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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  August 31, 2021 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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what to say. brian was a young man with his entire life ahead of him, along with the other 12 he died very late shouldn't have died very there is no accountability. the entire family at deserves accountability in deserves to have a question answered. it's america now and forever. greg gutfeld takes it all from here. ♪ >> alright. after this giant mess in afghanistan, what is the response from the white house? boy did we screw up, but look a how we fixed up a talk about fix , this is a mess so screwed up it will have reverberations for many years which means the person responsible probably won't see the end result spirit
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still the white house will say look at this humanitarian feat of strength. it's more impressive than joe protectionist from corn pop appeared we got out 100,000 plu people for the deadline the taliban want too. spirit airline has nothing on us . it's a weird contrast we're evacuating thousands of afghans on the other you say they taliban has changed, so why is everyone fleeing if they've changed? do we have anything to fear fro the taliban other than their fashion sense? their new and improved like the apache helicopter we left behin great i'm sure they just band music in killed a folksinger it's the terror version of footloose. i guess they prefer their sons to come from goats. our things changing? check out this anchorman readin the news spirit the taliban sensors don't even bother to stand off-camera. you can tell the anger is reall looking forward to a bright future under his new leaders. here's a tip, don't play any music.
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this isn't cnn where when you screw up you get a vacation. i'm not one to point fingers, o am i? >> greg points the finger. starting fingers. >> it's time once again to poin fingers straight after all, that's why we have them. that soy the humans are in charge instead of seals. they don't have fingers, emily. they have fins. people say great, it's too soon for that. that so they said about the premiere of the show, and i didn't listen. if we don't call out the bs, wh will? think of all the great finger pointers in history. so did every member of the four tops. your mom at the aquarium. look at, a whale, a whale. every doctor about to do a crossfit exam. let's not forget everyone's
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favorite alien, that's right, h pointed a finger. and what of uncle sam, a a grea finger pointer in of course the greatest finger pointer of all, god so back to this message. you only deserve credit if you do a thorough job of cleaning i up. if you left hundreds of americans left behind, you didn't clean it up. it's like how a guy cleans up after an all-night poker game. you throughout the beer bottles and pizza boxes into your good can be used off to get the stains out of the rug before your wife gets home or at least move the sofa overwrites. this isn't nitpicking, this is about american lives great if you left it behind, you've got to fix it. may be our government is in not telling his, but consider the people in charge, the ones who have a history of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. no one's blaming the troops who don't make the decisions in our in ginger we are blaming the politicians who made the decision in went on vacation. meanwhile, the white house and
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the media will redefine your outrage as directed against the military. if your mad about the disastrou pullout, joe pretend you're mad that we're ending the war, his entire speech was bait and switch great i love how he brag about the withdrawal while also blaming trump. so it's a success elicits a failure, and then that's on trump. the decision made by trump is pretty sound, it's a bidens follow-through that were mad about. we're not mad at the military except for generals pushing wok myths while saying the taliban has changed. we're upset with the administration like a drunk hiker lost in the woods, chose the worst possible path in put everyone at risk. looking back it takes a specifi genius to take that many mistakes. it's like flipping a coin and getting heads 100 times in a row , how can you be that consistent? it's impossible for things to g wrong this perfectly unless it was in the plan. you abandoned air base, you wil hand over up pile of weaponry
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making the taliban better armed than the nra brady of a president telling us everything will be fine, knock on wood. knock on wood, only if you can find john kerry's face. talk about drastic escalation i a use of knock on wood. usually i say that for hoping the cafeteria still had soup. then you see afghans falling from planes, but that was five days ago, remember that. so 100 times shorter than russi gate. then we give a list of american to the taliban, i'm still unsur what that means, but i doubt they're going to become penpals. and we get 13 dead from a homicidal bummer. who was checking that bomber in? was it the taliban? it matters when you hear they offered control to biden who declined it. he probably thought i can't control my eyelids, however my going to control in airport. you wanted the taliban to have more control of afghanistan the
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the taliban wanted. in then, as the captives of our dead we're unloaded from a plane , joe biden checked his boss watch. is suddenly in a hurry. i won't point any fingers here, because if i were joe biden, i' be checking my watch to, how much longer do i have to do thi job he's wondering? believe me, so are we. let's welcome tonight guests. she talks faster than an auctioneer who has to peak, emily compagno. the buck stops here, and he brought his hair, radio host buck sexton. he's got a face for radio and a spot for the blind. jimmy failla. and, she is like lance armstrong , really successful, but cheats on drug tests. fox news contributor kat timpf.
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i'm going to you first, buck because you served in the cia i afghanistan and your hair serve in nam, right? >> true. >> what do you make of this botched botched whatever you want to call it? >> we're saying it's bods not because it is and we sought and they couldn't hide it from us. in part because the taliban doesn't have the technology or the ability to shut down. people were texting me in real time about what was going on on the ground there. so we saw what a mess it was. it was clearly not planned. but just give this a few days because now that we are at the point where were at, there is still 100 plus americans on the ground, the narrative is going to switch very quickly to joe biden is the guy that got thing done. he's the one that made the toug call here in the fact that they were talking about 300,000 person plus army that evaporated , that we lost
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soldiers in afghanistan, will b quickly forgotten, but they've already started to use blips on cnn about the insurrection commission. now they are subpoenaing the trump family records. they're moving past it as quickly impossible. it will be guest liking on moth level scale. >> you were in the cia, how did we get, i love the fact that jo biden will get the accolades after being a vp for eight year while presiding over afghanistan , but why was the intelligence so wrong? >> the people in the intelligence community who tell those in charge what they want to hear are the ones who get they keep talking to people in charge, the ones that get into the oval office, the ones that are in front of the tv regularly , it's like any other bureaucracy or the kissers get promoted and move up and people often feel like they can't handle it and leave and get on
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late 19 vp. >> was at a jab at your own self ? >> something like that. >> you're right, it's like inside every massive major project, you need to make it sound like it's going well, emily, so they don't stop the project, so you find data that supports it, for example, they sabotaged 27 humvees, they don' tell you they were 27,000 of them or something like that. where does your brain rest at this point? >> bottom line, we have a commander-in-chief who abandone american spirit abandon allies, and orphans and women in workin dogs to meet an arbitrary deadline that he set. he surrendered all of these lives, and like billions of dollars worth of equipment to the taliban and have the audacity to do a victory lap today.
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the taliban takeover that you created. he blames everyone else on the planet, but himself including our afghan allies u.s. 66,000 o their own people alongside our 2500. in then speaking of watch, as you pointed out, he checks his watch each time a coffin comes out of the plane during a dignified transfer. and we are supposed to think that he has a modicum of responsibility needed to hold this office? to me on this final day of a 20 year war, other than endless gratitude for everyone who served, and honoring every life who was sacrificed who did not die in vain during those 20 years, i personally feel nothing , but ashamed that that person is my president. >> strong emotions. jimmy, your jacket is almost as
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bad as the withdrawal. i like how you matched your shoes with it. >> i committed. >> where is the ice cream truck? >> around the block. >> you didn't tell me biden was going to be here. >> i feel like on some level yo guys are being a little harsh t joe biden, other than he's doin a pretty good job. other than everything in the country, the guy has done a great job. this is embarrassing and the brazen nature in which they lie to the public, it really does bother me because on some level they are talking to us is if we will forget, and there doing it with the assumption that the media is always going to be there for them and we have learned that the media did try to create some distance between themselves and this because it was horrific, but it didn't sto them from doing what they do. jen psaki gets out there every day. if she was on the price she would claim the iceberg was par of climate change and the evacuation went fine. everything is fine.
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>> and there's no preconditions with the iceberg. >> right. >> i'm going to stop that joke there. >> you were saying this earlier about the have it both ways mentality. one end once you do believe it successful, on the other end he wanted to believe this is what trump did. if that is to be the case you have to check amount is for it and he has rescinded every one of donald trump's policies through executive order, why is this the one policy he kept if it was so bad. he screwed this up. joe biden sucks, bottom line. >> that is such a great point. jimmy just exceeded emily on redmeat points by saying that. i'm glad that hot topic was ove today and you were able to get your outfit. >> i look so good. i look really really good. >> i just want to be clear, it was forever 31.
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you look amazing. >> jimmy, you're right, you're far more attractive than i am. >> that is a debate we need to be having. you're slightly more attractiv than jimmy. we are not airing this episode. >> but that was so good aside from how breathtakingly attractive i am, this is horrible, the whole speech was about how we can't nationbuilding which is something i agree with, but it' also something that i've always believed which is very opposite to joe biden's decades long campaign for nationbuilding. i agree with bucket, i would love to see a couple of people get fired because we can't nationbuilding, it doesn't work we knew that sooner than 20 years, so who are all the yes-men that heads above these
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defense companies come with her on tv telling us what we should do, i would like to see them ge fired in we canceled people for literally everything else excep stuff that really matters. >> every senior level military in bureaucrats in the federal government i talked it was like we figured it out. we got it. we know the next 12 months and every person we talked to was o their fifth tour or their seventh tour, and knew the country said no chance. no chance. that was a decade ago. >> that is depressing when you think about the amount of lives and blood lost in ten years. up next, the policies at insult to injury while the friends in the media rewrite history. and a couple of years later, my mother passed away. after taking care of them, i knew that i really wanted to become a nurse. amazon helped me with training and tuition.
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today, i'm a medical assistant and i'm studying to become a registered nurse. in filipino: you'll always be in my heart. ♪ ayy, ayy, ayy ♪ ♪ yeah, we fancy like applebee's on a date night ♪ and i'm studying to become a registered nurse. ♪ got that bourbon street steak with the oreo shake ♪ ♪ get some whipped cream ♪ ♪ on the top too ♪ ♪ two straws, one check, ♪ ♪ girl, i got you ♪ ♪ bougie like natty in the styrofoam ♪ ♪ squeak-squeakin' in the truck bed all the way home ♪ ♪ some alabama-jamma, she my dixieland delight ♪ ♪ ayy, that's how we do, how we do, ♪ ♪ fancy like, oh ♪ liberty mutual customizes car insurance so you only pay for what you need. how much money can liberty mutual save you? one! two! three! four! five! 72,807! 72,808... dollars.
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>> they are grasping at straws to defend the flaws. when biden's withdrawal fell flat, the media remembered holy he's a democrat. with afghanistan exit complete the media is rewriting history in some of the press don't seem to mind biden leaving weapons i citizens behind. they writes the atlantic at the president deserves credit for not delaying. unlike his three immediate predecessors coming he was in the oval office all of whom als came to see the futility of the afghan operation. he had the political courage to fully end america's involvement. how much more of that courage can we take? biden is like a sea captain turning into the iceberg then bragging about free wi-fi on th lifeboats. is a courage or in uncritical media that asked more questions about ice cream than a little league team at the dairy queen. resident creep at the nash says
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the crisis is our fault, he writes, i would point not only to biden, but the former president donald trump and do all of us, the people of americ by carrying out this withdrawal from afghanistan are leaders after all were only giving us what we wanted. that's right, society is to blame. in hurricane ida provided too much spin, but it's not just print media, listen to this durable. >> biden didn't get us into thi situation. okay. many presidents have a hand in what should be blamed if you want to look at afghanistan as failure. certainly, the most recent iteration was trump deciding to negotiate with the taliban. >> they would love for us to al forget that withdrawal from afghanistan employment all on biden. >> for an american president to finally be completely aligned with such an overwhelming majority of the american people think of afghanistan is probabl
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a tremendous relief to the american people. >> must be nice to have this mess on your hands, but still have a media to back you up whe times get rough, right, joe? could get when things aren't going well, you need someone wh has your back there had your ac in the hole, right? like tom brady, he had gronk and i had the washington post. not everybody likes me, but do you know who does? he was really into me which is weird. >> have you been following the coverage. >> we know when you're on. >> i think that as always, it's elite, it's condescending and especially that situation,
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that's an oprah for simplification of the situation. should we get out or stay in, everyone is going to say yes in that's totally ignoring the complexities and the realities and maintaining at tiny securit force in which the america has our military presence that we can have so that we stave off some type of catastrophic terrorist attack that will likely have been. .is that even though all of these lake worshiping the president in they're going to keep talking each other up and they're going to move on from the coverage and try to talk about other things. real americans know exactly wha went down. the argument that wasn't about pulling out, it was about how you did it. the total surrender and abandonment of everyone there. history will remember this administration for exactly what it is and what it represents. >> a lot of these people emily was talking about, they make a
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living after giving ideas. but if you go in between their commute can't get a hot take, that's what i get from all of this. i don't know anybody that i've talked to that was like we shouldn't leave afghanistan. no one said that, it's all abou the how. >> out absolutely. it's also about a lot of our views are skewed on afghanistan the entire time because the top brass, the military and politicians were lying to us about it. i think it's also that looking at the story in that same what do i think about this but how can i defend biden here, that i how that kind of corruption can just exist so comfortably because there always have a whole team of people to defend what is pretty clearly indefensible to any rational free thinking human being. >> you're welcome. jimmy, would you like to hear a awful analogy? >> i would love one. >> this is a terrible analogy, but concerning the media i thin
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afghanistan is the britney spears of countries. we knew something was wrong for 20 years, but no one cared. >> great analogy. >> i wasn't sure because that does that make her dad like the taliban? i'm not sure. at and couldn't follow through. >> we had afghanistan under conservatorship for 20 years. the problem ended when we pulle out the way we did. when they can try to what their kind of leaving out if you want another analogy is joe biden is the only picture that blames hi era on yesterday's starter. you pitch today, and like really , here's the problem. everybody wanted to get out of camp in the stand but nobody wanted to get out this way. donald trump negotiated a deal to withdraw, we didn't document people and like max boot we are really living in the depth of shame. we are. it so embarrassing. when he says this is what the american people wanted, if you
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ask your parents to go to disne world in they say yes, but then dad drinks case of beer on i-95 and slams into space mountain, you don't say this is what we want to bear they didn't want space a wanted space mountain they didn't want that. to get that's a good point. it's interesting that the same people that were essentially imploding, psychologically imploding over january 6 are going to be completely differen about this. >> this is what an insurrection looks like by the way. an army of people overthrowing government taking over the buildings in absolute power their income it not a bunch of people coming and taking selfies . but, if you're looking at next week in others here, they have to double down because what els are they going to say. we pushed for a war that now, what exactly was the end result of that we could say well worth it where they've never seen a word that they weren't willing to send someone else to fight and they think that is
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bipartisan in the foreign-polic conflict that people need to look at more thoroughly as for biden, he could fall asleep feeding squirrels little bits of . and somehow it would be donald trump's fault. it doesn't matter what it is, they would say it's donald trump 's fall. >> this girl was on the low-car diet, how dare you, he got the. from donald trump. i was trying to work on that one , but it didn't work. up next, he opened his mouth an now his career has gone south. i'm so glad you're ok, sgt. houston.
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anything to drink? just water... hold on, we're coming! mio... water tastes like, well...water. so we fixed it. mio. >> they are doing a jig because the guy lost his gig. his career as reddick because he's no alex trebek. one job didn't settle the score so cancel culture has caught hi warm. he's been fired as the executiv producer of jeopardy to add insult to injury he was fired from his head honcho gig at wheel of fortune.
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now he can't afford to buy a vowel. >> at like that one. that was. >> i've had to work hard today bird this comes more than a wee after he stepped down as the ne jeopardy host after past inappropriate comments we're du up right at this radio get fire from pulling balls at ingo knight at the villages. to the woke in the corporate heads care of terrified of the woke, it was too little too lat and it's usually beat into cancel culture. he tweeted his condolences with this. was this dingdong the witch is dead proving that we are a nation of children. as far as the next post i nominate my aunt pam. if she could figure out how to pronounce the word iron.
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>> this is not our iron. >> this is not our iron. >> this is not our iron. >> it is true i probably could've kept watching that for a long time. all right, jimmy, a permanent host two hasn't been announced, what about you? you dress for a game show host. >> you were rocking the. >> i look like the check would bounce for the game show network . it's not good. you know it's amazing about thi is that people that were excite when i got canceled, they don't even watch the show. the jeopardy viewers don't even care. i think it so much more interesting than this shows themselves. they should be televising this,
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but how have we not gotten the game show spinoff called wheel of canceled. they are just on the cusp of being canceled, which leaves me to an important question, emily. his cancel culture really the solution to ambition, if your ambitious, god help you because it's just like when you see what's happening, it's better t keep your head down because the moment you rise above, there is somebody that will come for you. don't know anything about this guys, he seems as bland as the other guy from the bachelor the got fired, they. >> so first of all we knew this wouldn't work out because look at him, he is literally i tentacle to randall boggs and monsters inc. that evil gekko thing, that's number one. that was the most important thing. secondly, the letter that went around from the ceo of jeopardy that said that show is untenabl
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now, it's because he had completely in the dark as to what was happening and who was running the ship, which means seems to me like the federal government right now, if that was announced to overhaul all o jeopardy, i feel like can we ge a move on in the white house. it needs to be levar burton, hands down, no contest, 100 percent. he made a show about reading successful. reading rainbow was the best show of all-time spread. >> i think, is this the fastest cancellation of all times? usually you like have a career in then if you're canceled, i mean this guy went from who is mike richards to three hours later screw that guy, his stuff is canceled. he had three hours in the sun. >> that dude at snl come up. >> shane gillis. the day that he got the phone call, the next day they got
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another phone call. about that job. get the thing i think is unfair is people post this story in they say what you think. i will say the thing, my first impulse would be like his heat even that bad, what did he even say. you don't really know c is sort of thing yourself out there little bit because your like it's not that bad, usually it's not with the cancel culture, bu every once in a while it will b like did you see this one? that wasn't good, but i still didn't think something that someone said eight or ten years ago. >> that's the thing, you can never apologize. if you apologize they take your head. it's like a confession during the spanish inquisition. >> we need new sentencing guidelines. one should not be the other. to one point really quick, i will not have anybody sit there in disparage oj symptoms, the nfl leading in fleeing yards.
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>> so it's like everybody has been canceled they go to an island in they compete. >> chris cuomo is back on tv fo his brother again. coming up, to americans scoff a taking time off and do we need vacation for our overstressed brains? joint pain, swelling, tenderness... much better. my psoriasis, clearer... cosentyx® works on all of this. four years and counting. so watch out. i got this! watch me. real people with active psoriatic arthritis look and feel better with cosentyx. cosentyx works fast for results that can last. it treats the multiple symptoms of psoriatic arthritis, like joint pain and tenderness, back pain, and helps stop further joint damage. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting, get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections— some serious—
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but freedom means you don't have to choose just one adventure ♪ ♪ you get both. introducing the all-new 3-row jeep grand cherokee l jeep. there's only one. >> should americans take a brea for mental health sake? and new survey says busting our is making us nuts. are you overwhelmed with work and life, family obligations? please keep it to yourself i have my own problems. you should see the rash i got from play wrestling that pygmy goats. at 13 out of five, but i guess he got the last laugh and the only laugh apparently. you not alone, a third of americans say they haven't had day to relax alone and within three months for the other are
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on unemployment or teachers grades they feel completely exhausted three days a week or if they five if they work with kat timpf. the cell diffusers, essential oils and other voodoo nonsense, they said 65 percent would like to spend more time and popular ways included listening to music , listening to the soaking in the tub intaking long drives to a store that sells infuser. looking to relax more. >> to get a spare minute to relax. i take a minute here or there t take the express train to flavo country. >> we have stories to get through. >> you're right about that, emily, but that can wait until i've smoked this tobacco flavored cigarette.
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>> that's an interesting little skit there. well done, emily. is this just stupid, this is a stupid study. it's a stupid study done by an essential oil company so they can sell more oil. why are we more stressed? we have everything we want for it geekiest to all of that because the concept of self-car is just like what you said it's a marketing ploy to get you to buy more bubblebath in get mayonnaise and patties, but it' really about taking care of yourself in prioritizing what makes you happy, then to answer your second question, get off social media, get off the news, except for this channel, get of the couch and probably get out of 90 percent of your relationships. >> get out of everything according to emily. i'm not expressing any sympathy navy because i'm trying to rela gives me stress. i have to sneak up on relaxation . accidentally fall into a. like a big mcdonald's pen of
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balls. just fall into a. that is my way of relaxing although the cops won't let me do it anymore. they say and each requirement a the ball pit at mcdonald's. even the ones downtown. uptown, there's not a lot. >> i think everybody in this story complained about not having a day alone to relax should just consider themselves lucky because that's not relaxing, a day alone is just like the thoughts get louder in i get upset. i would like to take a honeymoo at some point, the day after my wedding my husband and i came over to your apartment and drin white cloud with you. >> that was a honeymoon. it was all-inclusive. >> it was all-inclusive. >> including the secret cameras. but who wants to spend time alone. >> i was sold on the idea that one's biden was elected, we would feel tremendous relief constantly that we weren't goin
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to be overwhelmed by the relentless trump tweets and all the angst, i thought we were going to relax. >> now you can't even take a shower without three masks on. we're not going to leave you alone, they're never going to tell you it's okay to enjoy yourself there going to put federal restrictions in place i believe for a vaccine for trave in the next six months you'll see more and more of this because the logic is still neve be done harassing you. as for vacations, i think most vacations people go on are largely instagram driven in its finding the perfect shot a view at the beach. what is it with the people with the bleed bluetooth feature speakers at the beach. somebody else's over there. i have rihanna coming out of on and taylor swift,. >> bring your own. >> then it's a mismatch. there there would be anarchy on the beach. i want to hear the waves and this eagles and this is just because people want to present version of themselves to societ
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where they're all kicking back like they're in a corona commercial when corona doesn't even take pace very well. >> applause. >> i came up with an idea for a serve album version of the pistols. anarchy on the beach. >> that is the surf version of the entire album. jimmy, i don't even know what i'm going to ask you. >> i was just going to say. the timing of this piece is so weird about people not relaxing. we were all just locked in our houses for a year, you know wha i'm saying? we all got plenty of time to si home and do things. what is next to him, but we're going to write a piece on stayca staycations. >> at the word self-care was yo so much. >> self-care. >> last time we were all mad at jeffrey toobin for self-care. >> if you do pellet on that's all they say, self-care this, self-care that.
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its more hostile, you need a candle. >> candles are so overrated. you need a bath bomb, greg. self-care. >> who takes a bath, you're sitting in your own dirty water. he wants to take a bath in new york city? if to drain the tub every five minutes because of your own filth. >> especially in new york, ther is a thumb of some teamster coming out of the faucet. >> we wills bring bring bring i and to this odd piece. living with hr+, her2- metastatic breast cancer. more time is possible with verzenio. proven to help you live significantly longer when taken with fulvestrant. verzenio + fulvestrant is for hr+, her2- metastatic breast cancer that has progressed after hormone therapy.
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our planet offers countless sources of energy. but it's only human to find the ones that could power a better future. homelessness, housing, taxes, water, electricity, crime, wildfires. [sfx: bear roar] gavin, you've failed. we have to immediately cut taxes twenty-five percent. fix housing and homelessness. and make life in california affordable again. i'm a businessman, the only cpa running. shouldn't we choose ability this time? do you think john cox will be a better governor than gavin newsom? [sfx: bear roar]
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does a bear sh*t in the woods?
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>> before you get to invested, make sure your dates aren't infested. the newest thing to a sling ter for when someone purposely hide the fact that they have many many other partners from the person they are seeing. where i come from that's known as dating. not hiding multiple affairs is known getting your partner to keep your car. apparently even if you may know that your partner sees other people, it only crosses over into rochin when you realize there are a ton of them, explains its inspired by the achiness of seeing one of those
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nasty little bugs, but knowing when you turn the lights on, there are lots of them. broaching can be a bummer, but it's not as bad as were a woman kills her partner and eats them very that's why you haven't see bill clinton in a while. bucket, you were sitting there talking about this is my topic. go for it. i don't know if that means i'm the expert on the topic. you are the guy because you use to talk about in high school he had a station mikan. the only person they called it jagging wagon. >> there was no shaking in the wagon. >> let's get back to the rules here.
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lids bring it back to civilization. if you meet someone on let's sa a dating app, if you meet them on a tuesday, you let's hang ou thursday, and friday, and saturday. they're not going too like that but when they ask you the following week what did you do last weekend, what are you supposed to say? >> you live. >> exactly. otherwise what are you supposed to do? it doesn't make any sense, so this is all about honesty in whether you're seeing other people, but you don't have to b honest about everyone you see with another person. your either monogamous or you'r playing the field. >> i am so terrible, this is wh i got married i was so bad at this i couldn't keep track and got confused at the wrong things . >> i respect you because you were out there predating app. digital dating i have no respec for. in my day you had to lie to a woman's face. i think if you would've really take a step back from this, mor
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women would probably have want guy that sleeping around and broaching then has roaches in his apartment. if you as the survey it would b one and not the other, but i think if you're dating, anythin goes, if your not married, ther are no repercussions to dating. people who are just dating who were thinking they were going t broke up, you were playing madden on ricky. you not going to lose a child, you not going to lose a house. not by getting married. this matters, i have skin in th game, i lose half of this jacket . i don't want to hear anybody. out, so what do you do. you pick up your phone and you start swiping again. boo-hoo, it is so easy, to you what remember what it was like single? >> i was the master of this. and never got caught because yo don't put anybody's real name i your phone because that's how people get caught fraid when th
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guy sees a name puts up, he wen into my phone and read it, he'd be likewise your uncle saying that stuff to you. that could've been weird, but i never got caught guys couldn't handle that using other thing even though they're all doing the same thing, absolutely. if you are feeding a guy coming have to assume, rule of thumb, every other girl he spending time with he's also sleeping with. when he's not talking to you, h is sleeping with her. one exception is he tried to sleep with her and she didn't want it. >> change the name brady have a lot of aunts in uncles breath t get a do that when i'm on the five in my wife is yelling at me . here is they tell, if his passcode is longer than nine digits, something is going on. >> there is always something going on. assume that he is sleeping with at least 17 other women.
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>> that's a little obsessive. >> even if they say that. emily, i'm from an old period come at the era of threes company. a guy that was dating a lot of people, they call them don juan. >> casanova. in the women would be floozy's for a checkup that floozy. nobody knows that framing phras anymore. >> it's a shame. emily, your married as well. >> i'm from a different era, first of all this is a new term for an ordered trend, this was like you were a player, you wer a dog, whatever. so i feel like in this, don't hate the player, hate the game because if your going to your point to an online candy store equivalent in expecting anythin other than that person to be sleeping with everyone else on the planet while he's not actively talking to you, then your insane. if your neat guy burning menu
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can't be upset about his weed habits. don't go away, will be right back. ok.' it was time to talk to my doctor about austedo. she said that austedo helps reduce td movements in adults... while i continue with most of my mental health medications. (vo) austedo can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington's disease. pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, behaviors, feelings, or have suicidal thoughts. common side effects include inflammation of the nose and throat, insomnia and sleepiness. don't take austedo if you have liver problems, are taking reserpine, tetrabenazine, or valbenazine. austedo may cause irregular or fast heartbeat, restlessness, movements mimicking parkinson's disease, fever, stiff muscles, problems thinking, and sweating.
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9:00 pm
>> we are out of time. thank you to our guests. >> welcome to fox news at night i am jim bream in washington. breaking tonight, blaming trump trending on twitter as presiden biden points the anger at the previous administration for som of the chaos that unfolded during his withdrawal from afghanistan. the panel is standing by. plus


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