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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  November 5, 2021 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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one more piece of good news, last night we received promising news about another potent and potential covid treatment, a pill developed by pfizer that may dramatically reduced the risk of being hospitalized or dying when taken shortly after infection if you are infected. if authorized by the fda we may soon have pills that may treat the virus of those who become infected. we have already secured millions of doses and the therapy would another tool in the tool box to protect people from the worst outcomes of covid. look, it is important to remember we need to prevent infections, not wait to treat them once they happen. vaccination remains the best way to do that. the pandemic is not yet behind us. this week's announcement vaccines for kids, more adults getting vaccinated. potential treatment for those
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who get sick we're accelerating our path out of this pandemic. the second way to make sure recovery is fully felt is to pass our bipartisan -- my bipartisan infrastructure agreement and build back better plan being debated now. i will be heading over there shortly after i do this press conference back to my office to make some calls. i want to say very clearly if your number one issue is the cost of living, the number one priority should be seeing congress pass these bills. 17 nobel prize winners in economics have said spontaneously wrote to me together and said this will lower inflationary pressure on the economy when we pass my bills. new analysis from the wall street firm of moody's analyst particular found it will ease the burden of inflation for middle class families. put another way these bills will provide families with, as my dad used to say, a little
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more breathing room. that's because the build back better framework lowers your bills for healthcare, childcare, prescription drugs and pre-school and families get tax cut. that's how you end some of the anxiety people are feeling about the economy. that's how we give people some breathing room. that's in addition to the infrastructure bill that will create millions of jobs rebuilding the arteries of our economy and by the way, these two bills add up to the largest effort to combat climate change in the history of the united states of america. right now we stand on the cusp of historic economic progress. two bills that together will create millions of jobs, grow the economy, invest in our nation and people, lower cost for families and turn climate crisis into an opportunity and put us on a path not only to compete but win the economic competition for the 21st century against all commerce.
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passing these bills will see clearly to the american people we hear your voices. we are going to invest in your hopes. help you secure a brighter future for yourself and your families and make sure that america wins the future in the process. i'm asking every house member, member of the house of representatives to vote yes on both these bills right now. send the bills to my desk and the build back better bill to the senate. let's build on what we've already done because this will be such a boost when it occurs. let's show the world that america's democracy can deliver and propel our economy forward. let's get this done. i'll be back to answer some of your questions when they pass and may god bless you all and may god protect our troops. thank you. [shouted questions] >> harris: there is the president of the united states trying to sell it and who is he
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talking to? because the people on capitol hill are right now deciding whether or not there will be these votes on these two bills, the one bipartisan infrastructure bill and then that what i call the giant green monster. it's green with our tax money and monstrous because of how much of our tax money they are going to spend on his agenda. even though they've lord -- lowered the price to under $2 million. it is estimated it could still be well into the trillions. we don't know. they need to score it and we need to see all the facts. moderate democrats need to see the legislative written text. it is an unmitigated mess. so he is selling it. he also talking about the jobs report and trying to say in essence his economy -- our economy can withstand the spending that he is about to do.
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so he is using those jobs numbers today 531,000 jobs created. so many vacancies that it is driving that unemployment number down because people stopped looking for work. we need the deal and the facts. the president says he is going to take questions later and that he is headed back to his office. we also know that in less than an hour the nation will be laying to rest and mourning the loss of general colin powell. he is due to be there with the first lady. let's get started. fox news alert. it's on now. on capitol hill if you don't vote with joe biden and the far left, these people are coming for you. >> why won't you fight for me? >> joe manchin, is it worth it? is the money worth it? is the money that important? more important than my life, joe manchin? is it more important than that
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your kids' lives? >> harris: wow. is it more important than your kids' lives, senator joe manchin. he never called him a senator. those protestors harassing a u.s. senator penned inside his car as house democrats are pushing to vote on president biden's multi-trillion dollar agenda. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus". speaker nancy pelosi is calling on the house to pass both those bipartisan infrastructure bills i just mentioned and the enormous social spending bill today. even though tensions are boiling over as we just saw and are seeing again now, speaker pelosi is still determined to push forward with taking a vote despite a recent poll which finds most americans know little or nothing about what's actually in the massive spending bills and many don't think it will actually help them. remember, that's what drives people to vote. i don't know if democrats learned that tuesday night or
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not. senator lindsey graham says speaker pelosi is dooming her own party. >> she is more worried about the squad than she is listening to the results from tuesday night and these are purple and blue states. it's people in really blue areas saying we've had enough of this spending, spending, spending, expanding the government. we're worried about inflation and this socialist spending bill they may vote on tonight is just pouring gasoline on inflation. to any democrat who claims to be a moderate, if you vote for the socialist spending package tonight you'll get your [bleep] beat and you deserve it. >> harris: it is on. aishah hosni live on capitol hill. >> good morning. the headline at this hour from the hill is that democrats simply do not have the votes right now to pass president biden's social spending bill.
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house majority leader steny hoyer told reporters a few moments ago we're still working on it. that is not a good sign. it sounds like they are still trying to whip those moderates who still want to see a cbo score, the true cost of this piece of legislation. here is what is on tap for today. so we do know that the bipartisan infrafruk tour bill is ready for a vote and passage. but before members can vote on the other one, the bigger one, build back better the house has to consider the rule of debate and debate it. speaker pelosi can only afford to lose three democrats in the house. it is a tight, tight margin. she has to convince these moderates who are not happy right now over how fast all of this is moving. first of all, democrats are breaking the rules. they are not giving lawmakers at least 72 hours to read this bill, more than 2,000 pages of it. second of all there is no cbo score, the congressional budget
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office score to tell all of us the true cost of this legislation. leader hoyer telling reporters that's not going to happen today. they won't get the score today and it is a big problem. another score out there, the war ton analysis estimates the 1.75 trillion over 10 years is closer to 4 trillion. >> what's really scary to me is history. in 2009 republicans won the governorship of virginia and new jersey and four days later nancy pelosi walked the democrats off the cliff and passed obamacare and trying to do exact same thing today. >> keep in mind this is not the final bill. it faces the senate. the senate must have a cbo score. part of the rules. you have to get past moderates like manchin and sinema. parts of this bill like family leave, immigration, very likely to get cut. bottom line at this hour democrats simply do not have the votes right now. they will have to do some serious arm twisting if they
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want to get something passed today. >> harris: quickly before i let you go reports of 1,000 or more pages released overnight late last night into this morning. what is that about and what does that mean? who is going to have time to read that exactly? >> it doesn't seem like anyone will have time to read it. they are going back and forth on the salt taxes and it will be a part of this. it doesn't seem like they will have much time at all. >> harris: nancy pelosi taught us how she wanted to be treated. pass it and you'll find out what's in it. aishah hosni, thank you. brian kilmeade co-host of "fox & friends" host of the brian kilmeade show on fox news radio. sometimes we simulcast. when you have a best selling book you show up. thank you for being here and glad you were able to come in. let's break this down with the president now. i know he said he will go back to his office and make some calls and keep working on this.
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general colin powell's funeral is less than 45 minutes away and he and the first lady have to be there. i don't know if he can get democrats to go with him at this time. >> joe manchin is not paying attention that's key. the problem solvers caucus that consists of a lot of moderates. they wanted to get the 1.2 passed first, the bipartisan bill with 69 senate votes. they caved on that in exchange for promise me you'll vote by september. everything that they stood for they kept moving the barriers but the salt thing is also very interesting where these high tax states you can write off your state taxes and people stay in new york, new jersey, california. >> dana: despite having the highest taxes in the nation. >> because you can write it off. president trump said we won't do that anymore. new york was outraged. they got a new president and he said i don't want to put that back. people like tom swazy with what
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happened on long island. others said without salt tax i'm not voting for it. a lot of moderates don't want to say goodbye to their career. >> harris: did you see the video of harassing joe manchin. anything can happen in those instances. >> they had to get security with these guys. >> harris: look how close these people are. the vehicle is moving. you are trying to slow it down and trying to stop it and anything can happen here. this is a toxic mix of desperation and disrespect. >> yeah. number one, that will make him dig in more. a tough guy. former governor. he was standing in front of a mine, a mine collapse and governor of west virginia and he has been attorney general and very calm under pressure. he won't break. kyrsten sinema. it makes you dig in more. people have pride. people screaming at you through your window won't get you to
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change your mind. it galvanizes. >> harris: you are putting your children at risk. who does that? >> if you are a moderate democrat today and mark kelly and want the job for six years why would you not be joining your fellow senator not only sticking up for her, if you are senator warner who told neil cavuto on tuesday we'll vote on the 1.2 bipartisan bill. what about the senator of new hampshire. why are you sacrificing your career with a speaker that will say goodbye in one year and a president who won't get reelected? >> harris: nancy pelosi is pushing for a vote as soon as possible. back in 2017 she pushed against g.o.p. efforts to ram through legislation without a congressional budget office score. an analysis moderate democrats are demanding. look at that.
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>> there was no cbo score on this. >> harris: but you have the house minority leader, highest republican in the house kevin mccarthy saying it will be more like $3 or $4 trillion. we know that. even joe manchin knows that and why he wants to see the text. >> he went to the university of pennsylvania wharton score and came out to 3.9 and why he called the press conference to say it's full of gimmicks. i don't go for that. i thought to myself is this mitch mcconnell or joe manchin? i was amazed. i told you i would go to 1.5. i give in and 1.7 and then you tell me you are playing games with the text. like going to the closing and find out your house is made of play-do. >> harris: the national review looked at the inflationary rescue. the promise biden is making is it will happen overnight. nationality review going after
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the plan. increased inflation, taxes, debt that will result from the proposal would eat away at transfers to the middle class. what matters to the households is not how much they receive but what they can buy. doubling your income is worthless if everything is twice as expensive. brian. >> attack inflation, the supply, what we're seeing now with 110 ships in los angeles port. we see now in texas and florida. tell me the credibility of that offer is when american people see uh-huhs will they think you are addressing the problem. we're seeing ignoring problems like the board, like afghanistan which they are told don't bring it up in the white house. don't bring up afghanistan and not reading the president in on his own policies on illegal immigrants and cut submarine deals and not telling him about it leaving him embarrassed on the world stage. >> harris: when you say the words don't talk about afghanistan.
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can you imagine how it pierces the hearts of the ones who lost the 13. >> harris: many have stayed behind is their take. i talk with lawmakers all the times and offices are trying to get people off. you said a key word brian, hustle. hustle. >> show you care. they say i don't agree with the president's policy. what is your policy? that's the problem. it is a good problem to have because we're ordering too much. lower our standards and stop ordering things is the way to get the economy to grow and that's the theme and what people spoke about on tuesday. i was struck really not only what happened with the virginia governor's race but seats flipped to republicans in new york city and long island. peter king for the longest time was the only republican on long island. now they have kicked so many to the curb. a lot has to do with crime. you can't diminish that. >> harris: the crime we haven't
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leaned in on but we don't have a lot of time to spend but we talk about it every day. if you don't feel it where you are now, it's coming unfortunately potentially to a blue city near you. >> no question. also bail reform that allows people to get out almost every offense in the same day. guy that came up with it lost his election to a relatively unknown republican in new york. >> harris: i hate it for the people in those cities. i used to live in minneapolis and kansas city. i want life to be better for them. what about here in new york in we'll move on. you have a brand-new book that's out. the president and the freedom fighter, abraham lincoln, frederic douglas and their battle to save america's soul available online and in stores now. what do you want the american people to get out of this book? >> a couple of things. they've been kind enough to allow me to put together a special that airs sunday at 10:00. what i want people to do when they talk about race today
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understand the roots of our race problems and how we've -- it came to a head in 1860. but with the two men that did the most to get us out of it and through it, what kind of lives they led leading up the that moment. we've been taught and heard lectures. what i want to do is do something about how they overcame obstacles that you wouldn't be able to conceive in order to be successful and in order to come together and these two unlikely people ended up leading us through our most difficult time and coming together in way nobody would have anticipated. the way they connected makes you just wish that somehow john wilkes booth missed. if they were able to live through the 1860s we wouldn't have needed the 1960s. >> harris: that's a bold statement. >> they new it had to happen that fled the slaves, 14th and
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15th amendment we would have been a dramatically different country and wouldn't need grant to rescue and bret would have had a different cover on his book. >> harris: bret baier. you guys are funny dueling book writers. you do your own researcher and a hard working guy. thank you for tackling this. >> thank you for asking me on. what a beautiful studio you have. >> harris: thank you. i didn't paint it myself. >> it's nice. >> harris: i mentioned to you where the president has to be. he said he was going to work in his office and get his spending through. the nation is about to focus on this. general colin powell's memorial service getting underway right now. president george w. bush has arrived. that is his former secretary of state, condoleezza rice. big moments in history coming up and it will be here for you live. we'll take you through it on the fox news channel.
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the democratic divide turning into the democratic blame game as alexandria ocasio-cortez, the squad member, congresswoman from new york says don't blame me. >> i think the results show the limits of trying to run a fully 100% super moderate campaign. that does not excite or energize the progressive base. >> harris: she is tooting inside the tent for those inside her party after the dem's big losses on tuesday night and we have this. >> deep state written all over it. in any event it confirms what we've known all along, which was that dossier was a bunch of baloney and should never have been given credence to begin with. >> harris: the new arrest inside the durham probe of the origins of the russia
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investigation. why republicans say it points to dirty tricks by hillary clinton's campaign again. in "focus" congressman jim jordan. veteran homeowners, this is the best time in history to turn your home equity into cash. because home values have climbed to all time highs. and so has your equity. turn it into cash now, while mortgage rates are near all time lows. the newday 100 va cash out loan lets you borrow up to 100% of your home's value. you could take out more than $50,000. use it to improve your home. pay off high rate debt. pay for big expenses. or put it in the bank for real peace of mind. now's the time to use your va home loan benefit to get cash before mortgage rates begin to rise. call now. bogeys on your six, limu. they need customized car insurance from liberty mutual so they only pay for what they need.
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dignitaries here and just a short time ago the president of the united states was trying to sell his giant spending bill and mentioned he would go back to his office to work. i quickly reminded everybody it might not happen in realtime the way he was saying it because this is definitely happening in realtime. we'll take a moment here to watch the hearse carrying colin powell arrive and let's just take in some of this moment, shall we, together? all right, as they round the corner here and you will see his casket removed as we often do in traditional fashion. you hear the church bells now and those are the moments i was pausing for and now we're
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watching this live together, the national cathedral in washington, d.c. a lot has been said about the former joint chief staff chairman first and then his service to the country as secretary under george w. bush and his presidency. but what many people may not know is his personal story. of course, since we learned of his death a short time ago, his family reported complications of the coronavirus, we do know he had battled mightily cancer and that makes the body weaker in every sense. so his last days were quite the fight but he was quite the fighter. while the nation may know those public things about him but privately his family was jamaican immigrants and the epitome of the american story where you have a dream and
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mainly in general powell's case, you have the discipline within yourself and the belief in yourself that you can rise and you keep at it and you keep at it and you win and you fail until you get to where you think you should be. for those who served under colin powell when he was at the joint chiefs of staff those are the types of things that were said about him. it was no surprise that he would go on to be in a presidential cabinet. but at the time, the nation was at war more than once. and his job was to lead and to make people believe, just as he had as a child that we know all things are possible especially in america. the hearse has arrived outside the national cathedral in washington, d.c.
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colin powell begins his journey home. i will try to see on the screen there who all is arriving. we know that former presidents will be there and former first ladies will be there. the doors will open, extended family, we're told, will arrive there first at the west end of this church and be escorted to their seats. some things will begin to happen in sight to us and also out of sight so this gets started on time. the pastor of the episcopal church and joined by the right reverend bud and randolph marshall and other reverends.
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there will be a tribute, the honorable richard armitage will read that. the honorable madeleine k. albright. his son, michael powell. and anne marie powell lyons. giving you a rundown of who will be part of all of this today. a lot of history will be talked about with regard to general powell, a lot of love of life and the way that he carried forth not just as a leader but as a husband, as a father, as a mentor. a very quiet, beautiful, crisp day in washington, d.c. and we are watching. as we know that they have now prepared colin powell's casket
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to enter the hearse that pulled up and we'll stay with this for just a period of time. i do know and my team knows this, too, that we have a congressman sitting by, republican congressman jim jordan. and i want to respectfully include him as soon as they tell me that he has arrived. congressman jordan it's harris faulkner. thank you for stepping in. >> you bet, how are you. your words are right on target about you have a goal, you have a dream and good things can happen in this country and it was colin powell's left and it was well said. >> harris: thank you. as we watch right now. you know this to be true, too, leadership is one of those things that sometimes you grow into. the military can get you ready for those things. but your previous life, your upbringing gets you ready too. the family members who are
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jamaican immigrants and you do it legally and go through the process. it won't be fast and there will be stops and starts and you won't quit i have to imagine that is a huge part of colin powell's legacy. not just personal story but his legacy. >> you are right on target. the baseball player had a great line one time said great things can happen to ordinary people willing to work hard and never give up. my favorite word in that statement is the word ordinary. we are all regular, ordinary folks but in this country ordinary people don't have to do ordinary things. they can do extraordinary things like colin powell if they are willing to work hard and never quit. that was his attitude and i'm sure that's what he told and gave to the folks who served under him in the military and he served in our military, served in our government and we appreciate that fine service. >> harris: absolutely. congressman jim jordan. thank you so much for stepping in and i will come right back
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to you. we'll also return right away to the funeral as soon as it starts. we're technically about 20 minutes away from that. right now the most powerful republican in the house kevin mccarthy is speaking. let's watch. >> 10% of americans say they know what is in this bill according to a cbs poll but i think that's the smaller on the democratic conference. the congressional budget office has not shown the american people exactly how much this bill will cost as required by the congressional budget act and the rules of our house. the cbo reports that they will only arrive as american families get an enormous receipt from their thanksgiving dinner there will be no cbo score energy thanksgiving. one clue we have at the price tag comes from wharton school. their budget model states the true cost of the democrats' bill is $4 trillion. that's twice as high as
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democrats have advertised or even four times because the president says it costs nothing. are members of congress even aware of this estimate? while democrats reconciliation plan has no transparency the tuesday results show an important truth. voters from virginia to texas to seattle to minneapolis to new jersey sent a mandate to their elected officials. stop catering to the progressive left and work on solutions to improve the lives of your constituents. even "the new york times" editorial board agrees. elements of the reconciliation plan are part of a sharp leftward push in the party. "the new york times" agrees you've got thousands to millions of voters who just gave you a very clear message. where are the democrats today? breaking their own rules, setting new records of just
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keeping votes open, and trying to intimidate and bully members to vote for something. why? speaker pelosi can get on her jet and go to europe for the third time in three months? they really should be working on fixing our supply chain crisis, but the democratic policies will create even more disruptions by shipping more of our businesses overseas. it appears congressional democrats want to do everything possible to continue to make things worse. the vote today is rushed and irresponsible. it just continues to raise the question of a speaker. is she more concerned at just being a lame duck, getting on her farewell tour, or working for the american public? you know, it's been said many times that shame me once, shame
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on you. shame me twice, shame on me. in 2009, the democrats got this exact same message from virginia, new jersey voters and four days later nancy pelosi did the exact same thing, rushed a vote on obamacare and 63 democrats lost their seat just a year from then. i would think people would learn from that. you have rules of the house but you have to know what a bill will do and what it will cost. we have members on the democratic side who said they would never vote for it unless they were able to read it. you have a leadership that's pushing and trying to intimidate. you have an american public that is pushing back saying focus on the challenges, the rising cost, inflation, created mainly by democrats' push earlier this year on their trillions of dollars of spending when we warned them not to.
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a border that is open, rising gasoline prices and looking to opec to solve the problem instead of allowing american jobs and american workers to solve it. and all today they want to rush through a bill that will cost $4 trillion and bring more harm and damage to the problems they've already created. with that let's open it up for questions. >> two questions. the motion to adjourn, will you keep bringing that to the floor and then long term if it still does pass the house and senate and if you do take back control will you try to repeal any parts of it? >> we would try to repeal anything that's damaging to the american public and incentivize american businesses go to another country, anything that would harm the supply chain that would allow china to become stronger and america to
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become weaker. there are so many problems within this bill. i do not believe even if it passed the house today it could pass the senate. we'll have to wait and see. >> for catholics and other believers out there the hyde amendment is not in the bill. your reaction to that? >> for 50 years republicans and democrats agreed that there was the law of the land regardless of how you felt about abortion, you shouldn't spend taxpayers' money on funding an abortion. what a tremendous shift that this democratic party has become. >> harris: we have been watching now the leader of the republicans inside the house minority leader kevin mccarthy. it is almost like a one-on-one rebuttal what president biden was talking about. i want to bring back jim jordan from ohio. the way it costs us zero, not
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factual, it's 1.75 trillion, not factual. the wharton business school and here are the facts. >> i'm thankful for the wharton business school giving us that number. the american people knew it didn't cost zero and knew it cost more. four trillion is the number. it is ridiculous. let's hope it doesn't pass. four times the speaker of the house said on this date we'll pass this legislation. four times it hasn't happened. she is 0 for 4. twice she summoned the president of the united states to capitol hill to close the deal. he is 0 for 2. they are 0 for 6. i hope this week makes it 0 for 7. this legislation is not good for the country and only exacerbate the other problems the biden administration has created in just 10 months. >> harris: the president a short time ago knowing that colin powell's funeral was
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coming up on his schedule said he would go back to his office and try to work on some of this. what is bigger than his legislative agenda to him right now? >> well, i don't know but all i know is everything evolves himself in turns out to be bad. the border is chaos, crime is up in every major urban area in the country. prices going through the roof. price of energy. we went from energy independence to the president of the united states asking opec to increase production and he didn't know the justice department was thinking about giving illegal people $450. maybe he didn't know where he was going today. >> harris: maybe he has picked up the extra added skill on a friday of multi-tasking. we shall see. the point you just made is i don't know how much more difference he can make on the
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phone. there is nothing bigger than his agenda to him apparently because he has tried so many times and failed. i want to get to this. a big development in the special counsel john durham's investigation looking into the origins of trump/russia probe. federal agents arrested a russian national a key source for former british spy christopher steele widely discredited dossier. break it down for us, congressman. >> this indictment and the one that happened a few weeks back with mr. sussman. they are not about these individuals lying to john durham and his investigative team. they are about the original lies they told in 2016 and 2017 to the f.b.i. that started this charade that was the trump/russia investigation. durham is going to the source when it all began and both of these individuals, sussman and danchenko have ties to the clinton campaign. it is interesting, oh, president trump was working with russia. that was baloney. in fact it was the clinton
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campaign who was cozying up to russia and people who had influence with russia. that's the irony of all this. i'm encouraged we'll hold people accountable who did wrong and put our country through this three-year ordeal that was based on garbage dossier and the garbage information that sussman took directly to the f.b.i. >> harris: further eroded the public trust in government overall. if you want to know if people want to know the truth about what happened. they always want to know that when it doesn't comport with what they're being told. >> the idea that government -- the i.r.s. a few years ago went back after conservatives and then of course what merrick garland did just a month ago with his memorandum to say we'll set up an apparatus to go after parents at local school board meetings saying we don't
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want hate america curricula taught to our kids. that's what concerns americans. why they spoke out so loudly on tuesday evening in virginia. >> harris: congressman jim jordan always great to have you in focus, thank you. thanks for being with me as we were memorializing colin powell. let's go back to kevin mccarthy. talking about the big win in virginia on tuesday. >> failed policies of what the democrats have provided us. every american is going to find out in a very short time period that their thanksgiving will be the most expensive they've ever witnessed. every week they find out when they go to the gas station how much more it costs because of these policies. i think it's going to be an easy campaign for republicans to bring more people to the party. >> what do you make of the idea in the current democratic draft
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of -- [inaudible] for some undocumented immigrants there wouldn't be a path to citizenship but a five year or whatever year goal. is that something you would consider given -- >> why would you ever do an immigration bill in reconciliation when you know the senate parliamentarian told you it is not? you're trying to buy off votes. i'm one who believes the immigration system in america is broken. so why don't we have an immigration bill based just upon immigration reform. why wouldn't we first -- >> [inaudible] >> i have talked about that before. if somebody has come here under the age of 18 and has come here illegally about working towards a path towards legal status, not to citizenship. but you would never do legislation like that inside reconciliation. what is happening is throughout the night, speaker pelosi is trying to buy off three or four
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votes. what is it today and what is it -- poor josh. that guy has been promised so much. i feel sorry for the guy. i don't know how many signed on the letter that he would never vote for reconciliation bill until this was passed. he voted for a reconciliation bill to start. she wanted bigger. every time she pulls the football out from under him we'll vote on it this week. i don't know how many bottles of champagne we have sent him but i feel bad for that poor guy. if she can do that time and again with groups of three and four to promise you something and then you vote for it but what she is doing to the american public right now is trying to pull the wool over your eyes. the rules of the house is the congressional budget office has to tell you how much it costs. this is going to be the largest bill in the history of america. largest tax increase, largest
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funding. and she wants to ram it through simply because she wants to go to her third trip to europe in three months for her farewell tour. i don't know how many more countries she can hit and not allow the american public to not know what is in the bill? why does she think she can do it? because she did it the last time they lost the majority. yes, sir. >> as the leader you talked about high inflation, high gas prices and i did fill my tank up this morning and gas was a little bit higher but i wanted to ask -- >> a little bit higher than what, last week? >> higher than last year. >> it was 3.46. >> come to california. you are almost $5 a gallon. >> my question is what did you make of this morning's unemployment numbers or job numbers, more than half a million jobs created in the month of october. is that a good sign for the
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biden? >> it's great for america. to the bidens, i don't know. they've been utilizing their poor job numbers to say why to build back better. if this was the case today why would you need the bill? yes, ma'am. >> paid family leave. some republicans have been supportive of. if it does get stripped out of the build back better framework is that something republicans would be willing to negotiate as a stand alone? >> the very first thing that has to happen is reconciliation has the fail. what republicans want to do is make sure people can have daycare that works well. you look at the child tax credit, republicans did put it within their bill but one thing that the democrats do different. this is what has harmed a lot. when they would take unemployment that republican support but add another $15 an hour beyond what your state did to encourage people to stay home and not go back to work.
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their plan they take away the work requirement. in their plan they expand it where 90% of all americans actually can attain it. so you can get a check every single day. their latest plan if i'm correct they don't require any social security number. what they are doing is american hard earned working taxpayer money would pay for people who are non-americans as well. it would create many problems and incentivize many problems throughout. i think it would be a long way before we would negotiate. >> you talked about how -- what is going on raises questions about speaker pelosi. what does it say about president biden's agenda? >> i don't understand your question. >> you have been saying whatever is going on at the moment reflects on speaker pelosi and what -- what does it say with president biden's agenda. >> it is a failed policy. let's walk through it. i appreciate the question. let's walk through what does it
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say about president biden's policies? okay. let's first look at his foreign policy in afghanistan. he lied to the americans who were there that they could come down. he wouldn't return the phone calls to our foreign allies who had their own troops and citizens there because america had been attacked 20 years prior. he would tell us to come to the airport, the americans who are there, and his own administration 30 minutes later said no it's not safe. the bagram air bass that he closed down had a prison where isis-k was. suicide bomber that killed those 13 american servicemen and women came from that prison from being opened up. he told us there was only a few americans left. we find out there are hundreds of americans still there. that's failed. he told us that he was going to secure the border. we know it's not.
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1.4 million people are illegal coming across. he told us when the public finally was able to see the hundreds of people sitting underneath a highway that he was going to send them back. we found he lied to americans and in the dead of night shipped people around the country. not one of them being tested for covid in a time that he is asking the rest of americans. he says in his policies as well that if you are here and you are illegal that you cannot -- law enforcement cannot come and arrest you in certain places inside america. but americans can still be arrested in those places. he told us that americans cannot have a pipeline that would produce a million jobs and environmentally sound to be able to move our gas and our oil in a more environmentally friendly way down to be produced in texas. he lied to and broke a treaty with canada and it also hurt
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mexico within our region but it hurt american jobs. but he allowed putin to produce a new pipeline inside europe which putin is now using it for the exact same reason to have influence inside europe. and building troops along the ukraine border. he now asks as gasoline prices rise to a level they haven't in seven years, he writes a letter to opec to produce more but tells the producers in america they can't because he shuts them off of federal land. when parents come before the school board meetings because with covid they can now see on zoom what's being taught in their schools and they want to know what's being taught to their children, he asks the attorney general to go and investigate the parents. every element of his philosophy and policy has been a failure. it is not my opinion. it is the opinion of the millions of people who just voted last tuesday to send him a very clear message.
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but nancy pelosi and president biden are tied together because two times he has come down to these chambers and asked people to vote for those failed policies. he has his members who work for him in the administration down here trying to influence. he has his cabinet members calling trying to influence democrats to vote for it even though they don't have a score on what it costs or what it would do to this country. so yes, i have a long opinion but it is not just my opinion and not just in america but around the world. so we're trying to change the course. we're trying to build back that america could actually have jobs in america and not put a tax code that punishes people. if they are successful in just, just the global minimum tax will make it more competitive to more your business overseas. when we were able to change the tax code last time you had no inversions. you had people moving their
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businesses from overseas here. i remember i was at a school one day talking about the competitiveness and america how it's been more competitive by other countries when we are trying to do the tax code. one student raised his hand and said how did america fall behind? i asked him if he played any sports. he said he was a swimmer. i said let me give you an analogy based upon swimming. picture america after world war ii and we are at a swim meet competing with every other country. we jump in the pool not only do we win, we dry off before second and third arrives. when the next year comes we think a lot of countries got damaged more than we did during world war ii so we should probably raise the taxes on america or provide greater foreign aid and put a weight belt on for five pounds and every year we add another weight belt so pretty soon we have a 50 pound weight belt on and you know what? we no longer win.
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the rest of the world looks around and says why don't you swim like you used to? what we have to do is remove the weight belt. what the reconciliation is bigger than a 50 pound weight belt. not only will it make us not win but it will make us sink. it will enhance other country's ability to be more competitive than america. i have strong opinions about his policies. yes. >> leder mccarthy if democrats pass the build back better bill it will continue the monthly child tax credits through next year but would expire at the end of next year. so what would be your position then? would you want to continue it with changes or let it expire? >> great thing about in congress we have to make decisions about everything not a little silo point. we don't have all the money in the world. we have to look at it. prioritize what we would spend our money best on for the future. it goes to show with your question exactly what the wharton school was saying, that
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the president is not telling the truth. this bill does cost. it costs $4 trillion and a reason why they want to run the bill through without having the cbo tell you how much it costs. there are gimmicks behind this and even why "the new york times" criticizes it as well. it is really interesting. from "the new york times," the wharton school, to the millions of people that voted you would think they would wake up. chart a new course. >> would you let it expire then? >> it is not before us today. we aren't in the majority. a good hypothetical and good try. >> house republicans response to the bill that would limit the -- [inaudible] to make settlement payments to families that have been separated at the border. does congress have the authority to prevent the department of justice from making the pay-outs? and president biden saying it
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won't happen. >> yes, congress has the right and authority to do that. what do i think of the president saying it is not going to happen but his white house walk it back the next day and say yes, he is supportive of it? it just goes to show to the earlier question. many times president biden tells us one thing that doesn't seem to be truthful with his own administration taking action for another. the only thing that will happen if that is the case it will give greater incentive to more ability of people coming across here illegally and do a greater incentive to americans to question bhas going on in this administration. one of my biggest fears. i think you should ask this question. why would two people on the terrorist watch list from yemen, you cover from california. why would they come in illegally from mexico to california on different days? who are they talking to? what do they have planned and
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why are they here? other people i'm told have been caught but won't provide us the information on the terrorist watch list. more than 160 countries people come from. you just had the mishap in afghanistan. we had more than 5,000 prisoners of some of the worst people get out. we've watched what their actions have been in a few days where they killed 13 americans. men and women soldiers. my question is if you keep a border unsecure you are making america unsecure. yes ma'am. >> file another motion to adjourn this now, is that going to keep going on? >> republicans will use every tool in our tool box to try to save america, the try to stop the reconciliation bill. there will be many things we do. >> some of your members and many democrats are planning to go to scotland for this climate summit. i'm wondering where you are right now on the idea of this
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central idea about keeping temperature increase to 1 1/2 degrees or less on the planet. do you think it's the correct goal and how do you think it can be achieved if so? >> i'm not a scientist. you won't reach that if you allow china and russia to continue produce. i think natural gas is very clean. i think what president biden is doing about raising the price in america make us pay more but still buy it from somewhere else. america has the ability when it comes to natural gas. american natural gas is 42% cleaner than russian natural gas. but all the actions this president is taking i don't think helps us environmentally. if you watched in the last decade we lowered our co2
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emissions and becoming energy independent. what else we did was lower the cost in america for our consumers. there is a better way to do it through technology and science than what they are currently doing. all they are doing is causing pain to americans and making china stronger and allowing china to pollute. last question. >> with regard to the childcare in the reconciliation bill. some of the people say that it is an attack on religious liberty because federal funds cannot be used to fund -- for a parent to fund their child going to a religious school. your reaction. >> that's wrong. they won't allow religious entities to utilize the money as well. it seems like it is an assault on religion time and again from removing the hyde amendment. something people have been able to be a part of. administration has a lot of things wrong with them. this is one of the tops. thank you all very much. >> harris: there you have it.


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