tv FOX Friends First FOX News September 1, 2021 1:00am-2:00am PDT
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things in >> apollo's appearance didn't get you thinking about the state of things in america i don't know what to say. ryan was a young man with his entire life ahead of them along with the other 12 the died, they shouldn't have died. there is no accountability. paula, her entire family, they deserve accountability and deserve to have the questions answered. america now and forever, greg gutfeld takes it from here. >> president biden: 90% of americans in afghanistan who wanted to leave were able to leave. jillian: wednesday september 1st, president biden haley beer was from afghanistan as an extra ordinary success despite american citizens being left behind and 13 us service members losing their lives. todd: the taliban and hoisting fake caskets in celebration of those american lives lost. jillian: one afghan our life once helped rescue president
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biden himself is one of thousands left behind enemy lines and is baking the president to save him. todd: you are watching "fox and friends first". jillian: a fox news alert, new fallout is president biden addresses the nation following the end of america's longest war. todd: republicans calling on him to resign in the wake of the deadly withdrawal. doug luzader live in washington. >> reporter: this was a defiant president biden who emerged to answer critics from both sides of the aisle and attempt to reframe this chaotic departure from afghanistan as a success despite the deaths of 13 us service members and the fact that perhaps 100 or more americans who wanted to leave were left behind. >> president biden: this decision about afghanistan is not just about afghanistan.
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it is about ending an era of major military operations to remake other countries. i take responsibility for the decision. it was time to end this war. >> the president claimed his predecessor, donald trump, and said 90% of americans who wanted to leave got out. the white house corrected him and said was 98%. either way those stranded americans face and certain future under the rule of the taliban who scooped up us weapons and aircraft paid for by us taxpayers left behind. >> he called is an extraordinary success but 12 marines and one sailor did the did not need to die is not a success. hundreds of americans left behind, thousands more condemned to death under the taliban is not a success.
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this is a fiasco and a humiliating failure. >> reporter: a large bipartisan group of lawmakers is attempting to award the congressional gold medal to those 13 us service members were killed and that terror attack. last week. jillian: thank you. todd: as washington wakes up a dark cloud figuratively and literally hangs over the white house after the president double down that no one could have known the afghan army would collapse. jillian: the administration attempts damage control. >> reporter: president biden defendant how the evacuations were handled despite hundreds of americans and thousands of afghan allies being stranded and hiding in afghanistan. >> 90% of americans in afghanistan who wanted to leave were able to leave and for those remaining americans there is no deadline.
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there is no evacuation from the end of the war you can run without the kinds of complexities, challenges and threats we faced. >> one afghan left behind, an interpreter who once saved biden along with senators john kerry and chuck hagel during a snowstorm in 2008, that interpreter issuing a plea directly to the president in the wall street journal asking biden to help him, his wife and his four children escape the taliban. 's identity shielded, he said hello, mister president, save me and my family, don't forget me here. the white house thanking the interpreter for his service but not indicated when or how he could be rescue. the white house doubling down on the claim that nobody could have known the afghan army would collapse as a transit surface revealing biden pressured the afghan president to get the
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perception the taliban wasn't winning back in july and the pentagon acknowledging americans are stranded. >> that doesn't mean the administration or the government is going to turn a blind eye to trying to help them get home and in other countries where we have americans that are stranded or need help getting out. >> the white house is defending president biden's now broken promise to remain in afghanistan until all american citizens are even waited. the decision to leave americans and allies behind was to protect troops from further attacks. todd: you can't commit arson and claim credit for putting the fire out especially when part of the bill is still burning and that summarizes what is happening in afghanistan. talk about a picture, a video that really hits home to the brave men and women who gave so much inviting in afghanistan.
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it is this image we are going to see of the taliban celebrated with a mock funeral for the us. and one world is that image considered an extraordinary success. there is on your screen right there. and the president biden destroyed the credibility of america's promises to the world and the notion of america's power, armed an enemy we have been trying to disarm for 20 years and made a terror attack on the homeland much easier to coordinate. jillian: a lot of people waiting for listening to what the president had to say yesterday that included him saying the threat of terrorism continues but our strategy has to change. we don't need to fight a ground war to do it. people wondering if that is the case, why do we have troops stationed in places all over the world including syria, japan, iraq, south korea, there are still a lot more questions than answers and we also heard the
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president say yesterday that 90% of americans who wanted to leave could leave. those that are still there there is no deadline, it was 98%. there are still people there would like to leave and we had jake's talking yesterday shortly after the president saying this. >> there are 2 ways to leave afghanistan, one would be by air and we are working closely to get charter air flights going, second is by ground and working with neighboring countries to accept american citizens. what we've gotten from the taliban is a commitment private and public that any afghans with travel documentation including a special immigrant visa or other form of visa will be allowed safe passage. jillian: they are working with neighboring countries to get people out if they want to get out and the taliban promising passage, we've heard that over
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and over again but are we trusting what the taliban says, judge them by their actions. the big picture here is on tuesday the state department issued a travel advisory, the most of your travel advisory level due to civil unrest, armed conflict, crime, terrorism and covid 1982 that part of state, the risk of kidnapping or violence against us citizens in afghanistan is high noting the us embassy is now closed so you're issuing a travel advisory saying it is not safe to travel yet you are saying you can get out by air ground transportation seems to be a conflicting thought process. todd: the inconsistencies are flexing, the inconsistency on the numbers, the white house and state department and entire dc establishment can't figure out what the numbers are. how many people are in afghanistan? with our ability to do intelligence, our ability to
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know what is going on that we should have that number by now and know it has been a fraction of 5, 10, it should be closer than we are. let's look at the speech as a whole. it was a speech devoid of any of the qualities of a strong leader and coming at it from a tragically unique perspective, a gold star mom who lost her son a week ago, she did some it up rather perfectly. >> if mister biden would like to tell me how i can sleep better at night right now or any american can, please give me a call and let me know how i can sleep tonight a full night. my son didn't make it home and it is on your watch. because he was doing his job well.
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>> can you imagine what that mother, the other mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters are still going through, we've been talking about this for a while. think about how fresh. >> they really decide for yourself. did the speech the president gave yesterday meet this moment? it has been 20 years in the making. over the years, a lot of people pointing that out with the decisions that had been made. and the 20-year war that lost thousands of lives. >> did it make the mark you were
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listening to on travels, and other non-fox and tutees said it did not meet the moment, it is not a conservative talking points. >> the remnants of ida threatening the east coast. todd: live in mississippi as the state remains in the dark. >> impacting the south, in the northeast, resources such as fema and the american red cross monitor the store's movements. they may be needed elsewhere. the desperation is growing for fuel, lines are long in louisiana and on the mississippi side as well, to find fuel
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needed not only for personal vehicles but search and rescue efforts and repair and recovery efforts. one local sheriff is asking everyone to remain patient. >> very few gas stations are open, very difficult to get gas, the ones that are open have lines, i'm talking dozens. you might as well get in line, get your gas and get back in line before you run out again. >> reporter: in southern mississippi, the scene from yesterday, highway 26 closed major artery tragically between two towns in southern mississippi that left ten injured, two did. they repair that highway could take weeks if not months, the storm is still moving. i apologize for that.
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>> one of the three american heroes who took down a terrorist on a personnel training 2015 is an afghanistan war veteran taking president biden to task for the chaotic afghanistan exit. todd: thanks for being here. what was your reaction to the self-congratulatory tone of that speech? >> absolutely ridiculous. they are trying to sell us on the false narrative between having to stay and leaving the way we did and it is not true whatsoever. we did not have to leave in that manner. we had so many opportunities to change course when we saw that it wasn't working and we took advantage of many of those. jillian: thank you for your service to this country.
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we heard the president say 90% of americans wanted to leave, the white house goes back and corrected to 98%, did you fight and sacrifice everything you did and fight overseas for our country so that any percentage of americans could be left overseas? >> absolutely not. the 13 service men and women who gave their lives were not there for that mission but to get everybody out and get our allies out and even our dogs, our working dogs. it is such a colossal disaster on every level it is not even on biden's shoulders but on the joint chiefs as well, secretary of defense, to figure out how many people on this many levels of government could all drop the balls but in this big away.
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todd: is somebody who literally stop the terror attack how much has your worry gone over the last three weeks about an attack on the homeland? >> it hasn't a whole lot only because i think with all the weapons and equipment we gave the taliban they will be busy doing things in the middle east. they can't fly a black hawk across the ocean, but one of the most powerful militaries in the region pretty much overnight which is the other question, why did we leave that to the taliban and when we saw them take over the women's why didn't we destroy it? i'm more concerned about the open southern border that allows whoever wants to come into this country to come into this country whether it be terrorists or criminals or what have you. we need to do something about our overall security and foreign policy. afghanistan seems like our country is in a freefall between
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the economy, afghanistan, coronavirus, whatever, hard to believe president biden after 7 months. >> the threat of terrorism continue >> dinner strategy has to change too and we don't need to fight a ground war to do it. did you agree with that sentiment? a lot of people in hindsight may have at some point said we need to get out of afghanistan. now people are trying to figure out how they feel about the situation. the majority of americans do not agree with how this was executed. do you think we should have left afghanistan? we have troops throughout the world, should we have done that? what is the best option? >> hard to say. i wanted to get out of afghanistan, seems like a huge waste of american resources, equipment, time.
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glad we got out] being said we didn't have to get out in this way but the moment we left the taliban was going to take over. i think going forward, ron operations how donald trump did against isis in syria. that should be the methodology going forward. very few boots on the ground, special operators only, lots of airstrikes and keep us from getting involved in another 20-year war. we could have gotten out of afghanistan in a way they did not embarrass our country and we should have taken and there are 13 american families that would have preferred us to take that route.
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laura: what is your message to president biden? >> he should resign, joint chiefs should resign. i look forward to being part of the class that expect the house in 2022 but i'm not sure how far the country will continue to fall before then. laura: thank you for your service. time 21 after the hour at connecticut teacher calling it quits because she's tired of the world curriculum, she was pressured to teacher elementary school students. jillian: an emotional tribute to 13 fallen servicemembers in afghanistan, the patriotic show of support next.
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>> the crisis is cost by political decisions by this administration. >> senator ted cruz and guardsmen should roy criticizing the biden administration over the crisis at the southern border is republicans travel texas to learn more about how the crisis is expected local officials. prime and cartel activity surge at the border, cvp report to 230% increase in sentinel seizures in april alone. the voting reform bill heading to governor greg abbott's disc which comes as a major blow to the texas democrats who fled the state for weeks in an attempt to block it. advanced 24-hour polling places in drive-through voting and establishes id requirements for voting by mail and war. governor abbott says he plans to sign it into law. >> connecticut elementary school
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teacher resigning over woke lesson plans she feels are stealing kids. >> a political activist been a teacher in my own classroom. getting students against each other based on the color of their skin. todd: former manchester public school teacher, thank you for being here. what was the final straw for you? i think this past year put so much into perspective and having to ask my students questions, i wonder why many white people didn't want black people to have an education. another question was i wonder if my black students feel welcome in my classroom and questions
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like those targeting my integrity as a teacher. i'm a fourth-generation teacher so this was seconds to me. >> sorry this destroyed a lineage in your family. one example that stood out from this is this request that you as a teacher reflect on the racial context of your daily activities. you can see one of the things is showering and brushing your teeth. how insulting is it that people of color, brushing your teeth and showering are white people things? >> i was taken aback by that assignment. i thought it was ridiculous. it lends itself to saying black people are unable to brush their teeth and take a shower in the same context that white people can. i don't the way to ends. todd: a statement from the
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district, quote, manchester public schools recognizes its responsibility to address and great in a different ways issues that include racism, inequity, discrimination and systemic bias, we do so while practicing culturally responsible and relevant teaching. >> >> whether you call it equity or social justice, is really just covering up indoctrination on our students and on teachers, they pride themselves on equity as many do to be successful but not sure who is succeeding. >> when we do segments like this i know the town of manchester. manchester is a middle-class middle america, road race every thanksgiving, it is a fun time. it is shocking it is happening there. to the big city, los angeles
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teachers union president says it's okay they did learn math to the pandemic, they know the words insurrection, crew and protest americans did not lose anything, it is okay that our babies may not have learned all other times tables, they know the difference between a riot and protest, they know the words insurrection and cool. if you had done about the political activism and education in this day and age this teachers union president spelled it out for you. what can parents do to fight back? >> you hit the nail on the head in terms of this. that is why i left. parents at this point need to speak up and say it is unacceptable that is taking place in their schools. there are many opportunities i have been involved in with the 1776 action and the educator pledge on their website at the
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pledge and i think there are statements and beliefs outlined clearly and giving people an opportunity to speak up and pledge they will keep it from taking place in classrooms. >> i hope this is in the end of the line in teaching the with the good news in connecticut we have a few catholic also hopefully you get a job at one of them and continue your passion. >> the white house insists no americans were stranded in afghanistan but his what the pentagon says about the hundreds left behind. >> americans get stranded in countries all the time. >> mixed messages from the administration was a group of veterans staying in afghanistan to save our allies from taliban control. the man behind this dangerous
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changing after the withdrawal from afghanistan. the next guest leading a task force of veterans operating behind taliban lines and lieutenant colonel scott man joins me and thank you for your service, how difficult is what you are trying to do and can you do this without intelligence capabilities in the military and state department? >> we are not behind taliban lines but operating from all over the nation but not behind lines and doing what green berets have done for decades which is leveraging relationships and trust, putting it into play with modern technology and encrypted applications.
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when you have relationships and the ability to communicate there is no limitation. we are moving into more deliberate form of recovery. jillian: can you explain how you are doing this? this is unbelievable. >> reporter: one afghan commando is a friend of mine, a couple more green berets and change meat and a staffer, the we managed to guide this commando through the perimeter and get through a hole in the wall and other groups doing it. the valley boys, we've got hundreds through the perimeter of the airport under cover of darkness in three days and what we've done is shifted by talking to the shepherd concept where we
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leveraged relationship and look for opportunities to move them overland. jillian: how does it change now that our military is no longer there? >> long before the conventional trend is what we specialize in. we don't have to be on the ground and the citizen liaison. you feel it was an important gap, we already helped get people out. it is working.
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to allow clandestine activities to continue and if that were to happen. jillian: to have confidence everyone who wants to get out will not get out to the help of groups like you or the government? >> the american people will take that negative energy, toward the resolve. we are getting people out. i have confidence in the american ball, showing us what leadership looks like. what they have done in the last 11 days. >> scott man, impressive to hear you say that. it is really incredible. thank you for your service and at home, you can help by
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visiting todd: more mixed messaging from the biden administration whether americans are stranded behind enemy lines in afghanistan. jillian: carley shimkus with what the pentagon is admitting which is interesting. >> reporter: the white house is focused on the late was reporters use to describe things, the situation in the southern border wasn't a crisis according to jen psaki and she criticized peter doocy for characterizing americans as stranded in afghanistan but that's the exact word john kirby, pentagon spokesman use to describe the situation. >> americans get stranded in countries all the time, we do everything we can to facilitate safe passage. >> it is irresponsible to say americans are stranded.
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carley: ask the woman from california, the pregnant woman kicked in the stomach by the taliban, tried to get to the airport and darrell issa trying to get around, ask if she feels stranded in afghanistan. todd: the definition of the word stranded. jillian: president biden said he would not leave afghanistan until every american who wanted to come out did come home. he made that comment -- >> it is head scratching. jillian: carlos jimenez says how badly do nancy pelosi and house democrats want to cover up the afghan debacle, they blocked members of congress from reading the names of the servicemembers who sacrificed their lives in afghanistan. do you think our military deserves better. a group of republicans met on
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the house for yesterday, had a moment of silence, prayed and asked to recognize to read the names of afghanistan legislation and refuse to recognize them. jillian: others are recognizing get them. >> check this out from the kissimmee police department they used 13 squad cars to form the shape of a hard to honor fallen servicemembers who died in afghanistan, posting this with certain patrol cars for the 13 service men and women who lost their lives in afghanistan. our heart goes out to the family and friends, may they rest in peace never be forgotten. the police chief -- a lot of everyday americans are doing things to honor these people, the pictures went viral of 13 beards, they are placing about an empty table. those things mean a lot to the family.
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todd: an emotional tribute from this view chicago for fallen officer ellen french on was would have been her thirtieth birthday. wait until you hear the thank you letter mother wrote in response. >> vaccination requirements work and we need more businesses, other employers to step up and do their part. jillian: they want more businesses to mandate vaccines. buddy carter says it is not your decision and he joins us to explain.
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change enough to the new orleans police officer grazed in the head by a bullet, officials say the officer was in an unmarked, not clear if it was a targeted attack. the officer remained in the hospital. in dc and officer is attacked while responding to a call was he was shot with a paintball gun. attempts to do is click suspect were not successful. he died after being shot by police. the officer is expected to recover. the mother fallen chicago police officer ellen french issues and exerts a message on what would have been her daughter's thirtieth birthday.
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elizabeth french writes in part love and support during this difficult time will be a treasure i carry with you the rest of my life. officer french was shot and killed during a traffic stop last month. a member of the british isis cell known as the beatles plans to plead guilty. elevator cody will enter his plea in federal court in virginia next week, he and his associate are charged with the beheading depth of four american hostages. he set to go on trial in january. neither will face the death penalty due to the terms of their extradition from the uk. todd: president biden calling the airlift of americans and have as an extra nurse success despite the suicide attack that claimed the lives of 13 servicemembers. >> the extraordinary success of this mission was to the skill and selfless courage of the united states military. some say we should have started
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mass evacuations sooner. could this have been done in a more orderly manner? i respectfully disagree. todd: georgia congressman buddy carter. what was your reaction to that speech? >> that had to be the epitome of spin. he called a success when it was a catastrophic failure. the worst relations debacle in the history of the country. here's a president who set a week ago, he would not leave any american behind, this is despicable. the words that were coming out of his mouth. >> kt mcfarland agrees with you, president biden made the speech all about himself. he dodged and weaved, blamed others and claimed the evacuation from afghanistan was
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a great success, everyone else are it is in an indicated disaster. for someone who said the book stops with him this speech did the opposite. >> obviously he has no grasp of reality. it will take years to get over this with our allies, our citizens, our morale is so low so many people told me i can't believe this is happening in america. we have an inept incompetent leader and it starts with president biden and ends with president biden and he should be impeached and there should be other people in this administration who should be gone, they should all be gone. an embarrassment to the united states of america but those who served in afghanistan, those who
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sacrifice, your service, your sacrifice was not in vain. we thank you for that. just because this was a botched exit does not in any way diminish the great work you did in afghanistan. todd: a clarification or break men and women need to hear. the white house covid 19 is are urging businesses to encourage employees to be vaccinated. take a listen. >> bottom line vaccination requirements work, vaccination rates. to step up and do their part to end the pandemic. todd: is a member of the doctors caucus do you agree with what you heard? >> our civil liberties are at risk and i believe we should educate and not mandate.
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i believe in the vaccine. i tried to set a good example. this is a decision that should be made between you and your physician, between you and your pharmacist, between you and your family, not between you and the government. this should be an individual decision. i encourage everyone to get the vaccine. it is safe. it is effective. i would rather have the vaccine than the virus but i don't believe it should be mandated. todd: what about mask mandates in schools. you are pretty fired up about that too. >> absolutely. what are we teaching our children here? what impact is it having on them? what is the long-term effect? we discussed this in the doctors caucus, there's only one study that was done to see if this was beneficial and it was inconclusive. this was a decision that should be made between parents,
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children and not between parents and the government, that's not who should be making the decision. i encourage everyone get in touch with your physician, your pharmacist, family members or even a religious leader but it should not be mandated. >> how long does this battle over vaccines and masks dominate the national discussion? >> the biden administration, anything to take away the focus on afghanistan, ridiculous that members of congress call back in on a $3 trillion socialist wish list when we had everything going on that was going on in the world that we should have been focus on, they want to delay and stay for as much focus as they can.
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this will go down in history as the worst formulations debacle in the history of this country. todd: congressman buddy carter, appreciate your time. jillian: we have been following her story for weeks after the emotional plea from the american mother known as fatima captured our attention. >> we are in danger, mister president, help us. >> did she get the help she was asking for? she's back on american soil and we will check in with her live along with lawrence jones and pete hegseth in our jampacked 5:00 hour.
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>> president biden: 90% of americans in afghanistan who wanted to leave for able to leave. todd: it is wednesday september 1st, president biden hailing the affect and evacuation as next ordinary success despite american citizens left behind, 13 us servicemembers losing their lives. jillian: the taliban and its supporters operating through the streets wasting fake caskets in celebration of american lives lost. todd: we learned one afghan ally who helped rescue president biden is one of thousands and is
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