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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  October 28, 2021 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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>> chicago mirror lori lightweight mercilessly booed by a group of union workers. take a look. [boos] >> that's all the time we have left. in the meantime, not let your heart be troubled, lori ingram introduces us to the puppy tonight. >> laura: hello. could you get a return so you can see the dog? i mean, this is -- speak out there's like a 10-second delay. i'll see it in a second. >> laura: this isn't really working if you can't see her. >> that is a cute dog. what's the dog's name? >> laura: is away. although you called her billy in a very gender confused manner the other day.
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>> i'm totally daft from radio. please. >> laura: she is very sad over the gender confusion. >> that is a perfect dog for you, sure looks awesome. and very well behaved. >> laura: zoe, meet the world. but hannah ted hannity had a little dog named snowflake that was like a two-point conversion. anthony fauci i'm sure would have loved to have babysat your dog. >> i also have had to be a beast like bernese mountain dog's which i love, too. dogs are like members of the family. >> laura: it's a rescue from arkansas. >> i don't care if it's a purebred, it's a dog and dogs are often nice they are then ni. it's been getting yelled at now, we are talking too much about dogs. this is lauren graham from "the ingraham angle."
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joe biden is slum aw shucks uniter but tonight my mini angle completely dismantles that one. plus a surprising anti-biden song has just knocked adele off the top of the charts and mayor pete gets his big break. raymond arroyo explains it in seen and unseen but first, arrogant bullying cowards, that's a focus of ties angle. now in 2009 when the tea party took off, so many americans were energized and that was the opposition to obamacare. the one good thing about the awful terrible pandemic is that the parents have the time to burrow into their children's schooling. and many were horrified about what they saw. and it wasn't so awful after
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all. >> it will tear this country apart. >> it's is teaching kids how to hate each other. >> i want credible race theory, and talk to my kids in school does not mean i'm a racist. >> apparently school boards across america thought they could radically revamp course offerings from american history to literature and no one would notice. now parents and citizens alike see how activists promoting a deeply anti-american agenda have wormed their way into almost every facet of the educational experience. while parents should be upset about this, and their concerns are not political. parents are saying, and that's equity and inclusion amp police
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brutality, at where the saying that in school they put more focus on george floyd than george washington. parents should be demanding answers because schools have become a minefield for democrats of course. and they took the side of school boards against the parents. after the school board association and pleaded for relief claiming its members were under siege, the department of justice snapped into action. i've never seen anything like it. in their own memo they warned of a disturbing spike in the harassment, intimidation and threats of violence against school administrators and promised to take action if necessary. it sent a chilling message to moms and dads, pretty much anyone from coast-to-coast. and a firestorm then erupted and the school board pulled back and saw they had created a bit of a
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ruckus. so they apologized for the description of violent harassing menaces. and presumably you wrote the memo because of the letter. the letter is disavowed now and you keep your memo going anyway. >> senator, i have the letter from an sba that you're referring to end it apologizes for language in the letter but it continues its concern about the safety of school officials and school staff. >> laura: okay. but the point wasn't to intimidate parents, why does the doj invoke a national security components? >> you are going to credit a task force that includes a national security division. what does the national security division have to do with parents at school boards? >> this is not again about
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parents at school boards, it's about threats of violence. >> again this begs the question, why would the suddenly be a new federal matter? any threats or violence are already prosecutable under state law as well as federal law in some cases so why the need for a deal jake task force? >> how is that the department of justice was able to move so rapidly on a single letter from a special interest group that has now repudiated that letter, said it regret sending the letter and apologizes to its members for sending the letter? >> answer is when we get reports of violence and threats of violence we need to act swiftly. >> you didn't investigate the incidences cited in the letter. did you? >> i took the statement by the national association, when they said they were facing violence and threats of violence and when we saw in the news media reports. >> but you didn't invest the incidents in the letter, did
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you? >> this is an assessment step and it comes before the investigations. speed when it come on. we all know what happened, presumably the white house let it be known that they needed this whole school controversy to quiet down and for parents to pipe down, dangling the possibility of fbi action gets parents, just attending school board meetings would be one way to get that done, or so they thought. this was all coordinated and it blew up spectacularly. >> are you aware of conversations between you are department of justice officials, white house officials and members of the school board association all cooperating together? >> i'm sure there were conversations with the white house, i have no idea whether there were conversations with the school board association. there is nothing wrong with there being those conversations and is nothing annual about the organization to suggest it was in any way partisan. >> laura: all those conservatives on school boards and associations.
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of course it's not partisan, it's all just a coincidence that school boards are overwhelmingly liberal. and what about this underlying evidence? is there really a growing national threat posed against the school boards? committee chair dick durbin was reaching for anything. >> those who argue at school board meetings across america are not more dangerous or more violent than the past. i went on i just typed in this morning, school board violence on one of the search engines, page after pages coming up. >> laura: 24 years in the senate ladies and gentlemen, and he is just and entering terms into search engines and proclaiming it so. another argument for term limits. this is all too much. if glenn youngkin wins the virginia gubernatorial race, it will be because he focuses so
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much on the travesty unfolding on the education issue in loudoun county. rape and school bathrooms and coverups and the parents who dared to ask questions even the family of the victims. meanwhile democratic candidate terry mcauliffe is flailing. >> i'm sick of them talking about these issues of critical race theory, we do not teach critical race theory here in virginia. it has never been taught. >> this is what ms-13, the republicans used for governor northam. they tried to find a divisive tactic. >> laura: that's pathetic. mcauliffe is to bought off by the teachers unions to see that this goes way beyond glenn youngkin. this is about parents discovering in many cases for the first time the truth about a growing socialist monopoly in education. the angle worn, warned
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clive that is a let's have outside influence in school districts like fairfax county and their goal is to turn your kids into activists by remaking education top to bottom. >> it is a horrifying what we are seeing. critical race theory, anti-racism pedagogy, cultural marxism, decolonizing and this extremism is like a cult. >> now we are on to them progressive school board and district across america are freaking out. do they change their radical course or try to discourage parental involvement on hot button issues. the minnesota school board chose the that are. >> a business meeting of school boards, not a meeting that belongs to the public.
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each speaker is asked to state his or her name for the record, failure to do so will result in the individual not be allowed to speak. artisans are prohibited from addressing any individuals school board or school district staff members. laura: this is not a public matter. if a parent's concern is not on her agenda the controversy or concern didn't happen. like magic, it goes away. sounds like there is another school board that needs to be replaced. taxpaying parents fund public schools and deserve answers and accountability. any politician who stands in the way of this legitimate exercise of parental rights and any bureaucrat who uses procedural gimmicks to insulate himself from criticism should be tossed from office as soon as possible. this spells political defeat for
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mcauliffe and countless democrats who believe they are above reproach as long as they are woke and that is the angle. joining me is utah senator mike lee who was at the hearing with the attorney general merrick garland. senator lee, fascinating to watch this unfold. could garland cite any specific instance or pattern of threat or intimidation against school boards that would necessitate or justify this level of federal engagement. >> not even a single one. he couldn't identify a single threat of violence and he basically acknowledged that he couldn't nor did he explain to my satisfaction why this needed to be a federal investigation. most crimes occur in violations of state law and most criminal
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prosecutions occur under state law in state court systems. i asked him to identify the basis for federalizing this, he couldn't, he wouldn't, he didn't. he is weapon rising the permit of justice for politely partisan political purposes. it was distressing, discouraging, rhonda. laura: here is senator cory booker pressing garland to make a connection between parent protests and domestic terror. >> domestic terrorism in the united states had to be from overseas, radical terrorists or homegrown terrorists most of them being right wing extremists. which has been greater since 9/11? >> i want to be careful about that. >> have been threats and violence against schools in the united states? >> there have been. >> coming from what groups? >> from domestic groups. >> domestic groups. could there be anything more vague? it begs the question, why is that a federal matter, state law
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covers any violence or threats of violence? >> it is not, it is not, that's the point. i thank cory booker for framing this appropriately. maybe one could justify this if one were convinced parents showing up to school board meetings to discuss as neighbors and local constituents concerns with how their children were being educated at public schools, if you can identify them as a domestic terrorist network, then yeah, that would be appropriate to get the department of justice involved and you can't because that is absurd and the entire exercise today was absurd. i've never seen anyone take so much time to explain something that should've been dismissed with we screwed up, we screwed up badly. i'm sorry. does that make it okay? it makes it that much more inexcusable that he would spend
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hours with us trying to defend the utterly indefensible. >> he said repeatedly there is no partisan basis for his determination, this was not partisan, he absolutely believe spirit exchange of ideas is covered, doesn't want to intimidate parents going to school board meetings, that is america. he did say that over and over again but you are not buying it. >> if you believe i'm got a bridge somewhere to sell you. the fact that there was this quick of a turnaround is an indication something went terrible wrong. four days, 5 at the most, they submitted it on wednesday, and the following monday just over a week and he responded, as member of the senate judiciary committee estimate requests for information all the time in my oversight capacity over the department of justice. i feel lucky, i feel blessed if i get it into her 3 months. laura: how many times or four
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day turnaround? that is the national school board. somehow. >> they managed to it and have been bragging about the fact they have been working with white house staff for weeks on this. we know what happened. he needs to apologize and it is inexcusable. this can't ever happen. laura: thank you and we appreciated the question today. speaking of what is going on in virginia terry mcauliffe is trying to fight back against the idea that he doesn't care about school safety with flashy new mailers, the timing is awkward not because of how he downplayed the sexual assault of students in virginia high schools but also because of what the daily wire is reporting, the story notes but mcauliffe's former law firm, when he reported some income is currently fighting on
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behalf of the school that covered up one of the cases where a student was brutally assaulted. the law firm is -- a woman says she was repeatedly raped on her fairfax county middle school campus is a 12-year-old and slashed with a knife, burned with a later, penetrated and here is the reporter who broke this story for the daily wire. his response would be i imagine the word former law firm is no longer associated with. is that valid? >> he left to run for governor. if he wasn't running for governor he would still be there. this law firm has been doing the dirty work of school systems ever since they were on the wrong side of brown versus board in the 1950s, paid them over a quarter million bucks a year and since that time, 2019 fairfax county public schools has paid andrews $9 million.
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why the school system pays that much money to lawyers, they do to fight parents, to fight kids who allege they were wronged at school by the in action direction of school system officials. when he supports the educational establishment, it is a special interest of administrators who have their own interests which are different from parents and they are trying to get this poor girl, it is worse the allegations, then allow the rate case. just last month they were trying to get that get tossed out of court on a procedural basis involving the girl's desire to be anonymous which we can understand why she would want to be anonymous. laura: another case defended by his former law firm involved another student in fairfax county alleging she was sexually harassed by another student. the school board was not held responsible but here's how the fourth circuit court of appeals ruled. the jury found smith sexually
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harassed and the harassment had been severe, the fourth circuit concludes no evidence in the record supports the jury's conclusions that the school board lacked notice of smith's alleged sexual harassment, what else can you tell us about that case particularly? >> this case is important because terry mcauliffe's former law firm is working with the national school board association to take this case to the supreme court and the reason they care about this case is they are trying to change the interpretation of title ix and set a precedent that would apply to schools all over the country in a way that is much more favorable to administrators. what they want is not a reasonable person standard where a reasonable person would think you are informed of sexual assault, they wanted not to be judged by a reasonable person but trained school official it which is funny if you think of it. they cite a case as president where a principal was informed a teacher was a child molester and
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was told that a kid was sitting on his lap and she said it is probably innocent like father/some type of thing. it wasn't innocent. their argument was that lady wasn't held responsible because in her mind she was naïve but in her judgment she didn't. that was the standard they are pushing. laura: parents, this is one of the only good things about the pandemic, parents had a chance to look over the shoulders, you are doing what? your reading what? they are telling you what? i think the schools are freaking out because they thought they could do this with impunity and in secrecy and it is not happening so your reporting has been indispensable, thank you, keep up the great work and in moments my mini angle dismantled this myth of joe the unifier biden. j d vance whistling what this must mean for republican
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candidates going forward.
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and there you have it- woah. wireless on the most reliable network nationwide. wow. -big deal! ...we get unlimited for just 30 bucks. sweet, i get that too and mine has 5g included. that's cool, but ours save us serious clam-aroonies. relax people, my wireless is crushing it. that's because you all have xfinity mobile with your internet.
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it's wireless so good, it keeps one upping itself. >> dividing biden is the focus of my mini angle. >> he thinks what can he do to pull this country together, to the country forward, tried to
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heal the divisions we have and we've made some progress in that regard. there's something the president is very focused on. >> what a reloadable from the chief of staff, the president has been in office 9 months and in that time has he done anything to appeal to the 74 million people who voted for donald trump last election. think about this. this last night, terry mcauliffe in arlington virginia rather than making the affirmative positive case for mcauliffe he returned to the dems january 6th addiction. >> the courage and the wisdom to reject the very extremism that has taken over the republican party all across america. extremism can come in many forms. it can come in the rage of the mob driven to assault the capitol widget come in a smile and a fleece vest.
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>> now he's attacking fleece vest. biden's boosters on the left and a never trumpers waste a lot of breath claiming he is some kind of depolarizing figure. his main line of attacks was glenn youngcan the suburban dead whose more mitt romney than donald trump is akin to a capitol writer? the truth is biden has always been a rude loudmouth bully whose first instinct when confronted with challenges to smear and demean. who can forget one of his uglier attacks also took place in virginia in 2012. >> romney wants, he said in the first hundred days he will let the big banks once again write their own rules. unchain wall street. going to put you back in chains. >> it isn't just politicians he's comfortable exploding it. even regular americans have been on the wrong side of his defamatory smears.
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>> line dogface pony soldier, you got to be honest. i will be honest with you. >> here is the deal. >> we warned you long ago that biden's candidate of unity empathy dignity guy was total bunk. a lot of people did buy it. those who didn't compromise the vast majority of the opposition party, the question becomes what kind of message does it send to voters that even moderate republicans like youngkin are tarred as extremists. biden like everything else he does hasn't thought this through, neither has jen psaki or his other handlers and puppeteers, this is going to have to the implications down the road and it is not going to be donald trump who is at fault but the politicians he held a mirror up to and that is the
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mini angle. joining muse j d vance, ohio senate candidate. if president biden is going to respond with a smear or you are a domestic terrorist or bulging veins charlottesville, this litany of the horrific, what should gop candidates take away from this going forward? >> biden has always been one of the worst demagogues in washington. he always treated his political enemies as people to disparage and destroy and i think republican candidates should take away an understanding how the democrats do politics. it's not about disagree with somebody, they are trying to turn half the country into second-class citizens from the vaccination mandates to attorney general garland going after
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parents as to mister terrorists, they are trying to make it impossible to live a normal life if you think that when we think iraq the way we act. that is politics in a different way and republicans have to respond to it, wake up to what is going on. >> we play backup of biden going after romney. it doesn't matter who has the are after his or her name, doesn't matter, could be you, could be susan collins if she didn't go the right way, doesn't matter. if you are not in lockstep with the far left on whatever their agenda item is of the day you are fair game and that's what never trumpers never understood. they thought they would be in for the solution, working across the aisle with the democrats, they are just laughed at. they are all laugh at hysterically. your thoughts on that.
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>> the people who try to cozy up to the left will be treated as useful idiots which is what they are. look at the end of the day there is this conceit a lot of republicans have that if they tried to be the good republican, the nice type of republican, types the media loves that they are going to get off with a free pass or get some things done with the democrats but the democrats are in a 0-sum political wargames republican ideas and principles. the only time they will ever make nice with a republican is when a republican is being useful to them and if they are being useful to the democrats they are not being useful to our movement of the country. >> they are betraying the people who voted for the. case in point tonight there is a piece in axial as the republican senator bill cassidy of louisiana who came on this show and debated me about the infrastructure bill and tried to say i was naïve or pessimistic for thinking democrats were just
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going to play all these republicans and ram through the reconciliation infrastructure at the same time in tandem, that's not going to happen, that was really condescending, he is complaining it looks like they are not playing fair. yeah, moron, we tried to tell you that. sorry i'm being uncharitable but these are the people we are electing to office but they don't seem to know politics. >> absolutely right. all of us were saying three or four months ago that if you give them this bipartisan win on the infrastructure package, waive the bipartisan flag with one hand and shove it down your throat with the other and that is what they're doing, they got a big political win and are taking things they promised wouldn't be in the infrastructure bill putting it in the reconciliation package. the republicans who played along with this got played. luckily there were those like you and me saying this would happen, hopefully they listen to us next time. laura: what does the best-selling song on itunes tell us about the electorate and what kids should be wearing on halloween. raymond arroyo explains on seen and unseen next.
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laura: time for seen and unseen where we expose the cultural stories of the day. we turn to raymond arroyo. the producer said you had a question for me. >> what is the top burning movie in the world right now? what is it? laura: i have no idea? >> box office top or. what is it? laura: i don't know. i don't go to the movies. >> the battle of lake shenzhen, a chinese propaganda film based on the korean war battle in 1950. so far it has made $808 million and it concerns a spunky chinese group of soldiers who battle and defeat the americans even though the battle was considered a failure at the time, the chinese regime now says it was not of
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failure. they are serving up patriotism and heroic masculinity with intense. remember when we made movies like that, sergeant york, saving private ryan, we may have forgotten the chinese are doing this on purpose and around help critics calling them out on this film. >> have we gotten a movie review from lebron james? his he chimed in with his review of the film? >> or any of the studios, they don't say anything about china or put china in movies anymore because they don't want to offend or lose that marketplace but don't worry, while the chinese give their people movies filled with patriotism and masculinity we give them ancient serial killers, jamie lee curtis and a documentary on mayor pete. >> spent so much of your life hiding who you truly are. bold
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>> this is the only chance you will ever get to vote for a maltese american gay war veteran. >> this is an amazing thing we are seeing. we are the only country that takes the losers and makes documentaries about them. where's the jeb bush documentary? we are learning the wrong lessons from china. we are learning the lesson of lie on rising members of the regime and excluding any other voice rather than the more important lesson which is patriotism and male leadership might not be a bad thing to show your citizens, the chinese are preparing culturally for something here. >> we don't need to make up stories of hers or bravery, our history is filled with them but we want to downplay them. was this piece from the
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anti-defamation league advising kids on what costumes to wear this halloween. >> they are warning costumes can involve cultural appropriation. kids should avoid dressing as native americans because it is not a costume but a sacred part of who they are. nuns, priests and rabbis did not make the cut. then there is this. many children are attracted to traditional gender costumes. thing girl to love princesses or boys assist with action heroes. when that is the case it is best not to reinforce these are the only appropriate options available. be mindful you may have students who feel excluded and marginalized by overly gendered way halloween costumes are marketed.
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with this guidance what is the poor kid supposed to wear? they can't stress as a cowboy, too gender specific and they kill cattle, kendra says aladdin, that is cultural a preparation, can dress as pinocchio because that is a time appropriation, i guess they can dress as rocks and polar bears. >> i remember when you're my mother, we were 13 or 14 and wanted to go out and have fun, we dressed up as buns, you know the bum outfit, any rag around the house, you couldn't do that anymore, right? because you can't call people bums. >> the adl literally call that out, do not dress as hobos or bums because you're making fun of the poor. you have two selections, rocks or polar bears. there may be no halloween at the white house this year. the administration announced the bidens will not be celebrate the holiday as other presidents have. biden is headed to europe, to the g 20. he will be meeting with the pope
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and i guess he will be dressed for the season as a faithful catholic. we will see how that goes. laura: he met with pelosi pushing abortion on demand, then he will go for biden. maybe there's a pool aside, cut that other stuff out. you think that will happen? >> looks like it will be a climate summit. i don't think they will get onto those moral issues. >> turnabout is fair play. what is the number one downloaded single on itunes. >> i would have said a dell, is it something else? >> wrapper bryson graves's new timely tune. ♪♪ building back the ♪♪ only the television ♪♪ open the border ♪♪ lose all the orders ♪♪ ♪♪ >> this is the let's go brandon
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song, number one since sunday and two songs titled let's go brandon are ahead of the dell. music is an indicator where people are and it is probably a good thing president biden is headed to europe. i don't think let's go brandon is topping the european charts just yet but it is earlier in the week. laura: they need to work on that other song, the choreography, spruce up the video a little bit but that is wild. if i hear one more piece about adele, she has been everywhere. >> that reporter who saying the let's go brandon thing to get royalties on this. laura: thank you. as the left seems dead set on keeping up $550 billion of climate change in the latest reconciliation bill it is worth
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asking our climate activists to blame for the global energy crisis? michael shellenberger presents compelling evidence next.
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>> laura: at the president of mars activism, the energy the energy of young people who
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are out there advocating for what they believe in and the changes he agreed should be made to how society functions. we are confident we are about to move ahead to have the biggest adjustment addressing the climate crisis in history by the united states, with manufacturing critics that will help supply chains for solar, offshore and pro-wind and electrification and a historic effort to make critical investments in environmental justice. >> tax credits for weatherstripping. nothing that solve the energy crisis we are in, the price of gas is at a 7-year high because of the skyrocketing oil prices brought by shrinking supply, biden's solution is to earmark $500 billion for climate programs in the reconciliation bill. how will handouts for solar,
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wind and electric lower energy prices. my next guest says it is because of climate policies and the activism going with it that we are facing energy crisis. joining me as michael shellinberger author of apocalypse never, why environmental alarmism hurts us all. explain this link to the activism in place we find ourselves in. >> gasoline prices are up 60% over the last year, what most people don't know is it didn't need to be like that, petroleum prices and rising but investment in oil and gas exploration is down half of what it was 10 years ago. it should average and the accommodation shareholder activist campaigns put pressure on oil and gas companies to
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slowdown oil exploration. the heavy subsidies for renewable met we were not making the investments we needed to make. we have a lot of oil and gas in the united states. it is an amazing technological revolution but we are just leaving it because we haven't made those investments and as a result we seep by pleading with opec. >> so embarrassing, putin is laughing all the way, china is going all these coal plants, even germany is relying again on coal given the energy shortage they will face this winter so who wins here? >> the people that may be investments in oil and gas are doing very well so russia is doing well, sorrys will make out well. everybody in opec, everybody outside the united states, outside of western europe, china
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and india facing blackouts, they had to reopen coal mines, waived environmental regulations and it is a global market for oil and gas so the united states making investments we should have made 5 years ago instead of letting the investments dropped by half we are 25% less investment than we need to keep oil prices down to where they were so if we had been doing what we should of been doing in developing this incredible asset that we have we would be seeing significant continuation of the transition from coal to natural gas which is half as carbon intensive as colin has been the driver of lower emissions. biden will go to the united nations climate talks in a couple of weeks and basically at the same time he is demanding we use a lot more oil from abroad. >> it is unilateral energy disarmament, unilaterally giving up one of our greatest assets other than our freedom which is our energy supply which has huge repercussions for national security. the world economic forum has had
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outside influence on this climate debate pushing for a global reset of capitalism. how important is that been as we move forward. >> i describe three forces behind apocalyptic environmentalism and the push for renewable, big financial interests, black rock, other shadow banks. we see big renewable energy companies, the fire for europe and big green ngos like the world economic forum to push for power over global economies and as a religious impulse, you have to keep in mind we've been told for 10 years solar and wind will channel existing electricity and half $1 trillion. >> are to cut you off but it will all be made in china, great to see was always been ahead of the show's anniversary, turns out to be the end of the future of the next.
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>> 20 years ago while celebrity mardi gras, we inadvertently predicted the future. >> you must wear a mask. it is actually against the law to mask even when you are laura ingraham. >> now we know where fauci got the idea for the mandates. greg gutfeld takes it all from here. jillian: thursday october 20th president biden headed for the hill this morning in a mary attempt to get democrats on board with his agenda but as the showdown between they break up, it is likely the president will place overseas without a political victory. todd: there is this. >> hallelujah.


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