tv The Five FOX News September 17, 2021 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT
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don't know what's being planned, how it's being planned, when or where they're going to strike. >> neil: very sad. thank you very, very much. the attack on the u.s.s. cole in october, 2000 would be a reminder of what was to come about a year later. he saw it then and warned us then. that will do it now. here's "the five" >> jesse: i'm here with kennedy, and greg gutfelt. 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." fox news alert, president biden's afghanistan nightmare getting worse. the pentagon making a shocking admission saying an august drone strike in kabul killed tendency ceruleans,
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-- killed ten children. >> up to seven children were tragically killed in that strike. more over, we attest that it's unlikely that the vehicle and those who died were associated with isis-k or were a direct threat to u.s. forces. our investigation now concludes that the strike was a tragic mistake. >> the pentagon revealing that information after the administration kept telling americans things like this. >> were there others killed? yes, there were others killed. who they are, we don't know. we'll try to sort through all of that. at this point, we think the procedures were correctly followed and it was a righteous strike. >> what we've seen in the last week is that our over the horizon capacity can and has worked in going after isis targets and killing people who went after our troops. so that's where our resource and focus is going to be at this point in time. >> greg, your reaction to the news today. >> greg: unless you're a
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terrorist, no one wants to kill innocent people. we need to atone to this. was this rushed? based on limited info to help the administration politically, right? he came out and he was very, we're going to do something. it feels kind of like the strike was a gesture. because it was -- we're done here after that happened, we were done. and there was a lot of -- there was a lot of rumor and pretty substantiated rumor this was a bad thing. but, you know, they wouldn't admit it. now they are. now i really do think he was under pressure to act. that's why they acted and they did a horrible, horrible thing. you know, it's been eight or nine months in this administration and their mantra should be "a lot went wrong" because this white house right now is a mess. this situation is terrible in afghanistan right now. there are still people trapped there. i hope that the people are happy we got rid of a president because of his mean tweets in exchange what you got is a president who's just
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mucking it all up. but there were people who voted a guy out because emotionally was damaging. it was causing the sleepless nights. but he happened also to be a peacemaker, light? he didn't drone anybody, right? he didn't -- he didn't make the worst foreign policy decision or implementation of a decision in the last five decades. that's -- i'm the nice guy. the nice guy that lets you sleep at night but he does absolutely horrible things. so i'm always going to vote for the jerk. you know what? you're harder on the jerk. the jerk ends up being more sensible. he's been a jerk for so long, he has to be more sensible. the nice guys get away with literally murder. >> i heard you muffling some sort of reaction when you heard them say, oh, over horizon capabilities. what made you say that? >> this is the obama drone policy. that's happening again.
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this is how you create terrorists. shoot first, aim later doesn't work here. this is what happens. this is horrific. this is why there are so many in the military that are opposed to drone strikes in general but these really missed the mark. and i'm glad you played general mill lee and jim psaki because those propagandists need to resign. they're doing the did he feel's work. they're doing so much harm to this country. they have lied to us on afghanistan for 20 years. they thought they would continue to do so. the fact that general milley hasn't resigned over the 12 marines and navy medic who were killed, bombed to death. then who did they get the intel from? that's what i want to know. where did they get the intel? it was rushed, totally political. was it from the taliban? because if they see a caravan
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of tendency cerules a caravan of 10 civilians including seven kids. >> it was a strategic failure. you back yourself into the corner surrounded by the taliban on the airport. you have no one on the ground to call in air strikes and you're relying on perhaps the taliban for intelligence. >> there's a risk when we use drones as kennedy pointed out. i'm glad that the pentagon acknowledged this drone strike was a mistake. sadly, there were so many more drone strikes over the last 15 or some odd years they haven't called mistakes. there were strikes in syria, iraq, somalia, that happened outside of the spotlight, out of the headline, no journalist covered it. those families are still suffering today. and they're not going to get any money. they're not going to get journalist coverage. they won't get interviews. they won't be talked about on this show or any other show. and they're suffering in
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silence because of bad drone policy that honestly should get bipartisan rebuke, the idea that people are being struck in the middle of the night with no -- like as kennedy said poignantly, shoot and aim later. because in this case, it's very clear. i watched the entire press conference earlier today, if they had waited a second, two seconds, or a minute on this drone, they could say, oh, this is water and it's not an explosive. this is not going to the airport. they're going to drop water off to people. this could have been better handled. >> are heads going to roll because of this, emily? >> not under this administration, i doubt it. heads will only roll when we come together in 2022 and 2024 to vote this administration out and everybody perpetuating it. there will only be heads rolling if the main stream media gets it together and pushes back on this. it was to extract americans, it was to protect allies.
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it was to process afghans in an efficient, legitimate way, not acting with, quote, reasonable certainty as general mckenzie said earlier which was the aiming certainty that they had before the drone, the id certainty they had before this drone. it's like the commercial, the insurance one, where the family is paying for the house. they're like, we think we can pay. and the comedian said, you think you can? would you say that about bees? you know? i think i can outrun this donor man or this bee sting. there are certain things where reasonable certainty is unacceptable. that drone strike was onef oh them. moving forward, they said, we have to use a heightened certainty. that without u.s. intel and troops on the ground, we are relying on the taliban. we're relying on intercepted communications, video feed to get this intel at what cost? the cost of life. and american lives at that.
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the administration continues to fumble everything. i hope to your point, heads will roll. >> hope to see more of these. because we don't have intelligence on the ground. >> how will the media cover this? because -- we're always stuck with the alternate universe where trump is president and you place every one of these actions if he were to do it. so, if this would have been condemned as an atrocity, perhaps even a racist atrocity. milley would have been on the phone with pelosi getting ready to remove trump from office and there would have be a groundswell of support for that. in this case, they're probably going to say, hey, we all make mistakes. >> yeah, in the midst of a hoes tang -- hostage crisis. they'd probably have a count down, day 17, trump hostage crisis. you don't see that. coming up, stunning video shows migrants just streaming across the border.
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>> if you love my body, just rush the border. new video shows chaos at the southern border. 10,000 migrants cramming themselves under a bridge in del rio, texas. officials say 10,000 more immigrants are on the way to join them. a massive makeshift shelter highlighting how bad it is our own bill melugian showing how migrants
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can cross the dam and make their way to texas with no resistance. the white house refuses to say what we're seeing is a crisis. they won't call it a crisis. republicans are furious with the president and the fact that he's allowing it to happen. watch. >> it is the most horrific thing i've seen. it's packed in as a mass of humanity. >> when it comes to illegal immigration, you can't trust the biden administration. it would be like trusting harvey winestein with your daughter. >> he is failing and he's willfully disregarding the duty to enforce the laws of the united states. >> this is not authorized by the state of texas. it's not welcome by the state of texas or any other republican state that i know. and they're not invited. >> they're saying it's because
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the president refused to fly the haitian immigrants, mostly, back to haiti. what's going on here. >> tragedy upon tragedy compounded by an inept administration that refuses to acknowledge this crisis is present. and for an administration to claim to prioritize covid over everything, the vaccination rate in haiti is .1%. 8,000 of those migrants under that bridge are from haiti as you pointed out. we know in mcallen, texas, there was a 15% covid positive rate in the 7,000 migrants that had been released into that town in recent months. however, remember, new york city public schools shut down at 3%. which is it? what is the priority of this administration? now i know that they're folding into this humongous bill with our tax dollars will fund amnesty for all. in the interim, it's a complete crisis. they have no adequate shelter. what looks like a party is an absolute cesspool. they're standing in their own feces. there's no running water that's
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clean. no potable water, no food sources. instead of being put back to a safe place where they're from, they're being left there in squalor with an administration and main stream media that turns its head. >> they can't turnng a dne over. just to capture the footage. so, people can see exactly what's going on. and the number of desperate haitians, south americans, mexicans who are trying to get into this country. but bill malugian has been reporting there's a temporary flight restriction for two weeks so we won't be able to see these pictures. you have three kids that you know of. you do have a baby. and so, when babies put their hands over their eyes, they think no one can see them. so the biden administration wants to remove the fox news drone so no one can see how bad it's gotten in del rio, texas. >> that's the pat herb. he creates a crisis. then tries to cover it up and
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lie about it. first they wouldn't let the media in to where they had kids in cages. then they flew them all over the country. and then -- >> they lifted the ban a few hours ago. it was a lot of pushback when it was obviously a motivated ban. >> then they lie, they say everything is fine, it's not a crisis. it's trump's fault. which one is it? here's why the media doesn't cover it. fox is the only one with a drone. one of the main reasons is a lot of people who work out of new york or dc, they don't even see texas as part of the country. this is the silly red state way down south. maybe they'll go to austin to south-by-southwest. they'll get a kick out of the music and the bar. and they'll fly back and say i've been to texas. they don't go to brownsville or mcallen or laredo. >> neither does vice president harris, obviously. >> neither does she, right? so if you have 10,000 haitians
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or random guys from nicaragua or mexico lined up pouring into a small town, a ranching town, families who have kids in school and small businesses, you're going to overwhelm that town. they can't handle that kind of influx of random people like that, unvaksed, no documents, no education, no english. you're going to pour across a border in a town like that. these people are crying out for help. the media doesn't care. they're not affected by it. it's a 27-hour drive from texas to new york. might as well be australia. >> that's a much longer drive with no bridge. >> harder to drive to australia. >> good point, jesse. how do the democrats make a political win? you have republicans and democrats in a state trying to go from purplish to blue. you have democrat lawmakers who see what's happening and see how the towns and their constituents, to jesse's point, are completely overrun. and this is something that republicans are going to make hay with next year in the
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midterms. >> i think that's a good question. le i think it's a valid question, kennedy. i think the way to start is by telling the story of the haitians at that border. and here's what we know. we know this -- that most of the haitians that are at that border would qualify for temporary protective status under american law and international law. many of those people have been through two earthquakes, two hurricanes. many of them left the country of haiti. they got on ships and went to brazil. they didn't walk on foot from brazil to america's southern border, a journey that takes 15 months, right? they're on the southern border. they're waiting to qualify for asylum. many of them can because of title 52 that says because of health restrictions, you cannot cross that border. because of clogged immigration courts, they are not seeing a judge. this is a story about delays in the immigration courts and unmodernized immigration system has caused many of these folks who would qualify for temporary protective status to be -- as you said, emily, to be in a
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situation where there's a humanitarian crisis on the southern border by the people who will qualify for humanitarian asylum in the united states. we are a giving country, right? that's why we have lady liberty a couple of miles from here. these individuals -- who we should be giving to. >> so they're prioritized above -- >> no, not about prioritizing over them. >> that's the argument you're making right now. >> no, no. >> whatever the administration is, there's a fixed number of people. >> very true. right? but i'm saying there's laws and there's a law in place on the books for them to qualify. temporary protective status. they would qualify. they're not seeing a judge because the courts are so overrun. they are so clogged that it might be two or three years before they get to court. >> the difference, richard, is you have americans still stranded in afghanistan who biden has abandoned and they're letting in -- >> you can't -- >> you're mixing apples and
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oranges. >> don't qualify -- >> versus -- two different things. >> overseas, make them priority. >> verify the manifest. >> can't verify 10,000 people a day coming into a small town, greg? >> it is interesting. the government tries to take down the drones. the previous administration, they would have invited the press down to see everything. i guess biden only approves of drones if they're killing people. if this coverage, this coverage, this amazing, you know, footage were on any other network, let's say nbc, it would win emmys because the visuals have the power of creating a real true narrative that richard should applaud because it would tell the story that he would want to hear. these visuals are striking. they're forcing the main stream media to get off their butts. these are images that honestly can make a difference. but it tells you why nothing changes. it's because the media are the
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gatekeepers of the -- the left are the media gatekeepers for the media. there's one small like trickle of injustice anywhere under republicans, the media will amplify it. right? but you could have months of this. we've had months of this. a lot of it, suffering. a lot of it, unmitigated suffering. it takes fox -- and fox's visual, bill malugi arc n to force the media to a corner to do this when the democrats are in power. you have to shame them to do their jobs. but this is why we can't do anything about it. because the monopoly -- the monopoly of thought in the media, which is aligned with -- with democrats makes this kind of coverage so rare that i -- i don't know how they go forward when now they can see this. this is award-winning stuff. >> nbc gave this four seconds -- coverage of this issue in main stream media besides us has declined 94% while the surge itself of these people, these
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humans, has increased by over 300%. to your point. >> they know they're suffering. they just don't want to tell the story. if they did, maybe would you alleviate it. ahead, president biden's plan to give millions of americans a booster shot. that hit a major roadblock. we'll tell you about it, next. ok, let's talk about those changes to your financial plan. bill, mary? hey... it's our former broker carl. carl, say hi to nina, our schwab financial consultant. hm... i know how difficult these calls can be. not with schwab. nina made it easier to set up our financial plan. we can check in on it anytime. it changes when our goals change. planning can't be that easy. actually, it can be, carl. look forward to planning with schwab. schwab! ♪♪
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>> president biden at odds with the fda over the plans to give millions of americans a booster shot. they voted not to give every american over 16 an extra dose of the pfizer vaccine. the panel did vote in favor of giving booster shots to people over 65 years old and high-risk americans booster shots. the president's plan was set to start on monday. what's your take on this. >> get the shots. i did. i might get a booster shot. i don't know. i was more interested in the other part of the story we were talking about. withholding -- >> florida. >> withholding the monoclonnal antibodies for the sake of equity. if that's true, we have a leader withholding treatments because they don't follow his orders.
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he's as unifying as a table saw. send the drugs where they're needed, not where you believe they're deserved, you creep. assuming this is true. i'm not sure i believe it. i can't believe the leader would do that. i saw the back and forth between psaki and probably doocy. juicy doocy. she did not deny it. she did not deny it. but this is part of a greater strategy to polarize the country. as long as we're at each other's throats, we can't be unified and face the problems we all agree on, crime, homelessness, drug addiction, and mental illness. these are bad and directly affect our lives. but if we can be at each other's throats about treatments, vaccinations, we're consumed by our own hatred. this is the trumper versus never trumper. >> it seems to some extent the white house is playing politics
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with the regeneron and to some extent some of the governors are playing politics as well. a couple of days ago, governor desantis had anti-vaxxers in his rally. saying i don't know if they were really there. so both parties are playing a little bit of politics when it comes to how we deal we rad kating covid-19. >> now with a candidate now commander in chief who ran on a platform of prioritizing covid and a pandemic, assuring us that he is the one that will make america safe. he is in contrast to the prior administration who created this vaccine under their watch initially who assured all will be well and he would handle this, you know, effectively, strongly, those assurances, those seem to fly in his own face. when he was the one that was out thing the booster, so political. and then the fda comes out with a vote of 16-2 that says no thank you. and then only when it comes to
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65 and older, when the wording, by the way, the first question posed to them was literally like, should we give the booster six months later. and most of them sate no way. the second question updated 90 minutes later had the qualifications of a legal brief. is it more likely than not if you more than not -- i had to sit there five minutes to understand the questions. and that only then did it pass unanimously. so, i think the ripple effect of confusion, my point is, is completely under his watch and it will go not only forward but it goes back. this is a president stoke bes division. he sows hatred among americans. he tells the vaccinated they should be angry at the unvaccinated. if you're a celebrity, he will invite you to the white house and talk about it. but he answers the rest of our questions, our fellow americans' questions with mandates, anger, and condemnation. i want my fellow americans to be supported and questions to be answered.
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but under this president's watch, all they will get is his anger that should be reserved for the taliban and for the virus itself. >> and when he runs out of ice cream. >> that too. >> kennedy, your take. >> curses, dairy! i think what they're trying to do is justify the deaths of people that who they assume are republican anti-vaxxers and they now deserve not to have treatment. so if they withhold treatment, a lot of them will die. and because they didn't play by the president's rules, that's okay. that's not okay. if you have more people in certain states that require treatment, send the treatment there. this idea of equity that has really taken hold, the socialistic idea that's ill defined, it's not appropriate in a medical setting. if you politicize a medical setting and sacrifice people's lives, you're really done. you're a bad politician. and also, at the same point for texas applies to florida. if you are trying to flip florida in 2024 and make this a
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democrat state, then don't go killing people in florida by withholding necessary treatments. >> don't you think -- my larger question is, so you think -- you think there's one side playing politics? you don't think there are any republicans playing politics when it comes to this pandemic. >> i think unfortunately, a lot of people are politicizing things they shouldn't. democrats happen to be in power. democrats happen to be in positions of power where they have more control and more effect on people's lives, especially very, very vulnerable people. and they also have to be mindful of people in the african-american community who also live in florida who are also unvaccinated who will also need monoclonal antibodies. so, why don't you serve those among us who need the most help, jerk. >> jesse? >> a lot of black floridian, puerto rico floridians, unvaxxed, in hospital beds waiting for the therapeutics.
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joe doesn't want to give it to them. joe didn't plan to have enough. he botched the stock pile and now he's rationing it. if he had enough, florida would have as much as they needed. we don't have enough because biden, no surprise, just like afghanistan, failed to plan ahead. now we're shortchanging americans. who cares? they're americans. if they need treatment, they should get treatment. isn't that what the president said, he's going to help every sick person in america? not if they live in florida. so while he was focused on mandates and masks, people are dying and he needs to give these people help. donald trump was giving people ships, masks, ppe, ventilators. joe biden is taking that away from the states. by the way, florida, 65% of floridians have had a shot. all right? that's more than blue states, minnesota, michigan, wisconsin, oregon, nevada, colorado. florida is better than a bunch of blue states but you don't hear bide -- biden complaining
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about the blue states. >> i hear you. i agree. we should be giving resources where resources are needed. >> it's america. we have a lot of resources. >> with that being said, i believe it's the job of a governor to ensure you work on making sure there's no community spread in your state. in that case, governor desantis failed. and with that -- up next -- at usaa, we've been called too exclusive. because we were created for officers. but as we've evolved with the military, we've grown to serve all who've honorably served. no matter their rank, or when they were in. a marine just out of basic, or a petty officer from '73. and even his kids. and their kids. usaa is made for all who've honorably served and their families. are we still exclusive? absolutely.
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wealth is your first big investment. worth is a partner to help share the load. wealth is saving a little extra. worth is knowing it's never too late to start - or too early. ♪ ♪ wealth helps you retire. worth is knowing why. ♪ ♪ principal. for all it's worth. >> welcome back. it's time for the fastest. first up. >> ♪ bad boys, bad boys ♪♪ >> the last time you went to jail. when is the last time you stole a car.
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>> i never stole a car. >> when was the last time you stole a tractor. >> innever stole a tractor. >> you said you stole a tracker. >> i said i got busted for it. i didn't say it was stolen. >> it was stolen, it wasn't stolen when i got it. >> "cops" is coming back starting october 1, fox nation will be premiering a brand new season. greg gutfelt, my favorite is when there are canine chases. >> if you're out at night with your shirt off trying to climb a fence, you're going to get arrested. it's great to see cute girls. what did they do? i understand the drunk dudes. but all encounters -- it shows you to lie about social workers could do cops' jobs. because the encounters are usually between violent -- you know, violent spouses or just two drunk friends and they are
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dangerous. no social worker is going to get between these two people but cops do all the time. drug use is behind 80% to 90% of the calls and that's in drug prohibition. so, if you want to decriminalize or think about decriminalizing, watch cops, it will persuade you instantly to legalize drugs. a you will of the arrests have to do with -- >> the other 10% involves a woman -- the fight over a woman or a woman fighting another woman, perhaps. those are the best episodes. cops bachelor in paradise all i watch besides football. i'm looking forward to reupping my prescription -- my subscription at the same time and watching on fox nation. go sign up right now. >> these are new episodes? >> yes. >> doing a ride along. i haven't cleared that yet. but i would like to. >> are you adding it to your grey's anatomy obsession? >> ill might. i think this is an opportunity
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to see since cops has been taken off air, there's been a lot of reforms done. so it would be an opportunity to see what these reforms have done to policing in the country. >> why do you think the reformers don't want cops on the air? >> because it shows how well the police act in these tough situations. >> kennedy, but don't you think that girl had a great defense. she was like an attorney sitting there. she was like, did i steal it in no. got busted for it. >> no. >> these aren't my pants. these aren't my pants. i did a fly along at an larks sheriff's department chopper to see homeless camps and we had to go on calls when we got calls and it was fascinating seeing them work with the patrol cars and how they coordinated all of that from the air. i got to spot a person. and i was like, this is amazing. having family members in law enforcement, everybody should do a ride along. >> i learned quite a bit. >> i love that everybody in the
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ride along claims they caught somebody. i was there! i saw the guy. >> we didn't catch anybody. >> ask sergeant -- he will tell you, i spotted the person. and i told the missing 11-year-old girl's mom to find her on snap map on her snap chalt. >> you don't get a reward, kennedy. >> yes. yes. >> up next, rolling stone updating the list of the 500 greatest songs of all type, 17 years after publishing the original. aretha franklin's "respect" and public enemy's "fight the power" and sam cook's "a change is going to come." def leopard, george michael, kenny loggins, prince. >> little red corvette should be in the top ten, not purple rain. and outcast is on the list for ♪ hey, yeah ♪♪ should be so fresh, so clean. happy to see nirvana move up 12 spots to number four smells like
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team spirit because it should. >> stevie wonder's superstition at 12. i wish i would have seen always by stevie wonder on the list. >> it's a trash list. you're dead on. when i saw that missy elliott "get your freak on" is listed as the number eight song of all time. eighth greatest. >> who's missing? >> richard -- move up lennon, move up the beatles. stevie wonder. >> where's herman and the hermits? >> it reflects their timid, virtue signaling bland editors are aging. they have to keep looking at the list and go, we need to update this because we're getting old and stupid. which they keep updating it. the number one song ever, "how soon is now." >> always number one. >> that is the number one song of all time.
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>> i can say 5,000 better songs. >> you don't know music. >> 5,000. >> i did -- >> play music. >> you don't -- >> you don't even know how to read music. >> i can play music better than the music that you like. >> i know how to play the flute. >> gees. >> you guys sound like two senior citizens arguing in a retirement home. >> that was the instrument you picked in band? >> it was picked for me because i was so talented. >> a great question, probably the only one we'll get to. a nosey neighbor or a noisy neighbor, emily? >> noisy. you know why? you know who is in prison the majority of them? are in prison because of neighbor narcs. so a nosey neighbor, there's a fine line between them and a narc neighbor. nothing worse. noisy all the way. i can join the party. >> if you try to confront a noisy neighbor, that ends in a fight. >> i don't have anything to hide, noisy neighbor, fine with me. loud neighbor, i can't go to
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sleep. i need my beauty rest. >> that's what shades are for. pull your shades down. then you can solve the noisy neighbor. richard? >> i want a nosey neighbor because they'll make sure your amazon packages don't get stolen and your houses don't get broken into and they'll make sure nothing happens to your house. >> that's a good point. and they love it when they make it easy and give them the responsibility. what about noisy? >> i will take noisy. you can put ear plugs in. nosey, not a fan. they go, oh, i saw on gutfeld that you were talking about having a hot girl summer. how's that going for you. like oh, my garden. back away. >> if the noisy one can say screw you if you tell them to turn down the noise. but you can intimidate a nosey neighbor, you can scare the hell out of them. set some traps and solve that problem in an instant. >> they never found that other one.
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♪ ♪ >> jesse: before woe get to one more thing make sure you download the fox bet super 6 app. and enter for a free chance to win $10 million of terry bradshaw's money. pick six outcomes from this sunday's game and see how it all plays out. now it's time for one more thing and i would like to wish meghan who oversees this show and many other shows a very happy birthday. [cheers] >> jesse: very much like greg she took off on her birthday. i don't know how they do it. >> greg: my birthday was on a sunday. >> jesse: now that greg and i have no longer friends meghan is my new friend. check out "watters' world" this week at 8:00. i hit the streets and ask about afghanistan. here is a little sneak peek. >> jesse: what do you think joe biden did right with
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afghanistan? >> um, -- >> jesse: take your time. [laughter] >> jesse: all right. who is next, greg? >> greg: so tonight i have a great show emily on gutfeld which is always fun. i have tom shillue and joe devito we will talk nothing about the news. just how great, how soon is now and how jesse is no longer my friend. i hate you. i hate you. let's do this. greg's end of summer news. it foals hike the end of summer. what do you got to do? go somewhere and enjoy it like this pair of golden dooldzs did. check these little creatures out. got the sunglasses. actually, there are three golden doodles. replicated during this break. even they love.
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>> jesse: dogs don't like that. they have good instincts. emily? >> emily: i want to tell you about this awesome company, 12-year-old charlie level jr. created baseball barbecue after one summer day when a broken grill fork and crack bat came together to make perfect grilling tool. fuse together two american passions into one. sharing the love of the game and the grill. the company has been engraving baseball bat grilling tools. partnered with pitching for baseball works for the negro league hall of fame and more charities. charlie made these two amazing grilling tools for myself which is incredible, you guys. and this one features the best baseball team of all time which is the scout shows. so learn more at baseball >> jesse: gouch chose, what's that? i learn something new every day. >> emily: you are welcome. >> kennedy: i have something exciting to to you my show on
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the fox business network is moving to 7:00 p.m. starting monday fun day. monday through thursday the best hour of your day is now an hour earlier. look at this cutie. the most gentlemanly 4-year-old you will ever meet. that's fernando and there he is at disney tipping his hat to all the princesses like a chivalrous young man snow white, every time one of the gals walked by tip of the hat. you what the what a cutie. >> emily: he is going to save the world. >> jesse: go ahead, richard. >> richard: all right, all right. here is a good one for you. a taxi fleet in thailand giving new meaning to the roof top garden as they utilize the roof of idle taxis during the coronavirus to create a small patch of vegetable plots. workers from two taxi cooperatives. >> jesse: this is ridiculous. >> richard: this is beautiful.
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>> richard: workers from two taxi cooperatives assembled miniature gardens and created beautiful gardens of taxicabs that were parked in a lot. >> jesse: did you pick, this richard? >> richard: i surely did. this is how you solve climate change. >> jesse: oh my god. >> richard: absolutely adorable. >> jesse: have a great weekend, everybody. see you on monday. yeah. ♪ ♪ >> bret: good evening, welcome to washington. i'm bret baier. breaking tonight, three mainly stories developing tonight. a food and drug administration advisory board has rejected the president's plan to have all americans take a booster vaccine shot against covid-19, at least not yet. the board is recommending americans 65 and older and those immunocompromised get a booster shot. further confusing the administration's denouncements on booster shots. more than 11,000 illegal immigrants, many of them from haiti, surged towards the southern border of the u.s.
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