tv Outnumbered FOX News October 26, 2021 9:00am-10:00am PDT
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>> fox news alert on a stunning new spin on the democrats anti- police rhetoric comes from congresswoman omar whose city i reeling from a spike in violent crime that she now blames on th police. this is "outnumbered." i am joined by my cohost at house of kennedy on foxbusiness kennedy. in the center seat, the federalist senior editor chris bedford. minneapolis is seen as dramatic
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increase in lawlessness with mock murders up a whopping 116 percent. and other violent crimes jumpin by 30 percent in 2019. what is the solution to all of this? she is backing a ballot measure to replace the entire city police force as she blames the officers themselves for the crime spike. >> a reduction in police in our city. it is due to two things. one, to not fulfill their oath of office, and to provide the public safety they are owed to the citizens they serve. the minneapolis police department's multifunctional police department in our state and probably in the country.
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>> kayleigh, al dear she say th officers don't uphold their oath . all too often they don't come home. meanwhile she says this behind the safety of her private security team she has spent thousands on to prepare for herself. >> how much of a dense ideologu can you be. she is to attacking her police officers intercity and endangering her city in doing s in. not only that, damaging her party. after the midterm are after the presidential election, a little bit of a shellacking in the house level of things. not by any stretch a good congressional election for the democrats. so there is a conference called nancy pelosi had a more moderat democrat who won a red seat in virginia said guys, let's stop saying to fund the police. her exact words are those i've heard from you this is the language of the streets and wit respect that, where incan congress, we are professionals, if we're quantifying the succes
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from a congressional standpoint we are bleeping going to get torn apart in 2022. this was a democrat saying this to her party perch he pushed back on the moderate democrat, she's the enabler of this dems ideologue, omar and pelosi are. i can tell you the crazy omar, and aoc where she leads these anti- police individuals. i guarantee that democrats the prediction is going to come through. it's going to be a shellacking because of language like you just are. kennedy, minneapolis right now is in its most violent two year period in a generation it's mos led eight chapter. it was referred to as the city of lakes. the audacity of omar to blame cops for the policy failures that have led to this. >> i don't understand why she i not addressing people who, murder, but it ends, the lack o
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respect for human life, and basic decency. really, it's on the person who is committing the crime. but two take all response el responsibility away from them, it's completely illogical, and then she's being swallowed whol by her own illogic because she sang. there's not enough police officers around, so than i gues what you could assume is anytim someone is walking down the street, and they don't see cops they're just going to start killing people. i don't think that is the trigger for people to, homicide and violent crimes, so she is acting two defund the police, she wants the department of public safety and no longer a police department in then when there's not enough police there she is blaming them for not fulfilling their oath, which sh is trying to take away from them
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. the whole thing makes absolutel no sense i am stunned by someon who is so lacking in basic reason, how they are reelected. >> one of the residents that lived in the more violent neighborhoods they are said people who advocate for defunding the police, they don' live here, they don't live in these affected areas right he said the people who live in the north side, they want competent just policing. that's what they're advocating for. just how wrong and how safe is omar? pickett that's exactly right. the people who are suffering in dc where i live are the people who live in the less safe neighborhoods. it makes national news when somebody is shocked by a national park, but you don't hear about it when people are shocked and some kind of a neighborhood cookout are walkin through the park with her daughter gunned down here in washington, d.c. and all across the country. the police are doing their jobs as best they possibly can. the people not doing their jobs are the politicians.
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the politicians and the attorne general who make charges like the charges against the minneapolis police officer they just dropped this week for bein involved in a tragic ink fatal car accident while chasing a subject. here in dc we just had shooting at a few blocks away in the single night, the police are al over it, putting their lives on the line. when they arrest people, they arrest people dealing drugs, people praying on the mentally ill and praying on the poor, they are no charges ever come i the politicians don't have thei back spread. >> here harris, you hosted a special for fox nation on first responders and a firefighter in minneapolis wrote an op-ed and he said who do you think protects us while we're saving lives? who takes care of the streets over trying to get per the fact that subject public safety doesn't include law enforcement is so naïve. >> who do you think gets to her house if she has to call 911. who do you think is coming? the police. i don't know what else is her
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constellation outside of the records and please, rate and want to point out about minneapolis, my heavy, we both live there. we looked at a journey that was so painful over the last year and a half and it's been one that was about violence in the streets. and you'll notice that when the found, and it so correct to start with murder. when they found derek chauvin, when they announced that guilty verdict, they got that without playing the race car, without taking down police because it wasn't about that. right? and without, without dividing the community further. right? he got his when they thought emily compagno would do in the courtroom. you go with the evidence, you g with the facts read what ilhan omar is willing to do, is make the rest of minneapolis unsafe,
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based on some politics that we can't even as kennedy pointed out, my head was spinning when you were talking about what her politics are on this. i don't know. at don't know if she knows. >> exactly. on that notion because she's backing this bill that says we are going to turn everything into public safety, that means it doesn't include law enforcement. into harris' point, you can't have one without the other. >> social work is too important work, they put themselves in difficult situations all the time, but there are not the one that can diffuse the situations were dealing with. they're not once they get a knife out of your hands. they're not the ones you call during an abusive situation if your home or during a robbery. people are in trouble. for spike in crime we've seen across the united states where people are being gunned down al the time and threatened and attacked, and taken advantage of . this is not just because of covid, i'm sure they'd like to blame that great this is becaus
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of actual policies being pursue at all levels by attorney generals that have been elected all across the united states an by the politicians that back them. >> minneapolis city council stopped policing as we know it, but they backed it up. >> do they have a magic number that she's trying to get to? is 80? >> she changes completely. she's completely trying to change it into the public safet department. >> is she going to be a cop? ticket now, but she still payin for her private security team. she will likely be the poster child for 2022. coming up come up with the virginia governor's race and ou can that come at president bide is hitting the campaign trail for democrats terry mcauliffe. will it be enough as he faces backlash over some old comments? that is coming up next.
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or xfinity rewards members, get the inside scoop on halloween kills. just say "watch with" into your voice remote for an exclusive live stream with jamie lee curtis. a q&a with me! join for free on the xfinity app. our thanks your rewards. >> with just one week until virginia voters pick new governor, by the way, they've already been early voting in droves. president biden is held into th commonwealth today hoping to give the democrat in that race boost. in new bull shows that mc auliffe tied at 44 percent with the republican in a race widely seen as a forecast of next year's midterms and beyond. what are the top issues for virginia voters. comments that he made in 2019, so not too long ago could come back to bite him.
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>> we don't do a good job in ou education system, talking about equity, inclusion and openness until fourth grade we have our textbooks but that has to be a big part of how do you fit into the social work of our nation i our fabric. how we deal with one another to me is as important to your math class or you're english class and so forth. creaky chris, that tells me tha he can't multitask. why can't all of those things b important? you're going to picket diversit over one. university language of math? okay. could for it sounded like you what he meant to be talking about was the idea of civics, e idea of country, but instead, with this diversity training as we've seen it playing out is almost like an old kind of segregation idea that is being pushed right now. virginia hasn't been an interesting race to watch because a lot of republicans ar more comfortable talking about
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issues, but social conservative have been pushing this for year and years and years, they say that there democrats are not very good at this. we've seen terry mcauliffe basically writing the campaign ads for him for it he stripped abortion from his website, he's retreating from interviews. as they've seen the race really tighten. >> why do you think that is because i know i said that it was like he was choosing diversity over math and other things. they are all doable and important, why do you think he is choosing some over the other? to get i think these are more important to him at the moment. diversity and inclusion stuff are more important than science or anything. we've been reporting on this at the federalist for a long time where it's even seeping into th mathematics and education. we saw a young woman leave harvard medical school right no over a chemistry class because she said it was to racially traumatizing to learn chemistry. this is seeping into every
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single aspect of our lives. last week we were filming with parents, it's not just republicans or conservatives, its people from all the parties out there concerned. and of the federalist has been doing some of that. we look forward to that. >> terry mcauliffe has really angered parents and parents wer already upset after the pandemi being that their kids were locked out of schools and lots of moms we're locked out of jobs . now there hearing from the former and he's hoping to be th future governor again that he wants to keep parents out of th classroom. >> kennedy, let's hear a quick pause and hear directly from terry mcauliffe on that. >> i'm not going to let parents into schools and make their decisions. so yakima stopped the bilberry. >> i don't think should be telling schools what they shoul teach. >> kennedy? >> he's been not able to walk back those comments. he pokes the bear.
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parents were already upset. and then they hear some of his former comments about who needs math in english. i want to teach your kids had t be good people. that's what parents are for. that's what parenting is for in school should get back to bet math in english, but particularly stem education if we want to be globally competitive. because a lot of these public schools are failing, they're feeling the children and they don't have students at passing levels for their appropriate grades, so now they're giving u on that and taking up this othe mantle, which is frankly inappropriate in school. >> so kayleigh, when you were i the white house and you were in the communications constellation . messaging was huge. what is going on with the democrats right now? chris had an interesting point, is this just a way for republicans now to take that material and just inject it right into their counter advertising? >> absolutely.
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what you just ockham of the cli you just played as the number one add plane across virginia. its played more than any other ad add. it's a direct quote. before the white house i spent lot of time at the rnc with the trim campaign trying to find that one issue that would move voters brady want to capture magic in a bottle which is what glenn young can has done. the polling shows education is the number one issue. motley shows that went up ten points in one month because glenn young can has been laser focused, that political point that he may have just identifie the playbook for the republican party party going forward. >> he is betting on parents anger. and know you want to bring that out it political. >> it could be a playbook for republicans disease on anger over covid school closures. to recapture suburban voters, that is key, suburban moms,
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potentially rocketing fights over education to the top of campaigns across the country. this could be the model. >> says the republicans see this , and seizes upon it, but he gets a lot of help from the democrats break to get the campaign aides had sprayed themselves. he does a great job of capitalizing on the fact that i 2015, mcauliffe introduced all these politicized agendas and promptly, the statistics and th performance of those kids fell. so he is putting forth, for parenting sane looking, after this guy came into power and change the agendas in schools, almost 60 to percent of student failed proficiency feel proficiency in math. almost ford failed fourth-grade reading. this is what happens when this guy is at the home and he's doing a brilliant job of doubling down on the ads and showing that mcauliffe is standing by his statements to kennedy's point he hasn't been able to walk it back. >> i saw you nodding when i added in the midterms and beyon for what we could see in
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virginia why? why did you agree? >> i think to echo everyone's point that this is a bellwether this is the canary in the goldmine here in virginia. what she read from political, that becomes the playbook. it will be successful in part because it hits at the heart of what parents in americans care about, which is their children' education, their ability to leave freely, their ability not to be indoctrinated into have choice over the way they live. >> exactly. >> it seems so obvious. it's obvious we are free, peopl wouldn't be trying to get in i guess. president biden to finally deciding to build a wall around his beach house? seriously. the president is using taxpayer money to erect a fence around his vacation get away as texas braces for the mother of all caravans at our southern border. the panel weighs in on what
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people are calling hypocrisy an elitism. is steel wall at his vacation home. >> are you ready to start a great career? >> safelite is now hiring. >> you will love your job. >> there's room to grow... >> ...and lots of opportunities. >> so, what are you waiting for? >> apply now... >> ...and make a difference. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ >> man, i love that song!
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literally. a taxpayer-funded fence around his delaware vacation home. this is just stunning. this is almost a half a million dollars on this home. meanwhile, what to the rest of us get? week at $100 million already paid for by taxpayers, of unuse border walt material, enough to make a hundred miles there in texas, only 14 made before he shut it down. trump paved the way for this great it's just sitting there but biden is putting a wall around his beach house. >> the biden administration is going to actually pay people to not work because the contracts were already signed to build a border while. anyone who lives down there and has been there thinks is necessary. the secret service might have thought it necessary to keep th president from wandering off th property may be into the sea late at night. that's important. it's interesting to watch the biden ministrations been on thi
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whole thing. the largest immigration surge i american history we are experiencing right now, the problem is this is all illegal and these aren't people just going north or trying to find a better life. its criminal cartel managed organization smuggling and taking advantage of the poorest people on the planet for their own evil ends very. >> meanwhile, kennedy up in his beach house surrounded by a fence, he wont take the time to go to the border. they did an analysis, ten weekends at camp david, only nine weekends at the white house . imperial zero at the border. >> it's really interesting. most people look at that and they say wow, i wish i was this busy. i wish i could take that much time to really just enjoy mysel and nibble on a melting ice
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cream cone. the reason that he needs that wall around his beach house, hi little seaside getaway is to actually absorb the sound because he has neighbor named brandon and people keep yelling let's go brandon. you need some protection for that because that is very distracting wherever he goes fo if you get your imagination is so good. price list. >> meanwhile, harris, at 2,000 person caravan, i think it's even more than that, democrats want amnesty and reconciliation. it seems so obvious, it's reall sad part. >> witt said about this it's exactly what chris bedford said the very people who might need help among them, those who legitimately might be seeking asylum, those people who legitimately might want to become citizens the right way i the united states, our being used by the cartels.
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it is why when i see them comin toward our border, i understand the explanation of the word is migrant. when they tried to get in here, driven by drug cartels, and money to get in and all those things, the nefarious and illegal things that have gone o the way in then bringing sentinel to our states, they are . yet to call things what they are . you wouldn't be trying to get they got a ways which i think o 80-100,000 of them. no idea where they are, and the don't show up, for the court date paid for the good among them, there are so many misstep by this administration that you can't even help the ones you want to help. biden gave us this golden nugge yesterday. let's listen. >> you know when your president see all these people here, they are with you all the time. they get to ask you all kinds o questions. you tried to figure out how to
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avoid answering them sometimes. >> he always does the quiet par out loud in the i'm about to ge in trouble by his handlers, he does it right out loud. >> i'm not surprised by this. the administration is avoidance and missing the point so we her we have a president in an opportunity to connect with children, to maybe make a positive influence, he makes it about himself and the tired dance with the media. these kids don't care. he could've encourage them to read every day or learn math or whatever, instead he talked about avoiding the press questions. we are all subjected to the sam exhausting pattern from the sky. >> who does that sound like? the vice president in the space film with paid actors. could have made it about education, could have done all of that, but we were blindsided by the fact that it was fake. >> instead of math and science they will have the valuable skill of learning how to avoid the president the press in thei
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>> it appears vice president kamala harris has her hands ful these days, not with crises lik the border or inflation or high prices, instead, she is focusin on gender strategies. that's executive what we need. the vp riling up republicans after treating this, president biden and i released the first ever national or gender strateg strategy. this is our vision for the future of our nation one is bol that this moment calls for. the white house has no interest
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in solving inflation, the border , or rising gas prices, but plenty of time for a 42 pag national gender strategy with a intersectional focus on climate change. kennedy, that's what it sound like they've got their priorities in order. >> they do, if they want to alienate voters that are struggling to pay their grocery and gas bills, they are doing a fantastic job. i understand that you know, yes there is room for this kind of outreach in their party, but yo definitely have to prioritize what you're tackling first. rolling up your sleeves, gettin a little dirty, and making sure that the economy is functioning so people aren't hurting, especially as we come toward th holidays. this may be great for a certain section of the party, they may voraciously just consume all of this, however, inflation, foreign policy coming we've
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already touched on immigration, she needs to look like a more serious person and she can talk about her transgender agenda al while taking care of the countr at the same time. >> certainly, that's what the trump white house did. we were all about bringing wome into the workforce and also focusing on things that crossed gender lines like inflation and things like this for the white house releasing the statement. they believe that advancing gender equity and equality is fundamental to every edge of individuals economic security, safety and ability to exercise their most basic rights. it's also essential to economic growth and development, democracy and the security of nations across the globe, how are the great humanitarians doing on that one, emily? >> meanwhile, the media across the entire globe covered extensively how afghans are selling they're young daughters into slavery because they are starving. was where way she when we watched afghan women being
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whipped with hoses in the streets while peacefully protesting against the taliban takeover? where we she will be watched young female toddlers being dropped by human smugglers over the wall at the southern border? actions speak louder than words and her actions scream that she does not care about women and girls in their suffering. >> it's an excellent points. where is she, hairless on the nearly by biden voting rights,. >> staying people politically protected. we talked about having aspirations of may be higher office then the vice presidency at this point, we don't have anything confirmed, you look at actions. what do you do if you want to stay politically clean? the only person i know of right now who had had that level in the white house has lower approval ratings then the president is kamala harris. i guess you would want to stay clean. she's got to hang on to at leas what she's got. 42 pages you said it is?
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on diversity and attacking issues, lgbt and all those things and problems and so on and so forth, what happens if they don't work? what happens if that becomes another job that doesn't get done? i think it's more explosive for this white house to tinker with the things that could really backfire with their base than two try to fix the things that hit everybody all at once like inflation. >> it is politically a powder keg if they don't get it right. in what proof do they have we have that they will? have they shown as? do they have a track record? to get the only thing that's been proven to us is kamala harris is on a pr campaign. the "l.a. times" did an analysi of where she's been in her events over this year, and here's what they found, one fifth of her events of septembe and october events were with biden compare that to three fourths in january and february. she was everywhere with him in the roosevelt room, talking to foreign leaders, at the pentago with him, but now, these seven
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events where she was supposed t be with him this month, six we're behind closed doors. she wants nothing to do with this guy. >> she's facing two issues for read the teams seem suspicious of each other. the white house is suspicious o the vice president and vice versa. with both of them sinking so much of the balls, kamala probably doesn't want to be see with joe biden and vice versa. you can see how unpopular she i during this recall election the were so worried about california , the senator from california didn't even really show up more than once or twice because she wasn't someone who could help these numbers. she's not pushing anything in the right direction except pushing this diversity stuff now , this lgbt stuff right now she's got nothing else to focus on. when she went too central america to deal with the root problems of immigration. they traded, some of having a problem with lgbt and antiblack discrimination. it's completely removed from reality and so is she.
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>> never forget, this is the biden harris administration. they told us that's what we had to call it. planning to dress up your kid a a princess or superhero this halloween? i am. the anti-defamation league once you to rethink that. why it is now warning people to avoid those costumes. i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! ( sighs wearily ) here, i'll take that! ( excited yell ) woo-hoo! ensure max protein. with thirty grams of protein, one-gram of sugar, and nutrients to support immune health! ( abbot sonic ) as someone who resembles someone else, i appreciate thato suliberty mutualealth! knows everyone's unique. that's why they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. [ ferry horn honks ] i mean just cause you look like someone else doesn't mean you eat off the floor,
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it's network management redefined. every day in business is a big day. we'll keep you ready for what's next. comcast business powering possibilities. >> how much will your thanksgiving feast cost this year? why some are burning your turke and all the fixings could wallo your wallet. why the vice president is doing fewer and fewer public events with right in the latest on san francisco families no longer feeling safe. way many are now hiring private security to roam the streets there. a big couple hours coming up as "america reports" at the top of the hour. >> days before halloween the anti-defamation league is givin costume advice to parents. telling them how and why to avoid cultural appropriation, cultural stereotypes and costumes which perpetrate gende norms. among the no nose, hobo costumes
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, the adl says they are seen as offensive to people of lower economic class. princesses and superheroes, because they reinforce gender stereotypes, kennedy. >> latinmac. >> i was so that they put out this list because i wasn't sure what i wanted to be for halloween, but now i'm going to be a superhero hobo. this is so insanely ridiculous. you can be a superhero because you're going to make someone mad ? at least some people are having halloween because kids can finally go trick-or-treating an leisure in that one school in seattle in the elementary schoo where they banned the halloween parade altogether. >> chris, what are you going as this year?
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>> i was thinking to go as the g gay social justice warrior. the new guy on the blackberry title understand whether it's virginia or halloween or whatever, it's fine to have you complaint or this or that, turn off your lights at halloween if you want to do that, but stop bothering children. if they want to dress up as a prince, princess, amount let them do it. adults tried to take the fun ou of halloween, but this is a joke . ticket this is like making a whole new culture of victims. it's like let's fix everything and make it right, with crt and let's make the children of colo that the victims and the children who are not, the villains and with lgbt, they don't need this to happen to make them feel part of halloween , they can rock whatever they want, and so can we bear that means were in it together. why do we have to make victims out of people. >> as usual, they are over swin
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impaired if they come out and say let's have an honest conversation about aspects of cultural appropriation that can be damaging to people, fantastic , but when they're overbroad and they include everyone and they won't let a little girl asked to be a princess without getting a line that you have to say as a paren as well, that totally bottoms out the message they're trying to send. my favorite response was somebody maybe you should go as an adl donor, you could throw money around as an ideologue burg i'm going as of heacock. my costume is amazing. there's feathers everywhere, i love it. >> you take it pretty far. gate now you have to share it right get the anti-defamation league is going to be upset wit me. i woke up my daughter this morning and said what he going to be for halloween she says princess. in a 70 going to be. she's had princess. so if the adl has a problem wit that, i'm sorry, go away. my daughters going to be a princess. may beat next year she will be
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wonder woman, she gets to choose . >> she can have one of the girl from my customs that she wants to. by the way, you know i'm going what i'm going is. >> to get what you going is? >> brandon. >> let's go, brandon. ♪ ♪ t... when they got a chip. they drove to safelite for a same-day repair. and with their insurance, it was no cost to them. >> woman: really? >> tech: that's service the way you need it. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ when you're looking for answers, it's good to have help. because the right information, at the right time, may make all the
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>> thanks, i needed that. gate nobody parties like delta house, except for maybe me. even the animal house gang migh not be able to party like they used to. americans may see a shortage of alcoholic beverages as the holidays approach for the alcohol industry imports 40 percent of its products, but that's not the only factor. domestic brewers, winemakers, and distilleries are struggling to get the things they need to make and bottle their products. >> finance bottling is in december. i've got commitment that it wil be good, but i'm concerned abou my next one in february and whether we will be able to get the class. we have pouches that we use. the tradition of the bottle is something people enjoy. we want them to continue to hav that product. >> if the world ran out of alcohol, i would turn my bathtu into a distillery birdcage and thinking just pour it into an old boot. i know they're worried about
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labels, but masking tape and a sharpie will do wonders. if you think the world got cranky when we started running out of toilet paper, just wait until people can't rose all day it's going to be bedlam in the streets. it could be a gift to republicans for the midterm. >> the good news is with my small family binary, we do everything they are on-site, so literally in my head i'm like when we get to that armageddon point, i'm going straight there. you're all invited. we can hole up there and drink the inventory there forever. what say you? >> i'll be right there. i'm on the next plane. if there is enough gasoline to get the flames over there. here is a reason i've been stockpiling alcohol for all these years, i guess this is it. we are talking about alcohol, we're talking about christmas gifts. i was in los angeles yesterday the line stretches as long as you can see of cargo ships trying to get to the united states. these massive transportation an supply chain issues, they range so far beyond any of their
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specific industries great it's going to hit essentially every single industry except for the people growing their own food i the backyard. may be since covid hit some people got into this. that's not something just like the rising crime in this country . it's not something that comes down from god or blue when with el niño, these are because of specific policies and regulations. long beach just got rid of one of their policies that allows you to stack containers now higher than two in the regards without violating zoning laws. that will allow them to his fre up some space. but there are things they shoul pursue, not just in shipping, but truck impaired really losin truckers. our supply chain is all over an every single aspect. good to know your stockpiling, chris. we'll be on your way to your house to. the most important point is, i am totally kidding about all of this, but the points are salien that there is a lot of overlapping factors here. they're is so much more than just parting with your friends very there are celebrations of
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champagne at weddings in the upcoming seasons. in mass, and so many ways that these beverages are used, not t mention the livelihoods of thes small business owners and the whole thing is just it's like it's imploding and we're watching it and we're really going to feel it in the next month. >> made in america. made in america. i will say that every day. we have to do more here. so i advocate for taking. you know the couch breaks, we can each take one with us. let's take tennessee and let's go see jim being. >> and then go to oregon. >> taken the couch with me. so when i get there,. >> we weave our way across the country. they're is a lot to be enjoyed here. >> actually in nashville, there is will talk during the break. go unburied. >> i was just going to say, fauci said we could have the holidays and we have the most expensive thanksgiving meal ever , and we don't even have
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wine, but i'll be in oregon wit you, emily. >> building a wall around his >> but he'll still have his s beach house. >> exactly. you guys, thank you to everyone for joining us. cheers to you all and now here's "america reports." >> thanks, now i'm really thirsty. fox news alert to kick off "america reports." president biden heading to virginia tonight. campaign for democratic gubernatorial candidate in an election that is widely considered to be a referendum on far left policies. welcome to tuesday edition of "america reports." i'm john roberts in washington. great to see you, sandra. >> i'll take it neat. i'm sandra smith in new york. polls show the candidates locked in a close race weeks after he expressed concern over the unpopularity in the state. education has become a top issue as critics say the biden administration is trying to silence those concerned parents. >> this comes as a student
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