tv Tucker Carlson Tonight FOX News December 6, 2021 5:00pm-6:00pm PST
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what >> i was really curious. i have bad news, going to be leaving thursday. i'm going to be in fort worth over in texas. two stops over in longview. >> you are a busy man. thank you, brian. thank you for watching "fox news prime time." see you next time. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> tucker: good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." happy monday. if you are planning to be in washington, d.c., tomorrow, your nation's capital, be careful. turns out a group of political extremists plans to shut the sunday down. unlike us guessing, because they're not very subtle about what they intend to do. they literally call their group "shut down d.c." you can go to their website. they described the violence they plan to commit tomorrow in
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washington. they are planning "disruptive direct action to end business as usual and dismantle this country's core systems of government." in case there's any remaining doubts about their vote, they are calling it "december 7th, shut down the capital." as in the united states capital. so what would you call an event like this? there's really no other word for it, it is an insurrection. it is a planned uprising against our elected government. in fact, it is an attack on democracy itself. the most organized attack since the civil war and 9/11. if you've been paying attention for the past year, the last 11 months to the day in fact, you probably assumed our elected officials vehemently oppose this. they are against insurrections. they are main thing they are against. their whole job is to impose insurrection. but not in this case. turns out some insurrections are
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just fine. it just depends on who is planning on interrupting. just today nancy pelosi's top bodyguard, william jay walker, the house of sergeant and arms issued a statement describing tomorrow's insurrection at the shut down the capital event, by the way. this is the citywide first amendment demonstration. no big deal, implied. political extremists coming down to shut down the u.s. congress while it's in session. the funny thing is, walkers and hilariously understated response to to tomorrow's outbreak of left-wing violence, which is a gun come on the internet, sounds a lot like the government's initial response to the rally in january. that is when conservatives descended on the city. on the morning of january 6, the regional director of the dhs and department of homeland security wrote a memo with this subject line, updates on rallies and protests. that day, dhs was tracking three major rallies. one of them featured a speech by the density and president about
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election integrity. pursuant to national park service permit 21-00278. they expected about 20,000 people to attend. it was just south of the white house. all of these people with the bulletin made clear, had a constitutional right to be there. they also had a right to go wherever they wanted because it was, at the time anyway, their country. "it is expected, the memo said, that a portion of this group will march to the united states capital." and they did. it was hardly a surprise when they did. it was all, "a first amendment demonstration." as for nearly 250 years, the bill of rights has guaranteed that they can. and yet here is the change. suddenly it is a crime to do this. depending upon who you voted for.
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this is congressman bennie thompson of mississippi. he is a sitting member of congress. he's the chairman of the house committee that claims to be looking into what happened on january 6. but of course, bennie thompson already knows perfectly well what happened on january 6. he and the rest of the committee are sitting on thousands of orders of videotape that they refuse to release to the public. fact-finding is hardly the point of the mission here. the point, very clearly and ever more clearly each passing day, is to criminalize political dissent. that is a strong claim, and if you doubt it, watch benny thompson explained how he plans to handle the former trump official that the committee has subpoenaed, that he has subpoenaed. the man in question has not been charged or even accused of any crime. this man was not inside the capitol building on january 6. and yet here is benny thompson warning that if this man does to use his fifth amendment right, the right not to incriminate himself, then he is, by definition, guilty of a crime.
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>> our charges to get to the facts. mr. clark, through his attorney, has been deliberately avoiding us. obviously he is aware that something went on that is illegal. and rather than be responsible and answer it, he's pleading the fifth. what if he's saying okay, i'll come, but i'll plead the fifth, then in some instances that saves you guilty to what occurred. >> if you plead the fifth, you are guilty. what country is this? asserting your constitutional rights we will punish you. that is the chairman of the january 6 committee. what you just saw is far more eminently dangerous to our democracy than anything that happened on january 6th itself. it's not even close. and yet it is by and large been ignored. did you read about that in "the new york times"?
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how about "the washington post"? even conservative media is by and large ignoring the story. why are they ignoring it? we will let you reach your own conclusions on that. but in the darkness that results come our democracy is indeed dying by degree. we can tell you tonight for example that the democrats in congress have just subpoenaed at&t. they are seeking the phone records of a young woman called caroline, carolyn wren did not break into the capital on january 6, she wasn't even there. caroline ran as a republican fund-raiser who wants worked for lindsey graham. and her name is on the permit, that is it. that is her rap sheet. for doing that, the most constitutionally protected of all activities, the generous six committee is demanding all of her phone records bear that would include all of her text messages from november 1st 2020-january 31st of this year. democrats on the committee are also trying to -- we are including in this liz cheney.
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they are trying to seize her bank records beer there try to seize everything she has written by hand, including her personal diary entries. you don't have to love donald trump to find all of this sickening and scary. do you long to live in a country were nancy pelosi and benny thompson, crazed partisans, with no interest whatsoever in the united states constitution can seize your bank records? your text messages? your diary? sibley because they don't like who you voted for in the last election. most americans do not want to live in a country like that. a country like that is called haiti. but suddenly it's america. this show has learned that other subpoenas -- they target americans who've been accused of no crime whatsoever, much less charged with one. a prominent republican lawyer was just informed by at&t that democrats want her phone records
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several months of her phone records. why? on what grounds? because they want spoke to donald trump about the vote in georgia. complaining about election results is now a crime. we've reached out to at&t about this bid they told us they are going to comply with the subpoenas from -- they are probably afraid not to comply. but all of us should be every bit as afraid of this. john eastman is one of the targets of this attack on a course of liberties. he spoke at the rally on januard donald trump. on friday, verizon informed john easton that unless he could get a court order -- they turn over their personal text messages to nancy pelosi and buddy johnson. thank you very much for coming on. >> tucker, they ask for having me. it's my pleasure. what a scary time in which we find ourselves. >> it's absolutely horrifying. shame on the people who are not
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covering one of the most amazing developments in my lifetime, which is the total instruction of our civil liberties. are you charged with or even accused of a crime? >> now, and is apsley no evidence that i had any connection or communications with anybody who is charged with the crime. this is -- we've got a fourth amendment for one very clear reason for the english used to issue what is called "general warrants." that would offer authorized british officers to go wherever they wanted to. this is the modern high-tech version of a general warrant. they can't prove anything, there is no probable cause. how many -- hundreds of people on the subpoena lists that were sent to verizon and at&t and probably every other phone company in the country fair there's no evidence at all, but they want to track americans thinking pair they want to know who you are contacting. going back from before the election even occurred.
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going after your core first amendment rights to engage in political inquiry and discussion. i mean, this is scary. it is first amendment, fourth amendment, fifth amendment as you talked about jeff clark. benny thompson wants to presume guilty rather than and is sent as requires. undoubtedly records that included attorney-client privilege communications. they are just shredding the entire constitution and claiming it is us that doesn't support the constitution paired it's rather extraordinary. but tucker, i guess we shouldn't be surprised. this group that wants to advance a soviet communist style agenda, we shouldn't be surprised that they are using soviet style and tactics to do it. >> tucker: where is the white army here? where are the people -- obviously we can't comply with this, you can't allow -- the country does not belong to dick cheney's daughter, it belongs to americans purdue
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cannot allow them to eliminate our civil liberties. but our congressional republicans defend a new? they're about to win a big election. who is saying no, we're not going along with this? >> hopefully there will be some congressional republicans, but this is one of the problems with this committee. the resolution for the committee said 5 of 13 had to be appointed after constitution with the minor league leader of the house. she knew they would be effective in exposing the shame of the committee. now we don't even have a ranking minority member on the committee to give equal time for the questioning -- >> tucker: why comply? if it's totally fake, then why would the rest of us have any kind of obligation to play along with this? >> congress has the power. normally those don't go anywhere
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in such charades as this, but the department of justice is fully in line. they've artie brought one criminal charge indictment against one of the people that refused to comply. the phone companies i think would prefer not to reply -- comply, but they're going to be held in criminal contempt if they don't. they about forced me and my lawyers to work with some of the other people to file a court action to try to block these unbelievably expensive and unconstitutional subpoenas of our private records and communications. >> it be nice if some of the media could cover this. maybe everybody. john eastman, i appreciate you coming on tonight. >> let me come back. >> tucker: go ahead. to speak of people want to help with this, we've got a legal fund set up. they can send a support for that. we've got to push back against the stuff or we're going to lose our country before our eyes. >> tucker: officeholders -- as a lot of republican officeholders. there's about to be a lot more. maybe they can wake up and do
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something every once in a while. anyway, they could. appreciate you coming on. >> thank you, tucker. >> tucker: joseph mcbride has been on this since the beginning good he's one of the rare competent attorneys representing in the january 6 instruction pair those at least for agent proctor tour is in contact with the justice department on january 6th. these people have never been charged. you've seen some of these videos. people encouraging the crowd to break the law and those people have never been charged. extreme police brutality -- the doj has kept those under seal. mcbride wants them. so much going on tonight, joseph mcbride joins us now. they do so much for coming on. first, we will break this down for the first part of the story is the people who were on tape encouraging a legality which is itself a crime who have not been charged. what is the status on that
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right to know exactly who this person is, at least the other three. very quickly, you've seen videotape, the rest of us have not seen, quite a bit of violence that they've highlighted. they've had and other forms of violence. when are we going to get -- on what grounds are they being withheld from the public? >> they are being withheld from the public because like the kennedy assassination, the government does not want us to see the truth about what happened on january 6th. i filed the motion this week asking for the unmasking of these videos. that motion was joined by "the new york times" in a 16-point conglomerate. they signed on and said you know it, we want to see the truth about what happened as well. the police brutality that took place inside of that tunnel is objectionable. there was one woman in particular who was wearing a red maga hat who was beaten within an inch of her life. guess what? she lived and she is likely at some point going to tell the
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tale. rosanne boylan died at the foot of those steps. ashley babbitt was murdered on national tv and nobody has said nothing. the other side has labeled her an insurrectionist when she was nothing of the sort, nothing of the kind. the truth is going to come out. they cannot stop it. that is why we are asking for the government and for the judge, quite frankly, to release these tapes and let the chips fall where they may. let the public and let the media objectively look at the evidence here and make a decision about what really happened that day. the truth is on our side. we are not hiding anything, tucker. >> exactly. if you believe in democracy you understand the public has a right to know what happens in its capitol building, especially if you're going to change america on the basis of that. it is very, very simple. i appreciate all your efforts to make that come true. joseph mcbride. >> thank you so much, tucker. if i make him a patriot freedom project, go there if you want to help us. it is a great place where we are helping the families who've been
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affected by thi and raising legal funds as well pair thank you, tucker. >> tucker: thank you. a lot of people have been targeted for their political views in the name of january 6b of these people were never in the capital or near the capital that day. we spoke to a bunch of those people, two of them in particular for documentary series, patriot purge. federal agents raided their homes, sees their belongings even though there was no evidence they had done anything wrong or set foot in the capital that day. >> they wouldn't let us make a phone call. and then the main agent he was questioning me -- he said, we have footage of you all over the capital that day. even inside nancy pelosi's office. they said we are looking for nancy pelosi's laptop, we are here for nancy pelosi's laptop. >> tucker: of course, she didn't have it because she never went inside the capitol building. they have the wrong person. >> he showed me a photo, a
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distant fuzzy photo of a woman in the hallway in the capital and i was like, is that who you think i am? can we both see that this is two different people. they said, do you want me to put in the report that you lied to a federal agent and grabbed the paper and left again and went back to searching. he took a little tiny copy of the declaration of independence and the constitution. >> this is how the government sees you. >> they see my copy of the declaration of independence and the constitution and they see that it's evidence against me. what is that saying? ♪ ♪ >> tucker: you can watch "patriot purge" on fox nation. jesse -- we believe and what is coming at the end of the story.
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♪ ♪ >> tucker: and a move that confused a lot of lawyers who were watching, jussie smollett took the stand today and his hate crime trial. things happen you don't expect but a much of a day. and it was every bit as weird as he would imagine. luckily fox's matt finn is here for us tonight to sum up what we learned today. high matt, matt. >> hi, tucker. jussie smollett testified under oath as there was no hoax. smollett and his defense team are trying to discredit the chicago police and the osundairo brothers and create some doubt from the jury. at some of the highlights from smollett on the stand today. smollett says he did not call police after his alleged attack because as a black man "he does not trust bullies." that also explained that on the night of the attack, one of the osundairo brothers called him and told him he needed to eat
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some eggs in order to keep up with this meal plan, so that is why smollett went to a nearby walgreens and a subway after 1:00 a.m. on a frigid night. he testified that he did have sexual encounters with one of the osundairo brothers and one of the osundairo brothers provided him drugs. that is going against what of the osundairo brothers set on the stand last week. smollett insists he has a scar under one of his eyes because he did suffer from real injuries, although the northwestern doctor who testified last week said that after he reviewed jussie smollett, he had no known injuries after the alleged attack. smollett is back on the stand tomorrow for cross investigation. we will keep you updated, tucker. >> tucker: amazing. make you so much for that. cameras were not allowed in the courtroom today, or obviously we would have a lot of amazing footage for you. but we do have some idea of what
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jussie smollett was staying, because he hasn't really changed what he's been saying for the last three years. back in 2019, he argued that only a racist wouldn't take his story at face value. >> if i had said it was a muslim or a mexican, or someone block, i feel like the doubters would've supported me a lot much more. a lot more. and that says a lot about the place that we are in our country right now. the fact that we have these fearmongers, these people that are trying to separate us. it's just not okay. >> tucker: mongrels. [laughter] she joins us with her reaction, candace, great to see you. what do you make of that? >> oh, wow.
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honestly, i make that his defense should've actually said pled and said at the end i would've bought it. you really follow every element of this. jussie smollett is not a sane person. people are forgetting that he is asking you to believe -- there's this thing called occam's razor, usually the sublist expedition is the best estimation. he's asking you to believe an incredible set of circumstances that took place here but he wants you to believe -- how many black people go through two hate crimes in one week? that somebody sent him a letter onset like the zodiac killer cutting out every single letter and it was from -- it was signed maga, so it's all about donald trump. the police say this came from jesse, right? just five days later, jussie smollett goes to get a subway sandwich and some eggs at walgreens on a frigid night and what do you know? some maga supporters jump out -- she doesn't recognize the voice of his lover, the person he has a relationship with brit hume wants you to believe all of these circumstances. his lover is lying on him. he couldn't see at night that these were actually two tall
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nigerian black men. the police department has it against them -- the person that was in the right along is lying about what happened. he never said they were wearing a maga hat. i mean, you have to be an absolute fool to believe anything else than what is plainly in front of us. jussie smollett lied. it is actually the greatest racial hoax that has taken place at least in the last three decades. you should face way deeper charges that he is facing right now. in my opinion, kim fox should be on the stand for lessening the charge against him. >> tucker: you wonder -- i guess is inverted part of this, you got caught, you are busted, you did it. it is kind of insulting to the rest of us to pretend you didn't win clearly you did and moreover you wonder, what percentage of the population will believe that he was framed or whatever? >> absolutely nobody believes this but jesse and the people that want him to get off.
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his solution is, i told a really big lies i'm going to tell an even bigger lied to try to get away with it. i'm going to move from one conspiracy theory to the next. the last thing i will say is just imagine if the roles were reversed. imagine if two white men pretended that two black men had attacked them. what would the media be saying right now? what be the charges? what would be the demands right now? it's incredibly racist what he did. meant to cause racial division in this country. at the end of the day, he's going to get a light tap on the wrist if even gets that. >> i would never defend any of this. the ever credulous was on the stand today. candace owens, great to see you. thank you so much. >> thank you. spew on bill de blasio, believe it or not, is still technically the mayor of new york city. there's a new mayor on the way, but bill de blasio and has lots for many weeks has decided to burn the rest of it down. he is leaving.
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>> tucker: let's say youth you are the president of the united states and you wake one morning and find yourself somewhat less popular than chlamydia. what do you do? we've artie lost control of the border and of the economy and society itself, so maybe start a war with russia. totally possible. desperate politicians do desperate things. that is possible. were going to be had he not in some detail tomorrow night, hope you stay for that. speaking of desperate politicians, the mayor of the city of new york for less than a
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month is still bill de blasio. he's decided to burn the place down on his way out. bill de blasio has now announced today that basically everybody in the city is getting the shot. there is a vaccine mandate for all private sector employees. watch. >> as of today, we are going to announce a first in the nation measure, or health commissioner will announce a vaccine mandate for private-sector employers employers across the border. all private sector employers in new york city will be covered by this vaccine mandate as of december 27th. >> tucker: you didn't think he could do more damage than he did, but he's working hard to do yet more. joe borelli is a city councilman in the city of new york, we are honored to have him join us. thank you so much for coming on. >> thank you, tucker. >> tucker: this guy's barely the mayor, he's totally discredited, i've never met one person that supports impaired he's the worst mayor in american history and now he is telling
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private sector company is that they have to impose the shot on their employees? will this actually happen? >> he's implementing this with only three business days left in his term as mayor. now we have the story about. this essentially is a bid to be relevant in an otherwise -- bid for governor. they didn't have newspapers and can read about the bang-up job he's been doing. i'm optimistic. i hope eric adams can reverse this threes days after this goes into effect. he wants to bring back jobs and revitalize the post-pandemic city or you could be the type of mirror that goes down the rabbit holes of endless mandates and endless restrictions. you can't be both of those things. i hope he chooses wisely. >> tucker: for political reasons, there is zero evidence forcing people to take an injection helping the public health in any way. it is really not a good idea. is this actually popular in
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new york? >> i don't think it's a legal pair the mayor of new york is not a dictator. the health commissioner can't bust on the door of an insurance company around people at the water cooler. i don't know if this withstands the legal challenges that myself and other allies around the city will bring. unfortunately, it does for us to the table a choice that men of any private employees are going to have to have. that is whether to stay in new york. people are going to continue to move in on government leaders pretty have to ask yourself, why would private employers want to stay in york city? i don't know when it ends. >> tucker: i'm not a conspiracy not, but it's possible that ron desantis is paying him to do this. >> dancing the irish jig and somewhere in west palm beach -- i have my wife, probably watching out, begging me showing me condos in dade county, miami. unfortunately that is just the reality for so long.
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between eight years of bill de blasio and a decade of andrew cuomo, it is easy to be optimistic that a new mayor is coming, but it's hard to it i just how bad things have gotten. >> tucker: that is really true. they get so much for coming on tonight. appreciate it. so as predicted, that suspension was in fact the firing. chris cuomo is gone. he defended his brother, that's his crime. but what about the dash what did he know exactly and how he is he escaping punishment? chris cuomo is doing it. the dwarf king really didn't know? we have details. and apparently producers -- he can go shopping on our website, christmas shopping. tuckercarlson is the place. earn about covid-19,
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fired him because that's always the way they do it. they did it not for his actual sins, but because of his mafia-like commitment to his family, which was by far the best thing about chris cuomo who was his one redeeming quality. that is why they fired him for the question is, what about the people who remain? and in particular, the dwarf king who run cnn. he apparently had no idea -- no idea that chris cuomo was helping his brother. i didn't know they were in the mafia. but chris cuomo, and pretty subtle way, is pushing back against that. his spokesman issued a statement this weekend and he said that they were widely known to be extremely close and in regular contact. there were no secrets about this. at stake is reportedly about $18 million in cuomo said he is owed. cnn said they were not going to pay a dime of that. how exactly does the dwarf can get out of this unscathed?
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the host in washington, which is excellent, he joins us tonight. hi, vince. how does zucker get out of this one? >> i do know that he does. i'm not sure he's quite out of the clear yet. at the moment, you're right, the details are very suggestive. when chris cuomo spokesman says yeah, they have an intimate relationship and then we see this additional news today that chris cuomo is now suing cnn for the balance of his contract -- by the way, $6 million a year. i didn't know you could get $500,000 a year, that's incredible. but you have this lawsuit now. i've got the email. you better settle up quickly, cnn, or this is about to get very uncomfortable. >> tucker: let me ask you a political question -- you are very fluent in politics. jeff zuker always has wanted to run for office. apparently he had his eyes on
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the mayor. it's been reported repeatedly. he was the governor of new york. as long as chris cuomo's brother was governor, it was pretty good to have chris cuomo around if you political ambitions in the state of new york. why have that guy a new channel? that is kind of my theory. >> the upside to keeping chris cuomo around has disappeared. one reason you like having him around as access to the most powerful democrat in new york. andrew cuomo, and his time as governor of new york, would routinely threaten people with in his own party if they stepped out of line. we saw that come into play when the nursing home scandal grew and of course during the sexual harassment sexual assault scandals. he was threatening democrats in the state that is very much the same kind of idea here. you need andrew cuomo on his side, so you keep chris cuomo around. it's like when the clinton foundation donations collapsed after he wasn't valuable
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anymore. >> tucker: that is such a great analogy. why do we act like people that run cnn are journalists -- in the same constellation. it's also their political actors. literally, the doris king wants to run for office. >> this is why the whole idea that the way that chris cuomo violated their standards is the most laughable element of the story. oh, my goodness, he's paid opinionated and corrupt? >> tucker: [laughs] >> as if that's breaking news to the country. i do have one element of the story that i think is super interesting. the ceo of discovery was in the meetings last week when they decided to suspend chris cuomo. and subsequently, you've got -- they are in this big merger right now. subsequently we saw brian stelter, go on errands say that cuomo might be back within a few weeks. i'm starting to think jeff zucker is being cut out of the conversations. he got fired on saturday, really
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concerned about the government handling this matter. zucker may be showing the exit pretty soon. >> tucker: it doesn't look that way. i'm not in charge of cnn, but i would put the unit and at 9:00, i think they're calling out for that. >> we've got to try something at that point. anything. >> tucker: so gd. great to see you tonight. thank you. >> thanks, tucker. >> tucker: and evolutionary biologist was attacked, kind of destroyed for defending biological sex, the idea that there are men and women. he has seen it up close, he believes science is being completely corrupted by politics. what an interesting person he is. we are going to talk to him, next. ♪ ♪
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>> tucker: you think you are bewildered right now, imagine being an evolutionary biologist, an actual of evolutionary, somebody who studies biology. we we have one here -- she's watched what's been happening in the past five years with bewilderment. he has the ability to describe what is happening. he had an amazing conversation for more than an hour. here is part of it. ♪ ♪ >> when i started criticizing what i view as pseudoscience in the realm of biological sex, people think that is a spectrum, that is a social construct, that we can talk about males and females, but the degrees of maleness and femaleness. to me, this is just complete pseudoscience. when i started writing actual articles about this, it turns
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out that i wasn't being told i was just merely wrong for this, i was being told that i'm also a bigot and a transphobic and claims of being a white supremacist and all the stuff, just for making what i thought was probably one of the most boiler point claims i can make. >> tucker: you assume that this was a noncontroversial observation. in your years of studying social spiders and other insects and solitary arachnids and all the rest, was there any question that biological sex was real and it played an integral role in the evolution of the species? >> absolutely. a lot of the same scientists who would call me a transphobic for criticizing the ideology coming out in the realm of sex -- you read other articles and they have no problem talking about
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male and female flies. but when they -- when it comes to humans, they've almost sealed us in this little ideological box where you can't talk about sex in the same way with humans as you can about literally any other species on earth. this is just something i would try to point out, but there was this major pushback that seems to be couched in this language of social justice. we need to talk about these terms and really -- in really big ways. >> tucker: are there transgender meta-holes? >> not to my knowledge. i don't even know how you would measure something like that. you can look at certain animals in the animal kingdom that might be males, that might behave in a more stereotypically female way, but these are behaviors and this doesn't determine their sex. there is a distribution of behavior between males and females of all species and there is some overlap in the way they behave. sometimes even in the way they can look in there different and secondary -- those don't
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determine an animals speech sext is something that gets conflated a lot. >> tucker: sex is not incidental to the progress of evolution. >> it depends on the species, save a lot of species that can reproduce asexually and there's plenty of species that have sex, sometimes they will change the reproductive strategy depending on the situation or the environment. but for just about every single mammal, reptiles, many plans, they have the system of having to sexes. this isn't a controversial thing. >> tucker: we talk to someone a political figures. it is nights to speak with a man who studies arachnids and ask his view of what kids are being taught. his name is: right, what an impressive person. "tucker carlson today," you can go to
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as we speak, they are edging us closer more with russia. that could actually happen. we are going to tell you exactly what is happening so at least you know if it does happen, what it actually means. that's going to be a lot of line coming up. that's tomorrow. we will be here at 8:00 p.m. the sworn enemy of line, smugness, groupthink. and now, ladies and gentlemen, sean hannity. >> sean: thank you, tucker. and welcome to "hannity." day 114. >> sean: joe biden may have turned the page, we will not, 114 days now americans trapped behind enemy lines. 127 days since joe biden lied and promised he would leave nobody behind. the media mob, the big tech mob, they've all turned the pages as well. and tonight in afghanistan where the islamic emirates of afghanistan are now facing widespread starvation, economic
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