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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  September 15, 2021 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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turn it into a shecovery. >> laura: oh, my god. justin trudeau is totally a she-man. it gets worse. >> i will never apologize for standing up to lg -- lgbtq. >> thank you. over to you, mr. president. >> thank you, boris. i want to thank that fellow down under. thank you very much, powell, appreciate it, mr. prime minister. >> what is worse is that guy is from auckland. [laughter] [applause] ♪ ♪ >> greg: here we go.
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happy, happy wednesday everybody, just got back from celebrating my birthday. wow, what a night. first, i hit the lake. >> [bleep]. >> oh, my god. >> [bleep]. [indistinct] >> greg: oh, man. i had my phone on me. then we headed inside. ♪ ♪ >> greg: wait until you see what happened after that. got to pay extra. one guest could not resist getting back into the water. >> oh! >> [bleep]. >> all right? >> i'm good. >> greg: yeah, he's good. but not everyone had a good time.
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[laughter] yeah. there is always one. and after holding it in all night, i was finally able to use the bathroom. [laughter] thank you, chipotle. so, let's talk about corrupt elections. i know, i know, there is no corruption, greg, stop it fear of our elections are as flawless as pete hegseth's hair. look at his hair appeared in like a rubik's cube covered in e to tamper with, trust me on that one. of course, you can hack our banks, servers, fuel lines, but that can't happen with elections, right? like trying to make kilmeade a sex symbol. in 2016, stung by the trump victory unlike the the rest of the know-it-all left, they
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couldn't let it go. just ask hillary clinton, she still insists she lost to russian collusion, low blood sugar, and pass interference. not because she is the most disliked first lady since hepatitis. i know, hepatitis is not a first lady, but i couldn't think of one worse than hillary. it's not just about votes, it is about controlling those votes through media manipulation, which is what we saw in 2020. hunter was a gift for trump, so it was killed faster than your victim's parakeet. the national election committee will twitter was in violation of election laws on its depressed "the new york post" story. he volunteers strictly for the food. if you remember just weeks before the election, the post published revelations pulled from the laptop, focused on the in same business dealings hunter had while his dad was bp. confirmed by the deity, money
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laundering, special favors, hookers and blow, then hookers and more below. it reminded me of kat's sweet 16. lucky for joe, hunter is the only person that had a guard installed over his computer screen. anyone who hacked that drive would need a shot of penicillin, which is why the story got buried. with the social media and press being their respective pallbearers, they could do it. if you so much tweeted the article, you were thrown off twitter faster than betty white on a mechanical bull. this was in response to the email story which they still blame for 2016, definitely her emails and not that shespent more time there tn wisconsin. no one wanted to be ostracized for reporting the story that led to another four years of trump. no more book parties, media
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appearances, happy hours, so they all looked the other way while pretending to run towards the burning building. that is how you sway an election. how did "the new york times" report on this? they tweeted -- blocking and am substantiated article about hunter. this -- if you took all anonymous news sources away from the times, all you have is the crossword for your lactose intolerant kitty to [bleep] on. whenever there someone running they don't want, they can turn the spigot of news on or off to make sure someone wins or someone loses. they can even simply ban accounts of the public officials while allowing the taliban to run rampant on their platform. look at larry elder. he could have been the first black governor in california's history. and how did the press react?
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they created -- and ignore a white woman in a gorilla mask attempting to egg him. in support of the whitest face to grace the french laundry without a mask. if newsom was whiter, he would be a chardonnay. i wonder what the angry white male thinks of this. ♪ ♪ >> look, i happen to think that in the last election, and a lot of things were done to help the democrats, but if you say that out loud, they will scream and yell. after they screamed and yelled for four years saying that he 16 was rigged. [laughs] listen, i'm not going to let it get to me. i tend to only get upset over the big things. [screaming] ♪ ♪
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>> greg: cut. that is how it works. after twitter suppressed the biden news, the liberal media got the green light to do the same thing. cnn called the story too disgusting to repeat on air, which should have been there exact headline when larry elder was attacked by a white woman in a gorilla mask. hunter biden was to disgusting for cnn, who still employs andrew chris cuomo, promoting his governor, brother, governor happy hands. russia and china have nothing on jack dorsey and twitter because they don't actually really care about the spread of misinformation, as long as they are the ones in charge of doing it. let's welcome tonight's guests! the fifth degree black belt can break news and break boards. managing editor of sinclair's sunday tv program "full measure," sharyl attkisson!
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online videos get more views than the magazines hidden under my bed. actor and comedian terrence k. williams! like the potato salad in the display case at the deli, she is older than she looks. fox news contributor kat timpf. and he gets his masks from the same place that makes of the tarps to cover the baseball field when it rains. the n.w.a.'s world television champion, tyrus. [applause] are you really a black belt, sharyl? >> i am a black belt master, fifth degree. >> greg: how long have you been doing it? >> 20-something years. >> greg: that's amazing. have you ever used it in real life? >> i almost used it when a congresswoman grabbed me once time. stephanie tubbs jones, when i was trying to get an interview with her, and i thought better of it because i knew i could
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escape. i thought that would be on the news and it would look bad. >> greg: if you are a black belt, that's like being armed and dangerous. you could get charged with assault. this is why i don't get involved in any fights, because my hands, as you know, tyrus, our deadly weapons. >> yes. >> greg: what? >> your hands are short -- >> greg: oh, i thought you said i was short. so, like me, you are a legendary journalist. was the ftc right or wrong in this case? >> listen, the sec from what i've seen is a political organization in which i think both sides have come to an agreement not to do much of anything against the other, and i'm not sure, that could have been a proper decision, but whether censorship and big tech actions are appropriate. maybe it did not violate election law, but it certainly violates our sensibilities of fairness and openness pete
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>> greg: terence, welcome back. >> i'm back. >> greg: you are back. it's like there's news just went away. we talk about election corruption, but it is really just about collusion between institutions. >> i think "the new york times," i think everybody come all these organizations, they backpedaled the story quicker than a new york minute, and i just don't understand why they are protecting hunter biden so much. why do they feel so connected to him? are they all smoking parmesan cheese together? i mean, what is going on? if this was eric or don jr., cn and, nbc, they would look for correspondents to investigate this story and investigate everything that hunter biden was doing, you know, i just don't understand. >> greg: i think i have accidentally snorted parmesan cheese. i've been there. it is not a pleasant thing, kat,
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not at all. do you think as long as we have a lopsided media that is uniform uniform, will you ever have a fair election, so this is a constant complain that will never go away? >> yeah, probably. this stuff is ridiculous, the fact "the new york times" took unsubstantiated out, when you change a story at all, you are supposed to put a little note, "an earlier version said this, then we took this out," i mean, a first-year journalism student could tell you that. i kind of feel like "the new york times" should be able to know what a first-year journalism student would no. like, maybe my standards are too high, but then i thought that's not true. [laughter] >> greg: i have seen you dated before you got married. >> yeah, yeah, yeah, that is not true. tyrus, sorry. >> greg: tyrus, the media did not even bother to track down the lady in the gorilla mask fearful isn't that incredible?
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i still do not know the name of the lady in the gorilla mask. >> i'm going to say it is karen. [laughter] he liked it. i think this is all your fault. >> greg: why is it my fault? >> 100%. i warned you. >> greg: what did you warn me? >> you did the president trump interview, the entire news cycle is a tax of president trump and anything connected to president trump. if they actually watched your interview, which again, still one of the best interviews, real talk, i have ever seen with a president, we can all agree on that. [applause] but two things came out of your interview. which you are never supposed to happen with president trump. it was compassion and understanding. he talked about the vaccine, in a very polite way, and two, when you served him hunter biden --
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>> greg: he didn't take it. >> the father and hymns that he had problems and that is a place he didn't want to go. >> greg: that's true. >> he was kinder to hunter biden everyone pretending he didn't have a problem. those two things would have been grounds to bring us together if anyone had bothered to even mention that. we are having a hard time getting people vaccinated, right? at least, that is the narrative right now. when you have both presidents saying the same thing only one is saying my patience is wearing thin, you bring that together, that might bring some more people. than the election, the california election, where a black man had an egg thrown at him by somebody in a gorilla, and you don't need to be black to know what that means. president trump would have been held to the fire until he came out and condemned it. newsom, you had a chance, it was a landslide, it was like 15 minutes long. there was an opportunity there for some leadership, a little humility, and to denounce what
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happened to larry. didn't happen. doubled down on it. as a matter fact, said you don't vote for me, you are all going to die. president biden came out to speak -- i'm not making this [bleep] up. president biden came out, again, could have had a john mccain moment, when i say that, when they said those things about barack obama, no, he is a good man, a difference of opinion. there was an opportunity there in victory to bring people together. no, they are not interested in that. it is more. >> greg: up next, should we take milley out of the military? [applause] ♪ ♪ y for what you need. how much money can liberty mutual save you? one! two! three! four! five! 72,807! 72,808... dollars. yep... everything hurts. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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okay people. oh yeah. let us begin. people!!! less with the puns. more about the moms. they want healthy, affordable options. moms want to save that dough. hold onto that green. enough with the puns! land o'frost premium. fresh look. same great taste.
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♪ ♪ >> greg: did billy think nothing could be finer and then a secret to china? [laughter] i'm just going to sit here.
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he was the inept general who gave beijing a ringy-ding-ding. >> i love that. >> greg: all right, according to a new book out next week by bob woodward and bob costa, chairman mark milley was so fearful trump would start a war with china, which is absurd, that he secretly called a top chinese general twice, assuring him trump would not attack. it would have been nice if he had asked to stop releasing deadly airborne pathogens all over the world, but you know, maybe next phone call. even more damning, milley reportedly told china "if we are going to attack, i'm going to call you had a time." so what did he say when the chinese called him back? "hold on, i'm kissing the taliban's -- online one." milley's calls were not secret, it happened all the time between military leaders, and though not
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so much of the good ones. i doubt patton ever messaged him on linkedin -- i don't think linked in and existed back then, but you get the point. try telling milley's defenders in the media. >> i'm sorry, republicans don't like this, are you so stupid? i've just got to ask, are you so stupid, are you so ignorant of how things work that you don't know that from time to time, generals talk to generals. this is going to play out on twitter. this is going to be completely polarized. it's either going to be, you know, general milley is a traitor or a patriot vehicle that has already started to occur. let's stick to the facts. the facts are we have an unbalanced prejudice presidency. >> god bless general milley for straightening things out. i know the chain of command as sacrosanct, but this is an emergency. >> greg: i could listen to her for never. one man calling him out was alex vindman, saying "if this is
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true, general milley must resign, you can simply walk away from that." think about how he walked away from afghanistan. he is a walking disaster who is more concerned about the feelings of the author of "white fragility" then he does the officer he commands, and he sure sucks flights. so maybe he should walk. what do you think, terrence? should he resign at this point? >> you know what, general silly milley -- this man is a traitor -- yes, he is. >> greg: wow, that is pretty strong. >> that is pretty strong and that is what i believe and that is what it is, i believe. >> greg: those are no fans of milley. >> first of all, it made me sick to my stomach that all these people stabbed trump in the back of your you go behind his back, calling china -- you are more worried about china then you are about our people in afghanistan? you are not a patriot -- >> greg: that's a good point. >> you are not a true american.
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this is absolutely disgusting. and actually, he should be arrested. i mean, he admitted to calling china, and then claimed he is going to give them a warning if we are going to attack. whose side are you on? >> greg: okay, but this gets me to a point, sharyl, a lot of this does sound kind of crazy. do you think a lot of this is just like -- for example, who actually thinks that we were going to invade china? this sounds like something woodward would have made up. if everything is true, terrence is right, but what if it is not true? it is so outrageous. do you buy this? >> before i answer that, i'm really embarrassed because when your staff said we were talking about milley, i am thinking milley vanilly. general milley may have had some secrets to hide. you bring up a good point about woodward. i actually personally know someone who is directly quoted
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in a woodward book who never spoke to him, who try to get it corrected because the quote was wrong and could not get that fixed. i think it rings a little bit true, but -- >> greg: can i ask you a question? why is -- i am the host of the show -- >> please, go ahead. >> greg: how do people keep having woodward in the white house? i mean, trump even had him in the white house. where does he sit? i was at the white house, i never saw woodward there. where is he all the time doing this stuff? >> didn't he interview the former cia director on his deathbed, but nobody saw him come in or out of the hospital? >> greg: yeah. >> i want that kind of job. you don't have to do anything. he is nowhere to be found. >> greg: yes. tyrus, thoughts? >> i, you know, i just feel like this whole thing is, well, what is the word i'm looking for -- [bleep]. [applause]
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there is no reason for milley to resign because he is right where he should be in this administration. what we are seeing is what we are getting, and leaving him going is going to be more of the same thing. to succeed in this new administration, you have to bury everything that was in the last administration. that is number one. two, i never thought we were defcon 5 with china. if trump is the bully that you say he is, if you are 6'8", you do not walk up to the other 6'8" guy and say "what's up, bro, what do you want to do?" you go to the 5'4" guy, north korea or someplace small like that and go "hey!" that would be in line with this in the range -- i mean, they talk about president trump the same way a lot of my exes talk about me. very unfavorable. i'm deranged. i have delusions of grandeur. i acted buff but i was really
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chunky. they would say just unflattering things that could be true, could not be true, but no matter what, makes me look like a jerk. even president trump's rebuttal was, i don't know what you did to him, but it was like, if this truly happened, then i would have fired him and he handled it like an adult. he is not giving them what they are used too, so they have to expound, you know. i don't think milley has been on the phone with anybody more than 5 minutes, doing a pizza order or something. i just can't see this dude doing that. he is part of the woke administration, why change his story, afghanistan is only enough. >> greg: it could have happened so far -- like, kat, maybe he thought he would be seen as a hero, but here's the thing, if we had known about this early on, milley would have been gone and we wouldn't have this mess in afghanistan. >> yeah, i just think taking the bigger picture -- >> greg: don't do that. >> i'm going to do it. >> greg: i don't want the big picture.
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>> well, this guy does. milley, like, he really, really sucks. >> greg: yes. >> really just sucks at his job. all those little scars he wear, he got from lying about a war just so he could get those star. at the expense of american lives. with this story on this whole news cycle, did this happen or not happen, should he be fired or not fired? i'm just sitting here like, can someone please explain to me why, regardless of this even, that this guy deserves to stay? >> greg: that's the whole thing. at south capone getting busted for taxes. it is the story that makes him go. >> i got fired from a ruby tuesday for a lot less, and ruby tuesday is actually not in the business of sending young people to die. >> greg: that is true. well, have you ever had some of their apps? >> thank you. >> greg: i love me every tuesday. >> i still eat there after they
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fired me. >> greg: is not named after a rolling stones song? i don't know. >> i did not read through all of the pamphlets. >> greg: there is no ruby tuesday. lying through my teeth. >> unsubstantiated. >> greg: up next, aoc betrays the working class with a message across her very nice dress. yardwork... teamwork... long walks.... that's how you du more, with dupixent, which helps prevent asthma attacks. dupixent is not for sudden breathing problems. it's an add-on-treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma that can improve lung function for better breathing in as little as two weeks. and can reduce, or even eliminate, oral steroids. and here's something important. dupixent can cause serious allergic reactions,
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including anaphylaxis. get help right away if you have rash, shortness of breath, chest pain, tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection, and don't change or stop your asthma treatments, including steroids, without talking to your doctor. are you ready to du more with less asthma? just ask your asthma specialist about dupixent.
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hayley: this inspiration4 mission-- we're going to be the first all civilian mission to space. i definitely think that my journey with cancer prepared me for this. having cancer made me tough, and so i feel ready for space travel. colleen: st. jude gave me my child, and i never got a bill. hayley: getting to serve as an ambassador for st. jude-- i mean, not only will it change my life, but we're going to be able to help so many more kids because of this mission.
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hi, i'm debra. i'm from colorado. i've been married to my high school sweetheart for 35 years. i'm a mother of four-- always busy. i was starting to feel a little foggy. just didn't feel like things were as sharp as i knew they once were. i heard about prevagen and then i started taking it about two years now. started noticing things a little sharper, a little clearer. i feel like it's kept me on my game. i'm able to remember things. i'd say give it a try. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. at usaa, we've been called too exclusive. because we were created for officers. but as we've evolved with the military, we've grown to serve all who've honorably served.
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no matter their rank, or when they were in. a marine just out of basic, or a petty officer from '73. and even his kids. and their kids. usaa is made for all who've honorably served and their families. are we still exclusive? absolutely. and that's exactly why you should join. ♪ ♪ >> greg: better hide your working class faces when working in rich people's faces. aoc attends a gala event while the poor can go get bent. by now you've probably seen it, congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez, the gown she wore to the met gala that said "tax the rich," oddly it looks like the dress i wore to the oscars last year. i think i wore it better if you ask me, but the event also gave us loads of images, going unmask
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surrounded by those who served them all messed up. as glenn greenwald pointed out, and these images are not only grotesque but commonplace. take that, servants, they don't want to see your faces or smell your dirty breath. next, they will demand sunglasses to prevent eye contact. not a bad idea. remember obama's birthday bash? only the servants wore a mask, that weighed the martha's vineyard covert outbreak could be more exclusive. or the recent nancy pelosi fund-raiser in napa, the servant's faces were covered and the wealthy donors not at all, even nancy took off her mask made of human stem cells. the message coming out from democrat elites in hollywood, same thing, it's clear, masks are for servants and for your kids in schools, but they are for us. just as we learned with protests and election celebrations, right? the virus will not attack democrats, social justice, or
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migrants on the border. if they had any real guts, these people would put actual rebellious messages on their dresses, like "the poor are serving you sliders." [laughter] against the death penalty unless it is the unborn. "i stepped over the homeless to get in here." "you knew about harvey weinstein." "biden sniffed me here." "gutfeld!," show number one. there you go. kat, is this what glenn greenwald said, it shows clearly? >> yes, my favorite image was a masked attendant following aoc holding up the back of her gown so it wouldn't touch the ground. like, nothing says lowly proletariat quite like that.
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but to get someone to hold my dress up like that, i had to get married. >> greg: that's so true! >> even worse than that is the hypocrisy with the masks. none of them had their faces covered. i guess except for whatever kim kardashian was doing. they will be the same people that say you are a murderer if you can't get a mask on your 2-year-old on a flight. >> greg: right. >> i think we should all look at this and just stay "all right, you're telling me misses over." it's done. >> greg: by the way, i hate the met gala -- you know what it is, it is the oscars without the movies. >> i'm going to be honest with you, i'm embarrassed. i have been not watching tv like i said. i thought she was wearing a chick-fil-a dress. [laughter] i thought she had a new sponsorship deal. >> greg: yes, that would make sense at this point. >> the part that is really killing me is this gala was $30,000 a plate -- >> greg: yes. >> you make $170,000 a year as a
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house member. how did you afford this? as a socialist? it's confusing. i mean, i am not a mathematician. explained that to me, unless you are just -- man, you are a hypocrite. >> greg: that's what it is. cheryl, you could argue that the mask is now part of the uniform, so all servants wear uniforms, whether it is a butler, a maid, a waiter, so this is not a class thing, it is a work thing. that is what i would say. >> i think it is the best example of writing that book, you know, some animals are more equal than others. animals are equal, then it gets revised, and it reminds me of true story, members of congress, both parties, going to a climate change summit in copenhagen, but taking a few-sucking jet to get there and bringing along their spouses and their staff and making it a huge party. >> exactly, that is what it is. it's for the environment, though.
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if you party for the environment, terrence, it is okay. what do you make of this whole met gala thing? >> i agree with tyrus. i thought when i saw that, it did look like a chick-fil-a to go bag that i threw away. it looked like the one i threw away. i don't know how she found it. i don't know how she found that. this is what i was trying to understand. i need somebody to help me make this make sense. aoc cares about the poor people. she cares about taxing the rich. now, like tyrus said, how did you afford that $30,000 ticket? but i read that they were comp tickets, so she got a $30,000 ticket for her and her boyfriend, that $60,000 -- >> greg: she better pay taxes on that. >> she could have asked the rich people to help the poor people you care about so much. you care about people's rent, you want to cancel rent, you could have helped someone with their rent with that $30,000.
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>> greg: but you know what -- that's a gift. if they to declare that. >> but this is the kicker. they had tables there. if you wanted to eat at a table, that cost $200,000. that is the price of a house. they were literally eating houses. [laughter] but they care about poor people. oh, please! >> greg: it is harder on the way out than the way in, terrence. don't eat houses. up next, she raps about butts and(m tweets about her cousin's friend's nuts. called tardive dyskinesia... ... i ignored them. but when the movements in my hands and feet started throwing me off at work... i finally had to say, 'it's not ok.' it was time to talk to my doctor about austedo. she said that austedo helps reduce td movements in adults... ...while i continue with most of my mental health medications. (vo) austedo can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in
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do you struggle to fall asleep and stay asleep? qunol sleep formula combines 5 key nutrients that can help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, and wake up refreshed. the brand i trust is qunol. [sfx: radio being tuned] welcome to allstate. ♪ [band plays] ♪ a place where everyone lives life well-protected.
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♪♪ and even when things go a bit wrong, we've got your back. here, things work the way you wish they would. and better protection costs a whole lot less. you're in good hands with allstate. click or call for a lower auto rate today. ♪ ♪ mom! mom! every day can be extraordinary with rich, creamy, delicious fage total yogurt. >> it was a story so majestic call. she raps about an anaconda but here with medical advice, joy read don't want to. nicki minaj gave some interesting medical advice on twitter. "my cousin in trinidad will get
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the vaccine because his friend got it and became impotent. his speech at jericho testicles became. now the girl called off the wedding. prey on it and make sure you're comfortable with his decision and not bullied." what the hell are they using in trinidad? if she thought her friends testicles were huge, her tweet blew up even bigger. >> like nicki minaj, i have to say, you have a platform that is 22 million followers. i have 2 million followers. you have 22 million followers on twitter. for your user platform to encourage our community to not protect themselves and save their lives. my god, sister, you can do better than that. >> greg: she said that to brag about her twitter following.
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she also said she would get vaxxed to go on to her. she called joy a homophobe over her past blog post. read responded calling the whole thing a teachable moment which is what the left calls it when they embarrass themselves. everybody is wrong on this, tyrus, right? >> especially you. why the hell are we talking about it? kat i read a story about a kid in a building in a naked woman in a golf cart on florida and we were talking about this question like the last two places i would ever go for advice on anything. i have 2 million followers. >> greg: [laughs] >> use your platform to talk about your cousin not telling the truth to where he was the night before got married. it was the vaccine. not a really inappropriate night strip club and you came home afterwards and everything was swollen. yeah, the vaccine.
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right. we are all dumber for this. i can't believe you ran with this. i would never go -- nicki minaj, listen. you have a song that could help? joy, damn. we are all dumber for this. >> i don't think everyone is dumber for this because something we been saying, we've all been saying hey, a lot of people do have concerns about this vaccine and they are not all old guys in maga hats. i didn't know that it would take this, my cousin's friend's balls got so big his fiancee called off the wedding tweet to bring this to life that hear a lot of people saying i didn't realize how many people have these concerns. they were the same people. it's a ridiculous way to get there. maybe it could be a teachable
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moment for everyone. then again, probably won't be. >> greg: i did the story because i wanted to find a rhyme for testicle and it was majestical. >> occasionally a perfectly healthy person dies of covid. very little reporting on the concerns of really valid scientific concerns about vaccines for some people. that should be told. the media has been very one-sided. >> greg: what do you think, terrence? >> trump named don lemon the dumbest man on tv. joy read is officially the dumbest woman on tv. she's the dumbest woman on tv. now, i'm not vaccinated. i believe if you want to get vaccinated, that's your choice. you do that. listen, i won't judge you. don't judge me. you mind my business, -- i mind
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my business. you mind your business. if it's making things bigger, i'm going to look into it. i'm not going to go there because we are on national tv. >> i think we get it. >> there's a lot of brothers, all i have to do is take a shot? i don't have to worry about having kids? give me four. >> joy read, when trump was the president, she was against the vaccine. she didn't want to take it. not taking that vaccine. this man doesn't know what he's doing. then all of a sudden she is for the vaccine now that joe biden is in office. and now she is berating and talking. it's dragging another black woman through the mud because she's against the vaccine. >> greg: she's talking to her -- >> she said i probably will get vaccinated. she left that out. sweetie we've got to roll. it's true. hypocrisy.
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it's hypocrisy. he is gone from drawing cartoons to motivational tunes. the great scott adams joins us next.
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millions of vulnerable americans struggle to get reliable transportation to their medical appointments. that's why i started medhaul. citi launched the impact fund to invest in both women and entrepreneurs of color like me, so i can realize my vision and give everything i've got to my company, and my community. i got you. for the love of people. for the love of community. for the love of progress. citi.
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>> greg: what was that you just heard? that's a new kind of music created by the brilliant british musician. the genius collaboration is "an ongoing musical story in psycho technology with the aim of helping listeners achieve their potential in this lifetime. that stones also. let's learn more. joining me, author, cartoonist, recording star scott adams. >> hi. >> greg: this is so fun to listen to. it's definitely a new genre. how did this happen?
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>> when you said collaborate, my entire role was to find out it was done after it was done. we picked vocals. he puts them together with music, takes the best part of what he said, if you talk every day for an hour like i do, he will pick that one nugget that you said something clever and he'll put it to music. manipulates the voice a little so it sounds better. sort of like what the beatles did. it doesn't matter what it is. if it's a sound and i think he'll like it, it's in. his approach then this is that big. finally things would work together and putting them together and sure enough they work. >> greg: basically you're the american answer to john lennon. >> you know, this is a weird thing. my entire life i always wanted to be a lyricist. but i didn't want to do anything
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that would require any work, practice, going to any kind of, being in a band. didn't want to do anything whatsoever and still wanted to have a hit record that i wrote, there you go. >> greg: there was another one entitled "good." can we play it. >> from norm macdonald. the idiot sees the world is good. cynic sees the world is evil versus evil. the truth that no one seems to be able to see is that the world is and always has been a battle of good versus good. >> greg: very short, brilliant thought from mr. norm macdonald. who you knew and i knew and he passed away this week. explain what he was saying. >> i think what he was saying is
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people are generally good and they are battling for they think is good. let's take democrats and republicans. it's not that one of them thinks they are evil or is evil, they think they're doing something good and in many ways they are. if you start with the assumption that the other side is evil, you're going to get to a bad place. if you assume they at least have some good intentions, maybe not so much the politicians because they are playing a different game. at least the people. the people are mostly good, democrats, republicans, everybody else. if you accept that as the truth, you get to a better place. >> greg: if people went to itunes, could they get it on itunes? people can probably find it free but i'd like to go really high on itunes. >> it's now being mentioned on the most important show in the entire universe. the odds of it becoming number one now are pretty good. you can make my dream come true. >> greg: we have millions of viewers who should go to itunes and plug-in akira the
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don, scott adams or jeff scott adams. if it comes up. the new album is called "basket case theory." i have a few seconds left. can you explain basket case theory really quick? >> the basket case theory is that people seem normal until you get to know them. no exceptions. as soon as you get to know somebody welcoming realize all their secrets and traumas and all the bad stuff. you have to get to know them first and everyone is a basket case when you realize everything is easier. >> greg: that's why marriage is so important. if my wife had figured out that i was a basket case before we were married, problem. but she married me and now it's too late. >> bait and switch. works every time. >> greg: scott adams, awesome. tune in to his live stream every morning. 10:00 a.m. east coast time. thanks, scott. don't go away. we'll be right back.
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heyyy! (steins breaking) your cousin. ♪ from boston. ♪ it means, “ok-to-beer-fest”. another sam octoberfest? nein. make it ten! i like this guy. (cheers) mission control, we are go for launch. um, she's eating the rocket. ♪♪ lunchables! built to be eaten. this inspiration4 mission-- we're going to be the first all civilian mission to space. i definitely think that my journey with cancer prepared me for this. getting to serve as an ambassador for st. jude-- not only will it change my life, but we're going to be able to help so many more kids because of this mission.
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only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ >> greg: we are out of time. thanks to cheryl atkinson, cat, tyrus. "fox news @ night" with evil shannon bream is next. i am greg gutfeld, and i love you america. ♪ ♪ >> shannon: hello and welcome to "fox news @ night." i am shannon bream in washington. we are learning new details about the bombshell allegations concerning then president trump and his top military advisor at what that chairman of the joint chiefs of staff did or did not state is chinese counterpart, ensuring that the u.s. is not planning any military action against them in the wake of the


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