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tv   FOX News Primetime  FOX News  September 27, 2021 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT

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questions on a lot of different topics when they testify before the senate armed services committee, think about all the topics that are possible there are quite a few. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. that's it for this "special report" fair, balanced and still unafraid. "fox news primetime" hosted this week by brian kilmeade starts right now. do you have a headline, brian? >> brian: yeah, 24 hours bret baier has a book that finally drops and can be purchased by the mass market. that's the bigger news. the milley stuff will come out in the wash but your book will last forever. >> bret: fantastic. this is going to be a good week. all right, brian have a good show. >> brian: i agree, bret. straight ahead now. good evening, everyone, this is "fox news primetime." bret gave it away i am indeed brian kilmeade. tonight look at the lineup we have. dan bongino joins to us expose the biden administration border lies he is in the green room. and dan crenshaw is here to break down what's happening with the democratic spending bill. there are things happening on
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capitol hill. also tonight host of america's most wanted john walsh with the latest on the search on the case everyone keeps talking about brian laundrie are we going to get this guy? some say 48 hours. james mur are of the impractical jokers calls out david letterman for stealing his genre. mainstream media. some revolting. let me take you back in time when our frontline workers were revered for keeping our most valuable population safe. brian was that long ago. really not that long ago. many of those heroes are about to lose their job for not complying with the state vaccine mandate for healthcare workers. >> i don't plan to resign. i will go to work until they escort me out. the whole thing is scary because i'm the breadwinner for my family. i carry the health insurance, so
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to lose all of that, go get the vaccine, do whatever you feel is right for you. but don't hate on me. don't force me to do something. >> brian: no kidding. staten island over the weekend you see this protesters stormed a food court to oppose the vaccinated only seating. [chanting u.s.a. >> brian: do you believe this? it's not just new york. dozen of state state troopers quit over the state vaccine mandate which is actually up in october. when it comes to their own health americans don't like to be told what to do. they will push back against demeaning, demanding and condescending orders even if it means losing their job. that's clear. especially if they're being spoken to by children by the man who is supposed to be running the country. >> we have been patient, but our patience is wearing thin. and your refusal has cost all of
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us. >> brian: so how is the threat campaign really working out? well the "new york post" point out that that inspiring speech which was anything but, since that time september 9th, i believe, vaccination rate have dropped to the slowest in months and despite what the media and democrats tell us, it's not just republicans. unless trump's biggest supporters are playing in the nba. one of the league's biggest are kyree erving city schott says he couldn't play for brooklyn mets. he couldn't show up media day today. the city hasn't started yet. kyrie is feel what it feels like unvaccinated had to stay home players answer the question. he answered his questions virtually. >> i will like to keep that stuff private. i'm a human being first and obviously living in this public sphere there is a lot of questions about what is going on in the world of kyrie i would love to keep that private laged
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it the right way with my team and go forward together. >> brian: he is not comfortable getting the shot. the nba wants every player's vac sin flighted the nba calls it a nonstarter. not just kyrie irving. many players don't want it forced on them they want to study it last summer we saw the impact of athletes and they can have on society. case in point the black lives matter movement that we saw all summer long. well, will these players do the same when it comes to wanting a choice in the midst of this mask mandate mania and vaccine mandate mania. herschel walker georgia star and senate candidate. where do you stand with cairo or kareem abdul-jabbar get the shot what are you waiting for? >> well, i stand with kyrie. i applaud him and i want to tell all the other players stand with him also. that's more personal. that's between you and your doctor whether you get the shot
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or not and i don't think it's inin's business and those are the rights i'm fighting for for people to have their own rights what they think is right for them. that's their health that you are talking about. i think it's a little bit of overreach for the nba to say everyone has got have the shot. and they have their reason why and i think i stand with them. >> brian: gets to the worst stereotypes of athletes and take a shot of full screen. he says players who don't get vaccinated are no longer legit role models. they are also worried about dumb jocks who are unable to look at verified scientific evidence and reach a national conclusion. rational conclusion i should say. how do you feel about his point of view. >> everyone has a point of view. that's the reason we live in the united states of america. you have that point of view. i think right now when you start asking someone that they have to take the shot and make it a mandate. you are taking away personal rights. taking away the personal rights
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to decide for themselves whether they feel is best for themselves. they're very uncomfortable with the shot and that's one thing that i say i want to fight for when i decided to run for office for everyone to have a right to decide i think to continue talking about mandating this and mandating that all you are doing is separating people and making people angry at each other i don't think that's right. >> brian: where do you think this comes from? i see president biden who said he was going to bring us together, every time he hops to the microphone, he is angry at something. 23% the population jingle bell is not vaccinated but over 70% obviously to do simple math is. find out what the issue is, tackle it head on, have them see their doctor, why can't we be treated in a way that's reminiscent of the respect we deserve? >> i think we have to be able to do that that's one of the things they seem want to to trample all
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over is our constitution. that's got to be a solid stone that we have to stand by. we have to have rules in this country not just for the people did you but for our elected officials. they're trampling over them with the frontline worker you were talking about earlier how in the world view them as heroes and next minute you are going to demonize them? i don't think it's fair it's not right. that's a personal opinion between them and their doctor and i think that's what we need to think about. >> brian: i'm vaccinated. i'm just not a doctor. i don't think i should be giving people medical advice. last thing a major epic battle because soon there is going to be children five and up eligible. how soon, herschel, until they are mandated, until parents got take their toddler to the doctor and get the shot? maybe they got to prove it by showing a video?
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>> i think that's what is sad when you start mandating in the united states of america those were the things our forefathers fought for us to have is rights to decide for ourselves what we want to do. as long as we are not going to injure or hurt anyone else. right now when you start trying to mandate different things. i think that's a government overreach. >> brian: herschel walker wants to be the next senator from georgia. you are off to a roaring start. great to see you. you are in the middle of a fundraiser. you stepped aside to join us. i appreciate it. >> well, i want to tell everyone at the end of my month for filing so go team and send 5, $10, anything you could. >> brian: herschel walker thank you very much. also here tonight scott gottlieb former fda commissioner and author of this book covid-19 spread how crush us and how we can defeat the next pandemic." one of the themes of your book there is a problem, doctor, like
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it or not there is a lack of trust between the government, the community. >> the public health community is going to have to reearn the trust. a lot is trying to look at the systemic shortcomings that made the country to return this pandemic. sure that up rebuild the public institutions more strongly and empower the cdc with additional authorities, resources to be able to deal with the pandemic and a crisis of this magnitude. that's going to be dependent upon the american people trusting public health institutions and public health officials in the setting of a crisis. i think a lot of what has happened over the past year has eroded that trust because people felt that they got conflicting guidance. they got guidance that wasn't always wasted on sound science. they weren't always being communicated with in a way where public health officials were telling them to the whole truth in terms of what we believed at the time. and the basis for a lot of the guidance wasn't being fully explained to the american people, for example the
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recommendation that people should stay 6 feet apart to reduce the risk of spread. that was a speculative piece of guidance. it wasn't based on really clear science. old studies involving flu. simple costliest be schools shut because they couldn't 6 feet of distance. if when they issued that clearer what the basis of that was. more states may have have made the decisions guidance 3 feet instead like florida did and allowed schools to reopen. >> brian: dr. scott lot lean that is so true. we didn't know where the 6 feet came from we thought it was science they were winging it. here is an example we will to take everything with a grain of salt. back in january john is on his podcast leans on dr. fauci we're hearing about this virus and seeing these horrible video out in china. we wonder is it going to be bad here? here's the question to dr. fauci in january of 2020. >> the american people should not be worried or frightened by this.
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it's a very, very low risk to the united states. brian. >> brian: did he not know or was he protecting us from ourselves? >> no, look, i think people didn't know. i think we were making decisions based on poor information i think where weared as public health officials is we weren't really clear what the level of certainty was when we were making different pronouncements if you look at intelligence estimate and look at estimates that the cia issues for example, they will give an assessment but then they will give the level of certainty that accompanies that assessment. they will say that we assess x and we assign a moderate degree of certainty there. the problem with the public health advice is it came north a fashion where sometimes it seemed like it had a higher degree of a certainty than it did. and if we actually were more clear about what what our level of certainty was, what the science was under lying the different recommendations, people could have made judgments for themselves about which recommendations they were going to invest more energy in follow
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more closely they don't have to explain what the science is underlying assessment. put forward guidance. not clear what the science is that's the basis of those recommendations. that's where people can't make independent judgments in many cases because they can't decouple where the recommendations are coming from. >> brian: dr. got he lean final real quick. i watched the president of the united states out of nowhere roll up his sleeve and get a border shot. last week we heard 16-2 don't get a booster shot. people say do you need a booster shot. going to a backyard event are we getting a booster shot? did he help or hurt today? >> look, i think he helped. anyone over the age of 65. people who live in long-term care facilities should certainly be considering getting booster shots. declining effect over time with vaccines particularly for people vaccinated a long interval ago. bret. >> brian: dr. scott gottlieb, your book amazing how much i
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forgot over the last two weeks. years. china was not honest with us to begin with. if they were, it would have been a different story. thanks a lookout, doctor. >> thanks a lot. >> brian: dhs admitted to releasing 1,000 haitian migrants into the city across the u.s. maybe they are your new neighbor. where are they going? dan bongino breaks it down next. later, what is hillary clinton wearing? is that a bath robe for middle evil emperors? and can i get one in my size? or do they even have a size or just a vicinity? ♪ ♪ ♪ i had a dream that someday ♪
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♪ i would just fly, fly away ♪
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baaam. internet that doesn't miss a beat. that's cute, but my internet streams to my ride. adorable, but does yours block malware? nope. -it crushes it. pshh, mine's so fast, no one can catch me.
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big whoop! mine gives me a 4k streaming box. -for free! that's because you all have the same internet. xfinity xfi. so powerful, it keeps one-upping itself. can your internet do that? ♪ >> brian: welcome back to "fox news primetime." for all of the biden administration's failures, i didn't think math would be the problem. it is. it turns out when confronted
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thousands of illegals in texas went over the weekend, the administration's numbers just don't add up. of last week alejandro mayorkas told us mass will were are happening turned out it wasn't the truth. truth of the ones thatdidn't reo mexico on their own. first, how many have been released into the u.s.? >> released on conditions. >> yes. >> and approximately, i think it's about 10,000 or so. 12,000. >> chris: have been released in. >> yes it could be even higher. >> brian: might not be. might be. how much higher can we go? don't worry the biden administration is spreading the crisis all across the country, not in beverly hills. don't worry about it rich and famous people and celebrities. it's in working class areas where they will just meld in and don't know how to yell at anybody or get their point across or have the political capital to actually speak up. as reports show migrants are being flown to cities as far as
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as new york, boston and miami. so are these 12,000 or more illegals going to end up in your backyard? let's ask the guy who hosts unfiltered dan bongino. dan, what surprised you most about yesterday? his series of introduce he did on all the sunday shows? >> the guy is the dhs secretary. you come in i see i'm watching you here reading the prompter. imagine if you showed up live show and said -- not tonight, fellow,s. you have one job, right? to show up and host a show tonight? >> brian: got to show up. >> they get upset live show. imagine being the dhs secretary what's your title you are the secretary of the department of homeland security. that's your thing, that's your title. then they ask you during an interview on fox they say hey, mr. secretary, how many people you think entered the country, you know, the homeland, that's the homeland security. i don't know if you knew that but that's what that is about, homeland security. you are like yeah, i don't know, could be 10, maybe 12,000 could be 20.
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wait, really? and then they say oh, no, don't worry, the people were given these notices to appear. only a small percentage don't show up. yeah maybe the small percentage showing up bad guys and reason they are not showing up. >> brian: great at rounding off numbers. left about 10% of americans people behind in afghanistan. we get 90% out. there is just about 100 left behind. and no matter how many we fly out there is just about 100 left behind. they like rounding off. how about this? 1.5 million plus. that's how many have come across our border. so today getting ready for the show i flipped around to what some are saying about immigration. do you know what the democrats are saying? how dare he fly 2,000 to haiti. they should be allowed to come here. do you know what the republicans say? how about he dare not fly them all back to haiti where they came from? what does president biden do? >> here's why i'm not optimistic and i hate so say that because i'm generally relatively optimistic i'm more of a real list. this is not going to get any better.
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if biden gets smoked, i mean crushed,annihilate in the midterms and say 40, 45 seats switch hands, then he is not running again. he is barely going to make it through this term, right? he is not there right now, right? so, he is going to say screw it up i'm just going to double down. and then if biden does do well in the midterms i don't think is possible at this point then he says look, the american people approve of my agenda. i don't have any good news for everyone other than the fact that when we get a republican in charge who is responsible, everybody who entered the country illegally is going to have to come back home. and is going to have to resubmit and do it the right way. for the all the lefties out there you watch the show. i don't want to hear your crap. don't text me. i delete you i block losers anyway. i'm married to a legal immigrant. why are you laughing? >> brian: three people in the room. you look directly into the camera. you have the relationship. >> i have been here messing around. listen, i'm married to a legal immigrant who went and did the hard work. raised the right hand, pledged
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allegiance. i got to tell that you citizenship ceremony i went to baltimore maryland at the federal courthouse all these people rug hugging relatives my wife included is one of the most special day of my life. i don't want to hear your garbage or crap. there there is a rate way to come to the united states, i'm sorry this is not it. >> brian: i'm going to give you hope. if you saw how well president trump did in texas in hispanic districts when he was tough on immigration, and if you think democrats want to win elections, you are absolutely right. if they think this is the formula to winning the hispanic vote, which they thought and so did republicans thought oh my goodness don't tough talk on the border. hispanic community will run from us, that was wrong. they will continue to lose that. >> do we have time laps? i want to comment on this. important point to make. your point is correct. but texas border towns, yes. he had -- trump had an explosion of support. but it wasn't just there. brian, he had historic support in the bronx. up here not far from the bronx a couple miles up knot. i looked at this article.
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he had support in orlando with the puerto rican community in florida. >> brian: through the roof. >> talking to hispanic voters like they're a bunch of robots who all support law-breaking how is that not the most racist thing you could possibly do. these are american citizens who work hard. >> brian: and if you had any doubt that that message got through to the democrats, why is caesar chavez's bust in the oval office? they want to send a message we're not abandoning you but i think they are giving a different message by what's happening. dan, i think you really enjoyed this. >> i did. i was actually a little tired before i got on the show. >> brian: i got you going. >> you got me amped up. >> brian: get good rest i will see on the radio and good luck with your podcast tomorrow. >> thanks. >> brian: hillary clinton has brand new job and wardrobe to go with it is that versace? $3 trillion carved out. guess what? billions for tree equity. i will confess, i don't know what that means but dan crenshaw knows and he's going to be
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joining us shortly. plus, don't forget the save the dates for this president's freedom tour going to be coming to a city near you if you live near clearwater, west virginia, charleston, west virginia and orlando, we're going to talk about winning the war on history. abraham lincoln, frederick douglass and their goottle save america's soul. brian ♪ ♪
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>> brian: time for new segment we like to call from here on in where are they now? it's about 1784 days since hillary clinton lost the 2016 election to donald trump she still think she's won in case you forgot what that looked like. [boos] but don't be so sad. may have taken her five years but hillary managed to land on her feet. over the weekend the two time presidential loser inaugurated as professor of spells at hogs warts school of witchcraft and
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wizardry. wait a second. oh, i'm sorry. my producers are telling me i have that incorrect. despite her attire hillary clinton is not a magical widz sadr that will never happen again. i'm being told she is the chancellor of queens university in belfast northern ireland. the sara honestly position that they never posted or i would have had my app. in there but according to totally unconfirmed reports chancellor clinton will be allowed to take home her gown and perhaps the 17th century child servant that comes with it that i found really disturbing. meanwhile to this democrats trying to steam roll joe biden's 3.5 can trillion dollars socialist wish list through the house and senate all this week. they are trying to sell it as a plan for the future with things that really matter. get a pen. like $3 billion towards tree equity and $15 million for senior citizens with gender identity issues. i spoke to south carolina senators tim scott and lindsey graham yesterday and they raised
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some flags as to the direction of the bill, listen. >> bringing in ushering in socialism in a way that's going to be unravel. it's hard to unscramble an egg. whether a they're doing with this $3.5 trillion package, the content rushes us towards socialism. >> this is the biggest threat to the way our government works and biggest step towards socialism in my lifetime. >> brian: but the real obstacle is facing maybe from her own party. the democrats who are skeptical of the plan, they have some moderates and those way to the left. so pelosi decides to take it to the media over the weekend to voice hers concerns. this will be paid for. so when some say oh, well, what about inflation? it will be paid for. and that's the beauty of it. let's not talk about numbers. let's and dollars, let's talk about values. >> brian: okay. i'm sorry for getting caught up in the trillions. it sounds like even pelosi doesn't know who is paying for all of this. she is more concerned about values, not costs. aren't we all?
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don't worry, ms. speaker, biden seems to have the answer in a tweet he really assuaged me and maybe have a sensational afternoon. he said my build back better agenda costs zero dollars. and it adds zero dollars to the national debt. what am i missing? now democrats are in the house already pushing through with this narrative like congressman jayapal, listen to this. >> president biden also said something very important the other day which is this is a zero dollar bill because it's going to be completely paid for with taxes. >> brian: my head is about to explode. nothing makes sense anymore. here to save me texas congressman dan crenshaw. congressman, i didn't know $3 trillion bill was free. >> it's not free. nothing is free, brian, i'm sorry but i can't give you a good explanation for this because there isn't one i will tell you what it's well above $3 trillion. the new estimates on it based on actually going through it and the budget committee are almost
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$4.5 trillion. and there is only about $2 trillion in tax increases. so, i know math is hard for democrats and especially so for the ones who govern but this math doesn't work out. the other really interesting thing about this is their lack of understanding about basic economics. biden says it cost zero dollars. that's like when i go buy a cup of coffee because i pay for it doesn't cost anything. of course it costs something. i think what this bill really boils down to is straight up bribery for the progressive agenda, for the progressive activists and trying to bribe the american people. i will tell you what, because of this bill you might need those bribes because it's going to kill your jobs and wages. if you are in the energy sector it's an estimated 90,000 jobs lost because of the provisions that are in this bill and the natural gas tax, for instance. not only that but your length prices are going go up as a result and you are not going to have reliable energy like the problems in california and frankly that's what led to some of the problems in texas. there is a lot of bad stuff in this. the corporate tax increase will kill jobs. not only that but economists
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estimate it will also reduce wages. this is bad on so many fronts lead to slower growth and staggs nation and inflation. which is not something americans need right now. >> brian: there are two bills. 1.2 trillion that was handed to you guys that the senate passed with 1 republicans voting for it. so-called bipartisan bill. evidently 23 hard yeses among republicans in the house for that. but there is 45 hard nos from the left wing democrats. where is the 1.2 trillion bipartisan plan and what does dan crenshaw do about that? >> there is a really good point massive reconciliation package and the infrastructure package. the infrastructure package my problem with the infrastructure package is that it is simply too expensive. the stuff that's in there isn't that bad but i think it's about three times more expensive than it needs to be. and, the good news is the progressives aren't going to let democrats pass that one either. because, look, i think the last thing we need after spending $6 trillion over the past year because of code relief, is more
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spending. all right. we need to rein it in. do what works for the economy. do what promotes growth. when you promote growth businesses flourish, they are hiring people and wages increase. do you know where wages have especially increased for the bottom combine tile of earners, that's proven under the trump economy. we could do it again. again all joe biden had to do to be successful was do nothing but he can't help himself. >> brian: they are going to be raising taxes from 37 to 39% on the upper class. going to be taking the doubling the capital gains tax. they are going to take the corporate tax rate from 21% to 28%, maybe even higher. they are going to find a way to pay for at least half of it with tax dollars that usually go to grow the economy. congressman, it's a scary time. i hope republicans can stand up for it because it's not even about politics. it's about the future of the country. thanks so much. >> thanks, brian. >> brian: you got it meanwhile, moving on to more liberal creativity. are you yesterday for this? hunter biden, the part time affluent artist. look at some of this stuff. he picked it up right away.
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picked up a straw and started making a painting. we have all had that sense that we should try something. i e. never did i think we would have this much success from the president's son who most of his success was using a lot of drugs and then getting hookers. meanwhiles the full-time son of the president is upcoming art show is already a grand committees. why wouldn't it be? especially when hunter is expecting a 7-figure payout by the end of the night for a set of finger paintings that some say he didn't even paint. the paintings were originally set to sale anywhere from 75,000 to $500,000. but due to high demand the value of those paintings continue to skyrocket. and i ask you why would anyone pay for that unless, of course, they wanted influence or wanted to do a favor for the democratic president of the united states. ranking republican house oversight committee congressman james comber is raising red flags on the president's soon-to-be short lived or son's short lived art career after sending a letter calling for
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transparency from the hunter art gallery to reveal would be buyers of his aren't. hunter has had shadiy business dealings in the past. should would he be concerned about all of this. congressman james comer joins us now. >> yes, we should be very concerned. this is a national security risk and given hunter biden's past this is something every american should be concerned about. this is why we are launching a full scale investigation into who is buying hunter biden's artwork. brian the guy who puts it up george burgess goal to be number one dealer to china for art. should that concern anybody. >> it should concern everyone. especially considering the fact that thought art world, unfortunately a perfect place for money laundering and corruption. and the chinese business people using art funnel money into the united states for several years now. all the signs are interest for a national security risk. you have hunter biden who, let me remind you, bribe, as you know is under federal investigation in delaware, new
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york, and washington d.c. for money laundering with foreign agents. hunter biden is a person of interest with the feds right now. he has just taken up art and selling art for ridiculously high prices. my search research shows he would be one of the highest paid modern artists today if that artwork sells at the price you this just mentioned there. what weed can for is information from the art dealer how mentioned wants to be the main art dealer in china. what are we doing to make sure that there is no moaning to buy artwork to have access to president biden. >> brian: hung in the white house. a lot of this artwork is hanging in the white house. that increases its value. we will not know who is buying these paintings hunter l., how is that right? , it's not right. this g. this was on the up and up. i think joe biden and his
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administration would disclose at least those on the oversight committee launching this investigation exactly hot buyers are and put this story to bed. he won't because there is a pattern of corruption with joe biden. is he a walking talking conflict of interest. even the democrats know that why won't joe biden disclose who is buying this artwork and what foreign interests are involved in purchasing this artwork. >> brian: i'm not really sure but i know this politico realize what is we know a year and a half ago all those emails are real and authentic and they checked out. they tie right back to the president of the united states. someone with authority has got to investigate this immediately. maybe a year ago. maybe it's never too late. we would never be allowed to get away with this. don jr., eric, ivanka never would be allowed to get away with there but it looks like he is trying to. congressman comber, thanks so much. >> thanks, brian. >> brian: we change gears the search for brian laundrie continues. now dog the bounty hunter is on the case. the great john walsh is here
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next. plus, be sure to catch more of my interview with senator tim scott and lindsey graham on fox nation and fox news. the president and the freedom fighter will be on sunday, november 7th on fox news at 10:00. ♪ ♪
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bribe brian now for the story that's really gripped this nation. gabby petino's murder investigation and the search is still on for her birdie. the most wanted man in america brian laundry. we are learning more about the incident involving laundrie petino and utah police seen here in body cam footage when police arrived on the scene petino said she was the one who hit her fiance but it turns out according to 911 call obtained by fox 13 in utah, it was the other way around. >> what were they doing? >> we drove by and the gentleman was slapping the girl. >> he was slapping her? >> yes. and then we stopped. they ran up and down the sidewalk. he proceeded to hit her. hopped in the car and they drove off. >> brian: authorities scaling back the search for laundrie in carlton reserve, florida. my next guest thinks he may not be there but is still alive.
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joining us right now john walsh host of in pursuit with john walsh airing wednesdays 10:00, central on id and streaming on discovery plus. john, you believe he is alive, why? >> absolutely believe it. i have been doing this for 33 years, brian. and, you know, everybody goes how did you catch 122 of the world's most wanted guys? because of the public. the public has come up with some great tips and i believe that when he came home with that van, he was allegedly there for nine days. you know, in the house nine or 10 days before gabby's parents filed a missing person's report. of course, everybody asks why didn't his parents do the right thing? why didn't he call gabby? because i will tell you what they were doing, they were scrubbing the van. they were taking all the evidence out of the house and then all of a sudden daddy and brian went and bought a camper top around the 7th day. and they put that camper top on that red truck and then the neighbors across the street they just said it three days ago well, you know, we saw brian get
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in that camper truck and we thought wow, this is so small, this tiny shell on top for two grown ups to take their son on a three day camping trip. and guess what, brian, when they came back? he wasn't in the truck. so, then comes the ruse about the preserve and the swamp. okay? nothing happens for five days and then bertolino, steven bertolino i keep calling him the wannabe o.j. simpson lawyer. he calls up on last friday a week ago friday and he says oh, i just -- we want to do the right thing, brian took his mustang to the preserve. he goes there a lot. we were worried about him. so we went out and found his car. he went on tuesday. we found the car on wednesday. and we put a note in because we were so worried brian might hurt himself. too big a coward to commit suicide. then we went and car the car on thursday and brought it back to the driveway and the lawyer calls him on friday. do you know why they waited five
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days to tell the cops because brian is already gone. i believe they took him somewhere because they bought him five more days. and here's what cops got to do. i don't know why maybe they have the patience' phones, but i'm going to talk about the tips we got in the last day and last night. but he had a head start. they need to triangulate the parents' phones, find out how far they went. my theory is they live on the west coast of florida and they drove up the panhandle. all you got to do go across alabama, a small amount of time, louisiana and you can drop him at the border and he could be anywhere in mexico. i say he had at least a nine day head start and the dirty laundrie parents have been helping him all the way and he is too big a coward to kill himself. >> brian: john, you got five great tips and great hope. real quick, for parents out there or youngsters or any age in a relationship, don't cover for the guy. if you are. >> oh my god. >> brian: if you are being hit. you are not doing anybody any favors. your thoughts? final advice? >> it's despicable.
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those cops should have celebrated them. that girl had all the signs of a battered woman. we have gotten tons of tips today. a lot of them from alabama. a ton of them from arizona, appalachian trail, which i said he has camped on that for three months and i'm so afraid is he going to go out of the news cycle but we have got to. >> brian: i have confidence in you john walsh thanks so much. when we come back, james murray goes on the clock. that's him. ♪ ♪ as someone who resembles someone else... i appreciate that liberty mutual knows everyone's unique. that's why they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. oh, yeah. that's the spot. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪
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(gong rings) - this is joe. (combative yelling) he used to have bad breath. now, he uses a capful of therabreath fresh breath oral rinse to keep his breath smelling great, all day long. (combative yelling) therabreath, it's a better mouthwash. at walmart, target and other fine stores.
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>> a few minutes left in the show. a guide that claims to be my friend and author of the new book stole a to james murray, on the clock. we are very excited. four stories, and 60 seconds. are you ready? >> i'm here and warmed up. let's do it. >> yes would have done.
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kevin durant spoke to the media and one reporter was asking some really tough questions. >> why do people call you -- what percentage do you plan on giving? 90, 95, 110? when you are not playing for the nets that you will be able to play for the knicks. comments? >> that was the last one. >> that was david letterman pulling investment. the nba chapter, is not having it. he was not laughing. that looks like a stunt that you would pull in "impractical jokers." >> and he killed it. mike everything he said was what percentage? 90%? i wish we had that option quick i just need 90% from you. i don't need 110%. just give me 90. >> what part of you is zane, why did i think of that? to go to the a press conference, that is your next thing.
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>> i have been giving it 10% on "impractical jokers." that is what they have been saying. >> russia. >> yes. >> the media needs to stop rushing to judgment. commercial. >> president has responded to rumors of being covid-positive. hunting and fishing in the plant in that with meg. i'm sorry. at least he kept his shirt on this time. comments? >> only, to can pull this off. when his health is in question, just take -- that does not work in real-life. i have been in eight fight with my wife. when i tried to look marsha cooke this is what it turned out to be. this is when they shaved off my eyebrows. module. >> that was a seen on "impractical joan --" impractical jokers ."
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>> we don't have to take another shot. now to this story. you love local politics. >> brian: devin o'rourke is present in front of the governor's race. o'rourke is already going on the offensive again against matthew mcconaughey. >> is a really popular figure. his political views have not in any way been fixed. i don't know, for example, who keep voted for. i don't know how he feels about any of the issues that we have brought up. >> brian: so to hate thought it was going to be easy. who cares -- >> who cares what mcconaughey's politics are? he has my vote. i think he would be a great governor. >> brian: you both have sworn
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off romantic comedies. he said that is too easy in your careers. >> we had to wash our hands and move on. that is right. >> brian: finally, this. stopped starting around the issue as a report shows the newest trend in women's fashion seems to be wearing pants underneath a script. -- start. can we see input that is it? what you say about that? >> as a man who recently started wearing underwear -- >> brian: you did not have to put in retrospect. >> they gave me the option of doing this remotely where i could have been nude underneath. i think it is a great thing. can this cold weather coming up, the more layers, the better. >> brian: i think eventually this nation will be mandatory skirts and masks. porte up the stole a. don't be foolish.
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don't say, i have not read it yet. or get the book on tape. >> it is on the vhs tape. >> brian: "impractical jokers is the best show ever made. thanks for coming. i am brian kilmeade. i will have a lot of people on and i will be on "fox & friends. ." here's tucker. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> tucker: good evening and welcome to close to, carson ." is god that that is the question as time magazine famously asked when time magazine matter. the answer then and now is because no, god is not dead. but a lot of people who believe in him are dead, it turns out. not so long ago, this is -- was an enthusiastically christian


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