tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News November 30, 2021 12:00am-1:00am PST
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♪ ♪ >> sean: before reiko, quick programming note for all of you. you're not going to want to mess tomorrow show. dr. oz will join us. he has a huge announcement. hint: think midterm election. all happening tomorrow night. in the meantime, let not your hearts be troubled. laura ingraham, she crushes it. she kills it every day and every night. laura, i'm not going to tell the story about the stolen car or anything, nothing. i'm just going to say have a great show. >> let me just say. >> sean: just forget it. laura: let me say this. let it go. laura: it is coming the other way if you go that direction. >> i know when to tap out and i'm tapping out. laura: yoga studio, you are
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bringing back leg warmers and i think it is awesome. or whatever it is you do. >> when you make this up - it is not true. >> very tough on your joints and now that you are moving into senior years you need to have the relaxation so that is great. this is the ingraham ankle from washington, eight days ago and anti-white blm supporter plows into a christmas parade killing 6 sitting a child and tonight as many children remain in the hospital why has the media gone silent on the motivations of the driver plus biden steps on his own covid message and what is up with the white house christmas decorations?
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raymond arroyo has it on seen and unseen but the biden booster club is the focus of tonight's angle? as americans were enjoying the holiday weekend anthony fauci emerged on television to hunt them like the ghost of christmas past. >> should we be expect to see more lockdowns, more mandates? >> i don't know. it's do too early to say. we need as i said so often prepare for the worst. >> this is fauci's am oh, variant or no variance you are supposed to hang on his every word but for someone who has made more stakes than hunter biden made bad paintings sure is a cocky little guy. >> all i said, anybody looking at this carefully realizes there is a distinct anti-science
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flavor to this aimed at tony t. it is easy to criticize but they are criticizing science because i represent science and if you damage science you are doing something detrimental to society long after i leave. >> the man will never leave his government job voluntarily and apparently biden is too stupid to fire him. the reason for his emergence is the a crime variant from south africa and fauci is not the only one running to a camera. all the old hucksters were back on the tube. >> could possibly be our existing vaccine, it wouldn't surprise me if it is already in the us. >> the doctor who first
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discovered the variant is striking a more reasonable tone. >> what we are observing is more cases than we have seen last weekend the week before. there is nothing that says we are moving into a real problem going forward. >> that would be considered positive news to most people but not to the fading fear mongering covid stars of yesteryear. >> this is a rapidly evolving situation we have to be careful about assuming we are not going to see anymore very ill people, the fact that it has these mutations that could allow immune escape are of grave concern. >> he needs to hop onto his lily pad, that man is a maniacal control freak. he wanted on vaccinated kids to stay in the classroom because of
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the delta variant and then the end 95 masks, stay 6 feet apart for their own safety, forget what it does to their development and has never been held accountable and the reason is we don't have an independent media to fact check the experts because they all believe the vaccine hesitant are selfish or stupid or both and with delta variant petering out that -- hospitalizations plummeting, the shots plus booster, the special drink wasn't an easy sell. enter a crime. >> you have to get the shot. >> get your booster today. >> they don't help very much, do you really have to ramp up vaccinations. >> if you haven't gotten vaccinated do it now.
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>> two shock and a booster on the side, do we know if the vaccine works against the new variant? >> whether it is the delta variant or the a con variant vaccination is the solution. >> brought to you by the same people who downplay natural in the unity was the virus is mutating because that is what viruses do especially when it is trying to sneak around vaccine. it gets smarter but when they become more transmissible the viruses also become less deadly but only time will tell. whatever happens with a crime this i know. the same control freaks hate the fact that most of you resumed your normal lifelong ago. they are furious you didn't give up the old normal, that the red states document refused to roll over and given to the threats and the fear. with trump out of office many on the left truly thought with him gone america would be in a
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permanent state of rolling lockdowns like european countries. i think about this every day, thank god for our republican governors like kim reynolds in iowa, greg abbott in texas, bill lee infancy, pete ricketts nebraska, kate reed mississippi and ron desantis in florida. florida now has the lowest infection rate in the united states. in virginia by a like england youngcan, democrats don't know what to do. spending money is not helping biden's numbers and trillions more that will be spent will only drive the value of the dollar down further but covid to them is like crystal myths to a drug addict. they know it's not working, they know it's a bad but they keep
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returning to it. the fact is everything the experts push from lockdowns to school closures to masks have only made matters worse and now we know the vaccinated can spread the virus as easily as the nonvaccinated and with this new variant they want us to start embracing more mandates. lineup for the endless boosters that may or may not work, great from the pharmacies. this is moving to a sinister place. biden doesn't have the legal power to force mandates, the court to shut them down, vilify the unvaccinated was counterproductive. it is frustrating to fauci is used to the star treatment, now he's not even pretending to be anything but a left-wing act. >> senator crystal the attorney general you should be prosecuted. >> i had to laugh at that. i should be prosecuted. what happened on january 6th, senator? >> do you think this is about
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making you a scapegoat to deflect from donald trump? >> of course would you have to be asleep not to figure that one out. >> told you in may of 2020 fauci was elected. that is who he is. biden may not be sentient enough to know this but tony is a covid time has a trap. they should have declared victory and basically said this whole thing of america, the show that we do, the american show must go on. more people would have gotten vaccinated as well. the question remains will biden event this truly demonic impulse to restrict the movement of the unvaccinated through the united states. their favorite experts up and pushing this for some time. >> what we need to do is have a
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way that we can make certain when people get on a plane that crosses a border they are not affected when they get on meaning they should be vaccinated fully, should be tested and when they arrive, there's a way to test them again and follow up with them. this is something we desperately need and that will replace the travel ban in short order. >> think about where that will take us. anything that man says we should do the opposite. biden do the right thing, be positive, work with the gop and get us back to normal across the board but if he keeps listening to fauci and doubling down on fear and lockdowns the democrats's loss in virginia is going to be nothing compared to the wipeout they are going to experience next year and that is the angle. joining us is doctor j and doctor humani, phd research scientist.
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you said this on my podcast recently that some irresponsible epidemiologists are using all of this to do what? >> they want lockdowns. they enjoyed and thought the lockdowns that happened for the last year and a half concord covid or something. i don't know what data they are looking at. the laquan variant is not justified -- they is more infectious. the lockdowns didn't stop the less infectious variant, what makes anyone think it would work now? the catastrophic harm of lockdowns, the school closures, people missing their cancer screening, people missing diabetes management treatment, all of that, bring that back again, a catastrophic mistake to listen to these epidemiologists warmongering fear for i don't know what purpose. we should not be listening to them.
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laura: the, cron variant conveniently aligns with the left's desperate push for boosters. >> reporter: it provides a cushion effect. the mutated virus may start to drop off. it does make a stronger case for boosters. you want to get more of that cushion effect so no matter the variant it can provide that protection. >> is the cushion effect a medical term? i wasn't aware of that. >> i can understand how there's a desire, a need, a passion to create some sort of magic bullet against the virus especially in all of its new variants that will literally come over time. having a cushion is a lay word for trying to broaden the
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spectrum of activity of the vaccine. however, we know that the vaccine is what it is. it is vaccinating us against just one specific protein with one specific amino acid sequence, the spike protein. that happens to be the one that mutates. we have created a vaccine against the one part of the virus that is easiest to vaccinated against but which happens to be the one part of the virus that mutates like crazy and coronavirus is our new. these of around forever. this part of the common cold. we still get common colds all the time. you can bet if someone could have vaccinated against the common cold they would have done so but we don't because they mutate rapidly especially the spike proteins. so what we need to hope for is that we do get ultimately to some point where the virus mutates in the way that it infects a lot of people, doesn't cause any disease at all. >> that is what we said all along which is it is to run through the population as awful
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as that sounds and protect the people most vulnerable but that is a lead into this free print study which was partially funded by cdc at yale university on transmission rates between the vaccinated and unvaccinated prison inmates and found no significant difference in transmission between vaccinated persons and persons who are not fully vaccinated in our findings indicate prevention and mitigation measures should be applied without regard to vaccination status or persons in high risk settings. what does that mean? vaccinated people can spread the virus, unvaccinated people can spread the virus so we should social distance forever? >> it means the vaccine mandates make no sense. the idea is we can open up spaces were only vaccinated people are and you can feel safe
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you're not going to get the disease but from this evidence and there's lots of other evidence the vaccine does not stop disease spread, the vaccine protects you against severe disease. it's not a public benefit. there is no sense in the mandates at all. all of these other measures to separate people from one another, to say because we can spread the disease when many of us are vaccinated and thereby protected we should live our life cowering in the corner until god knows when makes no sense. >> a study against facemasks and it found it harmed children's
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development, something we believed would happen, results showed early learning composites dropped by 23% in addition masks worn in public settings in school or day care settings may impact the range of really developing skills of attachment, facial processing, socioemotional processing. i would like to see it is applied to older kids as well but is there any reason to be masking children at this point and forcing them to socially distance? >> as i said before on the show related to the vaccine multiply that to the masks as well, this is risk-benefit analysis, we know the risks are massive, it doesn't take a study in a published medical journal to prove for anyone to understand it is not wise to prevent kids from seeing each other face-to-face, to see their teachers, we know this already, this is obvious but now we have evidence. where's the benefit to this, the benefit is minimal. we've shown the benefit is
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minimal. we've shown that kids don't tend to get very sick so if you have kids who even if they got the virus by and large would not end up dead wood, would not even end of hospitalized on the flipside the risks are enormous. why do that. why not say parents, why don't you look at the information, why don't you and your pediatrician together make that decision and allow them to do that? >> have it be an individual, what happened to individual choice, they used to be in favor of that. your view on europe beginning to roll in new restrictions and lockdowns as we are seeing in places like slovakia and austria really quickly. >> i have no idea why they think it will work this time. it is counterproductive and disruptive and i would hope they would stop it. >> great to see you tonight and team biden is blaming the pandemic for the bad economy and
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is up in the biden administration has a ready-made excuse as a recent ap article noted inflation soaring, businesses struggling to hire and president biden's poll numbers have been in freefall. the white house sees a common culprit for all, covid 19. joining meeting is larry kudlow, host of kudlow, we love and former trump white house economic advisor. is covid really all that ails biden at this point? the red states last time i checked are thriving. >> he's got to blame somebody for everything that has gone wrong so he's going to blame you, he's going to blame me, he blames the pandemic, he blames saudi arabia, he blames everybody except his own policies. this idea that the pandemic is responsible for inflation, during the second half of 2020 we had a v-shaped recovery but there was no inflation. that's important point.
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the inflation didn't begin until the winter/spring of this year after the $2 trillion emergency relief bill was passed by democrats through reconciliation and what did that do? it. up the inflation rate, just it up. before that it had been quiescent. on top of that they could have changed union pools, the ports in los angeles and long beach, they wouldn't work 24/7, close to 3:00 pm, that could have been changed. they wouldn't change various trucking rules that would have made it easier and more profitable for the truckers to come back and work at all during this period, there's no paying people not to work with a variety of assistance programs including unnecessary unemployment benefits that ended 6 or 7 weeks ago. it is there policies that are
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causing these troubles and government spending and it is nothing you wouldn't know but excessive government spending, excessive said money printing. biden's war against fossil fuels, one of the big stories of inflation is the blowup in oil and gasoline. >> i've got to get you to give a message to joe manchin, kristen sinema, john tester in montana, message to them about this giant spending bill they want to think about passing. >> hold to your guns. stay with it. have the backbone of steel. the idea for manchin which is the best one, inflation means no
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more government spending. he said let's pause all government spending until inflation might come down next year so i say positive the bill, no spending until wellington next year and if that happens, then i believe the bill will be killed. save america kill the bill, pause the bill because inflation is going to continue for quite some time and that should be there message. stick to it, stick to it, mister manchin, stay with it, you can win it. >> save the country, save the dollar. great to see you. >> save america kill the bill. laura: thank you, great to see you. do not believe the spin among democrats is underway. there even more desperate than you think. here is who the democrats are pinning their hopes on for 2024. kamala harris, whose approval is
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now at 28%, and in the overhead said corner is pete buttigieg whose solution to high gas prices is to buy a tesla. tom cotton, what is the early chatter about our harris/buttigieg ticket in 2024? tell you the state of the democrat party. >> these -- the democrat parties in disarray and the washington democrats know they are heading for historic defeat in next year's election in 2024 if they don't change their ways. there trying to spend $4 trillion at a time when inflation is the highest it has been in 30 years, $4 a gallon for gasoline, can't find their kids christmas presents, too expensive to get all of them and crisis at the southern border and supply chain crisis to top it off and who they look to, the person biden put in charge of the border, kamala harris and in charge of the supply chain, pete buttigieg.
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if that's the best the democrats can do then it is going to be a very bad election for the next year. laura: the democrats are also making up for lackluster solutions urging senator cotton to lash out more at republican saying a number of senior advisors including chief of staff ron claim, more partisan political combat and, republicans when needed. how exactly will that go. >> president biden wants to lay blame for america's problems all he has to do is look in the mirror in the morning. we had a pandemic for two years, don't remember inflation or supply-chain shortages or labor shortages we've seen this year in the first year the pandemic and what changed? president biden and the democrats to power in january, the direct result of the rituals
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spending, higher taxes, more regulation and war on things like fossil fuels that the american people are facing these challenges. is that the blame on opec or big business or anyone else, it is a result of president biden's policies. >> i have to get your reaction, this bizarre interview that anthony fauci gave in which a public health official telling us he's not political, the entire pandemic attacked ted cruz and invokes january 6th like he should be prosecuted. don't talking about senator cruise to be prosecuted but what do you think that will do to the trust level of public health officials in the united states, they are just political hacks or what? >> just another example of the incompetence of the biden administration, tony fauci remains a credible and impartial messenger about the coronavirus would use i went out and became an open partisan attacking is sitting united states senator, democratically elected by the
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people as i the other 99 senators as nothing but a bureaucrat works for those people who democratically elected all 100 senators, attacking a not partisan way. this is not tony fauci changing or turning over a new leaf, this is who he has been from the beginning and it is a simple fact he testified to congress that he did not fund through his agency gain of function research in the wuhan lapse making the coronavirus is there more dangerous and more transmissible yet his agency send acknowledgments that they did fund that kind of gain of function research. fauci should be investigated for lying to congress. >> doesn't he seemed more angry at people like you and senator cruise than he is at china. he's far angrier at republicans. i think he thinks you guys are a far bigger threat to world health then president xi and the
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scientists at the wuhan lab. do you agree? >> from the beginning tony fauci and all of these public health bureaucrats been more worried about hurting the feelings of their friends in other countries than they have been protecting the american people from the chinese communist party who unleashed display on the world. look what happened over the weekend, world health organization named a new variant the oma cron variant because the previous letter is spelled like xi jinping's last name. what pathetic communist looking. >> imagine when it really gets going. what was president biden's real message about the variance? we are going to share what you do not see but raymond didn't wait until you see the smithsonian institute's troubling vision of our future. seen and unseen is next.
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laura: time for seen and unseen where we reveal the big cultural stores of the day and for that we turn to the author of the spider saved christmas, raymond arroyo. i know you are closely watching biden's public events today but what did you see? >> with biden i always say it's not what he says, it's what we see the telltale. today the president was demanding everyone get vaccinated and boosted to avoid the new covid variant but apparently routinely touching orifices is not a covid risk at the white house. just watch. >> president biden: today three messages about the new variant, we have the best vaccine in the world and now we see deaths from delta come down. we will fight them and we are going to fight and be this new variant as well. fully vaccinated boosted person is the most protected against covid. >> a booster person. the vaccine is not enough. you need to be a booster person.
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you might need multiple boosters if you go near the president, preschoolers don't touch their noses, eyes and mouth as much as he did. never seen anything like it. laura: he honestly looked like he fell asleep during that which is he still with us? i wasn't sure. i am your booster person always. i'm always going to be on your corner in your corner. >> a different take on booster personage. the white house shared the annual christmas decorations along with the usual trees and island. there was a gingerbread white house surrendered by buildings meant to represent first responders but the bakers included a prominent gas station in front of their white house. why would they remind people about gas? fuel is 60% more expensive than it was a year ago.
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this would be like the carters putting little gingerbread hostages next to their white house of the clintons adding dummy female interns around the white house. why would you want to commemorate it? laura: did you have to say gummy female interns, do you really right that line? a horrible image. that, i can see the little 725 a gallon if you look closely where they want gas prices to go. >> can't depict that in gingerbread. it has to be digital to keep rolling upward as you get to the west wing, the president met with ceos to show he is on top of the supply chain crisis only someone else ran the meeting and you would swear biden had never been to the white house. >> brian is going to moderate when you i intervene with questions on your commission.
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isn't this a pretty place? >> isn't this pretty? like he has never been there before in his life. this is why it is moments like this that explain the slipping poll numbers and the federal trade commission after he met with the ceos or didn't, the federal trade commission demanded all these large retailers handover their files to try to explain their study looking into why the shelves are empty. they are going to try to blame large retailers for the supply chain crisis. laura: anyone but biden. >> i am always looking to the cultural edge. the smithsonian unveiling of future exhibit at their arts and industries building. it may not be a future any of us care to visit according to just is one kiosk asks that is when
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there might be a single global government, you can choose between ten years to never. my question is why would an american institute funded by taxpayers suggest the one world government is ever an acceptable vision of the future? who would plant that idea in the minds of tourists, children and visitors? laura: did george soros fund this exhibit? does it say brought to you by the kids behind the great reset, is that what it says? >> very close. i will ask plaintiff funded in just a second because of god to show you this other exhibit. this is a new genderless system at the smithsonian, genderless voice assistance for your phone. you can make the voice more feminine or masculine depending on your preference. >> i am? the world's first genderless voice system. think of me like theory or alexa, neither male or female.
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i'm created for future where we are no longer defined by gender but rather how we define ourselves. >> another faceless, not only anonymous but has no gender. the gender fluid one world future comes courtesy of ford, oracle, amazon web services, comcast nbc and the nfl who are all sponsored with this lovely vision of the future. laura: i didn't like the talking fried egg, talking friday talking. >> scripted. >> i am uncomfortable. i'm going to have nightmares. thanks for giving me nightmares. >> busey is a nightmare - laura: children still suffering in the waukesha attack, six people there were murdered so why is the media moved on?
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>> people try to politicize it and make it about bail reform which is a nonissue. laura: when the truth of this waukesha attack didn't align with their predetermined narrative the media stopped talking about it and when they do as cnn did yesterday this was their framing, waukesha will hold a moment of silence marking one week since a car drove through the christmas parade. 6 people were murdered, children are still in critical condition at the media, no investigation into darrell brooks's background, motives, racist views, why are they doing this? it doesn't fit their narrative. let's count the ways. the race of the alleged attacker, he was black. the race of the victims were white. the suspect was a b l m and boy with antiwhite views, the victims were participating in a christmas parade which is a
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holiday the left hates and a soros funded da let this serial criminal out of jail on $1,000 bond two days prior to the attack. the inconvenient truth is this is an act of political and racial hatred and the media are trying to cover it up. joining me, host of the dinesh desousa podcast and the author of the dying citizen. this cover-up, unreal. >> absolutely. you mentioned the different elements of the narrative and each one of them is a kind of spirit into the narrative of the left. this is why they tried to make
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it seem like the car did it. wasn't the perpetrator, wasn't a black perpetrator. i often look motive. motive is critical to understanding why something happen. let's remember in other cases, kyle rittenhouse case, even the derek chauvin case, the left was very quick to jump to motive, these are white supremacists, motive was based on race and yet no racial motive turned up. racial motives were not even introduced in the chauvin trial but here where there is a racial motive, where it seems obvious this is a guy it was not fleeing from -- happened to run into a parade but a guy who intentionally swerved from left to right to kill as many people as possible driven by an apparent racial animus, very evident in his own social media the media goes we can salvage this narrative so you realize this is a classic case of how the media operates like a house of mirrors but it is not mirrors that eliminate reality, these are refracting mirrors that give you distorted pictures of reality and basically once the narrative doesn't work anymore they just turn out the lights and move on to something else. >> jens i was asked about biden
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potentially visiting waukesha. >> our hearts go out to this community, the people in waukesha. we've been in touch with officials there. any president going to visit the community requires a lot of assets, taking their resources, it's not something i've previewed at this time. >> too many assets? but he can jet to europe to meet with global elites and glascow no problem. >> from her description you would have no idea what happened in waukesha, she doesn't mention any violence or the perpetrator. you can see there really isn't a mainstream media, it completely few storms on by the progressive project. it jumped the shark on this, no one would believe this was possible, turning white on white violence interracial pathology or ignoring black on white largely white violence but i hold blm response when you can
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see this left-wing pull away commission, why for the first time a plurality of americans no longer supported the majority of independent voters don't either because they haven't said one word about this after being so vocal outside the courthouse in kenosha, in waukesha they didn't say a word except local blm affiliate said this was a revolution, cheering it on, darrell brooks and some blm affiliations but this is a time we have smash and grab violence, near record murders going on in washington, baltimore, chicago and we get better silence, and the architects of blm have moved into more lucrative things, especially real estate. if you look at the media on the one hand and blm on the other it is built on a complete fantasy
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and people are sick of it and polls are showing with the media and blm is catching up. >> do you agree there is no constituency for that media. it's not even a media anymore. just an extension of the dnc or the far left, calling them media is kind of not accurate. they don't have any credibility. >> i agree. there was something very illuminating joseph goebbels once said, the propaganda cannot be judged by standards of truth or falsehood, doesn't matter if it is true and doesn't matter if it is false. it only matters whether it
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works. the propaganda is measured by the result and so this is the way the media looks at it, they see themselves as part of a propagandistic operation and they judge their success by whether or not the lie works. more people were killed in waukesha that were killed in charlottesville, that were killed on january 6th combined yet if you compare the miles that media coverage of those two events and the absolute alacrity with which they wanted to get rid of waukesha just because it doesn't fit their narrative this is a case where narratives are driving the facts and not the other way around. >> great to see both of you, we will have you back soon and raymond missed one moment from president biden today, the last bite didn't, we will bring it to you.
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>> laura: for biden, the most perplexing aspect of the new >> the most perplexing aspect of the covid variant isn't experiments but it's pronunciation. >> the new covid variant first identified last week in southern africa is called a cron. restrictions can slow the speed of a cron. and move forward now in the face of a cron.
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>> it sounds better that way. we should call omicron. i mispronounced a few things earlier. freedom matters, great gear in time for christmas, unconventional to the rescue by the end of this month. lots of great stuff made in the usa and for charity, america now and forever. greg gutfeld takes it from here. >> at the table, why is that? >> president biden: if people are vaccinated and to wear their masks there is no need for that. >> we need as i said so often to prepare for the worst. >> it is tuesday november 30th, more mixed messages and confusion of the biden white house. what should americans believe as a new highly contentious variant of covid 19 spread across the world?
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