. >> it's an absolute mess. it's an absolute mess. we herd the president say this is not a failure. i think a lot of people outside that airport would like to know, if this isn't failure, what does failure look like exactly? jesse: joe biden created a kill zone at the airport. every person who wants to leave has to funnel through the same route. a route controlled by the enemy. americans are being blocked or shaken down. people are having to bribe terrorists just to get out. it's a hostage crisis. planes are half empty because of taliban roadblocks. friday 8 hours and no planes took off. the biden administration don't know how many americans are in the country. >> i don't know.
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jesse: 10,000? 15,000 stranded behind enemy lines? can we get them to the airport? >> we don't have the capability to collect that large numbers of people. jesse: joe biden said he planned for this. i would hate to see what winging it looks like. they said they couldn't guarantee safe travel to the airport. let's check in and see what's happening at the airport now. does the commander-in-chief have any idea how dangerous this is? >> there is a lot of pandemonium outside the airport. >> but nobody is being killed right now. god forgive me if i'm wrong about that. but nobody is being killed right now. jesse: wrong. more than 20 people have been killed coming to the airport. he gave a hard withdrawal date
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september 11. and he pulled out the military before he pulled out americans. a massive mistake. the taliban advance began. the next thing biden did could cost him his presidency. biden was briefed on the taliban advance. he was warned the afghan army was deserting. the "wall street journal" reports, the administration had been warned by its own officials on the grounds that the taliban's advance was imminent and afghanistan's military may be unable to stop it. an internal state department memo last month warned top agency officials of the collapse of kabul. rapid territorial gains of the taliban and collapse of the afghan security forces.
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the "new york times" quote intelligence warned of afghan military collapse. despite biden's assurances, classified assessments by american spy agencies over the summer painted an increasingly grim picture of the prospect of the taliban take over of afghanistan, and warned of the rap it collapse of the afghan military. earn as president biden and his advisers said that was unlikely to happen as quickly, according to all these people. so biden was briefed on the collapse of the afghan army and a quick taliban takeover and he did nothing about it. he went on tv and lied to us and said the afghan army could hold and a taliban takeover was unlikely. he pulled air support sawn
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watched the afghan army surrender. the question is this. did the commander-in-chief lie to the american people, strand thousands of americans behind enemy lines, and abandon billions of dollars of lethal military equipment just to get a political photo open -- poet oho op just to pull out on september 11. americans will have to decide, is this an impeachable offense? this was the man who was supposed to be an experienced washington guy. he knew how to pull the levers of purr. listen to his intel people. hug our alliances. and in one single weekend it's all shattered. who is going to trust joe now? joe is going to cut down on
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illegal begun fra trafficking in america? he just armed the taliban. let's take a look at the afghan army training. what a colossal waste of money. the last couple months we heard about the threat from maga grand mass, white supremacy. we missed the real threat. imagine having 20 years to plan for something and screwing it up this badly? the pentagon priorities are shot. iran continuing to nuke up, russia is moving on ukraine. when are we going to get that lab leak report? are they just going to bury that, too? the president just asked opec to increase oil production because of the high gas prices here.
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opec said no, joe. putin said, no, joe. during the abc interview biden couldn't remember where his late son served and thought we still had forces in syria. he thinks his afghan exit couldn't have gone any better. something is notoriety with this president. he didn't speak to a single nato ally while he was bungling the withdrawal. the president isn't feared or respected. the the democrats won't defend him. but the biden presidency is teetering on collapse. if u.s. soldiers take casualties defending the airport or if the taliban kills an american civilian, it's over for joe biden. this is a fluid situation with serious consequences for this
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administration and the homeland. and as always, "watters' world" will bring you the truth. joining me, host of "tucker carlson tonight" and author of the new book "the long slide." tucker carlson. i think we are watching the slow collapse of the biden presidency. he cannot function as a commander-in-chief. buff we are also witnesses i think of the collapse of the smart set. after 20 years, well-groomed politicians and diplomats. what have they given us besides humiliation, a hostage crisis and a bill for a trillion dollars. >> they are not good at their jobs. ultimately that's the crime. it's not just that their ideas are bad which they are and they are self-righteous buffoon.
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but these are the best we produce. find the smartest people in america and bring them up to these institutions and put them in charge of everything. it's what we used to call the meritocracy. if they were writers they would get the pulitzer prize. they have done everything that the system asked. they collect all these merit badges, and they are horrible. they have no idea what they are doing and the -- the results prove it. the system itself needs a revamp immediately. jesse: it might just be a lack of street smarts. the guy necessity installed fled in a helicopter with cash to another country. the army they trained took a few bribes and surrendered. now we are in a situation where
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we care more about bringing americans back than we care about afghan partners that helped us. clearly joe biden can't vet these people. >> did the president of afghanistan who ran away was a johns hopkins professor. his daughter is a visual arts professor. his son was working with pete buttigieg. if they mad just picked a random war lord it probably wouldn't have fallen. way better than the johns hopkins professor whose son advised pete buttigieg. jesse: he did what he was trained to do.
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he ran away for money. omar, if you ever raise questions about vetting these afghans that are going to pour into this country, who knows who they are. if you raise questions about them, that means you are insecure. listen to the squad leadership on that. >> then you have got these crazy people on the right doing you know what they always do with their fear-mongering and their hateful rhetoric. i know what some of these people are worried about. they are worried refugees like myself when they come to this country will outshine them. jesse: omar is outshining everybody and that's what we are upset about. >> most americans haven't married a sibling. notice the contempt she has more
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american-born americans. the people who built the country that rescues her from a revenue gee camp from kenya. we brought you here because we are nice. you left a country full of people who aren't nice. you don't like us for that. you are not grateful. you hate us for that. you are gleefully telling us you are going to replace us. where did you get these altitudes? you got -- these attitudes? you got them -- in college. jesse: you have a new book out, i shouldn't be promoting this. it will knock me further down the "new york times" best seller. i want to talk to you about a story you wrote about a while back. you weren't to africa with al
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sharpton. can you tell the "watters' world" audience what that trip was like? >> it was a peace for "esquire." i went with sharp ton to stop the liberian civil war one summer. had the best time ever. really enjoys sharpton's company have much. hard to imagine this have much. "esquire" would never print a story by me and i could never go anywhere with sharpton. but that was a time in america where people's policies weren't everything. not everything was ideological. that's what we lost. i realize that in reading these pieces, i couldn't write most of them now because people wouldn't talk to me now. politics divides us. it's a sad development. obviously politics aren't the
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most important thing. they never have been and i hope they never are. >> that's why you have alan dershowitz screaming in the bagel store. tucker carlson, "the long slide." check it out. check my book out while you are at it. buy both. >> definitely, especially yours. jesse: joe biden continues to lie to the american people. on friday he's either not telling the truth or he don't know what's going on. here is what he said about a dale we supposedly had with the taliban. >> we made an agreement with the taliban and they allowed them to go through. so we know of no circumstance
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where american citizens carrying american passports are trying to get through to the airport. but we'll do whatever needs to be done to make sure they get through. jesse: that's straight up not true. thousands of americans are stranded in afghanistan. we heard from some of them directly on fox. >> i got an email from the embassy saying get yourself to the airport so we can get you in. but when i got there, there were thousands of people on the streets and walking around. they just opened it but there are a lot of people and it's hard to get in. >> when i went to the airport what i saw was all the checkpoints. where are you going, are you going to the airport? no. where are you going. this country needs you guys. i'm trying to get my family out. jesse: joining me, victor davis hanson. there are half a dozen stranded
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americans in the "post." i had a gun pointed to my chest. i'm an american citizen. i can't get out. i am panicking. joe biden says he hasn't heard of any americans who can't get to the airport? are you serious? >> that's the most absurd press conference i heard. if people heard that in afghanistan and 10,000 of them started to go to the airport. a lot of them would be killed and he would be responsible for giving them false information. you pull your military out first and let your friend and families fend for themselves? it's absurd that you leave $50 billion of topnotch military equipment and you turn afghanistan into a weapons mart for the next 20 years.
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it's absurd that you tell people they can go to the airport with impunity when they will be harassed or shot if they take him up on that. jesse: some of those were terrible to with itness. the commander-in-chief clueless about the truth on the ground. he says he hasn't heard from any of our allies that things are going badly. meanwhile you read every single paper in europe and they are all calling it a catastrophe. all the leaders in great britain, germany, france. they are saying where is this guy? what the hell is going on. >> they are using superlatives. they are saying this is the worst setback in 50 years. the worse thing nato has ever suffered. they are fighting in the british parliament to is to blame for listening to biden.
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the fact that the joint chiefs have no idea how many americans are there is disgraceful. the media thought they were going to get out of their lap dog role. but the few questions they asked were damning in themselves. jesse: it's a pathetic job by the press. they didn't have the emotion and didn't get the questions right. i have had you on the show for a couple of years and i have never seen you this angry. i am usually cool, calm and collected. i'm pissed. i don't like the fact that the commander-in-chief stranded thousands of americans behind enemy lines and he won't own up to it. >> i'm very upset that the families of 2,500 dead were told that this was inevitable.
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that it had to happen and there was no other choice. that's not what they died for and sacrificed for. there was a way out to do it with dignity and honor. then he walked off in a huff like he usually does. it's pathetic. jesse: a dishonorable disgrace is what we are watching. victor davis hanson we always appreciate your insight. kamala harris in hiding after joe biden afghan bungle. what is the vp plotting? but next "watters' world" crime watch. [♪♪♪]
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i've had someone tell me that they were concerned about getting the covid vaccine because of the syphilis study. they didn't even know my grandfather was a part of the study.
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[swords clashing] - had enough? - no... arthritis. here. new aspercreme arthritis. full prescription-strength? reduces inflammation? thank the gods. don't thank them too soon. kick pain in the aspercreme.
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and there you have it- don't thanwoah.m too soon. wireless on the most reliable network nationwide. wow. -big deal! ...we get unlimited for just 30 bucks. sweet, i get that too and mine has 5g included. that's cool, but ours save us serious clam-aroonies. relax people, my wireless is crushing it. that's because you all have xfinity mobile with your internet. it's wireless so good, it keeps one upping itself. jesse: dangerous and violent crime surging across the country. body cam footage in chicago showing a shootout during the day in a residential
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neighborhood. [gunshots] >> he's moving, he's moving. jesse: that wild video shows the dane ever the police face. he was shot and killed after opening fire on officers. he was wanted for dozen of counts of aggravated sexual assaults and he cuts off his monitoring bracelet. joining us, nick gerace. this is a nasty guy.
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he would probably rather die than go back to prison for the rest of his life. >> if he played it full in economy with lori lightfoot he would bely would have been out. but these cops did an excellent job. i have been in a shooting before. you kind of get tunnel vision. everything show -- everything slows down. if you are not mentally prepared, it can get out much hand. these cops have done an excellent job. these guys did exactly what you need to do. more of the story. >> brill -- brilliant tactically.
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they have to be aware of strays. that could have been a lot worse. another situation in the bronx. another shootout in broad daylight. watch this. >> stay right here. stands right there. >> i didn't do nothing. [gunshots] >> shots fired! jesse: it's compliance. just comply. now you have a shootout, you have a foot pursuit. anything can happen. >> if you watch the video when he's in the store, he's cool, calm, like he's in there paying his telephone bill.
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we created a society of sociopaths. it's scary and dangerous times. these cops are tactically the opposite of what we saw in chicago. bad decisions they made. the outcome doesn't independent well. there is crossfire and civilians in the way. you defund the police. the doxxing that goes on with police officers even when they are justifiable with shootings. cops are afraid to use the tools they have, pull their guns out on suspects. we are starting to see a trickle down effect. police departments would rather teach critical race theory. i head your book "how i saved the world." i should write a book "how i
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saved law and order." jesse: nick, i have got to run. love the shirt. gotta go. thank you so much. we may have found the most insane teacher in the entire country. >> most of y'all parents are dumber than you. i will say that out loud.
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i'm jon scott. we now take you back to "watters' world." jesse: joining us with his take on afghanistan, "fox and friends weekend" co-host will cain. joe biden was against the bin laden raid. now you have a total catastrophe over there. >> this is the price the american people pay. when you cast a vote that is simply anti-someone else. joe biden wasn't vetted. no one voted for joe biden. it was a vote against donald trump. you end up with an empty suit. and incapable of handing a cry us you yourself create.
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but it's more dangerous than carnival music would imply. we have planes flying over kabul. we have americans stranded. you have beheading. but the biden administration didn't imagine any of that. this is what you get when you vote against someone instead of for someone. jesse: probably the craziest teacher we have ever seen on fox news. she is a chemistry teacher at the alpine school district. she is blasting students and their parents. >> we'll just getting variants over and over until people get vaccinated. i hate donald trump. i am going to say it. i don't care what y'all think.
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turn off the fox news. this is my classroom. if you are going to put me at risk you are going to hear about it. because i have to be here. most of y'all parents are dumber than you. i'm going to say it out loud. my parents are freaking dumb. okay? i could go off on your parents if you want me to. but i'm not going to. if you don't believe in climate change get the hell out. jesse: she is not still teaching there but i will bet she is still collecting her paychecks. >> she got it all out. >> my favorite part was students going, this is a chemistry
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class. the serious part is this woman is unhinged and unwell. she believes variants are floating around like ghosts in the room. jesse: do you think she is mentally ill? >> i do. jesse: i think she is mentally off. jesse: i think she need to be medicated. >> but she is pitting students against her students. you are not smarter than your parents yet. jesse: she is not smarter than anybody. i know she is a chemistry teacher. will cain, the only reason she got busted is because a kid had a camera. cameras in the classroom. zoom classrooms. i'm doing jesse watters hand signals. this is one benefit -- the only
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benefit to the covid era. we now get to see what our kids are being taught. jesse: where has kamala harris been hiding during biden's afghan disaster? we'll tell you what she is up to next.
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jesse: in the spring kamala harris bragged about being the last person in the room when joe biden made his afghanistan exit call. he just made a big decision, afghanistan. were you the last person in the room? >> yes. >> you feel comfortable? >> i do. he is someone i have seen over and over again make decisions based on what he truly believes
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based on his years of doing this work and studying these issues. what he truly believes is the right thing to do. jesse: the last person in the room and the last one in hiding. according to reports she was asked to address the american people and refused. she said they will not pin this blank on me. it's a real loyalty test for the vp. her duck and hide so she remains in play for her own run. in a twist of irony kamala harris is set to travel to vietnam, halfway across the world, the scene of our last stinging withdrawal. joining us, congressman darrell issa. i'm hearing kamala is plotting something. >> she is always plotting
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something. but what seems to be happening is president biden has the same confidence in his vice president has barack obama had in his vice president. obviously she has been less than loyal. she wanted to be there when it looked good. but ducked out when it was bad. she ducked out when they are trying to fix something they don't know how to fix. when president trump left office there were 7,500 marines and the country was stable. now there are 2,500 while they are trying to do an evacuation. they keep making mistakes. the latest of which the reprintable visa blanks causing confusion with tens of thousands of people showing up with no right to show up. jesse: she has been silent on
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the after began female situation. she is in charge of root causes, congressman. i guess the root cause for this situation is sitting in the oval office. it is interesting how she is getting out of town. she is going to vietnam. >> she is getting out of town at just the right time. you hit on an important point. the tragedy to women, to half of the population of afghanistan, they are not on the evacuation list in any priority. they will be there. those children are going to be force married off. those young girls will no longer get an education and society will turn to the 600 a.d. where it was when we came in. jesse: i am hearing she is going to leak that she advised that they had to pivot and no one
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listened to her because obviously sexism. it will be a mess and you will have to clean it up, congressman. >> we'll be cleaning it up for a long time not just in afghanistan, bust reverberations around the world will cause trauma in the china area with taiwan. israel with hezbollah. the list is long of what we are going to deal with as a result of this failure. >> thank you for joining "watters' world." up next, triple play. britney spears and a hungry alligator. carley is on deck. [♪♪♪]
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and there you have it- woah. wireless on the most reliable network nationwide. wow. -big deal! ...we get unlimited for just 30 bucks. sweet, i get that too and mine has 5g included. that's cool, but ours save us serious clam-aroonies. relax people, my wireless is crushing it. that's because you all have xfinity mobile with your internet. it's wireless so good, it keeps one upping itself. jesse: time for triple play. first, my biggest fear. >> we have got a problem here. we got a problem!
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jesse: that was a utah animal trainer pulled into a tank by a 250-pound gator. one of the brave party-goers risked his own life to save the day. joining me now, carley shimkus. everyone says toxic masculinity. look at that toxic masculinity died of in and saved that woman.
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>> how do you put into wards what happened in that video. the woman almost had her arm ripped off. the guy's name is donny weissmann who jumped on the alligator. or the next that this played out at a kid's birthday party. imagine being the dad who hosted that party for their son. and the conversation you would have to have with your son. they are getting good and bad. >> i couldn't believe the woman got trashed around in a circle like that. >> she said she knew the alligator was going to do that.
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let's go to britney. i have been trying to save britney. but britney is having a hard time saving herself. she is naked again. the headline on this one is britney spears is under investigation for striking one of her staff members. but i feel like it's blown out of proportion. apparently what happened, her dog walker accused her of neglecting her dog and took her dogs away from her. the housekeeper gets involved. and the striking incident was britney spears striking the phone out of the housekeeper's hand. jesse: that's nothing. >> the police said this is as minor incident. jesse: britney, put your clothes back on.
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>> are you still on the free britney train? >> i am but she is always naked. just don't hop in with a gator, britney. up next, last call.
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jesse: thank you so much to everybody who bought "how i saved thed world." we sold over 100,000 copies in the past six weeks. i'm on tour. catch me in long island, new jersey on august 31. i will sign the book, take a picture. i might even let you touch me. that's all for tonight. be sure to follow me on
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facebook, instagram and twitter. remember i'm watters and this is my world. with [♪♪♪]judge jeanine: hello and we to "justice." there is breaking news tonight as many americans and our afghan allies remain in danger overseas as the terrorist organization and brutal anti-american regime is once again in control of afghanistan. which brings me to my open. mark this day as the day the united states of america officially fell from grace as the world's super power due


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