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tv   Life Liberty Levin  FOX News  September 12, 2021 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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accomplished its prime objective in the longest war, bringing the mastermind of 9/11 to justice, members of political, military arms worked together flawlessly to pull it off. that is our program, thanks for watching. ♪ ♪ . ♪ ♪ mark: hello america, i am mark levin this is "life, liberty and levin," we have two great guests larry elder, who is running for governor of california, the voting has begun, and john >> before we do. you see what is swirling
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around you, attack on free speech, freedom of association and your personal liberties with vaccine, this is the "american marxism" that i've been working you about. first paragraph of first chapter of "american marxism" that set this up. we have a lot to address tonight:
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>> >> let's look free speech here. only for those who espouse a certain view point, others are banned attacked and careers destroyed. academic freedom, professors are discussing they are no longer free to discuss view points that differ. free press t here, the "washington post" and "new york times" and the rest, think that only they have a right to freedom of the press, they are viciously attacking conservative talk radio, this network, fox, oan, news max and anyone that dares to step out, hate
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crimes look at larry elder, he was attacked other debut by a woman in a gorilla mask. wee you could get if that were barack obama the world all be on their toes tax returns.s. only tax returns of a public official that matters are donald trump's? what about the tax returns of the speaker of the house? no legislation gets through congress withoutou her say so? or members of supremers court to determine whether they have conflicts of interest, they are of no consequence. murder in america. murder in america only gets attention of elite and media, depends on who is murdering whom, you could have slaughter in cities every night, week, black on black crimes it is
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consideredif routine, ho-hum, that is appalling, climate change they created. that is your fault. you are too free, too mobile, you live your lives too well. you, you are responsible for the global climate change. as democrats say, you are killing people, you are responsible for the hurricanes, earthquake, tornado and flooding, we have to attack our system, our economic system, your life style. we the american people are at fault. what ise this? this is tyranny. it is getting more aggressive. this is autocracy. joe biden gave a speech the other day, he walks off, he never takes questions, like he is a dictator, high -- he is closest thing we have to a dictator. he does not treat youa as is
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a citizen, he is yelling at you, condemning lecturing you. 80 million of you are unvaccinated. you are the reason people are dying, that there is a spread and we have these variants, not him. remember how he used to blame donald trump for every death of the coronavirus. how many new vaccines developed under joe biden, none. >> how about therapeutics? many werehe developed under donald trump, none that i'm aware of. he is not taking responsibility, joe biden for what he is failed to do. having congratulated himself to july 4 for victory over the vir -- virus, now it's your fault, not biden's fault for having southern border open, many of whom have diseases and issues that include the coronavirus, he givesoe a
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speech, he congratulates himself, and attacks governor of florida and texas, dismisses everything that came before him, this man is out of control. this is a fool, with power. you can support vaccinations, as i do, withoutt supporting tyranny. now question, i mean this. he wants you to hate people who are not vaccinated, high calls then the -- he calls them the unvaccinated, me blames them. they arere the ones spreading the virus, and republican governors, they're spreading the virus, 70% of those who should get vaccine have been vaccinated but who are 30%? the unvaccinated? that is quite a charged word, unvaccinated. what does it mean? you have not been vaccinated.
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i gott it. i went to the cdc site, they are like the bible. on may 29, 2021, said, 120.2 million people were infected . according to the science. if you have been infected you develop an antibody, you don't need to be vaccinated as a matter of course, you have an antibody. this is 120.2 million according to cdc. there are 300 something million, a percent under 12 years old. how many of these 30% who
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have not been vaccinated have natural immunity? this is a simple question. can we get an answer. when joe biden does not mention something he is censuring something, if you throw out 30% and 80 million people, how many of 80 million have natural immunity. i would suggest a significant percentage. i am suggesting you to, is that in addition to over 70 per of the public that is subject to taking a vaccine as according to science, we have a significant percentage of the remains 80 million who have natural immunity, they will not tell us how m many, you will find a small percentage of american public that has not been vaccinated and has no immunity.
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we have a right to know. the dra cron -- draconian measures that biden is trying to push, they are unbelievable. they will have a uphill battle if court applies the constitution of the united states this is not an interstate commerce issue, policece powers belong to the state, states regulate businesses, not joe biden, and osha does not have authority, to to what it is doing, they are trying to do it through osha regulation. and there is a question of whether congress can delegate this power to osha, they havein not. to fire people without
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vaccines. this is going to create economic dislocation of which joe biden knows nothing, he has never worked in the private sector, he is almost 80 years old, and spend his entire life in government, telling people what to do rather than doing something, this is a constitutional issue, economic issue, and idea he thinks he could sign a executive order and labor department could put out a regulation and snap his fingers and joe biden could control the economy? that is what i mean about american marxism. this man is close to a dictator as we had. let's see what supreme court does about this, it is appalling. one other thing, i will not forget afghanistan. there are american citizens in enemy territory who are effectively hostages, 80 thousand afghan patriots who did fight for our country and their country, who are
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in enemy territory, right now they have no hope of getting out this is greatest besmircmment of the united states by a president of the . this is a dis8 offer, the man in the oval office who says he cares about human fee and national security, he does not care about a damn thing, he is a stubborn, foolish old man, amazing thing about this summed up. attorney general of u.s. sued state of texas, he thinks abortion on demand should be compelled in every corner of the nation, no 10th amendment, no federalism, no they want to to enshrine their view, and taxpayer to pay for it so every abortion
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leads to a date, at least 99.99% do and the date of a baby -- death of a baby, check science dr. anthony fauci is that a baby, is that a human or not, science will tell you it is, that is not a choice that is a human being, they push hard for the most radical -- on the earth, and unvaccinated are killing people. that is the nature of autocracy, nature of tyranny. ends justify the means. you see it in the oval office. joe biden is closest thing we had to a dictator in this country, i think he is worse than even obama was, we'll be right back. in its class...standard? because when you want to create an entirely new feeling,
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8:14 pm
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back. >> people of california have an opportunity to put their brakes on tyranny. on a governor and administration that is destroying their lives and churches, their freedom. to say no. this could be a historic moment. coming out of california, that was historic, i
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remember tax revolt movement from california, this is another one, larry elder, people of california, does not matter, if you want to change and support liberty and support our economic system, if if you -- oppose tyranny, you have a great person here larry elder. >> i want to tell them about the rise in crime. and violent crime up 41% in los angeles, where i live, shootings, homicide. we could do something about decline in quality of public education, before the pandemic before gavin newsom shut down the state to point where the kids cated -- ed 75% of black boys could not read at state levels half of
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all third graders could not, 80% of kids are black and brown. i mention race because people like gavin newsom pride themselves on caring about black and brown people, he shut down the state in a more severe way than any other 49 states, to point where a third of all small businesses are gone forever, many run by black, brown, asian-american people that gavin newsom claims he cared about. he sat up there at french laundry with lobbyives and very people that -- lobbyists and people that drafted mandates they were violating. he was not wearing a mask, and not engaging in social distancing, people are leaving california, the state is 107 years old, it never happened before, reason that middle class people leave is they cannot
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afford the price of a house, because of the environmental extremists that jack up the price of a house, average price is 800,000 dollars, 250% above national average, we have a rise in homeless, when gavin newsom ran for mayor of san francisco, he said he would solve the homeless problem in the city in 10 years that would have been 2014, he sat around for 8 years as lieutenant governor claiming he had nothing to do. maybe he could have fulfilled his campaign promise. then there is fire mismanagement. the forests are not managed properly. he lied by a factor of 7, out going governor jerry brown had a plan to clear
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500,000 acres, it has not been done. we have sources for 100 billion train that goes nowhere to no why that gavin newsom supports, have we not added to our water infrastructure system in california in 50 years, when the state was half the side. we do have wet years, and the water drains out to the ocean, not stored. we have plans for new reservoirs and to raise dams, they just sit there because of the fear of lawsuit from the environmental extremists, we have rolling brown outs we're not properly investing in our energy grid, we spend more money on weather depend so-called renewables like wind and solar that are unreliable. forever these reasons, crimes, bad schools, rising homeless, outrageous cost of living, highest tax in the nation, people are leaving, i urge everyone to vote yes
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on recall, sign ballot and tell 10 of your friends to do so. mark: amazing, if you are a radical left wing democrat, if you were running against a white governor who was a republican with this record, you would be supported by all newspapers in california and national media. you would be celebrated. the opposite is happening here. according to a piece in "l.a. times," a column by smith. larry elder is the black face of white supremacy, you have been warn. that is amazing. white big tech types and hollywoodll actors, and white george soros, and white bernie sanders and you have white newsom, yet you are the white supremacist? is the reasons they call you
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this, they don't want to confront you on your issues, you of a brilliant man, they don't like the fact they have an african-american here who believes in liberty and capitalism and school choice. and all things all these white elitists or i'll call them white supremacists in democrat party, oppose. >> thatt is what is doing on, i am called black face of white supremacy, they cannot defended this man's record. has crossed party lines and nowsu supports me because of issue of school choice, black and brown parents want school choice but they vote for democrat after democrat, the largest impediment to school choice is california teacher union, the largest funder of my opponent gavin newsom, they are scared, god forbid this kid from the
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hood who went to public school breaks jedi mind strict strangle hold that democrat have over black and brown voters, that is why they are afraid, bernie sanders cut a commercial for him, and obama and senator warren, no one uttered the words, gavin newsom has done a good job for the people of california, they call it a republican takeover because they cannot defend the man's record. mark: they don't want to run on substance, they get to race, almost immediately. they bring names that have nothing to do with your campaign, they d try to create foils togn run against,p. this is quite typical, they have media m and money behind them and all government bureaucrats as well, that is why you are the david versus goliath, if you are able to take out this governor and bring freedom back to california, where everyone used to want to go to, this
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flu vaccine or vaccine component, including eggs or egg products. tell your health care professional if you've ever experienced severe muscle weakness after receiving a flu shot. people with weakened immune systems including those receiving therapies that suppress the immune system, may experience lower immune responses. vaccination may not protect everyone. side effects include pain, redness, and/or swelling where you got the shot, muscle ache, headache, and general discomfort. other side effects may occur. all flu shots are not the same. i raised my game with fluzone high-dose quadrivalent. ask your doctor or pharmacist for fluzone high-dose quadrivalent. >> welcome to fox news live. the body of a marine killed in terrorist attack at kabul airport last month is back home in indiana. dozens lined the -- procession route honoring sanchez.
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>> he was just 22 years old. >> and novak djokovic falling short today to win grand slam titles. he lost to russian medvedev in new york. >> welcome back, larry elder, the issue of double standards, you are running, there are double standards applied to you. is gavin newsom wife on the side of women? >> you know, i have been accused of not looks room
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based on a 20 year older article i wrote, rose mcgowan t the actress whose career was destroyed by harvey weinstein because she would not sleep with him, the other day, said, that gavin newsom's wife called her allegedly on by half of harvey weinstein's lawyer, saying what can we do to make this go away. now, i don't know whether this is true or false, if an allegation like that would be made against the my, politico would be running it on first page, and "new york times" and cnn talking about it it is a double standard. the crap that i've been
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putting up with my entire campaign, a front page story in "new york times" all negative about me, never once mentioning i am black, and i would be first black governor ofad california, i never made a deal because i don't know people to vote for me because i am black or again me because i am black, but same page, there was a article of first female governor of new york. after cuomo resigned. that is double standard i'm talking about the allegation by rose mcgowan alleging that call was made on behalf of harvey weinstein a attorneys by gavin newsom's wife. this is double standard hypocrisy, this crap that conservatives have been puttingng up with for a long time. mark: i want everyone to look at this clip.
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>> we're getting egged from behind. [bleep] take your hands off me. >> don't touch me again. [bleep] mark: you are running for governor, a public figure. in is an attack. really the egg was thrown at you. falls in definition of a hate crime understate and federal law, i don't hear barack obama speaking out about it, kamala harris other people of color
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silent. most of television networks have not played that clip, as if it never happened, this is astounding even by low standards of american corrupt media. >> if i had a d at the end of my name that would be talking about this size a hate crime, and we have endemic racism in america, and it has gotten very little coverage in left wing media. it is the doublein standard we're facing, i was in venice, in a homeless encampment, i do not knowno whether that woman is one of 20,000 people released early underr gavin newsom because. the coronavirus, maybe she benefited on the soft on crime l.a. county d.a. who is backed by gavin newsom they are not charging people to fullest extent of
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the law. cashless bail, maybe. mark: we wish you the best. this is an uphill battle with all unions work against you, and hollywood and all entertainment against you thatt is young zero for hard left, you have guts to take them on, i wish you the best. >> thank you, mark. i'll see you in sacramento. mark: all right. we'll be right back. hey lily, i need a new wireless plan for my business, but all my employees need something different. oh, we can help with that. okay, imagine this... your mover, rob, he's on the scene and needs a plan with a mobile hotspot. we cut to downtown, your sales rep lisa has to send some files, like asap! so basically i can pick the right plan for each employee... yeah i should've just led with that... with at&t business,
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happened in afghanistan but the biden administration. what happened is that biggest disaster since world war ii according to former command irof british force in afghanistan, retired colonel richard kemp. and i happen to believe he is right. consideringim at anniversary of september 11, 2001. my question, what has joe biden done to america's national security. >> to your point first on afghanistan, i hope that it is just something that has an impact for decades not centuries, this is the d most profound loss for the united states. certainly in ourd lifetime. but one of my concerns there, thiss goes to your larger question about what has joe biden done to our national security, clearly
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harmed it. beyond afghanistan. but this most recent, painful -- epic failure in afghanistan breathed life into terrorist movement in the world. we will not know the consequences for a long time to come who he inspired. to the larger question. i wrote an article as director of national intelligence saying that china was our number one national security threat. i did that as i was walking out the door based on fact that am person that saw more intelligence than anyone else in country over last year, and china is that existential threat. but if i had to write that
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op-ed today, i would tell you our greatest national security threat short-term is joe biden and national security apparatus, i'm not trying to be glib or hyperbolic, they have literally gotten everything wrong for 8 straight months with respect to china, russia and iran. and through on the the middle east now that includes afghanistan. it goss on and on, they are batting zero, they are striking out at every turn. it is having a profound grave impact on our national security and our national securityio posture. and you know, i hope that people misunderstand -- do not misunderstand the united states resolve long-term, in short-term, we
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look at what transpired in last 8 months underring this administration, ii could walk youit around the globe see how our national security posture is weaker with respect to china, iraq and radical islamic terrorists. it is you know, it is hard to put it in terms, i think what is most troubling for me, i go back to always look at what the intelligence what i saw, in that position, one of the challenges here we are facing for the next 3 years, is a president who is not listening to the intelligence, our intelligence was critical clear of what would happen in afghanistan if we withdrew without terms that
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we negotiated and biden abandoned that plan, it went to what he said would happen that trend has continued this administration, keeps making bad decisions, keeps ignoring actual intelligence we have. and honestly, nothing concerns he more right now. mark: i can tell by the way you are answering how frustrated you are, you know more information than any of us who not served in high levels of government. with access to this information, i can tell how painful this is for you to see this unravel in front of youro eyes. it is not just biden, as awful as he is, it is primarily biden he is the greatest threat. you have a sairlt secretary of state who is like quinny quinny ittional ivy league egg head yet does not
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understand what is going on. and same national security and a failed general when it cames to leaving iraq and growing of isis, he told obama that i is the jvteam. you have head of joint chief highly political. they all sit there and they reinforce t one another. here is the thing. we have american citizens behind enemy lines, allies, patriots and served and helped us, as if they they will rope-a-dope us with the vaccines, did you think you would ever see a president in u.s. in my view so cavalier about leaving citizens in enemy territory. >> no, i agree.
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this is all of the decisions makers, there is a question about joe biden is the person making the decisions. if not, who is. he is not surrounded by anyonen that has gotten anything right. that is the concern. afghanistan is just the latest episode of what we've seen where commander in chief is demonstrating cowardice on a national stage to our allies and adversaries, put it in perspective from intelligence, our intelligence was clearin in afghanistan. they ignored it. i talk about pro found and grave damage, how do you think our intelligence will work inrk the middle east and other places, when we rely so much on human intelligence sources, people that work with united states who know they have protection from the u.s. when they have watched the
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people that worked with us in afghanistan, beheaded in front of their families, our ability to conduct the best intelligence in the world has been impacted. that is the ripple effect, and it is something that i again, never expected to see, and god help us, we'll never see, i do not -- we live in the greatest country with greatest people, there are people outside this country and inside this country trying to destroy it. we'll get past it, we have to survive next 3 years with a president andnd a national security team that has created one -- literally created one disaster, strategy or hume hostile or debacle after that are. mark: i will talk about what democrats are planning, our constitutional system, voting system, immigration
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system. our financial and economic system there is a massive ominous bill they are putting together that will change the nature of this country, i would like your inpout, that we'll be right back. multi-flex, huh? wow. it becomes a step. mom, dad's flexing again. that's not all. you can extend the bed for longer stuff. is he still... still flexing. that's right! and, it becomes a workspace... you can put your laptop here. i'm sending an imaginay email. hey dad, dinner! hey! look who stopped by daddy's office. wait, you work here? the chevy silverado with the available multi-flex tailgate. find new flexibility. find new roads. (vo) unconventional thinking means we see things differently, so you can focus on what matters most. that's how we've become the leader in 5g. #1 in customer satisfaction. and a partner who includes 5g in every plan, so you get it all.
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i may not be as pretty. i'm not a cable tv personality or an entertainer like larry.
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i'm the businessman, the only cpa running for gov ernor. california is a mismanaged mess. taxes, cost of living, water, wildfires, homelessness. these aren't political issues; they're readily fixable management issues. career politicians? celebrities? i've solved problems all my life. let's fix this great state!
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mark: welcome back, john radcliffe, also a member of congress, my question, this bill they want to pass, democrat party and biden, will have an negative impact on every aspect of this society. what is your input. >> it is colossaly bad, this a country that is 50/50 in terms of republicans and democrats or people that see themselves aligned with one partyer on the other, this is latest example of what we're seeing where one party barely in control in the united states congress is using that to force feed something on the american people they don't want, will hurt them in the long-term. that really challenges you know the fabric of our democracy and our constitution. you know, mark, you mentioned previously about different things that play
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ropa dope and trying to change the topic from afghanistan. but what you watch what is consistent with this, they are selectively challenging and suspending americans' liberty and freedoms, as democrats, and democrats alone see fit and serve their purpose. this bill is just latest iteration where democrats see the bill they want see it in the moment. it is just you know something that i hope that american people are starting to pay attention about just how dishonest the democratic leadership in the white house, in the senate, in the house have been to the american people. and why all americans should
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understand in light of what we've seen just in the last 8 months and how they have unraveled and this country going to places that none of us imagined, and most of us still believe you know are un-american. don't represent the very best of our values, you know, will stand up. that members of congress will stand up and that democrats who many who privately don't agree with this, will behind closed-doors will hopely come out -- openly come out and oppose it we should got not have to rely one person, like no -- joe manchin in west virginia, as we approach 2022, our first and best opportunity to make sure we never get to this place where we find america, humiliated on the world stage time and time again in
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the short months, we don't know what the remaining three years of this administration will bring, best way to minimize that damage to take away one of those leavers of power or two in next set of elections next year. i hope that americans are paying attention, and mark, i appreciate opportunity to come on and talk about these and give perspective again about you know someone who has seen the intelligence and can tell american people, they are lying to you, they are not telling you the truth about what our intelligence says to all these issues, they can't be trusted they should not. >> you heard from a source, an expert. election is simple liberty and tirr -- tyranny. they want to force it through, and use constitution turn mine the constitution. and your liberty.
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john ratcliffe, thank you for your service, patriotism and be well. >> you bet. mark: we'll be right back. why bother mastering something? why hand-tune an audio system? why include the most advanced active safety system in its class...standard? because when you want to create an entirely new feeling, the difference between excellence and mastery is all the difference in the world. the lexus es. every curve, every innovation, every feeling... a product of mastery. get 1.9% apr financing on the 2021 es 350. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. wealth is your first big investment. get 1.9% apr financing on the 2021 es 350. worth is a partner to help share the load. wealth is saving a little extra. worth is knowing it's never too late to start - or too early. ♪ ♪ wealth helps you retire. worth is knowing why.
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this is the sound of fasenra. ask your doctor about fasenra. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. >> welcome back american when i was 20 years old almost half a century ago, my father and i had the great fortune to visit washington dc and in united states senator his name was paul axel from the state of nevada. he had no reason to meet with us. we were from pennsylvania but concerned about the very on —- the panama canal treaty which the president carter was about to give it away and he did. this senator was an extremely wise man and we sat with him and he spent 20 or 30 minutes
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with us very busy but did it anyway and a confidant to reagan governor period of time and reagan was given her and we spoke for a bit and one of the last things he said to me before i left his office was, you know, mark, every time congress meets, the american people lose a little bit of their liberty. every time congress meets the american people lose a little bit of their liberty and we went on to be lifelong friends passed away several years ago. ladies and gentlemen, every time joe biden signed an executive order, every time this congress passes a statute we are losing not a little bit of our liberty but now losing a lot of our liberty. we just reminded the declaration of independence we hold these truths to be self-evident all men are created equal and with the
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naming rights life liberty and the pursuit of happiness and to secure these rights governments are instituted among men deriving their powers and the consent of the governed we are not subjects. we are we the people, the citizens. see you next time on life liberty and levin. >> good evening everyone welcome to the next revolution this is another pro- worker family pro- community this weekend especially polymeric. these two men andrew carnegie and rockefeller lied and she'd just cheated for the pursuit of economic power the robber baron of capitalism in a heated that so they set about changing their image of wanted people to forget about all the terrible things they did so carn


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