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tv   Cavuto Live  FOX News  November 20, 2021 7:00am-9:00am PST

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♪ ♪ will: just in time for the holidays, order rachel and sean duff the my's new book -- duffy's new book. rachel: this is for your mom, lawrence. ♪ neil: a day after the decision, relative calm. some demonstrations in portland, in kenosha, in chicago and in new york. but not nearly as much as some authorities had feared. so after a judge now has taken a look not only at a case, but so has the jury in the fate of one kyle rittenhouse, gauging the impact nationally.
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welcome, everybody, and happy weekend. i'm neil cavuto. and the fallout from a decision that polarized the nation in one of the most scrutinized cases probably since o.j. simpson. let's get the very latest of how things are looking in kenosha with alexis mcadams. >> reporter: that's right. 18-year-old kyle ratenhouse walking outside of the courthouse here in kenosha, wisconsin, now a free man. people were preparing for fallout here in denobody that shah, but this morning things remaining very quiet. let's go back into the courtroom as we watched for two weeks things unfolding here. the illinois teen shot three men, killing two during the unrest following the police shooting of jacob blake last summer. kyle rittenhouse breaking down in court, grabbing his knees and sobbing as he stood in front of the judge hearing he was found not guilty on all five counts. also in the courtroom, the loved ones of the two men killed by kyle rittenhouse.
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>> we need to focus on what's most hurtful here to these people, myself included, which is the loss of life and the sanctity of life. i am not pro-violence or pro-destruction at all. life is more important than any of that. >> reporter: the jury deliberating for more than 23 hours here, the defense saying that the jurors had confidence this entire time because they heard the facts of the case and telling us they were also confident. even though they chose some of the people in this case that they thought were going to go behind and deliberate, those people didn't end up being chosen to see this case through. pointing to the teen's teary testimony, rather, as a pivotal point in this trial. >> when we prepared kyle and we worked on his testimony, there were things we couldn't talk about in my office because it got too emotional, and he
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couldn't handle it. remorse, i think, manifests in oh ways. in other ways. >> reporter: we did try to talk to the prosecutors in this case, they did release a at the same time telling us in part the jury representing our community has rendered its verdict in the kyle rittenhouse case. while we're disappointed with the verdict, it must be respected, and we're grateful that the members of jury kept this going on and were diligent and also thoughtful during all of these deliberations. back out here in kenosha, we are expecting some marches here in the area, but things have been very calm on the ground. the emotion was very high in the courtroom, but kyle rittenhouse, his security, his mom and his two sisters leaving this area very quickly after finding out he was not guilty on all counts. the family telling fox news they feel he was slandered this entire time before he even went into court and found out he was guilty, and they -- not guilty, and they plan to file legal action. neil: alexis, thank you very much. great reporting on all of this
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in kenosha. they are concerned whether there could be a dust-up in activity the or even violence. so far that has not appeared to be the case, but more demonstrations are being planned today. nothing of the violent type we've seen in other cities far from kenosha. the owner of a bigly in that community -- bakery in that community is kind enough to join us. ann, so far, i guess, so good, but what can you tell us in. >> it seems very, very peaceful. i just, i feel that this town has gone through so much that i believe that the people that want to protest will possibly do it peacefully and, hopefully, that will be the case. our small businesses can't take much more of anything. we're trying to stay positive and strong here because our community is a good community. and we want to portray that to people that want to come and
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visit. this has been a very, very hard year and hopefully by the time this is done, we can move past all of the terrible times and focus on positive and good ahead. neil: did you take any precautions, anne, after the decision or expecting the decision, one way or the other in. >> no. we kept abreast of what was happening down by the courthouse, and we did have boards if we needed to put them up, but we saw that things were a hot more peaceful and a lot more urn control. -- under control. we were prepared this time versus before we were not. so, no, i just -- i was cautious, very cautious. and hopeful that we wouldn't have to go through it again. neil: you had every right to be. you know, anne, it's interesting because even though you're close to kenosha, there was far more
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activity in places like portland, new york city and chicago, nothing resembling that in kenosha. what did you make of that? still early. >> i, i just really believe that everything that we went through, it was so traumatizing last summer. to go through that again, i don't believe that this town wants to do that. i don't think it was actually kenosha doing that per se as more people coming many from out of town -- in from out of town doing that. i pray that, you know, in the future that we can just keep moving into a positive direction and do peaceful protesting. i just hope that we all can come together as a community and be strong and be one. neil: all right. we are showing -- you can't see it, anne, but some video from back in the summer of 2020 after the shooting of jacob blake which really was the start of all of this.
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nothing like that now, what was going on then. but i'm curious, is your shop going to be open today? are other shops, stores open for business today? >> yes. we are open for business today. and we will continue to be. we haven't done anything out of the normal. we have to keep continuing on. this is my business. this is how i make a living, and in order to do so, i have to remain open. i have to remain positive. i have to let people know come in, see us because, you know, that's what we're all about. we have to keep moving forward, look forward, be positive and keep moving. neil: remarkable, anne. i understand what you sell too in that bakery is quite the draw, so it is a great uniter. some good, sweet food. a anne, thank you very much. good luck to you today and in
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the days, weeks ahead. >> thank you. neil: anne benson, oliver's bakery not too far from where all of this went down. so alex, former assistant u.s. attorney. >> good morning. neil: you keep hearing experts who say that the turning point in this case was the testimony of kyle rittenhouse himself. that had he not testified in his defense, it might have been a very different outcome. what do you think? >> absolutely. a self-defense case is almost always dependent on what the jury believes about the defendant's state of mind. it's very hard to get that across to a jury even with video just through other people's testimony. so if you're going to make a self-defense as your primary defense, it's the almost imperative that you testify in your own defense. neil: so what was it and where and when maybe do you think that the prosecution slipped up? some say from the very beginning, you know, jumping a
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complete reported investigation and the findings on what happened in the shooting of jacob blake, but then not even waiting for that and getting the case revved up. >> well, i don't think they had a very clear message from the beginning, from their opening statement on as to what their theory was to defeat self-defense. it is very hard as a prosecutor to convince a jury beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant did not act in self-defense. you have to actually prove that. you don't just prove they committed the crime. from the opening statement, there was never a clear theme from the prosecution as to how that was the case. they talked about provocation, but they never really led the jury down that path. neil: you know, i'm curious what you make, alex, of the legal case that raten will have going after news -- rittenhouse will have on going after news organizations and ohs who portray thed him as everything from a nazi to a ku klux klan member and that, you know, that is ample legal ground for him and his lawyers to pursue.
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what do you think? >> well, he may go that route. we have very strong protection under the first amendment for those sorts of defamation cases, so i think those will be hard cases for his lawyers to prove. ultimately, you know, press organizations like fox news have a great deal of lee in what they report -- leeway. so i think here he may have some discreet examples with specific publications, but the overall tenor is not going to be a fruitful avenue for them. neil: you know, alec, you're a great lawyer, former u.s. attorney. i'm just curious what you make of what kyle does now. indications are the family will move out of the area. we don't know where. but we do know he's one of the most recognizable young men in america right now, throughout the world. that will, you know, begin to subside as time goes on. but what is he in for in what is his life likely to be at least in the near term? >> you know, i think anytime you have a case like this, you know, there are some individual
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families and people, the victims' families and kyle rittenhouse, for which this circumstance is obviously the most traumatic time of their lives. and i think how you transition at any age whether you're a teenager, early 20s or you're an adult, it's incredibly difficult. so, you know, i sat with defendants in these sorts of situations even when they win, your life is turned upside down. and i hope everyone is able to find a semblance of normalcy. i recommend folks don't get in the public eye. it's not helpful to push yourself into the media firestorm because, you know, your life isn't really contained to the media. one piece of your life was, but you need to go on living it. i always tell my clients you need to continue to live your life and not get caught up in the exeternal factorings. -- external factors. neil: alex little, former u.s. assistant attorney. we're going to be looking at other cases, including ahmad around berry. that one could be a very, very
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different matter and how the prosecution handled that case versus how this one was handled, night and day. we're also exploring how the president is celebrating his birthday today, 79 years old today. he has commented already on the rittenhouse case. we'll give you the latest including that big spending package that was an early birthday present for him from at least the house. the senate, maybe not. after this. black friday deals early. full of savings to make the season twice as nice, and twice as merry. buy online and pick up in store today.
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neil: all right, sort of a split view from the president versus the vice president on the kyle rittenhouse case with the vice president saying clearly there's a lot more work to do, not at all pleased with the jury's findings clearing kyle rittenhouse of any wrongdoing. and the aftermath of those attacks. but from the president of the united states, a measured response saying that the jury system works, and we have some
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issues by this, but in the end it's one thing to be angry and concerned, quite another to be violent. i'm paraphrasing here. but the president is in wilmington, delaware, he's celebrating his 79th birthday. that's where you'll also find our david spufnlt david, it's clear to me, at least, that the president and vice president are not on the same page in terms of how they reacted to this. what do you make of that? >> reporter: well, i think, neil, they're both frustrated by this verdict. i mean, president biden said that he had some concerns with it. he was also asked about it on the south lawn yesterday when he returned from a medical appointment, his annual doctor's physical at walter reed. but the reason that he put out a statement saying that the verdict is the verdict and we need to accept the verdict, i think it was a chance for him to call for calm which for the most part as we've seen in our reporting, things have largely been calm. vice president harris was in columbus, ohio, yesterday for a separate event.
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she was asked on the tarmac before boarding air force two about verdict, and she gave a much less measured response expressing frustration. but the president seems to have some frustration with this verdict but said we have to accept this verdict, that's what he said on the south lawn, and that's what he said in his statement yesterday. neil: yeah, that we have to abide by it even though, to your point -- >> reporter: abide by it. neil: i'm just wondering where this goes from here because there have been concerns there would be follow-up demonstrations or riots. we saw a smattering of them, but he's more focused now on, i would assume, the house passage of that large spending measure. it was close, but now he's looking forward to the senate. where does that stand? >> reporter: well, the margins in the house, if you think the margins in the house are razor thin, just wait until this moves over to the senate. you mentioned today is the
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president's 79th birthday. he's here in wilmington, delaware, celebrating with family and possibly some friends. we're waiting to hear from the white house what he's going to celebrate -- he's doing to celebrate his birthday. there are still a few more hurdles because it has yet to pass the senate which the president says likely will come after thanksgiving. the final vote tally was 230 yeas, 213 nays. build back better did pass. house speaker nancy pelosi was asked about bill moving to the senate where there is that uncertain fate. >> it's called the legislative process, and the house does not just write any bill that they think the senate will pass. we find our common ground. >> reporter: now, it's about finding that common ground. republican leader kevin mccarthy delivered the longest speech in house history, 8 hours and 32 minutes. he blamed democrats for the
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repercussions of this bill. here he is. >> every page of this washington spending shows just how irresponsible and out of touch democrats are. >> reporter: now, this build back better package marks the late in a long line of government spending programs that date back to the early days of the pandemic during the donald trump administration. let's look at a few of these here. 192 billion in march 2020 responding to covid, also that month 2.2 billion in the cares act, another covid relief program, rather. then a month later $511 billion for businesses struggling from covid. as you can see the theme here, these are all covid-related n. december 2020, 99 15 billion for covid -- 915 billion. in march 2021, $1.9 trillion the american rescue plan, $1.2 trillion this month for
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infrastructure bill within the last few days and an estimated $1.85 trillion for the build back better act. of course, we're seeing numbers 1.75, 1.85, some are estimating it as over $3 trillion. the reason there's not a specific number is because the senate has not put its paws, some people would say, on the, so there may be stuff taken out or added in. when president biden was asked about this on the south lawn yesterday, neil, he said he believes this will happen at least after thanksgiving, it could be before christmas, and that's where may see the numbers go up, go down. it all depends on what the senate wants to do, largely too kyrsten sinema and joe manchin. neil: right. whatever they do has to go back to the house, so this is pretty nasty. david, thank you very much. david spunt with the president many wilmington, delaware. by the way, there is a gap here
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in what the president says versus what the congressional budget office says this costs. and it's a significant difference, about $367 billion. so how do you fill that gap? do you cut the spending or hike the taxes? or do you do both? ♪ ♪ i don't just play someone brainy on tv - i'm an actual neuroscientist. and i love the science behind neuriva plus. unlike ordinary memory supplements, neuriva plus fuels six key indicators of brain performance. more brain performance? yes, please! neuriva. think bigger. ♪“i swear”♪ jaycee tried gain flings for the first time the other day... and forgot where she was. you can always spot a first time gain flings user.
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neil: all right, we really haven't started in earnest the thanksgiving week, if you will, travel season here, but it's already off to a record if you think about it, the u.s. screened about 2.25 million passengers on friday. that's the highest since the start of the the covid-19
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pandemic. that's coming from the tsa right now. again, the real busy part of the travel week kicks off as soon as tuesday of next week, expected to be busiest travel day of the entire week. so get to the airport, get there early and be prepared for crowds. we'll keep you posted on that. also keeping you posted on the cost of this mega-spending package approved in the house of representatives. there was a little problem with it, though, it's apparently a tad more expensive, a lot more expensive than the administration or democrats have been saying, about $367 billion more pricey. that's according to the congressional budget office. and that's over ten years. now, the administration argues that the cbo didn't take into account, you know, the response the economy will get to all of this stimulus. it's always the contention among republican or democratic administrations on scores that
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don't suit their particular views here. but if that still stands, then how do you rectify that so is it doesn't cost, you know, one dime and bring us into a deficit by one dime, as the president says, well, you could cut the spending or increase the taxes, or you could do both. let's get the read from francis newton the stacy, optimal -- director of strategy. [laughter] brandon arnold here as well, national pax tayers' union -- taxpayers union executive. guys, thank you very much. you have long argued that this package that targets the wealthy the pay for it won't end up having the wealthy as the only ones paying for it. what do you make of what the cbo has found which seems to indicate you either tap the wealthy more, or you move down the tax food chain? what do you think? >> yeah. actually the, the joint
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committee on taxation released some really interesting data on this last week, and they said people making $50,000-$200,000 will see tax increases in many years of this plan. now, people make over a million dollars, on the other hand, in the first year of this plan are going to get $47 billion in tax relief. that's more than what they got under the tax cuts and jobs act. so this is a really, really messy form of legislation here where you see the middle class get tax increases and the wealthiest getting tax breaks. it's not fair. it's poorly constructed. neil: you know, frances, it's going to be probably mightily changed in the senate if it even gets done in the senate, so what do you see happening? >> well, what's really interesting is, yes, the senate is going to have its hands all over it, and i think it wil look very different as the infrastructure bill did. however, the thing that is tax thed on the lower and middle income brackets is inflation. and inflation is proving not to be as transitory as even i
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thought it would be. an optimal strategy. but anyway, my point is that the only way to have this new money come in not exacerbate inflation is to raise taxes because when you raise taxes, you pay more of the federal debt down, and paying that money down then removes it from circulation. inflation is the amount of money in circulation against the amount of goods, and right now we have too much money, too little goods, and that's what's causing all these prices to go up so if you're going to pass this and say it's not going to affect inflation, then you're going to have to raise taxes to make that even mechanically, potentially a reality with a lag effect. and so i think that the senate is going to have to confront that reality. neil: you know, josh, i'm curious what if the senate doesn't agree with this, doesn't pass anything relating to this? how do you think the markets
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would react to that? >> well, that's an interesting question because the markets have gotten kind of addicted to deficit spending, to the federal reserve artificially keeping rates low to finance the spending, and this has been going on for years. to so to kind of end that might be dramatic to the market. but, you know, what's worse is if inflation isn't transitory, then because the federal government is not going to do anything about it, which would be raising taxes and cutting spendings, then the federal reserve has to do the heavy lifting, and that's harder on the markets. it increasing the borrowing cost on our government, makes mortgages go hire. kicking the can so the federal government can't get anywhere near balancing a budget during a boom economy is going to cause more harm to the market. to keep this to the inflation thing, yeah, i would argue we'd have to have even more tax revenue than it spends to be not
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inflationary because the democrats are so much on focused of taxing more out of the wealthy and giving more benefits, again, moral judgments, when you tax the jeff bezos, that money wasn't getting spent on much. and if you give it to people whether through dental benefits or whatever, that's consumption. and right now since we're not in a recession, we have an excess of consumption, and that is going to be inflationary. it's the opposite of a trickle down supply side. in a boom economy where there's too much demand, you don't want to give more -- [audio difficulty] neil: yeah. i'm just wondering if that compound itself though. if spending begets more inflation and the inflation only gets worse with more spending, what are we looking at here? you might be at point, brandon, where even if they hold the line on increases to the super rich like jonas, then that's one
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thing. extending it, expanding it, that's a whole other thing. >> inflation is out of control. we have the highest inflation since 1990 when ice ice, baby was the number one song in the land. they've a been failing at since day one. the american rescue plan act injected more funds into consumer demand, it ramped up consumer demand at a time when supply was lagging due to logistical constraints, manufacturing delays, and this plan would double down on that strategy. it's juicing demand even more when manufacturing and logistics are still being delayed due to covid issues. so this is going to make the problem a lot worse. it's the reason why people are saying already thanksgiving is going to be 15% more expensive in terms of your meal, there's going to be shortages of christmas presents, some items aren't going to be on the shelves. this is hitting real americans in a very significant way. neil: all right. we'll see. because it's the certainly hitting americans when they go visit the pump, and signs right
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now that the next stop at the gas station could be setting some records for you. we are all over that and the implications of that right after this. ♪ ♪ life is a highway, i want to ride it all night long. ♪ if you're going my way, i wannant drive -- them. but when the twitching and jerking in my face and hands affected my day to day... i finally had to say, 'it's not ok.' it was time to talk to my doctor about austedo. she said that austedo helps reduce td movements in adults... while i continue with most of my mental health medications. (vo) austedo can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington's disease. pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, behaviors, feelings, or have suicidal thoughts. common side effects include inflammation of the nose and throat, insomnia and sleepiness. don't take austedo if you have liver problems,
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neil: all right, a lot of questions
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about whether this country can continue to sustain the big increases we have been seeing in gas prices right now that are up depending on where you fill up, anywhere from 40-50% over year-ago levels and likely to go still higher. the read right now from dan murietta that, secretary, very nice of you to join us. how high is high as you see it, secretary? >> neil, great if to be with you again. look, i don't know how high it's going to go. it's already too high for many americans, and it's something that we have to address in very short order. i think one of the challenges, neil, as we look around the world and look around the cop26 conversations, for instance, there's a big push toward electric vehicles, and that's true and fine, but the challenges that reviewing energy policy around the world and particularly here in the united states solely through the lens of climate change. i'll give you one quick that
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statistic. right now the best battery that we have produce only one-tenth of the energy density of fossil fuels. if that's true, and it is true, then electric vehicles will not provide the amount of energy that americans are demanding in the marketplace. in other words, energy will still be scarce, energy will still be expensive, and is we probably haven't seen the the tops of energy prices if that's course that we're going to pursue. neil: you know, it's interesting, secretary, i did notice in this latest measure more than half a trillion dollars is focused on climate change-related issues. there's nothing in there about the fossil fuel industry. now, that's the preference of the administration, i get that. but i'm just wondering how different things could have been had we been all in on all types of energy dating back to the first day of the administration
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had it not necessarily shut down keystone, but been open to keeping it open and all these other things it wanted including wind, solar and what have you. what do you think we'd be looking at now? >> well -- [audio difficulty] the important point here, neil, is it takes all sorts of energy to produce the amount to keep the economy growing at the pace we -- [audio difficulty] it takes fossil fuels, it takes wind, it takes solar. when you pursue a policy -- production of energy -- [audio difficulty] neil: all right. secretary, i'm very sorry, sir, but we have some all of a sudden owe issues with you. i hate to do this, but hopefully we can fix them, but i want to thank you if we cannot. former secretary of these united states, again, pointing out something you're all seeing for yourself when you drive to the
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pump. it's getting pretty scary, and that is something that's going to resonate at the polls. these issues are not just some passing fancy. they're clearly not transitory. how is that resonating with all types of voters? and i guess particularly independents. >> i think independents are the most impacted by what we're seeing today. democrats continue to support democrats, republicans never did. the independents gave the democrats all the benefit of the doubt. they're losing it. more than 50% of americans right now are blaming president biden for the situation we have with inflation. they're not buying the fact that there was nothing that he could do about it. they're not buying the the fact this is temporary and a result of the pandemic. people say the buck stops with him, and there's got to be policies that are going to make things better. while infrastructure is wildly popular in and of itself, only 1 in 4 americans are saying it has
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any benefit to me right now, and i'm feeling a lot of problems right now that are hurting me. i'm feeling the impacts of inflation. i'm not feeling as confident about the economy as i used to. so we're'ing a huge switch -- seeing a huge switch in sentiment not just towards the president, but also the party. for the first time in a very long time, democrats are losing on the generic ballot, and that's really, really bad news. neil: yeah. that was the poll that showed if you had to choose today whether you'd pick a democrat or republican congress a year from now, it was a 40-year turn around on democrats, levels we've not seen in all of that time where they said we'd prefer the republican by a healthy margin. i am curious though, lee, about the administration's move this past week to have the ftc, the federal trade commission, to look into the runup in gas prices, sort of throwing it out there that there could be some price rigging going on among you
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could think cynically this to sort of shift the blame here or what do you make of that? how do you think voters will ea react to that? >> i think it depends the outcome, but i think right now a lot of voters out there, and this is something i've heard over and over again, that are tired of the the blame shifting. they're tired of, you know, hearing there's nothing i can do to change the prices of oil. there's nothing i can coto combat the impact of inflation because it's because of these complicated supply chain issues and all these other thing, it's going to resolve itself shortly. it's not my fault because energy companies are ganging up on us. and so it really seems the problem really is that the president isn't taking responsibility. he keeps saying all of these issues are really complex. the american people are saying it's your job to simplify them and come up with solutions. fix it. you've been president now for this whole year. let's get with the program now. we're feeling pain. it's your job to fix it. you promised us that you'd do
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better, that's your whole campaign, you promised you were going to bring us together and unius. -- unify us. most people aren't feeling any better about the political environment, in fact, many people are feeling things are even worse than they were a year ago. so i think the president has to take some responsibility and has to show some action. what is he going to do for us to fix this problem. it can't just be a blame game. neil: just quickly because republicans could be getting ahead of themselves. i know they're seizing on all these democrats who are not running for re-election in either the house or the senate, a record number at this point. and they seem to be seizing on that that this is a precursor to sort of a newt gingrich republican revolution event that we saw in 1994. what is the risk to republicans in this environment? >> the risk is that they become complacent because they're benefiting right now from some
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failed policy moves on the part of the democrats. the republicans really need to come together and tell a better story n. 1994 when you think about how newt gingrich, you know, took the republicans to victory, it wasn't just by saying the democrats are terrible. he said we're going to make a contract with america to do these ten things to make your life better. the risk is if they don't come together, unify and come up with a plan how to make things better. they've got to run on something that is symbolic and important to all of us that's going to make things better. they should look to the road map in virginia. virginia was a great road map for republicans. it wasn't just running against democrats, it was running for parents, it was running for the idea that you know what's best for you, and i'm going to give you the plans and policies to make sure you're getting the best education and future in virginia. that's what republicans need to do, we're running for you. we're not running against democrats. americans are tired of the rhetoric, of the mud slinging, of the, you know, the fear-based
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politics. so that's the biggest risk that i see right now. it's a big opportunity for republicans to come together -- [inaudible] neil: got it. lee carter, great seeing you. hope you have a great thanksgiving, lee. in the meantime, if you are traveling this thanksgiving, i hate to break it to you, i told you about crowded airports. how about maybe some wicked weather? after this. your a1c with once-weekly ozempic® can help you get back in it. oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! my zone... lowering my a1c, cv risk, and losing some weight... now, back to the game! ozempic® is proven to lower a1c. most people who took ozempic® reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. and you may lose weight. adults lost on average up to 12 pounds.
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neil: all right. get ready for some crowded skies if you're flowing out this weekend. already a record number certainly since the pandemic lining up in the nation's airport security lines on friday. a preview of coming attractions. and i'm not talking just crowded skies, but maybe worrisome ones. talk of storms that could buffett much of the country. if you're going to be a top meteorologist, as she is, she joins us right now taking a look at what we could be looking at. >> reporter: thank you so much. i want the take you live flight track ther right now. we have you watching that nor'easter. the good news is it'll come through, it'll bring some rain and weather, i don't think this is a major shutdown type of storm. instead we look at the major travel out east as we look at this realtime from
7:49 am we're loaded up this morning. a few delays, really not a big deal. you can see the green on the screen. that's all systems go with only limited delays. when that goes yellow and red, we start to get concerned. i-95, we are looking at rain showers, heavy rain through florida, miami all the way up to melbourne. we're tracking this storm. this is the low pressure i'm talking about. comes out of the great lakes, brings some showers, maybe up to an inch in spots especially for the ohio and tennessee river valleys. the cold air gets your attention because it brings a chill. takes the temperatures down on the thermometer, also brings the feels-like temperatures down. perhaps up to an inch of rain in the ohio and tennessee river valleys, that's where we get the wettest. so you are dodging some showers the eastern anywhere of the the u.s., but it's that cold air that really has a bite to it. airport delays, this is really the entire week of thanksgiving. seattle and boston, we could have some delays on monday. into wednesday start to get a
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little concerned maybe about the central portions of the u.s., right now not showing up, but around kansas city wednesday that's something we'll watch. thursday if you're a late traveler coming through the coastal states, this is where you've got to be heads up because we could have delayed, a front coming through there. no, of course, travel that will trigger some travel trickery, shall i say. that's the real spot. but, neil, all in all, i don't think major headaches, just some delays here and there that you've got to dodge. neil: all right. i'll look at the half full glass of that, amy. >> reporter: exactly. [laughter] neil: all right, amy. have a great thanksgiving. amy freeze following those developments. do you ever think that sometimes russia and china do things in coordinated fashion? i'm talking about seoul, south carolina, saying russia and china are entering its buffer zone? you already know about vladimir putin sending 1 is 00,000 soldiers, you know, just on the border with ukraine. they're not there to take in the
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view. china in increasingly provocative talks about us and western capitalism. it's like they're a tag team. should we worry? after this. take advantage of lowe's black friday deals early. full of savings to make the season twice as nice, and twice as merry. buy online and pick up in store today.
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neil: all right, just add them to the latest scare tactic, but this time what appears to be a coordinated on seoul, south carolina, says that russian and chinese war planes entered its buffer zone. general keith dell ago on what to make of them -- kellogg. what do you think's going on here? >> neil, is that to me? i'm sorry. neil: yes. what do you make of this?
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>> thanks for having me, neil. they're testing the united states of america, and they see a very weak leader we have. it's a feckless leader in our president, and they understand and see that. just this week when president biden was talking to president xi, he didn't even bring up covid, origins of covid. we've lost more people to covid than we lost in world war ii. didn't bring that issue up, kind of sat back a little bit when they pressed the taiwan issue. people look to the chief executive internationally and see what kind of individual he is and his temperament out there. when i was with president trump, there were times in the oval office all of us would take a deep breath. i've seen him hang up on a foreign leader, talk harshly with a foreign leader, but he also represented the united states in a forceful fashion. putin sees it, xi sees it, macron sees it. they all look at the president and say, okay, what is the temper of this guy, what kind of
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makeup does he have -- neil: do you think, general, do you think they're testing president biden, right? that's what's going on here. how should he be responding to the provocation now that south korea is raising these concerns? >> well, he needs to respond -- he doesn't have to respond militarily, but he has to respond verbally to start with. he has to tell them these actions are unacceptable, and then you could sortie your military forces out there and represent the united states of america in a forceful fashion. but you could also do things asymmetrically. you could work closely with your allies. in pacific region alone, you know, president trump was -- [inaudible] to rescind article ix of their -- send a message out there to the entire world, this is unacceptable. tell the world -- neil: general, i'm rudely jumping, i'm rudely coming -- we're out of time, but we'll watch this very closely as you remind us. we have a lot more coming up
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here. we'll give you the latest from kenosha right now. things are are very, very calm there and they have been, and they hope it will continue that way. after this. let's open your binders to page 188... uh carl, are there different planning options in here? options? plans we can build on our own, or with help from a financial consultant? like schwab does. uhhh... could we adjust our plan... ...yeah, like if we buy a new house? mmmm... ... just like schwab. schwab! look forward to planning with schwab. are you taking a statin drug to reduce cholesterol? it can also deplete your coq10 levels. i recommend considering qunol coq10 along with your statin medication. the brand i trust is qunol.
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kim is now demonstrating her congestion. save it slimeball. i've upgraded to mucinex. we still have 12 hours to australia. mucinex lasts 12 hours, so i'm good. now move! kim, no! mucinex lasts 3x longer for 12 hours. >> the relative calm after the decision that was supposed to, we were fearing, trigger a nationwide storm. some violence across the country as we got news that a
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jury dropped all charges against kyle rittenhouse, but now questions, what happens today as people continue to weigh this, measure this, and in some cases in cities like portland and in chicago and in new york, protest over this. ironically in kenosha, wisconsin itself, relative calm. the latest from there. alexis, how are things looking now? >> neil, good morning. well it's a lot different than people expected it to be depending what the verdict was, but kyle rittenhouse walking outside of the courthouse with a security team moments after finding out he's a free teenager here and it's very calm outside of the courthouse and it was staged here waiting for that verdict has now gone and people now in the community coming back and trying to check out the scene and how it's going to play out today. we have a talked about local businesses, you talked to the bakery, who says they're preparing just in case. we haven't seen any major
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safety concerns for security concerns. let's get to what happened in court. the deliberations going on more than 20 hours and more than two-week trial here in kenosha, wisconsin to find out if they were going to find that kyle rittenhouse was guilty or innocent. and the rittenhouse family was emotional and kyle himself grabbing his knees. and the teen found not guilty on all charges and following the police shooting of jacob blake in kenosha last summer. the families of two killed by kyle rittenhouse, the girlfriend telling she was not surprised by what happened in the court, but heartbroken they needed to look more specifically at the wisconsin law, too, that ended up leading to a dropping of the weapons charges for the teen. the family feels this is pivotal in this investigation and finally feel he's clear, kyle rittenhouse and can move
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on, but believes that the tearful testimony that so many washed closely when he was up there on the stand talking about what happened that night played a big role in him being proven innocent in this case. the kenosha county district attorney telling fox news that they respect the jury's verdict based on three and a half cases of deliberations and that it was highly contentious. in kenosha, the courthouse behind me there was only a little bit of protests happening and most of the emotions staying inside the courthouse. one person was arrested and somebody wrote on the court steps, but it was just in chalk. it was different than last summer when you saw the unrest and buildings that got damage and the reason that the business owners were preparing just in case. neil: let's hope it stays that way. thank you very very much in kenosha. another big case we're closely
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following in georgia right now and of course concerns the situation of ahmaud arbery, the 25-year-old unarmed black man killed by a white police officer and there, the prosecution so far is getting higher marks than the prosecution did in the kyle rittenhouse case. let's get the very, very latest from charles watson in brunswick, georgia. sir. >> hey, good morning, neil. the defense did rest their case calling only seven witnesses to the stand one of which being travis mcmichael the first of the three defendants on trial here to speak publicly since ahmaud arbery was killed. on the stand mcmichael testified that he and his father recognized arbery running and seen on a neighbor's camera prior. and thinking that he possibly committed a crime and possibly armed, he and his father grabbed their guns and pursued
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the 25-year-old in their pickup truck and he said that he ran around the truck and attacked him and he says that's why he was forced to shoot and kill the 25-year-old. he grabbed the shotgun and i believe i was stuck. >> what did you do? >> i shot. it's obvious that he was attacking me, that if he would have got the shotgun from me, then it was, a life or death situation. >> now, neil, under cross-examination, the prosecution poked at mcmichael's self-defense claims, that arbery never spoke a word to him and never presented himself as a threat as he ran for five minutes away from the mcmichaels and william roddy bryan who later joined the chase in his pickup truck. >> and demonstrated that he didn't pull out a gun. >> that's correctments he hasn't said one word to you. >> he has not. >> not threatened you in any way verbally or physically.
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>> no, ma'am. >> now, on friday, defense attorney kevin gough called for a mistrial equating the event in and outside of the courtroom of a public lynching of the defense and this is following a rally of black pastors, led by al sharpton, after rebeated comments about barring black pastors from the courtroom. >> we've never-- we are here today to pray for this family to have the strength. >> now, neil, the court did deny that motion for a mistrial. closing arguments are expected to begin on monday, neil. neil: charles watson, brunswick, georgia, thank you very, very much. i want to go to ted williams a former d.c. homicide detective and the lawyer as well. it's the lawyer part of him i don't trust. good seeing you, my friend. and two very different cases and one where the prosecution
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is faulted for one screwup after another and in this case, the arbery case just the opposite. what do you make of them? >> well, as you've said, neil, good morning to you. it is absolutely two different cases. in the kyle rittenhouse case, we have a great deal of videotape that could very well be in dispute and when i say in dispute, meaning that people could see it through various different lens. in the trial-- kyle rittenhouse case, we are looking at self-defense and also as you know, in the ahmaud arbery case, they're looking at self-defense. but when you look at self-defense in the ahmaud arbery case, the one key thing when you're talking about self-defense is, who was the aggressor. and in this instance here, ahmaud arbery is just running
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through a neighborhood and you have these two men, father and son, greg and travis mcmichael get their guns and they chase after this man and they decide to come upon him and ask him what is he doing in the community. he doesn't have to say a damn thing to them. and all of a sudden, there is a wrestling match over the gone and he's shot and killed. in the rittenhouse says here, you have rittenhouse with a gun or as someone law enforcement officer said to me last night, they don't know why rittenhouse was there, a 17-year-old with a gun that night. and he was. he was, you can see attacked from the back by rosenbaum initially, who he shot and he killed. and then huber attacked him with a skate board, who he shot and he was killed. and then you have a guy named
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gabe grosskreutz, and under the circumstances, and the jury spoke. >> the three involved. travis mcmichael, greg mcmichael and william bryan, they said they were trying to detain arbery because they thought he had stolen something from the site. and no evidence of that. but in the early stages he did nothing threatening at all. how does that resonate with a jury? we still don't know what will happen as they sort of weigh this, but what do you think? >> i think, neil, this self-defense is just going to be just that in the minds of maybe the mcmichaels and roddy
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bryan. look, the kid was just running. he didn't have to stop. you didn't see him commit any crime, none whatsoever. he made no threatening moves towards you. we learned that through travis mcmichael. i think they're going to have a difficulty with self-defense there but i can tell you the defense is something very smart in this case, they put travis mcmichael on the stand and while he was on the stand, he spoke about how his father's had several heart attacks, how he's had strokes. he wanted to humanize his father before that jury and not to have his father to testify. he also said roddy bryan had really nothing to do with this and i've got to tell you, neil, i think that roddy bryan may very well be the weak link in this case because roddy bryan sees the mcmichaels chasing this guy, roddy bryan doesn't
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know what is going on. he then gets in his truck and he videotapes the situation where roddy bryan may have made his mistake and where he may be charged with aiding and abetting when he's been alleged to have try to block off ahmaud arbery while he was running. there are moving parts here, but i can tell you it's a far different case of what is going on in georgia versus what's going on in kenosha, wisconsin with kyle rittenhouse. neil: so a good idea for the defense to let kyle rittenhouse take the stand and testify on his own defense, maybe bad idea for the defense to do that in the kies of travis mcmichael? >> i think it was a horrible idea to put travis mcmichael on. he looked like an idiot up there trying to defend himself in an indefensible manner, but
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when it came to kyle rittenhouse the fact he took the stand and the fact he was able to cry whether those tears were real or false, i don't know, but the jury bought it they want today hear from kyle rittenhouse and they did in fact hear from kyle rittenhouse and may very well have made the difference here. neil: ted, i always learn a lot listening to you. thank you for coming in on a saturday. ted williams, a former d.c. detective and a lawyer and how he combines that is a mystery to me, but he does that very, very well. there was a big news development besides the trial going on. what's going on with spending in washington? it's still going on to put it mildly. the house approving by the narrowest of margins a measure that calls for at least $2 trillion in spending depending how you want to count it and the congressional budget office says it's going to be pricier than billed. and among those who did not
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vote for that measure, joins us now, congressman, great to have you. where do you think this is going? were you surprised by some of your moderate democratic colleagues, all, but one that went along with this and the higher spending tabitah the cbo cited for this? >> there are two points to this. yes, i was surprised. i was very surprised, there supposedly still are some moderates, some blue dogs left although i noticed when i was on that side of the aisle, the tolerance for moderation and the tolerance for somebody more conservative was growing less and less. so i don't think there's much there anymore, but you know, neil, there are two important parts. what the cbo said basically this is going to cost more than the president ever told you and i'm going to tell you, it's going to cost more than the cbo is saying because a lot of the programs have been shortened to make a smaller price tag for it
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in the immediate future, however, in a couple of years, these programs are going to have to be renewed and very often when a program is put in place, as you know, it always gets renewed. secondly, and really importantly, i think that people need to speak about more. in order to get, you know, the price tag or the numbers that even want to get close, they have put in all of these terrible programs and he think we need to speak about that more. more taxes, more fees, more costs, more bureaucracy, paying tax-funded abortions. undocumented being granted amnesty. undocumented being given money. hiring some 80,000 irs agents to go into our personal accounts and really go after us. one thing we don't need is a whole lot more irs agents. so in order to be able to get any kind of an acceptable cbo score, which frankly, i don't think this one is, you have to do terrible things.
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what i'm, two pieces to this. neil: got it. >> what you do to balance it out is terrible and something we don't want. in my office, neil, bbb can stand for a lot of things, we call it the big bad bill and i wish someone could do western lyrics and the big bad bill it's going to hurt the country. neil: we'll see what happens, congressman. obviously you're not a fan of this. and virtually all of your republican colleagues agree. and when we come back, a democrat who sees things differently. why she's optimistic this will pass and make a big difference for the country after this. take advantage of lowe's black friday deals early. full of savings to make the season twice as nice, and twice as merry. buy online and pick up in store today. at heinz, every ketchup starts with our same tomatoes. but not every tomato
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could save on your prescriptions, and to get our free decision guide. humana, a more human way to healthcare. - [announcer] love the delicious taste of fried foods? now you don't have to say no. enjoy all the crunch without the calories when you create healthy, delicious meals with cuisinart air fryer toaster oven. our innovative technology lets you fry food with ultra hot air and 98% less oil for healthier results and no messy cleanup or lingering odors. with seven functions, this multitasking oven also bakes, broils, convection bakes and broils, warms, and toasts, so you'll use it every day. say yes to healthy and delicious with the cuisinart air fryer toaster oven. >> all right. you heard from a republican not too keen on this big spending package that was approved by the house by the narrowest of margins and the democrat think it will do good for not only
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for the party, but the country the democratic party is talking about. representative debbie dingell, deputy whip and house communications committee co-chair. congressman, good to have you. >> neil, good to see you. happy almost thanksgiving. neil: there you go. to you as well. >> you might have heard with your republican colleague said from new jersey, that there's a lot of waste in this and more than the cbo and administration outlined. are you worried that that could doom it in the senate? >> i think there will be changes in the senate, but i don't think it's going to be doom. even senator manchin said in the last week or two said we could get it done in the christmas. what the discrepancy was, when people pay their fair share, how much would the irs be able to collect. i've talked to many economists outside of the cbo when people are really going after people and paying their fair share,
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that we will be able to collect that money and by the way, i don't want the irs. i was someone that was violently opposed to the irs tracking expenditures over $600. that's not what's being talked about. what's being talked about is the large-- 15 large corporations paying nothing in taxes. they should be paying their fair share. we have people, wealthy billionaires that are avoiding paying taxes and that's where we need to collect it from not-- >> congressman what is fair share? you take a look at the top rate. >> well, something. neil: and it's going to be well over 50%. i mean, is that a fair share, especially when 40% of the american people, maybe some for very good reasons, pay nothing in federal income taxes? >> well, do you think it's fair that we have these large corporations that have not gotten tax deductions for relocating overseas and paying
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nothing in. neil: that's not my question, do you think that the layer the cost of this, top 1%, fair share, and 40% in the country pay no federal income taxes? they wonder is that crowd if you want to look at them, a crowd, and a small crowd, but a rich crowd, that they keep hearing every time that the tax rate goes up, that that would be a fair share. now we're over 50% at the top rate and it sounds like to you that that's closer, but not quite a fair share? >> so, look, i think that warren buffett even said that he could pay more of his taxes. i've talked to-- i'm lucky enough to know several of these billionaires who don't believe they're paying enough in their taxes and when you talk about 40% of the people that aren't paying taxes, an analysis 40% by the next time you and i talk i want to break in and understand the numbers.
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and some are millionaires and billionaires who aren't paying anything, and then we have those struggling and below the poverty lies. >> it used to be in the 1950's, congressman, that virtually everyone in this country was paying something in taxes and i'm wondering if that is disproportionate, is that a problem going forward? >> i think everybody should be paying something and those that make more should be paying more, and i think it's very easy to take a paintbrush and 40% number, hide what is the real breakdown is. neil, i can't give it to you right now, but i will in another week when i hang up on this call or this. neil: i'll looked forward to that. in the meantime, congressman have a great thanksgiving and we'll see where it goes. in the meantime, a couple of things we're following out of the blue, the president hinted out of the blue maybe boycotting the winter olympics in china? after this. e.
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>> all right. the biden administration is seriously considering a diplomatic boycott of the beijing winter olympics a few months from now. they're caught everyone off guard because it never came up in the virtual summit he had with his chinese counterparts, xi jinping. but apparently the threat is real and it's on the implications, of course, enormous right now, just a couple of months before the games kick off. with us right now is mike, the great thing i get to talk people who are legendary, you remember him the 1980 miracle olympic hockey team. captain mike, so nice of you to join us on the phone. how are you doing? >> i'm good. how are you doing. neil: i'm okay. very honored to have you, mike.
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>> thanks. neil: thinking in 1980 people forget the winter games went on in lake placid, but the summer games that year were canceled. president carter's response to the soviet invasion of afghanistan at the time and if you remember four years later the soviets returned the favor not participating in the l.a. games in 1984. when you hear this back and forth, what goes through your head. >> don't punish the athletes, is the first thing that goes through my head. we learned nothing from moscow except the athletes didn't go. don't then this and that, and then the athlete don't get to compete. i was when he was vice-president and vancouver and we go to sporting events and a couple of dinners.
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leave everybody home and let the athletes go and let them compete and there's other ways to sanction china, but don't use the athletes to threaten to do it that way. neil: i was thinking in your case, had at that same policy had been in effect we would never have the 1980 miracle on ice. so imagine what we would have missed, right? >> yeah, that's the thing, you miss the incredible sporting events and incredible athletes who worked so hard and trained year in and year out for at opportunity to represent their countries. what's going on in this country now, we need our athletes to go over there and we need to see our athletes on the podium and our anthem being played and we need to see them celebrate the hard years of work that they've put in. so, again, that's how i feel. and a special time for me, it's not like a super bowl or a world series we have it all the time. these athletes train every single day for four years for one moment, one race, one time. and again, i just don't like it
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when we try to deprive them of that opportunity. neil: you know, i'm just wondering when you look back at 1980 and everything that went on back then, now 40 years ago, it really was something that no one saw coming and i know you've been asked about this and immortalized in movies and what have you. do you look back at that and say, my god, we did something amazing? >> you know what? i look back on it 41 years later with my teammates and we never knew that we would touch so many people's lives in such a positive way. the moment was bigger than a sporting event. in the country at a time that was looking for something to feel good about and it happened to be us, a group of hockey players that had great values and work ethic and i think the people of the united states saw that and embraced it and 41 years later they still embrace it. neil: for good reason. you're a big part of that, mike. but would you do me a favorite,
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mike and start aging? it's been 40 years, it would help if you started getting older. >> that part-- the sad part is my grandkids don't know who i am. neil: well, i know who you are. the nation knows who you are. thanks very much, the words of wisdom from a guy that electrified the nation, a whole nation that needed it at the right time. maybe it's the wrong time to tell you this, the cost of that turkey dinner you're planning is the most expensive it's ever been and the good news, there are ways around it after this.
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>> all right. here is the good news, thanksgiving is less than a week away. of course, you like to be with your relatives. who doesn't? that's great. the bad news it will cost you an arm and a turkey leg, the most expensive thanksgiving we've had, about 14% more expensive than last year. the supply disruption, and supply and demand and you don't care about the details, but you're paying more and you don't appreciate the sticker shock, i for one can't blame you. trying to help you figure out alternatives or what you're looking at is stu leonard, i won't say upscale, but sort of a very, very unique grocery
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store and it's big in new york, connecticut, new jersey tri-state area and stu is the big cheese. happy thanksgiving. >> maybe a big turkey i am, right. neil: what's going on, stu? why, first of all. are we dealing with this and how has the impact been on turkey prices? >> with he will-- well, over all i would sigh a bump in fuel prices and first time in my life i spent $100 to fill a tank of gas in the car. so, you're seeing this all over. there's a little bump in thanksgiving and here is what i'd like to tell everybody, least expensive holiday in the year, talking $2 a pound type turkeys and everything. so look at filet mignon and rib roast you'll be having in a month for the holidays and everything. i wouldn't say that people
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should panic, but prices have jumped up a little bit. now-- >> what do you recommend, stew, when that happens and the turkey has to be the centerpiece still and how do you guide them and how do your customers find a way around them? >> you know, neil, first thing i'd say, make it yourself. okay? i'm showing you a dinner that we have at stew's that was $175 for eight people right here, and we've seen this, like 300 plus percent jump, over triple because people are going to larger gatherings. our dinners for four are down 50% so you're seeing larger gatherings, but you can get something like this $22, less than that per head and it's like thanksgiving in a box and the same price this year, $175. the cost has gone up, but i think what i've done with our suppliers, i've talked to our
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turkey farmer and fishermen and ranchers and everything, they've asked for price increases because fuel is more expensive for their tractors, et cetera. i said i'll split with it. i'm going to absorb half and the farmers are going to absorb have. don't panic, this is an inexpensive holiday. don't freak out. probably cost you more to get to your thanksgiving dinner the fuel costs than the extra cost of your meal will be. neil: what do you think is going to happen on this -- with the uptick in prices? do you think it slows down? what are you looking at? >> well, neil, you know, really feel-- we ride the supply and demand curve all the time. you know, like it's raining in california right now, it's a little harder to get berries, so the berry price may pick up a little. we're used to that. i think the price people feel,
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had an of is definitely inflation, we've had to raise our labor rates at stew leonard. we're at $16 an hour now. i can't absorb that forever, but i think the other half of the cost increase you're seeing is disruptions in the supply chain. you know, it's really hard to get product right now. and i think one thing people should look for, if you have 20 items for thanksgiving that you're planning on getting, you may not find a couple of them on the shelf. here at stew leonard i'll make sure you have 20, we'll find something else, like paper, bounty towels, something, i know that costco is limiting them at the store. we're not limiting them. we'll probably run out, but we'll have scott's paper towel there for you instead. neil: sounds good. have a happy thanksgiving, my friend, be well. >> hey, neil, you know the only thing i know you've lost a lot of weight and i'm trying to lose weight, too. the thing, we can't eat is
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second piece of pumpkin pie at thanksgiving. [laughter] >> oh just watch, just watch. stew, great seeing you and good health to you, stew leonard. and half full glass, you know realize we'll get through this, we've gotten through worse. we have a lot more coming up, including the push for vaccine boosters right now and the f.d.a. and c.d.c. recommending for all. and businesses saying you know what, if you want to cruise with us next year make sure that you're vaccinated and that your kid is, too. after this. and twice as merry. buy online and pick up in store today. up to one million dollars. that's how much university of phoenix is committing to create 400 scholarships this month alone. because we believe everybody deserves a chance. see what scholarships you may qualify for
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at the worst genocide in human history also destroyed the lives of thousands of jewish survivors still suffering today. god calls on people who believe in him to act on his word. "comfort ye, comfort my people." especially during this holiday season of hanukkah. when i come here and i sit with lilia i realize what she needs right now is food. these elderly jews are weak and they're sick. they're living on $2 a day this now, is how god's children are living. take this time to send a survival food box to these forgotten jews. the international fellowship of christians and jews urgently need your gift of $25 now to help provide one survival food box
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with all of the essentials they critically need for their diet for one month. your special holiday gift will provide everything they need to celebrate the miracle of hanukkah. this is the first time in over 70 years that she has anything to do with faith. the communists came and wiped it out. and now we're coming to her and saying, "it's okay to have faith." it's okay to light the hanukkah candles. for just $25, you can help supply the essential foods they desperately need for one month. i just want to encourage all of you to join with yael eckstein and the wonderful work of the international fellowship of christians and jews. god tells us to take care of them, to feed the hungry. and i pray holocaust survivors will be given the basic needs that they so desperately pray for to survive.
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>> all right. well, right now the read from the c.d.c. and the f.d.a. is that booster shots essentially for the house, moderna and pfizer among those who were pushing it themselves. they got the approval right now to push this for everybody, not just those who with vulnerable conditions. all this at the same time that this will spread wider not just on booster shots. early next year disney is saying on all of its cruise ships everybody has to be vaccinated, even kids as young as five. neil: and with us from johns hopkins school of health. doctor, what do you think. >> the recommendations for cruises to have everybody
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vaccinated by five is written by risk managers, not doctors. and they look and say how could we defend ourselves to sue if we say we've done everything. neil: it's gone too far in your eyes? >> and some colleges, and some states and health directors say we don't consider you fully vaccinated until you get a booster and they did it by circumventing their external efforts. the boosters for all recommendation was voted down f.d.a. and the f.d.a. decided a second push and they got it. so this recommendation is fraud. i think, look, it's concerning and there are cheer concerns boy those experts in younger
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people. at the same time older folks clearly need a booster. the data, the efficacy dropped to 48% for mrna vaccines and the hospitalization is risk in people over 65 not boosted. neil: what do you think of the idea building that we have to treat this like we do the flu, an annual shot? is that where we're going? >> i don't think so and for this reason. there tends to be a magic number of exposure or boosts when your wide sees the vaccine or the virus a total number of times, the cellular or deeper immunity kicks in. for most vaccines it's two or three. there's hardly any vaccine in medicine where one dose or exposure gives that immunity and the short interval of the two mrna vaccines, is one primer dose. they should have been spread.
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neil: and it's like whack-a-mole, they're out of control like russia and china and china and now as austria looking at a lockdown and germany with restrictions of its own. are we out of the woods here? >> we're entering the endemic phase, on vaccines and approach this and how liberated we should feel. two drugs, merck and pfizer pills a simple oral medication that can be picked up at a pharmacy, the first available likely in three weeks, they cut covid deaths to zero in patients with patients with risk factors, no one who received that medication died of those medications and that will be, i think, an official end of the pandemic phase in the united states and move to the endemic phase, overseas they have low vaccination rates
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and may not have availability of therapeutics so they're having a tougher time and you're seeing the dilemma of excessive force and requirements and restrictions and mandates, with people saying, look, we want to live with a little more freedom, you look at sweden, they're doing very well right now. they're not experiencing the same problem that the rest of europe is. neil: all right. we'll see what happens, doctor. good chatting with you. i hope you have a happy thanksgiving and thanks for keeping us calm over this entire ordeal. and we have more coming up as we address vaccines, some families are requiring all guests to make sure they are, indeed, vaccinated. what do you think of that? after this. ♪♪ retirement income is complicated. as your broker, i've solved it.
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take advantage now. call or go online today. >> all right. as we get ready to celebrate, you know, a lot of places you might be visiting may be your own grandma, might have requirements that you make sure you're vaccinated or you're not welcome. a lot of families are putting that up there with the proverbial let's not discuss politics rule in place and you know how that often goes. let's get that with kat and mike and kat, if you want to a family members house that said if you're not vaccinated. what would you do? >> well, i'm vaccinated and i think it's interesting in terms of family dynamics to say, you
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know, hey, like you can't xhom if you're not or to interrogate people, it's a weird family dynamic either way and that's the thing we talk about openly in my family. everybody knows everyone's vaccination status just naturally. was more surprised half of americans still plan to wear masks over thanksgiving. if it's a holiday it's all about stuffing your face. i don't know how that would even work. neil: yeah, i assume maybe you'll put it down as you're eating and put it back up. gunz, where are you on this? >> here is the thing, i understand, i absolutely understand, hey, you might be around grandchildren or nieces or nephews and they might not be vaccinated yet and i understand the hesitation there or maybe you're around fathers or grandparents, et cetera and they're-- they maybe haven't gotten a booster yet. i understand that, but i feel
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this is just another-- it's almost like a lay-up for getting into an argument again at thanksgiving because everyone's like-- everyone goes to thanksgiving at the table and thanksgiving table and like we're not going to talk politics we're not going to argue and within 15 minutes you're going to argue and this is just another thing that happens. neil: maybe that's just you. no, no, that may be you. >> everyone hates me, everyone hates me. everyone hates me, neil. neil: no, i don't believe that. do you think that, you know, rules like this, like rules about politics and just adds, you know, an element of tension at family gatherings? what do you think, kat? >> yeah, i think that it does because i think that, you know, unless someone's checking vaccine cards at the door, which i don't think will be happening, i don't know, i could be wrong, people could always lie, i guess, and i just think that it's one of those things where it does add that and it's crazy that our
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climate, everything is so polarized even this virus has been pretty polarizing for a lot of families. it's not that uncommon to have family issues specifically over covid and vaccines. neil: you know, another thing i want today pick your brains on it, we've chatted the last week how inflation is getting out of control and this is the most pricey thanksgiving ever. if you had to cut back on something to make it more affordable. gunz, what would you cut back on? >> beets. what are beets. >> who has beets on thanksgiving. neil: absolutely agree with that. i don't know who invented beets. >> i don't know what they are, i just know i hate them. and my man, neil cavuto there. neil: anything healthy, nothing to do with you. >> it's a holiday. it's a holiday. >> and the beets going on. >> the cranberry sauce is among the most hated things.
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the turkey itself, sweet potatoes or yam. the yam thing i can understand, anything named yam don't try it, but green bean casserole. and somebody put stuffing. >> stuffing is the best part of winter time. i don't like turkey that much, but stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy. stuffing we should put in more. neil: and where are you on the beets, kat? >> maybe in a greek salad, but never seen them at thanksgiving. >> it's a holiday. eat what you want that you enjoy. don't do a pumpkin pie. nobody likes pumpkin pie, pecan pie. neil: what about the whole minced meat thing. >> i've never tried it, but i'll try anything once. [laughter] >> you know, that makes sense.
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are you guys, when you go and you celebrate respective of others, family members and all, what is the one thing that gets you the most anxious, gunz? >> just knowing that the inevitable argument is going to happen. no matter how much you try to avoid it somebody's going to bring up something, all right, don't talk about it. don't talk about it and it's going to happen, but this year especially, because people are going to have high gas prices they're going to talk about that. neil: and a recent argument. kat, one thing. >> extended family asking me when i'm having children. easily. i don't have to think about it. neil: apparently that didn't come up with gunz. >> who would have thought, right? [laughter]. neil: guys have a happy thanksgiving. hope you all do.
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i'm right here! i was busy cashbacking for the holidays with chase freedom unlimited. i'm gonna cashback on a gingerbread house! oooh, it's got little people inside! and a snowglobe. oh, i wished i lived in there. you know i can't believe you lost another kevin. it's a holiday tradition! that it is! earn big time with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours. >> fallout over the acquittal on all five charges for kyle rittenhouse for the shooting deaths of two kenosha protesters and the wounding of another. protests erupting on the streets from portland oregon to new york city overnight as the 18-year-old celebrates his freedom with his family. rittenhouse seen here smiling in the car driving away from the courthouse. welcome to fox news live, i'm griff jenkins. >> i'm anita vogel.
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