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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  October 27, 2021 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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that is it for us tonight. freedom matters, all for charity, all on the west side, next, remember, it is america now and forever. greg gutfeld and gaining taken off from here. >> he doesn't want to talk about trump anymore. i do. donald trump. donald trump. donald trump. todd: whose name is on the ballot? president biden can't stop talking about a former president while stumping for terry mcauliffe in virginia. parents know why they are voting republican. jillian: did you do this? >> isis k as al qaeda intend to
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conduct external operations against the united states. >> a stark warning about a tariff to the homeland. botanical from the us troops, telling the social spending and climate agents on the international stage. if he can't even get his own party on board. >> a lot of questions, you are watching "fox and friends first" on wednesday morning. todd: thank you for joining us, president biden headed to scotland tomorrow, the stakes are high as democrats are divided on the details. jillian: the president's approval rating continues to dip. >> reporter: president biden won the legislative win before heading overseas tomorrow, members of his own party keep moving the goal posts for what they will or won't accept.
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progressives san agree on framework of the large social spending bill isn't good enough to move forward on the bipartisan infrastructure bill. and senator joe manchin is against the proposed policy requiring banks to report account data for those with 10,$000 coming in and out of the irs, manchin can take the bill for the president, does not have any republican support. >> last thing we need to do is pile on with the reckless tax and spending spree. they don't have a mandate to do this, 50/50/senate, 3 seat majority in the house, the american people are not asking for any of this. >> reporter: president biden hoped to world leaders with the smooth running democratic
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congress and historic climate initiatives when he arrived at the g 20 and romance climate conference in glasgow. >> be easier to convince the rest of the world to adopt these aggressive proposals if he went with the us having done so? >> the president said it would be his preference. that is why we are pressing so hard. >> reporter: democratic leadership once the infrastructure bill passed this week because it includes funding for highway projects that will again lapse if not extended. that means thousands of transportation employees, not the best thing to help the president's low approval rating. todd: thank you very much. jillian: the homestretch in virginia's governor race and is election day approaches democrat candidate terry mcauliffe leans on president biden. todd: the dead even race, good morning. >> reporter: president biden stumping for terry mcauliffe
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with just days before virginians elect a new governor some say biden's involves the liability with his following approval rating, the president taking the opportunity during his speech to attack donald trump saying his name 24 times in the span of 15 minutes and comparing republican glenn younginto his former campaign rival and calling him an extremist. the >> president biden: iran against donald trump. terry is running against an acolyte of donald trump. donald trump, donald trump, donald trump. >> reporter: despite support from the president, prominent democrats, the latest poll showing the race tighter than ever. a recent poll has the race tied with democrat mcauliffe at 45.6% and glenn youngcan and 45.2% but mcauliffe facing new backlash
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for inflating the coronavirus numbers, washington post giving them four pinocchio's for making several exaggerated claims including the there were 8000 new cases on a single day in september when there were actually only 2000, stating there were 1100 children in the icu when they were less then 40. youngkin saying this. >> no enthusiasm for terry mcauliffe, no one showing up to vote. we are seeing begin to the avalon our side. this is happening across virginia. this is no longer republicans against democrats, it is virginians making a statement they are ready to elect a different kind of governor. >> reporter: member of the black virginia's for glenn youngkin collision says she's ready for that change explaining why she is voting youngkin for governor. >> you never feel there is a differential between black and white, privileged and underprivileged. i look at him as someone who wants to do the right thing,
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that in turn will make this a state where businesses want to come. >> reporter: the election is only 6 days away. todd: brit hume says democrats are bracing to do damage control. >> this is a man in trouble and that is why we are seeing these characters rolling into virginia to campaign. if he loses, if terry mcauliffe loses it will be seen as a political earthquake and if democrats weren't already worried what will happen in 2022 they will be terrified if it comes about. the fact that the race is even close at all, very close indeed from the paula not to be terrifying to democrats. they need to change. doubt they will but that ought to be the message. todd: former president obama blasting his concerns over critical race theory. as fake outrage.
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jillian: an update into the deadly shooting on the set of the movie rust. cinematographer selena hutchins was still in the director hurt after alec baldwin fired the weapon when rehearsing the scene. according to the new york post prosecutors are not willing out criminal charges. the district attorney is focusing on why live ammunition was onset and how safety protocols were allegedly ignored. todd: official set to face tough questions on capitol hill on the greatest threats facing the homeland. >> the number of americans stranded in afghanistan continues to rise. the details ahead of the hearing. >> reporter: good morning. members of the house intelligence committee will question intel officials on a variety of topics in washington.
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the focus on threats the united states faces from russia to china to afghanistan on the table for these officials that will include the director of the cia and director of national intelligence kane. when it comes to russia there are growing concerns of cyber war, and real military drills. last week the russian navy ran warships alongside chinese near japan. the movements were described as unusual regarding china analysts believe the actions of beijing will be the next big challenge for the biden administration. chinese president xi jinping vowed to move forward with the process of what he calls reunification with taiwan. finally there are expected to be many questions about the us withdrawal from afghanistan in addition to growing threat of afghanistan being used as a breeding ground for extremist groups like isis there are major issues that need to be addressed. american still trapped in the taliban controls country, the biden administration has been unclear how many are left behind.
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>> we believe 100 to 200 americans remain in afghanistan. >> we had about 100 citizens in contact with the seeking to leave afghanistan. >> the department of state in contact with 196 american citizens ready to depart and another 243 have been contacted. >> reporter: the goalposts continue to change on afghanistan after being there for weeks. we know it is not just americans left behind, thousands of key us allies. todd: thank you. jillian: arkansas senator tom cardin says he was literally leadership needs to get serious and tough enough. >> competition between nations is not like a 100 meter das, many of to win by a nose, you are bold and aggressors like china to take a shot at the title. you want the military to be so strong you want our intention to preserve our national interests
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and international ability, aggressors like the chinese comments party would never consider taking that shot at the title. >> reporter: the president is not fit to deter china as they ramp up espionage and build up their military and the pacific. todd: turning to the border crisis thousands of migrants in mexico about to start day 5 of their trek to the us southern border. jillian: the question is who is funding the caravan. griff jenkins is with them in southern mexico and asked organizers where the money is coming from. >> reporter: just 25 miles north of where they began their journey four days ago, opportunity to see their children in the street as an ambulance, healthcare aid workers with defenders selling to the migrants and why we have seen the government agencies help the migrants along the way giving a pamphlet to help assist the migrants we haven't figured out who is paying, how the caravan is being funded.
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we asked the leader that question and here is what he said about being funded. >> this is the way they go, what happened happened, the people of goodwill giving food, i don't know. i'm not getting funded. >> reporter: you can see the migrants trying to beat the heat under the shade and in this tent a local medical group providing aid to people whose feet have blisters, babies who have trouble making this tough journey, soon marching again for the fifth day with a long way to go as they tried to get to the us border. jillian: fda advisory panel backing covid 19 vaccine for kids as young as 5, the panel believes the shop benefits any risks, the pfizer shot would be a third of the dose given to teens and adults. a study finding it to be 91%
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effective. this set up for the fda to run approval which could happen any day. pfizer's vaccine is only available to those 12 and older. todd: the braves stealing game-winning houston 62. >> one flames into left field. take the trip. todd: jorge's homer set the tone, bad news for the braves playing out in the negative way. they lost charlie morton in the third, out for the rest of the series after this. that according to doctors is a broken right fibula. we know it as a broken leg. tonight at 8:00, the world series, live next hour from houston. it is tough. they plan on doing bullpen games throughout the series and they will do a few more. do they have the bullpen depth.
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little bit of revenge. todd: as i always tell you in the words of john stirling you can't predict baseball. >> you can't predict anything. i predict we will go to break. 12 minutes after the hour. as our university deploying the word police deemed to be sexist. todd: a big show still at on wednesday morning. look at many of these people, if not all, planning to be on the program. if that doesn't get you to stick around i don't know what will. take us to break.
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jillian: welcome back. house minority leader kevin mccarthy demanding the attorney general retract his damning memo after the group is taking it back. merrick garland urging the fbi to investigate parents who protest local school boards following the national school boards association likening parent protesters is to mastic terrorists. mccarthy said parents are taking a role in their kids education.
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the outspoken head of the american federation of teachers taking heat for appearing to endorse a controversial washington post op-ed. parents claim they have a right to shape their school curriculum, they don't. the authors say widespread parent protests over education are part of a republican strategy to stoke white racial grievance. >> following a student walkout out in county virginia parents protesting outside the school board meeting with many calling for superintendent scott the glad to resign. >> that is what this is done. >> if you resign and all of you on this board redesign that is how we restore confidence. >> reporter: fire mister ziglar and his staff and resign from the school board or you will see us in court and we can talk about what is fake and phony.
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>> loudoun county parent, thanks for being here. first question to you, the only options at this point remaining are resignations and firings? >> we fit that point and nothing to bring that point home like last night. last night's meeting was one like i have never seen before. i have never seen any display of anger and outrage and disappointment as what was evident in the programs last night. there 120 folks decided to speak in person. i counted three that did not
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include disparaging remarks, call for resignation it asking the board to fire sigler. todd: what message, not just parents but students having voices heard. >> the school board and superintendent, what is going on in our schools, when you have parents month after month over and over saying the same thing, don't do this, don't do this and the majority speaking out are saying the same thing and nothing is happening, students, what happened recently, shows how they are disregarding
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parents, don't care what is happening and push their agenda, this is an ideology war, nothing to do with curriculum anymore. we are fighting an ideological war these people. these people are sick, pathetic and these people have pedophile ideology. >> thinking back to my high school years, i was worried about living well in school, doing well in sports and trying to impress girls, it was a similar time. your kids have to go through so much, everything they went there with covid and on the tail end of that all this. >> these kids and families and parents, we've been dealing with so much for the last 18 months.
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i always joke that we show up for these meetings, the wheel of misfortune, at this meeting, yesterday was clear virtually every speaker was there to talk about the cover-up, the lies, lack -- lack of confidence in the school board. we will not be able to move forward as a community. these kids are running out of runway. i never hear the board talking about remediation for learning loss. there are today loudoun county high school having to drop math and language classes because they were not prepared to move to the next level. this learning experiment.
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todd: we have ten seconds. the race for governor, is youngercan writing this issue, education in schools to victory? >> youngcan has a message going on how he is showing connection to the parents. we need to keep this, he will be accountable to fix this problem because no one is giving us a voice to talk about this. >> at the core of this don't mess with the mama bear or the pop-up bear. keep us posted on this play. horrible you have to go through this.
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>> a new push to salvage the shopping season. coalition of business groups urging them to show vaccine mandate over fears that could trigger a mass exodus of truckers.
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jillian: welcome back, business groups pleading the white house to hold off on vaccine mandate until after the holiday shopping season amid fears of intensifying worker shortages.
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an independent truck driver and chairman of the truckload carriers association, joining me now. thank you for being here. tell me how much of a shortage this would cause on top of a shortage of truckers we are already seeing, we are 80,000 short right now. what would this do the next few months. >> thank you for having me. however well-intentioned we certainly know they will put further disruptions on the supply chain. the survey, 50% of commercial drivers of not been vaccinated and of that 50%, 37% should they be forced into being vaccinated consider leaving the industry and further compound the problems.
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>> really unbelievable and it does affect each and every single one of us. i was reading on your background, you've been driving for 30 years, other family members of done this. you are married and have three kids, seems like you've got everything going on except what is going to happen in this industry you invested your whole life into if these mandates go into effect. >> something else to do, don't see where i need the vaccine. i already had covid. the natural immunity better the vaccine to start with. todd: that is an argument some are making. telling what it is like to be in this industry in the midst of the shortages we have already seen.
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>> i haven't slowed down from what i do. a peak season. restaurant are short of staff, short stock, no deliveries from limited menu items. the vaccine thing, might work on that. they are pushing the band-aid and dropping out. jillian: frightening to think about. to you first. business groups asking the white house to delay mandates until after the holidays. some might argue it will get us through the holiday season but we could potentially put a band-aid on a situation we could ultimately be facing a few
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months down the road. is that the answer? >> certainly not. our good friends in new york and canada through the same process, the commercial truck driver kept america moving. in an isolated environment, 8.7% compared to the us population, a great job protecting commercial drivers and delivering them. jillian: obviously the lifetime before that, why do you love this career? why do you love what you do. >> i won't say i love it.
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i enjoy it but find something you like to do and you will never work. i consider this work. to do what i got to do every day, i enjoy travel and get paid to do it here. being away from the family is the worst purple we have adjusted. i love driving. it is what i do. it would be hard to quit. i have tried many times and keep going back into it. jillian: we are grateful you haven't quit. we need each of you out there right now. thank you so much for your time and keep us updated. thank you, gentlemen. >> keep america moving. todd: a seattle firefighter put on unpaid leave for not complying with the vaccine mandate, being bullied for his
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religion, that firefighter joins us next. plain aspirin could be hurting your stomach. new vazalore is the first liquid-filled aspirin capsule clinically shown to cause fewer ulcers than plain aspirin. vazalore is designed to help protect... releasing aspirin after it leaves your stomach... where it is absorbed to give you the benefits of life saving aspirin... to help prevent another heart attack or stroke. heart protection with your stomach in mind. try new liquid-filled vazalore. aspirin made amazing! the worst genocide in human history also destroyed the lives of thousands of jewish survivors still suffering today. god calls on people who believe in him to act on his word. "comfort ye, comfort my people." especially during this holiday season of hanukkah. when i come here and i sit with lilia i realize what she needs right now is food.
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these elderly jews are weak and they're sick. they're living on $2 a day this now, is how god's children are living. take this time to send a survival food box to these forgotten jews. the international fellowship of christians and jews urgently need your gift of $25 now to help provide one survival food box with all of the essentials they critically need for their diet for one month. your special holiday gift will provide everything they need to celebrate the miracle of hanukkah. this is the first time in over 70 years that she has anything to do with faith. the communists came and wiped it out. and now we're coming to her and saying, "it's okay to have faith." it's okay to light the hanukkah candles.
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for just $25, you can help supply the essential foods they desperately need for one month. i just want to encourage all of you to join with yael eckstein and the wonderful work of the international fellowship of christians and jews. god tells us to take care of them, to feed the hungry. and i pray holocaust survivors will be given the basic needs that they so desperately pray for to survive.
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jillian: we are back with a fox news alert, a police officer is killed while approaching the vehicle he suspected of being stolen. he was taken to a hospital near st. louis. the shooting suspect is in custody, leave behind a wife and daughter. he served in law enforcement for 14 years.
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he was 36 years old. todd: a seattle fireman struggling to provide for his family says he is being bullied based on his religion after being assigned to desk duty for refusing a vaccine even after receiving an exemption. joining me with the story andy pittman. premature to call you former, you still have a few more months but it does appear the writing is on the wall. described the struggle this is been for you and your family. >> it has been a slow painful process for us. there has been lack of transparency or 2-way conversation between us and the department we are working with. >> fire department around the country have been able to figure this out but places like seattle have put you in this situation? >> great question. i would say it feels like they
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are dealing more with politics and policy. i need to say this is my opinion. i'm not a spokesperson for the field). feels like this, our fire chief is playing politics with the mayor and the governor and king county executive and not being a firefighter, firefighters solve problems. that's what the public expects us to do and we do that very well but fire chief seems to be a politician more than a firefighter. todd: 94% of your department is vaccinated, 63 submitted vaccine exemptions that a statement from they are seattle has the lowest cases, hospitalizations and deaths of any major city while having one of the highest vaccination rates because we follow the signs and devices public health officials. what is your response to that statement?
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>> that is a generic pr statement and i will take a step further, the fire department and prehospital care. it is the right thing to do, what everybody expects us to do. our transmission rates to the public is 0. possibly one. we have ppe in place, that's what the rest of them are doing for reasonable accommodation. todd: if my house is burning and need a first responder why what i care about the vaccination status of the person saving my life? >> i heard stories of that happening but that is not been my experience was my experience
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is when we show up they expect us to solve the problem whether it is fire, cardiac arrest, whatever the case is and we spent time training. my experience in the last 20 months we show up and provide the service they are asking for an they are not worried whether we are vaccinated or not. todd: if your life is on the line you don't care if he has a card in his wallet, you care about getting saved. what is your plan to provide for your family? >> cut some trees and dig some holes. i'm a tree climber, i got an excavator. so help people to build houses. todd: there is a need for that, lumber prices were skyhigh for a while having gone to rock-bottom. we need would, we need help and we wish you the best of luck. jillian: students walk out of school in protests and parents demand accountability in virginia.
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outcry over the handling of sexual assault on campus grows. todd: carley shimkus has the latest. >> anchor is boiling over in loudoun county, virginia and parents and students walked out of class yesterday to protest the school district's handling of sexual assault that took place on campus and later in the day parents demanded answers at a school board meeting. >> you have taken an oath you have broken and you will be held accountable for it. we have no confidence in you. fire mister ziglar and his staff. otherwise you will see us in court. carley: the boy was found guilty of sexually assaulting a teenage girl in the classroom. the boy was transferred to another school where he is accused of assaulting yet another girl. much of the anger is directed at school superintendent who was
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aware of the sexual assault that took place but then at a school board meeting next -- a month after the sexual assault, said that no such thing took place inside schools in their bathroom, that exact thing did happen. >> new words are not allowed to be set on one campus. carley: university of pittsburg released an anti-sexist language list and there are some words they encourage people not to use including secretary, that word should now be administrator, mankind, more like humankind, chairperson instead of chairman and first-year student instead of freshman. officials said they are not ordering students to use this language but they say this is
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merely polite. if you want to be part of polite society you cannot say chairman anymore. todd: or act like a college student and realize your football team is really good right now, focus on your football team. meantime eliminating cash works pleasantly in new york. carley: the white house released a plan to promote gender equity but it included elimination of cash bail. white house statement, we will work to end cash bail reform for pretrial system recognizing harm these processes cause particularly for black women and families but calls to end cash bail have come during an unprecedented increase in crime, 30% rise in murders across the us in 2025, 30% rising crime overall, that number could potentially go up even higher. todd: in the city, doesn't look good. we are technically here right
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now. todd: still that we are awaiting an update from police on the investigation into the fatal shooting on a set of the movie rust is questions swirl over who was responsible for the weapon. todd: carley: our mom's power reactors kids getting the jab as soon as next week. ♪♪ nah, a stormy day. classical music plays. um uh, brass band, new orleans. ♪ ♪ she drives hands free... along the coast. make it palm springs. ♪ cadillac is going electric. if you want to be bold, you have to go off-script. experience the all-electric cadillac lyriq.
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>> when it comes to protecting minors we create age appropriate experiences for teams throughout the development. >> we make no effort and have no plan to market to young children. >> child specific policies which i described in my submitted testimony prohibit content that exploits or endangers minors on youtube. >> big tech playing defense as executives from tick-tock, snapchat and youtube face questioning from senators on their efforts to protect kids online. chinese amy kaminski, mother of two and kathy barnett, mother of four, armed forces reserve veteran and u.s. senate candidate. thank you for being here, appreciate your time.
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can you tell me what was your take away? >> the senator of massachusetts summed it up next when he said the problem is clear, big tech praise on children and teens to make money and that is what i heard as i was and, how are they making this money? we all know these are a certain amount of money by incentivizing children to stay on their apps. i thought it was interesting. they collect all sorts of data, outside and inside for example and even more alarming they are collecting biometric measurements of our children, scans of their faces. why are they doing that and what will they do with that
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information. especially looking at companies like tick-tock, there's little distinction based in china and china itself. we have some big problems. jillian: these companies are making money and i know you say it is my job to recognize that fact and to stay one step ahead of these people and companies who may not have my child's best at heart. a lot of question parents are asking is how do you do that? >> the heads of these industries don't go to work every morning with the intent of hurting our children but i also think it is not their responsibility to protect our children. it is my responsibility to protect my children.
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i keep a close eye, my children are 13 and 14, they are not on tick-tock or many of the other apps. we keep a close eye. i followed him on the apps thereon and i teach them. social media is an amazing resource that brings the world to their fingertips and showing how we can connect to other children and educators all over the world and these are the negatives and the dangers and trying to protect them from it and how to use it to their benefit. jillian: let's bring in a psychotherapist and mother of three. thank you for being here. i said to bring you into this part of the conversation on the harmful effects for mental
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health effects on kids. >> tick-tock is designed to increase addiction. we have one minute to fill children up with things that can't necessarily be screened. does not screen for many things that go in front of the children's faces. this is what the concern is. >> 30 seconds to each of you on this topic because the fda endorses kid size doses of the covid 19 vaccine moving the us closer to beginning vaccinations in age 5 to 11. how do you feel about this? >> where should we begin? for children 14 and up under this covid virus is negligible.
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it is statistically 0. what parents in their right mind would inject an experimental drug into their perfectly healthy baby and the fda has credibility, the fda of today, the same fda of 25 years ago that unleashed a crisis on america, the same way they are doing it now, allowing pharmacies to weapon eyes them with money and other incentives, for opioids, the same protocol, using big pharma using the sba to greenlight and ask for mental drug. >> we are almost out of time. how does it make you feel about injecting your kids with the vaccine? >> i trust our fda, the cdc, at
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the same time my children were vaccinated, my husband and i are vaccinated and we teach our children to disrespect other people's decisions. it is a personal decision, you have to do what is best for your children and family and teach children to respect everybody's decisions and hope everybody gets the vaccine so we can get on the other side of this. >> let's focus on a national crisis, mental health for children and adults, suicide is the second cause of death in children, let's focus on that. >> important to have a conversation. appreciate your time. thank you so much. todd: we have a big hour ahead. jillian: marionette miller meeks joining us live.
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>> now he doesn't want to talk about trump anymore. donald trump, donald trump, donald trump, donald trump. jillian: it is wednesday october 20 seventh. whose name is on the ballot? president biden talking about the former president while stumping for terry mcauliffe in virginia. parents tell us why they are voting republican. todd: did you hear this? >> isis k and al qaeda have the intent to conduct external operations including against the united states. isis k generates capability between 6 to 12 months. todd: a stark warning about a new terror threat to the homeland just months after the chaotic withdrawal of us troops from afghanistan. jillian: president biden touting social spending and climate agenda on the international stage but what message would it tends to world leaders if he can't get his own party on board.


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