tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News November 4, 2021 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT
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♪ ♪ >> sean: unfortunately that's all the time we have left this evening. as always, you make this show possible. thank you as always for joining us, we hope you will set your dvr, never miss an episode of "hannity," but in the meantime, let not your hearts be troubled, why? because laura ingraham is on standby. she will take you home for the rest of the night. how are you? >> laura: i'm very well. i have a question for you. >> sean: oh, boy, here we -- i owe most have a raymond arroyo voice, i'm just a little bit shy, it's a little thin but it's not there yet. >> laura: i have a question for you. do you think the resistance to the vaccine mandate is finally really happening? to the mandate, not the vaccines because a lot of people get the vaccine, that's fine, but the mandate. i feel it, i see it, and i'm excited by it, because it means that there is life out there in protecting freedom and conscience and freedom --
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>> sean: new jersey and then virginia this week and democrats are totally clueless. you know, at the end of the day, we fed the debate, and i really believe vaccine hesitancy came from fauci buried the cdc, the nih, joe biden. kamala, jill biden. if >> laura: all because they've lied about natural immunity and whole bunch of other things but we will take it -- >> sean: israel, oh, the science. >> laura: but they have their reasons. great show tonight and i will pick it up. i'm laura ingraham, this is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight. just over 14 months after he shot two protesters to death and what he says this self-defense, kyle rittenhouse is standing trial. what's curious is that despite the high-profile treatment it received at the time, it's being virtually ignored in the mainstream press. why is that? well, we think we know and we are going to have a breaking report a little later on this hour, but first, command, coerce, control, that's the focus of tonight's angle. anyone who thought the general
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press losses on tuesday would humble them and cause a little sulfur flexion, you were badly mistaken. if anything, they are now going for broke on woke, or they want us to be woke and go broke. democrats know full well that they are going to lose huge in the midterms in 2022, so they need to hurry down the socialism road. this requires that the by demonstration and democrats in congress spend trillions of dollars we can't afford to spend to amass more control over every aspect of american life. >> america is back, whether it comes to fighting the pandemic of covid, whether it's saving the planet from the climate crisis, whether it's in norma's success with the global minimum tax, but covid, covid, covid, it begins and ends everything we do. >> laura: today we see how brazen their power grab really is with new mandates on american employers, biden is turning the
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screws on 100 million workers. you think an emergency directive under osha, the ministrations pandemic police is forcing about two-thirds of the country's workforce to choose between supporting their families and ty may not want and in many cases do not need. whether you are vaxxed or not vaxxed, this should disturb you greatly. biden's actions are plainly unconstitutional and illegal. if we submit to his role, we will have arrived at a point of no return. but there is some good news. a former high-ranking trump official told me today that the biden mandate is unlikely to survive legal challenges for a variety of reasons. first, these emergency moves rarely hold up under court scrutiny. for one, there is no common period for the public input. second, biden is clearly trying to regulate employees choices by threatening their employers. now, that becomes very obvious
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when you read what's actually in the osha rule. it doesn't require companies to pay for any of the costs associated with testing, nor does it require them to even offer testing at all. so the unvaxxed will also be forced to pay for this and then mask up at work. so you'll know who the unvaxxed are. you've got to point out the unwashed people, the unvaxxed people are buried on the other hand, oceans role requires companies give employees paid time off to get vaccinated and paid time for sick leave if they get any nasty side effects. and noncompliant businesses face fines of up to $14,000 per violation. of course that's unless democrats pass the build back better bill, which allows osha to impose fines of up to $700,000. if what's also curious in this osha mandate, it has a start date of january 4th, but it has
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no end date. in other words, submit now and you could be facing boosters and masks forever. biden is simply using osha to advance his own public health agenda rather than committing it -- permitting it to fulfill its statutory authority and address actual hazards in the workplace. that's a big no-no. we all know his real motive. biden has shown nearly as much hostility to unvaxxed americans than, well, as much as he has to the taliban. >> president biden: freedom. i have the freedom to kill you with my covid. we're going to protect vaccinated workers from unvaxxed coworkers. we cannot let unvaccinated do this progress -- undo it, turn it back. >> laura: if he was really worried about covid, biden, he checked on the border.
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yet they adamantly refused to do this, and they are encouraging spread of covid by releasing more than, what, about a million untested and unvaxxed illegals into the united states. think about that for a moment. the fact is employers already complained that they can't get workers. we've paid people for too long to stay out of the workplace, and it's not just in retail and restaurants, no, no, no, no, no. hospitals and trucking companies were already losing employees before the vaccine mandates started kicking in in the state. look at the mess they've created in new york. the economy is being held back there because of their crazy policies. and you've seen it, i've seen it, service everywhere is being compromised and now our health and our safety will be as well. thank you, joe biden. so because of this mandate, the worker shortage, the related supply chain problem issue, and inflation will all get worse.
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but the white house will not tell you that very inconvenient truth. >> the supply chain, the possibility of workers waiting because of these mandates [indiscernible]? >> if you're asking if we think the rules impact supply chains, the answer is no, we don't think that it will. first of all, vaccine requirements work. we have talked about them. >> laura: coercion works, in other words, threats work. if we had an honest press corps, they'd be hammering the biden demonstration with nonstop questions about this overreach day in and day out. instead, in typical fashion, they're all kind of giddy at the prospect of punishing their fellow americans. >> vaccine mandates among city employees, all front-line workers and the numbers go down. i just wish that people could look at the science. >> what you're hearing is experts who have been doing this all their lives, decades and decades certainly in the case of dr. fauci and government telling you what they have found from the data, that it works.
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>> i wish the deadline for the federal government were a little earlier, but i will take januarn nothing. >> laura: the democrats' response to losing on tuesday is to make work even less attractive for millions of americans, to force millions more to choose between their conscience and putting food on the table. and to turn employers into the covid police force of america. they know americans hate these policies, but they do not care. why won't the biden administration let this go? hospitalizations are way down, tens of millions of people already have natural immunity and fauci knows that it gives durable and broad-based immunity to those previously exposed. the red states leading the economic recovery from covid lockdowns are stepping up though to defend this new assault on our freedoms. among the states suing to overturn the mandate are texas, missouri, ohio, and florida.
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>> we started with 15 days to slow the spread, and now it's gone to get jobs or lose your job and this is 500 pages of a government of a bureaucracy, a government that is being run by executive edict not in accordance with the typical constitutional processes in the state of florida is going to respond and we will combat the osha rule. >> laura: from the beginning, the left never saw covid as a public health crisis. for them it was always a political opportunity to remake america, to put more people on the dole, to limit our freedoms, to push us towards the socialist order they've always wanted. they hate this country, they hate the people of this country and they will seize any opportunity to punish us. if polls are going to stop them, close losses won't stop them. they must be beaten over and over again until they finally give up. the losses began on tuesday, and more on the way next year.
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in the meantime, we will have to continue resisting and urged all elected officials, including any democrats who want to pass themselves off as so-called moderates, to join us. and that's "the angle." joining me now or two states attorneys general were fighting back against the biden mandate, florida attorney general ashley moody and ohio attorney general david yost. ashley, how will florida make its case that this should be struck down? >> well, laura, if you look at what the white house chief of staff himself was bragging about when this was first announced saying this is the ultimate workaround using an osha emergency row. i mean, look at what it means when you try to do an ultimate workaround. that's an ultimate workaround that is unlawful, unconstitutional, completely obliterates the separation of powers. affordable put up a ferocious fight, governor desantis and i pledged to support florida's workers, americans, to be pro-freedom and make sure that we are standing up for florida's
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sovereignty in court. >> laura: in an actual line in this regulatory filing that you just held up for the vaccine mandates, they claim that the osha act gives the labor secretary's -- secretary almost unlimited discretion to divide means to achieve the congressionally mandated gold of protecting employee health. attorney general yost, is that -- i'm going to go to attorney general yost for a moment. >> sure. >> laura: is that correct how they phrased that? >> it's absolutely not correct. if look, the president is not our nanny. he's not our doctor and he's not the congress. laws are written by elected representatives, not by executive fiat. and furthermore, congress did not delegate that much authority in the osha act to reach this far. this is supposed to be about workplace limitations, a railing to keep you from falling off the scaffolding, protections around
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a chromium pit or an acid vat. if not that's everywhere in the world when you walk out of the workplace, it's still there no matter where you go. the school, the church, the shopping mall. this isn't a workplace issue, it's a public health issue and just like everything else that this administration is doing, he's trying to pound around peg into a square hole. >> laura: attorney general moody, there's another portion of this filing that states in determining the type of health effects that may constitute a grave danger under the osha act, the fifth circuit emphasized the danger of incurable, permanent, or fatal consequences to workers as opposed to easily curable and fleeting effects on the health but i've got to say wait a minute, covid sounds like the latter. it's a temporary sickness, not a long-term disability. i know there's long covid and people of talked that, but overwhelmingly, it's a
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survivable illness that most people can get through, especially with early treatment -- much of the early treatment. of course fauci disavowed early on, what about that part of it? >> and yes. you've highlighted how absurd this is to try and force health care policy on the majority of american workers using an emergency temporary standard that was meant to address, you know, and eminence, grave danger and the workplace. you mentioned truckers earlier. think about truckers that have been driving throughout this pandemic alone in their trucks. they are not infecting anyone, some of them have already had it. this is in no way should be addressed through an emergency osha rule. >> laura: attorney general yost, bidens labor secretary has, well, interesting defense of this world. watch. >> how confident are you that you have the legal status to go ahead and get this done? >> we are confident.
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this is one step in moving there, making sure we have safety in the workplace and what we want to do is prevent other deaths. and how do we do it? making sure that workplaces are safe. >> laura: mr. attorney general, how does forcing nurses and health care workers to quit or to be fired prevent deaths exactly? >> you'll have to ask him. that didn't make a whole lot of sense to me. look, i think we've got -- have to look at the collateral damage on this aside from the legal implications. what happens to our supply chains that are already hopelessly snarled around the world? we are talking -- this vaccine mandate is going to hit shipping, trucking, warehousing, distribution and it's going to pour sugar into the gas tank of our supply chains. >> laura: attorney general moody, the defense of this is it works. you keep hearing them say it works, 98% of this company's workforce is -- you know, has taken the jab and then you find
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out of course that thousands of people have been terminated from their positions, whether it's washington state or new york or in some other cities in new england, and those are important positions. these aren't just like random restaurateurs, these are essential workers who are critical to our economies safety and health. is that working? >> we saw it here in florida where we had governments mandating vaccines were some of our first responders already had it. successfully pushed back, continue to push back what you hit the nail on the head, laura. this is about control. when we have to force them to open up our cruise industry, the judge that agreed with us said that it was unprecedented, breathtaking, authoritarian. they will say anything to maintain control. they will use any emergency rule to push some sort of mandate on the american people. it's unconscionable. general yost and i will continue
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to stand up and push back. >> laura: and mr. yost, when you think about the level of immunity, natural immunity, that is already circulating in the united states with so many people having been exposed to the virus, and yet they are doggedly refusing to acknowledge that natural immunity. what does that tell you about their real pro-science approach here when it's basic immunology at hand? >> well, i think that they are bought into a particular story line and a particular policy goal, and so they are saying whatever they feel they need to to get there. this has been an administration that has made no bones that it's frustrated by the fact that the elected representatives of the people, the congress, can't agree to do the things they want. they just don't have the votes, and so they're turning to force,
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executive fiat, ruling by edict and the president said a couple months ago that he was losing patience. and frankly i'm losing patience with his lawless ways. >> laura: just one question. do you think this is an opportunity to grow this pro-freedom movement in the united states with african-americans, hispanics, rural workers? you know, front-line workers. is this a new coalition we are seeing being put together here? >> i think this has been a shock to the american people. i mean, you see -- one a president of the united states comes out and says that he's going to start doing a federal mandate that's never been done, that they have unlimited authority to ensure there is 0% transmission, that's incredible power grab, and i think the american people are waking up, absolutely. this is not anti-vaccine, it is
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pro-freedom. >> laura: this is a precedent they want to send don't accept, it can stand. attorney general, thank you, both of you. and as the democrats try to jam more immigration provisions in the bill, the president is caught lying about payments to illegals and an illegal flown from the border to florida has just been charged with a gruesome murder. what the heck is going on here? congress and jim banks and john rutherford have answers and moments. my retirement plan with voya keeps me moving forward... even after paying for this. love you, sweetheart they guide me with achievable steps that give me confidence. this is my granddaughter...she's cute like her grandpa. voya doesn't just help me get to retirement... ...they're with me all the way through it. come on, grandpa! later. got grandpa things to do. aw, grandpas are the best! well planned. well invested. well protected. voya. be confident to and through retirement.
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♪ ♪ >> is the american people learn more about what we are doing in this legislation for families, for children, for women in the workforce, to save our planet, it will be very positive, you can't deny that it would be very positive. >> laura: very positive. let's be clear about what's going on here, the lying to everyone about this. they throw every provision inside is 2100 plus page bill is essential. that's a lie. the bill includes $500 million for recruiting in med schools, 10 billion to fund environmental justice programs at colleges and universities. in other words, more brainwashing. it shuts down oil and gas production in alaska that was already approved under trump in the media, they get a handout too in the form of tax credits to cover medicare taxes and
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journalist wages. can you see buying them off? and $1.75 trillion price tag, "the new york times" is reporting tonight that budget experts say the true cost of the legislation could be $4 trillion as lawmakers rely on a sleight-of-hand to bring down the price tag. so the democrats are lying to manchin, sinema, and everyone else about the true cost of this bill. i bet that they've been lying to ron klain, the chief of staff over the white house and biden as well. manchin should stop all further negotiations and go home to west virginia, start holding some town hall meetings and ask his constituents what they want him to do after you tell them the full truth about this bill, including its cost. i can't wait to hear their response, senator. the bottom line is americans can no longer be party to this unending waste in this
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unsustainable cost of living. enough is enough. you know it's congressman jim banks, chairman of the republican study committee buried the word outrage does not capture our feelings tonight at the angle about this. frankly, after looking at this, i'm at a loss for words. how any sane person can negotiate on these terms is beyond me. >> i couldn't agree more. late breaking news, laura, the rules committee in the house just reported out a new version of the bill just minutes ago and the house democrat leadership said we are not going to vote on it tonight, we are going to vote on it at 8:00 tomorrow morning, so over 2,000 pages of this latest version. i guarantee you notice single democrat is going to stay up all night reading it. i guarantee you that no one in congress can it, that's like reading the bible from cover to cover twice to read a bill that much in detail, so we are going to come back at 8:00 in the morning, why? why 8:00 in the morning you
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might ask? because the democrats have several flights scheduled to europe and asia that they need to get out around noon tomorrow because they got to make their flights to go to europe so they can go on a congressional taxpayer-funded trips to get out of town. so that's where we are voting on it at 8:00 tomorrow morning. >> laura: congressman, conor lamb said the quiet part out loud about what the democrat standing bill -- spending bill would actually mean for taxes on the middle class. >> if we want to propose a lot of new spending and adventurous new government programs in our party, we have to have the confidence to ask, you know, the middle class and people like that to contribute to it, and convincing the public to do that so it is easier to get them to trust and invest in the government. >> laura: invest in the government? is that what we're doing? i thought the government worked for us but now we have to invest in them. that sounds like the worst investment ever.
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>> it's just crazy. it's why they've got $80 billion in this bill for an irs slush fund to hire 87,000 new irs agents, an irs army to go out and look through your bank records because they need to go out and find the charge for these new irs agents to go find $400 billion to pay for the bill, so they're not going to find that from big corporations who have an army of lawyers to fight back and they know all the tax loopholes, they are going to go out and find $400 billion with the 80,000 new irs agents from all of your listeners, from regular people, working-class people and small businesses. that's who they're going after to pay for it. >> laura: he admitted it, conor lamb admitted that the middle class is going to be paying higher taxes because they don't have the money for this. they know they don't. they've been lying to biden and manchin and sinema from day one. they've been lying about this. and they said -- they floated the idea, congressman, about
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surveilling bank accounts, and initially it was $500 deposit bank accounts per year, they will start surveilling them, reporting requirements. has that been changed because they were floating some $10,000 limit, but that's millions and millions of americans. >> it is indeed and that's what this slush fund will do, hire 87,000 new irs agents to do exactly that, to surveilling your bank account. they don't get into the specifics in the bill, but they create the slush fund to hire this army of irs agents. it's dangerous. it's crazy, but that's exactly what they want to do with the bill, and they hope that nobody's going to take the time to read the bill overnight between right now and 8:00 in the morning when we are supposed to vote on. they are hoping nobody's going to notice. >> laura: of course the night. just like obamacare, you have to vote for it -- pass it to see what's in it and then the american people are always stuck with the tab. you've been going through it, we will check back with you soon,
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thank you. as democrats continue to push to include immigration amnesty in the reconciliation bill, it's worth noting what they ignore. we just learned that an illegal immigrant who posed as a minor while crossing the border has been charged with the murder of a father of four in jacksonville, florida. when he entered the u.s., he told me "mommy, i didn't go in with my name," his mother wendy told the spanish language univision network. i went in with the name of another person because right there at the shelter they helped me. three weeks ago a local jacksonville station said they counted 21 charter flights carrying these migrants into the area in just the last three months. here now is congressman john rutherford who represents jacksonville and tried to blow the whistle on this weeks ago. congressman, does this administration have blood on
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their hands? >> laura, i have to tell you, the clear consequences of the biden-harris catch and release policy of the southern border is a man now in jacksonville, the father of four, has lost his life. it's been taken by a gentleman who crossed the border, lied about his name, lied about his age, and then we released him to the interior of the country. dhs was unable to properly identify. hhs then took him into custody and was unable to properly identify him and then they released him into the country. and now when i look at this reconciliation bill, and they want 8 million illegal aliens to receive amnesty, when i look back at the fact that in the last year, laura, 144,000
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unaccompanied minors have come across that border. how many more of him are there in that group? how many more have come across and lied? and listen, i've sent letters to the department of homeland security and the health and human services. i want to know, how many of these individuals of that 144,000 have you followed up on to make sure that we know who they are, how old they are, and whether they've committed any crimes in this country back >> laura: not of them. they haven't checked up on any of them, we know that. we just know that. they are not checking up. come on, congressman. this is an all-out effort to change america. >> absolutely. and listen, laura, i will tell you, i want people to understand this. this is not a failed immigration policy at the southern border. this is their policy. if >> laura: exactly. >> this is exactly the outcome they're looking for. so don't -- you know, this is not some failed policy.
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this is their policy. and i tell you, the incompetence -- the incompetence of this administration is putting our cities all over the country -- this is not just a border crisis, laura. this is a -- this is a countrywide crisis because they are literally flying them all over the country. you mentioned the flights into jacksonville. >> laura: these are super-spreaders. i'm sorry, they are spreading covid. the only people spreading covid now is the u.s. government flying these illegals over and dropping them into communities they hope to change at some point i imagine electorally. congressman -- >> it's worse than that, laura. it's worse than that. they are sending people out kill americans. that's what just happened in jacksonville. >> laura: congressman, americans are collateral damage to the open borders community. they are just -- if they lose their job or undercut wages or dad or raped -- do you think the
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secretary home and security is up at night losing sleep over that? no way. you've blow it off of this, thank you for much, we will check back with you very soon. and well generals search diversely for all the whites of premises to the military, well, our forces are getting beat in military exercises. senator josh hawley is here on a stunning report out of california. plus, he tells us how he's going after merrick garland. stay there.
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♪ ♪ >> laura: secretary austin and general milley search feverishly for white rage within their ranks. their lack of focus on what the military should be doing is already having embarrassing repercussions. you might not have seen this, but the u.k. royal marines recently forced u.s. troops to surrender just days into a training exercise. during exercise in california, the british commandos dominated
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u.s. forces. and the u.s. asked for a reset halfway into the five-day war fighting exercise, having suffered significant simulated casualties. at one point, the commandos' kill board had a tech against almost almost every american asset. here now is republican senator josh hawley, member of the armed services committee. senator hawley, i mean, what is china thinking when they see this? the afghan withdrawal -- the withdrawal and now this. >> well, you know, they are probably wondering why it is the people like general milley and secretary austin spend so much time recommending books on white rage, on critical race theory and are not more focused on war fighting. here's my view, we got the best soldiers, airmen, marines, in the entire world. our soldiers are made in war fighters, let them fight, let them do what they do best and stop using the military as a giant social experiment, which
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is what the left seems to want. >> laura: speaking of general milley, and he's apparently confident that china is not going to attack taiwan anytime soon. >> is it your belief that china is preparing to make a move on taiwan in the near future? >> i would say that based on my analysis of china, i don't think it is likely in the next -- near future been defined as six, 12, maybe 24 months, maybe that kind of window. >> laura: oh, what a relief. i don't know if it's in the late-night calls to his chinese counterparts that he's gleaning this information, but i seem to remember him vastly overestimating another timeline recently, of course, in afghanistan. >> yeah, that's exactly right, laura and i have to say that general milley has been pretty darn casual about the threat from china. i asked him a very similar question before the armed services committee about china's intentions towards taiwan and he similarly was pretty dismissive, said i don't know, i don't know
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if that's really going to be a problem. he cast doubt on the chinese ability to even take taiwan. i can tell you there's a very serious danger that china will invade taiwan, and we've been warned by the commanders in the region, our commanders in the region, that this could come sooner than we had previously expected. we need to get ready to defend right now and what we really need to do, laura, is we need to get the time when he's ready to defend themselves. they need to have the ability to fight off china, to defend themselves, and we need to be ready to do it. and this ought to be the priority, rather than assigning our troops to read stuff on critical waste theory and white rage and white supremacy and all of these other left-wing pursuits. >> laura: we love the troops but under this leadership, you know, we can't beat the taliban, where going to take on the ccp? okay... i think that's a bridge too far given this leadership that we have, but senator, i have to get to some other big news tonight. you're one of a dozen -- dozens of senate republicans who passed a congressional review act resolution to strike down the
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osha vaccine mandate, but given -- i guess it would have to pass both changers and get the signature. what's the point, in a way? >> well, i think one of the points is to put the democrats on notice and to put them on the record. this is an illegal mandate, let's be blunt about it, 100% clear this is illegal. the president has no authority to order private citizens and private businesses to get a mandate against their will -- get a vaccine rather against their will and we need to put the democrats on the record is voting for this total lawlessness, but you know what, more than that we got to give -- we've got to give help to those state attorneys general out there are going to court right now as we speak, filing injunctions against this thing. i fully expect that this will get enjoined by the federal courts. again there's no legal basis for this and i hope the thing that struck down, the man to get struck down as soon as possible. >> laura: especially since there's no natural immunity exemption in his vaccine mandate.
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that's not even considered, and they rely on some -- the study has been dismantled by serious people, the cdc relies on the study about the waning effects of natural immunity compared to the vaccine, its bunk, so that's another thing. i got to get to your bill of rights, which i was very excited about that will protect the right of every parent to know what's actually being taught to their kids in school. tell us about that, because that's of course been our big issue here. >> yeah, i mean, this i think is one of the central issues of our time. you see the biden administration trying to use the fbi to silence parents. it's time that we gave parents some support and parents have the right protected in the law to go and see their kid at school, to know what's being taught, to know who's teaching them, to know where the school money is going, what organizations are getting contracts from schools. merrick garland's son-in-law makes a lot of money peddling critical race theory. i think parents deserve to know, who is being paid, is he being
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paid, or other consultants being paid? we need to enshrine in the law parents base grates to have control over their kids education and to be involved in it, the time has come. >> laura: thank you, fantastic news on that front, and why isn't the media reporting on the details of the kyle rittenhouse trial in kenosha? the testimony has revealed some inconvenient truths for the prosecutors trying to put him away. a breaking report in moments. i don't just play someone brainy on tv - i'm an actual neuroscientist. and i love the science behind neuriva plus. unlike ordinary memory supplements, neuriva plus fuels six key indicators of brain performance. more brain performance? yes, please! neuriva. think bigger.
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use code tv and get $50 off plus a free foot rest. ♪ ♪ >> laura: more than hereafter shooting two rioters in kenosha, kyle rittenhouse is finally standing trial. a why does there seem to be a media blackout on the actual case itself? perhaps it because the case against him seems to be crumbling. fox's chief breaking news correspondent trace gallagher has all the details from our west coast newsroom. >> at the heart of the case of more than a dozen videos, many of them were posted on social media the night of the shootings. another he is actually show the gunfire, though you can certainly hear it. but the videos show are the location about the shooter, kyle rittenhouse, and the men who were killed, joseph rosenbaum and anthony huber. but rosenbaum was of particular interest because the defense says he was the aggressor and that rittenhouse open fired in
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self-defense. the prosecution acknowledges that rosenbaum was chasing rittenhouse but it was rittenhouse that started the confrontation. but that was disputed by two witnesses who were actually called by the prosecution, mcginnis, who was recording the events for the website daily caller, says that rosenbaum was killed after chasing down rittenhouse and making a lunge for his gun. if in the prosecutor tried to do on some of the debt -- undo some of the damage by asking this. >> so your interpretation of what he was trying to do are intending to do or anything around those lines is complete guesswork? >> well, he said [bleep] you and then he reached for the weapon. >> other witnesses have backed up that statement. then prosecutors called a former army soldier who was also carrying an ar weapon that night. testified that rosenbaum was "hyperaggressive and acting out in a violent manner," including trying to set fires and throwing rocks.
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he said rosenbaum also told the people carrying guns that if he caught them alone he would kill them. a detective also testified that two seconds before kyle rittenhouse open fire, another protester fired a shot in the defense says the shot made rittenhouse believe he was under attack. the prosecutors maintained the shot that killed him was in the back but video clearly shows before rittenhouse pulled the trigger, he was the one being pursued. kyle rittenhouse was 17 at the time, he is facing life in prison. laura. >> laura: trace, fascinating, thank you. speaking of law and order, we turn now to long island, where two republicans flipped blue seats in the d.a. races there, largely seen as a rebuke of the new york bail reform movement. just how big a backlash was this? democratic county incumbent lost by 14 points to my next guest. suffolk county district attorney
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elect. we've seen this anti-lawn order movement get blown out across the nation. why did this bail reform law -- and explain briefly what that was -- resonate on long island. >> i think it resonated, laura, because we had a situation where crime rate is rising in the bail reform law creates a revolving door of justice where you're unable to keep certain criminals for crimes and it creates a situation where the public can't have trust in the criminal justice system because there's no sanction for certain actions. >> laura: it's easier to see why there was this backlash because earlier this year it was recorded that a knife wielding long island man, a suspect in a recent stabbing in new york city, had recently been released from jail in suffolk county due to so-called bail reform. but, all the police officers i've had the great privilege of
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knowing and keep in touch with have told me this. we arrest someone, we know they committed a crime and they are out a week later or in some cases, 48 hours later. it's time for a change or. >> absolutely. i think the problem is that the bail reform law is just a small part of an overall criminal justice reform law. each of these laws individually are bad, but when taken together, our complete disaster, talk about parole reform, less is more, clean slate law way to expunge a criminal defendant's record, including dna and fingerprint, so taken together, this is a disaster, and then you have district attorney's who rather than reacting aggressively to the laws that are on the books, they are further retreating, so you have an overall lack of criminal prosecution. >> laura: no cash bail is supposed to be part of the equity agenda, correct? i mean, that's how they sell it.
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it's more equitable for it to get rid of cash bail, but of course it actually worked, and it's hurting the people now. i want to move to the opioid epidemic, which is uncomfortable sometimes for people to talk about. it's hit your county really hard. in 2017, suffolk had three times more deaths from opioid's hundred thousand people than the u.s. average. quickly, how do you change this? >> i think what you have to do is you have to understand where -- the cause of the overdoses is fentanyl-lease -- cocaine laced with fentanyl. that's coming through our unguarded southern border and then it's coming up onto long island and drug dealers are mixing fentanyl with cocaine so you have to do is incentivize that conduct varied >> laura: ray, thank you and good luck to you. is pelosi secretly the witch from hensel and gretel? the last bite will tell you.
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>> the system was established where children, little children, to be able to get vaccinations to keep them safe. to keep their family safe. so we know how things spread in schools and to to see the beautiful pictures of the children getting a shot. of it all mike others proud of the fact -- >> laura: she is stick. but "gutfeld!" is next. ♪ ♪ >> greg: yeah, you better clap. so after tuesday's democrats bloodbath, you see more finger-pointing than anna johnny depp divorce. and most of it is directed at all those, evil, white people. right? >> this is isn't about enthusiasm. this is not about democrats doing enough to exercise their
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