tv Hannity FOX News September 27, 2021 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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give up your civil liberties. people make this case all the time. but with the covid development, opens the door for unending public emergency and something which i think is the biggest story that no media outlet has told, like the biggest story of our time is that 47 states are and governors enacted powers to use emergency law in ways that restricted the rights of legislators state after state after state. >> tucker: that interview will blow your mind. it is on fox nation and here is john. y >> sean: welcome to "hannity." >> announcer: americans held hostage. behind enemy lines. day 44. >> sean: americans held hostage 44 days behind emily -- enemy lines. residents with green cards. all of their families, thousands of afghan allies. they remain abandoned behind emily lines. joe biden has turned the page. we will not forget. sadly the situation on the ground gets worse every single
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day. taliban territories are not once again hanging people in the public square. but they are doing it very professionally and businesslike. according to the biden administration. including one man whon has reportedly sprung up from a tall crane break in the middle of the city, professional businesslike. we've turnedsp the page. as we speak to anyone who assisted the u.s. in any way is being hunted down and will soon face a similar fate. joe biden did not -- is not working at all to lift a finger to rescue our fellow citizens. in fact, he is barely working on anything at all. last week, four days on the job, she is off to camp david. close a lid at 2:48 p.m. in the after refusing to answer any questions about afghanistan. the crisis at our southern border. begging opec for more oil production. you know the usual things that
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he'd ignores, sort of horrific state of the economy. take a look. [indistinct question] >> presidentk. biden: it may not be by the not be by the end of the week. i hope it is by the end of the week. as long as they are still alivee got three things to do. resolution and the two pieces of legislation. if we do that, the country is going to be in great shape. [indistinct question] >> sean: he just walks off like a robot but he gets yelled at. instead of addressing the crisis at the border, the biden administration are outright lying, deflecting, hoping the crisis will magically resolve itselfti like afghanistan, we jt won't pay attention anymore. joe biden thinks he did a great job in afghanistan but he did not. the same with the border. for example, in march, biden's homeland security secretary
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alejandro mayorkas proclaimed the border it was closed and he said, we are expelling the families. we are expelling single adults. he was lying to you, you, the american people. the following months, more than a million and a half illegal immigrants have crossed the border illegally and of course, mayorkas refuses to save illegal immigrant to keep use the word "noncitizens." these undocumented noncitizens or illegal immigrants are -- or aliens have been dispersed all over the u.s. with little to vetting. for example, almost everyone in the recent wave of haitian migrants, they were admitted into the u.s. without so much as a simple covid test. they are not going to be here very long. that will be another lie. take a look. >> how many have been placed into the u.s.? >> they are released on conditions. i think it is about 10,000 or so. 12,000. >> have been released? >> yes. >> end of the 5,000 that have -- >> we will make determinations whether they will be returned. to haiti.
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based on our public health and public interest authorities. >> are we talking about a total of 12,000 or could it be even higher? >> it could be even higher. the number of return could be even higher. >> sean: i want to be clear about one thing. i am 100% pro illegal immigration. i'm all for it. my grandparents came here fromro ireland. they were dirt poor. both my parents grew up with next to nothing. they faced discrimination at the time. and i know i stand on their shoulders. and i'm grateful. now, if you are an immigrant, i will be very honest, i don't care what country you come from, what continent you come from, i can. what you sound like, what you look like, we are all god's children. no country on earth is without borders. people have got to respect our laws, our borders, and our sovereignty, period, and no exceptions. we must be aio nation of laws.
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in fact, most countries are very strict immigration laws. look at this. industrial look at the asylum seekers, they are not even allowed onshore. they will stop you and they will take you to a, in a different island. they will give you food and water and medical assistance if you needed. and then they will send you home. it is so difficult for these refuges that ultimatelyem emigrated to australia. the u.s., they have been resettling australian bound migrants and offshore seven camps near australia's mainland. they refused to take illegal immigrants. they uphold the law in their country. in western europe, you have record hybrid 21,000 asylum-seekers in 2015. denmark said enough is enough. they took steps to stop and processed migrants against offshore. nsmany other countries, you kno, citizenship is such a high worth immigrants will pay and purchase citizenship. by the way, some americans, toil give up their citizenship and by
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citizenship in other countries. why? citizenship especially to this country is of great value.e. for people coming from countries that do not have the freedoms we often take for granted. you look at st. lucia for example. roughly about 250 grand. you can get a passport and be a citizen. and antigo kirk buda, it is about liver -- a little under post-cyprus is asking a bumping into an half-million. they called them donations and investments and you can buy citizenship. in new zealand, you got to invest $2 million over four years and be there are x number of days. and 1.1 million. in investments and donations. even canadian residency, encourages residency for a few hundred thousand bucks worth of government bonds. citizenship is a valuable coveted thing all around the globe. america,er the greatest countryn the world. how much would people pay to be
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a citizen here? maybe we should also get in on this action and may be charged people to be citizens. every other country appears to be doing it. here in the u.s., where we let in more immigrants than anywhere else on earth, we don't ask for a penny. instead in theory, we merelys ak immigrants too follow our laws and we need to do more. for example, i don't care where you can from. everybody come into this country should undergo a security t spreading to the metric don't medical associations. in the middle of a pandemic that would be a break wise thing to sure we do a health vetting so you are not covered positive or don't have any other disease. in most cases, immigrants also should prove have the ability, if we are generous enough to invite them into that they have to be able to take care of themselves financially and not be a burden on the american we cannot put that burden. we can't afford to put that burden on the american people. i.d. look at that would also
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possess a coveted skill or a trade. we can't drive the wages of american workers down either. unfortunately, democrats block donald trump's merit-based immigration bill like they have in countries like australia. now joe biden is refusing to enforce any of our existing immigration laws. hean is not only enforcing the laws. he is aiding and abetting the law, breaking. which he swore not to do. no background checks, no health checks. many are a huge financial burden to you, the american taxpayeran but we can't afford joe biden's open borders and lawlessness. our southern border is a free-for-all. he has made it that way. the administration does not know exactly who they are letting in. a future requested l court day. that is a requested court day. they don't even require you to appear now under joe biden. in other words, most immigrants are not going to abide by that request but they don't have to. this has massive security implications. and joe biden stated in the
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2007, much different joe biden than we see today, no country can be secured without controlling their borders. let's listen to joe back in thek good old days. >> president biden: what do i think about the control of our borders? what would i do about it? no great country can say it is secure without being able to control its borders. period. what i would do about it, what i propose to do about it, almost 13 years ago. i would radically ramp up the number of border security guards we have, the use of electronic surveillance material we have to the guard the border, and the number of what they call virtual fences. >> sean: that is the joe biden we see today. looks pretty weak, frail and is a mess. butpr that is a sideshow. and partially biden cares less about a secure america and more about radical socialist base that is the modern democratic socialist party.
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because that socialist base, they don't believe in borders and nor do they put any value on it. immigration no matter what. now, why ask yourself the democrats, they tried to sneak amnesty into the tenant reconciliation bill.on free citizenship until the senate parliamentarian stepped in. something of great value for the democrats.. is it their hope that, oh, we are going to give you something that other countries charge hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars for. we will give it to you, but you are going to vote democrat, right? and you are not going to put for those mean old republicans that followed that law and believe that you should respect our law and our sovereignty and our borders. you are not going to vote for them. i don't care where you come from.
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forget the mass migration drive down wages for low income workers, security implications, forget the abuse, the rape, the human trafficking through mexico and other countries. forget the mass migration drives down qualities wages, et cetera, et cetera. all of this, you know, is done again and again and again and joe biden has no clue. apparently none of these things matter to the radical left. instead of securinghe the border and telling migrants not to come, biden is deflecting. he is lying and blaming everyone else, especially donald trump. blaming the border patrol agenty on horseback. falsely accusing them of whipping migrants. even the photographer that took the picture said that did not happen. that is a life. now, the border patrol union, the agents are fightingl back ad they are demanding an apology. he is blaming congress for not passing comprehensive immigration reform. joe, you are the president. you get it done. you have both houses of congress. your party runs the whole show. donald trump controlled the borders. we had a 40-year low of illegal immigrants because he put in
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place measures like building a portable, stay in mexico policy, ending catch and release, which you have now turned into process and release. all of this and more. biden has also blamed from -- trump for handing him a mess. no, he had a cute secured borders. h he handed you in energy independence. afghanistan that was secure. and joe even claimed that weather, claiming that took migrant surge was seasonal. it actually got worse. i can report that migrant surge did not end during the summer. it continues this day, august, 200,000 people, around jenkins in mexico tonight traveling north with the latest wave of migrants. it looks like it is not stopping at all. >> reporter: no signs of slowing down, sean. we are here mexico but it is the southernmost mexican town along the guatemala border and every single one of the 15,000 haitians that cross into the
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rio came right through this town center, i am standing. if you look over my shoulder, you can see haitians gathering, and tonight, mexican officials confirmed to fox news, sean, they are preparing for an onslaught of a caravan of as many as 15,000 migrants gathered in columbia headed this way. but mostly believed, again, to be now, let us show you a little bit of the video from today when we were outside the refugee office. officials say there already something thousand haitians migrants right now, in-town trying to get asylum favors and work permits. ultimately, their goal, of course, is to get to the u.s. now, let me show you a picture we shot of a migrant man we met you can see that shirt. biden, let us interact that is the same shirt we saw in tijuana mexico. clearly motivated by this administration and president biden's open call that now is a time to come. we spoke to several haitian
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migrants who told us thisev pipeline from south america to texas is anything but slowing down. take a listen to what they said. >> i see a lot of haitians here. a lot of people living in mexico. but it is not the destination. destination is united states. >> reporter: sean, mexican officials told me they have never seen anything like this. i told them i was here in 2019 during those caravans. is it worse than that? they said it pales in comparison. so much so we have learned that tomorrow morning,o they will opn up a soccer stadium to process the migrants because it is such overwhelming numbers. sean?s >> sean: griff jenkins mexico snicker thankk you for joining s is former texas governor, rick period.
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i was done at the border a number of years ago with you as that as it was then it is was not we have had governor abbott on the program a lot of times. >> called up the national guard. he has allocated $3 billion in texas funds, texas taxpayers paying, he has actually treated miles of his own wall using patrol cars from law enforcement.ak and at every step of the wake of his battle is really what the federal government aiding and abetting that law. what other options does the governor have at this point? let me -- >> let me just think one thing thing. thank you for telling thee american people the truth. as i flip through channels, it is c really difficult to find te truth about what is going on in the southern border. this is a devastating wave that is hitting our southern border. this administration is lying about it.
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i think it is really important that you and your network, others, tell the truth. and hold joe biden accountable. hold mayorkas accountable. they are looking at the face of the american people and lying to them about what is going on on that southern border. there are families that are being devastated because of this. and maybe what we want to do is just hire every trust that we can hire in the state of texas hire every charter aircraft, bring the national guard c-130s to the border and load these individuals. and take them to maryland and leave them there. and maybe -- [overlapping speakers] >> sean: you are hitting on something important here, governor or secretary, i don't know which you prefer. whichever title you like, you own them all. but the important thing is, one
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they areth here and joe left thm in. we don't have the ability to deport them. because that is supposed to be the role of the federal government to enforce the law and they dispersed people, no test. no vaccine mandate all around the country and then people come without any money and states bear the burden of food and shelter and education and healthcare and we can't balance our budget. it is notou complicated math he. >> but all of this big infrastructure bill is not going to cost anything. i have heard that president look into the camera and say, this is going to cost zero. sean, that is lying to the american people. i mean, he is playing americans for chumps. and people who voted for him, they need to really take a deep breath, think about what this individual is doing to this country.
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it is staggering what is happening along that border. you know, those who have historically been democrat voters in those counties along atthe rio grande, i will tell yu one thing, they are rethinking that today. and they are looking at joe biden and going, this is potentially the biggest mistake we ever made in our lives let this individual become the president of united states. >> sean: i will add to that, abandoning americans in afghanistan when he said he would governor perry, we always appreciate having you on procurement with markup radio talkshow data lash. they are putting the governor of these border states arizona and texas in a difficult position. now, governor abbott spent 3 billion texas dollars. governor abbott is building his own little wall of cards. once joe lets them in, governor abbott does not have the authority to send them back. that is a problem.
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>> and i'm glad you pointed that out. that is texas taxpayer dollars being used to do with the federal government won't do. i think everyone in texas should send an invoice to joe biden and everyone responsible for this. because this is what our taxes are going to put and once people are illegal -- let's say they illegally entered gotten really, the government has -- i'm he got say his hands are tied. you can see. i'm of the position that if the federal government is going to choose which laws they want to follow, i think the texas governor should be able to do as well.. i understand people are trying to be above board and avoid endless litigation. but at the same time, everyone's hands are tied. what do you do after people come in here illegally and then you have border patrol agents. this is a huge plant. i'm glad to be talking about
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alejandro mayorkas and here's a guy who is not doing his job. he gets to stay as secretary of dhs but yet these border agents who were just riding horses on rough terrain and try to do the best equipped with an overwhelmed border thanks to this administration they are cleared. they are ridiculed in front of the nation by elected officials because they are not doing their jobs. it is cats and dogs living together. it is message tearria beck it is crazy. >> sean: let me ask you this take a look at the other countries. the actually self citizenship work you can investment real estate workbu you invest in business for you give a donation. you know. if australia can charge millions and cyprus can charge millions that we can charge probably a portion which i don't think we should do. i believe in legal immigration. now we have an administration that aids and abets in lawbreaking. they are assisting in this. if you did it, i have to value out of jail with a cake and
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file in it. >> you would. you would have to bake me a nice little cake. this is true. every other country, why is it that every other country on god's green earth is able to have borders and able to havend the seven processed to determine who gets in the legally and who does not. but yet because united states is not afforded that same opportunity. mexico, for crying out loud, all of the other countries have very strong immigration laws. and sean, you bring up a good point. united states is unique country. we recognized that our greatness comes from being united around freedom. we are not united around a face or ethnicity. we are united by the simple principle of liberty.y. do you want to be free? oryes or no. start the process. observe the law. we are equal under the republic. that is how you become an american. i don't understand why democrats hate it so much. >> sean: that is a great question. thank you. straight ahead, an exclusive
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report about what joe biden this week. big battle on capitol hill. big battle on capitol hill. we will give you all of the details. we will break it down and larry kudlow will weigh in and reacted to bizarre claim that the spending package won't cost us anything. 5 trillion won't cost you a penny. greateaim
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♪ ♪ >> sean: crunch time for congress this week as biden schumer, and pelosi try to ram the 5 trillion but 3.5 trillion tax increase, social spending package. it has gotten so big, so expensive, now, even some democrats that they are sending won't report it. i don't believe it until the votes are cast.omomil our own chad is standing by with the latest.. there's a civil war breaking out. nancy has decided to go with the 1.2 trillion build first and then threatened not to support it. where are we? >> reporter: there's a lot of discrepanciesdi of where they ae right now. this is a man with an agenda for the democrats. pelosi spoke to her caucus tonight and she said her members are "idealistic." let's think about what they are going to do here.
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this is more ambitious than fdr's new deal programs and lbj's great society plan and here's what is in the social spending package. four billion for distance learning. 12 billing for electric cars and postal workers on the job. a big provision to beef up irs enforcement but the bill alsofo provides money for paid family and medical leave blessed billings for the environment.. the bill must remain at $3.5 trillion. >> they want to pass biden's agenda. they need to get on board. >> we are open to negotiation. we need a counteroffer for those who areop opposed to which is biden's agenda. >> democrats are fighting with themselves. >> i would actually like them to make their views clear.
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it is maddening to see them use republican talking points. >> moderate democrats say this bill should be about $2 trillion but it must shrink if it is going to passed. republicans block starting the debate on the bill to fund the government and left the dock limit. republicans are saying to democrats, do it on your own if you're going to spend all of of this money. sean?bl >> sean: thank you. all that chaos on capitol hill is just the latest crisis facing the biden administration. joe's record of failure is starting to catch up with him in the polls. a not only is he underwater on approval under the latest pew research poll but the majority of respondents 56%. they think joe biden is not mentally sharp. by the way, i do know who the other 40%.
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the vaccine mandates that biden is so eager to oppose on everyone. they could have disastrous consequences for the democrats. they are preparing to call up the national guard to fill in for the hospital workers. you know, the ones in march and april and may of 2020 in the middle of the covid ship show of of all schiff shows. think of firing them and jumped on covid grenades every day to save the lives of their fellow citizens that they are all about to be fired for refusing to get the vaccine. it sounds like biden could have yet another crisis of his own you making on his hands before he even knows it.g here with reaction author of "beyond biden, rebuilding the america we love," i can hope and well-written book. i have my copy. thank you, mr. speaker. fox news contributor newt gingrich.
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we got to get beyond biden. we never abandoned americans. giving up energy independence. you see the mess at the border you see inflation. my question is, you see that cycle actually. >> reporter: going on with the squad versus so-called moderates. who wins? > i think the country is losing. and very few exceptions. maybe mention anthony matt. there are not really any moderates in the democratic party. when push came to the chef in august, every single democrats in the senate every single democrats in the house voted for a big socialist bill that big government socialist bill that bernie sanders wrote. how can you have a clear message? them to have an open socialist right -- by the way, probably scores a 5 trillion now three and a half trillion. $3 trillion in tax increases.
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hires 85,000 new irs agents to harass taxpayers. apparently,ha according to one reading, it provides for free community college for o illegal immigrants. so all these people at the border will get to go to college. at the taxpayers pocket expenses. nothing is free. that means it is a taxpayer provided college. it is a taxpayer provided healthcare. and so i think that this is going to be a fascinating week. pelosi has been very tough. she runs a dictatorship. she has been twisting arms. she is now starting to break them. knee capping people. >> sean: it seems like the squad is saying, it is our way or the highway. and they have control over her speakership. >> they are only doing it in the sense that she has enough votes. but look at what they have done. for the last year, they have decided everything by themselves. in fact, they even reached over
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and kicked a republican off the committee, something that has never been done before. they created an investigating committee and they control the appointees. now they turn like having somebody if your teenage son or daughter had run off with a credit card click around and charged everything. they showed up one morning and said, g, back at what would you pay all of my bills? and that is what that was publicans are saying. we are not part of this. we were not in on the take off. we are not going to be on the landing. and the democrats have made no effort to reach out to the republicans and actually tried to the share power. >> sean: here's my question, though. >> see what happens. >> sean: i don't think a any republicans should vote to increase the debt ceiling. they have the house.
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they have the senate. they want to spend all of this money. republicans don't. i don't think one republican should vote to increase it by a penny. democrats are going to sick-outs you are going to shut down the government? it is going to be instinct. that is not typically have control of congress. they get to g decide. so it will be up to them whether or not they raise the debt ceiling. correct? >> yeah, you know, if i were the republican leadership, i would say, look at you can get our votes. drop the $5 trillion spending bill. drop the $3 trillion tax increase. drop the idea of 85,000 new irs agents. you know, want to talk about tohelping you? well, this is what it is going to cost for us to decide to help you. i and if you don't want to meet us and negotiate, why would we give you our votes? i mean, no republican should vote for the debt ceiling increase. that is thee democrats' problem.
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it is their disaster. and frankly, if they keep putting poison pills into the resolution no republican should vote for the continuing resolution. [overlapping speakers] >> sean: you have a great pulse of how things are working in dc. it seems like democrats, the civil war is going on. what happens in the house? will mansion and cinema hold the line? i think ultimately, their arms are going to be twisted so hard they will be twisted out of their sockets to get their votes. >> i think they have a hard time doing that. they are offering a bill that would destroy west virginia's economy totally. they are offering ideas that are deeply opposed in arizona. only 16% support, one out of every six americans. now, it may be that the lemming is replacing the donkey as the democratic party symbol. but i think this is going to be
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very unpopular in the country. and my guess is they are not going to get it through because in the end, they can't satisfy those who are not moderates. but they want to survive. and those who are reticles in districts where it does not matter. i think it is almost impossible job for pelosi. >> sean: did you ever think you would get this medical? >> no. >> sean: did you ever think we would have that kind of chaos at the border? did you ever think we would be begging opec after we've finally achieved energy independence to produce more oil, and he turned us down. pretty embarrassing, mr. speaker. >> look, i think you are very swift.t. the weirdest political coalition in modern american history. i think they are totally out of touch with reality. i think the damage they are doing is unimaginable. and i really worry that these guys could stumble into a big war, not a small or. i worry particularly about china. the chinese dictatorship has to
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be looking at this chaos and thinking, this guy is old. he iss weak. he is confused. >> sean: and those donald trump tweets that everyone in the mob and the media characterized as mean seem pretty appealing right now because he actually, he instilled fear in other countries and he actually got un controlled the borders, lowered taxes and things worked better. mr. speaker, thank you. unfortunately, the biden administration is not just incompetent. we have been pointing this out. joe promising he will not raise taxes on anyone -- even giving his word as a biden. you mean like he did to the people abandoned in afghanistan? okay. i don't think your word as a biden is worth very much considering what hunter has done to your family name. secondly, corporations don't pay taxes. we pay them. and thirdly, we are not paying a buck 50 more a gallon and we are
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paying for everything we buy because of your policies. he has been also telling a new life that that massive tax hike and spending bill will cost zero dollars. free. okay? i know you are probably come from the era of an abacus. we have computers in this day and age. it is hard to really believe that even you think that iss troops ask your party is fighting each other on it. here with reaction, the host of kudlow, larry kudlow. all right, larry, you are now it is us in. what are the consequences?ig >> i think it is going to do great harm to the economy. the tax hikes alone, companies don't pay taxes individuals pay taxes. by the government's own scoring, the congressional budget office, the joint tax committee, none of those are supply-side havens. they are saying 70% of the corporate tax hike will fall on the blue-collar middle-class.
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and the joint tax committee has said nearly 70% of that middle class will see higher taxes. as a result of the bill that came out of the house ways and means committee. it is going to be devastating for the economy. and you are raising the capital gains tax and it is remarkable. new one historically. the other point i want to make, newt gingrich is talking about big government socialism. this massive wave of new wealth. and entitlement, nothing, whether it is the family leave plan, or the basic income plan or child credits -- there's not one -- but there's not one stipulation, not one rule that you have to work. there's no work requirements. and in fact, sean, there's no
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education requirements. so you got massive welfare dependency. it is like the great society 50th parapet but that will power, but that will damage the soul of america. that goes into the heart of american culture. work is dignity. were called families together. work provides opportunities for the least among us. and this damage they are going to do, and it is from the far left. it is from the crazy progressives. this crazy textbook. this is the thing that worries me the most because i hate the tax hikes. i believe in the -- you jack up tax rates, you will get fewer revenues, not more. but now we are cutting into heart of the american soul and it is big government socialism of the worst time. >> sean: we got to see what happens but i think they will
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have a harder time passing it. we will start the -- instead of three, five, people go to -- we still can't afford all of it is going to be wasted. our grandkids will pay for the rest of their lives. >> we don't need this bill or any part of it. okay? even ifwe it is a smaller bill. sean, i'm sand to you save america. kill the bill. save america and kill the bill. we do not need to speak it will harm our country at home and it will also harm our country abroad because of the perceived ntweakness. kill the bill, sean. that is the position i really want you to take. >> sean: i agree. larry kudlow, good to speak with you.nt coming up after they shamelessly defended him, biden attacked the media. they are here to react to this bizarre outburst straight ahead. s
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and i think with his permission -- not answer the questions because they won't ask any questions on point. >> sean: when pressed today on his refusal to take questions from reporters, jen psaki offered this ready pathetic excuse. >> reporter: the president said that he better behave himself. can you explain why the president was criticizing those reporters? >> he took questions on friday. he took questions again today. i think what he said is that they are not always on point. i know that is not something anyone wants to hear but what i think he was conveying is today because he might want to talk about covid vaccines. some of the questions are about that. you might want to -- and some of the questions are not about the topic.
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he is talking about that day. >> sean: biden has done only nine sit down interviews today lagging way behind trump and obama at this point. here with reaction, fox news contributor ari fleischer and mike huckabee. you did this before. he took a whopping four questions at that big press conference. four. then they lashed out at boris johnson. now they are telling the indian prime minister, don't answered questions. and then he keeps saying over and over, i'm going to get in trouble. i get yelleded at. they get mad at me and everything. very bad for me. bad. >> this follows a year-long campaign. strategy to hide in the basement and take no questions from everybody. the last time he took questions. he talked to a black journalist,
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are you, junkie? when he speaks his mind and his mouth, it gets him into a lot of trouble. i understand that wrangling. there will always l be a difference between the white house and the press corps. but the white house does not get to the control in the press' questions. and when the president right before the holiday is asked about afghanistan and the taliban taking over the country, he said, i only want, i only want to talk about happy things. the president failed to prepare the nation for what would happen because he only wanted to talk about happy things. there's a real risk to the white house. i get message control. but this is starting to heard joe biden. >> sean: by the way, governor, congratulations on your fifth anniversary. congratulations it was bold deserved. he does not want to answer questions. he has not -- it is 40, what?
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42 days of americans behind enemy lines. there's no plan to get out. he has turned the page. he is, you know, nobody says a word really about what he caused at the border. seems to get away with it and they seem to accept it. that is the strangest part to >> it is the strangest part. effect is joe biden not only wants to controlled who gets to ask the question. but according to jen psaki, he wants to control the questions they even get to be asked. and if it is not on the point that he wants to make than he wants to be a no-show. sean, vampires see more daylight and sunshine than joe bidendn he walks out in front of the press. and the press seems to play along the and i don't know if they are ever going to get fed
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up with this. and donaldhe trump would stand t the helicopter but she just can't take any questions. the press room ran out of donuts and walked off. >> sean: listen to the chagrin of his staff, i can tell you that. isn't that reality, though, if we are going to be honest and blunt, joe biden is not up to this job. but he is weak. and he is frail cognitive mess. and they are controlling him. and i don't think he is making all of the decisions either. that is not a reality that has fully sunk in. but it is sinking in. >> sean. this is the problem with press control. the white house trying to middle manipulate the press to back five the fundamental question, is joe biden capable of standing up there and taking it? can he only do three or four things? >> sean: what do you think? is he? >> there's something wrong with joe biden. he can't do it. this is the problem they are facing,me whether it is' judgme, his age, its potential infirmity or just the thing that has
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clouded him for 40 years, bad decision making. it is adding up to a very unpopular president in every single poll out there now. >> sean: is he up to the job. 30 seconds, governor huckabee? >> i think we are looking at a remake of the old movie. they prop him up on the horse and rode him to keep the up. but he expired some time ago. and this is the guy who is not into horse is very much as we all know. it with is the only time he has been on one was in front of walmart when he put a quarter iw there last weekend. [overlapping speakers] >> he was the guy in "star trek." >> sean: they are propping him up. more "hannity" after this.
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12:00 am
♪ ♪ >> sean: , fourthly, that is all the time we have left this evening. thank you for being with us but you make this show possible answers please set your dvr so you never miss an episode. in the meantime, let not heart be troubled. why? laura ingraham is standing by and she has an awesome show, as always. >> laura: oh. hi. laura: high, and doing my best biden impersonation. >> when you walk off and have provide me back. we are on, i'm supposed to speak now and i have to say to you don't let shawn say anything else. don't let him answer any questions.
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