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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  October 6, 2021 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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hard it was to get the sweater on, but we have our new rita matters gear for the fall because heating oil is going to be expensive. electricity, forget it. joe biden's america will be freezing, and all for charity, the dominican house gets all the prophets this month, these are awesome. dowels, it will especially love them. in america now and forever and a "gutfeld!" up next. [applause] musica physical >> greg: happy wednesday everyone, and it is wednesday, another glorious a day in the people's republic of china and where every day the great unifier leads us down a path of chaos. but before we dive in, it's time for seven jokes. not to be confused with the cnn
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lineup. >> announcer: gregg's seven jokes ♪ ♪ >> greg: i don't like that music. and we afford a teacher has been arrested for having sacks with a student in her car on multiple occasions. when asked about it she said she was showing the kid how to drive a stick. [laughter] she's been fired, although there is a schoolwide petition demanding she still teach driver's ed. [laughter] two, katie couric is getting called a misogynist for a new memoir or she trashes other women and her connection to purvis like matt lauer and jeffrey epstein. defendants say that's unfair and point out to her charity work for the ted bundy foundation. when told be, because she's being called misogynist by other women, she replied, tell bitches those to shut up and make me a sandwich. actress/comedian/has-been sarah
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silverman slams hollywood forecasting non-jewish actors to play jewish characters as an example of jew face, which is what you would expect from a performer whose doneness. vice president, irs has finally sold her d.c. condo for 1.85 million. the bad news, according to a new democratic bill, the new buyer owes her nothing because licata will pay for itself. [laughter] meghan traynor and her husband admitted to having two toilets next to each other so they could go to the bathroom at the same time. whereas the extra toilet and brian stelter's bathroom is a spare. and that's seven jokes. [applause] i give it 4 out of 7, maybe three. right. so what happened to all those progressive women who once cared
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about women, especially women in power? well it all goes away if that you aren't there kind of woman. suddenly oppression is necessary. is our favorite sack of spoiled potatoes. joy behar explained that activists had to go into the bathroom to confront senator sinema. >> it's m.i.a. all over the place, she's not around. they call her to have a meeting, they tried to get her on the phone. she doesn't -- she was like a missing persons of this is the only alternate if they have. >> greg: easy for her to say, no one is brave enough to follow joy behar into the can. talk about a death wish. 6 feet of distance versus that blast radius? the only time i agree with dr. fauci about wearing multiple masks. so kyrsten sinema being m.i.a. makes it okay for her to be bullied in the bathroom? by joy's logic, right wing logic should be aligned 15 deep in front of a stall when, chris is
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dropping the kids off at the pool. talk about someone being m.i.a., she's the first vp in history who can only be found with an amber alert. but my favorite hypocrite, the shapes shifter kiersten powers him used to spend many a lonely night lecturing asked how mean we are to women in politics and that lack of grace was destroying the very fabric of america. but now that she's on cnn her opinion suddenly changes. it's amazing what 300 bucks per week and free hair and makeup will do. i don't know if that's the case. she claims she was flabbergasted, flabbergasted that people were upset over bullies chasing her into the stall into reasoning was if she didn't want people to follow her into the bathroom, she shouldn't have gone into the bathroom. all that's missing as she was asking for it. yes, how dare the senator use a bathroom and how dare she sold her well-rounded moderate answers for the world to see. and why though it needed to use
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the toilet? just do what other democrats that inter is pass on her constituents. so it's the tale of two kiersten's. when denied a safe space in a restroom and the other on the idea of common decency. sorry powers, there is a time at a place for people to make demands and it's not in the ladies room. trust me, i've tried. here power shaming a woman freeze in the bathroom while excusing the bullying tactics of the left. this from a woman who once said "in our pugilistic take no prisoners era preaching grace toward those on the left side of the political fence is decidedly counterculture. that's one of bowers quotes about grace. it turns out she's about as graceful as biden honest their climber. one thing is for certain compasses got got them up behind her and the bullying of a sinema was cheered on twitter but you
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think those who preach grace would handle the mob. but once politics poisons minds that you have idiots justifying all sorts of extremism. it's a spectrum from confronting people at dinner to physically attacking them. we called it antifa, but they called an idea. meanwhile angry moms and dads are being treated like they are placing ieds and the faculty parking lot. it's an extension of the room. spitting on us and threatening to kill us, no charges. fake anthrax and death threats sent to our home, no charges. now we just learned the person who called the rand senate office to shoot us will not be charged. i wonder if kiersten powers thought she had it coming? if you want to be threatened with death, maybe stay out of the limelight. return to the kitchen and keep your mouth shut. it's amazing how much of the female left have in common with those lady haters and i'm talking about their sandals or beards.
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they both share the delight and coercion as a means to silence uppity women. the taliban will stone a woman for showing an inch of ankle and the left will be rate of politically moderate woman for showing an ounce of gumption. biden may be sending them weapons. [cheers and applause] >> greg: her parents came this close to naming her bmw. mercedes schlapp. and he grew up on a raisin farm and tonight he is raising our iqs. a senior fellow of the hoover institution and author of the great new book "the dying citizen" victor davis hanson. [cheers and applause] he's like a discount martini, dry and full of cheap gin. western owner david angelo. and when she gives blood, it
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served on the rocks with the salted rim. fox news contributor kat timpf. before i get to you victor, i have to get something out of the way. dave when you were laughing on the show he was a spokesman for this razor company at a now you kind of like worked her way up the ladder and it now you owner, and like a couple of weeks. i'm beginning to think this is something the company, this is you with a po box. >> will he do have a po box, we get so much fan mail from satisfied customers who visit western that we just had to expand capacity. thank you for pointing that out. speed when you are the owner and spokesman, it's just you and one razor. you only have one razor. it's because there are many razors and they are all available now at western i appreciate that. >> this is the caliber of guests that i get, even at leading late
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nights. thank god victor you are here to save us from your evil man. we are seeing this weird trend where we are decriminalizing crying and criminalizing basic citizens and basic decency. if you've been talking about this in writing about this for years, what is going on? >> there is one consistency and its power and ideology. 50 years ago i was a student and we all heard any means necessary and it was malcolm x and that it was so whether they swarm around paul or shimmer is in court with the mob and they say we are coming after you, that's okay. and it was okay to go after sinema but it's not okay if you're conservative. there is consistency because people with superior morality feel that the means are justified because they are ends are so much more noble.
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they are intellectual and enlightened and the rest of us, we just do what they tell us. it's a consistency and power of the left and they don't believe in the principle of consistency and they've been pretty effective about it. >> greg: and that's true because it seems to be growing. i don't know if it was krauthammer but it was, they think were wrong and we think they are evil. >> i don't think you can follow me. i might have to give you would like we've got a boot. a cameraman if you can grab that. what's going on with the feminist women who are all girl power. she's not even a republican. >> she might say, you know what, i'm done with these democrats. it's appalling that not only women won't support sinema in
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this case and they allow for this bullying behavior. mind you they criticize donald trump for bullying behavior but they themselves are adopting this bullying behavior. and wasn't joe biden supposed to come in and bring decency and morality back to the white house? and he's allowing for this to occur and not defending sinema, it's been an outrage. >> greg: is building bullies better. david, that came to me and that's why i'm here. where would i have the job interview? >> we can arrange. you are hired. i'll send you -- what is it, a 1099? who cares at this point, i it's off the books. under the table. >> greg: i would get paid for every razor you sell.
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all right. do you have a thought on this topic? i'm sure you do, you're a smart guy. >> yes. [laughter] you know i thought of the video, i'm sitting in the bathroom and this big confrontation but it was actually good that it happened because sinema is anchored the democrats and that was a bathroom that hillary chose to assassinate her in. and thankfully they brought the camera and she didn't have an opportunity. ellery was in the next stall with the piano wire. and it saved her life. >> greg: it you know, no one has talked about that, that activist saved kyrsten sinema's life. >> we always have to look for the other angles. >> greg: yes, like the ankles on the face. you need a really good saver. >> that's why you are the number
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one copywriter. >> greg: i have a hard time with my adam's apple, i can't get rid of it. i don't know what to do. i'm considering a total gender change. you're a woman, congratulations. >> thank you. yes. >> greg: when you see people like a kyrsten sinema or joy saying it's okay to treat people this way, -- speak of the jezebel article was so interesting because it's okay to bully kyrsten sinema in the bathroom. i researched this. okay. i did some research and i typed in street harassment and catcalling into and there were like 170 articles about how bad it is for people to comment on your body while you are walking. you would think that they would also think it was bad for people to comment on your character while you are pooping.
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if you think those would go together but you are wrong. i'm not someone who worries too much about social norms, i think they hold us back. but the one where people don't follow you into the bathroom and film you, i like that one. >> greg: that's a good one, i don't want to decriminalize that. >> you don't worry if she takes too long to respond to an email, that's what she asked for. >> greg: excellent point. >> thank you. >> greg: you're welcome. i was so unnecessary. up next, was a hunter bash an excuse? >> interpreter: musical me to go
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>> tech: when you get a chip in your windshield... trust safelite. this couple was headed to the farmers market... when they got a chip. they drove to safelite for a same-day repair. and with their insurance, it was no cost to them. >> woman: really? >> tech: that's service the way you need it. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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>> greg: his art belongs on the refrigerator door yet buyers are lining up for more. hunter biden held a big show for art made with straws, likely used for blow. [laughter] president fun showcased his childlike doodles on a fancy gallery in l.a. last week. my invitation must've gotten lost in the cocaine. the publishing events that were confusing online readers who thought that the art was a sign they had. as many as 200 art enthusiasts and people serving paternity suits, were invited. that was a joke. apparently his pieces were priced as high as a half million, or to put in terms that he understands, 508 balls and 300. it's true the first time that
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the gallery sold paintings by the ounce, and that it's art no doubt raises a lot of eyebrows and cash for viagra. we are also told that the identities of the buyers would never be revealed and that's literally the only information the government doesn't spy on. now we can say with certainty that we know who was duped into buying hunter's work but the daily mail reports there was a horrible mayor, our long retired boxer and a guy who makes mediocre music in attendance. eating hunter must have something on all of them. we have to wonder how his artwork would hold their value over time. musical medical >> hey joey. what you got this time? >> this biden artwork cost me a half million, but i will give it to you for ten bones. >> done.
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♪ ♪ >> greg: and now the ambassador of the ukraine, or ukraine. i never know, is it the, or just ukraine? >> i think it's just the ukraine. >> greg: but what's going on mercedes, does this event raise serious ethical questions? >> while i'm hoping they sell the hunter biden art so they can help pay for the democrats reckless spending bill in congress. but i think, the white house continues to fudge the answers on this. we don't want to get too close, we are not involved, but then you find out that hunter biden still is holding assets with his chinese company. so there are serious questions surrounding this. hunter biden just attracts the flies. he attracts a very strange people and quite frankly it puts the white house in a very difficult position. >> greg: but you know what, it would be a difficult position
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professor if he were republican or his dad were a republican but he's not so now it just shows that we can have a great segment out of it and no one else pays attention. >> i have a theory about him. he is under scrutiny and as mercedes said he still holds 10% of the company. his under microscope so he does this paint by numbers art scam. you look at the emails and he refers to the big guy and a 10% and then he whines that i'm the guy carrying the biden family. so i think he's saying to us and to the president, i'm tired. i meet you all this money and you didn't report it, what are you going to do about it? and i've got the goods on the whole family. if you don't like it, i'm going to go ballistic and i think he's kind of leveraging the president of the united states. >> greg: if that's a point because he was arguing in the emails about this. if it wasn't for me, that wouldn't have any dell. >> you know, he was the wounded
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fun for me. i have to support this prison and that person and how he saying, i'm liberated. >> the rainmaker, and not just in the strip club. he's potentially doing spenard with his face because he's using the straw, it's children's art. imagine all of the artists that have toiled away for decades, who have never got a gallery opening. at this guy walks in with an opportunity like this without even knowing what he's doing. >> right, or the other drug addicts. like his every drug addict's dream to get paid for their rehab arts. and then they don't, and then they relapse. like most people don't have this advantage, i don't understand how anybody thinks that he's not going to know who buys the paintings because our people going to put them up in their house? what people see it? plus i feel like nobody gets new shoes anymore without posting on instagram. people will find out, that's just not a reasonable thing but nobody will talk about it except again for us to do a segment. >> greg: reality show.
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rehab art. >> yes. every episode of intervention they say i'm really into music and i'm going to make that a thing. like okay. >> greg: like a d.j., a celebrity d.j. but first i have to throw up. that's my art, i will make art out of vomit. if hunter can do it with his nose, or his mouth -- anyway, i've lost track of everything. you understand these sorts of scams running one yourself. [laughter] >> i mean hunter is the kindred spirit, you know. but i don't get, who is buying it? because you're not going to get influence with joe. joe doesn't know -- what's hunter going to sit down and say, is what you got to do. he will be asleep. if you want influence, you got to bribe joe's teleprompter guy. [laughter] 100 bucks if i can get him to say on national tv, you know, there is a stimulus program for
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guys named david, $10 million each. >> greg: yeah, that buys a lot of razors. i know we've got to go but the celebrities that showed up were all dudes i bet they are all in the same circle of hunter and hunter's activity and that's wh. right, he's got something on all of them. you are in the little book with the phone numbers. you know what i'm saying. yeah, you've got nothing on that, you're just going to nod in agreement. [laughter] all right, up next, biden is blissfully unaware of a deal that france called unfair.
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go with simparica trio it's triple protection made simple! simparica trio is the first and only monthly chewable that covers heartworm disease, ticks and fleas, round and hookworms. dogs get triple protection in just one simparica trio! this drug class has been associated with neurologic adverse reactions, including seizures. use with caution in dogs with a history of these disorders. protect him with all your heart. simparica trio.
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>> greg: john kerry gives us a scoop that sleepy joe is out of the loop. yes, he does damage control in france while biden wanders around without pants. [laughter] walking driftwood sculpture john kerry says president biden
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wasn't aware that the trilateral agreement between the u.s., the u.k. and australia would anger france come because it wasn't french. the deal sunk a $40 million submarine contract between france and in the off-season france recalled its investors united states and joe biden recalled our ambassador to atlantis. just kidding, joe can't recall anything. >> president biden asked me about it and i told him, he said what's the situation that i explained exactly, he had not been aware of that. he literally had not been aware of what had transpired. i don't want to go into the details of it. >> greg: why bother at this point? before hopping on his private jet that runs on panda blood, he
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said that the u.s. and france have bigger world issues to work on together such as cyber warfare and climate change. and if they are worried about lost income, he recommends marrying a rich widow so you can continue to fly on private jets. because that's what he did. but then they concluded this interview with this fascinating nugget. >> assured, international diplomacy is important and you know i think climate change is a crucial issue of our lifetime. but not as crucial as greg gutfeld becoming the king of late night. what he's accomplished in such a short time is as credible and beautiful as apple tower, don't you think? >> greg: they think. who knew he was a secret fan of the show? but as for bite and began aware of the deal, that seems odd at the very least. right joe? >> look. i am on top of things, all right. i know what's going on. it's just that the summary deal was confusing. first of all, where i come from
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we call them hoagies, right? second of all, you've got au, u.s., u.k., e.u. there's too many letters. i gave it to carry. he's good at the alphabet. it looks like a muppet. [laughter] >> greg: it raises the question, what else does joe not know and when did he not know it? >> well politician say that all the time. i didn't know or he didn't know. in this case i believe it. but i also don't know if that inspires confidence. if we are trying to be getting along better with france, to have confidence in us. he has no idea what's going on. why would you bother to talk to someone who doesn't know what's going on? i've tried, doesn't work very well. >> greg: if you know professor, do you think democrats actually like it this way, the less joe knows, the
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better. >> it's hard to know but was john kerry the operative words were, i explained literally, unaware. he's always this pontificate are. remember during the election and he said, if you don't educate, you are not educated and go to college, we will send you to iraq as if that was the worst of all faiths. remember during the trump administration he was always freelancing on the iran deal, meaning iranian. so it's always that he is the hero and intellectual master of everybody. so it was probably true that biden didn't know what was going on but, he always exaggerates his own role. remember he went over to china about climate change and they put him in a room and said to come up later. so he's always a legend in his own mind. >> greg: to be fair, china thought he was actually a cabinet. [laughter] another great example is him going to france after the terrorist attack and bringing james taylor because it was his way of being a hero, right? >> yeah.
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>> greg: they will love me because i'm bringing james taylor because no one has ever said that before. david, are you aware of what's going on in your razor company? [laughter] >> i don't know where i am right now. joe biden obviously is confused. that's not news. we've known that. what i find interesting is, france, the home of the paris climate accord, is like, we need to sell our diesel subs. [laughter] but i prefer the french submarines. you know, because they have the ashtrays in there. [laughter] no torpedoes, they just fire baguettes. [laughter] that's what they do, it's true. >> greg: and everything is done in the form of mine. >> mine. yes, it's silent.
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paint hands on the thing that goes through the water. >> greg: we should probably stop this. >> we shouldn't have started. >> greg: mercedes, do you think kerry is just stupid or was trying to throw the president under the yacht? >> kerry wants to be in the news and wants to be relevant again so my theory is, you must've said it, let me just throw the president under the bus. but then, i came here and i am the smartest in the room. but when he mentioned you were a king. let me say it in spanish. [speaking non-english language] [applause] >> greg: we have no idea if that's what she said. [laughter] all right. we got more stuff coming up. professors push back when will activists attack. ♪ ♪
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>> greg: woke apocalypse. woke-... woke up like this? whatever greg. first in the line pit, geophysicist dorian abbott. i thought i was the only one. supposed to give a guest lecturer at a community college known as mit, but they canceled, caving to a small but vocal twitter mob that disagreed with his views on diversity. he told fox about it earlier. >> it was a criticism of my political positions in an attempt to cancel my talk because i didn't agree politically with the activists. we need to all strive to get the politics out of science. >> greg: it's went to the mop disagree with exactly? his diabolical view that college students be treated as individuals and evaluated on merit. i know. not as a means to an end where statistics matter more.
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imagine that, mit arguing against merit, math and statistics. soon they will only be known for their football team. [laughter] meanwhile, the san jose state anthropology professor is tweet pissed off the bay area woke. she was happy and smiling with an ancient skull. no, it wasn't this one. [laughter] this one once had a brain in it. here's the real picture. the mata said she didn't take into account the feelings of the descendants of the cradle to cranium. they will flip when they find out about weekend at bernie's. even a top administrator clutched his pearl saying this picture evoked "shock and disgust." but she's not backing down, telling the local paper -- i love local papers -- this really is about a woke activist mob than any widget argument. science is more important than
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sensitivities. we caught up with the professor to get his thoughts. >> yeah, no, we are taking on the systems on behalf of the victims. i'm creating a safe and inclusive space. we've reimagined these opportunities that have had their opportunities sidelined. i teach math but when it comes to justice in this country, something just doesn't add up. oh, my gosh, my very own professor patches. i want to think all the men and women who made this possible. i mean generic persons, humans, oh [bleep]! >> greg: professor you are at the hoover institution at stanford to come in a little bit different. how do you survive and denizens of the time you could ever turn? >> professors are like the french. most of them are cowards. i shouldn't say that, i mean i wrote about birds on so that was a bad joke. but when you do meet a french patriot, they are the most courageous people in the world
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and i've met some of the most courageous people, very small percentage in academia. they are very inspirational and they take on the dean of faculty. at hoover, we are in the process of transitioning everywhere in academia and what i think is inspiring, i've got colleagues. so neil ferguson or scott atlas, and you have kind of a cadre saying we are not going to give an inch. but i think the woke thing is sort of speaking, like peak woke now because of this continues it's not sustainable. you can't have an open border and you can't have race dominating every conversation. can't discriminate to stop this clinician and you can't practice racism. at the irony is that the french are mad at us and they are the ones who gave us -- and started it all off some way and postmodern madness. now we vomited back to them as we always do and they are very angry about it.
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>> greg: they are like we don't want this stuff. and we are like, you gave it to us. and they are like, whoa, dude. we are that french. cat, you went to college, right? 20 or 30 years ago? >> yes i did. >> greg: do you agree with the professor that we reached peak woke when you see professors taking a stance? >> the skull lady, i mean look. in our culture we are far too crude about human remains. i'm serious. see, listen. they are like you can't say human remains. all remains actually. i saw my dad this weekend, we were having a nice father-daughter conversation and i calmly explained to him that when my cat dies i want to get him cremated and have the ash is sterilized and tattooed into my body. you know what he said? yes, you can do that. he said catherine, if you love
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me, please wait until i die. [laughter] why? what happens to come up my body, my cats body, my choice. >> greg: there you go. [applause] >> i'm going to get a bumper sticker. >> greg: what is start with a bumper sticker. >> first i would need a car. and i'm not sure the cat would like that. have you talked to him? because i have. >> after he dies. [laughs] wright mercedes, do you think the tide could turn? >> it's going to be tough but what you are starting to see is the rise of some conservative colleges like hillsdale college and others that students are going to because they need a place where they can feel that there can be this debate. the problem is not just stemming from the professors but the students as well. it starts yelling. it starts really young. in fact when you "sesame street" calling hispanic heritage month,
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calling latinx heritage month? are you kidding me? like the spanish language is based on l and walk. you don't mess with it. i feel like we are not quite there yet because i feel the indoctrination starts over early with these kids and the democrats and the left mob, they have successfully tried to change our language. making sure we talk about pronouns, making sure we talk about, what we can't be he/c because we are really let next. that's where we as conservatives need to push back and literally save our language, save our country and stop the wokeness. [cheers and applause] >> greg: it's funny. the opposite of education isn't ignorance, it's indoctrination. >> that's right. >> greg: you are a comedian. i got a chuckle out of that. do you perform on campuses, do you find any resistance to her
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edgy humor, your razor-sharp wit? [laughter] >> yeah, you know, the kids love me. i'm connected with jen c. i'm out there getting jiggy with it, they love me. >> greg: they love your grunge look. >> everything about me is just perfect for colleges. please book me. contact your student advisor. bring me to campus. i'm just selling everything tonight. >> greg: yeah, yeah. >> look. i know wokeness kind of stuff is generally speaking a selectively applied low-voltage reign of terror. we all know that. but i disagree with you, kat. the skull stuff. guys i was in one of these museums, you know how they have
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the pharaohs, they have the home thewhole mommy there. they didn't pack that guy up ten years ago to be in the museum on fifth avenue. a bunch of tourists in cargo shorts walking around. that's not what that money was therefore. just because you weren't dead for a thousand years doesn't mean you become following decorations. >> but what do you think about me tattooing my cats ashes into my body? >> i support that. >> thank you! >> greg: that just shows you how to different sides can come together and i'm bringing people together from all different size. the people who want the rights of monies to be preserved and just about [bleep] crazy. >> i think we can all work together. >> greg: and that's why we have to get some kind of psychiatrist.
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up next, covid's unexpected side effects that could leave your butt a wreck liberty. liberty. ♪
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>> greg: this new covid complaint sounds heinous, the pain right in anus your, he
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stuck in a covid rat with a bad feeling in his butt. a report out of japan is linking something called restless anal syndrome with covid-19. maybe we were putting a mask on the wrong orifice. what is a restless anal syndrome? i think we have a picture of it. come on you guys, that is too easy. do we have a real picture of a restless anal syndrome? that's more like it. of course, the report cites only one man who experienced an essential urge to move his and anal pain after recovering from covid but we are still covering it here because of how the word anal in it. sadly he spent more time in the bathroom and jerks harassing kyrsten sinema. you told me this was a story you are looking forward to, what do you think?
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>> really? i don't even know what restless anal syndrome is. >> greg: you aren't even going to do the show until you heard about it. >> i have to tell you, i will ask dr. fauci about it because doesn't dr. fauci have the answer to every single covid problem we have? let's ask him if he has restless anal syndrome, because i think he does. >> greg: doctor, after a certain age doesn't everyone have restless anal syndrome? >> and 68, so i don't want to answer that. but dr. fauci you mentioned, if you have had covid and science says its superior immunity to vaccination but you still should be vaccinated to so you're supposed to have a double indemnity. i don't understand, i've been vaccinated but i didn't get covid so now i'm supposed to go get covid so i have both? >> andy you have restless anal syndrome. >> greg: way to bring it back to the top.
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talk freely about restless anal syndrome. >> i am so thankful i don't not know what this is. i just wish the guy luck. >> i'm glad we did the story because i was thinking, you know what? i don't have to think about that much. >> greg: i just brought this story on for one reason and one reason only. it was pitched to me every single day. people on this show, producers in fact, every day. and i thought why are they pitching the story to me, it's because they think i want this story in here? and i thought, you know what, i'm just going to do it. not to be a pain in the butt, but -- don't go away, we will be right back.
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9:00 pm
tell us where we can get it. >> it's called dying citizen and now tuesday on amazon book stores and all the things we've been talking about, this chaos, i think it has one theme, and that is citizenship and it is citizens dying. >> greg: all right. thank you, mercedes, david, kat timpf, our studio audience. i love you, america. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> shannon: hello, and welcome to "fox news @ night." i am shannon bream in washington on a jam-packed night of breaking news. tonight, parents are taking the justice department to task saying the decision to investigate school board members will not keep them silent on issues affecting their kids. >> we are mama bears and pop papa bear we are not domestic terrorists. it's beyond republican lawmakers also joining the fight against


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