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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  August 31, 2021 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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>> my lifetime in american president with lead fellow americans behind enemy terroris laura: i am okay but we will pick up where you left off, there is a lot to cover. this is the ingraham angle, the biden administration's mix of incompetence and outright arrogance is laid bare. we will document all of that beginning with building back weaker, that is the focus of tonight's angle. of all the heart wrenching photos i've seen the last few weeks this one hit me right in
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the gut, troops paying tribute to their brothers and sisters who died last thursday knowing it could have been one of them and the somber seen at dover during the dignified transfer, when it is in carried out thousands of times in the last 20 years of combat in afghanistan and iraq, parents, wives, husbands, children lining up, for many the grief was too much to bear. each life lost of the 13 at all of the others, all of them, every single one matters. they were all tethered together in a strong patriotic spirit of sacrifice. many came from families with long histories of military service. today i had the privilege of speaking on the phone with a mom whose son died last week. every one of these young people
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were exceptional human beings she said, every single one. please let the people know that. but now the sadness for many of these families is mixed with rage. >> an iq of 156, could have done anything he wanted to do in the military and he chose to be a marine sniper but i never thought in 1 million years he would die for nothing because of feckless dementia written piece of crap decided he wanted a photo op on september 11th. you did this to my son to prop up a disgusting human being. laura: there's a lot to be angry about, the deadly idiotic handling of our afghanistan withdrawal will be a permanent stain on america's foreign-policy and our military leadership.
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when the predictable chaos started to unfold at the airport the biden team was on summer break. we learned the secretary of state was in the hamptons, biden was with jill and no cabinet officials at camp david, the press secretary had a vacation otto reply set up on white house email, none of them thought something important might be happening in afghanistan when they were having fun. it is disgraceful. this isn't the junior varsity team. this is a team of people who couldn't make j the. the kids cut from the jv squad are in charge of military planning as well. most americans are not family with general mckenzie in charge of central command. is one of the most powerful military figures in america today. >> after 20 years of war you served there, you've now watched the last troops leave, how did
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it feel leaving afghanistan to the group you overthrew 20 years ago. >> very conflicted but i was focused on the task at hand. i will have data had to think about that. i'm sure i will do that in the future but right now i'm consumed with the operational task at hand. i will think about that. laura: seems like he was smiling but that is all he has to say? he had years to think about this. imagine this guy leading your son or daughter into battle and the generals on tv are just as useless. >> it has been a difficult 20 years. i the basement of the pentagon when this war started watching our allies and us forces fight this conflict over the last 20 years has brought a lot of
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thought and emotion. laura: what does that mean? the hard reality is we lost, the military was given mission to accomplish, it was given a series of missions and under this military leadership of the last 20 years it failed to carry them out. the taliban won the war and we are retreating in disgrace. that is what happened even though none of our made-for-tv generals want to say so. of course we all love our troops, no one blames them, the best, the bravest soldiers can't be expected to succeed with week and ineffective military leaders. abraham lincoln had to fire a series of generals until he found a team that would lead the army of the potomac to victory. we never found the general who could win in afghanistan. the taliban won and we have to live with those facts which i do not regret but pull out. others do. it has long been clear the
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pentagon is incapable of advancing us interests in the middle east. we give generals every chance, the american people has spent $6.5 trillion on the war on terror with little to show for it. american soldiers, reservists and special ops all were asked to do three, four, five tours of duty. there was enormous sacrifice and suffering with huge financial cost to the american taxpayer and in the end the taliban is left in charge controlling more territory and now with bragging rights, celebratory gunfire, laughing on camera, they defeated what used to be regarded as the most powerful military in the world. americans deserve an accounting of the mistakes that were made from bush to biden. trump was the only president who wanted to end the war in a manner that couldn't be an embarrassing disaster but never
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had a secretary of defense who agree with him or respected him. the problems were widespread with the military often closing ranks to cover them up. many of the moral and ethical lapses of military leadership were blatant. they felt invulnerable. a lot of ceos do as well. no one should be surprised. there's been precious little accountability for their failures. i was asked to be accountable on anything else. they rely on our love and admiration of the enlisted men and women in their bravery to insulate them at the top from answering for years of mismanagement, misrepresentation and failure. conservatives say we should increase the budget of department like education or ahead without tangible results and metrics being met. why shouldn't the pentagon be held to the same standard. we have to demand better.
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our military isn't the peace corps or refugee transportation service. we love these photos cradling babies, handing out water bottles, wonderful humanitarian work and we applaud it but in essence it is not the purpose of the us military. we need generals who can win wars and we should never tolerate the failure we've seen the past two decades. we can't allow the biden team to use the collapse of afghanistan as an excuse to circumvent immigration laws. the american taxpayers deserve to know why the lives of certain afghans were prioritized over the lives of americans still in country. the biden administration has proven itself completely untrustworthy and incompetent. and now we have no reason to believe they will handle the
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relocation of afghans any better. americans are very compassionate, very generous but americans also have the right to insist that our laws be followed. we should be told where the refugees will be placed, by what legal authority they are here and how their expenses will be covered. of course the biden people don't want accountability for their failures. they say now's not the time to point fingers. they are wrong. this is precisely when we should be demanding answers. we've waited too long, wasted too much money, while lost too many lives, our patience is at a end. that is the angle. joining me is arkansas senator john bolton who served in afghanistan. what can you do to demand accountability on behalf of the vast majority of americans who are disgusted by the past few weeks.
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>> i share your sentiment my patience is tapped here, the last two weeks my office like so many congressional offices was focused on trying to get american citizens out of afghanistan. president biden broke that promise, promised the taliban the 31, stay together not, kept his promise to the talent, broke his promise to america, not all troops are out of afghanistan it is time to demand answers, told accountable all those officials who created the terrible conditions we have seen in afghanistan the last several weeks, so these things are simple questions to which there are knowable answers, what did the military recommended president biden about bagram airbase, who decided close bagrammer base, what were the arbitrator troop numbers capped that led to the closing of bagram airbase, there's a lot of very simple but critical questions to be asked and the answers are knowable, sitting on a piece of paper at the pentagon, the white house, time for congress to demand those answers in the weeks ahead in time to say to ensure we are conducting rigorous oversight of the resettlement of refugees, we
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want to protect and welcome afghans who served alongside american service numbers, we heard from so many servicemembers and veterans who vouched personally for their interpreter but we evacuated 125,000 afghans at last count, many had very little if any connection to our servicemembers over the last 20 years. i'm glad they are out of the taliban's groups but they have to qualify under american law before the we admit them to the country, they cannot be admitted into this country, the trump administration, refugees in jordan, the afghan refugees in places like qatar, turkey or albania or other countries, i'm glad they are out of the taliban's group but it is not our responsibility to welcome every single one to the country if they do not contribute directly to the military forces the last 20 years.
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laura: we care about afghans who are at risk who need to be out of the country, that's millions of people, not 120,000 people, we are talking several hundred thousand or millions of people. everyone feel terrible for everyone suffering around the globe but there are a lot, congress has responsibility to make sure refugee caps are lifted and anyone can come here and live here if they are afghan he and don't want to live your, it has to be passed by congress, live with it in the next campaign and biden has to sign it into law. do you agree? >> part of our oversight will look backwards at the failures that created the conditions in afghanistan but an important part of our oversight is what you suggest, ensuring that the biden administration is following the law. the afghan to serve the alongside american troops, so many we heard from in the last
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two weeks and welcome to our country but more than 125,000 afghans were evacuated from afghanistan in places that may not have america's standard of living but are safe from the taliban, we have to bring them to america. >> one of them is reporting on one afghan convicted of rape and deported and then made it back to america on one of the evacuation flights. i don't trust these people to fit people properly or handle this properly. have to be rigorous oversight. one comment from general mackenzie that stuck out today. watch. >> i will tell you the taliban have been very pragmatic and very businesslike as we've approached this withdrawal. they were very helpful and useful for us as we close operations, they established a firm perimeter outside the airfield to prevent people from coming on the airfield during our departure.
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>> 13 american dead and the centcom commander praising the taliban and. a response. >> of the taliban was such a good security partner that was carefully letting everyone who got close to our trip severe but i don't understand how a suicide bomber got through the other perimeter to our inner perimeter. these are the questions congress is going to be probing in the days ahead to figure out how we got into the situation where we had to cooperate with a barbarian group of outlaws in afghanistan to get american citizens out of the country. and now we are acting as if there's something we can be proud of or celebrate, that we cooperated with the taliban, we never should have gotten into this position in the beginning, it goes back to president biden's execution of the decision to withdraw troops from afghanistan. >> biden and his team's ineptitude has afghan war veterans sounding the alarm, that includes my next guest to read recently in the new york
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times when the president spoke thursday night after the attack, he nodded at sacrifice but what matters is to understand the value of service, if you do you don't send troops to die in a poorly planned and executed mission failing to understand the value of service results in incompetence, joining his retired marine elite acumen who served five tours in iraq and afghanistan, received the bronze and silver stars. your reaction to what we heard today from general mackenzie, understanding what happened last thursday to 13 of our bravest young men and women, your reaction. >> individuals who wear the uniform as well as us as citizens have the right to expect a certain amount of
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competence in the execution of these decisions and losing last two weeks has been nothing less then incompetence. people have trotted out for a long time is this going to be saigon or not saigon, this is been worse than saigon, just look at a map. at least vietnam had hundreds of miles of coastland. afghanistan is a landlocked country so why would you begin shutting down all the airports like but bagram and the bus with only a single point of egress in couple. this has been mismanaged from the very beginning and as senator con mentioned fall and to veterans, journalists, activists to try to get afghans out in an ad hoc manner and with regards to the taliban if they are so organized and pragmatic, we just saw the taliban flying a blackhawk helicopter above kandahar with the dead body hanging from it, these are pragmatic partners, the whole thing is absurd and the most shameful thing i've seen in my adult life.
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>> were you at the airport yourself as you help these evacuations that were underway. >> no. i have been doing this on the side along with others of folks with a deep connection to afghanistan coordinating on line, if you look i have notes from hundreds of afghans, many people i don't even know thanking for help, like watching thousands of people thrown into a black hole all at once. >> a former marine combat soldier, former marine was over there and he was working morning, noon and night going it is so much worse, what is happening on the ground, so much
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worse than is being shown on television, he said he didn't have words for it. something bad is going to happen and two days later that is what happened to our troops. final thoughts. what is next? >> what is next to america is less safe based off of particularly the execution of this evacuation. our credibility with our allies and partners outside of afghanistan needs to be rebuilt and this country needs to do some real reckoning of how we got into this position where we are negotiating from a position of weakness with the taliban and. these people are thugs and barbarians and we need to remember who we are, we are the united states of america. laura: do you agree there needs to be a reckoning and reform that follows. maybe we need more civilian leadership at the top of the pentagon.
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maybe we need a new approach because 20 years of war fighting with the greatest army and greatest troops around and all this technology and we weren't able to win. >> to ask ourselves what is what is winning, the united states as a very specific role in the world and if we walk away from afghanistan, we saw the story before coming in 2011 all the troops came home from iraq and they want up right back there in 2014 because of foolish policy, we need to go up, there are people in this world who want to do us harm, we need to accept that and ultimately the nypd didn't talk about winning the war against crime. it takes continued vigilance and it requires the same thing internationally. jillian: politically we have to make sure people are with us in every conflict. your piece in the new york times
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was stunning and congratulations on your success, thank you for joining us. biden approved drone strike killed a family of 10 including 7 kids, the administration won't give us details. and admission from the capitol police officer who killed ashley babbitt. he's here to tell us what it is. do you have a life insurance policy you no longer need? now you can sell your policy, even a
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gynt >> significant secondary explosions from the targeted vehicle indicated the presence of a substantial amount of explosive material. we are aware of reports of civilian casualties and we take these reports very seriously and we are continuing to assess the situation. >> we take efforts, steps from the united states to avoid civilian casualties in every scenario more than any country in the world. i can't confirm the number of civilian casualties in this case. laura: new york times reports 10 civilians including 7 children were killed by a drone strike in couple. the pentagon assures us they
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neutralized isis k terrorists who they can't identify. what is going on here? independent journalist glenn greenwald, no one in the media seems concerned about another intelligence failure. why is that? >> right from the beginning there was a huge question for me which was a month ago president biden assured everybody there was little chance the taliban would overrun afghan national security forces and take over the country but that is what happened five weeks after he gave that assurance which the just they knew little what was happening in the country we had occupied for 20 years and suddenly we are told they were able with pinpoint precision twice in a row to identify the location of two different isis k
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planners or plotters or commanders which seems inconsistent, they have no idea what is going on in this country, they wouldn't give us the names of who these people were and there were no civilian casualties and unlike in the trump years when media outlets love to say trump says this without evidence, trump falsely claims, i discussed this is a evaporated overnight and repeated the fact that we got our target, there were no civilian casualties, there was never evidence for it and no question at all. laura: the pentagon will not release the identities of these terrorists and doesn't look like we will learn more than we have. >> probably a time we can talk about the names, that's not the time right now. we are still dealing with ongoing threats and we believe the prudent thing with respect to the release of information, giving you as much as we can in
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as close to real time as we can but we are not going to be up to give you everything. laura: they say now is not the time to demand accountability, now's the time to ask questions, now is not the time to give any identities but the fact is it is never a good time. >> one of the major national security events in the last decade, people have different opinions whether we should have left the shouldn't, how we should have done it but we have the right to know what is going on, what happened in afghanistan and the media made a flamboyant showing of the importance of transparency, the washington post adopted amato -- a motto that democracy dies in darkness. don kirby, the pentagon spokesman telling you you have to believe them when they tell you they killed important people involved in these attacks but
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you can't even know who these people are. why not? why can't we know that? we are asked to accept their word on blind faith and you go and kill an entire family, wipe them off the face of the planet is evident that anybody questions we have the right to do a retaliatory strike after that attack in kabul, of course but every time that happens it generates so much anti-american hatred and anti-american sentiment around the world, we need to know at the very least whether it was a legitimate strike or something done for biden to get rid of the bad news cycle and prevent people saying he is weak and the lack of interest by the media is amazing and that. jillian: a lot of kids are dead and we should know if a drone strike actually killed them.
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basic question. we turn to another tragic killing, shooting of air force that ashley babbitt by capitol police officer whose identity has been revealed, michael bird who got the all-star treatment on nbc news. during the interview he said something the cost our attention. >> later i found out the subject did not have a weapon but there was no way to know that at the time. that could not fully see her hands or what would have been a backpack or the intentions. they had shown up to that point violence. >> the media told us his actions were exonerated by the fbi and capitol police, how can that be? with what he just said? raising red flags, with me now is jonathan turley, george washington university law professor and fox news contributor. i know you watched this closely. your reaction to his statement and doesn't blow up the whole he was exonerated narrative?
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>> it was an astonishing interview with i wrote about it in the hell because he basically went through the list of what you are not allowed to do as the basis for lethal force. he said i didn't see a weapon, didn't know her intent, didn't know what was on her back. i shot her. obviously all of us can sympathize in being a close room in the middle of a riot. babbitt was engaged in, conduct. she was illegally trespassing, disobeying police orders, there was a great deal of damage and she was going through a window at the time so all of that is criminal conduct but you can't just shoot criminal trespassers, you can't shoot people damaging government property, you have to show an imminent threat to yourself or others and here you have an officer who says i really couldn't see her hands, didn't know she was on or not.
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according to that interpretation he could have shot the next 20 people through the window. could have shot hundreds of people that they only held but only one officer did so, lieutenant bird. all the other officers including officers who were attacked or injured refrained from using lethal force and i say that with a great deal of respect because we demand of officers a level of restraint encourage most of us couldn't muster. a really difficult job but what he described in the interview falls way outside the parameters of use of lethal force. >> years more from the nbc interview. >> in that case does it matter the person was on the not? >> according to law it does not. based on my training and my policy what i did was appropriate. laura: all fine according to his training.
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>> don't know where that comes from. i heard from officers around the country who couldn't believe the interview because it is true that you can use an authorized level of lethal force for someone who's unarmed, if you believe they are unarmed and it is reasonable we had cases where officers bought someone was armed, they throw weapon away seconds before we have a case like that in chicago. he was describing something very different, he didn't have any idea whether she was armed, had no idea what her intent was. she was coming through a window against police orders and under that argument you could have shot hundreds of people in seattle, portland, they were police stations that were taken over. people went through those doors. under this standard every one of the protesters in portland or seattle that went into those government buildings could have been shot.
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laura: imminent bodily harm, coming through a window, you are shooting blind when you can't see if there's a weapon. your piece was so important, thank you. coming up if you thought biden's afghanistan responses been a disaster wait until you see how he is handling the hurricane so far, ida, seen and unseen with raymond next.
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i've had someone tell me that they were concerned about getting the covid vaccine because of the syphilis study. they didn't even know my grandfather was a part of the study. >> it's time for a seen and unseen segment where >> time for seen and unseen, we expose the cultural stores of than joining us for hurricane ida edition is fox news contributor raymond arroyo who joins us from florida. the president is staging pressures to ensure everyone he has the situation in hand. >> the hard work of the team
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gathered behind me. >> it was 20,000 employees. with 20,000 protect the handful behind him but this presser ended in classic biden style. >> i'm not supposed to take any questions would go ahead. >> on afghanistan -- >> not going to answer on afghanistan. [applause] >> no group of americans know -- how dangerous it is more than you guys. >> who is telling the president there are questions he's not supposed to answer. why is the presence of the united states being controlled this way, he should tell us the
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facts, he said he would shoot from the shoulder, give us the truth, we don't know what to believe. laura: he was making lessons during the press conference call with governors and mayors were all affected by the hurricane. >> you have a lot to managing your states but the fact is we know hurricane ida has the potential to cause massive damage and that is exactly what we saw and i am here with my senior advisor and who knows louisiana very well in new orleans. >> my boy who knows louisiana. this is a former congressman, african-american congressman from louisiana, wise the
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president calling him boy and why is no one concerned about this to say nothing of the syntax, i said display the time when people are hurting, this does not engender confidence. jillian: my favorite is the mask hanging from his ear because that is always a sign of someone fully in control. >> he seems completely unable even to read his own 25 point font script. >> cedric -- you are we going to next -- is cantrell on, are you on? i don't think she was able to get connected. >> i don't think so, mister president. >> they can't get the resume call, the reason cantrell wasn't on the line is we in new orleans are not going to have electricity restored for at
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least 3 weeks and we had electric failures throughout the hurricane when the pumps didn't work. the american taxpayer paid $14 billion to increase and upgrade our levies and pumping system, they still didn't really work, the most galling thing, all day i've been watching all the networks, they are focused on afghans and bringing them to the united states. we can evacuate couple but can't evacuate our own people from the path of a natural disaster. they worried about afghans at risk. i'm worried about americans in new orleans tonight and it seems no one is worried about them now that the storm has moved northward. they are hurting and dying. >> don't worry because latoya cantrell has it covered. thank you for everything and we will pray for the people of new orleans. a bombshell study confirms what the show has been tell you for months was recovering from covid
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could give you better protection than a vaccine. the incredible new research next. energy is everywhere... even in a little seedling. which, when turned into fuel, can help power a plane. at chevron's el segundo refinery, we're looking to turn plant-based oil into renewable gasoline, jet and diesel fuels. our planet offers countless sources of energy. but it's only human to find the ones that could power a better future.
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laura: a groundbreaking study from his finds those with natural immunity with 18 times
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less likely to contract the delta variant than those given two jabs of the pfizer vaccine, presser president at stanford university and the professor of epidemiology at the yale school of public health. this flies in the face of the political and scientific establishment who are pushing vaccine passports. why do they ignore natural immunity. >> it does not make sense. we've known for a very long time, at least in the middle of last year that natural immunity was quite effective because we saw so few documented reinspections. as the public health community denies the efficacy of natural immunity undermines confidence in them. vaccine passports make no sense. might be safer to be in a room filled with an vaccinated code recovered patients than in a room filled with vaccinated patients.
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an amazing study but even more amazing is the continuing denial of natural immunity by public health community. >> scott gottlieb is on the border pfizer is quick to dismiss natural immunity. >> i'd be careful about concluding natural immunity is more robust than the immunity conferred by the vaccine based on that one study. the question of whether one is better the in the other from a political standpoint isn't that material. the balance of the evidence, the spike protein the vaccine is stabilized so it makes a better target from the immune system the natural infection when the virus tries to hide it from our bodies. >> that one study is no longer the only study. a study from kandahar came out a couple days later that showed exactly the same thing, 800, 900 people showing vaccine immunity wanes over three to six months.
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you can't substitute actual data for theories, doctor gottlieb has a series but the data show otherwise. out about the booster shot now and apparently this is going to become the norm. watch. >> it is conceivable when all is said and done the standard regimen will be a three dose shot for the mrna attitude does shot for j and j. laura: does the antibody respond not ultimately wear off after three or does it become permanent? >> we have no data on the efficacy of is. the vaccines will protect you even if the antibodies decline. if you are elderly and have not
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had covid the vaccine will protect you against severe disease and death. that is a good thing. there is no data on boosters. i have no idea what doctor fauci is talking about. no clinical data demonstrates the booster. >> israel's version of the vaccine passport is already hitting and expiration date because starting october 1st the green pass will excite six months after the second or third dose many of those without a booster will no longer be eligible. one 6 months pass after the second dose. where does it end? >> the vaccine passport is a useless idea and in israel they've seen 15 cases of people who had boosters and gotten covid after the third shot. it doesn't end, it keeps percolating around with making
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policies over something that just doesn't work. laura: are we at the point where we have to get used to living with covid, a vulnerable getting vaccinated, the younger people are almost fine with covid unless they have an underlying condition, take vitamin d, zinc, all the things that have worked and take that are common sense precautions. >> we have no technology to stop the spread of covid, the vaccines protect you against severe disease but will not stop the spread of covid. no matter how many boosters you do or do not have the technology to stop the spread of covid. we have to learn to live with the virus. we are better at treating it and have a vaccine to protect the vulnerable against severe disease. we should be something good news
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as opposed to the dread of vaccine mandates and violating people's rights. laura: it is not working in australia and new zealand, they keep getting more cases the more they lockdown, blinken pulls a biden it today's briefing, the last bite explains.
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as we retreat from afghanistan th laura: is the use retreat from afghanistan secretary blinken -- >> thanks for listening. laura: he said thank you for listening. that was a weird ending was remind me how he is supposed to go toe to toe with the ccp, we are in trouble if that is it for our diplomatic core. set your dvr to stay connected and never forget you understand what is at stake by wearing your
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freedom matters gear. a lot of reaction to the gear in california, go to, all for charity and made in the usa which we love. i want you to remember america now and forever. greg gutfeld takes all the magic from here. make sure you watch. >> american citizens left, we will stay until we get them out. >> the situation wouldn't allow it. >> august 3, '01, president biden breaking his promise to leave troops in afghanistan until all-americans were evacuated from the country. laura: the last united states soldier exiting couple while hundreds of americans and thousands of allies remain stranded intel a man occupied territory. you are watching


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