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tv   The Big Saturday Show  FOX News  October 16, 2021 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT

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rocket for a 12 year mission to explore several asteroids. very cool. i would love to have some of those lab grown diamonds, eric. >> do you think they would name a rock at the yellow submarine? >> now, wrong direction. >> hello. welcome to "the big saturday show". here's what's on tap tonight. leo? >> schools are canceling halloween and the reason why is ridiculous. >> hiding biden? the president won't take questions about the supply chain crisis as we learn some of your thanksgiving and christmas favorites may be hard to get.
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>> raymond? >> a popstar going paranormal. we will explain, just don't call them aliens. >> firs a texas deputy killed and two others wounded when they were ambushed while working at a police related extra job at a houston nightclub. the harris county obstacle describing what it was like to tell one of the hurt deputies about what happened to his friend. >> i can tell you that i was in the room with a deputy shot in the leg as he was waiting to go into surgery and he did not know one of his good friends had been shot and he got a phone call and while i was standing there and one of the other officers at the scene said hey, you know we lost such an such and i'm gonna tell you the wailing in that room, it was tough. >> 30-year old deputy kareem atkins was killed and carol
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garrett and marceline barth and were hurt and are excited to survive. there was a powerful tribute to deputy adkins as fellow officers lined up outside medical examiner's office. police making one arrest after the ambush. unknown if the person is a suspect or a witness. meantime, fraternal order of police president said the police force could be down by half this weekend because of the new vaccine mandate. a judge ordered him not to comment on the mandate anymore. chicago police now have to report their vaccine status if they don't report their status, then officers will be put on leave. >> i will not be able to speak anymore on policy any way shape or form in either way, so with that said, everyone has to do within their hearts and mind, whatever that is, but i will leave you with this, policy starts at the top in this city and its proven time and time
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again that the top of this city's policy needs to change. >> so we are going to get what happened-- what's happening in chicago, but leo, i want to begin with you in discussion over the tragedy that happened in houston because i know you as well as the rest of us were watching the interview with the precincts constable this morning, heartbreaking and he did say these deputies were targeted because they are law-enforcement? leo: thank you very much for starting off with me on this. they were ambushed, let's be clear. of the democratic party and joe biden who spoke at a police memorial don't have credibility with supporting us police peered democrats and don't support the police department. people of color serving law enforcement, corey busch, aoc, joe biden needs to take off those sunglasses and look at those families who have had slain members of law enforcement because the
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democrats have never supported police since september, 2020. it's been defined the police come and destroy the police, eliminate the police. i want to destroy this method, people of all different colors is urban now police. they protect us 24/7, so i don't see how joe biden has the credibility to speak at a police memorial. what you saw there is a perfect example of people of all colors, americans, loving this country, serving this country, every civilized society has law enforcement to protect them, but we have a party in power that hates the police and i find it disgusting, offensive and wrong. they need to change their policy today. today. >> laura, you know the precincts constable was also talking about the tone with which police officers and law enforcement are treated in this country especially in these large democratic run cities and we can use chicago as one point two
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discuss this because you have a standoff right now between the democratic mayor lori lifo, and the police union and over a week and it's expected to be especially violent with the threat for police officers if they don't put in this little system there vaccine status in their and they could lose pay or be pulled off the streets when they are needed most. lara: you are exactly correct especially in a place like chicago-- my gosh, chicago should probably double their police force. the mayor has done such a disservice to that city. we hear the horrifying statistics every weekend basically about the murders in chicago as they are going up and nothing's being done about it and then you have this vaccine mandate issue in this across-the-board really, but it's incredibly frustrating i think especially the citizens in places like chicago to know their police force could be cut in half because so many these people are saying
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gosh, why are you telling me what i need to do with my body. i think people all across america have decided whether or not they are getting vaccinated especially when it impacts your police force and the people leo just describe. they protect us every day, they are essential to our way of life in america and you are saying if they aren't vaccinated they can't work? that's insane to me especially in a place like chicago. i think this vaccine mandate-- look, hats off to southwest airline pilots, i mean, people have to stand up against these things because this is really about control in america at this point because when you have a vaccine that basically doesn't prevent you from getting covid, we know there are statistics now that semi people are getting breakthrough cases of for-- covid once you have the vaccine nor does it prevent you from transmitting it so why the push to get the vaccine and at the end of the day i think people assume it's got to be about control, but
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when it hurts people and it's dangerous for communities like in a chicago, it's absolutely devastating to hear this happen. >> and raymond, the continuing with that point that the democratic run cities that these leaders are really just a doubling down because they are following the lead of the biden administration and we can hear what the president said earlier this week on him purchasing vaccine for kids. >> we purchased enough vaccines for all children between the ages of five and 11 in the united states and it will be convenient for parents to get their children vaccinated. >> rehman, is the administration getting ahead of itself here? raymond: here we go again. remember with the boosters, joe biden came out said everyone needs a booster so i am buying a boosters and then you had the resignations from the fda. these are the scientists that were supposed to be following-- they resign because they said wait a
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minute, we are supposed to lead with the data instead of the politics leading and that's what happened in that situation. here we go again where we will be vaccinating kids as young as five years old. interesting news two report, fda on friday caused their review of the moderna because they want to look at the myocarditis, the heart inflammation that young men have been encountering, but if you look closely at the warning levels of both moderna and pfizer with -- which mr. biden just bought billions of doses of, they both have a warning about heart inflammation for its on the and it's what they are called perfect vaccines like polio or smallpox we don't have any breakthrough. that would be wonderful, but when you will be injecting children who already have very high immunity. i wrote down that statistics. 1% of the hospitalized our children .01% of
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children die from covid. their immunity is so robust and the question is do they need the vaccine at that age and as far as what we were talking about earlier, the trading, public health, public safety for vaccination, i'm not sure that's a good trade-off when you have babies getting shot in the streets of chicago and my city of new orleans at all over the country, not worth it. >> i want to move onto another topic. i want to get your talk-- thoughts on this, in philadelphia on makers passed a bill barring cops from making minor traffic stops. the reason behind it is racism, the accusation that is minor traffic stops where people are pulled over is a racist act. what is your take on that? leo: that they live. let me be very clear and concise, it's a lie. traffic stops don't have a color cure the problem is this, they are trying to ignore the fact that unfortunately it's a
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disproportionate amount of people stopped and blacks who have committed traffic stop crime secured the key is this, what develops from that situation is a discovery of other crimes that may lead to a misdemeanor or felony and what people are trying to do is eliminate a level of crime, which gives these individuals, these career criminals a right to continue. i want to make this clear, crime has no color. crime has no color at all. it's the race card being played by the democrats all the time in order to justify these changes in the law that basically benefits criminals. >> somehow i knew you would have plenty to say. thank you. at the next biden refuses to take questions as the supply chain crisis heads into the holidays and we will tell you what items may be in short supply this season. ♪♪
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potentially causing trouble for your holiday celebration. thanksgiving turkeys and christmas trees likely to be in short supply this season and made the shipping issues if. crisis of-- prices of artificial christmas trees expected to sort by 20 to 30% already this fall. joe biden, of course, avoiding reporter questions on the supply chain crisis. >> thank you very much. thank you also very much >> thank you very much. >> mr. president, on afghanistan. >> i'm not going to comment. lara: we are getting used to seeing the back of joe biden, that's a common occurrence we are used to seeing in america.
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i want to go to this exchange between bret baier and the transportation secretary , look at this and then at leo, coming to you. reporter: any parents going to get the toys they want for christmas? >> i know that i will be excited to shop for the first christmas for my new kids. remember, you can't talk about supply without talking about demand. part of the reason we are where we are is that the president successfully brought the economy on the peak of a recession. we are seeing a record goods coming through our ports. at the demand is there, which is great news representing a policy success and now, we need to make sure the supply chain is there to support it. reporter: you are saying it's a high-class problem? >> i am saying we are better off because the economy is growing and the economy is growing thanks to the leadership of this president. lara: leo, we are better off according to the transportation secretary.
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he's been on leave for quite some time and maybe no one told him about the ships waiting to offload-- offload supplies for americans. this administration to trying to spin this as a positive saying there is so much demand, leo, really? is that what we think is going on? leo: no-- moralize from this democratic biden association. right now at the port imports are waiting to come into this country and i will tell you we have the worst president from the last 50 years. when your father-in-law was president, we had a strong economy. we were respected overseas. we didn't have the energy shortage, but look what has gone on in the last nine months. joe biden has destroyed this country in nine months what donald trump did for four years biden has destroyed it in nine months because he doesn't want to give president trump credit even with operation were
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up speed until now. on the first day of his office, he stopped the keystone pipeline. bottom line is this, the last nine months this country has buyer's remorse and selecting joe biden as president. lara: yeah, i think that is certainly true. and a lot of people have said that. raymond, you can say things are going well and you can tell people all day long it's sunshine, lollipops and rainbows, but at the end of the day when they feel it in their wallets and pocketbooks, they know something is wrong. we have statistics here about just how bad it's actually gotten on the inflation which has really hit us. car rentals up about 42%, gas up 42% stake, lodging up, bacon is up, my goodness. you know, this is real money to people and this really hurts their bottom line at the end of the day, raymond.
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raymond: build back better is turning into blowback on biden. this is blowing up in his face and on all of us, sadly. it's a perfect storm in some ways what we are seeing. you have a worker shortage because people are paid to stay at home. and then you had these vaccine mandates entered into the economy and now what is the solution? you heard the transportation secretary, his solution is to pass the 3 trillion or 5 trillion-dollar infrastructure package. what will that do? use more money into the economy which will drive inflation up and they also-- that package comes with a bucket of new benefits, welfare benefits which will do well, keep workers home. so, i don't know why they have this poisonous answer for every problem that is largely government created. this was not-- as leo said, was not the situation nine months ago, but it is the situation we face now and is largely been
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created by these policies and i think the biden administration and nancy pelosi and chuck schumer have to look at this and say how responsible are we here, what have we done wrong and they need to walk this back. lara: the great news is we have a president in joe biden who is still transparent and so willing to answer all the questions about this-- of course i'm joking. it's quite the opposite. we can get anything from joe biden. he turns around, walks away every chance he gets, i mean, this is concerning. if there's ever a time where you want your leader and commander-in-chief, the person at the top to say, hold on i know there are issues out there, here's how we are going to address it, now is the time. we can't get anything out of joe biden. alicia: and as pesky and annoying as reporters are, we are doing our job. that's what we are paid to do is to be annoying and the members of the white house press corps are there at the very specific jobs they are
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there to answer the questions to the president of the united states, that others can ask another spiel exist so while it's the-- job at the reporters to ask the question i argue that it's the job of the president to answer them and we only have to look at the last administration. members of the media didn't always get along with president trump, but he always answered questions. he would also with anyone verbally regardless of the topic, regardless of how challenging it was. former president obama answered questions as well, so it's not like the biden administration can say we are trying to be different because he's different from previous presence on down the line just simply not answering the question actually just creates more frustration lara: raymond, i went to ask you quickly because you pointed out something that i think is so important, there-- it's a perfect storm tear do you feel in some ways like maybe someone saying we should do this and
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make people want to be more reliant on the government? do they want to turn america into a socialist country? raymond: clearly this vision is one where the government is your friend, the government is here to help you in the government can shape our comments that the running the government believes should be the natural outcome where you are not in control your look, you heard it from terry mcauliffe when he said parents should be in charge of their children's school curriculum. i'm sorry, the government should not be the nanny and it should not govern every move to your to be false or girl here with what was said, your father-in-law, donald trump, he would stand and hold court with the media for 30, 40 minutes, an hour and it would even annoy those who are trying to get him because he was free, he knew the topics and he could engage should. we have to be honest and say joe biden doesn't have that facility any longer so you see these set pieces in a sort of move him around like a
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figure. this isn't going to wash for long and that's why his numbers are degrading a. lara: absolutely appeared coming up next, halloween is canceled in some schools we will tell you the ridiculous reason why. stay tuned. ♪♪ welcome to allstate. ♪ ♪ you already pay for car insurance, ♪ why not take your home along for the ride? ♪ allstate. here, better protection costs a whole lot less. you're in good hands with allstate. ♪
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canceling valentine's day notifying parents in a letter. a principal telling fox news quote each year alone with the fun of halloween parties and parades we also have students who plainly don't celebrate or feel comfortable with their children participating in halloween festivities. valentine's day is another day in which school parties in an exchange of valentine cards leads to unintended consequences. let me go to my friend, terry mcauliffe. you are a mom, can you imagine your kid brought home a letter like this, your reaction is a mom. >> i think it's a ridiculous. i can't believe this story is real. halloween is something that we all enjoy your kids are dressed up and they get candy, my goodness, but i think the bottom line here is that there are people who want us divided. they don't want any shared traditions among americans appear they don't want us to relate to each other in any way
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at all and so they are canceling halloween, they are canceling valentine's day? can we keep anything in america, please. my kids are excited and they are dressing up as a lizard and a butterfly so we have it at our house. leo: great, great. let me go to you, raymond. they talk about the kids who are not enjoying halloween are being marginalized and they talk about people of color not enjoying halloween. i love halloween. i enjoy this all the time to what facts are they using or is it some form of subjective mindset of some woke liberal school district? was the mindset? raymond: it's a very curious turn of events and i agree with you, leo. in new orleans, 80% of the people who celebrate halloween here are african-american and they say well, the kids in the school some can't afford to dress up. if they can afford it, why don't you let the
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mask-- class make their own masks, but don't cancel the party. deep down it was the racial equity team at the school with no consultation of the parents that identified this problem and decided to kill off the halloween celebration. we can't let this go on. lincoln when he signed the proclamation making thanksgiving a national holiday, he did so because he said he wanted to unite the country around shared experiences, so you share a culture as a people. that's so important for kids in the school setting and when americans are so divided politically and otherwise, we need these moments of national togetherness and unity. how dare they take that from these children and these parents should act like polecat said make sure those kids are allowed to trick-or-treat and pass out valentines cards. there is nothing wrong with it and it should not offend anyone.
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leo: absolutely. i agree. alicia, this particular school in seattle in east lansing michigan, aren't they sending sort of a mixed message? they are canceling halloween, but other schools and when these kids leave that school they go home and they see the community celebrating halloween. isn't that a mixed message? what are they trying to accomplish? alicia: i really think they could be doing an actual disservice to these kids as they say they are so impacted by the celebration. i'm a big believer personally that if you treat them as if they can handle something they will often figure out a way to do it and one example is my youngest son, when he was younger and had a hard time with the jokes and playing around with his three older brothers and his sister i finally pulled him aside and said you are going to have to work on your sense of humor. i didn't tell everyone to stop being siblings and stop being funny and he's fine. he's a healthy 15-year
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old boy, not that i'm a mother of the year end i'm sure people will yell at me, but honestly if you treat someone they have some strength they will find it. that's all i had to say. leo: hey, i agree with you. lara, i want you to know i'm going to your house for halloween. i went halloween candy. lara: we are ready to go. leo: a new twist in the murdoch mystery, could the patriarch be connected to his housekeeper's death? the ministry unravels next. the mystery unravels next. ♪♪
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alicia: welcome back to "the big saturday show". a new twist in the alex murdaugh murder mystery, the patriarch faces extra during hearing next week on charges he still inserted my-- insurance settlement meant for the son of his late housekeeper. his housekeeper died in 2018 at his home and at the time the family told us on their mother tripped over the family dog and it died weeks.
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alex's attorneys released a statement saying alex intend to cooperate with this investigation as he has with of the investigation into the murder of his wife and a sign. he deeply regrets his actions have distracted from the efforts to solve their murderers to the death his wife maggie and son paul remain unsolved. he's a person of interest in that case. murdaugh said he found them shot to death on their front lawn in june and it should be noted that his wife and his son were both shot with different weapons, different firearms, so it's incredibly suspicious up and down the line. raymond, i will begin with you because i thought it was interesting on "the today show" this week his attorney-- i'm sorry on "good morning america", he said he believed his client will go to prison. just put it out there and said he will take responsibility and said he will probably go to
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prison. that struck me as odd. what do you think? raymond: it seems hardly a stretch, i mean, this guy attracts more dead bodies then jessica fletcher, i mean, there's dead people, the maid dies, he found his wife and son dead and then there is this plot where he's gotten $4 million for the death of the made in insurance payments which he was supposed to convey as the attorney to her two sons and he doesn't do that. of the money disappears and he only gives them $500,000. this is a very weird story and then there is the plot to assassinate him as he is trying to get someone to kill him. this is the most bizarre story and he is connected to every link in the chain and the fact that they have no suspect in the wife and the son, that there is no progress in that case , all of it is very murky and surely he will have to go to jail because we know he misappropriated these
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funds and now you have the murder-- the assassination plot. it's like-- everywhere you turn something else is happening and bodies are dropping. alicia: exactly and the new twists and turns and things that are so hard to believe and we have to give a shout out to mandy matney, these are the local reporters. it has continued to shine a light and continued to investigate this incredibly powerful family. a lot of what we are seeing comes to bear for this family is because of the work that's been done by these journalists. what i want to do, lara, is the supposedly attempted assassination, may be a suicide attempt and we had the video up where we saw murdaugh going into the courtroom. this video was taken not long after he was supposedly shot. he was taken by helicopter to a hospital there's a medical report that shows he was in the icu and then had severe injuries to his head.
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i don't even see a band-aid. nothing, nothing on his head, which also brings questions in the local media about not only the association with law enforcement, but maybe the medical community. frightening. lara: they are obviously a very old family in the community and intertwined with the community to a large degree. you are right, he supposedly was shot in the head and there's not a scratch on him there. look, if it looks like a duck and sounds like a dog, it's probably a duck and obviously everyone is innocent until proven guilty in america, but this guy has got a tough road ahead of him to make the case that he's not involved in any of this, at least this apparent suicide attempt or attempt to get his son some insurance money from his death, it went awry and that's a great question. how was it that there is a report from the hospital that said he was in the icu that he had a head wound and he
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doesn't have one? i mean, so much you could not even right into a movie if you tried yet it's real life happening in a south carolina. a very interesting case. i think we are all waiting to see how this entire thing plays out and i hope some answers are given. i hope answers are given for the housekeepers family and the people of the community. it's a really strange case. alicia: and leo, i mean, we have to hope some of the victims here do see some sort of justice for their families. leo: i agree and let me say as a lawyer i can tell you what's going on. he will take the fall. there's other people involved. the medical community, law enforcement, the district attorney, no investigation, and a lot of missing pieces, so what you have is a well-known family, long in tradition and they were able to buy in to it and by silence and i guarantee you, if he goes down there's a lot of people shaking in their boots right now in the criminal justice
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system, in the medical community who basically looked at the other way. as a lawyer it doesn't pass the smell test. alicia: exactly. thank you. next, breaking right now , reagan international airport in chaos and we are getting more information here. we will have the latest on that next isted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health. versus 16 grams in ensure high protein. boost® high protein also has key nutrients for immune support. boost® high protein. boost® high protein also has key nutrients before discovering nexium 24hr to treat her frequent heartburn... claire could only imagine enjoying chocolate cake. now, she can have her cake and eat it too. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? overwhelmed by the ups and downs of frequent mood swings of bipolar i? ask about vraylar.
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alicia: we have a fox news alert as there is chaos at reagan national airport in washington d.c. underway where flight aware is reporting no flights are arriving after a plane made a hard landing and blew some tires two of the runways are closed. a spokesperson for american airlines telling fox news the plane was merely experiencing a mechanical issue and that no one was hurt. we will continue to follow this to figure out what happened because, lara, this is an airport with three total runways and two of them are closed. thankfully, no one was injured and we will continue to seek details, however, right now folks are trying to decide whether or not to buy their plane tickets, how they will travel for the holidays, any chaos is no help. lara: i know. it's bad enough, alicia,
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as it is and then to hear about something like this, those poor people on the planes coming in, i am so sorry to hear your entire day and night just got totally ruined as thanks goodness there are no injuries or major issues, but i feel like the airports these days have gotten so much worse and maybe i just have gotten used to it during covid. i traveled throughout the entirety of covid because we had a campaign you might remember we had going on last year around this time, so i traveled in the planes were very easy to get on and relatively empty and now i travel through newark airport the other day and let me tell you something, that was just the most stressful experience i have had in quite some time. people are trying to figure out, should we travel for the holidays? you know a lot of people now are vaccinated and they are comfortable with traveling. to your point, this doesn't help, but i'm just going to say good
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luck to everyone out there. traveling through reagan and you know how this works, it's not just reagan that will be affected, it's every airport basically in a country because when one goes down it's a cascading effect so i'm glad i'm not traveling today. raymond: that's the point with the diminished routes as they are all connected so if that plane doesn't leave reagan and get to where it's going in north carolina, the whole chain is broken for the evening and i think that's what we will be facing here. that's in addition to diminished staffing, i mean, that's why they are cutting back the rats of so many airlines. they don't have the staff they had because the vaccine mandates have made some people just stay away. they are walking away from their jobs or staying home and is putting such a crotch on our travel. i tremble to think what christmas and thanksgiving is going to look like. sounds like a great year to just to say-- stay home. alicia: exactly go ahead, leo.
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leo: i was about to say what raymond said, it's a trickling down effect because you have a lot of cancellations based on what happened in one single airport over the next 24 or 48 hours you will see a trickling affected may be cancellations throughout the country. i think american airlines has an obligation to make sure they fully disclose the problem with its plane, the tires and make sure there's a vote of confidence because again during the travel season people want to feel safe when taking flights. alicia: exactly and if folks are just joining us and you see the banner at the bottom, the reason d.c. flights have been delayed is because an american airlines flight at reagan national airport had a hard landing and because of that too runways are now closed, two out of the three runways are now closed and american airlines is that there was a hard landing and no one was injured, but we also had southwest airlines that just had a total fiasco with their flights with 1800 flights canceled and i will tell you
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around that time my brother said i'm supposed to fly out there. should i buy my ticket and i said no problem, but it's not. lara: it's been very tough. it's been very tough on travelers these days and i mean raymond mentioned this you know compounding the fact that we don't have enough people already in so many of these airlines can't complete their flights because the staff is under these vaccine mandates and they are saying we are not going to stand for it. i've actually seen a lot of videos where people are delayed or their flights were canceled because of the southwest a situation and of those people are saying i'm frustrated, i'm stuck at this airport, but i feel like this might be a win for the american way, so they basically were giving a roundabout floss to the pilots and said you know them mandates to get vaccinated and instead they got delayed, so it's just a crazy situation all around. i think they are trying to keep the shorter routes and maybe it's better for their bottom
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line. i don't know, but it's just tough to travel these days, that's for sure. alicia: the four of us will keep traveling. stay there, folks. ♪♪ mm. [ clicks tongue ] i don't know. i think they look good, man. mm, smooth. uh, they are a little tight. like, too tight? might just need to break 'em in a little bit. you don't want 'em too loose. for those who were born to ride there's progressive. with 24/7 roadside assistance. -okay. think i'm gonna wear these home. -excellent choice. hello, for the last few years, i've been a little obsessed with with chasing the bigance. idaho potato truck. but it's not like that's my only interest.
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leo: welcome back. it's now time for big saturday flops, our take for the four biggest fails. i have the big one. my flop at the week is don lemon defending lying cnn over the claim that popular podcast are joe rogan took a horse in the warmer to treat his covid infection. lies, lies, lies. wouldn't you agree i have the biggest flop, raymond? raymond: it was certainly a major flop, i mean, joe rogan really took him on and pressed on him and he walked it back which is amazing, but to say they didn't-- don lemon said they never said it. that's not true. they did say it, repeatedly. leo: you are right. lara, the medical doctor was in the wood chipper for three hours. you go on his podcast and you sit there for three hours. lara: that's a long podcast. i don't know what you
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talk about or that long, but they made a cnn look very, very bad and not that they needed any help as we know their ratings are somewhere around the toilet to level at this point. i thought it was interesting that he actually got him to agree with him to some degree, but you know this is the state of things now. everyone, it's just all total craziness these days it. i will head to my flop because my flop is at george calling william shatner an unfit guinea pig after his historic facelift. shatner fired back saying don't hate george the only time he gets presses when he talks bad about me. he claims 50 plus years ago i took away a camera angle that denied him 30 more seconds of a primetime tv. i'm giving it back to him now by letting him do his hatred for the world to see. here's what i had to say, first of all i don't know what shatner is it doing, but at 90
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years old he looks amazing. does anyone know he is a secret? not only does he look great, but he walked on and walked off after going up into space. absolutely incredible. what a feat. i would like to go into space if your alicia, any future plans to go into space for you? alicia: now, not yet. it's too expensive, but i was touched when i saw william shatner when he got off of that ship and the gratitude that he had for being able to go up and experience that. it was incredibly touching and i'm with you, he's 90? he hardly looks like is weathering away. i think it's amazing. lara: raymond, what you got? raymond: sorting what you were saying, without question kamala harris had the biggest veil of the week. not only the border which she reportedly has some authority over an ongoing crisis, but the temps this week to
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soften her image completely flopped. the nasa video she shot at her residence with a team of child actors could not have been more phony and mr. rogers she ain't. >> we just have it figured out, to think about so much that is out there that we still have to learn. like, i love that. you guys are going to see, you are going to literally see the craters on the moon with your own eyes. raymond: what is it with the exaggerated hands? looked like she was signing half of her comments. i don't know if these young actors are considering a career in space but they were looking at her as if she were an alien life form rather than creating narratives for the camera she needs to do her job and look we don't need celebrities to excite us about space. we already have one, william shatner. alicia? alicia: very true. my flop is the infighting on capitol hill as bernie sanders and joe manchin go at it
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over biden's a spending spree. bernie sanders saying in an op-ed in a 50/50 senate we need every democratic senator to vote yes and we only have two-- 48. senator manchin releasing a statement on twitter hitting back on sanders and congress should proceed with all sorts of caution and i'm out of time, but the battle continues. have a good one. ♪ ♪ >> jon: millions of dollars worth of goods remain in limbo as cargo ships are lined up outside congested ports waiting to be processed. shipping giants including wal-mart, ups, and fedex pledged to work overtime to hold -- help address the backlog. this amid rising prices from many household essentials including food and


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